JS: 1175 Compressor in REAPER

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[Music] hi i'm kenny joya welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video i'm going to show you the js 1175 compressor in regal the js 1175 compressor is based on a very simple compressor design like the universal audio 1176 compressor which is one of the most classic compressors ever built great for any source for controlling dynamics in our mixes the 1175 compressor was designed by stilwell who also designed the rocket compressor which is very similar except it has a nicer graphic interface an extra parameter and auto makeup gain so if you prefer this plug-in you can get it for a reduced price right down here otherwise you can use this free version that comes with reaper the js 1175 compressor so let's see how it sounds on drums i have a drone project set up here with a kick a snare overheads and room mics let's hear it sounds now [Music] let's start out with the snare let's sew it and go to the track effects on this track go to the filter and search 1175 and it shows up right here double click it and it looks like this with the threshold setting the ratio which also includes the all button which is all four buttons pushed down on the original 1176 compressor which creates a super compressed sound then we have the gain or makeup gain the attack and release and the mix knob to create parallel compression and a meter down here to see how much gain we're reducing i like to start with the attack a bit slower so the transients can get through then we'll bring down the threshold to create some gain reduction or compression [Music] with a slow attack the compressor takes longer to respond [Music] with a quicker attack the gain reduction happens right away and the release decides how quickly the gain reduction goes back to normal so you can make it really fast or really slow [Music] and we can see the release on the meter let's make it faster notice how it adds a crack to the snare when you get the attack and release just right let's hear with the rest of the drums [Music] now let's try compressing the kick go to the track effects double-click the plug-in give it a sew attack a faster release it makes the kick hits sound more even and if we adjust the mix we can make the sound sound more subtle as we blend the compressed sound with the dry let's hear it with the other drums [Music] now i don't usually put compression on the overheads but i always do on the rooms double-click it and let's bring down the threshold [Music] notice how dramatic it sounds now here the difference we make the release as fast as possible [Music] and now slower [Music] [Music] let's hear that in the track [Music] let's put it back in seoul with a longer release [Music] [Music] now let's try it with all buttons in [Music] [Music] adjust the mix to blend the direct and the compressed sound [Music] let's put it back to four [Music] and let's hear it in the track [Music] so the next thing we could do is to compress all the drums as a group with a drum buss let's add a new track and name it drum buss then we'll drag it to the top and make it a folder by hitting this button now anything we do to this track will affect everything below it in a group so let's add the compressor to this track which will compress all the drums together [Music] let's try all buttons [Music] this is a great use of the mix control we can over compress the drums but just use a little mix back in to the direct sound [Music] let's go back to four to one [Music] sounds good and this could be used on any instrument whether it be bass guitar or vocals i just really prefer it for drums so we wanted to show it off for that use so that's pretty much it that's the js 1175 compressor in reaper hope you learned something hope you could use it and i'll see you next time thanks [Music] bingo boys let's go [Music] you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 9,492
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: eJM9qZbI0k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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