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all right now everyone knows that tick tock is one of the biggest platforms in the world but i see a lot of tick tocks from from uk tick tockers move me closer when i feel no pain it's only ball here volleyball here versus us tick tockers today we're here to answer which tick tockers are better we have 15 random tick tocks from the uk and 15 from the us i'm going to be judging who wins each round right class we're moving on it's not yet not yet how to get any girl's attention at a party quick glance okay smile look at a friend take a drink look away and bring him back flare the nostrils soften it bite the lip harder puff the chest mating call look away watch is that a fly and we're back smolder cross-eyed this is bear long and peacock bigger where's peacock she's all yours all right all right all right round one i'm go i'm gonna give it to the american i don't think either of them were amazing there's a couple bits in this thing good the uk one i relate to it that's the issue i relate to it so i kind of wanna kind of give it to that but nah we're giving it to the us uh it hurts me to say that but one nil to the us okay okay i love australians yeah yeah shrimpy on the barbie all of that all of that but i could promise you now i can promise you right now i'm never coming to your country you will never see me in australia no way good beaches good girls good girls telling me i could just be going to the lake and i see this thing this thing this one this animal is a kangaroo that's a man in a suit please don't be ugly all right please don't be ugly please please oh my god ah again kind of funny like it's kind of funny but the effort that he's gone through again these are weak contestants but you know i'm going uk i'm going uk one always tied up gold hey always child getting [Laughter] no this is the winner this win super [ __ ] happy [ __ ] i don't know if that even is us how do you know that's us but that wins that was in the u.s one the other one i like obviously i'm like i have three two brothers i have two brothers yeah the middle child is the least loved but this is one of my favorite tick tocks of all time hi nana i just thought i'd come around and say hello i can't see you in ages oh it's fine do you want anything to eat oh no i'm all right thank you it's poor because i've got scones i've got biscuits i've got crisps and cupboards why are you not changing already all right okay if you say so it's gonna be this is poor already you know what i've actually got these new pepperoni pizzas actually one of these from iceland i saw this thing where people like code switch where they go from talking in an accent to like not and i realized i kind of do the same thing like with men because i'm always like oh my gosh your voice is so deep as if i don't dead i sound like this oh baby we on the same octave in fact i'm probably lower you timmy turner i'm pop smoke oh my god that was terrifying i'm like oh like oh she's she seems that i'm like she's friendly she seems she seems like cute you know as if i don't dead-eye sound like this maybe we on the same octave in fact i'm probably lower you timmy turner i'm pop smoke oh my god that banger banger us has taken another one the fact that the guy didn't even change his hair like just put a t-shirt on your head like you got long hair or something that was a lack of effort you didn't even change t-shirt poor it's poor uk is slacking right now hi guys welcome to nando's total for two yeah relatable techniques i've always wondered what they'd say hello welcome to nando's have you been to this before you said no said no yeah welcome here at nando's our chicken is finger looking good this is for you this uh look at effort in this one if you just want to order up the till when you're ready follow my according to the table i'm going to follow my colleagues at the table here yeah the u.s you're going to struggle with this yeah the u.s construct i roll down [Laughter] that has made me wanna you know what that's one of my favorite trends of all time oh this is a tough one you know this is the this is a tough one that car one is amazing but i've seen better ones so i'm gonna give it to the uk if you can relate to it it gives bonus points 3-2 to the us right now [Music] oh damn okay older girls your age and they're like oh my god you're such a baby like okay breastfeed me then okay okay it was all right but you could have struggled to beat that one the uk is back baby i mean you messed up straight away damn it's all even me needing the toilet okay i don't relate to this hi this is how the homies say bye no you gotta go you're here you're here all right see bro you got it off yeah all right bro all right yeah this is over doing it a little bit i'm already i'm going uk we're going uk it's done i just went it just kept going uk lads at a party waiting for the snapchat video to be on them y'all ever be trying to get some ice cream bro you'd be like scooping and then you'd be like [ __ ] man what happened with my spoon man what ah again that was a week round week round go uk we're going uk what the hell are you trying to make me [ __ ] god these will be gone in two minutes oh i wonder what this is do you know what i was just saying to our andrea just do with some of this that's brilliant thanks sharon try to tell me something oh it's not alive is it all right so i have an idea i want you to stick with me you know how the pineapples evolve to where they have a spiky exterior yes to hide a juicy really tasty inside yes here's my theory oh my god you know what i really relate to the uk one the one for me is always like you pick up a box like this oh is it a football that's the one we always use so i like that one but at the same time now i want to eat a hedgehog you know what i'll give it to the u.s i'll give it to the us it's an interesting theory that is it from me oh my god uk where the first one is steve go in this game take it away it's a goat yes thank you thanks janet this has to be a banger okay okay okay this one is a that one is a banger but it's randy i'm giving it around i'm not giving it to randy hold up hold up the vote is going to randy the uk is storming away right now you can't beat randy's tick tocks if you don't follow him randolph uk go follow him these jokes so i went to piss off my little brother okay come on come on uk stop wanking i've been trying to slam this bottle of pop but it's hard for me because i have acid reflux like really bad so i'm just gonna see how loud i can burp after drinking this here we go cheers why would you do this oh oh no oh i just normally sandwich yeah again i feel pregnant i can't breathe oh something's brewing if i like jump around and like jiggle the pop around my stomach it'll come out uh that's it i need all that work for them [Applause] you know what i actually i think i'd feel bad if i didn't vote for us in this one the effort that she's just gone through for that like the first one was funny the online class but i've got to give it to the u.s that was pure commitment that's just a bang that's a banger well done nice right now he's busy busy man you get me something he's a busy man i wasn't a busy man last year um be careful throwing that if you break it it's seven years of bad luck all right i'll give it for this thought i'll give you this it's all tied up six souls so there's three more [Applause] on a drunk night remember the time i ran into ariana grande while crying because you know what ah you know what you met ariana grande and you had a massive glow up look at you there look at you there i'm sorry you had a glow up and you mariana grande i've gotta give it to 69 69 it's got to be done uk all the way you know i love most about the british people what they're so approachable and polite oh god all right are you doing [ __ ] off oh okay look it's rigged they're gonna pause it right when you ain't there hold up i told you i'm here [Music] [Applause] that's some king [ __ ] right there that's some king [ __ ] us have it there you go wait i think there's way more than 15. i think there might be 20. every british person will let someone through and they don't give you a wave ah not even going to say thank you hey you're welcome when your ninja sense is kicking the dog feel that i feel that we'll give that to the u.s you know you know what follow me on tik tok you're going to see me copy a bunch of these you want to know why i don't jump into open water you might just jump up the boat into water you know what i relate to this a lot what is that this whole time i didn't know this thing exists can you see that thing bob that's a dragon he got a glow-in-the-dark balloon with teeth coming at me you think i'm not i'll just wait i'll wait to die because the ocean is fun look at that crackheads that love swimming next to this thing listen let's cut to the chase i don't care what nobody says everybody has a weird side to them like everybody yeah out of nowhere in the house you just be chilling you just you know what or you're just like it was all right it was all right but we'll give it to the uk it's all equal again what happens if this is a draw when you're on the roller coaster you know the camera's coming up we don't really know each other and i know you and my boyfriend are really close but i'd appreciate it if maybe you could just stop talking to him because it makes me uncomfortable how close you guys are so what are you talking about um i read through his text messages with you and i see how much you guys talk and like he has a girlfriend you read through his text messages oh my god i'm sorry who are you talking about um my boyfriend stephen you mean my brother stephen right steven's my brother oh i forgot what the uk one even was oh i did i did like this one i did like this one i might have to say this is a draw for the first time that might have to be a draw because i really i really like this one but this one is mad the fact she hangs up all right this is definitely england or uk oh fuzzy instead of dressing up if you ain't got no poop snoops the poop snoops is the [ __ ] the boo noon chicken lion duke nukes yeah i mean what it was it was funny but i don't know why do you do you watch every netflix thing with subtitle is that am i missing something here somehow i think i'm gonna give it to the doc the us the uk has got that all right i'm locking your phone into me it's [ __ ] again foxy i like both of them again oh i don't know i might have to give that one a draw mom's at 1001 after a night out a.m good afternoon oh my god how do i get out the shower how my siblings killed ah i'll give it to the uk you know what the uk we've won it but only just some of the us ones were bangers but the uk we pulled through well done well done now if you want to see this again there is a link in the description down below where you can submit tick tocks let me know who you guys thought one who is better uk or u.s when it comes to tick tock only tick tock we're not talking to youtube we ain't talking any of that stuff i'll be posting a poll hopefully community post to see who you guys think is better uk or us tick tocks let me know
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 3,136,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen
Id: gtFp6eKMoSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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