ReaVoice in REAPER

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[Music] hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm going to show you reavoice in Reaper the resource is a plugin that comes with Reaper it's a MIDI controlled multi voice pitch shifter you can control it with a keyboard and affect the pitch shifting that's happening and it can be used on anything in this video we'll be using a vocal so the vocal tract here let's see what it sounds like let's put the plug in on that vocal tract we'll go to track effects go down here to the built-in plugins and choose re voice starts off completely wet so we're already gonna hear the effect not the dry sound put it now we don't hear anything that's because a MIDI key has to be hit in order to trigger this otherwise it's muted let's make a new track over here limit MIDI and the routing from this track to this track now we don't need the audio for set this to nine so they send MIDI right here on all channels to all channels set up over here each channel is set a zero so it's going to receive on any MIDI chat so we'll leave it like that let's set the input on this track to be MIDI go into a chord and here's a MIDI keyboard down here fault if I play see four on the keyboard we're not going to hear any pitch shift check it out it sounds exactly the same because I'm holding down c4 on the keyboard a thin or no I play higher like a d4 it pitch shifts up a whole-step or if we go down to b-flat the pitch shifts down whole step it's important to note the notes that we're playing on the keyboard are just relative to the vocal tract we're not actually choosing those notes when I play a b-flat the thing is not going to sing a b-flat I'm just going to pitch shift by the distance from our c4 so it's b-flat it would be down a whole step from the original notes pitch now because they can hit a key and have a turn on and off we could use this plug-in as a key it's create effects like this [Music] we could use the attack and the release to affect that 20 attacks to be quicker and the release to be quicker we can create a more obvious stutter effect we can add filters on top of this to create a more interesting effect FX chain right here let's add a low-pass filter with parametric modulation sound like this keep in mind I'm not doing any pitch shifting at this point we're just using it as a gate for still hitting c4 quite different notes we'll hear some pitch shifting but for now let's turn this off now if we want to bring in the dry sound you can do it here and then we get a pitch shifting on top of the dry sound so I play an e we created harmony in this case an upper third but we could bring down the dry sound and change our voices to two voices and create the same effect by primacy then de [Music] but doing it this way we could change both notes and gain an extra voice to create a three-part harmony like this [Music] or for [Music] we could change the chords to create a whole new part [Music] and to make it somewhat subtle let's put the attack and release back to the fault and down over here we can change the pitch shift mode from a default to soundTouch which change the algorithm [Music] you [Music] for this one well you can combine it to create chords and a subtle effect let's put this back to fault the attack and release to be quicker and things like this so that's pretty much it that's reavoice it's a MIDI controlled multi voice pitch shifter that's included in Reaper I hope you learn something I hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks you [Music] ah
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 37,108
Rating: 4.9678392 out of 5
Id: GehlHQsmXic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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