Realistically Terraforming Mars in Universe Sandbox 2

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hello and welcome back the universe sandbox - so today we're going to be testing out a few different things in alpha 20 be new update that just came out first off I'm just going to quickly browse through here I didn't think we had any last time our main thing is to realistically terraform Mars because yeah that's what we're doing so here's Mars than here we have earth and we have to terraform Mars not using any God powers but by doing things that would actually be physically possible so to do this we're basically going to be directing asteroids at Mars I would grab them from far away and set them on protect the ejector is to hit Mars but that would take way too long for a video so instead we're going to plop a few asteroids down now well we will simulate if we change their course to hit Mars and let's begin so what we're going to start with is we're going to hit it with make me because this is going to add the all of the water we actually need on Mars so let's plop if we put we can just launch although Mars is moving in what direction in that direction so I need to take that into account when launching so we're just going to aim this way go down very slow and launch this is going to hit Mars hopefully and this should starve our terraforming process the water here will create oceans on Mars oh no no I chose the wrong one no it's not made me good thing I actually checked the better maybe it was theories one of these has an extremely high water percentage why are none of the one using none of them actually have any water anymore now they're all a zero what what is going on [Music] okay let's check Halley's Comet because Halley's Comet definitely as well yeah Halley's Comet has water so I guess we can use comets but those aren't going to have nearly what we need hmm this slightly complicates things you know what I guess we're going to rain comment down on Mars surface I used to think that make me a head because whenever I'd collided with earth the oceans would rise extreme amounts and not because of the oh that was probably Pluto wasn't it now they're all at 0% I don't get it they shouldn't be a zero percent I'm not going to complain though let's just get started so by peppering Mars with a few Halley's Comet this is going to introduce small amounts of water to the planet into the atmosphere which will eventually settle down we can open Mars panel over here in TV percentage of water not nearly enough yet so we are actually going to have to really pepper it were the amount of water we've added is actually extremely impressive it's just not showing it it's all under the ground and we need to lift the water table um quickly check a Pops's because we need to look for faster alternatives and things that will heat up Mars a lot more now if we go back and we're just going to hit it with one big one now likely what we'd want to do in real life is exactly that and find one large asteroid with a high percentage hey waters appearing look at that that's what we want to do well we're going to get one large asteroid we're going to give it a lot of mass ah we're going to make it 50 percent water so it's more of a comment now but we're going to increase its mass substantially let's give it to give it 110 to the moon's mass because this is going to be necessary to uh now it's also going to have hydrogen in it we're going to make sure that it has a lot of lighter elements that are just currently frozen so let's pump that up and what this is going to do this is way too big even a tenth of the moon it's looking way too large so let's go back we'll make it 100 of the moon how about that that looks better and if we get an object like this which has many light elements which will quickly dispersed into the atmosphere of Mars creating an atmosphere and enough water to give it some oceans and the collision itself will warm up Mars the only danger will be that debris from this could actually fly out in Earth's direction but space is such a large area that the chances of something actually hitting us from this would be extremely minuscule so as we can see the gases from this from it heating up are going to go on to Mars and increase its atmosphere especially that hydrogen we added giving it a rudimentary atmosphere and it's going to collide adding a lot of water to Mars probably too much because we had already started with the F but that's fine we can fix that and it's going to really impact the heat of Mars arm martha's now 91 degrees from negative 60 and it has an ocean because of the amount of water displaced now MRSA is quickly cooling down and this is the part that university inbox is not going to simulate for us is the atmosphere released is actually going to be added to the atmosphere of Mars so we're going to do that manually so what we'd want to happen is the atmosphere from that is going to how can we only go by mass we can't go by pressure please let us go by atmospheric pressure no cheese I can only click on these little particles all around most I can't click on Mars itself help send help that Mars no that there we go Mars no we cannot we we cannot do that okay that's fine we're going to have to manually give it atmospheric mass which if we're going to actually plop earth down any use earth as a reference see just how much mass we need here so the Earth's atmospheric mass is five point one to ten Suns of 18 kilograms so we'll just do three time send as I can see and I think that'll do well enough arm three three e to the 18th kilograms and we can see the atmosphere up here and that's our simulation of all the atmosphere released from our nice our collision there what is this up here oh that's just a ton of stuff left over we'll just get rid of all those go down here and here is our Mars it is cooling down how do we solve this problem well let's check valve I know this is going to basically reflect heat off of the surface of Mars so we're going to turn this down we don't want to be reflecting any heat at the moment we're trying to heat it up so there's a little bit too much water so we're going to tweak it a little bit now another thing this game doesn't simulate would be that the amount of ice would actually reflect sunlight making it colder but that isn't simulated in here now we're going to go back to climate and we're going to increase the amount of we're actually losing atmosphere this is a huge problem so because of the lack of mass Mars has and not only the lack of mass but the lack of a where is that mad magnetic field we need a magnetic field because that prevents solar wind from blowing away the atmosphere so let's quickly go to earth jump down and check zero point three one nine dots we're just going to actually copy that zero point zero one nine dots I'm not sure if this is actually going to solve our problem of disappearing atmosphere in universe sandbox 2 [Music] let's watch the atmosphere and see if this is protecting in it appears it is not we are losing a lot of surface pressure in the such if we look at we want it to be at one atmosphere it's that one bits of an atmosphere we're losing pretty much everything we need so we're going to have to increase the mass of Mars and we're just going to uh we're not going to roll a Stickley do oh Jesus yeah I probably should have thrown more stuff at it um realistically we could do one of two things in the situation we could occasionally find ways to constantly increase the atmospheric mass of Mars through basically the heavy industry they're letting out greenhouse gases or increase being mass through the means of either throwing things at it or yeah that's the only real way to do it isn't it why is this number not actually changing when I click it I'm going to assume this is an alpha 20 glitch let's put this up to half the size of Earth if Mars was half the size of Earth I think it will have enough gravity to hold on to the atmosphere that we're giving it there we go that's going to do it and now if we go back to climate are we losing our atmosphere no no we are not so now we're going to throw this up to one atmosphere and pray that it stays okay we are losing it but how much are we going to lose okay it's slowing down I think it's going to be steady steady any second now and steady at 11 ten nine six five okay maybe not a great temperature worst Edea not nearly as cold as it was before though so we're going to give it a little bit more math now this is turn from possible to a lot of work for humanity to pull this off ah oh we just want this to be one now one atmosphere worth it is actually 30 degrees which is too high but if we give it a little bit of time it's going to lose a lot of that or maybe not well that's fine with a pretty stable atmosphere we're not gonna mess with that we're going to add a little bit of albedo so that it reflects some of the sunlight and I think just about here at 30 37 38 there we go that's not a bad temperature and look at that Mars is now terraformed with its own atmosphere magnetic field it's got you know oceans but in order to give it a magnetic field and stuff we actually have to pull off pretty much one of Earth's early experiences hitting it with a very very large object to give it a molten core again and the whole increasing it's masked by five times is also a problem that I don't think we are going to be able to realistically do in real life by overall it's a fun simulation and if you guys are interested in more videos like this make sure to LIKE and subscribe to this channel and I will see you all next time and if you subscribe today you will get your very own house on Mars terraform Mars and yeah you all next on
Channel: Spike Viper
Views: 2,037,456
Rating: 4.0805368 out of 5
Keywords: space, steam, pc, game, universe sandbox, us2, earth, videogame, video, new, experiment, viper, spike, free, download, science, universe, simulation, explosion, solar system, sun, collision, moon, black holes, how to, astronomy, planet, terraforming, mars, stars, tutorial, space game, galaxy, sandbox, universe sandbox gameplay, universe sandbox ², terraforming mars, colonizing, expansion, star trek, star wars
Id: j8ygJew0aKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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