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today we judge each other brutally publicly the entirely have both had a lot of haircuts mainly like colors and stuff today we're going through them and we're going to choose whether you are a buff thing whether you look at it and go down whether you're mid I like oh you've got nothing the last one is like I still love you I thought the last one was like still love you I want you back what we're not breaking up what oh as in I still love you yeah got it okay nice okay first one this is when I had like pastel purple hair I thought it was kind of dope you know oh okay well that reaction that means it wasn't God say it on between mid and down don't lie to me I'm between mid and Dad we've got your your Ginger Bob Ginger Bob was not it that's what I still love you blue hair I like it five I like it I was gonna put it in damn okay I'm gonna go down I'll take it it's different this one at the time you love I I did love as well it's your Vibe I like this one if I put any in buff thing I'm just getting called a Sim but that one yeah no that one I liked this one that's my normal hair that's just your hair yeah but thing you have to say it dude let's go down okay this one was when it was a bit it was getting a bit tall it was getting quiffy no people not understand what a quiff is quiff is this just that Simon from nym tweeters that's a quiff that is a foe this one awful that is washed out hair dye with Ruth I've been done dirty but I hope I did this I shouldn't leave on here because she's coming here and I still love you yeah I didn't want to say it this one mid really me with a long black hair was so much better don't call me a Sim shut up see this one I'm I'm very conflicted about yeah because I like it it's boring yeah it's quite a mum haircut yeah I'm gonna put it in bed I'm gonna put it in mid this one mid it's always mid it's just plain vibrant redheads I mean that's boring meanwhile blonde yeah but you put that there I wouldn't this one that hair is unreal it's not it's not mine this wasn't even you you can have no the pictures don't be super dirty though you can't have a conversation about this hair color the picture has done me in more days the lighting was very white I look really really white and pink the dye on this yeah was awful and there was a lot it's fresh about an hour before that video I still had like the stain around my head there should be another tear that says bun yeah just burn in a fire oh it's definitely not this no look at these I've got very many like similar this is a tiny bit that's a damn I'll take it and we're coming up to some simply ones for you and I'm apologize Dora the Explorer okay hear me out at the top I was like I'm Dora I'm Dora but I look back at pictures and it looks cute it's cute but no one ever grows up and wants to have sex with Dora and also when it wasn't style and I didn't have makeup on not good I might put it here you know no just because you're literally known as a child's character it looks cute okay okay it looks cute I mean I like it he hates me this was when I dyed it myself but all I did was put red hair dye on my head we weren't together at this point yeah this was with the Triton headset bad boy head is that we wouldn't have been I'm joking I'm joking but also it is and I still love you I'm sorry I can't tell them I'm coming up to some simple ones don't worry okay this one it was cute but like isn't that boring it's a load of am I think this one oh it's the beard it's yeah there is one yeah buff thing I got one yeah look like a that's a wig it is a wig but it doesn't matter not a fan of this messy two fronts oh okay no I'm not at the bottom no no no no no no no definitely did definitely definitely like at least yeah oh it's definitely better than yeah it's not in the same category yeah they're all blonde that's what my my Eminem face here The Roots yeah The Faded pink yeah better or worse than the ginger realistically it's worse because the ginger you could start it's cool that's grown out this one's cool that's cool that was a sick hair color this one down I'd go like that blonde tips this photo is not doing it in person at the time or higher like it was good I'll take it down put it in down you don't like my profile you don't like the side of my face the yellow I don't know why they look yellow because your hair wasn't yellow at the time right this one of my favorite hair colors I've ever done but that picture but I know you then he's done me dirty no I'm gonna go mid hymen this is an iconic photo in the hair industry no that doesn't mean anything you know I took this at home with a hairdryer in this to try and give my hair a bit of like hello and it's every year L'Oreal it goes around L'Oreal and it gets where's your money it gets posted on everything where's your bread Hair Forum and everything yo L'Oreal you owe her money yeah it's like this I was exciting I didn't like it on me you know the mid yeah this is just normal but a bit messy I mean damn yeah I'll take it see this is where it started getting a bit a bit long see I remember at the time touching the ceiling lightly and I love that photo and now now you hate it no no you think it's ugly I think it's just weird seeing you without babe it feels like I'm looking at child you all right but I'm not allowed to put Dora the Explorer or like a high mid this one what is that it was gonna do but it's like straight back I literally hate when you scrape it back with a pony like a Bob at the back yeah [Laughter] one thing I will say first haircut I had with my new nose so I was gassed I was taking a picture of constantly because I was like oh she's cute but yeah actually the hair is so many mid yeah so me that's the same haircut as that it's just a different picture oh the days apart well if it's a bit pink not a fan okay let's put it I still love you this one this is cool that's that's it oh I would have gone damn no like high down no no no okay no I'm not allowed no actually no short damn it's fine long black wig I freaking love that hair me that's like a down I think I look good it's a mid okay go on It's A Wig she is buff I don't know like that me that's what that is yeah no probably my favorite hair I've ever had now I'm looking at it yeah now I'm looking at it yeah it's so much better oh my God yeah this one this one's uh this one's out it doesn't even look like me this is scraping barrels here the same it's very different okay okay same hair I've just pushed my Fringe aside then it's a different hairstyle it's normal The Fringe makes it a buff thing really yeah I mean yeah you look bear Hispanic I'll be honest you're about to put a little higher no because I'll take it because I was gonna say it's like connecting but I think the next is way better this is better yeah this is a dam it's more like interesting that's a dad long Ginger hair I the issue is that picture makes you look like an anime cool girl I'm actually fuming at this I don't want to talk to him ever again photo that's from a magazine that's why because it's from a magazine North hairstyle on there I'm human beers I hate you oh no I'll be honest to back this up there were an extra like 25 haircuts you can't add more yeah you took up the whole thing yeah sorry about that you can put mid for that I'm taking up a lot of space okay okay because because of that picture this one that's like early days yeah I'm not sure about that one no down here yeah that's a that's a at least a damn yeah that's cute she's a Vibe I might be a buffet you know yeah it is pretty this is Middle below I'm gonna say meat low mid because there's others that I don't like speaking this don't count this don't count this is an edited photo taish did where he put my head on Ronaldo that's why I have two ears there oh I'm not biting a shirt I'm smiling and he's put the shirt in there oh mad the hairstyle though basically my hair now no your size are way longer and the top is fine fine yeah sorry laughing yeah really nice blonde silvery I'll take it I'll take it by the way my hair is always of the blonde my hair is awful today by the way I have no makeup on my hair is greasy and so this is my natural curl she's cute but she's not like a bad wow mid damn um a high mint this one brown long hair like a standard just boring I mean it looks nice it does look nice but it's mid yeah this one I still don't know what you hate it yeah you hate charity I hate that that was because of Charity I'm glad that you did it and that they made their money and it worked wow I'm also glad that it grew out awful fine you can have it you can have it that was an iconic iconic no that was iconic I'm sorry but if you follow me from day dot that's an iconic hairstyle you know what I would say damn peachy pink Bob cute I've got high mid this one I loved this hair color I'll be honest I hate this photo I can only judge it off this it's not a Vibe it's not you look like you have an ice cream cone in your head you can't put it it's not bad we're not friends anymore we're not friends anymore oh what about the pink top this is when I had pink hair and it slowly grew up but I'm also about to say a lot of noise this one no that no this one I'm actually like yeah this is hard no hard no this one you look like you're trying to be in Like Girls Aloud it hasn't worked it was awful I hated that this is the most standard haircut I've ever seen uh yeah no that's one I mean obviously you have a lot more haircuts than me yeah I managed to get three in there four in here three in here then a lot in here I've had some things I mean I mean I've got a lot you've got a lot but you've got a lot everywhere yeah ladies and gentlemen let me know what you think is the best haircut for each of us let us know the best one of both me and Harley thank you guys for watching Oh I thought you were giving me the line as always check out Tyler in the description down below and peace
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 1,043,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen
Id: sHMCkPoOs3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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