Buying My Dad His Dream Wrecked Truck!!!

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I just kind of handed the paper over to this guy he said he's come with me follow me hurry up so hopefully it starts right up that's the thing because we don't have a booster box with us what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we got something super exciting is something that we've always wanted to do if you can't tell by the title already but as for the Jeep here we weren't supposed to get on the frame machine today but we just got done talking to vtune and he does need one more day because it is currently occupied which is perfect because we are missing a major component and that is these door hinges as you can tell they are pretty badly bent you can see a big ol gap those will be in this afternoon which hopefully we can get this framework knocked out in the next video and that will actually give us a little bit more time over the weekend as well but we already got the truck and trailer hooked up over there let's hit the road and we'll do a little bit more explaining the good comments back there man he wants to go with us should we take him I mean if he wants to stay on there he's just gonna stay on there all the way he always loves checking out the new stuff that comes in and he's probably gonna be on that all over that new truck that we got but it is a dually so we definitely grabbed these things this time because we learned from hauling the forward man you scratch stuff them wheels pretty bad and those things actually help we'll put them on the side of these little what would you call wheel wells for your little ones we put them right there we got everything got some tools we don't forget we got everything basically we don't need much because it is a running drive so I mean we did grab some bungee cords just in case we need a bungee the hood up but hopefully this thing ain't as heavy is that 450 right there man you know sketchy but it's not as far away like two and a half hours away or something like that but we're gonna go ahead and sweep all these rocks up this so they don't bang up any other cars behind us and we'll hit the road [Music] all righty I said we've been driving for about an hour and a half now we only got a little bit more to go we're gonna show you guys this new truck that we bought and why we bought it you probably tell by the title we did purchase this truck for our dad actually and the reason why is he's been trucker for over like 15 or 20 years we all know probably around 20 years now they've always been a trucker man he loves the job he loves Holland but recently he's been having troubles with the new system that they are applying on these truckers exact thing they call it a log book I'm not really sure exactly what they got going on but apparently it's harder to make money house actually do they they track your hours they don't let you drive as much and even if they pay you by the mile sometimes it's just not worth it I've heard from many truckers not only our dad that in the business that the trucking business is just almost dead it's not worth it it's a lot harder to make money I know every company is a little bit different was the one that he works for it's a lot harder to make money and sometimes you'll get stuck at like at the poor or third where they look at businesses where they load you up if they loader is not range the load you up right there like all day basically wasting the whole day to make money and other man and my dad has actually been wanting to do which his brother actually does our uncle he actually does hog shots and this is why we bought this truck we bought it for him as a surprise I'm also probably gonna buy him a trailer that way he could pretty much quit his job and work for him somewhere based himself dude and make it make his own hours and make a lot more money because that business is doing pretty good right and do the hotshot loaders I mean you can just say by the time we get there we probably see like a hundred hotshot and they're all coming all Cummins and the fifth generation or the sixth generation it's not the newest one that's what we'll be seeing mostly I hear not many forwards out there not many Fords only seen one but dude these hotshot motors are everywhere and they look like they're doing great and it's always wanted a wanted one of these he's actually been looking around and a few of them and he personally asked us if we can find a one on the auction that he probably do by but found the perfect opportunity we found one we didn't want to tell them we just went ahead and actually got a really good deal on a really good deal on it it's a ram 3500 2012 it's a little bit better than his brother so they might have to have a little argument about I'm kidding but yeah probably just gonna be chilling it would not but yeah it's definitely a nice truck I don't know if he's gonna delete his better or not yeah it just depends on what his preference is I know a lot of truckers actually delete their bed they just built like a little wheel cover ah yeah probably Eve because it just makes her truck line or maybe save some fuel or something like that but I don't know we're almost there guys they were going to show you the this truck pretty much and the crazy plans that we have on it because we're definitely gonna film the process he's probably gonna work on it most of the time but we got some pretty cool plans for so let's keep driving and she has his truck [Music] all right so we made it here to cope or let's go inside pay the people and we're gonna come right back outside and hopefully we don't get anger in our tailgate oh yeah this is this digs at Copart where we got a finger in this little thermic but no we're back man if we get another banger something's fishy going off no I think it's just difficult to load these big trucks I know it's pretty difficult you gotta have longer Forks but especially a dull man oh yes tuff hopefully we can maybe drive it out or something I don't know how I'm like that but let's just go ahead and actually pay for the sucker and then load it up and we'll just walk around the truck then right yes sir let's do it all right so we just got out of the office and we probably spent about an hour there so most we've ever spent but they're super busy today and they just actually told us some bad news that they're not gonna be able to load the 3500 but luckily this is a running drive maybe we would just be able to pull it right onto our trailer and go from there so let's give them the paperwork and see what we can get we're in the yard here got to pay for here we can't show you this we'll reveal the price I think maybe later yeah this for just to keep it a surprise but yeah let's go see if we can get a loader with some long Forks or maybe see if we can drive it out here I mean son got some bullet holes those are actually those little stick on some man that guy was just asking for a jumper box we didn't have one we totally forgot ours as well hopefully they could sip on but we put these here as you know so we don't scratch our wheels hey man it's like a thing you gotta it's competitive out here dude all these guys trying to pick up stuff they're trying to get in front of you cut line because you know everybody's trying to go oh yeah dude it's insane this guy he's come with me follow me hurry up so hopefully it starts right up that's the thing because we don't have a booster box with us yeah we don't I totally forgot about how I think these guys may have won though so never I never actually been out here you know what I mean never dude never been out here hopefully this truck is not as bad as mad at mad as it was and hopefully it's not worse than the pictures yeah he's looking for we're looking for it it's a Dodge Ram 3500 Laramie dude man oh man she is clean all right so he's gonna go fetch us a heavy-duty jumper box but dude here it is actually a really nice it's clean super blue color love it I really didn't know it was blue it really read the describe I knew it was blue 2-tone Laramie uh the dashes blown all that good stuff does it have the tummy Romy's we just checked the coolant because we are gonna start it up and actually drive it up we got the the derp max parked over there said there's no coolant at all in it so we're just gonna have to move this quick loaded up hopefully we don't have no issues like that we did on that f450 was kind of hard to load up this one it's not as wide honestly these tires are not as big you know these wheels and tires yeah tiny so might scrape this a little bit more who knows but we just got sweet I put those bars there so we should be able to just get around it hopefully no suspension damage they don't look like no suspension damage to the frame rails pretty good this tow hook actually just broke off so just like the horns of this frame rails probably that's gonna be so awesome in this apron my dude I can't I can't we got to see something actually we got to go look at one of the new the newest dirt what is this called the newest Cummins the new is coming yet there's a lot funner because we're planning on doing a full conversion front like if it's possible we're definitely gonna do it we're gonna talk to the to the dealership over there and see if they can hook us up with like a whole front end because if the aprons are the science and I was just embarrassing aprons aren't the same we're gonna be a heads up we're gonna go all the way with it if not and we're just gonna do the regular front end do something else to it maybe do some sick headlights and all that good stuff maybe a nice bumper we're definitely gonna hook our pops up all right so we actually found some coolant and we're gonna pour in there right quick you know just in case rather have something in there there nothing you know it meaningfully it doesn't just holy cow if it does it'll be alright there's some coolant in this reservoir tank so suck it out of there too you know if anything dude this thing is not that filthy to be honest with you you know what I mean I was looking under the wheel wheels rust nothing crazy like that you know all original pretty much which is a really good sign tires got a little bit of wear there but I mean it's not crazy on the mileage seventy seven thousand miles that's that's breaking it in right break it in with these trucks right here look at this one over here it's a barn 3500 man yeah you're basically bias for scrap unless you maybe the frame rails are good I don't know no they've been torched dude it's got a good engine in it though probably still kick on and run maybe they've got a lot of burnt vehicles out here man I got a new Dodge right here fifteen hundred I think oh it is a Cummins actually is it yeah this is a 25 no this is the same body style just a newer truck you have a Cummins man we're out here lurking I don't know if we were supposed to be doing this but this is the front end that we want to do to it well actually look at it right now is the front end the same let's see whatever we'll look at it at the dealership I don't want to get in trouble cuz they're kind of strict around here with these cars actually Nashville I noticed they're pretty dang strict oh yeah but it's all good man we're gonna try to get this sucker on man we're good [Music] therefore pindy you got plenty come on he comes to strike just a little bit that's it right there we're gonna level it out though all right so we finally got this sucker leveled out somewhat it's gonna be tough calling it back home but we do got to remove these ramps right oh yeah just like that forward over there yeah but it's honestly I don't think it's as long as the four but it may be just as heavy it's gonna be kind of sketchy but we're trying to move quick because we got to get out of these guys ways man you know I mean they got a drive back and forth and our truck is blocking it and if we're blocking there we're basically slowing their business I see a little bit of coolant leaking somewhere over there but a good fill up with cool good thing you didn't yeah because we did have it running for a good bit which is kind of sketchy but I don't think they blew a head gasket or anything look at that look at that differential though dude it's crazy ain't it pretty nice and clean but yes that's definitely uh get everything ready and hit the road man figure out this technique we found a load and easy he grabs it right there selling on eBay or something next thing is gonna be to do search looks like a fish tank oh man you take all the water we had last thing that we got to do is actually strap it we're gonna do like four points probably shopping at all four points and then I think we'll be ready to hit the road way easier than those before yeah because it's not as wide in the front yeah one thing I notice is our trailer dude we may have to drop drop the trailer to like crank it down lift this up and put our hitch point right there up at the really top I'll put it on the fourth one like almost up to the very top yeah but as I right now let's do the straps first all right so she strapped up last thing that we're gonna try to do is we already listen up the trailer here as you can tell disattached put it up as high as it'll go and we're set it on to the highest setting on this Gen Y hitch here a little bit more there we go these are always sketchy to haul man we need something a heavy-duty trailer really we got the 450 mm oh yeah that's right once we get that 450 man this is gonna be like a feather in the bed oh yeah oh yeah let's go ahead hit the road [Music] here we are boys first time on the highway and how does it feel it feels pretty dang good got it in mode six man just get all that power but it's way lighter than that really if you oh yeah definitely a little quick little pitstop you know you got to check up on your stuff check your straps everything is good driving smoothly grab a couple snacks and we're just going to keep on moving already eight ladies and the Doritos look at this world's best gummy worms get a gas station pizza and one of these those aren't usually the best but I'll give it a shot [Music] engine powers reduced we just got a chicken to check engine light that just went off we went through our little tuner there and it told us what was wrong and what did I say beautiful build up yes hi sue or something hi vehicle read something like that it needs a region because it has a diesel particulate filter and it was maybe getting clogged up or something saying - too rich what does that mean I don't know idea but it's it's been a while I don't want to do the region and it take like an hour some because it says pop the hood make sure there's perfect air flow and I don't you know I don't want nothing to mess up while we're out here because we're still pretty far pretty far away out about an hour out so we're gonna check this out and you see what we're gonna come up with cleaning exhaust filter must continue driving so we're gonna get back on the road and just keep keep moving man hopefully nothing happens hopefully we can make it home nice that's why not a big fan of this LP 5 not a big fan of the effing exhaust whatever they wanna do to these new trucks man but they're they're regulating this stuff too so you gotta be legal but I guess we can still go pretty quick so we're just on power I mean I can't go past 2500 rpm we saw but you can go you can make it up to like 70 miles an hour Egyptian so we're just gonna try to limp it on home and try to figure it out there [Music] who you finally made it home limp that sucker home I don't know if I'm a Duramax fan anymore come on keep on coming back what do you think max they don't think nothing of it Thomas is the mechanic he's the one that's really going to tell us if it's a go or no but dude this thing is looking good didn't love the two-tone yeah that's good right there he's trying to reach in it with his with his foot right there but it was running funky man I did not know what's up with that Duramax right there are you still a very Mac's fan yeah that I mean that sucks dude it's like it's pretty much an OEM truck and it started malfunctioning got a check engine light on this thing too heavier Saab this thing is not nearly as heavy as the f450 do this for life actually pulling up really good it was pulling up the hill then once I got up to the top of the hill and I was going down there everything cut on so I don't know if it got too hot or something because I did have it in level six trying to get all the power I mean it was performing good we got to figure that out definitely needs a regen or something like that but let's go ahead drop or put these ramps back on and get this sucker off of here dude Oh Pop's is not here we were supposed to surprise him but he's at work like we said he gets them bad hours yeah he gets bad hours he did call them last minute he had to go but he'll be here early in the morning so we got to get this sucker ready maybe clean it up a little bit or something listen let's make it look speaking Spanish do it alright so we just try to start this sucker up and our booster box is completely did we'll probably give it a start tomorrow but that's right now I got a neutral right yes sir yep keep going you don't get a little bit of speed so now I'm not running - don't run straight clean into that ass mm like a rough a little bit more a little bit more right there's perfect she is looking good but she's gonna look better once we're done with her but that's gonna be all for tonight we're probably gonna catch you guys tomorrow in the morning all right so it is the next day here we let the battery charge up overnight so I should just fire right up then we're gonna pull it up into the driveway wash the exterior and also clean the interior and we're gonna fully inspect this thing with you guys [Music] dang guys take this thing out dude it definitely cleaned up oh my goodness dude it looks brand-new man meant from here on down but yeah you don't want to record that son don't worry too much about that but now we're gonna move on to the interior we didn't show you guys much of it but dude it is pretty than clean already so or not even have to do much dude it's got all the mats leather is nice and clean no stains and none of that stuff and look at this then what we got here we get up in here before we get started cleaning this we got a little PG son that's pretty sweet if he decides to I convert this into like a sleeper back here I know some haulers will actually do that look this comes with two sets of headphones you know dude listen like that if that is legit oh my goodness it's got heated seats back anyway what is them connections can you play some Xbox back here Xbox one back here or something more data yes more easy well yeah let's go ahead and actually open everything up grab some cleaner materials probably take out some of these mats and get to clean it [Music] check it out we got the entire interior all cleaned up she is looking nice and clean we went ahead and actually pressure wash these carpets because it was a lot of gunk on them but they're drying right now and dudes man this thing is starting to look brand new go to the front here dude look at this we even were able to clean out the air bag damages right yep we don't even have to do nothing now man we're gonna pop this one in but we just cut them out of the way so it's just a lot easier to pull this thing around but dude this thing is not on me that's what I'm saying dude it's definitely growing on me dude this it's actually really nice I can't believe how nice it is for 2014 right 2012 2012 due that is insane how much technology I guess this is just the Laramie or whatever you want to talk is actually probably the leading in technology to their newest one it's got all sorts of bells and whistles they got a big old screen right here so they're don't end a sound system we found the sub boofer in here here there's a subwoofer underneath the seat guts the Alpine sound system looks really I can't believe that has one of these got a socket though it's got there it's fully loaded heated and cooled seats up front and look at this leather dude it is mint knows what I was thinking this leather is actually some durable leather because on GMC our GMC 3 1919 the leather over here has already has some crazy creases this thing just taking a beating it keeps on going hey it took a lickin and kept on ticking right there that's right but that's pretty much it let's shut her down and uh unfortunately our dad actually will not be here today right so I guess he's gonna have to watch the YouTube video and get a surprise via YouTube oh yeah it's gonna be crazy he's gonna be calling us and stuff understand what's going on this truck is that really yeah this is gonna be awesome and as for the exterior we're gonna do a quick walk around and check it out dude surprisingly these doors right here were untouched but the fender is mangled up so we're definitely gonna need a fender bunch of body panels the hood the other fender is actually in great condition gonna need some framework probably so we're gonna go ahead and ask vtune to probably come check it out sometime and I have to order aprons radiator support the whole entire cooling system and this is a regular intercooler it's not water to air like the Ford but that sucker is probably gonna be very expensive gonna need a bumper unless we do an aftermarket but we're probably gonna ask pops what he wants maybe he wants to go all original I don't know you know he may like that chrome stuff I may go with the 2020 front-end dude if it works if it works for definitely gonna talk him into the oh yeah obviously gonna need a bunch of parts here but stay tuned for the next video but honestly I want to thank you guys for helping us make this happen we couldn't have done it without you you guys are part of the goon squad family and we used to appreciate all the love and support but that is gonna be a wrap for today's video make sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything and also be sure to follow us on Instagram to get an inside scoop before YouTube and also guys if you want to help support your boys be sure to check out goon squad com we just restocked on these hoodies right here they always sell out quick so definitely check out goon squad calm and coffee one so with all that being said thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to stay tuned and we'll catch you next time peace [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,877,840
Rating: 4.9335184 out of 5
Keywords: rebuilt, wrecked, salvaged, rebuilding a wrecked 2012 dodge ram 3500, rebuilding a wrecked dodge ram 3500, rebuilding a wrecked dodge ram, rebuilding a wrecked ram 3500, buying my dad his dream wrecked truck, buying my dad his dream truck, buying my dad a truck, goonzquad ram, goonzquad, rebuilding a wrecked truck, rebuilding a salvaged truck, copart build, copart rebuild, goonzquad dad
Id: -GvZhD7BE9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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