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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another bit life today we're Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo sui we are from Portugal we are our best to become a professional footballer oh I could change my attribute attributes this is apparently what I needed to uh six percent discipline Ronaldo 98 he seems pretty fertile looks I don't want to hear it 95 I think he's straight smarts we'll leave it there will power he's got quite High willpower I think that's about right gonna make him look like this I feel like this is as close as we're gonna get you know all right let's start Cristiano's life [Music] all right look look okay this is good I'm apologize now to Talia for making um um kind of ugly I was conceived despite my mother taking the morning after pill see I can make it through everything your gum hurts and you're looking for something within reach to chew on what will you grab rubber shoe ring Sharpie marker my father's cell phone the TV remote rubber chewing I do that Ricardo Charisma Ricardo Charisma wants to be friends new heirloom what is this drag the flashlight or what okay amazing Dan your parents want to buy you a a rabbit named Dan I don't want Dan rabbits will just distract me from my future goal of being the best footballer in Earth your mother is taking you to the doctors to get vaccinated I don't know what that word means so I'm gonna stay calm I'm very you know I'm Ronaldo boy named Francisco not too crazy for me no kid from your neighborhood tells you that she received a board game called Uno but Confessor doesn't really want it she asked if you want it no sounds boring I don't want that I am Ronaldo sui Primary School okay here we go Mourinho it's all lining up we need to start I can't do anything we don't need instruments Antonio Vieira another footballer have a conversation with him Sabine Santos compliment her I think she's the goat she call me Fearless okay we're gonna be friends with her there's always a lot of political stuff here like Finland and Switzerland having a a conflict that doesn't help me overtake Messi at football your parents just had a baby boy named Hugo Hugo Ronaldo doesn't have the same feeling as you know Cristiano Ronaldo Suey Sabine Santos spend time with her let's just say we went to a motivational seminar we're like we're nine years old bully every day your classmate Antonio calls you racial slurs we attack oh do we want to attack him we slap his hand that thing his arm that's that's what he did right that's the Ronaldo move slap the bully's arm didn't kill him this time like Dahlia 10 years old your parents just had a baby boy named The Gamer I can commit a crime now well oh here we go acting lessons oh go for a walk eight kilometers that's what I'm saying we probably should have acting lessons the start of my you know start of my career I need to be able to dive fake acting lessons okay oh I am not good at acting main thing is we need to make sure we are fit let's go for a walk speed walk as friends Sabine wants to be best friends it's happened we're best friends Ricardo don't don't worry don't worry you here too bro oh Middle School here we go surely surely we can do stuff now all right work out of the gym geez okay probably do another acting lesson we do need that to improve a little bit oh well drown yourself after after swim in the ocean you know it's blisters all over your skin go to the doctor cured okay come on school okay what's this the hell public school activities here we go your athleticism and health is amazing try out we're in that's all we needed all we do all we do is practice practice harder I am Ronaldo sui felt like there's probably the jocks but we don't want that yet I feel like that will just you know that'll just take our mind away from the fact that we're about to be the greatest footballer I'm triggering so many people right now 13. one of your neighborhood friends out of town another friend suggested until you sneak into his home no I don't play games you are a bad friend all I want to do is practice lens once you skip class pick strawberries whoa meet a girl called sabiha no too crazy too crazy is not my type okay secondary school here we go now that you're a secretary school I already am see what my school offers I just want to be football where's football basketball no soccer team try out for the soccer team if I don't make it easy I have to start I get are you are you Christian Ronaldo Sabine sabine's gonna be a forever you know 16 you have an opportunity to have your first kiss with Philippa Duarte kiss her but no tongue it's happened kind of awkward she enjoyed it damn Philippa this is where we actually we need to get all of these as well we have to become the most followed person on Instagram as well we're not making a YouTube account we're not making YouTube soccer team we're performing well practice harder I wish I could do more I wish I could do more than 10 hours did he meditate is Cristiano Ronaldo does he meditate it seems like a thing he would do this is it 18. graduated oh no you've received a full athletic scholarship what did Ronaldo do does he go to UNI he only has a junior high school education level the degree means nothing to him turn it down oh no I need to I need to I need to marketing just so we can Market ourselves driving test shortly Ronaldo and Castle Crossing past um no turn it down I don't want a car from my parents all I want to do is play football you want to skip school no I don't I just want all I want to do is play football this is proving much harder than I thought uh oh okay we can do stuff now uh um none of this 18 we need to actually start getting somewhere with our football career oh my God we actually like how how do we do this someone's got to scout me soon please may has asked me out May Santa she looks great to be fair popular kids start going out with her is there other things here is there stuff here find a special career pro athlete oh oh my God I didn't know about this Premier League um Gunners FC Manchester right so while I'm at Uni I can't I'm gonna do one more year and I think that should be the end May what up hang on hang on hang on birth control Oscar to go on birth control she refused I'm not having a baby that's just no no no no no no no break up see you later not having a child before I become a professional footballer yes we're Captain agree okay that's a good start practice harder I always practice harder graduated okay yes we could go to Newcastle let's go a midfielder okay accept it and move to the United Kingdom contract value 1.4 for three years for Newcastle yes it's just like just like moving to Manchester see okay dude named Eli fake friends reject greatness third we got a new thing I've never seen this okay okay I don't want to do any of this yet we don't do this yet we need to post a little picture on Instagram yeah okay it's happening as a professional athlete Fitness are you mad shooting dribbling that's the league standing I am not taking that practice on your skills we need to focus on dribbling oh my God we're actually gonna be amazing we need our dribbling and tricks headers as well oh but we need celebrations we need two after winning a very tiresome match you return to the team bus to unwind by yourself just you enter a chicken flies into the bus and it's up to you to decide the chicken's fate Chase it out oh Chase it out the door you finish your rookie season jeez we got two assists three goals the coach brought you in the rest of the team if you're the Imposter because the way you're causing the team to lose weight you sucks walk out without saying anything hell no we got the Liverpool holy embrace the change embrace it social media 7K okay we're actually getting somewhere we're getting somewhere what do we want a thirst trap make a post oh my God we block him you think Ronaldo is gonna have any like time for these people we need a place Newcastle why are we in Newcastle we need a little uh little condo mortgage amazing go up another year with 32 greatness we're almost there and we are 23 so we do need to start you know that's just horrific isn't it travel to his funeral we have to in the middle of a match a player from Blues FC looks to you it says if mask breath was a person you'd be it blow him a kiss okay you have possession of the ball 15 meters out with only a few seconds left in a tie match against Wolverhampton you scan the gold box to determine which shot will be the best option what type of shot will you take I don't think I'd oh he would just drill it Power Shot no oh no I got four goals to assist became 13th I'm stinking happiness is low why is our happiness so low oh because Hugo died that makes that makes sense okay we're back to being happy now we need to get to work on ourselves we have Ronaldo sui right dribbling I think we can do each one twice you know what I should work on passing our passing does stink this is Ronaldo though like I'm not cheating because this is Ronaldo I'm very scared of getting injured I don't know if that's like a thing that will happen here all right we need to also manage our social media we need some we need a thirst trap again viral baby one 70k likes that's what we want okay corrected a grammatical error what I mean I'm not English block I'm thinking right I'm thinking we replied to a celebrity Maria Sharapova compliment them I understand athletes if you liked my post let's go view the league standings our lead's doing well Manchester that's where I should be we should be at Manchester on Ronaldo finish your third season eight eight not bad a seven year contract to 53 mil accept it we'll accept that we'll accept that Chrissy Teigen is following me oh my God I feel like on Instagram you know we need to be verified hell yeah hell yes all right why are we not doing well here what's going on practice why has everything gone down again shooting work on it everything's a lot higher now I've done everything twice except defending I don't I don't class that one Fame we need to manage our Fame we need to pose for a magazine we need to be like the next thing you know offer 100K sign me up wait nude can't do that we'll go on a TV show we'll go to talk show they don't care they don't care they don't want us a fan approaches you off to a match to your locker room and offers you a naughty picture in exchange for the shirt of your back hell no Joseph I don't want to see your dick your teammate decides it's time to blow off some steaming oranges and orgy he says you're expensive to attend because you're the MVP of love it's Ronaldo it'd probably be the center of attention I reckon get dirt you know I did it I was the center of attention five goals two assists that's not great tenth why is this going so bad oh my God we got four million I didn't even clock oh we've sprained our lower back this is what I was worried about we're going to physical therapy we're healed that was easy all right we're going shopping we've got four and a half mil I need a new place yeah we're buying a big house three mil we also need a car we'll get Bentley we can take that we're living good now baby we should adopt a child Trisha Rooney or behavior no we need a well-behaved Molly May okay wondering if you've changed the last name change it to Molly Ronaldo security guard at Stadium Master autograph and exchange you can choose any female and she'll be given an old find the heart is Hawaii you know what it's something you would do fifth season we came fourth yeah we're actually smashing it now three assists four goals that's not great we are a midfielder though surely manage your Fame we could go we could go for a magazine centerfold sign me up hell yeah was that called girth girth magazine great it was nude Ronaldo's done a nude I don't know how old we are but I need this to max out next year fan interaction 10 mil in the locker room come face to face with a fan who bribed one of your teammates declares that you won't be leaving until you sign an autograph Helen ignore her well here we go seven meters out with only a few seconds left in the time match against Derby you scan the bro I'm taking a power shot fourth we might have won that game so I think we drew then respect my respect ain't ain't ain't good find love how do we find love find a date we don't care about money ask her on a date Lola night walker we're dating okay okay everything is much higher now I'm tempted to try and leave Loki wanna request a transfer you know quest to trade yes well I didn't want that oh no hence we came tenth that's pretty solid we're actually doing well oh physical therapy cracked your pelvis continue to suffer oh no surgery seat treatment failed ah skills that's full that's full what Physical Therapy please I know that doesn't even make sense but we're healed that's cool it's calm we are getting lucky right now headings full and celebrations should be fought there we go all right what can we buy diamond earrings we should buy a diamond ring I'm gonna just buy this now the diamond ring that way we know we have it Mana we're buying a Mana I mean we're doing all right we're doing we're doing well the annoying thing is I do want to go somewhere else it's not we're 29 um this season's gonna be a big one we missed well our fitness is down traded us oh bro I'm handing nah man Newcastle no no no no no no no this can't be a thing again physical therapy healed okay good good good good good we're getting injured every time we train now okay relationship Lola uh spend time can we make love yeah keep the baby I you know what it's time propose we have the ring we do it at a adult toy store mad thing Mountain proposed hell yeah okay we're married 18 mil what can we buy we'd buy a jet let's be honest little Airbus Prestige I don't have a pot I have to have a pilot's license why am I the one flying this I don't want to play for Newcastle come on 79 okay we've just had a baby what's Ronaldo's son called he's called Cristiano Ronaldo Jr Cristiano Jr uh leave leave the foreskin okay Celebrity Big Brothers contact to see if you're interested in going on their show to raise money for a charity of your choice I'll do it for charity surely that's hey let's go we got some respect okay ninth with Newcastle that's pretty good all right we actually need to plan the wedding now um a Vineyard Portugal that's the kind of thing we've got Australia 100 26k do it make a sign of prenup 100 Ronaldo she's called Lola Ronaldo let's go wow that's huge 27k I noticed that amongst my 22 million I am Ronaldo you think that that matters to me can I finally max out some of these dribbling that's gotta be maxed every single time physical therapy I have surgery I'm Healed I think I think if I do one more passing then one celebration I feel like it's full I've actually done it every time man it's a tow I don't need a toe yes cardio please please please man I might have to have surgery again man a ritual and turns to you for suggestions smacking each other's butts high-fiving sports drink squirt or chant the team net I feel like Ronaldo would be like did I play for Newcastle I feel like he'd be like two Newcastle that's it surely you missed 18 games we came 13th a new eighth year 95 million contract eight years I want more money fine I'll accept it the fact that they can do that I'm gonna request the trade wolves sevenths get to work baby I need to I need to do better though like I'm Ronaldo every time man every time no I need to do manage my will I want it to all to go to Cristiano Jr I didn't know she knew TV show why does no one want to talk to me oh man we have not lived up to 50 year old virgin you and your teammate learn your coaches are living breathing 50 year old virgin your teammate appoints you to be the MVP of love again what will you do do it myself hire an escort 100 th so we've played all the games six that was our 11th season we came six five and five vaccinate him Cristiano Jr has to be the strongest an equestrian property for two mils not one to buy it says it's poorly built never mind then we're on 400k it's not enough man first trap again 2K followers okay I don't know what to do now we're 32 we're starting we're 33 we're about to be 34. I just have to age up on New Year's Day Lola's especially of cheating while you've been at away games how will you respond I will argue seventh I just want to go to the top team man I'm 34 who's gonna want me trade anyone please West Ham 11th I feel like we're going down now we came six we're actually smashing it we're sick seven and six we're just not making it anywhere though I've summoned you to provide a urine sample provide it bro I'm calm but I'm gonna do defending just to hope that I'm hoping that defending is the reason why please don't I knew it man I knew it there isn't really anything left to do I kind of just have to see how it how retirement goes correlation between not wiping properly and winning games which causes your teammates to complain you want to keep winning alternate days 14th it's not great I mean we weren't we're at West Ham we haven't been at a good team yet leads the 20th no Fitness balance come on don't get injured don't you dare your age again 50 mil we've hit 50 mil a father has flatulence a fan climbs onto the pitch and rushes towards you arms that stress once she reaches your position she wraps her arms hook up with her oh my God thank her group of angry fans pull up next to you one of them sees you hops out and starts beating on your window feverishly what would he do ignore him hey so we came eight like it's very I find it very hard to forget like really far like 5K we just got there manage your phone I want to go on a talk show man the TV commercial we don't need it it's 100K we've got 56 million gift it to someone who would I gift it to Sabine right okay who would I give to my car to it has to be someone in has to be someone I'd give it to Molly right she's 14 can't do that I don't know what to do you literally bought everything we can I'm an away game you know it's a cute flight attendant your teammates are all right there sending a teammate that's a Ronaldo thing in it your team volunteered to play an exhibition game at a local against the local high school a charity event and the high schoolers came from behind in the final minute to win the game a report asked what happened what would what would Ronaldo say we let them win Madonna and Brad Pitt are following me and I can't get on a talk show I want to buy this jet how many left how many hours do I have to have play the test oh my God what is the force that counteracts the drag Force for flight thrust yes okay we can buy it it's 98 million oh God I did not know it was 98 million okay well I'm not gonna buy it yet but I might buy that 55 million one sixth surely there we go you've been released with 40 years old 18 years career earnings 149 million are you mad when do we get out oh to severe one year for 10 mil let's go accept it move to Spain I'm down we're almost at a million followers you know that's actually insane 5K 5K new followers our defense oh we're getting old 17th they've offered me a one-year contract I'm staying bro how many followers Emil let's go 87 I can get this jet I want this jet buy it with cash I I'm gonna be honest at this point the uh the actual football itself we're like 42 years old you know it's your teammate injection steroids I ignore it I'm not part of this he can do what he wants we finished 14th we're getting worse you've been released we're 42. yeah I was gonna say we've retired I think it's occupation it's time to retire we have 69 million we have a Ferrari and a jet this is where this is where we need to do some like a magazine called hung sign me up that's what I'm saying he's arguing you oh no apologize I want to move to another country I want to move to is that that's all we can move to I want to move back to the UK they've approved it she's agreed Emma great done back to where our our career took off I'd be a school board director that's what Ronaldo would do pick your platform education campaign budget are you mad I have so much money how will you treat your opponent indifference interviewed a report asked how you plan to improve education improve the curriculum we won easy we get a salary for it I don't care that much Harvey no chance I don't need friends I have my family and I have Cristiano Ronaldo Junior I don't want okay your school board is looking for you initiate abstinence program segregate class of agenda provide contraceptives provide contraceptives at school I don't want this job anymore weirdo keeps knocking at your front front door call the police the stalker evaded the police oh no okay yeah we'll go see see our father's funeral of course why would we not come on just keep it going Cristiano is asking you to pay of course yeah I feel like now like our Fame is just withering away of course we're gonna go to our mothers our mother's funeral you and your little brother each inherited 600k I don't know what to do with my 63 million you notice your friend is munching on a box of cracker Jill he tells you it's just like Cracker Jack but without the nuts and asked if you like to taste some oh munch it why not you know can I buy it let's see what we can buy Lamborghini buy Six mil Palace she says it's rubbish I bought it uh uh I shouldn't approve of it politely disagree your star has officially waned I'm okay with that you know I'm 53. I'm flying back against the Veer uncontrollably to the left of your horror you discover a massive boy constrictors type oh my God what would I do what would I do am I on my own jump out no I died try to land as calmly as possible yes we landed okay come on oh we could have died like Ronaldo's someone that would play the lottery as well what the hell man the rich get richer for mostly on your insta account 54k we have we have six million followers post a selfie people will be like oh my God I forgot this probably shouldn't we just lost 300K not gonna post any more of them all right ask him to meet me in person we'll start bro at a hostel go meet him insult him [ __ ] you bro a dingleberry he lunged at me burst your scalp and stretched your heel wouldn't stretch my heel mean all right we're over 60 now John's been feeling achy I'll drink a smoothie lad even the steamiest humans are not making you turned on go to the doctor Oh no you're bored on the couch fortnite I'll give it a go Ronaldo maybe Ronaldo would really enjoy games cover man who's overdosing uh attempt to rescue it ah I feel like we don't call an ambulance I feel like I won't get there attempt to rescue we saved a man's life that's what I'm saying we're 72 you know we're just we're just living life we're just you know find a money clip keep it that's mine bro your son Cristiano Jr wants to take you to a tennis match of course I'll go I did not enjoy it apparently is everyone happy does everyone still like me does everyone just need another 10 grand I am teaching these these kids terrible ethics Ricardo oh Ricardo my first friend while underwater crackhead I feel like Ronaldo would kick kick his groin you cracked his knuckles one at a time ow he stormed you oh God I'm arrested they can't they can't they can't you're charged with us one year in prison we're 82 years old no one cares anymore it's fine Sabine our best friend has now died as well oh I felt like this is all this game gets to at the end a little brother the gamer why does everyone always have such terrible Healthcare compared to me Lola Wants to default we'll show well wait I'm worth 27 at the time 33 million I'm down to 8 million okay let me you know what 17 million how can I can sell one of these this one sell 16.6 take it just like that we got back up to 20 22 mil we lost 3 000 followers who cares laugh it off from your friends are eating guinea pig I'll give it a go Cristiano Jr is now 60 oh my God Cristiano Jr 60 we died there 92 years old 60 million we lived in Newcastle passed away peacefully at the Grand age of 92 Services were attended blah blah it was John Ronaldo he lived a great life as always let me know who you want me to do this with um or who the character is so yeah let me know and uh I will see you guys next time for another video
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 5,054,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen
Id: Ijv7mQYk21g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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