Minecraft PE : DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG PORTAL! (Granny, Minecraft, Tyrannosaurus & Godzilla)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys welcome back to another video and today as you can see behind me we have some weird looking portals we have a white portal a multi stone portal and also a greener portal so this is of course do not choose have been wrong at portals so if you guys enjoyed these videos make sure to go ahead slap a like subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications if you haven't already so which portal are we gonna enter first because as you can see there's two colors and then there's a mossy stone one which isn't really just one color so I think I might go left to right so we're gonna go green then we're gonna figure out which one between these ones so let's go into this chest and we have leather armor a wooden sword enchanted apples and you know what yeah Mike's gonna bring all of them with me y'all like that ah so let's just quickly put this in the first slot and there so yeah like I said Green who could be in green let's test out this chicken go in the green one chicken get back oh okay I'm sorry chicken so Green could possibly be um me or bodis basics or who else is green I don't know so that's why we're gonna find out let's jump in here and let's see who is in this portal whoa umm okay wait where am I this says start so I just came from wait um hello is that you in not wait what is not doing here okay oh okay uh well that was a little bit of a test just to see if he attacks me but it looks like notch is actually quite friendly so uh wait you just open up that door says stop what is this what is the original name of the creeper wait a sec this is a trivial to do of Minecraft and notches here okay well not CH um I guess I'll go for your trivia did you place it maybe he did this I don't know let's go in here ah and there is no way out unless I break fruit so what is the original name of the creeper exploding mob or creep exploiters up you open oh wait I know he's trolling me now there we go ah some guessing I just press the button oh I think I've got that correct because I think I would have died if I got it wrong okay wait hang on what's it this block as you can see that what so weird so this next one says what do you end a man drop it's obviously ender eyes now I just I actually just made the comment section and mad cuz I've said and dies I'm just kidding ah it's ender pearls obviously that's that's very basic come on I'm a genius so this one says how many different colored wool of it what is around how many so one two three four five six seven eight nine okay well don't think this nine you know what I'm gonna go for high number 16 oh okay we good wait there's actually 16 different colored wool that's insane I mean it was like gray and stuff that we missed out there so I guess it's yeah okay ah so wait what's that sound sir weird ah where do you get alight your wings obviously the end city it's pretty easy what okay apparently it doesn't work wait if I press this one that is def that's the wrong one so I'm guessing I decide to break free this cuz it's apparently broken what is that sound it's really creeping me out let's let's move over to the next question this is actually pretty cool some believe knotch set this up for us so how many hunger bars does a cake give you some guessing it's like the whole thing should be at least seven right yes I'm the genius guys are you guys getting this correctly let me know in the comments down below so this one's actually pretty interesting so it says the effect of eating a pufferfish are which is you know poison and nausea was based off of what's I don't think other games obviously real life and this one doesn't work okay there we go as you can see I got that correct though did you get that correct or let me know ah let's see oh I'm pretty sure this doors not meant to be open did not wait what it what did not show up there did he just build a massive tower I don't think I'm meant to actually put anything in there because this door is already open I am the original minecraft what was the world height huh pretty Shores are 128 oh look at that I've got this correct so I'm not too sure how many trivias VR uh how many blocks do you need to make a burn block this is easy for PC users are pretty sure it's nine wait okay well it's not nine well that was the first time I actually got wrong I mean I know bonemeal is just one but four burn block I guess it is just free one to free okay that's really weird well I guess I don't want to walk all the way back and where did not go knotch where did you go buddy I think he might have actually went back into portal huh okay well I'm gonna leave this place and we're gonna move over to the next one so let's jump in a portal wait I lost all my stuff hopefully when I go back I still have my stuff like maybe maybe it just works like that I don't know let's go back and let's see there we go we are now back and I have my stuff so that's really weird okay well let's ends up the next one so I might spice it up we're not gonna go in order we're gonna actually skip the middle one and we're gonna jump to the white so I don't know who could be in the white one do you know Cal okay he's starting to he married at me okay well let's enter this one and um you know what I'm gonna risk this okay I'm gonna take no enchanted apples I want to leave touch and lost this might be very very just not a good idea to do that like it might be a little bit stupid to do but um we're gonna answer this one alright here we go who is inside the white portal guys what what is this place hello okay so we wait the chess is great our chess meant to be great I don't think they're supposed to be um I swear I've been in here before wait I can see sky let me out I'm like trapped in here did I hear something what's up I think I was my footsteps okay there's a there's a button there's a hole over there hang on can I break fritters what happens if I break this oh my goodness to make some weird noises hmm okay this is taking a while to break is it oh okay there's a portal thing that's sort of weird I don't think Kyle is supposed to break down let's just oh my goodness guys I think I know where I am uh let's just let's just look around so this is the bathroom hmm ooh there's another button so these buttons don't work okay so we're gonna title it I'm pretty sure this is the bathtub I guess the shower kind of thing ah the sink mirrors that actually looks pretty cool Wow very detailed okay so who lives in this house I'm pretty sure I know who's here I swear I just heard a noise hello um I'm sorry if I kind of budged and hang on this doors open okay nothing's down there all right well there's a bunch of curds oh okay oh my oh yeah sure granny granny I choked dory I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry uh where am I supposed to go oh my god oh there's an upstairs okay good bye granny oh it is another chess hang on nothing in our chests okay that's really weird ah so yeah I'm in granny's place right now where's grandpa where's yet oh we shouldn't come upstairs oh Jesus God in a place can you stop get away get away get away from me any donuts I know you're very mad wait can she all chicken go upstairs oh geez oh wait maybe she can't oh I'm just kidding she can she actually can't okay we need a kind of ditcher ow ah I think you have a hole in your kind of ceiling bag ready okay so what exactly am I meant to do hang on I'm pretty sure meant to find like a key but I think the only way out is kind of just back at that um what does it go the portal wait how did you get down so quickly hang on what granny's stop I'm actually getting hungry as well I should have actually brought those enchanted apples but I didn't but I'm not dead yes or I don't regret it just yet all right let's maybe kill granny do we do we try and kill granny oh my goodness don't hit me I'm trying to like do that like kind of hitter and move back so she doesn't get that sneaky little hit on me granny get away from me okay geez it makes you get really hungry now wait hang on what's down here Oh granny are you hiding something down here okay we can't even go through this I don't think you ever can't granny please don't be behind me Oh No okay she doesn't want me there she really does not want me to see what was behind that that block so granny seemed to be kind of protecting whatever I was kind of looking at and I kind of forgot where to hurry how did I get there oh okay um never mind I fingers over this way okay granny I need to kill you after that always look at this this is perfect I don't know how many hearts she has but she's not dying and my sword is going to break whoa it's actually breaking my sword okay I might have to leave granny ah wait my sword is actually legit gonna break what what granny how many what I did at least a hundred damage maybe um is she coming up okay granny no no I hopefully chief I don't think she can open up doors so oh wait she can way she can no get out get out granny oh my god oh no oh oh oh yeah I basically I just trapped myself Wow so it's looking around and I found a screwdriver not too sure why I would need that because I'm actually just gonna leave this place I think granny if I'm correct she should be trapped and here yep there she is ah hey granny how you doing you know what I'm just gonna take wait a break it oh well you can actually collect it never mind so granny I'm gonna leave you here I'm sorry for kind of getting you trapped you did end up killing me a few times so peace out let's leave wait hang on oh yeah I forgot we have to wear gear but just a sword break alright let's leave and enter the last portal we made it back yes okay uh well the fingers Sun is going down and I need to get a wooden sword for the last one is yeah it's not in there oh that's not good that is not good all right well I mean it's kind of easy to make a wooden sword but um yeah granny man how did she break my sword like that it was so weird oh sorry let's get that make a stick and I need to get uh actually no that's enough wood that's perfect all right so one basically that's all we have get rid of sticks cuz we don't really need it and let's end some V last one but before we do let's bring this along with us shall we okay sorry middle one mossy stone this is a weird block because these two are like one color as you can see green and white this one is a bunch of green is like a white pixel it's all gray as well so I'm not too sure what's in this portal that's why I left it to loss let's see who's inside alright guys so this one wet wait where is this oh no way second though spotting that cow right there they're gonna kill it that's really scary yo what there's one - oh my goodness oh okay well they're really really loud yeah but I think tis full heal free full five ways up two of them now free nine it's free of them so one two three four five there is five massive dinosaurs right here can I even can I kill them what a nice that even possible hello uh they're really looking at that cow for some reason it's might be a really bad idea a really bad idea maybe I shouldn't be doing this but I want to see what happens in a cow wait what the fate wait what they look at me I'll be killing the cow they're actually killing the cow oh my get is yo uh can you get back in there oh no they're after me oh no oh no I let's eat this real quick geez these things are loud and very scary ah sorry wait there we go yo they have animations and stuff as well interesting very interesting why can you climb stop climbing get back down get back to town oh my goodness can we actually fight this off I don't know if we can oh my goodness wait I thought I killed it before to kill it Oh run run run run run run run run cuter scale for me wait they stopped okay yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to kill all of them guys oh jeez oh no I can't kill them this is so hard can you at least they're back in the little farm area so that's kind of good oh wait is this one in or out I think it's in okay let's quickly for the sake don't know no no no there we go who else close okay now we just have to get rid of this one I guess Oh No okay so at least I have all my enchanted apples let's eat this and let's find him can we ride it well that could but apparently because oh my goodness yo push them in the water you're stuck in the water now buddy wait no get back in there get back in there ow ow ow ow they've really hurt wait what did one two three four five huh I thought only one was out but apparently there's actually two of them great lovely that's perfect I can't kill this one oh there we go oh my god like she killed it looks like I can't kill this one and as soon as I said it I killed it oh my goodness okay so oh no no no no stop stop um just kill the cows will she pull something there's a cow over there do you what do you want to kill it hmm they're not gonna talk back ah let's eat this and I might just you know what since I can't technically get this dinosaur back in there unless it like follows main stuff I guess I'll just kill it leave the ovens in there and I'm just gonna tip out this place wait my school break oh don't no no I just need to quickly make a crafting table hold up can you stop attacking me for once just uh just give me one minute give me one minute just break in this tree okay it's really not gonna give me a minute oh no the leaves two leaves okay can you stop climbing up here what duh how's the climbing okay so finally stop there let's quickly make V ah like it's going fat and then a sword we made two just in case this one breaks all right let's get rid of you real quick can't believe that actually break my door all right oh my goodness oh there we go okay so we got rid of two so this should yea only be a free left okay good and I don't think let me just double-check don't think they can escape there's no gaps in the fence this one actually looks like it's oh wait no no don't follow me don't follow me don't don't there's a gap in the fence oh there's a gap oh let's quickly get this lucky I actually checked didn't realize about there's a gap in the fence now they're gonna try and follow me so I'm gonna kind of get away from their distance and let's quickly touch this up there we go they shouldn't be able to get out there wait can I can you jumped up I don't think you can buddy you're stuck now all right let's leave at least we killed two let's get out of here this one wasn't really that good it's kind of scary so yeah let's go back and goodbye dinosaurs there we go we and now back so let's do a recap which one was the worst definitely think the middle one even though I didn't get killed in any that one was as bad been it goes granny then the trivia map because knotch he was a cool guy he didn't do anything he didn't attacked me the questions I mean wait I did actually die in that one but it wasn't the worst one because I didn't actually that was kind of my own fault for getting the question wrong so we're gonna play the guessing game like always and we're gonna go with greens so like a ways I'm gonna guess the same thing that I always do with green what are you doing sheep don't destroy the grass over there don't eat it um yeah but for green I feel like it's either me or Bodhi it has to be every single time I say it never is so um yeah mostly stone this one's a funny one it could be like an alligator or some kind of reptile that's my guess and for ice it could be like a polar bear or a penguin maybe not the exploding penguins hopefully not because they were kind of scary so um this sheep is really hungry get away from me so let's go into here and diamond chestplate a few wooden swords and some enchanted apples you know what I'm gonna take all of them with me just in case I do need all of them and let's just move down here and that there alright so I might actually jump into the middle portal first mix it up a little bit and then we'll figure out which one of these two so here goes nothing I guess let's jump into the mossy stone portal alright guys oh my goodness yo I like so we got a ton of dinosaurs here and a horse inside I'm surprised they're not actually attacking it interesting okay so what kind of dinosaurs this have like the grain they have some kind of weird red thing on their head arm so two big dinosaurs I'm guessing one has to be the mother one s beautifier but do they attack is the real question or could we actually tame them they'll be pretty cool can ride them I don't think we can all right so I'm just gonna jump in there I guess wait don't come over here okay we don't want any escaping because that might be really bad if they do okay so this might be a bad idea you know what I'm just gonna do that and quickly eat this just in case they kind of charge at me alright dinosaurs let's hit the baby one does a baby one attack okay wait these two wait is it two of them yes two of them they're just kind of been a weird okay so the babies don't actually attack it doesn't seem like it interesting all right let's hit these ones what are they doing they seem to be focused on something I don't know very very weird wait maybe they're looking at the cow are you guys looking at the cows hang on let's break free let's even contain one of two or this one's probably gonna escape you don't have to do that okay so let's let's kill a cow can we tame them maybe they I don't know maybe they eat raw beef or something I don't know what are you doing I guess I just jumped over okay oh wait we can actually feed it that's interesting oh I don't think it tamed it though hmm now these big ones are really confusing cuz they don't attack Eva apparently I don't know if they're looking at the cow or what but let's just break free let's see is it oh okay that's the reason they weren't attacking me do you focus on the couch and hey where do you think you're going where do you think you're going buddy hey there we go ah so yeah they definitely focus on the cows they actually kill cows that is that's pretty cool alright let's push this one in here there we go come on come on or it let me just kill it and I'm gonna came one of the baby ones cuz we might be able to actually ride one of them okay yup stop stop okay what it doesn't even grow up or anything hmmm this is really weird I kind of let them all out that's a bad idea but so we'll just let them do whatever alright let me just quickly get a few more of these kills so we can get the meat okay so yeah I really want to tame one but I don't think I'm doing it right like I'm pretty sure oh look at this one actually this one's slightly bigger than the others interesting okay let's keep feeding this one see what happens okay no no the others are kidding Oh hungry wait what does that mean now is it gonna attack me can I ride it oh I can't ride it hmm okay well that's a little bit weird so what if I attacked like a horse will it attack for me I don't know this is so weird very very weird but London is escaping so we might need to just quickly kill the ones that kind of ran out of here I don't know if the baby once actually kill the cows but I definitely know the big ones they do so yeah I'm not too sure what happens when I tame them cuz it was this one right can I can I keep feeding it oh oh there we go we've got some hearts but I'm clicking on it and nothing's happening sadly nothing's happening okay so let's just push you back in there get back in there buddy what are you attacking me I tamed you why are you attacking me look at them oh my goodness I might need to kill the one that I Taine's oh this is sad okay no no no you're not getting out okay you know it's kind of push you in the water ah does this actually count down there kill the cow oh wow you killed that cow real quick okay you know what I'm just gonna dip out a feel so they don't seem to kill like horses or anything else I don't know why the cows but yeah nice to meet you guys but I'm gonna head over to the next portals so um yeah peace out there we go we are now back okay that was a great adventure um but you know what gonna put this stuff back so now we just have to pick out of the ice and green portal and I feel like I should leave to ice alas so let's enter this green a portal right here let's see who could be inside here let's find out all right guys um wait what uh what is that noise wait what I'm scared bodis basics what why am I here hang on is this there's a start button oh my goodness what uh okay oh hi that's scary what wait no jumping no running Oh what no eating no cheating no oh my goodness uh okay bori I was actually correct for the first time ever hey he's looking at me can you stop looking at me please okay so it says find or nine blue buttons to win okay wait is that one already dude this is weird okay let's press it okay well found I found one I get wait what click this okay two plus four oh eight minus two plus three hmm okay so wait what if I get it wrong what would actually happen it's obviously one right obviously one uh whoa you what exist what I'm actually confused problems to do i I'm so confused what am I supposed to do press two what I hear every door you open oh oh I'm scared ah I hit a rule of snapping oh whoa whoa what is actually happening what I'm so confused can I can I leave I can't even leave what uh you're as scary as it did I pretty much fail I think I've failed well can I leave now oh there we go oh what's that what is that will you marry me no stop I don't want to know leave me alone okay Bodi uh what do i do what do I actually do guys oh my goodness I'm I'm soaking fueled geez alright alright no no what what just happened what I'm actually scared what just happened let's press that again geez I'm actually terrified with that they actually gave me some jump scares it's a desk a you guys I get like y'all leave me alone leave me alone stop stop okay let's go over here press this button wait hang on okay footy is following me it's press this okay so two plus two is four okay problem two this is the pot sir I swear got it right the last time but then what am I supposed to do problem two and it has all these random numbers with is it like kind of broken is there supposed to be a button here again that's what I'm really confused about uh and I don't think I press for again that's first two what what am I actually meant to do I feel like I'm doing something wrong but guys I need to help oh uh I think they're off to me they're definitely off to me oh wait nothing moves all right I have an error but I don't think I didn't shoot it I'm so scared no please what is this person doing what if I hit it I can't even hit it okay Oh what are you doing I get let's leave let's leave can i oh here we go alright alright alright where I want to go back I want to leave oh can I know okay I need to find another button where's another button come on where are the buttons what is this - oh that's some cookies okay um I just realized I lost all my gear when I came in here okay certainly found one pudding out of nine come on it has to be a button and oh oh found the iPhone X wait what am I supposed to use that for wait okay ah wait this early oh wait what I'm in detention now oh how can I leave oh I can't leave no no I'm gonna die I'm actually gonna die again yeah after this I think I'm gonna leave this one I do not like bodis basics at all I don't know what I'm doing wrong when I get the answer correct like two plus three obviously is full but then it says problem two and then it doesn't ask me the next question I don't know okay no bullying and the [ __ ] that's what the principal says okay can i I can't wait that thing's over there okay oh my goodness this is scary how do I get back how do I get back wait why am I losing my hunger that is weird okay um I'm really bad at this guy's not gonna lie I just want to wait secret path okay what it wasn't even a secret puff it lied to me interesting okay Oh a con team is sprinting out okay where is Bo DS basics right now ah you need a lever okay what does this do bodis now frozen for 60 seconds oh that's kind of good I think oh wait we can actually eat the cookie this friend forgot about that okay so bodis actually frozen right now I can hear him smacking his arm he's ruler but I can't find the other buttons I really can't oh no now I'm back with to hunger thing that is just annoying okay yeah I don't think I'm gonna be oh here's a button okay there we go all right let's do this free - one is - okay this part is confusing what am I meant to do this is supposed to be a button veil my supposed to just yes states what see oh I'm so confused wait why does it say cringe okay well we found two buttons oh I can leave okay that's good that's really good what is this okay nothing in there I don't know where Bodhi is I haven't seen him in a bit wait what is that whoa no no no stop stop stop okay it nothing I've been here before uh okay you know what I want to try and just find a way back what does that sound plane time alright is that when the skipping-rope comes out oh no no no oh no I wait what okay oh there's Bodi hey buddy please don't kill me oh my goodness oh I actually don't like this one bits have we been in this one before oh we haven't there we go found another button how do I get out of here I just want to get out of here okay let's do this 2+2 4 okay now does that mean it does like 4 plus 4 then that's 8 like is that how it works no it doesn't ok I hear every door you opened Oh Oh where's my hand it's going on weird okay let's just hold the cookie in our head oh okay No can I kill it oh please no what back here okay you know I'm gonna leave this place is really scared what is with my hands uh I don't know I'm just gonna leave peace out Bodi you were not good are we now back yes we are okay holy that one is too far is the worst one I would rather go back to the dinosaur ones okay so now we just have one more left and I'm actually getting hungry I actually got all my stuff back so we lost it when we went through the portal but when we came back we gained everything back so that was kind of good I guess ah maybe it might happen with this one so you know what I'm not gonna eat this maybe it would just come with me I don't know so yeah ice my guess was like a penguin but I feel like it could be wrong alright guys wait where are we huh wait where are we now this place looks cool I don't know what that sound is hmm okay well we got some kind of ice castle looking thing let's enter it again ah wait what done wait who's that oh hey wait wait I think I know who that is out oh oh wow okay wait a second we might need to have a look again but I don't know what does that sound I'm sorry get a little biscuit or does a chess well whoa whoa something's blowing up some figures blowing up in this place you don't I'm gonna eat this I'm gonna eat it right now just in case okay what is that sounds nothing in this chest okay oh whoa whoa holy what was that how did TNT get there yes and how did I not die it that's the real question how did I not get killed from that okay let's break through again oh my goodness what is happening to this place I think it might be Elsa from frozen but what why is she attacking me in an teleporting and making all this weird sounds oh okay no stop stop okay she's definitely trying to kill me no why kitchen I guess just hide in the kitchen can she get me from here oh oh oh no no no no she can she can she can she can she can ah where is she she's blowing up a like Picasso her ice castle thingy where is she I can't even see her everything is exploding hmm okay Elsa stop stop I know you're mad that I'm here for some reason I'm just trying to be friends oh my goodness I'm so many snowballs okay now I'm kind of confused which one is the worst one out of Bodi and Allison Elle and what that the waters went down okay hmm Elsa show yourself where are you stop stop hiding from me did you did she die I don't know you guys saw her face she's like teleporting and stuff I don't know I don't know where she went hang on it's gonna chase why does Elsa have nothing in her chest that's really weird I get Alice oh where where'd you go wait what I just heard a noise or was that my footsteps I think it actually might have been my foot says I'm getting a little bit paranoid out okay maybe I'm not getting paranoid what what was that oh wait there's a house over there okay wait maybe we should visit the house maybe Alice's in there now or someone I don't know what the what was that what just died over there that's weird maybe it was Elsa I don't know this places or weird who lives in this place it's like away from the castle as well hmm let's have a little bit of a peek hello okay looks like no one's home what wait anything there chest nothing in the chest at least we got some cake oh I just broke okay never mind can we get the melon oh okay so what's going on here what wait what's up you did you see that why did it go in a what why are you guys running so fast are they scared let me let me just get you out real quick all right okay come out oh whoa whoa why are you so fast I think they I think they like Noida else's around and they're scared hang on wait what is this this is a secret little room oh okay not really that secret but looks okay yes sir not sure why the mobs are or fast that's really sign of scare me let's go back and see if else is still there she's not I might just go back in the portal to be honest this has been a very interesting video very very weird okay I don't see any TNT or explosions happening I feel like she might have died I don't know what killed her but like I saw something died over there and I don't know what it was Elsa are you still here sorry I can't find her anywhere she just vanished that was so weird let's eat this cake there we go why am i eating the melons ah yes it looks like she's actually gone which is very very weird oh my goodness even break the staircase is going up maybe that wait maybe she could be up here hello ah let's go up here a little bit oh okay can't really go up - she kind of break the ladders as well she broke everything on a castle and then she left a place anything this chest nope okay well I guess we'll just leave I think she's actually going now I don't know how I didn't kill her this is really really weird okay let's get out of here okay just kind of break my legs trying to escape oh wait hang on I just heard a noise hmm wait there's another house over there okay what is what's going on I just heard the noise that same noise when she was some kind of teleporting and stuff so she's definitely still around so I'm gonna leave just in case she comes back trying this one T and C on me alright quick quick quick quick quick let's leave let's get out of here all right goodbye Elsa peace out alright there we go we are now back and you know what I'm gonna do break this just in case she can comfort a portal cuz we didn't actually get rid of her oh wait what so we have to oh no this portal can't even break whoo-hoo what like on this portal break I can't you know I'm just gonna leave what Fugit oh my goodness oh there is a village right here it was a different village the entire dude I swear every single time I play Minecraft with you there always has to be something abnormal and they're always for one yeah it's like it's like one of those do not choose videos alright Fusion you're an expert when it comes to these types of things so tell me there's three different color portals what do you think each of them are because I feel like they're gonna take us into a different dimension every single time so you let me know man there's a blue one there's a white portal and there's a black portal and I'm not looking forward to this well I think maybe white could be granny may be any grandma no grannies like a skin color it's like you it's like it's like the skin of yours white we also have a blue one what do you think the blue one is mMmmm no guesses for blue do you it seems like fusion has every single color look his pants yes he has white sleeves and he has black hair I like I don't want to guess because I don't want to jinx myself because what if I said you know this is like hero Ryan or something what if it actually is you're right okay well which one do you even want to end to first how about uh how about the middle one I feel like the middle one is always the safest choice do you think really okay ladies go ahead hot brains or lady you guys we know you Jim you're going in first wait there's a black cat maybe that's a sign we got into the black one no fusion we go in just black one no no whew it started why why cats mean bad luck anything but no no no no fusion get really the black ones lost bad luck we're going into the white one I don't care anymore dude I'm just gonna go in and hopefully we're good whoa oh great great look where are we super like Oh fusion fusion where are we I don't know dude oh whoa wait what wait is this a hortal that we came through yeah wait what is that oh no raise oh is this don't press any button please do III don't I I won't press any buttons I don't know what's going on they just came fusion we just came from a survival world how did we get here other night but raid this and yo threes world dude fusion all I know is that uh just from looking at this image right here I already knew that it was entity 303 and it's so freaky dude I don't know what to do don't press affection don't fusion yeah there's only two important buttons that I see that we should probably press and that is gear and start the battle I I just feel like this is the key to getting out of here I feel like if we go back into this portal it won't take us back to the original survival world that we started it mm-hmm sorry what's aah whoa whoa wait whoa what the what is this let me look at myself oh whoa we're blue entity 303's basically wait what do we have in our hand photon sniper and a corrupted sword and we have plenty of boat woman whoa - ooh that is cool I swear if you shoot that at me I'm going to die no no please please please leave me alone okay so Fusion there's a question I need to ask you every single time you go into like a different dimension or like you know I do not choose thing like do you always have to defeat the boss technically uh not always but we can try and kill it I guess okay um do you want to drink the elixir flask wait what is that do you I don't know but I just drink what does that do I got boosts Oh guys we got a drink there all right all right you wanna you wanna do the honor of pressing this button start the battle do oh no oh no what have you done people wait what's happening uh is it something I I don't see anything I'm scared uh what's going on fusion I don't know I pressed about it oh wait the buttons disappeared get ready can we go back in the pornos oh no no no no no no no how dare you what the Oh why's my no you fool oh did you see it you see it oh my goodness I'm what killed what's happening what's happening I don't know actually what happened to it oh whoa whoa right so scared Cassie Allah how do you know careful stick together whew very sick oh yes I see lightning I can't see a single thing oh no way it's wither skeletons chasing me oh wait what is that welcome what's a white thing then uh I don't know what is that white thing that's the place to be no whoa whoa whoa no what is actually happening guys I can't see a single thing oh and feel felony I think this thing is entity 303 help me help me future we did shoot it here I need to drink more elixir guys or else I am going to die do we have to kill this floating thing I don't know what this thing is we have yeah how do we get out I just want to get out of here gives me they're always chasing me why not you I don't know oh no nerd wait I'm gonna try to help you hopefully we can take out this XP 303 I don't know if this is I don't know I don't even know if this actually is a TT 303 it's just this floating whoa whoa oh my goodness calm down I'm gonna probably use the photon sniper now kill it I don't know what's going on hi I'm gonna I'm gonna shoot oh I see I see I see it it's floating around shoot it shoot it future well it's shooting back oh my goodness it's sorry dawg I swear if they're after me again I'm gonna be so bad it really is oh oh ow ow why my poison how do we kill it rage oh no do like this is so freaky kill that with her oh my god Mike it's not dying oh dude it keeps shooting down lightning strikes okay I see I see it shoot wherever the lightning striking down oh do we get it just go oh I hit you let you do it you killed a sword Oh 3:03 look at the top of the block oh yeah babe what does look like entity 303 I got there it's like it's like his spirit or soul or something oh my goodness killer it's killing I'm trying to Z I'm trying I keep cooking out of the screen ah I'm hitting you oh oh oh sorry sorry Fusion Dick's not dying what is he so hard to kill I might actually die the final hit on entity 303 is bright it's gonna be me Oh God it has to be me food saver here what is it we gotta go back try to kill it kill it kill it I'm hitting you a few times I died what does happen Fusion the boss oh dude we could not kill that thing that's impossible I don't know man hopefully this portal takes us back to the original survival world fusion drop everything that you put on during this video everything in your inventory just throw it out because it's probably a contamination of this world and I don't want it to have anything to do with the you know with our survival world so let's hop right back in and hopefully it takes us back to the original survival world you're ready fusion yeah ready yeah you go first I'm just I'm pretty sure you want to get out of here already yeah we started the three portals are here guys I'm in shock right now I'm shaking I know I don't have my camera on but I'm shaking guys this is it this is like the 3:00 a.m. edition fusion it's like all different like I don't even know I swear fusion I swear if my guest of this portal being herobrine I'm gonna be so mad do that if it is I'm just gonna leave I might leave right now dude I already have my my saving living since I've already guessed this one hopefully it's not but um I want to jump into this one are you down yeah yeah in three okay oh whoa whoa race face where oh yeah now where are we now fusion I don't know what have you seen this oh oh no no way my nose is what I know you've seen this before fusion don't try to act dumb what is it this this right here is herobrine's mansion don't you remember sir you a bright yes grazie I'm doing same quit this is your brights mansion Oh goodbye you know what stick you know no just thinking wait Sun right oh okay well we have the chassis there's two chests right here it's like they were waiting for us what's inside of this chest wait I have to see you guys um a full set of iron armor a stone sword and three enchanted apples wait is that what you got so you don't have a diamond soul diamonds would I trade the right you want a few you want fight no no fine are you seriously going to play unfair right now two thoughts what God you've got a stone sword dude yeah obviously you have to go with the stone sword fusion give me give me the diamond sword did you know that the diamond swords are weaker than the in the stone so I'm not that much of a name what you know what I don't know anymore but um I'm just I'm just spooked out by the fact that uh one right when we came out of that portal it started raining yeah right and this is your Brian's mansion all right if this is your rights mansion where is here Brian you're right where is it maybe or could it be you know you're holding the diamond sword here Brian always eight yeah herobrine always holds a diamond sword this is bad this is bad inside and out of the ordinary let's look around like he doesn't seem to be anything like suspicious at all is huh I don't see here I miss something what looks what what is that I don't see anything what what do you mean you don't see anything what are you talking about this this is just a here Brian statue well sure like your minds mansion would have a your Brian statue right look look around here there's nothing huh wait wait what is this wait what is what did you find something what's down here oh that's scary what the what is that I don't know wait I hear anything I'm scared right right leave me I'm screwed wait let's take a look at this statue right here wait oh did you not read this sword unlooked no this is my sword uh well you shouldn't don't this might be the key for us to get back to the normal way to say wait wait wait he's standing next don't like wonderful thing right what if it opens up we're here Brian it is like this is some trick thing okay try try to throw a diamond sword into this waterfall then don't be selfish fusion come on did I it didn't do anything maybe maybe it has something to do with the statue then because the side what will open up like oh oh maybe if you give the give this little statue thingy the it might be a key to the secret entrance over there you want to do yeah yeah yeah I'll try it let's do it you ready I'm ready I'm ready oh wait wait why is it its eyes my eyes oh oh voices coming towards me rage help what do you mean you come move Oh believe me who's that I can't move the factors are me Oh guys I'm going upstairs follow me leading it towards you usually why would you do that do we have to get out of here what this was a bad idea usually this is all your fault it didn't spot here Brian zombies oh my goodness we have to find a way to get hired quite even you're high what if he pushes us which rent I'm so scared right oh oh oh keep going keep going rage rage rage keep going keep going keep in right behind you oh my oh the key might mean just a hop right back it's a portal I don't know dude should we go back downstairs oh what's over here wait this just takes us back downstairs oh no they're looking around they're looking for us should we kill it yeah maybe we should just kill the here Brian not not the zombie why not I'm gonna help you oh you got one nice okay hard as I thought they were then Oh they kind of hurt wait waited here Brian go then yeah I need food do you have any food Oh another zombie right here oh no oh no oh great running around this mall I don't know it's not going I think the last resort that what we can do is just like last time let's let's eat this Golden Apple right eat all your golden apples and then drop everything that you have just just everything everything you have out oh wait we're gonna hop right back into the portal and hopefully hopefully hopefully we can get back to their normal world dude I am so oh I can't drop my stuff right help it's a portal using is it like underwear I'm dying I'm great sometime I please don't die ah if you do die though if you do that you should spawn back you all know we're so dead we are so dead we're Hermine oh no dude fusion we're gonna die huh oh no oh no oh look like a bang come on rich quick look like good can we make it to make it what do we do using did you die - yes hopefully it doesn't bring us back to this world all right okay well what do you know we're back where we started right in front of the hero Ryan portal guys now we know usually this is the worst experience ever but now we know that this is entity 303 portal and now we know that this one right here is here O'Brien's portal what do you think the last one is could it be Slenderman maybe oh no don't tell me Slenderman mmm like cat over there so this might be the worst one I don't know man uh you know what since you've been going in first most of the time I'll go in first this time so hop right in dude let's get started hopefully it's not Slenderman please no whoa whoa where oh now where are we now dude what is this place ah slender this is freaky whoa what do you see that who's that I just saw an elder Guardian right in front of my face same uh Julian I don't know what's going on right now but I'm gonna press this lever and see what it does do do do a fusion I just want to get out of here oh it turn on the lights look oh that's so cool that is pretty cool but it's not so dark in here anymore it's very peaceful what do you want to back out now and just leave uh I don't know you should be oh no it's your choice man it's your call or should we go for it oh whoa wait what bench begin no least what no the new herobrine I can't be just what the hell runs the mansion the kiddie music thing fusion what what is actually helping wait are you okay are you okay you're still here right yeah what do we do look inside these chests there's nothing inside of these chests I'm gonna try trading this cleric there's nothing like this cleric won't give me anything have you looked inside these furnaces there's nothing inside of these furnaces right like everything inside of like I'm gonna try to go outside look there's a b c d and blocks blocking our path but i'm hold what okay oh no no wait do you want it's a wizard yeah but do you want it no I don't wanna hold it wait are we gonna try to spawn a winner boss it's saying you here Brian why I will respawn a wither boss in when you know maybe you love everything here then we can escape the room that is okay why why don't you go ahead and spawn it in wait do it anything okay give it to me give it to me I'll place it that come on it's just one simple task how hard is it to come on vision but it's not that hard wouldn't let me yeah yeah buta this is whoa what thought wait what what please gonna explain HHH what sir these portals as you can see behind them are they also have like the purple block the green and a blue so this is gonna be interesting Pig maybe you should go in first buddy oh gee oh geez I didn't think it was gonna work back you know well that by Pig you might actually die I don't know but we have some good armor so let's put that on so some diamond gear some diamond sword and or so at v-- enchanted golden apple and we have free of them for three different portals it makes sense so which one am I gonna enter first I think I'm gonna go from right to left so I'm gonna go into this blue portal then the purple and then the green okay guys make you guess right now who is in the blue is it some maybe gumbo again or something I don't know let's just see I can't let's go inside and let's see who is inside this portal alright guys where are we now this seems a little bit weird hang on wait it might mean to just see this chicken I don't know um oh Jesus oh wait what Darkrai out of render distance oh my goodness guys that's the Hydra dragon how am I supposed to kill that thing keeps disappearing from the render distance all right I'm actually gonna eat this enchanted apple no how am I supposed to kill this thing this thing is Opie I haven't seen the Hydra dragon in the longest time uh-oh there's a pig over there yeah alright I don't know how I'm gonna fight it without dying but we do have like you know our diving gear so hopefully it can protect us maybe it's friendly this time I don't know yeah I do remember it last time being a little bit uh you know scary but hide your dragon oh there's a piece of chicken bed do you want the chicken do you want the chicken is this looking at me I think it's actually friendly what am I scared of hello oh no no yo chill is because up a chicken you can have the chicken you can have the road chicken it's not even cooked buddy Wow okay I guess we have to try and kill it we literally have to try and kill it okay here we go we're going in going in for the snake it's act Oh No oh here we go oh wow oh no I'm so dead I'm actually so dead I'm glad I have to some chance and go to an apple if I didn't I would probably be dead right now okay let me out let me out let me out no no no no I swim under maybe you can't get me a fun underwater I don't know where is it oh it's still trying to get me from underwater that's crazy oh don't hit me okay for some reason I can't actually get out the water there we go we're out we're out oh no what happened to this mob here okay um is it time to dip out of this dimension I don't know I'm a little bit scared what okay we're gonna swim over this way so it doesn't you know hit me or anything like that but getting out of the waters so annoying okay there we go here we go we're going in again oh no no no no oh my goodness I'm gonna take for damage for this guy you get into the water buddy it's actually dying um I don't know if it's you know I don't know how much health this thing has I think it has a lot of health I don't think I can kill it guys oh I knocked it back knocked it's viable back at me at the Hydra I mean oh jeez oh no I'm stuck guys I'm stuck - oh here we go okay shoot your fiber me oh okay I was kidding I was just kidding um yeah guys I think I might need to go into the next portal I don't think I can kill this thing come on guy buddy how much health do you have Jesus Hydra dragon is Opie or no if I die here it's game over it's literally game over again I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I mean I do have two more gold enchanted apples but I have to go through Dalls so I don't think I can kill this maybe we could end up coming back to it I don't know we're gonna leave it for now I might actually come back if we have time but let's uh let's leave hopefully Bri ends up in our our last location alright guys where are we now I can't we actually made it back oh my goodness we made in one piece I might need to actually end up going back there to try and kill the Hydra because I can't let that thing roaming around the Minecraft world that's a little bit so a little bit piece so we're gonna insert this purple one now who could be purple I actually don't know wait purple it can't be Thanos or could it be wait maybe he's back I don't want to find him but we have to go through it we have to again here we go let's go through the portal and see who is on the other side all right where are we now oh oh are we just okay purple for just the wither um okay wait what's these chests here we got a bow and arrows wait I could use this on the hydro kind just shoot via the arrows at it from like a long distance instead of getting up close to it and you know potentially dying so ah okay Oh hmm okay purple blocks and we got a with a skeleton skull so I'm guessing this just led me to the wither now I'm not too sure why but uh I guess we're just gonna place it here oh my goodness no that's not waiver oh no no no no that's the wither storm oh my goodness wait no it's gonna blow up oh my god oh wow guys I don't know what to do this thing's loud this thing's really loud I'm gonna eat my chance enough oh no it's looking at me oh no no this is oh oh jeez oh gee oh no no no no no no no what I just lost everything so now I have all of my armor and stuff but this thing is ope I don't know how to kill it look at look what it did to my Porter wait how much supposed to get back oh I have to rebuild it looks like oh no it's going oh no no no no no coming up coming out died he died is it even dying I think it are things taking some kind of damage but don't know its health I really don't know itself oh my goodness this is a really bad portal no it's gonna kill me again holy wait I'm flying no I'm flying get away from me with the storm dude you re P that I can't even kill it I can't even kill this thing oh my goodness wait how high am I gonna okay can I can I land please oh jeez I get lens in the water there we go okay wait move back to safety oh my goodness wait where did it go oh geez oh no no no no no no I didn't Eve I need to build my portal back oh this is bad this is real bad I can't even kill to hijack can't even killed a winter storm wait where did it go I don't even know all right let's just head back quickly head back before spots me again guys I um yeah I'm a little bit stuck with this one Weaver store oh my goodness why is it like weird tell oh oh no it's uh oh okay wait I want to kill it I really want to kill this with a song but like I just don't think I can oh wait oh jeez it just killed me like midair that's not even fair that is not fair I need it I'm probably gonna build back but oh jeez okay I just spawned buddy I just spawned in you're killing me already oh my goodness a far drop oh my gosh okay um yeah it's gonna kill me again look at that that is ridiculous this thing is the most Opie mob I've ever seen in Minecraft so guys some hell I just managed to escape but um look at this place hold up I really want to show you guys this look at the mess this wither storm has done now I'm just gonna keep on running because I really don't want it to find me I i've died like at least 10 times so i'm just gonna keep on running hopefully it's not following me or anything because i need to build the portal back to the other world because this is just a nightmare alright here we go let's build it back hopefully since it's in like a different location that i'll still end up you know going back to the normal location i think it might be good alright so let's use the plan still alright with a storm i don't see it anyway it's definitely like over this wait so yeah by with a storm you can do whatever to this world I'm out of here peace guys we made it back oh my goodness I'm so glad to be back I don't think I'm gonna visit the Hydra anymore I'm I'm just done I'm really done with that actually wait hang on why is it looks like that's sort of weird okay anyways so yeah I can't kill the Weaver storm can't kill the Hydra please whoever is in this green portal can it be a good one can it just be like bodis basics so like I don't know it's someone that I can kill because these guys are too IB I died like 10 to 12 times with the river storm so yeah this is the one that I pushed the pig in so hopefully the pigs okay I don't know let's soon find out who is inside this greener portal who is inside jeez what is that oh no good wait oh no no no no no no keep running keep running I don't even want to turn around oh my goodness Godzilla is in this world another bad one but can I actually kill Godzilla um he might not be like as opie is the Hydra dragon or like the wither storm Oh what is he doing he's lasering out of his eyes and something I don't know I'm gonna shoot from a distance oh we got him again not sure how much health he has so I'm just gonna keep on spamming my bow and hopefully I can kill him or something oh my goodness Godzilla why are you in here oh wow really I wasn't expecting I was expecting maybe like bodis basic something a little bit more easier this like do not choose the wrong dimension has literally been the hardest one I've done like seriously the wither storm in the Hydra that is insane guys I definitely like next time I need to get someone with me because I just can't do this alone I can't do these videos alone this is way too hard alright I'm gonna try and kill him with my diamond sword oh my goodness wait how did he attack me from there oh okay okay I'm hitting these feet I'm hitting these feet I don't think he can hit me from there oh I'm like dodging and I was something oh my goodness he's getting really mad he's getting really mad oh okay oh my goodness um okay no no no no no no like oh lucky I'm like underneath these oh geez oh wow Wow okay oh wow it took a lot of damage jacket hide under the water maybe I can swim away swim keep swimming keep swimming okay um oh he's not really is he free cos for me no he's not okay oh wait did he miss what is he oh I shot it back at him I shot back he's fireball dude Godzilla you are really I mean you're cool like you look pretty cool but um I just don't want to die to you like I don't want to please don't shoot that at me please why is he in the water is he trapped maybe I can kill him like I just don't know how much oh no shoot it back shoot it back I'm trying to shoot wait hang on what are these these fireballs are just oh okay um I was actually kind of expecting not to be honest I got a shooties I oh wait I can't even damage him from the head damn okay well we're just gonna keep on shooting him like this and hopefully he dies or something because he just doesn't look like he's dying I'm spare me my boat oh okay he's mmm what is he focused on something that's in the water I can't even go there's a jacket kill him Godzilla please die please I have a diamond sword this should be killing you I don't even know what's happening am i inside of Godzilla right now I don't mean I'm just gonna keep on swinging my sword and or hopefully oh we killed him no way we actually killed Godzilla guys we finally killed something in today's video wait it dropped something wait where did that go it was like a I can never star something I didn't I I don't even pick it up hang on what I'm gonna drown get back up get back up get back up okay well this has definitely been them right um like portal to gopher I guess because the others weren't so good and I don't think I'm flat I did say that I wanted to visit be Hydra again to try and kill him but uh yeah just I'm a little bit done I'm a little bit over of this I dived him into the river storm so let's just quickly head back hopefully this leads to the way back and I yeah guys we made it back oh my goodness oh I really just I wish I had a pickaxe so I can just quickly destroy all of them but uh bye portals I'm done with you guys I mean Godzilla thank you for your service you were the best one out of these two because they were just terrible but I yeah if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you guys go ahead slap a like turn on notifications if you don't want to miss a video and I'll see you guys in the next one peace see ya
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 5,673,977
Rating: 4.7626114 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, DO NOT CHOOSE, do not choose the wrong portal, do not choose the wrong pool, minecraft secret base, do not choose the wrong farm, wrong farm, 3am, secret base, portal, do not choose the wrong dimension, do not choose the wrong tnt, do not choose the wrong shield, Granny
Id: Ln2araDuDYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 53sec (4613 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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