I Bought a Totaled Lamborghini Huracan from a Salvage Auction & I'm going to Rebuild It!

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I feel like a lot of y’all are missing the fact that the whole point to his channel is that he is a completely self taught mechanic and basically learning and experimenting as he goes. He definitely has done some sketchy sub par work but isn’t that the point of being a self taught mechanic/fabricator?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 89 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Godoftheiron πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love that people shit on his channel for "crappy repairs"

As if they could do much better. Its pretty clear he doesnt claim hes the best and is mostly self taught.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aimiami πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, I really like the format of buying wrecked vehicles and repairing/modifying them, but I just don't like his style of builds (and sub par workmanship) so I can't get into this his videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

/u/BisonPuncher I agree, the exotic car trend on youtube is getting really saturated plus its not really relatable for the majority of people. I enjoyed the format of his 2jz swapped BRZ finale because it was him showing off his build in action at the end of it all plus a rundown of the learning process, why he did and didn't do stuff, what not.

Sure his videos are not for everyone and some people don't like how he goes about doing things but his channel is called B is for Build so it's just him building what he thinks is cool.

I will admit I'm somewhat biased because I've been following him for a long time but It feels like some people are watching his videos on mute or something then go to the comments or threads hating on what he does. Also for whoever reads this far down, he explains the point of this build near the end starting around 11:20.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Random10010 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How much did the initial wreck cost? Seems like a fun project. Is this car for personal use or are you intending to resell it in the future?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/retr0raver5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

ITT: People complaining about BUILD channels.
Go watch review channels instead, or read some car journalism.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have a 6-71 Detroit out of a potato truck you can have.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/c3h8pro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I see a lot of complaints about the concept behind buying a salvage car and fixing it just to sell it off, or building up cars and never touching them again. I'm just gonna drop TJ Hunt and Cletus McFarland for good YT channels who build cars and actually drive them. They either do it the right way like TJ or the fun way like Cletus, and it's not just for the views but the love of building the car and craftsmanship. Just my 2 cents for y'all

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheBuccster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
it feels like it was just yesterday that I was unveiling the GTR build and it went from like that to this and now we're on to this I've been dropping hints for a while now for the neon green color and the labeling I love this color I want a car in this color already took a break two tunas Lambo it is so cool man I got to give me one of those or even though doorless cars are super in right now not a lot of people guess that get a lime green Huracan but I did let me show you guys around [Music] I really hope you guys are as excited as I am this is the start of the most insane build that be as build has ever ever dreamed up and keep in mind that the 240z just started with like two pieces of metal I'm gonna tell you all about it but before that a word from our sponsor today's episode is sponsored by honey honey is a free shopping tool that automatically searches the internet for the best promo codes when you buy something online it works on over 30,000 different sites I use it on sites like tire rack like Skillshare razor Newegg the list goes on and on and on I've been using honey for a few years now and I have it installed on every single computer that I own the savings have been insane honey works on the majority of the sites that I shop on to buy stuff for the show like like eBay is a huge one and I've saved an insane amount of money one crazy thing is the people that have clicked our link in the description since we've started honey the bees for build crew that have installed honey we've collectively saved one hundred and forty nine thousand dollars that's a that's enough to buy a Lamborghini that's crazy that's average savings of over like 56 bucks per person so guys if you haven't already go get honey today not just for the insane savings but also because of the massive support that they give creators like myself I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart without sponsors like honey this type of insanity just absolutely would not be possible so guys go install it today it's just two clicks to install you go to join honey calm slash build click once click twice and you have it installed there's no reason not to install this thing again guys either click the link in the description or go to join honey calm slash build and install honey today now let me let me show you about the details of the hurricane so this bad boy right here is my 2017 Huracan which I will probably call a hurricane because it is hilarious I love this car already this is what I would call show off trim this is the spec that I would choose if I was buying this car myself and since I did buy this car myself although I didn't get to choose the spec anywho convertible it's a spider edition and it's the rear wheel drive version not the all-wheel-drive version because donuts are fun and I learned on the gt-r you're not supposed do a lot of all-wheel-drive donuts or things get mad part of the reason this car was so damn expensive is because it's got super low miles and so I got seven thousand three hundred and sixty miles well that's not super low for Lamborghini but you know what I mean the car does start I will show you guys what it sounds like in a minute it's it's super amazing there's a thousand dollars sitting in it and you guys could win this thousand dollars by subscribing to the channel check out the end of the video for those details it's totally free to enter and I guess now we should probably talk about the glaring issue of like yeah the car the car has been crashed let me let me jump into the details of that a little bit when I was doing research on this car online I saw some pictures of the damage before the body panels were pulled off the car was hit in this area right here is the majority of the damage that I have found but there's also markings on this wheel there's a gouge taken out right here and another bigger chunk over here and in my experience when a chunk is taken out of a wheel that badly there's normally more underlying issues but I you know I don't know about him cuz I haven't jumped into this car yet and then the story behind this car was this was sent from one repair shop to the next repair shop to the next repair shop before they decided you know what we might get more money auctioning it off and then they decided to auction it off the online bidding for this car was interesting and it was definitely a huge range of emotions what happened was is I had decided I needed to buy a pretty good condition one of these cars for just the most insane project that I've ever done and I needed to buy it quickly so I was bidding on this car and it's very expensive as they are and it went just I was neck-and-neck you could see right here I'm neck-and-neck with another guy and it just creeps right over a hundred thousand dollars and I found out that my account had a hundred thousand dollar bidding limit on it and I was no longer allowed to bid and another guy just hops it it just over a hundred thousand dollars and and just won the auction from me good limit exceeded my caps at 100k so I was pretty heartbroken because I was in love with the trim of this car and this was exactly the one I wanted and I was upset that my account had this weird thing going on so I called Copart and for top dollar cars like this they have some personal people that manage a lot of this stuff and sometimes you know things like this happen so they said yeah that was an error in the system that really shouldn't have happened to you and then so we kind of just proceeded in like a personal verbal bidding between myself and the guy that won to continue going with the insurance company that owned the car and I was like I'm in it for 115 and the other guy said no I'm not in it for 115 so I ended up paying a hundred and fifteen thousand when I probably would have just won the auction for like 102 103 it seemed like he was about done bidding but Lamborghini so I did basically over bid myself and end up paying a little bit more than I should have at a hundred and fifteen thousand for this car but it being a 2017 and only having seven thousand miles it does give me a lot of room to either make a little bit of money or at the very least it'll be very easy to break even on this car repair it use it enjoy it love it and then when I sell it I could definitely breakeven so getting back into the damaged stuff basically the wreck was a hundred percent centered around this area right here it bounced from shop to shop in Las Vegas I know the story because I asked the people who used to own this car I got in contact with them it bounced around from shop to shop in Vegas where they kept kind of pulling stuff they kept kind of pulling parts off like the front bumper covers off you know the fender wheel well side skirts all SF those parts were coming off and basically some shop in Vegas has all those parts for this car just sitting around which totally sucks I don't have them and it got hit right here you can see that they did the metal repair right here this is aluminum and then we have a little bit of a little bit of body filler right here so that's been partially repaired when it got hit right here it has this anti-roll or this rollover protection beams that come up from right here so if you roll over you don't get your head chopped off so those shot up which then doesn't allow the soft top to actuate at all anymore so it's been under plastic for a long time the driver's airbag and the passenger airbag did not go off and the seat airbag did go off which is interesting because you I'm learning about these things you can't buy that part Lamborghini you have to buy a whole new seat but I found a way to get one of those so this seat I do believe is repairable if I if I talk to a professional I think that's a seam right there you can I don't know if you guys can see I don't know if the cameras that's actually a seam right there and that's a seam right there so this thing only ripped on the seams so somebody that is a master seamstress could put this thing back together the game plan for this car is to go back to as far as safety wise we're gonna repair all the airbags as far as the body wise we're gonna have all of the you know the standard Huracan body parts going back to this car I really want to build this car we're gonna do some some light customization to make it look a little bit cooler you know maybe like front lips and and different Aero stuff and I have different wheels I had to get new wheels because these are messed up some of that stuff is coming but the really important part for this for me for this car is to get it back and functioning with the safety wise and all of the drivability wise to a hundred percent om one hundred percent stock so what that does mean on this build is there's gonna be a little bit less fabrication a little bit less of me building custom parts a little bit less of me kind of DIY and a little bit more kind of om you know kind of damage repair sourcing parts for cheap and that type of stuff over on this side if you just look at it from like right here it's yeah we got a perfectly good haircut there's really no damage that I can see over here one thing I was really interested in just kind of blew me away is when you look at the like watch the lights bounce off of the finish on these on this car if you look at the amount of orange peel that's on a Lamborghini here like that's not an amazing paint job from factory I was very very surprised I've uh I've never driven a Lamborghini it's up for Tavarez Lamborghini which is more of a monster than a Lamborghini and I've never even really seen one up close that much so it's pretty pretty it's eight for me to buy what it'd be like you know figured it all out the first time there's an engine under here I can't get at it because that's stuck and I think that that's got it you know so that's gonna be one of the first things that we work on is getting those things out of there so we can have them rebuilt but also so we can like get into the engine side and look at stuff but at 7,000 miles I mean it barely even needs its first oil change other than the exploded seat in the lack of a door like I said doorless cars are in right now the interior is pretty great this I mean it's so beautiful it was raining when we pulled it in here but it's just such a beautiful car the way it's designed in the interior neon green stitching to match the exterior color you guys got mad at me for not painting door jams on cars imagine you guys yelling me for not changing the stitching color and yeah if anybody's got a door panel it's got the lime-green stitching on it I really need one driver side please another one of the coolest things about this car that I love is how it sounds so let me let me pop open that door for some ventilation we'll turn it on I'll show you how it sounds this is also super cool but we'll probably get super annoying after a while I think my key battery is low I was gonna do my first small repair and you can see it says key not recognized well you can't see that but it does I'm gonna do my first repair but I forgot to buy the battery so you got to put the key like right here and then just start button here we go [Music] [Music] so it's my hurricane I'm very happy about it I'm guessing a lot of you guys are kind of thinking like wait man this isn't really like that damaged and that's a really expensive car did you just like go complete sellout mode and and go crazy and just spend a bunch of money to have a nice thing and not be as for build it the answer is kind of I'm just getting there the answer is no but the reasoning behind it is so crazy I don't even think a lot of people are gonna are really gonna grasp onto it but I want to just lightly touch on it you guys remember when I pulled up with like an m5 and I was like we're gonna build another m5 and try to troll everybody and then I pulled up with a 240z and said we're gonna smash these two things together and then everybody was excited that's kind of what this is but in in a little bit of a different way we need this Lamborghini to be able to do our next build that is gonna be our crazy SEMA build that is gonna be a one-of-a-kind car that I I just hope blows everybody's socks off at SEMA we need this car to be able to use it to do to do measurements to do to do molding to do grafting to do a lot of things I'm not gonna be able to build my budget Lamborghini without first having this Lamborghini and building it right back up to stock so that's kind of where this is is I needed to buy this car and I need to rebuild this car back to 100% factory and utilize it and then I can decide to either keep it or sell it so this car is obviously awesome and I would love to be able to keep it but I'm not sure if financially I can afford to do that but we'll have it for a while and we're gonna use it to make sure that we can build the most insane SEMA build this year and that's kind of that's kind of where this is going also I just wanted to buy a green car to match the st. Patrick's Day giveaway so if you guys don't know we are trying to hit a hundred thousand subscribers by Saint Patrick's Day so it's the 800 K by Paddy's day thousand dollar giveaway I'm giving away this $1,000 it's starting to fall apart now too excuse me phone call the BMW z4 is here anyways I'm giving away this $1000 to one of our subscribers now here's how you enter you've got to be subscribed to the YouTube channel and then you jump on your phone or your browser or whatever and email me email me at enter at B is for build calm shoot an email to that address and just include your YouTube username only once or you get disqualified and then on st. Patrick's Day we are going to randomly select to someone that has emailed me and we're gonna give them $1,000 it's that simple also if you're into rebuilds and you're into this type of stuff this next few months is just gonna be insane just think like the 240z but in the exotic car world it's gonna be an amazing process so thank you guys so much for watching if you want to help out in support we do have merch at buspar build calm I appreciate the hell out of all you guys and I'll see you on the next one when we start wrenching [Music]
Channel: B is for Build
Views: 1,080,086
Rating: 4.9089351 out of 5
Keywords: acura, aston martin, audi, bentley, bmw, Buick, cadillac, chevrolet, dodge, ferrari, fiat, ford, gm, gmc, honda, hyundai, infinity, jaguar, jeep, kia, lamborghini, land rover, lexus, maserati, mazda, mclaren, mercedes, mini, mitsubishi, nissan, porsche, ram, rolls royce, subaru, tesla, toyota, volkswagen, volvo, gallardo, huracan, unveil, project car, salvaged, totalled, wrecked, rebuild, auction, copart, iaai, spyder, aventador
Id: jWH62imt8nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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