A BASKETBALL PLANET! [4 da ballerz] - Universe Sandbox 2

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hello and welcome back to universe sandbox - so today what we're going to be doing is a little bit different instead of messing around with planets in universe sandbox 2 we are going to be messing around with something that is uh well it's more of a objects we're going to turn a basketball into a planet and we're going to see how challenging this is it's probably going to take a while but yeah it was requested so let's do this and so we're going to start by plopping down our starting basketball and let's get to work so in order for this to work properly we're going to have to throw down well I guess we have to find things smaller or equal to it so we'll just do a bunch of other basketballs to start and here we go the beginning of a new planet made 100 percent well not 100% of basketballs we're going to add some other stuff to it but it is going to be a giant basketball hash tag ball is the life am i right yeah basketball planet so we'll come up with a good name for it something a little bit more original so if we go here we go it's growing that's good always good to have the thing you want to become the size of the planet to be growing how big do we actually need it to be though we are currently at 80 86 kilograms that is heavy this is going to be very challenging to hold almost bigger than a police box you can start feeding it police boxes soon let's just continue giving it some more basketballs and eventually we will hit our goal and I think once we hit 200 kilograms of basketballs we will be good we are very close to that goal now I'm going to try to click the mouse as fast as possible oh shoot I can go really fast put my hand falls off of the mouse when I click that fast and the mouse just goes crazy okay we're over 200 kilograms now let's try the police box still bigger shoot there anything else we can see to it jack-o'-lanterns are eight kilograms how much is the basketball Oh 600 grams okay we should definitely be using Hopkins here we go so these pumpkins are doing exactly what we need and by spamming them without any regrets we are now creating a pumpkin basketball pie because that doesn't sound absolutely disgusting okay so I think that's enough of that my arm hurts now we're so close know why you have to do this okay so we just have to do a little bit more I'm going to have to go is there a difference a mess between these now so I'm going to hold my mouse one hand and click with the other one so this is going to be pretty fast actually going like this this is exercise even if it doesn't seem like it clicking this fast actually there's all your arm a little please be enough oh we're so close how much mass does this have five hundred and thirty kilograms we're way higher in mass we just have a density way too big oh not too big too high actually we can modify that on if we go to this week oh no we didn't want to do that that was not right we want to go to density and turn this down I'll just expand the basketball a little bit that allow us to plop a police box into it and here we go Stage two slightly larger objects will much oh shoot it's going to be eaten by that police box now and that one too that one will eat it we got to be careful we cannot destroy the basketball that's the one goal here do not kill the basketball okay so let's just speed it some more police boxes not any show I've ever heard of has police boxes like that okay so let's continue feeding the basketball until we get to a well respectable size okay so now I think we're big enough to eat a spacecraft no not Juneau of a Voyager not quite a pyramid no definitely not what about a monolith which seems to make everything dark that's creepy well the Thursday to the Saturn 5 almost oh that actually destroys everything it touches okay so let's just continue with police boxes because police and we're almost set a good size as the basketball continues to grow makes us like any bigger object and that allows us to feed a bigger objects which speeds things up it's kind of exponential growth actually that's exactly what it is okay come on yes it can eat it can even earn now it will now eat the world's supply of space probes except this one will actually eat it let's be careful about that okay good Voyager is a healthy snack for a balanced breakfast okay so this is actually getting pretty large I think now it can eat Juno pretty easily yep which is the next step up in size and once we have that to the point where we can't really see much more growth we are definitely still growing okay pyramid not even close okay a little bit close we can stab the basketball with the pyramid okay so we do have to get a little bit bigger before we can do that but how about it can actually asteroids oh okay then okay so let's add some little asteroids that works okay that's a little bit too big but these are actually going to work perfectly now it's actually big enough to eat some actual space objects which is impressive no really big ones but enough okay it's going to be a while since until we reach that so what are we going to do mmm do we have any user objects we could use for this no well it looks like we're going to be going back here to two objects scroll down to Juneau and continue with that because that we can at least see a little bit of a change how much does it actually have to grow until we can speed things up about as much as the pyramid which that's actually quite a bit so to speed things up we're going to do the little density change and whoa it looks like it just didn't uh it needed a little bit of a push there to actually recalculate things but now it's much bigger and I think yes it can eat the pyramids now there we go and now after feasting on pyramids can you eat the bigger asteroid not that one that one oh it can okay so now things are really speeding up how about these no the answer is no and no now there is a slight problem um the next asteroid up is pretty big and the next one after that is giant so we need to get a little bit creative here it was a 15 K sub media or look at that um do we have anything else too big user object so I do have some small object oh that's close you know if we tweak its density a little bit oh and it popped up there we go that's exactly what we need then we can use this object we have to speed it up a bit now this is getting too pretty ridiculous sizes um we're now using the scientific notation for the mass of it this will be far too many zeroes it's about ten kilometers ah wide well it's going to have a 10 kilometer radius soon which would actually put at 20 kilometers wide but let's continue if we go to minor we can go to swift-tuttle also close how about a few random asteroid no all way too big yep okay it looks like we're going to have to continue on what we were just using I can find it again there we go which is fine let's see the density boom okay you know what maybe we can do the uh yes ma ha ha ha have I said things speed up as they go soon actually I think we can do random Astra yes here we go so now this is going to speed up a lot we're getting several orders of magnitude bigger when it comes to it so this basketball is now let's put it in comparison to the moon actually that's not terrible it's it's in the 10,000th of the moon but that's pretty big actually that's it it's one thousandth of the moon now how about tricky oh there we go now it's five thousandth of the moon 6/100 of the moon two hundredths of the moon now said it's not quite Sedna we just need to we just feed it a little bit more now set enough and that speeds it up more it's a a half the size of the moon and it is the size of the moon if we put the moon next to it oh yeah actually they have very similar densities too so now the basketball is the size of the moon it's actually bigger and that means that we can do some ahh let's let it eat the moon and now if we go to earth we can begin making it the size of Earth by feeding it the moon this is cannibalism now we can do titan and we are here we are now at the size of the earth look at that so sadly there wasn't a ton we can do with this now it's kind of just a really big basketball let's come up with a name Basque lanta you know that is a beautiful name bass Clannad that that was not a horrible name so um yeah that's that there it is next to Earth it is larger than Earth different densities of course well it is a sizable mass of Earth and it's a planet in its own right so there we go that's that let's just for fun though delete this I actually save it it may use it in a stream at some point delete it and then add a random rocky planet [Music] let's make it look like a basketball this will look a lot this will look a lot better when it comes to all being a planet so we'd have the high elevation be black the low elevation be black and the mid elevation be orange [Music] so there we go that's I guess a basketball planet now what we can actually do okay we're gonna cheat here to make a nice thumbnail this isn't click baby because I'm showing how I did it we get bask planet we just spawn it in shoot let's just make a new simulation here if we get bask planet right here plop it in and then we add to something we'll do earth if we put earth inside right we just need to be slightly bigger when it comes to radius if we edit put it inside turn up its mass oh it's almost working and we just move this a little bit [Music] just enough to have the atmosphere show [Music] okay so I think at this point there's the clouds but earth needs to be a little bit bigger to pull this off a lot bigger so let's tap this up a few more times and that's good okay so this is almost perfect actually there we go look at that now like I said that's not how it's going to look until you secretly put an earth in it but yeah there is our basketball planet let's take a nice picture use it for the thumbnail and I will see you all next time lick Allah Lika like liek all the likes and subscribe if you enjoyed this video and I will see you all next time
Channel: Spike Viper
Views: 878,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spike, Viper, Space, New, Video, Game, Videogame, Funny, Steam, PC, Mac, Linux, US2, Universe Sandbox, Universe Sandbox 2, Universe, Sandbox, Two, Basketball, Planet, Star, Experiment, Science, SpikeViper, SpookVooper
Id: 64ToUXIghE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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