ReaPitch in REAPER

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[Music] hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm going to show you the read pitch plugging in Reaper now reap it is another plugin that comes free with Reaper it's basically used to alternate the pitch of our audio or it's also known as a harmonizer and it could be used on any instrument in this video we're going to focus on vocals a vocal track here let's see what it sounds like let's put that plug-in on there on the track effects right here we'll go to the repo ones and go over here to reap it shoppers up this plugin by default it's fully wet adjustment we make give me on the full signal we're not hearing any dry right now so if we play it now it sounds exactly the same because nothing's changed over here they're off at the zero let's go through these the the judgment is to shift the pitch with full range I'm not going to worry about that one if you want to fine-tune it you could do it here but it's more useful to go down here so you can shift it by semitones so if we shift it up by one semitone it's stuff like this or if we go down by semitone it sounds like this so let's make it useful what shifted up by four semitones which is a major third higher let's mix back in the dry sound so you can see the original vocal with the Elbe syrup so created harmony if you want to end up a fifth we go down here to add a shifter which is going to add another pitch shifter so you could have multiple ones that play at the same time in fact you could have as many as you want just by adding them here we'll get back to that in a bit let's start with just two first one on +4 and the second one will put the plus 7 which isn't up a fifth so we should have a three part harmony and to make it more interesting would take the first shifter and pan it to the left and the second one will pay into the right the direct sound is still in the middle where it's originally pant pretty cool now besides doing semitones we do octaves swiftly the shifter back to the first one let's put this back to zero and shift it up an octave right here with panic back in the middle I [Music] we can go down an octave right here let me go ease blend each shifter right here [Music] to get the perfect mix of each shifter with the original sound now if you notice these octaves sound a bit weird if we turn off the dry in this backup it sounds very shifted if you don't like that effect we can adjust it with the format we can adjust sense or semitones let's go two semitones and bring this up plus 12 ah it's still down an octave but doesn't sound is weird because by adjusting the formula it makes up for the pitch shifting we do the same thing if we bring it up go up an octave let's bring the four-man shift down an octave to minus 12 it doesn't sound as chipmunky as this that sounds a bit weird so we blend us in with original [Music] it's a bit more useful if we go down an octave we bring this up an octave [Music] and it's definitely more musical and we don't have to do big changes to use this plugin it can be used very subtly in fact a harmonizer effect use subtly there's one of those common effects used by mixers so put these all back and what shifted with sense we a fine-tuning let's bring it up by 10 cents which creates this effect let's paint it to the left let's create another one pan that went to the right and ship that one out 20 cents so to the left is 10 cents and to the right is 20 cents so it should create a very stereo effect pretty interesting it really fattens up the direct sound before and after now it's tying all together and have them all play at the same time let's start with this keeping a very subtle let's say another one pan it to the left and bring it up four semitones which again is an upper major third Oh what's adjust the formant shift to make up for that so bring it down - four let's create another one a plus seven which is an upper fifth and do the same thing over here go to minus seven let's pan this to the right let's create another one octave down we'll bring the format 12 or up inactive pan that in the middle [Music] and then finally we'll do an upper octave sing this up when octave and this down an octave keep it in the middle lets blend it any time we could soul each one of these shifters so can we adjust it here's one two three four [Music] five and finally six and turn this off so to hear them all at the same time oh it's a pretty cool effect if you want to change the pitch shift algorithm you can do down here soundTouch what - this one ready the parameters within it that's pretty much it that's the reap it plumbing in Reaper I hope you learned something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks you ah
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 55,568
Rating: 4.9780369 out of 5
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Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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