Rebuilding A Wrecked 2019 GMC Duramax Part 2

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slowly what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we are gonna be working on our 2019 GMC Denali and our main goal is actually try to get this thing off the trailer so we can work on it on the floor but as you can see here our suspension pretty much got completely ripped out we're gonna need some parts upper and lower control arm and this whole entire spindle so we pretty much just want to go ahead take this stuff apart see how it comes off because I believe our local junkyard may actually have this stuff if they don't have it we're gonna go to the dealership of course and get the parts there so let's go ahead and get at it and try to take this stuff apart [Music] he was driving on the last bit of that pad I'll never changed him past how much is that metal already yeah that's metal dude was breaking with metal oh why you wrecked didn't break hard enough and hit directly braked hard it just didn't stop and fast enough really stopped fast enough that's for sure Lord that might have happened wherever he was breaking really hard maybe going downhill there's something with that with the load we're going towards the knowing that he's about to wreck slam the brake I don't know if I hit that fast there's a bunch of scenarios here I'll you know oh that's pretty bad right there yeah that is pretty bad for a heavy-duty truck like this so let's go ahead and remove the rest of this stuff hopefully get at them control arms and take them off as soon as we get this little wire off of the brake line we can go ahead and actually remove all this stuff right off the side of this trailer so let's go ahead I think it's up ten grab a ten and get this thing off [Music] [Music] all righty guys we just pulled off that lower control arm and we called around to a few places to ask if they have any of these parts in stock and luckily hopefully fingers crossed that our local parts store actually has the upper and lower control arm but the spindle on the other on the other hand they nobody has them in stock even the dealership that's probably gonna be a special order part but we will probably be able to still use this one just to get it off the trailer still useable not a big deal so let's go ahead and actually run to a local parts store and see if they got these in for the junkyard one yeah the junkyard one there are bout of clothes in for us to go out there and take it off will take more than an hour and they're closing in like 30 minutes or something like that so we're not gonna worry about the junkyard we're actually gonna go see if they have these new upper and lower control arms and the fingers cost they do guys because you know how some of these parts stores are whenever you call them they will give you a totally different part so we're gonna run real quick and see if we have any luck on finding these control arms alright guys we got our upper and lower control arm we just check to see if that one was exactly the same we're all good there it was around 400 bucks at our local parts store so right now we're gonna actually run back to the house and see if we can install these and get that truck off the trailer alright guys so we just installed the lower control arm and we're about to take off the upper control them but it's really hard to reach because of this bump or how it bent completely in and that's gonna prevent us from putting like the wheel on and tire on so what we're planning on doing is actually grabbing the f250 over there strapping a chain up and just do an old-fashioned pull hopefully get this thing pulled out nothing too much because we don't want to mess anything else up so we're gonna slowly see if this will just bend right out the way just enough so we can throw the wheel on and a change that upper control arm so let's give this thing a shot [Music] [Music] [Music] that's one thing that I hate you hate about for right there that little slipping that it does and you got a walk outside and lock the hubs ya know hopefully this no this truck is not gonna have that it doesn't have it I don't have an axle upfront it's independent suspension yeah you got a differential if there hopefully it locks itself I'm pretty sure it does yeah because we got the RO the wheels on and the cap covers the locking thing and like when you pop out don't look good so all that all that riffraff that you got to go through on the Fords we pulled it out a good bit hopefully the wheel will fit if it doesn't I'm honestly just gonna take a grinder and cut half of this bumper off but anyways now we can actually get to this upper control arm bolt over here let's go ahead and remove it [Music] [Music] we got shove it back in there yeah I don't know yeah I probably just leave it out cuz I mean that's just all jacked up I see what it see what if it's like oh this sounds really sandy and salty and all that I'd be better off just leave I need a little bit more Lube yes still work you know but we really need to definitely change definitely gonna buy one of those but as you can see we made some major progress took it took a part of this entire knuckle because we're gonna use it temporarily and it wouldn't go on because this axle shaft or the knuckle wouldn't go on here because axle shaft was kind of in the way so now we're able to put it in no problem as that goes on then the caliper goes on and then our spare we're gonna go to the back and grab that spare throw it on and drive this sucker right off this trailer yep right off that's we're trying to chase the time right now cuz it's getting pretty dark so we're gonna add this all day trying to get this thing on the wheel afternoon we weren't here all day it's all I forget all afternoon cuz we were doing other things so well almost got it dude we're closed we're closing in so let's go ahead and throw this heavy sucker on there this thing weighs found like 200 pounds yeah really heavy so let's go ahead and throw it on there [Music] [Music] all righty guys so we finally got that suspension completely together now it's time to drop it off this trailer actually drive it for the first time here first time dropping it off dude I think it'll drive just fine I mean we've got everything together so let's go ahead and strap it and just crank her up Ripper backwards there anything is silent we can't have that she's got a scream mr. Wyatt Johnson I need this thing to scream yeah come straight back just like you are yes sir yes sir [Music] all the way back [Music] sounds like it the to be alright all right guys so we accomplished our goal of getting this sucker off the trailer but tomorrow bright and early we're gonna have to give this thing a nice wash inside and out all right guys so it is the next day now it's time to give this truck a nice detail [Music] all righty guys so now that the interior is nice and clean now it's time to clean the outside alrighty guys so we give this thing a nice wash inside out looks absolutely amazing we went ahead and pulled it in the garage because we want to show you guys that the frame is actually tweaked to over a little bit as you can see by the fender and hood it looks like the hood stayed in its original spot and the whole front end went this way well I don't know 100% not a frame guy so we called the very best V tuned over here on Tengen but just by the front st. you need to see a hit right here so basically just push both rails over and that gap basically closes exact same so it's like probably about an inch yeah but what happening you think the hood stayed in this most faulty these fenders are basically our apron Oh so what everything just gets pushed over it just moves over that way that's crazy but well I was gonna ask you what do we need to take apart now you just take everything off take does start taking everything all right off take the fender off yeah that's what I want the bumper if you can't get it off just leave it on leave a little bit or chop it front chop it right here chop it with some grinder wheels and stuff like that but yeah so we're concerned about because we want to go ahead and rip this thing apart get our normal list of parts that we need to order before we actually bring it to him because he's gonna need all the original parts like the fender and stuff to line everything up right and another thing is we wanted to show you show you the damage before we start taking so far it's always good to see exactly where the car was hit so you know exactly how to pull it back in there yeah basically rewind the wrist rewind the wreck back basically just need to hit it right here hit another car right here but that's all the work of his magic tricks over there there is a little bit more hidden damage behind this bumper but we'll show you that once we take it apart and retuned already seen it he just needs for us to take it apart really so we got a lot of work on our hands so let's get started all right so actually before we start taking anything else apart vtune actually notice something about the rear end here the rear axle it's probably a little bit turned or something somehow from that looks like why don't when he got hit in the front all the impact went to that side and it just pushed everything forward on this time sitting up yeah I think maybe just a bolter bet or I just can't unscrew it and put it back in its position yeah because you could like we can just measure it with your hand yeah go ahead and give a hand with a little hand measurement and I'll show you guys you see that my fin my hand fits here but on the other end you had a extra finger so hand in a couple fingers so that's weird but I guess the energy kind of just transferring a weight especially that big old differential is yes everything definitely with a big impact to like if you ever seen cars getting hit in slow motion everything just like wrinkling stuff yeah oh yeah sometimes even when a car gets hit in the side just like the weight of the motor will push the whole front end over dang that's crazy learn something new every day let's get to work boys I'm glad v-team found that what about the bed what is the bed in this position spotted all types of stuff might have to get in to stop looking hopefully add a bed the bed is good well alrighty man I appreciate it we're gonna get to work here and then hopefully parts and we'll get it done yes sir sounds like a plan [Music] so we went ahead and remove the grill in the headlight the grill was in perfect condition in the other hand the headlight is probably non repairable if you can see that's a pretty big gash I mean if you had a lot of time on your hands you can probably fix it because it does have most of the tabs there you never know we may give this a shot you know may fix it and save I don't know a couple hundred bucks yeah I found one for like 600 bucks I see I wonder if there's any custom ones like nicer looking ones or cheaper or they're probably way more expensive but I do love the look of this headlight Xenon's what the chrome and the black inside LED DRL man those are just perfect yeah these look really let us know what you guys think on that though yeah for real I do love the look of these headlights though but now we're gonna move on to probably this bump or try to remove the bumper is this probably one of our biggest pieces to remove it and heaviest I know there's a few bolts underneath and above so let's go ahead and try to get this thing off the truck [Music] all right so we just moved that front bunker was pretty difficult just because it was crushed pretty hard we had a pride bunch of stuff open just to get to the bolts but this is the damage that we were talking about that's behind the front bumper this bracket right here that the radiator to support sits on I think that's what it is yeah it got like bent downwards or something yeah I guess what we've got a hit like that got bent back downwards whatever you want to call it and this is our front flange for the front frame rail right yeah it looks like you got turned too what does that look like yeah this is pretty dang straight just like slightly bit tilting or turned this is definitely turned this way so it's not like aluminum still is a lot easier to pull out on a frame machine because you can just heat it up or just use a hammer or that frame machine pull everything out super easy but not as easy as people think so right now what we're gonna do is actually try to remove this fender right here it is a big fender it's like an apron and fender put together on these Chevy GMC trucks you see the inside right and you sing that double walled or whatever yeah I think it's like kind of like a Jeep like the old TJ fenders where you take it off and that's like the whole apron and everything so this is gonna be the next thing that we're gonna remove so let's get at it and see what's behind it [Music] [Music] alright so we just found some more damage behind this finger it looks like a few brackets are actually bent under here this bracket this bracket this bracket actually quite a bit brackets just behind the fender so we're actually not gonna remove this fender because we did find out that the hoods actually like bolted on to the fender and we're probably gonna wait till our new fender comes in because I don't want to leave this truck with no hood because it is gonna be parked outside don't want no weather weathering or rain or anything like that on the engine so we're gonna pause on that and actually move on to this front radiator support whatever you want to call this there's a bunch of it going on up here and we're gonna try to pinpoint our radiator leak or just a coolant leak it could be something simple like a hose or something like that or it could be our radiators actually busted but it's really hard to tell because it looks like it didn't even touch the radiator since the radiator sitting all the way back here but hopefully we can save some money and no radiator is busted but in the meantime let's go ahead and remove that headlight and try to get this whole entire front assembly off [Music] all right so we do got some good news we're not gonna have to remove this radiator support until we get a new one because as you can see it's bent here which means also we won't have to remove all of this cooling systems right here because we found a relieve check this out it's this little metal pipe right here just got pretty much broken and it's just leaking out of there we couldn't find it with all this stuff here yeah this is probably for the turbo it is it's pretty small honestly so that is a cheap part better than buying an entire radiator yeah I think we can temporarily fix it by cutting it and then reconnecting it but if you know what this pipe is called let us know so we can order it yep but that's some good news that we're not gonna have to take all this stuff apart we pretty much know all the parts that we need to get and the next step is to take it to the frag machine and then after all the frame work is done we'll get it painted and then that's when the mods are gonna come in so you're not gonna want to miss out on that so make sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything don't forget guys drop your comments down below if you have any suggestions on what you think we should do to this thing also be sure to follow us on instagram at goon-squad where you can get an inside scoop there before YouTube and if you want to support your boys be sure to visit goon squad comm and copy some merch what that being said thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to stay tuned and we'll catch you next time peace [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,635,585
Rating: 4.9252124 out of 5
Keywords: rebuilt, wrecked, salvaged, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 gmc duramax, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 gmc sierra duramax, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 duramax, rebuilding a wrecked gmc sierra duramax, rebuilding a wrecked gmc duramax, 2019 gmc duramax rebuild, 2019 gmc sierra duramax rebuild, rebuilding a salvaged 2019 gmc duramax, rebuilding a salvaged gmc duramax, rebuilding a wrecked truck, rebuilding a salvaged truck, goonzquad gmc, copart build, copart rebuild
Id: cIO6YbXg0P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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