The Pitch Envelope in REAPER

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hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm gonna show the pitch envelope in Reaper never project appear where I've already imported a synth loop and it sounds like this I'm really happy with the rhythm but the musical note doesn't change so when he's a pitch envelope to adjust it if we go to our track over here we'll track envelopes we'll notice something missing there's volume pan with and even mute but there's no pitch envelope on the track so if we want a pitch envelope we need to get it from the item or more specifically on the take so it's select our item go to the item menu and go down here to take we can see I take envelopes down here there's one for volume pan mute and also pitch but we could also find this if we right-click our item go take and go right down here take pitch envelope and if we choose it it's going to create a pitch envelope we can use which shows up right over here and we could draw on it just like any other envelope in Reaper hold a control on the PC or command on the Mac and we could just draw it in it's gonna change the pitch with that envelope no no don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know now by default we can only bring it up +3 or down -3 if you want to go further we need to change a preference so let's go to our preferences go to options preferences and we'll scroll down to envelope display and right over here we have per take pitch envelope range by default it's 3 let's change it to 12 although we could change it to anything we want but choosing 12 will give us a full octave set you are in bigger changes oh no no no no colder but if we want to create specific musical notes we want to be more precise so it's zoom in for the first area we want to change out now out let's go right over here hold on shift and create two points then we could bring this up by hand but we could right-click it and choose set point value or we could hold down control on the PC or command on the Mac and double-click it and change it right here let's make it plus three semitones that's gonna sound like this now down down down then right over here we could change it again hold on shift create two points double click it and change it to minus two counter counter alfalfa cold we can keep doing this changing the pitch as we go let's make this plus 500 and they bring it back down it's an X bar back to zero downtown downtown so that's one way of adjusting the pitch of our audio but we could also do it in steps once we set this now let's go back to our preferences because right now if we create a few points right here and right here and bring it up as a segment it's hard to get it perfect so instead let's go to our preferences and choose the option next to here for snapping it's off by default but we could change it to semitones or different cent values but with semitones it's going to snap to the nearest musical note so now I could bring this up in steps let's go up three and hear that no no no you change this to be minus two oh no no don't encounter help help No then go up five over here we'll get the same result but we do it a different way by bringing up and down our segments makes it a bit easier for trying out different notes no no we could also do things like slides if this note right here let's create two new points and start it up as high as possible to create this effect no no no and do the opposite on this note slide it all the way down nope Delta Delta no no no don't know so you can create interesting slides with the envelope no no no no no no as you can see the options are endless but it's a great way of tuning our audio using envelopes either moving it with points and creating slides or creating segments that are gonna snap to semitones or to notes and we could use this with any audio you want whether it be a vocal a piano a bass guitar we could fix notes or create melodies right in the fly using a novel no no no so that's pretty much it that's the pitch envelope in Reaper I hope you learned something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time thanks [Music] you ah you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 36,931
Rating: 4.9795747 out of 5
Id: khx6GfBAZnY
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Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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