DESTROYING A GALAXY! - Universe Sandbox 2

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hello and welcome back to universe sandbox 2 and today we're going to be doing something a little bit different I think I said that every day because we do always do something slightly different at least today we're going to be finding ways to destroy something on the scale of an entire galaxy because we've done planets we've done solar systems but what about the entire Milky Way so let's look at the different ways that we can tear apart the Milky Way and make it pretty much well unrecognizable I guess so the first way we can do this is pretty simple if we have a very very large black hole coming in from will go pretty far away we go from here and we'll be able to see the effect this has and now we have a black hole heading towards our Milky Way now the scary thing about this is it would be very very hard to detect this far away even if it was moving extremely quickly towards us for added effect let's make it move at light speed there we go moving at the speed of light now Oh shoo yeah I probably should have seen that coming um let's let's restart this that's fine I should have seen that coming I thought I had the I forgot that we have it on a one I think that's million yeah 1 million years per second so uh let's let's redo that without being quite as ridiculous so if we go over here and we have this black hole moving at light speed towards the Milky Way now we're going to slow things down let's not go million to use for a second let's go to start let's go 400 years per second that's not noticeable okay so now if we go a few thousand years for a second now this is quite impressive moving at the speed of light is extremely fast even though the galaxies we can't see visible spin because of the extremely extremely short amount of time it's been since we've started even though thousands of years may not seem short that's pretty sure considering that it's spanning pretty much the distance of the entire Milky Way galaxy and here we are we are actually getting extremely close to our galaxy and we're going to see it start having small gravitational effects on nearby star clusters which it's not going to immediately be visible the effects that's having but it will be very visible in good in in time in time we will see them get flung but this is moving so quickly doesn't give anything much time to react and it's going for the other black hole in the center of the Milky Way and it's going to the center and is it going to collide or get close I can't tell it appears it went by so let's see what effect this has on the Milky Way this time goes on is there any noticeable effect well it seems like the center of the galaxy has been a little bit messed up and the entire spiral design of the galaxy has been kind of torn it's really been affected by this it doesn't look like much more than a blob now so the galaxy it looks bad but other than oh jeez and it's spitting out clusters of stars at the same time so yes there has been a bit of damage done to the Milky Way but I want to call this total destruction by any means we need to go a little bit bigger for it to do that much damage so let's go back to the nice spiral Milky Way before we messed it up completely and it let's do this again let's grab the black hole we'll give it a lot more time to move to have more fat and we're going to triple the size of it or about triple the size of it and here we are going towards the Milky Way over millions and millions and millions and millions of years yes this would not happen with in any of our lifetimes it would take an absolutely ridiculous amount of time to happen alright let's see the effect it has as its slowly nears hashtag lag I don't think we're going to be able to handle this this is a problem darn computer so we're going to speed this up just so that we can actually see the effect it has we're going to go here and we're going to set it to first we're going to pause the game this is one of the reasons I set it to a light speed to begin with because I know it will not lag nearly as much if we put it on one light speed just slow down everything a bit here we go but to counteract that and make the effect more visible we are just going to do 10 times this so let's see what this does an even larger black hole heading towards the Milky Way over the course of thousands of years very very scary stuff and now I'll shoo I've lost it we're still following it here we are here's the black hole moving through the heart of the Milky Way and [Music] passing by now we can delete it and see the effect it has on the galaxy which once again it's mixed things up pretty well it doesn't look recognizable at all but how would we actually destroy the galaxy this is a good question we can really mix it up but there's two ways I know of to really mess with the Milky Way the first one would be for some reason the well the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way would be destroyed um which you can't really destroy a black hole but you know for the purpose of the video let's do it boom it's gone and watch what happens the centrifugal force of the galaxy spinning causes the entire thing to push outward and actually make a nice little circle in that circle will stretch out and become thinner over time get really large and everything will just fly on its way goodbye galaxy very nice knowing you there's one way for us to end the galaxy now it's not even recognizable billions of years later there is no knowledge of the Milky Way another way we can destroy the galaxy is by just well let's see what happens when the Andromeda galaxy actually runs into it this is a included simulation which is why I didn't really look at it but yep the Andromeda galaxy which is currently hurtling towards the Milky Way is going to collide with it and it's going to rip it apart of it and throw things around but you will notice that at the end there will be some globular galaxy thing in the center it will be very confusing and won't really look like a galaxy but there's still something there so it hasn't been completely destroyed simply merged well I guess some people would consider that completely destroyed isn't like anything alike and probably every anything living in either galaxy will be uh in a lot of trouble after that and let's look at way number three this is just bringing things overboard bringing a black hole so large that it's probably not even physically possible next to the Milky Way so let's simulate this here's our black hole and let's slowly increase the mass as a simulation goes on and let's see what happens to the Milky Way so very soon we're going to begin to see its gravitational effects take place and start pulling on the Milky Way well I think we can call this quits here we need to put the black hole much closer for it to have much of an effect because gravity is much weaker when it's this far away which is one of our huge problems here it's just so far but if we move it closer let's see if it has a much more of an effect on the galaxy here we are you can see it's slowly moving towards it probably not slowly kilometers and kilometers for a second if we speed things up a bit we can see that the galaxy is now being ripped apart by the black hole and thrown and tossed all over the place and I think we just flung the galaxy and now it is just a giant pool of stars it's kind of been ripped apart in many ways but like I said before it's kind of hard to destroy a galaxy they're so large and there's just so much mass included that well it's not something to really worry about because of the amount of time it would take and if you enjoyed this video thank you for watching leave a like and subscribe if you want to see more videos like this and I will see you all next time poof
Channel: Spike Viper
Views: 384,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spike, Viper, Space, New, Video, Game, Videogame, Funny, Steam, PC, Mac, Linux, US2, UniverseSandbox, Two, UniverseSandbox2, SpookVooper, SPace, Science, Experiment, Galaxy, Destroy, Free, Online, Download
Id: O2I0cm_n1ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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