Fixing a $2,200,000 BUGATTI Chiron! (Car Mechanic Simulator)

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welcome back to my channel today we're play some more car mechanic simulator and what is happening to my hair guys I saw a lot of comments about my hair I realized that I'm too lazy to go get a haircut I'm kind of scared of hairdressers okay and besides the haircut comments I saw a lot of comments from you guys saying that there is a beauty in this game that's right there's a 1400 horsepowers vehicle in this game and my challenge today is to go and find it and tune it and make it ten times faster so we're gonna make the fastest car in the game today it's happening we're gonna start off with going to the junkyard maybe we can find it there alright so we've made it to the junkyard duck in this place a lot of nice cars that don't look so nice anymore because they're junk now I mean look at this one it doesn't even have a steering wheel basically in the junkyard there's a bunch of old cars that you can buy or take some parts from this one's actually a nice one but this does not look like the Bugatti to me and we are looking for a Bugatti today alright so obviously we want to find this vehicle I have no idea where it is and this place is kind of massive this could just take some time you know wait what about behind here no I'm curious sometimes you you can open oh here you can search some other piece of junk and maybe we can find some like Bugatti pieces so we can actually make our own Bugatti oh we got a Bentley piece another Bentley piece no Bugatti piece though I want to find this car right now in the bus is the Bugatti in the bus probably not this is cool look at the engine coming out I haven't seen that in this game yet and also look at the wood of the Interior this is a nice car I like that alright so if we're walking around for about five minutes no luck so far but guys you are telling me that I'll be able to find a Bugatti Veyron in this freaking junkyard now where is it hello start wait is that a Bugatti we found one oh my goodness look at this thing it's a real book on TV runs super sports I think I'm not exactly sure I'm gonna find out later uh let's have a quick look at the state of this vehicle we don't have a license plate we've got four exhausts everything seems to be really rusty who did this to this 1.2 million dollar car or maybe even more expensive nowadays because they probably don't make it anymore I have no idea how could you buy a car for an insane amount of money and then leave it in the junkyard the engines in here at least we have an engine that's good the seats actually looks quite fresh I gotta say interior doesn't look too bad guys how about we buy this thing from the junkyard we're gonna fix it up in today's video by car 200,000 measured engine powers zero horse powers hey it's probably because it's broken global body condition 10% 20% parts 7% frame condition and interior condition 20% and there's 15,000 kilometers on this is not too bad this is a rough car we're gonna have to buy it for a lot of money but hopefully we can sell it for a good profit let's go back to the garage and here it is ladies and gentlemen the Bugatti No let me quickly check which Bugatti is this just in case I see all the crazy comments okay the Bugatti cheer on okay it's not the Veyron is the Bugatti cheer on I apologize all right so uh how about we get this thing on a lift and we're just gonna have to start fixing it together it's gonna take some time but it's gonna be beautiful all right we're gonna say move car on to car lift B oh I like to start underneath the car but for a change today how about we start with the interior I think that's a better idea but before we can get to the interior we have to get rid of all the external parts we're just gonna do that at the same time all right so we got the front bumper whoo the front end oh we can get rid of that front left door a left fender Oh carpet nice I think that's all the like external pieces we can get rid of to clean the rust we'll focus on that later but what we got to do first is we're gonna take out all the things from the interior which is I think only the seat something I forgot to do last time guys is I forgot to clean the interior there should be like a tool here the interior cleaner tool I'm not sure where it is that's the battery charger Oh interior detailing toolkit move equipment to car lift be not look and what we can do now you can click on this you can use the equipment for a hundred bucks and boom interior is shiny again alright so now that the interior is clean how about we buy some new interior parts for this car so I'm not sure what exactly we're gonna need we're gonna need a searing wheel and two seats and that's about it the car has the rest already so how about we go and buy them we'll go to the interior shop and I'm not sure if it is in the game no the seats are not in the game okay we're just gonna have to buy some random seats pretty much I'm just gonna go for the most sporty seat that I can find because obviously this is a Bugatti alright oh this looks nice the RX three seat hahaha it doesn't go oh look at this alright so this apparently is a Pagani Zonda seat and this might actually go quite well with our bugatti shoe hall so we're gonna buy we're just gonna try it out if it doesn't go well we'll get it out okay we're in need of a cool steering wheel this was pretty cool also from the Pagani Zonda how about we just use this a Bugatti cheer on with Pagani interiors only at the jelly store wow that looks pretty dope I gotta say but the other one in this well I want to see what the what the whole package is gonna look like you know for steering wheel the Zonda oh goodness they look kind of small these seats no it's like they're sitting on the floor look how weird that looks I'm sorry Pagani or we're gonna have to get they look stupid the steering wheel fits I love it I say we go with like the generic sport seats nothing too special nothing too classy but it's good and it works and that's what we need yeah that is a lot better that is so much better okay that is perfect alright now now that we're done with the interior we're gonna start on the exterior we got to get rid of this rust and getting rid of this rust in the game is actually super easy we're gonna get the welder we're gonna move it to lift B and we're just gonna click on this thing and use equipment that's it boom it's so strange how it works the rust is gone because we fixed all of that there's no doors in it yet and our doors are still dirty as well look if I put the door in there belongs here it's still rusty we're gonna have to fix that one separately also I am NOT happy with the blue we're obviously gonna change the color later on we'll focus on the on the rest first all right so let's fix all of the parts that came with the car we have a front left door okay we're gonna we're gonna fix that one up we have a left taillight a trunk taillight the front end and a fender okay that's it alright we're gonna put the door back in look at that we have we can't fix the window we're gonna have to buy a new window we're gonna have to buy a left-side mirror the front left fender how about that that one works that is great we've got the front bumper we're gonna have to buy a new one the front end oh that one is shiny we need a new hood we need some headlights we need a new door here gosh we need a rear clamshell I think this one we have yeah we do and we have the taillights as well oh no that one's actually broken as well alright so there's obviously a lot of things we're gonna have to buy to fix this baby up but I say before we do that I think it's a good idea to strip the car completely there's a v12 in this thing and we're gonna have to take that baby out we're gonna have to fix this engine up because well it ain't run it perfectly so we're gonna start with the wheels there we go guys this is where the long part of the video starts it always takes so long to strip a car and then I have to completely assemble it again as well this video usually takes me about two hours to record so if you're enjoying it please leave a like on it I would appreciate that alright so something different to this car than to any other cars I've worked on on this channel that the engine is in the back look at this guy's alright time for our second wheel and the third one alright and time for the fourth one so we got rid of all the wheels look at that it's just pretty much the body with an engine now looking pretty good I gotta say if I am correct these are the wheels that came with the Bugatti it looks like that they are I think 26 and a half inches big that's really large now that's probably not true but we'll get to that later all right so now that we got rid of all the wheels I think it's time to open this baby up from the inside we're gonna have to completely strip the end are we I'm looking at the engine from an angle and the engine actually looks super fresh is the engine still good guys did we buy a Bugatti cheerin with a completely functioning engine I'm not exactly sure if we did but it looks very fresh look at it there's no piece of rust anywhere it's a massive v12 by the way I should have tested the car before I don't think I can do that now anymore because there's no more wheels on it because I got rid of some other parts as well it's not that easy to get the wheel back on there's a bunch of rusty parts in this car itself we can get rid of those and we're obviously gonna have to replace these because guys I want a completely new Bugatti tear on here I'm also gonna have to look in the store if I can find any v12 pieces that will allow us to chew this vehicle a little better because there are some pieces that work better than others obviously they are more expensive but it's worth it this is a 1.2 million dollar car all right so I think we stripped it all or let's put the car down real quick all right come on down the weird thing is the engine cover is super rusty the rest looks good I mean the carbon looks good everything is perfect let's move the crane to car left or beat we're gonna take out the ng we gotta unmount the gearbox is there even a gearbox in this thing oh there is I didn't know that all right I took the gearbox off let's put the car down and I think we'll be able to take it out now I just got rid of the engine let's put it on our engine stand and here it is everyone our engine now unfortunately I don't think I can test it like this but I can look at it oh my goodness AMG Zonda R so this is definitely the Pagani Zonda v12 engine the reason is the actual Bugatti v12 cheerin engine does it exist in this game so the people who created this car they just put a Pagani Zonda R v12 into it which works perfectly fine I'm gonna look on my tablet to see if I can chew this engine to the max gonna type in v12 so there are pieces that are better than others that we can put on this v12 we could put turbo on it I mean there's obviously some turbo on it already but this one's five percent better let's just buy some pieces of everything and see what we can do okay let's take out the air filter and see if we can put a better one on it yes we can but that one was already on it wasn't it so obviously we could do some things to it but it's gonna be really difficult guys strip that part put it on again but a 2% better one Wow hell yeah I'm not gonna be able to do this with every single engine part but I do want to make some things better guys so I mean this should work right looks I put the new parts on there there are different colors so obviously I'm gonna have to do it on this side as well and there you go just screw these things in there okay all right you look so a ton better I don't think there's much else we can do I'm not gonna completely strip the engine it probably works fine we're not to figure that one out later but to me this looks like a super brand new v12 all right so now that we fixed the engine up a little bit and we put it back in the car how about we finish it up grabs put all the new boards back guys it's gonna take some time but it's gonna be great quickly something I forgot is can we buy a v12 gearbox where can we buy the tuning gearboxes maybe in the custom gearbox shop that probably work okay so we can we're just gonna we're just gonna try them out there we go look this is the standard one this is the better one all right so we'll put in the car back together with full auto percent condition pieces it is taking some time but you know what I enjoy it so it's all good but something we're gonna have to do now which I thought it'd be fun to to show you guys is we actually have to make four suspensions believe it or not it's not as easy as like I just put it in go no you actually have to like put the parts together individually so I thought it'd be fun if we go ahead and do that after I screw this one together and put the brake disc ventilation system on at all I actually need to buy a new one all right so let's go to the store and buy everything we need for the suspension so what we're gonna need is a double wishbone shock absorber okay we're gonna need two of these on the front we're gonna need two of these on the back oh my god dollar bills with that we're gonna need four Springs actually these are front Springs we just bought four front Springs two in the back as well another thing we're gonna need is a spring cap I believe four of them and I think that should be it okay so this little machine here the spring ruler we're gonna join the parts front spring absorber cap there you go and there you go put it together look now we can use that on the bugatti Hey alright all we gotta do now is click on this one and put it in there there ya go and on the other side there you go alright now that the suspensions on there we're gonna work on the brake pads and just eventually the wheel which by the way I just realized we haven't actually bought a new wheel yet so we're just gonna have to go to the store to go and find one after we fix everything in the car it takes time guys I'm sorry oh there you go we could put the tire on now but we're not gonna do that yet we're gonna gonna go to the other side there you go both front ends are done now let's finish up the rear and then we're gonna buy oh okay we need we need that apparently we need to buy a wheel hub first and after that we can buy some tires alright there we go bought a new one now I can put it on oh no we also need great discs that's a thing in this game guys you always got to go back to the store to buy something new there we go I think this side should be done last but not least we need to fix this one with the brake disc on which we just bought put the brake pad on and then the caliper with the cylinder and there you go screw it all together and it's ready for the wheel which by the way we haven't looked at so how about we go to the store and look at some sweet good-looking wheels alright so first we're gonna be looking at some new rims I don't think there is a bagatti specific rim in this game we do have zonda rims that are bold but I don't know what I think of a Bugatti obviously I think about a sports car but I also think about super luxury so I want to find the perfect combination between luxury and fort which could be a little bit difficult see this in my opinion is quite luxury right sporty this one's really nice yeah maybe this one it's also from the Pagani we're going with the maximum size 25 inches I don't know what et is I still don't know what that is probably how wide it is we're gonna go with as wide as possible 50 we're gonna buy 4 of them obviously alright so let's go to the tire shop find some fitting tires maybe the sport tire the race tire the race tire we're gonna go with 25 inches let's just make it as wide as possible why not maybe it'll fit let's go to the Machine the tire changer and let's install these rims on these race tire does that work my goodness that works alright so let's go ahead and install a wheel and see what it looks like obviously we got to make sure it looks good ok it looks terrible we're gonna have to change it alright screw it in and whoa ah-ha dude that's the perfect fit there might be a little bit too big but you know what I think it looks awesome we're just gonna we're just gonna use it guys alright let's put one on the other side as well there ya go absolutely perfect whoa ha ha it might be a little bit too big but I'm just gonna go with it dude dude they're awesome ok they're sticking out wait no way so in the in the back third or they're sticking out a little bit as well you see they're sticking out they're super wide now that just looks ridiculous ok I am sorry wheel but I can't I were gonna we're gonna have to buy a different one let's take this baby off this is just ridiculous on the back it looked ok the front it sticks out like 15 centimeters and is that Matt Matt Matt all right so let's try a new one I don't know that the previous one looked good but feel like if we're gonna if we're gonna have to change the tires might as well try on another rim right alright so I already like this a lot better are you kidding me no Bugatti why you got to be so difficult okay I realized so while those tires are like doing their thing we also gotta get rid of some parts of the front which I forgot to do oh I also forgot to charge a battery buy a new brake servo an ABS pump we're gonna have to buy a new one of that do we still have a new battery no we don't okay let me just buy those real quick all right the ABS pump and obviously the module as well wait then I just put the old one on there did I just know that was a new one okay alright the module okay and I think a new batteries should be nice I mean I can charge it but that's just gonna take time you know alright so what do we have over here we have a tire we're gonna balance this one out this is the slimmest one so this is a front one okay so we have two front less wide so two front less wide I think this is another front one and then on the back will get wider ones yes that is perfect it's not sticking out it's not too small it's not too thin it's absolutely perfect okay I think we have another front one ready perfect nice oh and this is a wide one then we have another wide one over here okay sweet please look good please I know so this one sticks out just a little bit this one's like too much inside I think I'm gonna choose to stick out sticking out one extra grip am i right it's not perfect but hey it's just the way it is plus that means there's less of a chance that we're actually gonna scratch this thing which is good alright so the tires they look good now finally what we're gonna do next is we're gonna fix all the parts we're gonna have to assemble this baby up we're gonna need a new hood we're gonna need a new front bumper some left lights bright lights front door gosh a lot of things to buy we're gonna type in who got D alright an engine cover front bumper Oh a black one wait what's the black details or a normal one oh I'm gonna buy black details everything alright so let's have a look I think I managed to buy some parts so four doors we're gonna use I think a white leather one would be nice or do we use black leather let's do black leather okay nice maybe we need a right-side mirror nice in the front door window okay we have that we need a front right fender the front bumper we're gonna use the black details right headlight left headlight B as well the front lip door is gonna be black black as well front left window guys this is going great I love these shops you can buy anything you want we didn't buy the rear cruncher I think we did engine cover clamshell oh nice rear bumper black details the right tail light B oh that looks so good we need to get rid of that one that one's different we can use the B one on the left one as well there you go all right I'm just having a quick look around I don't see anything that we're missing out on let's go and bring this car to the paint shop finally it's time to paint the bugatti chiron we've been working on this or at least i've been working on this for more than an hour now look how freakin beautiful this thing looks absolutely amazing all right so we're gonna paint the car oh that looks so good alright so we can choose different paint types as well the blacked out one looks so good I think I'm going with the black livery it perfectly works like it works with the wheels it works with all the the extra parts we put in the car and the green comes out even more because of this just looks so good Wow look at this alright so what we're gonna do we're gonna move the car to the test path to see if we have all the parts no we don't know all and the engine okay alright so let's quickly put some oil into the engine ha nice ok fill the car with oil alright let's bring it now finally too I hope please please don't we can move it to the test path please yes if you can move your car to the test path that means you've done pretty much everything correctly which is good alright so the car is here let's get inside and start this baby up start the car what that is a cool sound alright so we're inside looking absolutely beautiful everywhere plays the front wheels on the brake tester there we go hold the brake Oh the brakes are a hundred percent rot place the rear wheels on the brake test sir are we gonna be able to do it guys and the Breer brakes are a hundred percent guys we're doing well place the front wheels on the suspension tester all it's gonna get bumpy whoo I love that steering wheel by the way is it okay is it okay a hundred percent Wow Oh everything is perfect guys everything is perfect all right so let's move this baby finally to our dyno the dyno is a place where we can tune our car and perfect its performance so usually this car has about 1400 horsepowers and because we have a customized gearbox and some extra cool parts in the engine hopefully we'll be able to get it even better than that whoa come on is it okay at the moment okay so I'm wrong it's not 1,400 but 800 whoa okay okay it's really loud it's a good thing it's loud though I put a great exhaust on there I was wrong it doesn't have 1004 and a horse powers but 877 I'm not sure if that's to realize the real-life number I thought it had 8400 in real life but it doesn't matter what we can do is we can actually perfect this baby we can choose some parts potentially make it even faster so how about instead of six gears we're gonna make it eight years okay I'm just gonna make it faster overall when the first gear will be able to go at 140 a 240 303 7420 this is kilometres an hour oh my goodness is a fast car okay safe shoot let's see is that is that gonna work all right it is loud again but no real difference in horse powers all right so I turn it up a little bit I'm not sure if it helped at all I'm not the best at this game but what we can do is drive the car so let's go to a so you go to the test track or the race track we go to the race track yeah let's go to the race track all right we managed to the race track it's time guys it it looks so good oh my god it is fast is it gonna shift gear wait it doesn't even shift until like 8,000 that's probably cuz I chewed it it is so ridiculously fast oh my god oh I just scratched a little bit how is this thing ever gonna go to its 8th gear oh my god almost 200 kilometers an hour uh okay top speed time oh we are gonna break this engine okay I just did 250 kilometres an hour I'm not sure of the tuning really perfected the car but one thing's for sure we just made the most expensive car in the world guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video as much as I did man and this bugatti chiron is probably the craziest car i have built so far if you want to see more built cars and make sure you leave a like on this video I had 10,000 likes I will do another one if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments below the overall glob global body condition is 95% there must be something I forgot although I don't know what I did forget but the car value at this moment is 2.25 million dollars everyone actually we're not gonna sell it this one's going into books thanks for watching 10,000 likes will upload another video bye bye thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly [Music]
Channel: Jelly
Views: 9,200,741
Rating: 4.8132358 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, car mechanic, bugatti, chiron, car, fixing cars, new, funny, game, gaming, new games, car games, Car Mechanic Simulator, $25000000, Fixing a $2200000 BUGATTI Chiron
Id: sOhu62T99D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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