Creating an Exciter FX in REAPER

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[Music] hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm going to show you how to create an exciter effect in Reaper and this is something I came up with years ago on an analog console but it'll work in Reaper the same way and it's the idea of adding brightness a high end two tracks in a very controlled way one of the uses for this is for drums I have a drum track in front of me here let's hear it it sounds pretty good but it could be more exciting and a bit brighter so let's create this exciter effect stop making the new track I'll name it exciter let's give it a color so it stands out bread and I'll get a bus follow these tracks to that track and we'll do it quickly by sucking them all hold down shift and drag the routing button from any of them to that track and what that's going to do is it created ascend from all the drum tracks to the excited track as we see here by default thorough post-fader and full volume or zero for the most part that'll work for this so we change the level of any of these tracks the excitable change as well if you want it to be separate just set these up to be pre fader and create a separate mix for the exciter over here I'm going to leave it at post fader so we can close this if I play it now we're going to hear the drums twice as loud through here on the individual tracks and through the exciter track so let's turn it off on the individual tracks with the mole selected just go to the routing hold on ultimate PC for option on the Mac and just click it and all these tracks are removed from master parents sent see it's turned off I'm only gonna hear the drums - this track [Music] but it sounds exactly the same so they treat the excited track let's go to our facts said in EQ I'm going to use the Reaper EQ right here we EQ but any EQ will work so start off with a high-pass filter so we can roll off all the low-end you just want to focus on the top end right about that feels good about 2 kilohertz now we want to boost just the top end that sounds really pretty use a high-end shelf right here what's fine with that spot is thought about that feels good about seven-and-a-half kilohertz and because the high shutting EQ it's going to boost from here all the way up want to do is that a compressor to this so we can compress the top-end so add one here I'm going to use the repo compressor but once again if you use any compressor you want is four to one and a really fast attack and a pre fast release [Music] we really want to control just the top end this way it doesn't jump out if the drummer hits the cymbals so now we have some really controlled top-end never the back excite attract bring the volume down let's take these tracks with more selected hold on old on the PC option on the Mac to put them back for the master parent sent see right here it's turned on Snuggie hear the drums the original way and I could blend in the exciter track right here let's do that for the mixer here's the drum tracks and he's the exciter let's try to blend it in that sounds a lot more exciting before sounds a bit dark so now it's brighter but it's more controlled brightness because you can press this track quite a bit so top end is very consistent but it's blending in with the original drums [Music] and we can tweak this a taste using our EQ or the compressor let's try the same thing on a vocal track vocal track right here but Siri sounds like because I'm a man I'm child I'm a horse running why that's a bit dark so it's a the exciter to the smoke can we'll make a new track will drag this to this track fill up post fader which name is six ITER let's give it a color let's take this are they nice to parents end because I'm a man we're only hearing it to hear on this track again we'll high-pass it cuz I'm a man-child then boost it with a high shelf just on the range what's really pretty [Music] everybody it feels good now we had a compressor to control it right here I'm child I'm a horse running wild I'm ship storm surrounded by love still owned I'm here I'm Sun everybody feels good now bring the fader down on this one and put this one back on the mast apparent scent autum PC option on the Mac he's the original cuz I'm a man I'm a child not splendid cuz I'm a man I'm a child I'm a horse running wild I'm a ship got in the storm surrounded by love but still alone before cuz I'm a man I'm a child so it's a bit dark not so exciting it brings us back in it's a controlled top end to make it sound brighter but not jumping out in the high end cuz I'm a man I'm a child I'm a horse running why so this will work on any type of track could be acoustic guitar or even a piano but this is how you create an exciter effect in Reaper I hope you learn something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks you [Music] Oh
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 20,609
Rating: 4.9817352 out of 5
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Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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