Musical Instrument - Multi Sampling in REAPER (ReaSamplOmatic5000)

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hi I'm Carrie Joya welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm gonna show you how to create musical instrument multi sampling in Reaper now the idea of musical instrument multi sampling is using the sampler that's built into Reaper for playing back musical instruments as opposed to drums or sample effects where we can create pitched instruments from samples just give it a shot I have a track over here with the input is set up so a MIDI keyboard monitoring is turned on and it's in record so I put my keyboard I should see input on this track and we do so now let's put a plug in on this track go down here to instruments and choose the plug-in that comes with Reaper called resample Matic 5000 double-click it and it puts the plug in on that track we're not gonna hear anything yet we need to put a sample into this plugin now typically it would be a drum sound so it wouldn't be pitched but in this video we're gonna use pitch sounds so let's go to a directory which is the Explorer on PC or the finder on Mac and find some samples I have some one-shot samples over here and they sell like this you [Music] let's try this one so drag this in this window right here and we can play it with a keyboard right away but if you notice the pitch doesn't change when I go up and down the keyboard it plays the same pitch no matter what we could change that by changing the mode right here but switch it to note semitone shifted if I put the keyboard with different notes we hear different pitches also every note is the same volume if we want to change that and make it velocity-sensitive take the minimum volume and bring it all the way down so I put a keyboard soft it's quieter play it harder its louder so now it's velocity-sensitive we could just the volume of the sound right from here let's bring it down a bit and we also want to change the option down here obey note offs right now we play it it plays the whole sample no matter what when we hold it down or not if we choose this it only plays the sample we hold down the key if we let go it'll be shorter longer or shorter which makes more sense for musical sound or a sound with pitch I'm also noticing it's a bit short at the end we can make that sound longer we'll hold out by adjusting the release let's make it a bit longer and now it will hold out even if we let go of the key making it sound more natural in the release or longer if we hold it down now that the sample has a pitch we could play a melody on this track but close this and going to record and play a melody on this track [Music] here back [Music] and just like that we made a one-shot sample musical but we could play a melody on it with different pitches for different keys but we can get more complicated with it using multi samples which is the idea of having different samples on each key or a small range of keys making it some more natural as you go up and down the keyboard like if we play really high doesn't sound right or really low because the note is stretching too far so for this sound it sounds pretty good there's short range but not much wider than that so let's create a different sound using multi samples which is different samples for each note or a limited range of notes let's go to this track for the effects on it at the plug in to this truck resupply Matic 5000 and this time we had samples for Mellotron flu I downloaded a few right here and they're already set up with different notes C 3 C 4 so he could put each note on their own key it'll sound more natural up and down the keyboard so it start off with the lowest note the G - let's drag it in right here again we can play it on a keyboard but it's not going to change pitch unless we change the mode right here to note semitone shifted let's turn on obey note offs it'll sound like this no mellotron tend to be very short at the end let's raise the release just a bit so it sounds more natural without a click at the end that sounds better let's bring the volume down a bit we could also adjust the attack if we don't want the sound to be too clicky it'll fade in a bit mokemo Nagato we'll make it quick like this let's leave that there and now let's set up the notes so the correspond with our keyboard so the notes start is going to be G 2 which is the number 43 so now it's going to start on G 2 so I play lower than G 2 we don't hear the sound because it starts at g2 but the notes to low because it's plugin defaults to minus 69 which switch this to zero and then g2 will actually play g2 and again if we go lower it doesn't play but right now we can go as high as g9 and it's also gonna play but doesn't sound very good so it's limited up to the next sample that we're gonna bring in which we see over here is c3 so let's change this to 47 which is a b2 right before that's c3 so I'm only gonna hear from g2 to be too we hit the sea it doesn't play we're gonna add in a new sample for c3 so go over here to c3 but don't drag it in yet first we're gonna copy this plugin and then paste it to duplicate it then for the second one we'll drag in c3 and that will duplicate while the parameters from the first sample to the second sample but we want to change the notes start and the note and we'll change this to 48 which is c3 and 54 which is f sharp 3 because the next note over here is the G 3 so we're not going to go into that range now if we play the keyboard in this area [Applause] it plays a new sample let's compare the first sample going in to the second sample it's a little bit different we can readjust that with a volume if we want to making it lower or louder to match [Applause] it's a bit low let's bring it up that sounds better so they have two samples they're gonna play back when we go up and down our keyboard let's do the same thing for the third note copy this one and paste it and instead of dragging it in from here one of the nice things about this plug-in is if all the samples or in the same folder we could find them right here so we can switch it to g3 right from this drop down menu and we change the notes it's gonna start on g3 which is 55 and go up to 59 which is b3 which again is right before our c4 sample which is the next sample so it's play what we have and then it stops before c4 so let's copy and paste it again switch this to 60 which is c4 266 which is f sharp 4 and change this to c4 let's do one more copy-paste and switch this to g4 change the numbers 67 then a little bit higher for the node end to 72 so we could use the c5 which sounds like this which is probably the highest note that we need so now let's hear them all [Laughter] so I can create melodies with these notes reading play chords or melodies over quartz [Applause] and just like that we created a preset or a multi sampled musical instrument that we could call at any point so if you want to save this just go right here and right click go to effects chains and save all effects as a chain we'll give it a name mellotron flu and save it now at any point let's delete it from his truck you want to use that sound on this truck just right click go to the effects chains and choose that preset it opens up with all those samples already set up on our keyboard and just like that we've created a multi sampled musical instrument which we could use in any of our productions or songs that we want so that's pretty much it that's creating a musical instrument using multi sampling in Reaper I hope you learn something I hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks [Music] you ah you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 77,251
Rating: 4.9587841 out of 5
Id: VxEGphq0Gck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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