10 Secrets You Didn't Know About Captain America's Shield

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Captain America's shield is his primary offense weapon it's also one of the most iconic symbols in all of Marvel both on screen and on the page when you think of CAP you imagine him running in the battle with the red white and blue disks strapped to his back but what do you really know about his shield stick around to find out all the secrets why not slide on over to the subscribe button for the CBR channel 1 click on the red button means videos delivered to your inbox daily how's that for service rather deadly weapon it isn't easy to handle when you're running around pretending to be Steve Rogers thought-out and ready for evil what do you practice first you learn all the skills you need to use the shield you learn how to throw it at your opponent and have it returned to you figure out how to toss it against walls at just the right angles to have it ricochet around the room how to run in combat and use it as protection in the Marvel Cinematic Universe on the pages of comic books Captain America makes it seem so easy it isn't like his shield is an enchanted weapon like kneel near one does not have to be worthy to pick up the shield as they would to wield Thor's hammer just because you don't have to pass an ancient test doesn't mean that any unskilled person can pick up the shield and use it at will even if you spend hours practicing as a kid there's a lot more to it yeah we don't really need to start a conversation ok cat captain big fan cap is known for being able to toss the shield and it returns to him the secret to the toss is in the balance super soldier Captain America can accurately use the weapon while other superheroes can't merely pick it up and toss it without problems the shield is in a boomerang and it takes a lot of skill and training to use correctly do you think there are varied shields close your eyes now imagine cats in America what does he look like to you what version of his costume do you see him in what version of his shield do you picture him holding now open your eyes you're probably saying to yourself what do you mean what version of cap shield there's only one that is not true Captain America is often paired with his discus shaped shield it has the red and white circles on the perimeter and the blue surrounding the white star in the middle in the comics this is known as the Silver Age shield however not the only version of this artifact in fact there are many shields out there in the world some of them are in use or backups others are kept as mementos in fact the shield we described at the beginning of this entry isn't even the original Steve's first version was made of steel and shaped more like the traditional shield found on the United States of America steel Rogers keeps that as a part of his personal items from 1941 to 1949 he had a variant of the Silver Age version where one circle is blue and another red around the perimeter black panther even gave cap a version may double condon vibranium that's the rarest metal on earth what you're holding there that's all we've got so many shields not enough arms to carry them all it can be broken Captain America shield is a symbol of courage hope and all the good in the world as a symbol it cannot be broken people all around the world look up to Captain America and his shield however as an actual shield it does have its limitations after all it is man-made despite forged from some of the most powerful materials on the planet it is not indestructible the shield has taken major hits over the course of its existence Captain America doesn't shy away from a tough fight with some of the biggest strongest and aggressive villains out there that shield is taking a blow from Thor's hammer Steve Rogers has gone up against Wolverines adamantium claws then use it to protect him from the slashing in the MCU at the end of Captain America Civil War he went toe to toe with iron man's repulsors if it can survive all that it must never break the shield can be broken it has been broken even though Marvel doesn't want you to know that who's broken the shield you ask the Beyonder can destroy entire universes and therefore the shield too in the 1991 miniseries the Infinity Gauntlet vanos broke cap shield also molecule man in the Avengers 215 he disintegrates it along with other superheroes artifacts bing-bang-boom American Hero origin story as fans know there are marked differences between the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the comic books while there is a shared overlap in detail and story between both entities there are often marked differences in the MCU the film's would have you believe that caps first shield is made up entirely of vibranium and invented by Howard Stark it was made during the war to protect Steep after he survived decades later he needs a new disk the latter version was invented by Howard's son Tony and would also be made of pure vibranium the MCU would have you believe that this is true story of cap shield however the comic books have the real often overlooked truth about the origins of the iconic artifact the shield was invented by the creator of adamantium dr. Myron MacLean you know the stuff that Wolverines claws are coated in the doctor was a metallurgist working on tank armor he wasn't even trying to invent Rogers primary weapon at the time while McLain did useful Condon vibranium for his experiment he also included steel and other substances during a test he then fell asleep and woke up to find all the substance bonded forming the original shield therefore cap shield is a hybrid of materials fun-packed the doctor could never replicate this mixture which led to the invention at a Maine daeum I hear you're kind of attached cracks in the shield we established in the third entry of this video that Captain America's shield can and has been broken before it is mighty but it is not indestructible too often the shield is represented as being shiny and like it's brand-new which doesn't seem to make sense because Captain America is using it as protection against attacks all the time though surviving a punch by The Incredible Hulk is pretty amazing accomplishment for protective gear there are entire superheroes who can't survive a Hulk smash the image of the glistening shield on CAPS arm is totally false marvel's trying to hide from you that the fact that this weapon can look super beat up during Captain America Civil War in a rare instance the shield looks damaged I believe this is yours Captain America during the airport battle scene between each side the black panther attacks Rogers Black Panthers will Condon by brainy and nails tear into the shield dragging them down the front side he leaves three distinct claw marks on the front it's difficult to reconstruct the shield due to lack of materials in the comic books the damage sustained by the shield never seems to last as long as it does in the MCU after all it isn't like there's some special towel that buffs out visible damage so don't be fooled the disc is not perfect inside or out ah my brother's Roman can't be manipulated by Magneto Captain America encounters a spectrum of opponents he's battled the Incredible Hulk in the comic books he's gone up against Thanos in the Infinity Gauntlet series he's even gone up against different Asgardian guards like the serpent during the fear itself series there almost isn't a villain that Captain America hasn't come up against that includes crossovers and other titles inside the Marvel comic book universe such as the x-men one of the most powerful mutants in the world is Magneto and it would stand to reason that he would be able to manipulate Captain America's shield after all it's a composite of several different substances magneto can control the small metallic traces and a human or enhanced humans bloodstream he can stop Wolverine in his tracks due to his adamantium skeleton did the doctor who invented adamantium also create cap shield what's up with that it is a tightly kept secret that the master of magnetism has absolutely no overwhelming effect on cap shields in the few times they've squared off with one another Erik leshner has not been able to destroy it that gives Rogers a huge over the omega-level mutant it appears the substances once fused together did not have enough metal in them for magneto to manipulate shields of the future we know Captain America is over 90 years old frozen in time after world war ii he wasn't thought out until the modern age we know Captain America had a shield in the past back when he first started out when he resurfaced he was given a new variation of the original okay so let's turn to the future Marvel doesn't like to publicize this too much but cap shield has gone to the future yeah that's right the shield has traveled to alternate realities and had different owners while Roger stayed put in his own universe and timeline there have also been futures where rogers has the shield but it's look and attributes are entirely different in an alternative future Steve Rogers had a daughter with x-men member robe her name is Sarah Rogers and goes by the alias crusader makes sense because well her dad was Captain America and all in alternative futures both Nathan base ring and guardians of the galaxy leader major victory had the shield at their disposal in addition futuristic versions of the shield can vary from the main universe and timeline were used to usually still a disc the color design and properties can Barry makes us wonder what do you think about these secret possible shields imagine if they found their way to cap today others can use the shield too don't you dream of one day being able to pick up Captain America's shield and charge in the battle well you could make that dream a reality that is if you jumped inside a comic book or into the Marvel Cinematic Universe while Marvel likes to play it off like only Steve Rogers can pick up the mantle of Captain America there are several other superheroes who have wielded the weapon imagine if word got out into the universe that Steve Rogers is not the only superhero who can use the shield while others might not use it as well as he does the opportunity to snatch it from him might be too great to pass up Wonder Man during a fight with count nefaria took the shield from a strain Rogers and pursued the villain while Wonder Man has his own set of abilities the protective gear was a welcomed additional tool on several occasions the one and only James Bucky Barnes has taken up the shield this has been during those times that Bucky was pretending to be Captain America Sam Wilson has also done this on occasion while standing in one of our favorite instances of another superhero using the power of the shield his Ock I you know me point and shoot it could destroy the world no cap shield hasn't developed any mutant powers however due to the events in secret Wars there was a period of time when the shield had enhanced capabilities neither Iron Man and Captain America had any inkling of this change until it was already too late they tried to keep it as secret as possible if word got out it could cause major disruptions during the secret Wars saga Beyond or temporarily lost his powers to Doctor Doom while beyonder got them back it sent an energy wave as a side-effect this energy wave gave everyone in the battle world one wish to be granted since Rogers did not have his shield at the time he wished to have it returned to him hole later cap lost the shield over the Atlantic Ocean it sank to the bottom it was recovered and dropped on the deck of the ship it shattered investigation found the molecules of the shield altered the energies released by the vibranium created a shockwave that spread like a vibranium cancer violently destroying any vibranium it accounted feeding off each newly destroyed source of vibranium the shockwaves reached the great vibranium Mount in Wakanda this could end up resulting in a blast that could destroy the world you see why Marvel can let this news get out thank you sir temporarily made of light it is hard to picture Captain America without his shield however it's true there have been periods throughout his tenure as a superhero that he's gone out empty-handed literally it is true he has a couple of backups in case in of an emergency he has the pure vibranium disc his original shield that he took back from the Smithsonian museums display and it will Condon version there is one backup model in particular that sticks out Marvel doesn't mention this version of the shield often they don't want people to know about it the world has gotten even stranger than you already know at this point I doubt anything would surprise me agent Sharon Carter gave Kap a plasma shield with a flexible containment matrix to him it was a construction of pure energy created by a device in his glove it mimicked this disc shaped shield that could also form other weapons like a bo staff or be fired like an energy blast then regenerated this is by far the rarest shield in all of Captain America's arsenal eventually Rogers Steve the shield away to the time-traveller Primax but Marvel doesn't like to bring that up either imagine if supervillains heard of a shield out there that can not only be caps own device but turned into anything else plus it's worn on the wrist light portable and not easily detected in the wrong hands it can be dangerous be Captain America Steve Jam Captain America down their throats and at the same time protect yourself well there you have it which one of these Secrets was most shocking to learn let us know in the comments below while you're here don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and check out more awesome videos from our playlist and if you liked our video don't forget to give it a big ol thumbs up as always thanks for watching you
Channel: CBR
Views: 3,847,848
Rating: 4.8290548 out of 5
Keywords: Fun, Funny, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment, The Avengers, Marvel, MCU, Captain America, Shield, Disc, Captain America The First Avenger, disc, World War II, vibranium, alloy, Cap, 10, list, infinty war
Id: R5arhEd2ddc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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