Reality Shows That Were Faked

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stephanie has countless money-saving tactics by using just one light bulb that she moves from room to room she saves more than 60 a month on her electric bill i'm not allowed to take long showers because stephanie wants to save water for the water bill i don't really get to watch my full body turn it off to keep her water bill down stephanie found a way to make sure patrick sticks to a two-minute shower right now patrick we do not have to be cheap we really don't she has money i have money that was awful look this woman is so cheap that she reuses boiling water how much water is that five cents you don't have five cents you probably wasted five cents of time pouring that stuff into a different container so you could wash the pot then she goes and feeds food out of that gross water to her kids worse if her boyfriend doesn't follow her stringent rules she yells at him what kind of man would put up with this nonsense and then have two kids with her listen to this she openly admits that she only cares about herself my family feels that my cheapskate ways are out there but i don't really care such a wonderful partner this woman stephanie is isn't she terrible except for one thing this whole show is fake entirely fake stephanie and patrick are actors and there is no way anyone is that bad no one is going around their house carrying around a single light bulb so they can save a few bucks on electricity if you are financially intelligent you'll know about a thing called opportunity cost when you spend all this extra work just to save a few cents you are losing tons of money by not spending that time investing in yourself or working an actual job if it takes you an hour to go to the store because you are busy saving money by picking all the grapes off the vine and unpeeling bananas then i who only spends 10 minutes at the store and going to have vastly more time than you to produce wealth opportunity costs are a major thing that keeps people poor but that's not how i know this show is fake sure this stuff is ridiculous but a lot of people do completely ridiculous things the primary way you can tell this show is fake is because of the acting i've taken a few acting classes in my day and one thing i can tell you is that mimicking real emotions is actually pretty difficult humans are very good at determining authenticity because our survival depends on it so actors who can play characters believably are typically people who are on screen making a good living there aren't endless amounts of good actors for reality tv shows to just thumb through watch this next clip of patrick he invited his friends over for a football party and is explaining the rules of the house come on hey this is the second time you did that i gotta save money for electricity i'm sorry i have to i have to turn it off when it's a commercial no they having this so the only reason i would ever believe that these people came to this party was so they could be on tv how do you know when the commercials are over when the tv is off people aren't going to go to a party where they miss half the game because of that you can also see that patrick is so out of character that he is almost laughing while he says it there are several times where both him and stephanie do that once you see that you'll start noticing all the ridiculous stuff in this segment like the people at the party have to carry a candle to go to the bathroom because there's only one light on in the house isn't that candle more expensive than a light but stephanie is supposedly so cheap that she won't even buy cotton swabs you think that she wants to spend money on matches or lighters to light that candle every time someone uses it also if it's nighttime and you only have one light bulb how do you see the light fixture well enough to screw in the light bulb i guess they use the candle for that wouldn't it be vastly easier and less time consuming to have the lights already installed and then just turn one off as you turn another on anyway since i cover a lot of reality tv this has been a highly requested video especially because i recently dropped a video that i was almost done with because i found out that a crucial part of the story was lied about we'll get into it but first if you like the content you see on this channel then consider making a donation viewer support helps keep me independent and it helps fund a lot of the quality improvements that i make on this channel links to my paypal patreon and subscribe star pages can all be found in the description and also don't forget to support me on alt tech links to my bit shoot channel my minds page and my parlor page can be found in the description as well now before i talk about the show i dropped and a different huge case of misrepresentation from an extremely popular show i would like to expand on this idea of proper affect affect is your emotional state the difference between a good actor and a bad actor is that good actors can accurately mimic real affect bad actors can't you can see tons of examples of bad acting on daytime tv here's an example from the steve wilco's show here's your girl kimberly not that long i'm not crazy you're the one that made me crazy how do i make you crazy look at all the messages tyrese what messages what messages between you and your co-worker whatever whatever i do what i want that's not how real people act she is way too emotional for someone who just stepped out onto a stage in front of a bunch of people she doesn't know you expect me to believe that both of them are completely comfortable hashing out personal drama in front of a live audience neither of them are even nervous there is no withholding of emotions or fear of public speaking like there would be with real people i will note that steve wilkos was one of the security people on jerry springer which is another fake show does this mean that every daytime talk show is fake no but if you can't tell that these people are actors then that's a problem because if you can't determine which emotions are real and which emotions are not real you're going to have a very hard time telling if people in your life are lying to you just to drive my point home on proper emotion allow me to show you some examples from past material that i've used speaking of tlc and not every show on tlc is fake or entirely fake one of the shows i covered is called the my 600 pound life i think this show is a perfect example because we can see the contrast of someone who is experiencing real emotions versus when that same person is trying to fake those emotions to appear interesting this episode of my 600 pound life follows maya and christian as they work together to help maya lose weight here is a pivotal scene that occurs after maya has failed to meet her weight loss goals i hate you for doing this to me christian why can't you just answer the questions oh you're costing me my weight loss surgery and you're ruining everything mom everything up at the doctor's office you see all that excellent emotion that was real it's very difficult to fake that believably and i know it's not fake because there are other parts of the show where maya is trying to fake emotions like anger and she can't i can't believe this they don't have the right car reserved for us this is completely ridiculous i literally cannot believe how much wrong information has been given to me about today and how so many people can screw up allow me to break some of the magic of tv all of these voice-overs are recorded after the show is already done they don't do them while the show is going on because they don't know what scenes they're going to pick and doing voiceovers for everything would be vastly more work so we hear maya describing what's going on after she is out of the emotional state she was in when she was experiencing that stuff and she can't show proper emotion her voice is flat and not in the proper tone of someone who is actually angry this means that maya was being authentic when she was yelling and crying at her ex-boyfriend if she was an actress she would be able to show proper emotion in the doctor's office and while she was doing the voiceover in fact it would be better for ratings if she could but she can't and they don't hire actors who are that good because actors who are that good are busy making real money instead of doing reality tv you can also see a lot of this go on in 90 day fiance here's an example of real emotion from that show [Music] and fisa got mad at me because i left her and i tried to go see the lawyer alone what is the problem i am coming back i am coming back try that yourself can you replicate that demon scream that anfisa just gave i certainly can't there are all kinds of techniques that you have to use to put yourself in that emotional state that takes tons of practice one thing that stands out about 90 day fiance is that if something interesting happens off camera they will reshoot that scene which by the way i don't consider fakery because those things actually happened that's more so hollywood magic but if you pay attention you can actually tell which scenes were we shot and which scenes were not in the re-shot scenes their voices are flat just like maya's was when she did the voiceover for my 600-pound life that's because they aren't experiencing the emotions that they are trying to fake it's more like they are trying to focus on bullet points to accurately recreate the conversation they had off camera now does that mean that everything on 90 day fiance is fake no the people on 90 day fiance are real people who have real social media accounts and make a stink about the show not paying them because american law prevents the ones on visas from being paid and i assure you the ones who do get paid get paid almost nothing for the show but on that point of fakery even ridiculous things like this are real the iedl girl isn't thinking that her ideal guy still lives at home in mom's basement right mom but i do not sure if you want to go on a date with me well would a t-shirt change your mind i made out with skippy for three minutes and all i got was this lousy t-shirt skippy likes to make t-shirts i do did you think yeah yeah yeah yeah cause i am in fact fun and single and ready to mingle i want a girl to be like wait you're saying how are you still single yes this guy skippy is a real person who has been making youtube videos on basically the same idea for years he still hasn't found his soul mates so here's the big question why would they fake this stuff why would they use convenient editing or frame things in a certain way well the reason they do that is to make the show sellable every single piece of media needs what is called a hook comedy has to have a hook news has a hook music has a hook books have hooks movies have hooks a hook is something that catches your attention if there is no hook you won't consume the media because it will be boring in fact in terms of youtube a lot of really talented creators fail to build a following because they are simply not hooking their audience when it comes to reality tv a lot of times they have real people but they don't have a hook so they implant one this brings us to the show i had to drop which was kitchen nightmares while the episode i was going to cover did contain real people it contained a real failing restaurant with awful management and an awful chef however the hook that show used was implanted this was a problem because my entire video was based on their hook the show's producers know that ramsay fixing a broken restaurant is not good enough it needs something extra added to catch lots of people's attention this is actually one of the major differences between the british version of kitchen nightmares and the american version of kitchen nightmares the british version is way more relaxed and just gets to the point whereas the american version is more edgy and creates a sort of story around the restaurant i'm not saying that every episode of kitchen nightmares is like this but in this episode you can definitely tell the narrative is forced and that almost made me initially refuse to cover it it's too bad i didn't stick with that judgment but instead of me telling you about it let me just roll the intro clip i planned for that video tonight on kitchen nightmares a husband and wife team have lost their passion not just for the restaurant but for each other as well the husband is drowning at work whoa come on while the wife prefers to avoid it biggest problem in the restaurant right now would definitely have to be lisa marx in the restaurant at least 10 or 12 hours a day seven days a week most of the time lisa is on the beach down the cape somewhere mark and i's relationship has been better let's just say there's an indent on the couch from where he sleeps so the narrative for that episode was lazy wife has her husband work 12 hours a day seven days a week while she takes vacations on the beach when she comes into the restaurant she doesn't work she just texts on her phone and leaves after two hours she believes that she's doing a lot she comes in in the morning couple days a week that's really it she's in two days a week you're in uh seven i see myself struggling and i don't know why she's not jumping into hell i have to work twice as hard because she doesn't if their restaurant fails so will their marriage okay that premise right there is ridiculous and kind of like it was written for a movie their marriage isn't reliant on ramsay's three-day makeover to keep their restaurant in business a segment of my script was dedicated to pointing out that the part about their marriage was probably just so they had an interesting story to tell for tv even if that story wasn't completely true it still doesn't hurt the video i was going to make so what if they made some parts up they still had a failing restaurant the husband and the wife were still severely unqualified to do their jobs they still had a psychic in the restaurant for some reason holy crap jessica yes is that a crystal ball on the table yeah she's a psychic reader she gets paid through the restaurant wow hello how are you hi good how are you yeah thank you i've never seen a hat psychic before what was the first fortune you predicted um my girlfriend was trying to get pregnant and i told her i saw a girl and she got pregnant i mean the girl boy 50 50. that's not that impressive i don't believe they made this part up i have seen plenty of businesses do dumb stuff like this so the false divorce narrative doesn't ruin the show for me because it has nothing to do with why their business was failing the reason their business was failing was because lisa wasn't pulling her weight except there is one major problem with that narrative in order to make sure my videos are completely honest i fact checked them multiple times this was actually a major reason why the video i did on the island with bear grylls took over two weeks to make i kept having to fact check everything back against 13 episodes of source material to make sure that i got it all right even if you have already seen a piece of information a lot of times two days later when you go to talk about it you remember it incorrectly so it's best to recheck things when i was at the last part of editing the kitchen nightmares video i was doing some final fact checking to make sure everything was good to go and that's when i found out that the hook of the episode was made up it was what is called a lie by omission a lie by omission is when a piece of information is intentionally left out of a story in order to mislead you the media does this all the time one famous lie by omission was the covington kids case the story was that sixteen-year-old nick sandman throws entitled smirks at a native american who is just trying to show him some traditional music this narrative led to tons of threats being thrown at a child the only problem is that when you zoom out for a second you find out that the native american just all of a sudden got into this kid's face and the look nick sandman is displaying is because he is uncomfortable the zoomed in story where they just show you the smirk doesn't tell you that the reality is that this situation had over an hour of footage showing a lot of things happening on that day that the media intentionally didn't cover in the kitchen nightmares episode the lie by omission was that the reason lisa wasn't helping her husband mark at the restaurant was not because she was lazy but because she was at home taking care of a child she wasn't at the restaurant because she was a stay-at-home mom after i found that out i still gave the show the benefit of the doubt partly because i didn't want to throw away 50 hours or so of work so i said okay her kid looks pretty old he probably goes to school why isn't she helping out at the restaurant in the morning the show said that lisa shows up at the restaurant two or three days a week for only about two or three hours in the morning certainly she can do more than that what time does the restaurant open 8am 9am i did some more research and found out that the place opens up at 11 30 a.m on weekdays and two of those days out of the week it opens up at 3 30 pm so for three of the weekdays the restaurant would have been open for about two or three hours while her son was still in school and of course on the weekends she would be at home watching him this would be entirely appropriate and would be considered her pulling her own weight in the relationship now this was filmed in 2012 so the show's producers may have been expecting lisa to take on a more modern role instead of taking care of her kid but seeing that their marriage narrative was probably also a lie i'm assuming they intentionally admitted the fact that she had a kid to make the show more spicy it's been nine years and from all the information i was able to find mark and lisa still appear to be in a happy marriage which actually makes this next clip make sense i originally thought it was out of place lisa the balance isn't equal i want to do i want to turn around you sure let's just really work together on this and let's make it happen we can do it i'm excited to turn around people don't just flip like that they don't go from being on vacation all the time and working 4 to 6 hours a week to working 10 hours a day 7 days a week that was a major criticism of mine but if you factor in that she wasn't actually lazy then this makes sense to be honest though i don't philosophically agree ramsay may have been right their restaurant was in such deep water that both of them would have to forego their child and work insane hours for it to be a success they probably didn't do that i read that they changed everything back to the way it was before the show so the restaurant ended up failing in 2016. i do want to stress though that the lie by omission doesn't mean the whole show is fake it doesn't mean that gordon ramsay's advice is wrong either on the contrary i have used a lot of the principles that ramsay preaches on that show for this youtube channel and i have to say they work what it does mean though is that you have to look at the things that you see on tv critically and make your best judgment don't just blindly believe everything you see now there's one more big example of misinformation from reality tv that i want to cover but before i do that i want to add in a quick honorable mention this happens constantly and it very frequently causes me to cover material differently oftentimes editors will mix in clips together to make it seem like someone was saying something that they didn't actually say particularly when that person's off camera and people can't see their face here's an example from that same episode of kitchen nightmares the scary part is i thought all our food was good oh my god what am i gonna do so i know that they do this and even i had to listen to this clip multiple times to hear that it was pieced together the part where mark said i thought the food was good is edited listen to it again the scary part is i thought all our food was good oh my god what am i gonna do now they could have made this edit to shorten what he was saying and that edit doesn't change the context of what was being said i certainly do that all the time which is why i link all the source material in the description of every video so that everyone can see that i'm not taking people out of context but in the case of kitchen nightmares we can't see the source material for the show so we have to keep a critical eye and note that mark may have not actually said that okay now for the final act this is something i've wanted to talk about for almost a year the reason i didn't talk about it before was because the truth destroyed the hook i was going to use for it if there is no hook no one will watch the video if no one watches the video it's almost like nothing was said at all usually in situations where i don't have a good hook that will sell a video i talk about it in the community tab it takes somewhere around 40 to 60 hours to make most videos but only about 30 minutes to an hour to write out a community post and i did just that last year when the show tiger king originally aired i was going to make a video about carol baskin in her ex-husband's disappearance but after three or four days of work i decided to drop the video because tiger king's narrative wasn't true i'm glad i finally have a reason to talk about it because it turns out that tiger king lied about carol baskin and she has all the receipts certainly media will do little things to deceive you but in this case the producers of tiger king just flat out lied shortly after the show aired carol got a ton of backlash so she released this very lengthy article and a playlist discussing every lie tiger king told about her and her business there are a lot of them so i'm only going to go over the major ones that people care about if you want to see everything the playlist and the article are both listed in the description let's start with the low-hanging fruit first and then we will get to the story about carol's husband mostly because it makes sense to start with a narrative that tiger king was trying to set something you do when you write a script is set a premise a premise is a one-sentence description of the idea that you are trying to convey throughout your story this helps keep you on track and remove ideas that are irrelevant to the plots if i were to write a premise for tiger king based on what i saw on the show it would be everyone who owns tigers in a zoo or a sanctuary is a horrible horrible person joe exotic is horrible doc ansel is horrible so certainly carol baskin must be horrible too that's how the show tried to paint her and they had to throw down some serious lies to make their narrative work the first lie they had to tell was that an animal sanctuary is essentially the same as a zoo merely because both of them have animals on display this is a big problem with media they love to remove all context and nuance yes carol's sanctuary has animals in cages just like joe zoo however the difference is that sanctuaries don't buy breed sell allow public contact or take the animals off site for public exhibition zoos are there to make money by putting animals on display while sanctuaries rescue the animals from terrible situations and either reintroduce them into the wild or if they can't do that they provide the animals a place to live out the rest of their lives in terms of tigers the big money maker is tiger cubs people want their pictures taken with the cubs and they want to pet the cubs second this week you can't put a price on holding a baby that's his favorite animal i mean i hit the lottery i'll pay these people whatever they want for me to go down the reservation every day and play with them after about 12 weeks the cubs become too big and too dangerous to allow customers to be around them that's the point where they can start removing people's limbs so once the tigers hit 12 weeks they are essentially a liability that makes zoos little money and then you have to feed them for like 15 years the tiger breeders will also lie and say that the reason they are breeding tigers is to preserve an endangered species when it's really more about the hundred thousand dollars or so they can profit off of each cub in the 12 weeks that they are useful if people are concerned about tigers they should be donating their money to places like mine where we breed them number one are endangered species duh what's the first thing you should do to protect an endangered species make more in terms of conservation we already have dna saved so that future technology can repopulate them so yes tigers are an endangered species but the problem is that tigers born in captivity cannot be released back into the wild here's carol saying that i think it's important to point out that i don't believe cats belong in cages and that's why i'm being called a hypocrite because i keep saying cats don't belong in cages and then they're like well why do you have them in cages i have them in cages because they can't go free one it's illegal you can't take a captive born exotic cat and turn it loose in the wild anywhere and while it may work for small cats like bobcats or lynx it does not work for lions or tigers despite the stupid programming that you may have seen on television that made it look like that's a thing it's not a thing ask anybody who's involved in conservation and they will say there is no program that has ever successfully released a captive-born lion or tiger back to the wild the reason why tigers born in captivity can't be released into the wild is one no one wants a tiger in their backyard and two they haven't figured out how to reintegrate them certain cats can be released back into the wild and carol's sanctuary big cat rescue does do that but as for the tigers they have to remain in captivity another major difference between carol's sanctuary and a zoo is that if you dump a cat off at the sanctuary she makes you sign a contract that says she can sue you if you ever purchase a big cat or breed one again otherwise tons of tiger breeders would just keep dumping their cats off at the sanctuary as soon as they hit 12 weeks but of course tiger king doesn't tell you that the sanctuary has to keep the cats because they can't be released into the wild they also don't show you that the cages that big cat rescue are massive instead they show you the smallest part of the cage which is the feeding lot here are some of the pictures that they show you you just see the smallest part of the cage and you never see the full size they even have joe exotic yell about how small the cages are why would you give to a facility to rescue animals to live in luxurious cages well how about that one that mountain lion sticking his head through a hole in the fence in order to drink out of it joe started bashing her she started bashing him the crazy thing is is that they had footage of joe flying over carol's property in a helicopter so joe knew how big her cages were and certainly the producers knew how big the cages were because they spent a ton of time on the property filming carol my understanding is that the cages that big cat rescue are far larger than joe's cages here's how big carol's cages actually are in fact we had a bobcat that was in rehab and i had her on a camera and i was able from the size of the cage the rehab cages are 4 600 square feet and so i was able to tell from the path that she took in a single night she traveled over 16 miles see they're huge but that doesn't follow the narrative or the premise the premise is that all tiger zoo and sanctuary owners are trash so they had to make carol look like an insane person this is how they introduce her here comes carol oh she's dressed perfectly more like this then they go to this clip of her where her husband says this i think it would be fair to say that carol is the mother teresa of cats so the first thing you see of carol is them framing her as an insane hypocrite who is full of herself which means you already don't like her and if you don't like someone it's easier to feed you lies about them because people won't go through the work to fact check and defend the people they don't like that's one of the major differences between my channel and most people in media every person i talk about gets the chance to make their case and defend their point of view they all get a chance to convince me that i'm wrong originally i was on the team that was against carol baskin until i saw her rebuttal but of course in terms of the media we can't let the truth get in the way of a good story instead the producers of tiger king do this they want people to believe that carol has a zoo just like joe exotic does carol peta those characters want to attack everyone carol wants to be the last man standing there can be only one and it has to be her in my opinion carol baskin was as bad as joe they were both you know taking advantage of exotic animals to make money one of the ways they made carol sanctuary look like a zoo was they took a once a year event that big cat rescue has and made it seem like that event was every day at the sanctuary here is carol talking about that on her youtube channel some people take issue with the fact that we have guided tours what tiger king did was they showed a one day a year event that we have where people are allowed to wander through the sanctuary the rest of the time all of our tours are guided you can even see her on tiger king implying that this was a special event when she says this because we're going to have so many people here today we have brought in 76 of our own volunteers this is kind of implying that the amount of people there on that day is something unusual for big cat rescue they had so many volunteers that day because in order to let people roam free like that there has to be a bunch of people making sure visitors don't stick their hands in the cages outside of that big cat rescue does guided tours that are very small most importantly at the end of each tour they ask everyone to talk to congress about signing a bill that would put her sanctuary out of business if carol was trying to perpetuate the problem and was the same as a tiger zoo she wouldn't do that i'm not entirely sure why carol does the tours but i imagine it's not free to keep a ton of cats on your property so the money has to come from somewhere and as i suggested before it's probably a way of promoting awareness to stop cub petting but the horrible framing doesn't stop there remember they want to paint carol as the exact same thing as joe exotic so they took footage from like 20 years ago of her breeding cats this is the vhs that she made back in the day the last time i've probably seen it was 1996. our names are don and carol lewis we have really enjoyed our exotics throughout this tape we'll show you how we take them from the mother acclimate them to social life with people they have to be taken this young from the mother in order to make good quality pets from them this is one of the major things that i hate about cancer culture if you ever once did a bad thing in your past then you are forever evil and can't be redeemed literally no one can live by that standard not even the celebrities that promote this kind of cancer culture i've mentioned before that i listened to an old radio show called loveline that had a ton of celebrity guests i have heard many of them who would now be pro-censorship repeatedly use the f-word just 15 years ago f-word isn't bundle of sticks not the swear word i even have an episode of love line where super woke jimmy kimmel makes fun of transgendered people i linked it in the description for you and time stamped it oh wait i forgot your past behaviors only count if you are on the wrong team as for carol yes it appears that she did used to breed exotic cats however she learned it was wrong and stopped doing it but they still use this as see carol is just as evil as everyone else back in the early 90s she bred and showed cats and it's so funny because the very people that are against spreading used to do the same thing are people not allowed to learn things or wrong and stop doing them are people not allowed to learn from their mistakes i will say that as a person who has made bad choices in the past and learned from them the only kind of person who would suggest that someone is evil forever for making one mistake is someone who has never learned from their mistakes and has never corrected their own bad behavior they think well i can't stop doing bad things so no one else must be able to stop either this is sick and disgusting and it only shows you how immoral the proponents of cancel culture are they are screwed up people who have no intent on fixing their own problems so they just project their awful psychology onto everyone else alright last but not least the disappearance of don lewis speaking of framing one of the things that tiger king didn't really get into was that don lewis was a really really bad guy don lewis had many women in his life but the reason his ex-wife the one before carol filed for divorce was because he had relations with her 15 year old niece also carol says this in her tiger king rebuttal and then he insisted that our daughter my daughter live with us and she hadn't lived with us since she was gosh i don't even know um well actually i do know she was 12. and so when she was 12 she had her own trailer and she took care of all of her own dishes and her own food and her own laundry and everything and she had a fenced-in yard and a dog and she lived you know right next to us here at the sanctuary but i just thought it was weird that he was insisting that she'd be under the same roof with us and i held firm i wasn't going to let him have access to her and i said no carol was afraid that dawn would get at her daughter so she moved her daughter out of their house even if you look at how carol and don met they met when she was either 19 or 20 and he was in his 40s he picked her up on the side of the road as she looked distraught because she had just gotten into a major fight with her husband at the time i will note that carol is a trauma survivor and she said that on tiger king now let me say that if you think that don lewis just randomly found carol on the street that night then you don't know how abusers work this guy was on the prowl looking for someone like carol because women like carol will accept his abusive behavior and he did a ton of abusive things which begs the questions why didn't carol leave him after he lied to her about leaving his wife or after he gave her a fake name or after he cheated on her with tons of women or when she had to move her daughter into a separate place from their house to keep her away from him good questions questions that have no good answers however carol openly admits to her mistakes and calls herself an idiot who is desperate for staying with dawn i met don lewis when i was 19 in 1981 and he was 22 or 23 years my senior he said that his wife had thrown him out when i met him and we got involved with each other and when he did end up going back to her i should have ended it if i had been the person i am today i absolutely would have ended it but i was a 19 year old kid i was stupid and i was desperate for somebody who loved me and i thought he did this is the most intelligent and mentally healthy thing i have heard carol say she didn't blame other people she took responsibility for allowing an abuser into her life these are the kinds of words people use when they have moved past their trauma if they are still blaming other people for their mistakes then they haven't done any real work now when it comes to the accusations of murder the evidence is pretty much nothing by the way since we were talking about mainstream media if you think the mainstream media just conveniently started lying about everything in the past few years the minute independent content creators could start fact checking them then think again they have been lying the whole time you just didn't know about it because the mainstream media controlled all the flow of information one such lie they ran was that carol put her husband in a meat grinder to destroy the evidence to help perpetuate that lie tiger king shows a picture of a giant meat grinder when they talk about the story to make you think that was the size of the meat grinder that carol owned here is the actual size of the meat grinder that they accused carol of using to destroy evidence do you really think she could destroy anything with that and oh wait despite that tiger king showed a massive meat grinder they have a clip of carol saying that her grinder was small i guess they wanted plausible deniability in case she sued them for slander his own kids demanded that they dna test the meat grinder the sheriff's office wasn't it we had a meat grinder if you've ever seen a butcher boy meat grinder it's about that big around i'm not going to go into the rest of the conspiracy theories because that would be pointless it's pointless because the investigators are saying this is um is carol baskin a suspect right now she isn't she isn't she isn't even a person of interest at this point we have no evidence to deem her or anyone else equally as important as a suspect in this case even the tiger king investigator who seemed to be against carol said this i cannot tell you that we have zeroed in on any particular suspect i'd be remiss if i said that there is absolutely no physical evidence at this point in time that would point at one particular individual again if you want to hear every rebuttal carol has her playlist is linked in the description which now brings us to the question of motive why would carol want to make her husband disappear well she was accused of doing so because she wanted money there's just one major problem with that which is that carol was already really successful in real estate before don lewis disappeared another obvious point that carol brought up in her rebuttal was that if she wanted money from dawn all she would have to do was divorce him when his ex-wife divorced him he essentially gave her whatever she wanted that ended up being around a million dollars worth of cash and property carol could have easily gotten the same or more what likely happened is this don's ex-wife gladys blew through her divorce settlement in about five years so she went after him for more money don disappears and it turns out that he had signed a paper that said in the event of his disappearance carol gets power of attorney here is a document that says that and when they show it on tiger king you can even see that they edited over it to mislead you this left carol in a position where she got control over dawn's money don's ex-wife wanted that money therefore she went on a smear campaign to accuse carol of murder in an attempt to get access to the money when in reality don was a really bad guy he probably had tons of enemies and one of those enemies caused his disappearance that or his ex-wife gladys did it she certainly had more of a motive than carol did though i think that's unlikely before i get to my last point i do want to say that just because this stuff was a lie doesn't mean that the entirety of tiger king was a lie we know that joe exotic is a bad guy there is plenty of evidence of him doing some really awful stuff on camera that needs no contacts like the dozens of examples of him misusing firearms unfortunately i can't show those on youtube but there are plenty of instances of that in the show one where he almost accidentally shoots one of the cameramen so that stuff's not false or framed improperly however the more stunning thing is that i can point out just how garbage the producers of tiger king are remember that i said that the reason some of these reality tv shows reframe lie or misrepresent information is to create a hook that will catch the attention of viewers if you know anything about storytelling then you know that they didn't have to lie about carol to make the story interesting there are a few story arcs that work and sell well one of them being drama which is the story arc that tiger king chose another is a hero story that being said here is how you reframe tiger king so that it's an honest story but it's also interesting every good hero story contains a lie that the hero believes the story arc is the journey of him discovering that lie and replacing it with new information that leads him to a happier life an example of that would be harry potter who believes he can do everything by himself but by the end of the series he learns that there is power and numbers lies can also be told to the audience in fact if you make the audience believe a lie and then reveal that falsehood later in the story you call that a twist that leads to a lot of very good story arcs so the way you start tiger king off is to frame joe exotic as the altruistic hero tigers are an endangered species and joe is breeding them to help them repopulate dedicate two episodes to that then on episode 3 you pull back the curtain and show the audience who joe really is now they see the guy who is portrayed as a hero is actually a villain this kind of hook catches people's interest because it disturbs their view of the story and it actually reflects reality a lot of real villains pretend to be the hero and you can see tons of successful stories using that narrative off the top of my head walter white from breaking bad he starts off as just some nice guy who is trying to pay for his cancer treatment but as the show progresses we see walter is a pretty evil guy so you paint joe exotic as a hero you reveal him as the villain on episode 3 and once he's revealed as the villain you introduce the new hero which is carol someone who actually wants to help the tigers instead of exploiting them for money there now you have an honest story that is also interesting but they aren't going to do things like that why because honesty is costly time consuming and it takes more skill first of all a narrative that says everyone is evil is a lot easier to carry out than a narrative that has nuance real honesty is difficult i mean look at what i had to do to be honest i had to drop seven days of work i had to lose money i had to lose a ton of potential followers that the video on kitchen nightmares would have brought in a video that by the way no one would have questioned me on if i lied about that kitchen nightmares episode no one would have googled the owners of that restaurant to find out that they had a kid i had to go out of my way and do several searches to figure that out it would have been easy money to just lie even with the tiger king stuff i lost three days of work on that last year and everyone already believed that carol was the villain continuing that narrative would have been easy and a lot of youtubers did that without listening to her rebuttal not to mention to make sure that i was being honest for this video i had to go back and listen to carol's playlist all over again and i had to re-watch tiger king that took two days of my time when i could have just simply gone off of memory and gotten a ton of stuff wrong honesty is hard work it's much easier to profit off of lies instead of spending a ton of time fact checking everything it's easier to go for low rent drama than it is to invest your time into building enough skill so you don't have to lie to make a story interesting speaking of you'll see the mainstream media especially the news lying because it's easy all the time there is no investigative journalism anymore because it's much easier to just sit at home and make up a story that fits your narrative if your narrative is wrong well then just lie to make it correct and people will believe you because most people don't fact check stuff whether or not they believe what's being said is based on what they think of the presenter people do that because no one has taught them how to look at information critically which is probably by design considering authority figures didn't just start lying yesterday if people knew how to fact check them they wouldn't get away with it the reason i am as honest as i can be and i go way out of my way to make it as easy as possible for you guys to fact check me is because you can only lie for so long before the entire system breaks down these msm people are profiting off the good faith that other people built up and in so doing they are destroying that good faith if you want to have freedom if you want to have a good life and own nice things you can't do that by lying all the time truth is the mechanism that we use to solve problems and if you lie constantly you won't be able to figure out what's wrong with you spoilers there's something wrong with everyone no one is perfect eventually you're going to have to do the work of confronting your own demons so for me when it comes to content creation my job is to do all the hard work and suffer the negative consequences of honesty like losing a lot of material that i could have easily profited off of i do this so that my viewers value truth and i do so in the hopes that other content creators put in their due diligence to be honest that way the good faith that msm destroyed can be restored what it means for you the viewer and really everyone is that you have to start putting in the work to be critical of the material that you are being presented don't just blindly believe stuff look into people's claims and see them for yourself if you don't do this you are right to be misled if you aren't doing this start now feel free to fact check me all of my sources are in the description but don't just look at my sources tell other creators you watch to cite their sources too and ask for transparency if they don't do that stop watching them change always starts with yourself and if you want all these media corporations to stop lying to you then start fact checking them and stop being so easily misled if you weren't so easy to fool they wouldn't get away with it but with that said i think that's enough for this video so if you liked it hit the like button subscribe if you're new comment and share if you would like to support this channel then you can do so with paypal patreon or subscribe star you can find all of those links in the description last if you haven't checked me out on bitshoot parlor or you can also find those links in the description otherwise thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Think Before You Sleep
Views: 349,139
Rating: 4.9129987 out of 5
Keywords: Tiger King, TLC, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Barefoot Bob's, Extreme Cheapskates, My 600lb Life, Maja Radanovic, 90 Day Fiancé, Jorge and Anfisa, Iamskippy, The Virgin Diaries, Skippy Scott Jesop, Steve Wilkos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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