Keith Moore Submission to God Pt 7 The Benefits Of Submission

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us his people would you go to James please the fourth chapter this morning James chapter 4 if you didn't bring a Bible with you could you raise your hand up our ushers have extra Bibles it would be glad to let you use one today and get one and turn find the scripture let your eyes rest on it show respect to the Lord's word like fill us with sin we were able to be in New York City with brother Dino and and miss Cheryl and fulfillment of a lifelong dream that they were able to sing and play in Carnegie Hall New York City amen which is say high honor you understand you don't learn three chords and go to Carnegie Hall yeah that's you know that's that's a high place and there are a number of things here I mean you could preach on this dino as a young boy used to walk several blocks to just be by a Carnegie Hall and look at it and dream about it and think about it you know you your desires work together with your vision and your faith and notice now decades didn't happen in a year or two but decades have passed and now he has performed there and played there actually ministered there and it was absolutely excellent they had a tremendous Orchestra two choirs and piano that was about as long from here to the wall look like I mean hey man and I mean that the sound was amazing and Dan Dino played perfectly and miss Cheryl sang beautifully and then he got up and boldly testified about the Lord Jesus and what Christmas was really about and did not made no apology and did not make allowances for other stuff he just did a good job did a good good witness so glory to God we're so thankful aren't we can God cause your dream to come true yes he can if you'll believe and not quit not cast away your confidence some things don't happen in a year or two our twenty years or 40 years but you know times pass in anyway you might as well be believing for something right glory to God is right James the fourth chapter turn there with me James for for the last several weeks we have been on the subject of submission and authority not just submission not just Authority which on my both submission and Authority and this has been our main text and let's look at it again James 4:6 says but he gives more grace wherefore he says God resists the proud but gives grace unto the humble so which do you want to be proud or humble you know pride is accepted in our culture it's something that is even you know people think highly of it people say well you got to have some pride you know and some people say well I've lost everything I got to keep my pride you know what I'm talking about if you heard talk like this I'm proud to be this I'm proud to be that I'm proud of our kids we're proud of our job we're proud proud proud should we be is it okay to be proud that's a little weak you do know what I'm talking about this is interwoven in our culture and in our society but is it okay is is any is there anything redeeming or good about pride absolutely not pride is is a big part of the nature of the devil himself and it goes before destruction and it causes God to resist you it is one of the worst things you or I could operate in we ought to learn the difference between pride and honor right honor between being proud and being thankful between being proud and being honored blessed showing respect they're not the same thing so years ago the Lord helped me to see this I've shared this with you but as a teenager reading the Bible I read numbers 12 3 I was I had begun in Genesis and I had only got two numbers and I read numbers 12 3 it says now the man Moses was meek above all the men that were on the face of the earth and I sitting in a chair and I remember it to this day the Lord spoke to my heart I don't mean I heard a voice but inside me he the the thoughts came up to my mind I knew it was him he said did you notice Moses was the meekest man in his generation I thought well yeah yeah that's what he said he said did you also realize he was the most-used man of me in his generation and I got it it's stuck in my spirit it burned in me and I realized the most used of God are the most humble can you see this right here what do the humble get well being used of God is being graced of God I mean if we're able to reach or people if we're able to have more miracles and more people saved and more people set free it won't be because we've worked so hard it's not just works and it's not because we're smarter or were this or that it would be by the grace of God is that right well who gets the grace who gets more grace the more humble the more me so men I begin as a teenager in my late teens I got on a quest I want to find out what pride is and get get it out of me and I want to find out what humility is and I want to grow in it and over the next several years and in particularly when I Phyllis and I went to Bible School men that would really begin to talk to me about it then and teach me saying it seemed like for years that every every week or so he was showing me something new about pride and humility and I found out it wasn't what I thought it was at all and till this day I'm learning and growing in it every day and there's no question in my mind to any measure that the Lord has has been able to use us it was meant to the measure we were able to get rid of some pride and humble ourself and get grace are you with me are you interested in getting rid of pride and growing in grace growing in humility now this this flows right into the next verse what does it say was it say submit everybody say submit say it again submit is that a good word it's a Bible word it's a good word submit yourself to God resist the devil how many stand resist means don't submit now what about if you said resist God don't resist God do what submit to him can you see we're talking about opposites here resisting is the very opposite of submission do you see it resisting is the opposite of submitting submitting means to yield to to give place to which is the very opposite of resisting submission says yes I will what as rebellion and pride resistance say no I won't resisting would people say no I want to god oh it happens every day all the time is it costly well what happens see what we're talking about is sowing and reaping here if you resist God in your pride What did he say he does with the proud he resists them and so he's not gracing the proud he's not helping the proud he himself is resisting those who don't submit to him but if you'll submit yourself to God don't resist him don't don't be proud don't harden your neck don't stiffen yourself when I mean when it comes to God we must learn he is the creator he is the almighty on the throne creator of heavens and earth right and we should be quick to bow a knee we should be quick to bow our head to put our nose in the carpet right and admit and acknowledge that he is our Lord in our God he is above us we are under him concerning salvation how do you get born again you believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead what else do you do you confess with your mouth then what not just anything but that Jesus is Lord yes you're saying when the person confessing is this is the word confess means acknowledge among other things you're acknowledging I am NOT my own Lord anymore I don't run my life anymore I died I was crucified with Christ I died and my life is now hid in God in him with him he's my lord I don't do what I want to do anymore I do what he wants me to do I know that's easier to say than to live but you can by the grace of God said out loud jesus is my Lord I'm not my own Lord I don't do what I want to do I don't go where I want to go I don't stay where I want to stay I do what my Lord says I submit to him I yield to him so then he says submit yourself and therefore under God and what comes next resist the devil so I'm not yielding to the devil I'm yielding to God now now I'm in a position where the devil has to yield to me well don't you want to be in a position where you walk in authority in the name of Jesus and where you can boldly say no not in my house you don't I bind you up I shut you down in Jesus name I forbid this and the devil has to back out he has to flee run right but what if you're full of Pride and rebellion you're stiff-necked you're hard-headed you won't do what the Lord tells you to do are you in a position to resist the devil and him flee from you know you're yielding to him you try to get him to yield to you he's gonna fit you it's like what you yielded to me all day now supposed to hop when you say huh do you see what I'm saying let's read through it again he gives more grace he says God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you draw near to God and He will draw near to you now he went into this in some detail this this shows pride or humility this shows submission or resistance who comes to whom one reason why there's so much talk about pride in our society is it's not just talk it really is there and and people you know as it's the nature of the flesh anyway so if it is fed it just increases and and so many are so filled with pride and I don't I don't been to anybody and I am nobody's servant i hain't nobody slave I'm my own man within you're not God's man this is a free country I do what I want nobody tells me what to do I do what I want and it's sad God has set a structure of authority hasn't he when we've gone through it if you haven't been with us you're to go back and get the materials download it for free off the internet cds are available in the word supply and you caught up we talked about how God has set a structure of authority there's rank among the Angels the Bible said Jesus himself submits to the Father and he has set in the church as it has pleased him 1st 2nd 3rd doesn't make one person intrinsically better than another it just has to do with the place of God now go with me if you would the 1st Timothy excuse me not first Timothy 1st Thessalonians the 5th chapter and let's get into something else today 1st Thessalonians 5 are you believing God with me please do stay hooked stay focused you can nap later you can eat later you can talk later right it ain't talking time it ain't thinking about eating time and ain't sleeping time what is it just get from God time right received from the Lord here from God 1st Thessalonians the fifth chapter I'm excited about this I believe revelation is coming out today he said verse 12 1st Thessalonians 5 12 we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you now he said first of all to do what no one what does that mean well you have to you know who are you supposed to submit to who is over you in the Lord there are all kind of Christians that have no answer for that question Oh God God I don't submit to any man I don't obey any man-made rules you've heard that I submit to God not man well they're ignorant did you hear me turn to first Peter how'd you place there in first Thessalonians I'm not through with that first Peter a reminder the second chapter first Peter 2:13 I want you to see how opposite this is of what people quote first Peter 2:13 what does it say submit yourselves to what every ordinance of man of what of man and you do it for the lord's sake whether it be to the king as supreme or the governors and he goes on down the line is that man's rules when I back up ordinance of man ordinances what does that mean man's rules man's laws men's things did he tell you to submit to him yeah well what about these folk who said I don't obey any man-made rules I don't obey man's rules I don't know Bay man ignorant of the Bible God has ordained that there be a structure of authority now if everybody this is the one big if - if everybody was a hundred percent led by the spirit all the time you wouldn't need any rules we wouldn't have to tell y'all we having a special service everybody'd pick it up and be here we wouldn't have to say you know don't don't bring five hot dogs in here because you'd know in your spirit not to and you'd pay it you pay attention we wouldn't have to say don't do this do this do the other don't don't Park here don't get in front of these people don't do that don't say this you wouldn't have if everybody was led by the spirit all the time you wouldn't need any of that but guess what they're not and there's a whole lot of folks that are rarely led by the spirit they're led by their appetite they're led by their feelings they're led by their experiences and what they think and all kind of other unscriptural unbiblical stuff and so it's like children how many understand children need parents they they don't realize how much they need parents but they need parents why so much of it has to do with what they don't know that they don't know right think about a two-year-old a three-year-old or four-year-old what they don't know that they don't know so God has placed individuals over them hasn't he and not just so mom and dad can lord it over the children but for the children's protection and for the children's benefit oh did you hear these words now and what people I'm getting into something rich here today what people have not realized is by bucking against what God has ordained they are cutting of their benefits they're cutting off their help and their protection oh do you see it are you listening I don't I don't submit to any man look back at first Thessalonians actually we're going straight from first Thessalonians to Hebrews so you already got a finger back there but 1st Thessalonians 5 let's finish reading it know them which labor are among you now good leaders labor a lazy leader is not a good leader hmm good leaders work semester well but I'm retired ain't no such thing as retiring from the kingdom of God unless you breathe your last or the trumpet sounds till then you work everybody I don't care if you're 109 you work everybody everybody works every body everybody is supposed to be working in the kingdom of God hey what some folk didn't like that I worked hard for 40 years brother Keith I'm retired and I'm just going to enjoy my retirement yeah and when you get out of this body and you enter into heaven and we're all getting our rewards you can wish you to pay more attention you were not sent down here just to make a living or just to raise a family we are here to make our contribution to the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven and part of that can be through your family and part of it can be through your job but that's not all of it you need to be on the lookout I you for the opportunities to use the graces and gifts and abilities and and material things that God's put in our hands to advance the kingdom every day every night because this is so short Oh guys it is so sure just a few more breaths and we all gonna be in heaven oh we're with that far from it it's it's so close and people in this life they get up they get dressed they go to work they come back they eat supper they go to bed to get up they get dressed they go to work and they come back and they think it's gonna be like that forever it's not it's not and all the stuff we did that was just what we wanted to do and just in the flesh it's gonna be consumed it's not gonna mean a thing only what we did to help people only what we did that made a difference in the kingdom can you save me so let me say it again everybody works everybody then that's what you you know we had our service team banquet just a few days ago hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and I was so glad and so blessed to see it because you know we've talked about it a lot the Lord put it in our hearts strong this is not supposed to be a church or a handful of people do all the work and ninety-eight percent come and sit and say hallelujah and go home we're supposed to we're supposed to be developing in our service teams and we're not supposed to see how few people can be involved everybody is supposed to be doing something and working well not everybody likes that well you know you got two basic different kind of churches you do you got people who go to church because they want something and you got people who go to church because they want to give something they want to serve God and this is the latter kind of church the great thing about it it's when you saw what happens after you you read but you don't just think about I'm here to get you're here too so you're here to sell and we've already talked about this semester well I signed up on something two years ago well whoop-dee-do you're supposed to continually make yourself available to the Lord are you with me and see what we run into here is pride and and that's why things have become so warped in so many denominations and so many churches and why so even so many ministers have been reduced to hireling z' and and churches change pastors every year to whether they need to or not just to keep things fresh you know and and if a preacher don't do what they want him to do man they fire him a hiring and firing because of that preachers feel pressure to be politicians and to not offend people and to try to keep everybody happy with them and like in them and that interferes with them obeying God you see what I'm saying when God intended that the pastor's be the daddy and the momma of the church not a democracy how many know at your house you ain't supposed to vote on everything no there's supposed to be a head of the family and even between elder child and younger child there's a difference in place the Bible said the younger are to submit to the elder and were to submit to those that are over us in the Lord can you see this now and why just so we can be rigid and military like no it's the plan of God and within it is Grace and protection and provision and so many benefits that this rebellious society has lost there's protection now what did the first thing he say here first Thessalonians to do what with those that are over you you're supposed to know who they are you ought to be able to sit down and write down some names of people that you know God has put in a place of authority but doesn't mean that they're smarter than you are better than you it just means God put them in that place and even though you might not respect everything that they say or do you must respect that place or else wise you don't respect what God has done what else did he say verse 13 do what is steamed them what very highly in love for their works say not not for their fleshes sake not because flesh but for their works sake the work that God called them to and wanted them to do grace them to do and again here you see work right not lazy do-nothing leaders working leaders working lay everything produces after its own kind lazy leaders lazy people disrespectful leaders disrespectful people poverty poor mouth leader poverty poor mouth people now with me are not only show helping me enough is it true everything that includes your kids everything produces after its own kind as parents have you ever looked at something in your kids ago where did that come from and then you had to go oh oh listen the only way to keep from passing something down to your kids the only way is to get it out of you that's the only way you think you hide it but you look up one day in there it'll be and don't don't even think about telling them don't do what I do now this is bad for you don't do this soon as they get out of sight they gonna do it specially if I have any respect for you because they wouldn't be like you and if you think it's cool then they think it's cool even if they don't say so they try to act like they don't care around you but then they get off and try to do it whether it's what whatever leader it is everything produces after its own kind the scripture said like prophet like priest like people and so the only way to keep from transferring it to somebody else is what get it out of you that's the only way don't think you can hide it cuz you can't because it's not just natural it's spiritual even though you might do a good job of hiding it on the outside spiritually you can't keep it from from happening so what's the solution if you don't want it any and your kids believe God can get it out of you simple and he can and you can he said esteem them very highly in love for their works now I want you to see this next phrase here are results of doing this what does it say and actually the word hands not not in italics be at peace among yourselves one reason there's so much turmoil in homes so much unrest is because there's no structure there's no that the head is not being the head and the helpers are not being the helpers and so there's turmoil and then one one reason so many churches are just you know they're just ready to split and fragment over any little thing there's no strong leadership and there's there's no leading there's no Authority there's no submission is there a benefit to doing things the way the Lord said so here's one big one what is it peace peace don't you like peace we've had so many Vista visiting ministers and visitors of all kinds come and say how old brother Keith y'all's place is so wonderful oh man that time I pulled on the parking lot I just sensed the presence of God and the people just are full of love and I just enjoyed it so much would it be the same if we're all fighting in each other if there's all these power struggles going on on everything and if you'd already changed pastors a dozen times the more we can do it God's Way the more what peace peace we can have go to Hebrews please 13th chapter Hebrews 13 now I'll just tell you the further we go into this rebellious people don't like this kind of teaching and preacher they don't like it people who don't want to change did you hear people whose hearts right recognize God and even if they've missed it they say oh no no that's right I want that Lord help me right and those are the people who get grace what happens if you harden yourself and resist it then you get resisted that's that's that's a bad thing because you're not being graced you're not being helped you're on your own and you're bucking against God that's a bad bad thing what if you can humble yourself how many if you're wrong you want to see it do you well if you got any wisdom at all you do sit out loud Lord what I don't know show me what I've not understood reveal it to me wherein I've been wrong show me I'll repent by your grace I'll accept it and I'll change hallelujah yes oh man some of the greatest victories in your life come when you repent did you know that did you know repentance is a gift it's a gift from God people look at repentance as a negative thing people ever seen people flare up we may repent well you think I've done any what we think it's what you know between you and God but the Bible talks about in Timothy praying for people that God would grant them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth that they might recover themselves out of the snare of the enemy did you know no matter how terrible the bondage is you can get free without outside human help you can repent but did you notice grant them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth you have to admit it cause sin sin and it meant for you've messed up how many remember first John 1:9 huh oh come on now surely more people know first John 1:9 what's first John 1:9 say huh if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and what and to cleanse us from all on the righteous but now there's a if it starts off with if if how many know what if means if you do it does if you don't it doesn't if what if what go over it again slowly if what if we what if we what what does confess mean acknowledge some people might say admit acknowledge the scripture says in Proverbs that if you hide and cover your sin you will not prosper but if you'll confess it and forsake it you get mercy oh did you hear that and so you know that that has been diluted in modern times and you hear people say well I don't know you know if I missed it whatever okay if I did forgive me there's no repentance did you hear that people do that with God I don't know God why what do you want and so people think well well God knows where I am if he wants to talk to me about something mean come to me and they feel the same way about their leaders and about everybody well they know where I am if they won't tell me something what is that can you sense the spirit of that oh that that's defiance that's resistance that's pride right who's supposed to draw near to whom remember we talked about Moses and Dathan and Korah and those guys and what they say we won't come no he won't that was right before they got swallowed up back there famous bad last words no we're supposed to if we think something's not right we're supposed to go to him the lesser is supposed to come to the greater right and submit yourself and make yourself available to be corrected and to be changed and said lord have mercy and when you see it you don't play word games you do what you what has confessed me you acknowledge I did it it's sin I judge myself no excuses no blame game yeah but you know they didn't help me and so-and-so isn't much to blame as me and and so no you look you look at any eye and you say I did it it's sin I acknowledge it I confess it then you ask him to forgive you and what the Bible say he is faithful he is you see you get mercy now all can you see this you get because you have humbled yourself how do you see it every one of us have been here right just saying none of us you know somebody hadn't really been here meet you trying to say you haven't sinned everybody has sinned and missed it so to get past it what do you have to do confess it confess it acknowledge it admit it call sin sin own up to it be a man be a woman right come up to God say God I you know in the military sometimes it to tell you three three correct responses to something yes sir no sir no excuse sir don't need no bunch of talk no bunch of explanation what why'd you do it Oh dumb flesh you weak mm-hmm try take full responsibility for it look at ratney I are you with me now now yeah you do this with God obviously but you do this with people too now are you with me in Hebrews 13 read this he said verse 7 remember them now that's similar to saying know them isn't it know'm know who they are and don't forget them remember them that have the rule over you who have spoken to you the Word of God whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation now let's see skip on down to verse 17 obey them that have the rule over you what does that mean huh see people don't like that word do they do they people don't like the word submit it's been taken out of all it's been taken out of wedding vows obeys been taken out right it's been taken out of different commitments and places because we you know obey obey what part of you don't like that submit obey in your flesh goes yeah and and immature foolish Christians like to say well I obey God because see who knows whether you do or not oh that's convenient now isn't it I submit to God not man well the bottle told you to submit to man so how you submitting to him and he told you to submit to those over in you not doing it then you're not submitting to him but we're having fun that they are some things don't make you shout too much at the time or but if you do or if you do them what I'm endeavoring to say it I believe the Spirit of God is using us to say today there is a whole dimension a whole world of grace benefits help protection strength to those willing to submit the humble get grace do we know what it means to get grace what do you need when you've hit the bottom huh what when you can't fix it when you can't get up by yourself when nobody you know can fix it what do you need when if you get what you deserve you're going to be judged what do you want what do you need you need grace you need grace think about somebody like Peter all of us can identify stood out there cursed about Jesus denied ran but a few chapters later standing there leading the churches advancement preaching like a house afire thousands getting saved how how you look at him holding on to the post crying like a whip pup miserable and now you look at him leading leading the church to the Lord Jesus Christ thousands coming in today what's the difference what's the difference what's the difference grace grace grace who gets the grace humble the submissive the obedient keep reading this obey them is that good or bad obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves you know as ministers this is one of the most frustrating things in ministry there have been numerous times when the Lord has directed me to tell individuals things wasn't some bizarre thing it was in the word and there's something he directed me you ought to do this and they wouldn't do it and you know in your spirit we're talking about that they don't realize it but they're in a job sure this way goes to life and blessing this way goes to curse and destruction and I've come back there been times I prayed all night long before I talked to somebody and the Lord showed me what to say and what to do and they refused it and and it just it made your heart ache because you knew it's gonna cost it's gonna cost how many members Samuel God used him to anoint song remember that and I mean God shook shook the nation he destroyed their enemies he did amazing things but then Saul you know he started out I'm bashful remember that when they got ready to crown him they couldn't find him he was hid under some stuff they had to go dig him out of the bags that didn't last long he got haughty he's the king now he can do what he wants to and he defied God and he disobeyed God and finally the Lord told him he said I I have rejected him take your horn of all and go and I'm gonna show you who to who to anoint for the next king well it was David but the Bible said sin you cried and prayed all night and in day after day they finally the Lord said quit get up I told you what to do do we have to obey God no listen to me do we have to obey God we don't have to should we yes but no does it make any difference in your life Missy this is where people have you know developed new doctrines and when something doesn't happen people like to just say people don't get healed there they don't prosper they don't advance and people people try to say well you know the devil is just attacking me and and we don't know when God is mysterious in his ways and they well they try to imply or actually say thing that has happened or hasn't happened in my life was the predetermined will of God but to say that you just got through saying I have never done anything in my life except the perfect will of God therefore everything that has ever happened or didn't happen was the perfect will of God no you do the perfect will of God for your life you get the perfect will of God for your life you don't do it you get out of his will then you get things that are not his will are you with me what time is it I'm gonna New York time I didn't even set my clock huh twelve Elliot what this is let's finish reading this obey them that have the rule over you is that always easy mmm-hmm submit yourselves for they watch for your souls why should you obey Him why should you submit to so they can be a big shot so they can glory in being over you mm-hmm not a real leader if somebody's like that then you get the wrong place he said they watch for your soul as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief say I just got through describing some grief the we ministers experience you know exactly what I'm telling my parents parents grandparents you know exactly what I'm talking about there have been times you have seen things crystal clear they ought to go this way not that way but no they know too much it's here and you knew what was coming next you knew what was coming next but no no they know too much and it grieves you to watch people just leave blessing and go into cursing because it grieves God but now come back why would that be happening to these folk they didn't obey them that have the rule over they didn't submit themselves who's making them submit nobody makes you submit you have to submit yourself you have to come to God you have to come to those the Lord tells you to submit yourself make yourself available this is every day every day every day you show up before the throne you go here an Lord teach me correct me use me I submit to you so are y'all with me guys every day every day everything cuz you got flesh to do with every day right every day you got flesh and if you miss it and your mouth off and you don't respond right that's not the end you can get it fixed can't you yeah you can't you can come before God put your nose in the carpet say look I'm sorry yeah yielded to my dumb flesh God but that's not my heart my heart is you are my lord whatever you say goes I don't care what I think I like it or not I submit to you I obey you and whoever you say to that can save you he said these leaders he said do it obey obey Him submit to him so that they may do it with joy I said joy hidden it joy when your children listened to you huh how about God it's joy to him I said it's joy to him when his kids listen to me makes him happy why because he can bless us he knew what he wants to do go with me to two places in in closing Psalm 81 and isaiah 40:8 we'll go from one to the other are there benefits to submitting oh yeah some benefits to obeying including people that God's put over you thank you master thank you master you know the Bible even talking about people praying for the sick it said is any sick among you let the elders make sure they check on them and keep up with them now see that's what modern churchianity has done with that scripture and they've turned you know they've only emphasized ministers supposed to be servants and they haven't talked about any of this know them esteem him highly obey him oh no no no not that submit to them no why would he say let them whoever say let them call why do you see the principal draw near to him he'll draw near to you instead you see people lay up and get mad because somebody didn't know about it right well that person is not in a position to receive they're not showing respect they're not showing faith see people have not understood leaders are supposed to be able to help their people with the anointing that's on their life I'm not through second Corinthians before you see this second Corinthians this won't take long besides that we don't care second Corinthians ten we were just reading this not long ago 2nd Corinthians 10 and verse 8 Paul says by the Spirit of God verse 7 and verse 6 having a readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled what's he talking about he's talking about he's gonna do something he's gonna come in the church and do what revenge disobedience how he gonna do that verse 7 do you look on things after the outward appearance If any man trust to himself that he is Christ's let him of himself think this again that as he's Christ even so we're Christ for the last should boast somewhat more of our authority which the Lord has given us for what for what edification and not for your destruction I should not be ashamed that I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters some of his letters some of the things he said it shook people up he said for they say his letters are weighty and powerful but his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible they thought man he's he's like dual personality almost me around him he's not intimidating at all but man sometimes he gets to talking and writing and who scary well only if you're rebellious let's such a one think this that such as we are in word by letters when we're absent such will we be also indeed when we are present you know the end of this he said what do you want me to do when I come you want me to come with a blessing or with a stick and see most churches do not want their ministers talking like this they're like we'll fire you bud we'll send you packing and that's why there's so many dead dry lifeless powerless churches because they're not just doing that with men they're doing that to God they've rejected his choice they've rejected his way turned to the thirteenth chapter of second Corinthians you see it again 2nd Corinthians 13 now what I wanted you to notice he said God gave me this Authority for what for your edification to build you up to help you but now to get the benefit of that would you you wouldn't you have to acknowledge that authority acknowledge that plate to get benefit from it wouldn't you have to submit to it notice this again 2nd Corinthians 13 he said verse 10 he said I write these things being absent less being present I should use sharpness according to the power now that word means Authority which the Lord has given me to edification and not to destruction sharpness but a fool could say where's your love brother well whom the Lord loves he chastens right love's not gonna just I'm in a parent that loves their child they don't just go let them play in the street because they want to right if they need to that they gonna Jack them up they're gonna speak to them they go and speak sharply to him boy I said get here now right does that mean you don't love him no means they're not listening they're not paying attention they're not respecting your place they should have listened the first time right how many member of fees and six children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right and it's the first commandment with a promise or are you seeing this what's the promise that it may go well with you and you may live long on this gonna hold up whoa whoa how does this happen that it goes well with you and you live long on the earth you acknowledge who God put over you you obey Him you submit to it's supposed to start when you're this high right and when you when you operate that way at home then you got no problem submitting it school to the teachers and to the coaches and you got no problem submitting at church you got no problem submitting on the job to your supervisor to your boss because you submit to God you just know how to submit you know how to obey and if you do that Oh hallelujah if you do it then what God put in place to protect you to build you up to edify you to grace you to help you that flow is going to be unhindered unimpeded can you see it can you save me now go please to Psalm 81 Psalm 81 and Isaiah 48 I believe it is oh thank you master thank you master thank you master thank you master Oh hallelujah you know one of the big reasons people don't submit it's fear fear and you fears come on you and the fear keeps you out of the blessing can you trust God that if he tells you to do something can you trust him is he going to hurt you or is he gonna look out for you and even if you didn't know all the reasons why just do what he said and trust him and he will take care of you even if people mess up he will take care of you Psalm 81 it's already been a good day did you know that Psalm 81 verse 10 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt open your mouth wide and I'll fill it who what means he'll satisfy you but but my people would not hearken to my voice and Israel would none of me they wouldn't have it what is that oh it's ugly stinking devilish pride no I ain't gonna do it no I don't have to no I'm gonna do what I want to do yeah and it's gonna cost you more than you imagined but my people would not listen to me so I gave them up to their own hearts lust and they walked in their own counsels now let them do what they wanted to do I let them go the way they wanted to go oh can you hear this this for this what I want you to hear in particular verse 13 who is talking here God himself what does he say oh that my people had hearkened to me who said this can you hear his heart can you hear its grieving him because he's the one who's ultimately over us should we obey Him and submit ourself to him so that it wouldn't be a grief to him being over us but it'd be a joy to him does he watch over our soul then I everybody in positions under him they're under shepherds doing part of the same thing good ones and here he said all that my people had hearkened to me and Israel had walked in my ways that they had done it my way I should assume have subdued their enemies and turned my hand against their adversaries the haters of the Lord would have submitted themselves to him that sounds like resist the devil he'll flee from you how many remember proverbs said when a man's ways please the Lord he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him that means people who don't even like you for some reason they have to be nice to you they don't even know why they're doing it is there power in submitting to God is there power in listening to him and obey in him such protection such grace he went on to say verse 16 over 1600 he should have fed him also with the finest of the wheat and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied you how many remember Isaiah where he said if you be willing and obedient what'll happen you'll eat the good of the the very next one 18th very next verse says but if you refuse and rebel you'll be devoured that guess just as true as the first one right how many wannabe will what's that next word what's that next word does your flesh always want to be obedient it rarely wants to be obedient it wants to do what it wants to do the way he wants to do it really wants to do it and don't say nothing to me about it don't my your flesh yours everybody's flesh is the same way can you do anything with it don't can you do what Paul said you know I keep my body under I bring it into subjection under me right I do isaiah 40:8 i think we're there glory to God are there benefits to submitting why did God give us people over us same reason he gave parents to children to love us to protect us to help us it's welling up in my spirit there have been people I'm thinking of people right now that are not here they're not here so don't try to make it you that I for the last five years I've prayed for my said Lord let me help him he said they won't come to you I said I know it I'll go to them he said uh-uh no they're disrespecting me sometimes he'll let you go to people how many remember the prodigal son came in his dad went and brought him in on that occasion the older son wouldn't come in the house what is that standing after in the yard mad and his daddy went out to him oh that's grace oh that's mercy and sometimes the Lord lets you do that but other times when people know they know better they know better you'd be misrepresenting God to goat and how many understand that the parent is not supposed to submit to the child it's alright no you can admit if you're wrong on something and change it but that's not submission giving in to them and there have been times with the Lord I see what to do I know yeah but they won't come they won't come and there's been other people huh glory to God they said brother Keith I'm sorry show me this help me this and man while they're talking revelation starts coming up gray starts coming up anointing stuff why cuz that's why God gave us we're gifts to you did you hear me not to lord it over the congregation but is in samples to the flock but there is a supply of the Spirit that's through your elders and through your leaders and through your mothers and fathers in the faith to you if if you come to them if you submit if you humble then now the door is open the Bible said with the froward the Lord shows himself rhoward you want to get hearty with him who you run up against a wall with him he didn't respond well to people being haughty with them oh but if you're humble yourself humble yourself humble yourself in the sight of God tell me what comes next tell me what comes next if you're humble yourself in the sight of God what happens he will exalt you he will he will raise you up he will grace you he will help you notice this I was there 48 are there benefits to submitting I know a Phyllis has told this many many times publicly so I'm I'm not divulging anything here but you've heard her say how she and I had challenges first several years of our marriage we had a number of all-night discussions and there were there were a few times when we were about that close from not you know not trying to make it work anymore and one of the things you know when she got filled with the spirit she told me later that the Lord told her is she supposed to submit to me but she didn't like it and it's just the flesh you know anything that any man or woman teaches on submission you got to practice it yourself in some other area right everything I say about submission applies to me and whoever's over me and there are and I'm not just talking we have submitted we served others for decades and still doing glad to do it as occasion allows but what when the breakthrough begin to be with us it's when she began to realize she was afraid to submit she's afraid she'd lose her freedom and her identity if she submitted to me and there were times that I'd so wanted to help her but I couldn't because there's a wall there she's not gonna do it and what she didn't realize it wasn't my idea are y'all listening or not it wasn't my idea I didn't tell her to submit to me I didn't come up with that wasn't my idea and there were several areas of life that I wanted to help I wanted to be a strength I wanted to believe and have wisdom but it was not she wasn't open it wasn't available because wouldn't give me that place oh but when it broke and when we got past it oh I began to be able to help her like I had never been able to before she began to be able to help me like she had never been able to before do you hear what I'm saying to you there is why is the devil fight us so much on this stuff because this rebellion is a wall between us and our help and our grace and our strength isaiah 40:8 are you there Isaiah forty-eight you got any scriptures marked in here let's see what goes with them though isaiah 40:8 sixteen how's it start huh who comes to whom the lesser comes to the greater come near to me and hear this I've not spoken in secret from the beginning from the time that it was there I am and now the Lord God and His Spirit has sent me thus says the Lord your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel I am the Lord your God which teaches you to what profit which leads you by the way that you should go that's nothing in was verse 18 saying oh that you had hearkened to my Commandments then Yuda had peace being his River that's where we get the song that we sang then had your peace been as a river and your righteousness as the waves of the sea what's his plan what was he thinking about when he told us to submit what did he what was in his mind when he told us to obey and to yield and submit prosperity profit peace protection or can you see it can you see it that's what he had in mind it's not negative it's not bad it's our grace it's our blessing hallelujah stand on your feet please oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord I want you to forget about people right now don't even think about me don't think about anybody else don't think about your husband ladies don't think about your boss don't think about any man or woman that might be over you just forget about that right now and just close your eyes and from your heart tell God that you are completely willing to submit to him and to obey Him don't even think about people but right now begin to lift up your heart lift up your voice set out loud father God I am submissive I submit myself spirit soul my body money stuff everything under my power I submit to your control to your hand and I say I will obey I will obey I will obey I will obey I will obey I will obey oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah let's sing yes Lord yes y'all know that hallelujah not singing out loud [Music] everybody's spirit speaks to me [Music] everybody say yes [Music] when your spirit speaks to me yes [Music] everybody's late - yes - you're willing to I will trust you and obey when your spirit needs to be [Music] Oh father we praise you this morning Oh we receive your word we submit to your way your will you know best you are right and we honor you oh yes we do or dispraise him some more tell him in your own words that you'll not be rebellious you'll not be stubborn you'll not be hard-headed you'll not be proud but you'll put your flesh under yes you will said out loud I'll put my flesh on you I'll resist pride I'll not be stubborn I'll not be hard-headed I'll not demand my own way I submit to you your will your way not my will but your will be done oh thank you Lord for the grace to do it for the help to do it for the strength to do it well lot of the greater ones inside of me I can do it I can do it I can do it by your help by your grace I can obey yes I can so my answer is yes Lord yes everybody's singing say yes [Music] I'm gonna trust you when you talk to the Lord [Music] we'll be ash [Music] nobody's fired everybody say guess what will all your ways yes what yes I'm gonna trust you and obey when your spirit speaks to me with my whole heart [Applause] [Music] we'll be yes when your spirit speaks to me with my whole heart and my answer will be yes [Music] every day we'll be [Music] yes [Music] all thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord Oh hallelujah close your eyes if you would if you here this morning or you're watching my internet you're not in the room but you're here are anywhere and you have not said yes to the lordship of Jesus you are not go another second much less minute or day before you do this he is the king of kings and Lord of lords he he has made us he gives us our every breath we ought to bow to his lordship and submit to him if you've never given your heart to the Lord you've never said yes to the lordship of Jesus would you raise your hand in this room or would you raise your hand watching my internet or TV would you raise your hand and say that's me I haven't suggest but I'm going through right now I'm saying yes to the lordship of Jesus maybe you said yes a long time ago but you left him and you've been doing your own thing you've been being your own Lord and you need to come back and read confess and in reestablishing your life he is Lord would you raise your hand - and you say yes I haven't been serving it right but right now I'm saying yes I'm saying yes or thank your Lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you my answer my answer today is yes everybody said out loud father God my answer is yes to anything and everything that you say my answer is yes to faith in Jesus yes that he raised from the dead yes that he's coming back again yes he is my Lord my Savior my Redeemer yes I am saved made clean by the blood of the Lamb yes oh yes yes come on praise Him song [Music] give you praise of my days and my answer is yes always singing again everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yes but yes - you're right [Music] [Music] go with you [Music] is that your heart today not just two words not just your mouth but your heart well don't lose it by the end of the day keep it tonight keep it tomorrow keep it for the rest of your life we're gonna sing this as we go and we are here's this church is his he can do whatever he wants to do with our life our money our family our business whatever you won't know whatever you want and not just say it but meaning we sing as we go everybody [Music] you [Music] yes [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes trust you [Music] yes to you you
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 2,204
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Submission, to, God, Pt, 7, The, Benefits, Of, Submission
Id: wtkxJT2FE80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 34sec (5314 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2012
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