Reach Conference 2021 | Night 1 | David Diga Hernandez

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so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] turned us back taking the tools god provided to break up the follow ground through the ups and downs we continue to praise what a triumphant sound when the enemy tried to throw us off course we showed that we would not be shaken we reclaimed the cities taking each territory by force with god for us who could be against us the time has come to arise and build true followers of christ those willing to dig deeper wells knowing that the water jesus provides is everlasting life we raise up disciples training them to stay the course and contend for the faith adversity is what makes us stronger we have chosen to engage no longer shine away we will lead the way the only way to be transformed is to respond to the word of god let each scripture bring increase to your faith renewing your mind this mission will come at a price being a cross bearer will cause some pain we persevere through every trial so that in us people would know his kingdom reigns this is no small feat nothing to smirk at or take for granted this momentous occasion was heaven sent and we can't be deterred or delayed no we are on assignment it is time to bridge the gap it is time the church unified and grow in synergy it is time to take the church to the next level we must have a sense of urgency our faith must demolish fear christ his unrivaled he showed us how to carry out the father's will our time is now we must be the light it was by his stripes a demonstration of love that said let there be light we have received restoration allow these words to resonate in your spirit let them stir up the fire in your heart let this message spread to every realm preach the gospel to reach the world with the love of god restoring them into right relationship through jesus that each person would be released into all that god has caught them to be each nation each culture each city each soul reach restore release [Applause] man who's excited to be here amongst family god is good who's grateful who's grateful can we all just collectively say i thank you jesus i thank you jesus come on everyone lift their hands give him thanks the lord the bible says enter his gates with thanksgiving enter his courts with praise so that's what we're going to do tonight praise the name of jesus [Music] we praise your name lord lord we praise your name [Music] we're grateful tonight [Music] ah here we go wandering into the night wanting a place to hide is [Music] i didn't know but he told me that i was [Music] not he picked me up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] he changed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] i [Music] yes i am [Music] [Music] i thank [Music] is [Applause] [Music] that's the gospel you changed me you saved me you healed me delivered me lord all right we're gonna prophesy tonight i know if you're like me you've got people you know that are not saved that don't know the jesus so we're gonna promise that we say get up out of that grave get up out of the grave come up here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] i [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] you healed my heart you changed my name forever [Music] glory today so [Music] thank you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see you're too good to not believe you're too good tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] all the miracles are cheap you could not believe [Music] [Music] you're the one [Music] you're too good to not [Music] to not believe after everything i've seen [Music] my great loves [Music] amazing you amazing [Music] i've seen broken bodies healed don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it i've seen real life resurrection i've seen mental health restored don't you tell me he can't do it and don't you tell me he can do it and i'm seeing families read united i've seen it goals return don't you tell me he can't do it you know don't you tell me he can't do it i've seen trouble delivered [Music] he can't do it [Music] don't you [Music] [Applause] don't you tell me he can't do it [Music] he can't [Music] don't you tell me don't you tell me [Music] you're one [Music] after everything we've seen [Music] do it again [Music] would you do it again [Music] would you do it again [Music] would you do it again that's our prayer would you do it again do it again [Music] [Music] after every everything i've seen [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] would you do it again we believe in a supernatural god [Music] [Music] thank you jesus foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] as we repent [Music] cause we need hold your spirit [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] indeed [Music] [Music] we [Music] come on ask you pour it out foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let us [Music] come i [Music] [Music] here father we want more but we know we gotta release some things in our hearts we gotta release some things that are restricting you from pouring into us god we're testing lord take everything that is [Music] [Music] upon [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] is [Applause] [Music] we see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] blue move upon our friends [Music] is [Music] now's the time church to rise up come on now's the time to rise up it's time we take back this land for jesus it's time we start going out and making a sound for jesus it's time you allow the holy spirit to just move you into the position he wants you to be in it's time to stop saying i'm afraid i'm scared what are they gonna think but we don't care god because we wanna do what you want father [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] the power of your presence [Music] pour it out pour it out [Music] pour on us jesus pour on us jesus [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Music] and mighty [Music] mighty [Music] see your goodness and i stood in the power of your presence [Music] it always surrounds me [Music] [Music] mighty world [Music] and i stood in the power of your presence and foreign [Music] [Music] and i'm [Music] [Applause] of your mercy [Music] [Applause] around me [Music] i see you walking with me [Music] we bless you we bless you [Music] the highest praise [Music] he's worthy of the praise and adoration [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for you [Applause] is [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] around me [Applause] [Music] is [Music] it always surrounds me oh come on let's put our hands together for the lord father you're so worthy god you're so worthy lord jesus we thank you for tonight god you know as i was as i was uh thinking about this conference two words kept popping in my head it's transition and change amen how many are with me already transition and change and every time the lord has taken me into a season of change they weren't always the greatest of times they weren't always the greatest of times in fact those times were difficult and they were unwanted but but change brought so much opposition but on the other side of that change brought so much opportunity in my life amen and i love what my pastor says i love what pastor omar says about change if you know pastor omar you know he always says change is my friend and i remember being in this church and i was like pastor no it's not i don't like james i don't like it's awkward it's unwanted i don't like it but then as i grew up as i began to go into seasons of change and god allowed me opportunities to grow i understood i figured out why change is my friend and i'll tell you why it's because you're never more teachable than in the midst of change and transition you're never more teachable than in the midst of change and transition and see when god brings you into the season of change he brings you into a greater season of trust how many can give me an amen there's this time in in scripture where we see that the children of israel were held in captivity and a lot of things weren't going for them in fact they were held in captivity for some time and year after year it looked like nothing was changing for them how many ever been there nothing was changing for them in fact they were in this this self-pity party as the israelites and uh a lot of struggles they had unfair things happen to them they made many mistakes they brought trouble upon themselves kind of sounds like us sometimes and they might have been down and discouraged but then comes this man named isaiah and he shows up and he speaks these words he says this in isaiah 43 18 and 19 says forget the former things do not dwell on the past see i am doing a new thing now it springs up do you do you not perceive it and what god is saying here to this to this group is like look the deliverances the things you've seen done in the past those were great things those were awesome things but they're not going to compare to what's going to come next for you guys in other words he says listen the thing i'm doing right now the thing that's happening around you and it's happening in your midst already listen it's not a natural thing it's a supernatural thing that's why you can't see it that's why you don't understand it but you just got to trust me through it and i think there's nothing greater than stepping into a season to change and transition and trusting god through the process of it all see if something happens when you begin to step out and say god i don't know all the details i might not know everything about what's happening and what's going on yet and that's okay but lord what i do know is that you're a god of miracles that your god of wonders that you do not give me a spirit of fear but you allow me to walk with you come on let's give the lord some praise and so i want to encourage you tonight i want to encourage you tonight listen maybe you came here thinking that this was going to be a normal conference like we do year after year after year now you're probably thinking okay covet is over now i'm just going to come in and we're going to continue doing conference year after year but listen little did you know little did he know that god is already doing something come on look look listen that god little did you know that you were going to step into the minute you walked through those doors you're going to step into something new that god was already birthing in you and in our fellowship tonight little did you know that god said listen those things you saw in the past there were great things they were awesome things but they they're nothing in comparison to what i got for you and for the future of this fellowship let's give the lord some praise as we go before the lord in prayer father in the name of jesus lord we come before you god we thank you god for the opportunity lord the privilege to be here together lord tonight god to lift the name of jesus there's no greater name than the name of jesus in this place and in this earth god and so father we thank you we thank you tonight god lord for what you're doing lord i thank you for the things that you have birth inside of us individually god and the movement of our fellowship god lord i know father those things are the past god that we honor them and we thank you for them god but lord we're looking forward to what you have for us in the future god lord i pray that out of this conference you will birth new creativity god and new new works and new plants out of this conference god the lord and and you would begin to stir up the gifts inside of us that the holy spirit has given us god and so i pray lord tonight i pray lord tonight above it all above everything father lord all those things are great but above it all god i pray lord god that we would position our hearts to give you all the praise all the on all the glory because you deserve it all god father we thank you in jesus name and the whole church said amen come on put your hands together for the lord amen why do you make you make your way back to your seat welcome to our reads conference come on well are you ready tonight [Music] we want to welcome you to our first reach conference of 2021 tonight and we want to welcome those that are online on facebook and youtube and we want to welcome all of the churches here from different cities and different states we welcome you tonight to reach conference come on give god a big praise tonight [Music] welcome to reach conference 2021 doors open at 6 30 every night and worship starts at 7 p.m join us for pre-service prayer at 6 p.m in the foyer stop by our merch booth in the foyer grab your conference hoodies tees and hats to represent reach network if you parked here in the hotel make sure to get your ticket validated every night you can get validation while waiting in line before doors open or after service located at the merch booth morning breakouts start at 10 a.m and take place here in the ballroom doors open at 9 30 a.m thursday morning we have pastor vanessa briseno speaking about mental health and finding freedom at 11 a.m evangelist david diego hernandez is teaching on finding your spiritual gift our first friday morning session is with pastor matthew lara speaking about mental health and the foundations of freedom then we have a leadership panel with reach network pastors and leaders our reach kids conference is located on the second floor check-in starts at 6 30 pm nightly please pick up your kids immediately after service follow us at reach conference for updates during the week and tag us so we can share your experience here at conference you can find all of these announcements and more by visiting conference well praise the lord how are we doing tonight reach conference it's awesome man hey listen if those of you that don't know who i am my name is matthew i'm an assistant pastor at the of the bell gardens church and i get the honor and privilege of hosting our interviews for some of the church plants in our reach network so can you all join with me as we welcome our first guests here pastor rudy and nelly lugo [Music] man welcome welcome so glad to see you both here it's exciting to have you so so pastor rudy and nelly can you tell us a little bit more of the people that god has allowed you to reach in your community well um going into san antonio we didn't really know anybody but he's just made it help us make connections with different people to a wide range of age groups um backgrounds people who have been church people who haven't been churched um it's a military city so there's a lot of military not just one um branch but a lot of people and we just connected with with even as young people we have parents who tell us you know my my teenager my child they love coming here and sometimes they're the ones motivating us to come and yeah it's just amazing it's amazing seeing the group of people he's brought to us wow that's amazing yeah that seems like such a big group of people that you're able to reach you know uh you all shared with me a little bit about the doors that the lord has opened for you can you share with those here a little bit more about that amen i i mean during that time of uh uh this season when the world was shutting down god was opening doors oh come on now it blew my mind because i couldn't have planned it this way but i know from a small cafe a chance meeting with one of the brothers and we did small prayer groups and then as we grew a little bit more we just felt like we needed to find a small building maybe a thousand square feet and we found one that was fully remodeled it's like this is the right one uh we could afford it but we wanted to see if god was in it so we said god if it's not it just slam the door we went in there they were kind of pushing us and kind of rude to us and yeah and my wife said you know what let's just pray and not move in right away and she goes i have a number text it i said babe it's 300 people 300 seats and i'm like that's too big for us that's walking in faith she's like just just text them and so i text them a rabbi called me and said hey i'm rabbi roy uh come see us and i'm like well i think we're it's a little premature we're a small church he said come see us and we'll talk we went there and it's a 27 000 square foot messianic jewish temple and he goes tell me about yourself and he goes what couple leaves during this season and comes to a place nobody knows them and i said well god sent us and he said well before you got here god told me to help you wow wow so he opened this door he said i just paid 30 000 for a camera system go live because that's what everybody's doing so we stepped into it we were a small 10 15 person church come on and god just started doing tremendous things there amen that's the miracle working power of our god isn't it you know you you talked about a little bit y'all launched during a world pandemic i mean and lockdowns right what's one encouragement that you could give to maybe those that are here that are considering uh walking after their call of god um i'd say that there's always going to be something scary to hold us back whether it's the pandemic or something else there's always an element of fear and stepping into the unknown but when the call of god whatever it is not necessarily maybe not passing a church but the call of god it's the call for now yeah that's something you don't wait for you just you go into it and he's in it he's there yes it's scary but he's there so that's where you want to be come on i wouldn't say this pastor man i was going in uh no safety net go two feet in jump two feet into what god has called you to do just know that he's with you and trust the process it may not look how you planned it but god's plan is better come on god's plan is better can we give pastor rudy and nelly lugo one more round of applause man tremendous tremendous tremendous well we have one more guest for us here tonight so would you welcome uh pastor david and linda te gerina from pacific northwest [Applause] welcome welcome welcome it's so awesome to have you both here uh with us you know um you you both shared uh your unique start to your church plant which is uncommon for a lot of churches but can you all talk a little bit about that sure so what's unique about it first we're supposed to go to eugene oregon and god said no that's your plans my plans is to give you the whole region of the pacific northwest and the hub city is going to be puella which my wife had been praying for wow so we ended up in puyallup and um so august of last year right in the midst of covid yeah linda says i need church i got to have church i said let's do it in the backyard let's do it inside the house let's do it in a garage i have to have church yes and there was no buildings open at the time wow and so we were able to borrow a tent from uh tyrone and uh pastor tyrone and everett wow and it was a 30 by 40 foot tent and at the same time pastor mike indi wanted to go on a sabbatical and uh we had pastor eddie and roxanne come up and they actually turned the group of people to church over to us wow it's just a wonderful and we want to just thank pastor michael yeah they're going to be helping us out so we're we're waiting for that yes and so but what happened was we started church in the tent and it filled up i mean people neighborhood people started coming out neighbors uh a couple people from my church and then the rain came wow and people were still coming in the rain come on now they they don't care they don't care they wanted church wow we have a little lady i'm sorry but we have a little lady she had her little walker and she is just busting through the backyard with her walker because she wanted church and it was just i'll let you finish but go ahead and so one night it was raining and i had to go out there and get the water bubble so i'm up all saturday night into sunday and i wake up and linda goes babe the tent's on the fence i'm like what cause 30 by 40 feet and so i go out there i'm wrestling this thing down and i was like god if you want us to keep doing this we'll do it but god if you could open up a building great i'd appreciate it wow and we had a building by wednesday of that week wow and so come on and what's unique it's two minutes away from our house look at that and so not just a blessing but the favor of the favor you all talked about the people that you've been reaching and you know reach network one of our core values is reach right can y'all talk about how the lord has used some of your connections in the community to reach the lost with the gospel well i know um i know our good friend viola before we had left gave us a word that he was going to reach people in his in the hospital and so he just happened to meet uh this young woman in a class that um just happened to i wasn't supposed to be here wow yeah and so um they met he invited her out and through her she she has a best friend that's ukrainian there is a huge family and they're all coming to the church like the churches grew and so what's great about this is we have a community of ukraine people and we have on the the other side of the family is russian and german wow and so we have a multicultural church and so from that one connection half our church is just ukraine or from russia or ukraine and the the second part about that was they know i'm a pastor my team does yeah and so 10 minutes after this one lady had left she calls me back and she says david can you go upstairs and pray for my grandmother they told her she's gonna die tonight i mean they told her that hardly they told her she's gonna die tonight so i go up there i'm talking to her i lead her in the sinner's prayer she gives her life to jesus i pray for her and three days later they put her in a nursing home because she's still alive wow that's the power of god and so god's when god speaks he speaks louder than doctors and so we need to listen to the voice of god yes and so she's supposed to be coming out this sun this coming sunday and she's going to be bringing relatives with her so come on well we're believing with you pastor david and linda come on can we give them one more round of applause as we celebrate with them but you would be up there preaching your heart out like you were at a conference and said out of this church we're going to be sending out churches and i remember i think me and donnie would look at each other me and mondo would me and mondo would look at each other you know what i mean because we're rushing in the back who is he talking about because he can't be talking about you know us and and actually we were the ones that got sent out but i'll never forget the way you would preach and you didn't lose heart you just said i'm we're going to be sending out churches from here and it actually came to pass i think that was the game changer here at madison at the madison building i mean once we did that first launch and and uh you know rain dan accepted the call of course ray you can kind of tell us you kind of fought that cause i didn't want to go yeah there's a few conversations we had about yeah i mean we were having revival like everybody just said right now we couldn't wait to get here there was good things happening you were letting me preach here yeah a couple other pastors didn't happen very often yeah a couple other pastors approached you hey is ray preaching and so you were sending me out to other churches and i was preaching in other cities and sure i was even leading songs uh i think before uh the merge you know so it's kind of like when you told me to go i go nah you know i want to stay here and be your like right-hand guy i'm having a great time with revival here and i think i turned you down like two or three times i took a whole week off because i go if he asks me again i got to know that this is god and not you know just the excitement and the feel that you feel and every sermon for that whole week you were sitting next to me and i didn't want to look at you because you know you'd hear statements like how long you're going to keep paul and silas in the church and how long are you going to shine them up and so me and my wife we were hitting the altar like after every and then on friday in the morning i told you hey um i think god's speaking to me if you still want me to go i'm i'm willing to go but i did i remember fighting it we were at at the hat we were having a pastrami sound yeah and that's when you asked me the first time and man i almost passed out in my seat right there you were you were looking at me and going we're thinking about launching out of church like really who are we talking about and and you go i'm looking at him you know so i look back to see who was sitting behind me and i go you're talking about renee he goes no i'm talking about you and i i i remember saying no a couple times i'm not the guy you know what but you were the guy and of course you know we go back to that first conference in which pastor ray was sent out and that right there was a whole game changer because i think at that point and you guys can kind of throw in here but i think people begin to say if he can do it anybody anybody anybody can do it anybody anybody can do it but i think it gave guys hope you know like it could happen within our realm i think it kind of sparks something in everybody to say hey you know uh it's happening here it's getting real right just hearing them announce uh pastor ray and diane being sent out to long beach i do remember going home and just feeling like like like wow you know it's i didn't have the feeling of you know it's it's it's we've been talking about it and finally we're doing it it was just more like i belong this is awesome this is great and this is real and somebody that i know which was pastoring diane is actually stepping out and going for it why leave this is so good but yet they're gonna leave so they're making the ultimate sacrifice and i remember when we planted that church what what was it before that church it was a bar long beach police department it was one of the sergeants he was driving by he saw all these mexicans and everyone what do you guys what do you know what are you guys doing here you know because it was it was a it was a bar african-american bar and snoop dogg used to go to that bar and it was a pool a pool place yeah they called it the two way inn you know it was a little pool hall little bar and then and and like we're making a church and a the the the police officer put his hands up he said hallelujah he goes that bar has been a thorn in our side for 14 years wow we opened up on easter sunday and then i remember you had the sound guy back back here and you wanted to know how many people were in that service and and uh somebody said uh seven and go no 17 no the first service was 71 people mm-hmm seven 71 people that that were in that all and 71 people showed up yeah i believe it was a catapult right for our church right there that catapulted us to a different level it was the game changer and i think we raised money for you as well oh yeah and and the money came in instantly people gave to that yeah it's a small church right i mean i mean comparatively i mean we're probably no more than 175 people maybe back then and i want to say what 32 grand i don't remember what it was pretty close it's incredible because for 10 years we've been talking about one day we're going to plant a church one day we're going to preach for one another one day we're going to have our own churches we're going to invite each other over and do all that and then here's that one day and you you and diane were that one couple that said yes to the call we have been talking about that and one day we're going to send someone out and so as a 15 year old seeing that and we actually would go over there and help and be a part of it i remember being there on a saturday before your opening day and we were doing an outreach i missed a baseball game just because we were like hey we want to be this is a big deal for our church and i think because you did it it just planted these small seeds i think in myself and i think for some of us and i think that's the key what you just said i think you know people don't know it but there's the seed that's being planted right so we don't know it and even in your life at that time whether we were you know 100 in or not i think a lot of the youth and everybody something got planted and that seed got deposited in there and it goes to work for sure to see the fruit of it now i mean it's just powerful that's the seed of church planting right it's multiplication it keeps growing so what a blessing does just see that and and now we have digger hernandez who's here and of course we have ray romero uh was here just a minute ago and now we have digging hernan and you were part of that revival and i don't remember how old you were yeah so even just being in this building right we're filming the madison building i had like a flashback memory lane children's church here and then of course fresh fire pastor eddie being the youth pastor you actually i don't know if you remember this you actually let me in early so right around that you're about 2001 12 years old just turning on 13 right right around there and pastor eddie decided to kind of let me start coming in early and come to the services and i remember we were just having a tremendous move of the holy spirit and it's interesting to see now how many of the ministries that are around today can actually trace their roots back to the move of the holy spirit in those fresh fire services thursday after thursday after thursday we just began to see moves of the holy spirit like that yeah and it it really came back again to worship it was it was we wanted we were contending for nothing else but his presence and if this president was here it didn't make sense for us to be here and one of the unique things that pastor norman that you did that you know i travel i go to a lot of different churches i don't really see this and i think it was the holy spirit really giving you that wisdom as you actually allowed from that youth revival for there to be this expression from that generation in what we would call the main service and that was something totally unique i i hadn't seen that before and i and i would add too i remember having some of the uh uh pastor friends who were a lot older came in one time and i had you know 11 year old 10 year old playing the guitar and they would say we would never do that and i said why not you know because they're too young and i just said but you know they're anointed they're gifted let them do it and i'm so glad i didn't listen to them but i listened to the holy spirit and it was a movement of god it almost seemed like a natural thing that was happening and i know it was supernatural but it just seemed to flow into what god was doing and so there was no reservation at least in my mind about putting them up on the platform i think all of us can look back at these key years these pivotal moments in the history of the fellowship i don't think any of us would be positioned where we are were it not for what god was doing in these days i preached my very first sermon right on that platform because i approached you on a wednesday night pastor eddie and i said i remember because i was up for night after night after night i couldn't sleep because i knew god was calling me to preach but i didn't want to preach i wanted to be a lawyer a businessman do do film making something else and i went to you on a wednesday night and i said i really sense that god wants me to produce it okay you preach next thursday and you just walked away but i think that release came that's one of the things that that i'm so grateful for in this fellowship is that that notion of god can use anyone and this idea of radical release [Applause] [Music] reach conference give the lord a shout out come on hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord we praise you father god you are so good and you are awesome tonight as we gather in this conference room let us have an attitude of gratitude how many know we've survived some things god has sovereignly made provisions our presence here testifies to our endurance and perseverance that's something to be celebrated we've come out of a challenging season but we've come out with a greater resolve and renewed strength and vigor it's evident in your praise in your worship once again a conference give the lord a praise offering but this is not just any conference this is a historical conference a monumental conference this is the fulfillment of a challenge given 15 years ago by praise chapel leadership this challenge was to build a fellowship since this challenge several have morphed into new and emerging fellowships today we have word of life today we have the cure and now reach fellowship oh come on you can do better than that we were challenged to use our historical platform and springboard into a greater tomorrow the birthing [Music] of this rich fellowship has been divinely inspired and divinely ignited [Music] beginning this very evening [Music] a banquet feast is being laid out before us many presenters will bring to us tonight revelation inspiration and impartation but above all we will receive an individual challenge to rise up and be a part of something powerful a movement with purpose and destiny [Music] tonight i come to you not have a pastor seeking a gift i'm not going to ask you to give tonight but at the kingdom of god representative i'm asking you to sow a seed [Music] an opportunity to make an investment [Music] see if i just give something i don't necessarily expect a return i get a return because of the law of sowing and reaping but when i make an investment it's purposeful god sees that and god ignites within my giving the laws that he have established of sowing and reaping with purpose a spiritual investment is what i'm challenging you today to make a ground bait breaking seed offering into the birthing of a movement the ignition of reach fellowship listen to what timothy says in first timothy chapter 6 18-19 reading out of the passion translation remind the wealthy to be rich in remarkable works of extravagant generosity willing to share with others these spiritual investments will provide a beautiful foundation for their lives and secure for them a great future as they lay their hands upon the meaning of true life listen i see a lot of young people here today i have been where you are and you will be where i am and i as well as the apostle of this fellowship are the sum of all our investments moments like these we've sowned our time we've sown our talents and we've sown our treasures and god has proven himself faithful you don't accomplish what you are witnessing today through faithless efforts this is the product of faithfulness can you say amen this spiritual investment that i am offering you today giving you an opportunity to make today will enable you to be partakers of the fruit that will come forth from this movement in other words what an awesome privilege that today i can sow a seed and all the fruit that will come from this conference from this fellowship slaver will be part of my inheritance part of what i receive because it's a seed investment that i'm making today so again i'm not asking you to give i'm asking you to make an investment perhaps in the first night we can pay off this conference perhaps every subsequent night will sow into the next conference so that come 2022 it can even be greater than 2021 [Music] listen to what second corinthians 9 10 through 11 says this generous god who supplies abundant seed for the farmer which becomes bread for our meals is even more extravagant towards you first he supplies every need plus more then he multiplies the seed as you sow it so that the harvest of your generosity will grow you will be abundantly enriched in every way as you give generously on every occasion for when we take your gifts to those in need it causes many to give thanks to god lives are being blessed because of what's happening here you have an opportunity to sow into that to invest to invest not give to invest into that remember with the measure with which you invest will be measured your reward your blessing your increase i challenge you to have a attitude of gra gratitude and be extravagant in your giving today just like no cost has been held back to put together this wonderful and beautiful gathering let us not hold back today there are many options of how you can give and they're going to post it for you your checks need to make out be made out to reach network you can give via text you can give online or you can scan the qr code that is being shown to you father in the name of jesus we lift up our investment into this movement into this fellowship into this conference may reach reach far beyond its borders may reach be a part of the restorative process in individual lives beyond their capacity to comprehend father god may they be radically releasers as they have done until now that you may continue to glorify and give seed to a fellowship that sows we give you glory and honor father in the name of jesus and everybody said amen come on get excited to give today give the lord a praise alfred come on [Music] you turn shame [Music] [Music] you're the only one if you care you're the only one you're the only one who cares [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh come on give god a big praise tonight how many know there's nothing better than jesus and if it wasn't for jesus where would we be there's nothing better than the lord tonight aren't you grateful tonight come on give him a praise tonight we appreciate your giving and i'll tell you what i'm excited tonight to introduce not our guest speaker but our very own family here tonight and there's just so much uh that i can say in fact you know what i want us all to stand to our feet tonight i want to bring honor where honor is due and you guys got to see the video tonight i i've i've known hernandez and she was born would you believe that since he was born and he just a little kid and when my kids were were small and just to see the magnitude and the anointing and the grace of god that's on his life tonight i'm just amazed i'm just amazed that we get to be a part and we get to partner together in ministry tonight and so he doesn't like a long introduction but i figure i'm the senior leader here i could do it but i i really appreciate him his ministry his life and what he's brought and the inspiration i'll tell you what he's brought a lot of inspiration and we've seen a lot of miracles lives have been changed and inspiration to a lot of our young people that you know what god can use you i said god can use you and this is your time this is your moment so tonight without any further ado tonight i want you to give a big reach welcome to david digger hernandez tonight come on [Music] [Music] that was a dramatic introduction god bless you this evening can we give the lord a hand of praise come on just lift your hands and honor the name of jesus tonight lord we love you we honor you and we bless your name lord we thank you for the privilege of gathering in your presence tonight would you just for a moment please lift your hands close your eyes begin to pray out loud in the holy ghost all across this room right now lift your voices let it rise like a mighty sound let that prayer language thunder through the room as we exalt the name of jesus [Music] we honor and we bless you lord we thank you for your presence father and father we ask tonight as we look to your word as we welcome the holy spirit that you would come and do as only you can do [Music] we give you our lives again lord we surrender our hearts we surrender ourselves church just lift your hands and begin to tell them that you're surrendering again you watching online join us in worship now by offering yourself to him just begin to tell him how much you love him tell him how much you honor him tell him how thankful you are that he saved you that he redeemed you thank him for his mercy his faithfulness his patience his loving kindness he's been so good to us just take a moment now forget about whatever you came in here with that's troubling you [Music] get lost in the presence of the holy ghost now hands lifted eyes closed from the front all the way to the back you watching online lift your hands and in this moment now as we are focused on him he is focused on us [Music] he's looking at you right this very moment he's listening to you right this very moment and so just for a couple minutes we're going to sing a simple song and as we do i want you to leave the cares of the world behind look to jesus now as we tell him i came to worship [Music] i came to love you lord [Music] [Applause] i came [Music] simple words i came to love you lord your holy name to raise your holy name hallelujah [Music] heavenly hosts now [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i came to sing your prayers i [Music] surrender now as we sing [Music] you hallelujah [Music] focus on jesus sing it from the depths of your spirit as you inspire [Music] so lord we give you the service come holy spirit [Music] like a mighty rushing wind [Music] move as only you can move holy spirit we pray father we've made an altar and we cry out please send the fire consume us have every bit of us lord that we might be like jesus that we might go into all the world declaring that jesus is lord [Music] and so holy spirit we pray that you would breathe on this service mark us and changes let us never be the same in jesus name we've come here hungry for your word we've come here desiring a touch from your hand we've come here to worship you to be in your presence and so we invite you now holy spirit this is your service [Music] we honor that presence that's here now [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] and all who agreed said amen can we give the lord a hand of praise across this room i want you to give a big shout of faith if you're ready and you know that god is going to do something tonight [Applause] he's worthy the lamb of god is worthy the lamb of god is worthy now as you're being seated can you please turn to someone and tell them something good is going to happen to you say it in faith believing come on something good is going to happen to you something good is going to now turn to somebody else who looks like they really need to hear it and tell them something good is going to happen to you can i just say um it's an honor to be with you all and it's a it's a it's a it's a real honor to be here ministering at this conference the first ever reach conference and i want you to know i don't take that opportunity lightly i don't take any opportunity lightly every time i get to minister the word it's a privilege it's a privilege [Music] and i want you to know that i i not only do i honor what god is doing here in this fellowship in this network but i'm thankful that i get to be a part of it too and i want you to know that this is only the beginning he's able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or even imagine if you can think of it god can do it if you can imagine it god can go above and beyond that expectation and i believe that sitting in this room tonight are the seeds of one of the greatest moves of the holy spirit that's going to sweep across this nation can we honor the lord and just thank him that we get to be a part of it and i want to also honor my pastor i think i think that's you sitting there there you are i want to honor my pastor pastor omar lopez those of you watching online this is my pastor pastor omar and i want to thank you can we just honor this man [Applause] [Music] i know that makes you really really uncomfortable and you're probably thinking okay move on move on but but we want to give honor there and i believe i see i see my wife jesus here there you are and then is that johnny and cynthia it is my friends johnny hall and cynthia and my grandparents are here danny and linda mancha are are my mom and dad here where are they they're in the back can we get a couple seats for them up here please [Music] you know i i know i know that no one will mind me saying so but wonderful video by the way that we produced beautiful beautiful quality but for those who don't know the story even goes back a little further so my dad was a pastor there he is there they are they're coming mom and dad come here can we hear it from my parents dave and esther hernandez please [Applause] now i'm gonna get to the message right now but but but honoring people is so key you want the anointing to flow you have to honor honor is very key for those who don't know my dad pastored a church in hawthorne california and i believe it was pastor mart what year was it was early 2000 right 1999 i remember one of the most inspirational things i ever saw and it actually inspired many of the ways i do ministry today was the friendship that they had and have my dad and pastor omar lopez i remember being a little kid trying to sneak in while you guys were having dinner and listen to what they were planning because i had no idea what they were what they were planning little did i know they were going to take two small churches one originally from paramount then the bowel flower and one from hawthorne california they were going to take two small churches they merged them together and made one small church [Music] [Applause] but those were the seeds of revival that's an example of what unity does those were the seeds of revival and i remember though we talked about fresh fire past ready that service we you were just at the house the other day you you you barged in remember you just showed up out of nowhere like i always do to you and he came in and we started watching old videos of the hawthorne days and when you started fresh fire youth ministries and and it just all came together to work so beautifully so i just want to say mom dad i honor you for the seeds you planted in this fellowship and we love you and i know many of us here appreciate you [Applause] but i want to minister a word tonight about reaching the world with the gospel now ismail i don't want you to get too tired so you may take a little break and how many appreciate this uh this anointed team here just by the way those of you watching online on on both the reach network and encounter tv make sure you like comment share i know this is not our usual broadcast time we kind of just surprised you with this you who are watching via encounter tv but i want you to know that you need to continue to like comment share spread this around i'm going to minister a word tonight on reaching the world with the gospel i want you to go to exodus chapter 3. exodus chapter 3. i'm going to read verses 1 through 14 and i'm reading out of the new living translation i want to talk to you about different keys that we can glean from the scripture that will help us to reach this world with the gospel because if you look around at the way things are going you might become discouraged in thinking that this is it that there is no hope that there's nothing that god has planned beyond this but if you look at the scripture in which jesus is talking about the end times notice that he doesn't necessarily say that it's the wars and rumors of wars that are going to trigger the end times he says those are signs of them approaching he doesn't say that the intensification of sin in itself is what's going to cause the end times to transpire if you study that portion of scripture you find that jesus lists all of these things that are going to go wrong wars and rumors of wars pestilence famine the love of many as the scripture says will grow cold there are all sorts of texts that are used to describe the end times but if you look to the words of jesus which are the clearest words that we have concerning the last days you'll notice that jesus says something so powerful you see it's not the wars and the rumors of wars that ultimately set things in motion nor is it the pestilence nor is it the disease nor is it the famine nor is it the catastrophe that will strike the earth but when the end times come we are given a clear sign jesus said this gospel shall be preached to the ends of the earth and then the end will come in other words before the end of days the scripture makes it absolutely clear that there is coming a move of the holy ghost there is coming in a great sweeping of souls exodus 3 1-14 [Music] one day moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law jethro the priest of midian he led the flock far into the wilderness and came to sinai the mountain of god there the angel of the lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush moses stared in amazement though the bush was engulfed in flames it didn't burn up this is amazing moses said to himself why isn't that bush burning up i must go see it when the lord saw moses coming to take a closer look god called to him from the middle of the bush moses moses here i am moses replied do not come any closer the lord warned take off your sandals for you are standing on holy ground i am the god of your father the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob when moses heard this he covered his face because he was afraid to look at god then the lord told them i have certainly seen the oppression of my people in egypt i have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers yes i am aware of their suffering so i have come down to rescue them from the power of the egyptians and lead them out of egypt into their own fertile and spacious land it is a land flowing with milk and honey the land where the canaanites hittites amorites perizzites hivites and jebusites now live now so far we see that moses has an encounter with god that's commissioning his call and god makes it clear to moses why he is coming to him it's because god has heard the cry of those who are in slavery now prophetically speaking the children of israel in bondage to slavery the children of israel under the oppression of egypt that's a prophetic symbol of what the world looks like under the power of sin verse 9 look the cry of the people of israel has reached me and i have seen how harshly the egyptians abused them now go for i am sending you to pharaoh you must lead my people out of egypt moses protested to god who am i to appear before pharaoh who am i to lead the people of israel out of egypt god answered i will be with you and this is your sign that i am the one who has sent you when you have brought the people out of egypt you will worship at this very mountain just a couple more verses those of us who are only used to the verse of the day are having you're saying how much scripture is he going to read it's okay now you're good for the month ready here we go verse 13. but moses protested if i go to the people of israel and tell them the god of your ancestors has sent me to you they will ask me what is his name then what should i tell them god replied i am who i am say this to the people of israel i am has sent me to you now number one when looking at the encounter that moses had with god if we're going to reach this world number one we need to know the holy spirit moses has this encounter with god and god manifest his presence in the form of fire fire is one of the symbols of the holy spirit often times in the old and new testament we see fire being used as a description for the presence of the holy spirit himself and moses comes into contact with this fire one of the ways you know that you've truly had an encounter with god is when souls become your focus moses comes into contact with this fire he experiences the glory of god but he didn't just go home and live his life as usual saying what a wonderful experience i had in the presence of god no the proof of an encounter with god is a burden for those who are in bondage remember this all ministry is an overflow of our relationship with god whether you work in the children's ministry whether you work on the worship team and it is work whether you work as a pastor whether you work as an evangelist whatever it is that you do for god it's only ministry if it's an overflow out of your relationship with god if it's not an overflow from the presence it's not ministry it's charity and volunteer work if it's not an overflow of the presence it's not a calling it's a career if it's not an overflow from the presence you begin to become tired in what you're doing weighed down wondering why you're even going about it the way you're going about it confused lost and never knowing what the destination is but when you've been in the presence of almighty god you begin to burn with the holy fire that never dies when you've been in the presence of almighty god there's something in you that says i have to go and tell the world there's something in you that says there are people who are lost and dying when you come into the presence of god you begin to hear the cries of those who are in bondage you begin to hear the cry of the drug addicted you begin to hear the cry of the suicidal you begin to hear the cry of those who are bound in the darkness of sin and everything in you says god send me to them [Applause] when god looks for a place to place a mantle he has criteria for every historic moment there is a heavenly mantle for every moment in history god has mantles that are being dropped to the earth and god is searching the earth for someone who he can trust with his power god is searching the earth for somewhere that he can pour out his spirit in such a way that the earth is shaken that the nations turn to him now when god looks to the earth seeking where he might place a mantle he is not looking in the board meetings filled with millionaires and big influencers when god looks for a place to drop the mantle he is not looking in the highest places of academia when god looks to drop a heavenly mantle he's not looking in those places that we think he will look when god looks for a place and when god looks for a person upon whom he can place a mantle he's looking in the prayer room he's looking for people who are consecrated and devoted to the presence of the holy spirit we must involve the holy spirit in what we're doing church please hear what i'm saying no matter how big we become no matter how modern our means of operation no matter how excellent we become and we should become excellent excellence by the way is a mark of the spirit filled no matter the growth trajectory we must remember always that we're helpless without the holy spirit we can't do it [Applause] the scripture says in zechariah 4 6 then he said to me this is what the lord says to zerubbabel it is not by force nor by strength but by my spirit says the lord of heaven's armies moses had an encounter with god encounters commission callings and true encounters in the presence of the holy spirit become foundational because when you are called by god trouble will come this is why sometimes i envy the new convert they're getting all their bondages broken they're going from darkness to light and god seems to be answering every single one of their prayers when god calls you there's a price you see salvation is free but the call of god will cost you everything and as we begin to pursue the call of god we will run into trials we will run into circumstances that make us want to quit and people often tell you be persistent be persistent this is the frustrating thing about persistence is that persistence doesn't even begin until you feel like quitting once you've exhausted all your effort all your emotion everything you know to do every strategy you've emptied yourself of all ability and strength that's when persistence comes in but you see this is why it's not possible to do it without the presence of the holy spirit because if you're not sure that god called you please hear me now if you are not sure that god called you then when trials come you're gone because you begin to question why you're doing what you're doing in the first place am i doing what i'm doing because my leader pressured me to do it am i doing what i'm doing because someone launched me out am i doing what i'm doing because everyone around me is telling me it's the right thing to do and i need to be involved or am i doing what i'm doing because i've had an encounter with the holy spirit if you're going to pursue the call of god for your life and this room is filled with gift potential if you're going to pursue the call of god for your life recognize that you will find trouble but when those troubles come you can always go back to those places those encounters and know that he's with you i can't tell you how many times i said lord i just wanted to be a lawyer i just wanted to be an entrepreneur you saw it in the video by the way yes that is the same jacket but i have more jackets okay i i saw the video i said oh my goodness i'm wearing the same jacket but i wanted to be a businessman an entrepreneur i wanted to be a politician i wanted to seek some form of public office i wanted to be rich i didn't want to do this people say well some preachers do well not as well as entrepreneurs but there was a call and this is one thing i appreciated about my pastor something i appreciate i think of key people pastor eddie vargas pastor omar lopez my parents my grandparents you know one thing they never did they never pressured me into doing something i didn't feel called to do looking back i thank god for that because had i been pressured into this then when the trials came and i'm sure there are more to come you search my name just go look at the attacks out there this might be some of you in here in which case i love you and we'll cast the devil out of you tonight but in all seriousness when the trials came when people begin to talk people who don't even know you not just questioning what you preach questioning your heart questioning your motives making up stories about you i wish i was worth 10 million dollars i i would be curious to see what it would be like if i was actually in the illuminati which is one of the online theories i think i told pastor kelly one time what did i say i said i can't be in the this was years ago i said i can't be in the illuminati i still live with my parents but you know when those trials came i was able to stand firm because i knew that i knew that i knew that i knew that i was called [Applause] and you are called to reach out into this world and to snatch souls who are dangling over hellfire people of god this is not a career choice this is a rescue mission and there are souls that are hanging in the balance when you run from the call of god when you harden your heart to his voice you're not just playing with your life you are playing with souls that you should win so number one know the holy spirit number two be selfless god said to moses i am sending you moses had to leave the certainty and the familiarity of the desert he was settled into his new life he fled from egypt and i'm almost positive he planned to never go back if you were accused of murder from somewhere and you escaped i'm sure you would never want to go back to that place and moses was in this predicament but please remember this god did not take you out of egypt just so that you can remain in the predictability of the desert god did not remove you from egypt just so that you can remain in the predictability of the desert if i was moses i would have wanted to stay it's familiar here it's a simple life it's not as crazy as things were back there john 12 23-26 jesus replied now the time has come for the son of man to enter into his glory i tell you the truth unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies it remains alone but its death will produce many new kernels a plentiful harvest of new lives those who love their life in this world will lose it those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity this is jesus speaking now anyone who wants to serve me must follow me because my servants must be where i am and the father will honor anyone who serves me we have to move beyond self if we're going to reach this world god has so much more for you than merely existing i jokingly say often when we're out with friends and you've heard me say this steve and i'm sure ishmael you guys heard my jokes hundreds and hundreds of times over sometimes we'll be out with friends and we'll be at some nice restaurants somewhere just kind of looking around fellowshipping talking and i can be a little cynical sometimes i look around i go is this it this is it the whole thing this is what people live for the temporary the mundane you realize that the mundane though it's not sinful is an insult to the glory of god and some of us get so stuck in these places of comfort that we lack in purpose and direction and so i can imagine moses saying lord i'm so comfortable here i think he had his excuses yes but i think deep down that at least part of the reason why he didn't want to go was precisely because he was comfortable this doesn't mean that everyone will be called to be an evangelist or a pastor this doesn't mean that everyone has to drop their career and go and become a full-time minister in fact one of the things i think that's wonderful about the vision of the reach network is that we acknowledge and we honor the various different gifts and operations of the whole body of christ but it's going to cost you something let me ask you and i want to ask you this i don't want to come across the wrong way i'm not here to attack anyone or to accuse anyone but i want you to really ponder the question when was the last time that you gave up something for the gospel when was the last time that you had to deny yourself paul the apostle said i die daily some of us don't even die monthly is everything about your life perfectly structured and positioned to bring forth the ultimate comfort the ultimate security is everything conditioned just so in your life just the way you want it then i challenge you to begin to ask the lord lord how can i begin to live in selflessness we have to move beyond our insecurities and excuses you see the christian life is not in addition to it's instead of and i think we have that paradigm all wrong we look at our christian life we look at the church we look at ministry we look at winning and we attach it to our lies as if it's just some decoration on our lives that makes it shinier as if it's just something that we're adding to what we're already doing but the call to reach the world the call to win souls is not in addition to it's instead of father not my will but your will be done number three so number one know the holy spirit number two be selfless number three have substance the lord gave moses a very clear direction he was given a very specific word to speak ii timothy 3 16 says all scripture is inspired by god and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right remember this man of god remember this woman of god god does not anoint your opinions he anoints his word god does not anoint your ideas he does not back your philosophies god backs his word think about the fact that the word of god is so powerful that it produces results even when a hypocrite preaches it god is that committed to his word that you can see these people who say one thing and live another way getting results well how is it they have fruit how is it they have results how is it that god is using them it's because god is so committed to backing his message that he will produce the power behind the word no matter who speaks it mark 16 20 says and they went forth and preached everywhere the lord working with them and confirming what confirming the word with signs following if you are not rooted in the word you are easy pray for deception church if we're going to reach this world we must be sold on the word of god and i mean so the word of god is not a nice philosophy the word of god is not just historical in nature the word of god is not just a good idea the word of god is spoken from heavenly places from the ultimate highest authority the word of god has the final say the word of god is the final authority it doesn't matter what you learned in your political ideology it doesn't matter what you were taught from your family it doesn't matter what you were taught in the systems of this world the word of god is the final and highest authority [Applause] all this talk of deconstructing faith deconstructing what they basically mean is picking out the parts they like and and just leaving aside the ones they don't we must be sold on the foundation of the word lest we become pray for temptation in the last days the scripture talks about a great falling away and the falling away comes when you don't know the word think about the fact that new ageism is finding its way into the church there are strange doctrines finding their way into the church there are even doctrines of devils finding their way into the church why would you want to pray to the universe when you can pray to the one who formed it why would you want to call on some power that's lesser than why would you approach any other throne why would you approach any other authority when i pray i'm not talking to the universe i'm talking to my heavenly father who spoke and caused all things to come into existence and there are all sorts of things that are beginning to corrupt the faith they're entering in and if we're not careful we will be deceived and this is the thing about deception is no one knows they're deceived when they're deceived stop preaching your political opinions left and right they're all a bunch of devils all of them turn off fox and cnn they're all a bunch of devils preaching the enemy's propaganda the church is not left or right the church is in heavenly places the church is the kingdom of god in the earth [Applause] stop with the opinions stop with the philosophies that's the problem is we we get up and we preach good ideas but good ideas won't save the lost good ideas won't save a soul there's only one message that we declare and that is christ and him crucified it's the message with the greatest power it's the message that matters it's the message that counts for eternity it's the message under which we can all unite for there is no name under heaven given amongst men whereby we must be saved other than the name of jesus it is the primary word it is the focus of the church it is the answer for today that's why we declare with boldness i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ it is the power of god unto salvation the word the word the word the word the word i've seen too many preachers start getting into weird doctrines i saw one preacher anointed powerful and as soon as he started getting into these weird doctrines he left the faith and now he preaches some religion where aliens are going to come back and save us all how did that happen he wasn't backed by the word and this happens on two extremes church two extremes you see we who are who are a little more like me charismatic oh we love our charisma we love our song and dance we love to jump and shout but we can be some of the weirdest people well no one wants to fellowship with me after church must be the devil no you're just really weird i can say it to you because i'm an evangelist i'll be gone next week you see those who embrace the things of the spirit without the word actually find themselves in some of the strangest things and what they end up actually practicing is charismatic witchcraft like simon the sorcerer who said i want to buy that power but not for the sake of uplifting the name of jesus but for the sake of power itself when jesus is not the center all you have are gifts but no glory charisma with no character power with no presence and it's dangerous the other side you have the facebook scholar well where's that in the bible you know sometimes we can be come so deep that we're drowning and and and you realize that the scripture says that the things of the spirit aren't received through the natural mind you have the word but no spirit you get information good for you no power if you have the spirit but no word well you have inspiration but some of you are inspired to do some very weird things but it's when you have the truth of the word and the spirit's power come together that you have a foundation to change the world we need both the spirit and the word and we ought to know the word better than anyone else i was i was visiting a muslim at a mosque steve was with me don't ask me how that happened it was a business deal we were working for some property long long long story but we ended up at a mosque and we're meeting him there to discuss these things and i went there on a thursday afternoon a thursday afternoon in the middle of a work day you know what i saw i saw hundreds of men on their face in prayer and i begin to talk with my friend you might have guessed his name was muhammad and we begin to talk and we would we would have lunch together we would joke back and forth with each other and and and we began to talk and and i was listening to him i said are you like one of the teachers or one of the pastors he said no i'm just i'm just an attendee i'm just a member and i came to realize something muslims know their quran better than christians know their bible i'll throw you another one atheists know the bible better than most christians we have to get it out of our minds that the less of the word there is the more spiritual we are i've seen it a thousand times i have the notes you know what i was gonna preach this sermon but the holy spirit told me not to and they throw their notes out most of the time i'm not saying that never happens but you know most of the time that's just spiritual laziness the word is the foundation for the move of the spirit the word is the substance with which the holy spirit creates the word is the guide for our lives if we want to reach the world we must have substance we have to have more to offer them than simple life advice we have to have more to offer them than our opinions and philosophy so number three have substance and i probably won't be able to get through the whole thing because i do want to pray for some people i'm trying to pick a point i have four i have to pick one and i'm asking the holy spirit to help me see spirit with preparation right here technically number six but number four we need each other so first we need the holy spirit that's a must second we need to learn selflessness the surrendered life if we want to reach the world third we need the word fourth we need each other psalm 133 1 says how wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony if we're going to reach out to the world we'll need to reach up toward god and across to each other the bigger a movement becomes the more diverse the people become now let me make a very clear statement here in no way should we ever compromise the fundamentals of the faith the deity of christ the infallibility of the word of god holiness repentance the bodily resurrection of our lord jesus there are many of these but aside from the primary things please remember this differences do not have to become divisions [Applause] i have a friend and johnny you know him one of the strangest people we both know i have a friend now you know me you you type my name in online you're gonna get one thing that comes up the holy spirit i believe in laying hands on the sick i believe in casting out devils the biblical way it's a whole different study we can do i believe in speaking in tongues and and this movement reached network is a holy spirit-filled movement and we can't get away from that now i have this friend who absolutely does not believe in speaking in tongues he's wrong of course you know we don't do ministry together that wouldn't be something that would be necessarily wise can two walk together lest they agree but you know he does come to my house for dinner he does bring his family we do fellowship i never take it personal when he teaches that tongues is not for today he never takes it personal when i say that people who don't speak in tongues and i don't mean this as a jab this is something i sincerely believe you don't pray in tongues i believe you're missing out on something key but you're not going to hell now if he and i can share in a friendship we hardly argue about it we joke about it we make fun of each other about it i call him john mcarthur's teacher's pet he calls me a benny hinn fanboy but we love each other now now now if we can fellowship and love one another with that kind of extreme difference why on earth in this network can we not find common ground on the core that makes us who we are the bigger movement get yeah it gets yes more the more diverse it becomes of course there are people in here of varying degrees of biblical ideology and there are people who have different opinions now again there are some that make it difficult to work with one another but these are just examples why should we be divided on whether or not someone took your seat whether or not you like the screen the way it is i didn't like the style of music i didn't like this or that and what begins to happen is god's plan for reaching the world is multiplication the enemy's plan for stopping us is division differences don't have to become divisions and i pray i know this is not one of those points that makes you stand on your feet and clap and jump and shout i'm hardly that kind of preacher anyway but this is something the holy spirit really impressed on my heart to deposit at this crucial phase in our network's birth winning a brother winning a sister is more important than winning an argument and while we argue back and forth with one another about whether god's three persons and one or one person with three sides or maybe there's something else that we can use to describe it there are people going to hell get the vacs we shouldn't get the facts open the church you shouldn't open the church wear a mask you shouldn't wear a mask there are people going to hell well i'm a democrat i'm a republican i think this i think that i think your side is demonic because this i think your side is demonic there are people going to hell it's time that we wake up and rise above these petty differences i believe in around earth you believe in a flat earth i'm iphone you're android it doesn't matter in eternity we must unite rise above it and win the world to jesus it's in our unity that there's power years ago and my preaching time is done and then they'll reset for my altar call time sorry years ago we had a guest speaker by the name of harry hills and i'll never forget this word he shared together we can do more than we could ever do alone power in our unity do you know what it is that wants to win arguments it's ego because i want to prove how much stronger my intellect is than yours i want to prove how much deeper in the word i am than you ego but in our unity we have power unimaginable this is why the enemy works so hard at dividing his church because he knows at the moment we become divided we lose focus on the eternal every other system of this world is focused on the temporary it's only the church that's focused on eternity and if we focus on eternity then we can see beyond our differences we can rise above them and we with one voice can declare to the world jesus saves [Applause] i believe those are true keys to reaching the world we must know the holy spirit we must live selflessly we must have the substance of the word and we must be united father let this movement never know division in jesus name give us the maturity and the love to walk in unity church would you just lift your hands all across this room begin praying in the holy ghost you know god is calling you to reach the world your heart burns for the loss i want you to begin to pray you online begin to pray ask god to use you [Music] it's time to surrender lord make us people of prayer make us people of the word make us people who love you how many you just can sense the presence of the holy ghost right now if you do say amen that's that's that's how he's pleased with unity now i'm gonna do a an altar call here those of you who want to respond to this message it's going to be a simple one because i sense another assignment i talked earlier about the need for the presence of the holy spirit we at this crucial juncture need to allow for move of the holy spirit our conferences cannot just become these spectacularly produced events and these are wonderful they must remain revivals [Music] you come the conference you need to know you're getting more than just a word you need to know you're going to have an encounter with the holy ghost hopefully that's what you came here for tonight here's your altar call the lord touched you and you know you know you know there are things in your life that you need to surrender to him that you might reach the world and i want you all across this room right now lift your hands begin to pray in the holy spirit come on lift your hands begin to pray out loud out loud boldly in the holy ghost and steve would you please join me guys can we get rid of this stool please get rid of the stool and get rid of the table please [Music] [Music] that's it you're just responding you're responding in your own heart right now the holy spirit is here i'm telling you the presence of god is in this room where is matthew laura can we get matthew up on the platform please patrick he's up here pat he's right here just come up on the stage please now you post it publicly your wife is undergoing chemotherapy right now we're gonna believe god that we're gonna send forth the word from this place and that she's gonna be healed tonight [Music] and brittany i know you're watching [Applause] we're gonna ask god to heal you we're gonna ask the presence of the holy spirit to come and do as only he can do matthew lift your hands your point of contact pastor matthew all of you stretch your hands forward begin to pray in the holy spirit [Music] come join me [Music] jesus come on keep praying church pray for his wife like it's your wife pray for his wife like it's your sister like it's your daughter that's unity let the compassion of the lord flow through you as you begin to stretch your hands forward and pray [Music] i am the god [Music] brittany this is a prophetic word for you sing it with us church i sent my word i sense my word and heal your the disease you're here i am the kind that he'll let [Music] i sense my word [Music] so in the name of jesus the son of the living god brittany we speak to your body tonight and we rebuke that cancer in the name of jesus come on church pray right now in the holy ghost we rebuke that cancer right now in the name of jesus be made whole in jesus name and father send matthew as a point of contact lord let him be that point of contact and faith there's the power of god is here right now you're believing for healing i want everyone standing everyone's standing everyone's standing keep praying in the holy spirit something is happening here in this church tonight come on lift your hands pray on the holy ghost we are breaking down strongholds in the atmosphere [Music] say that again say that again i can't explain it get brittany on the phone right now get her on the phone i told you we must know the power of the holy spirit we must know the power of the holy spirit the presence of god is all over him right now [Music] brittany if you're watching live now it is a slight delay but i'm a very persistent dialer i will call and call and call and call and call and call i'm being led to the spirit right now to do this i'm telling you will she answer your call matthew does she normally answer your call [Music] do it again call her [Music] can you feel that here right now church a woman to my left there's a woman on the left side of the building there's a woman on the left side of the building there's a lump in your breast i'm telling you it's gone go to the bathroom and check it go to the bathroom and check it i'm telling you i know that i know that i know that i know that i know that i know it's gone go to the bathroom and check it is she on brittany are you here okay well we're gonna we're gonna get here right now on you keep calling the rest of you lift your hands pray in the holy stay right there don't don't don't don't leave stay right there the rest you lift your hands you need healing in your body we're going to rebuke that sickness right now and the power of god is going to begin to flow across this room [Music] now you watching online god wants to make you whole i want you to begin to type in the comment section right now what you're believing god to heal you from just type it in the comment section [Music] the lord is going to heal you the lord is going to heal you as you worship and has lifted eyes closed all across this room you're believing for a miracle in your body god is touching you god is touching you jesus pastor is there someone you want me to pray for [Music] pardon is there a pastor here who's dealing with the sickness i know you are is he here he came to my mind is pastor albert here pastor albert where are you pastor albert guerrero could you come please stand right there what are you believing god to do in your body [Music] sound man can i go down there okay it's not gonna ring right okay now what's wrong with your back i got i got uh three herniated discs are you in pain right now yes everyone stretch your hands toward and pray in the holy ghost [Music] say that say that again what are you feeling right now heat begin to move right now [Music] i want you to see this come here come here come here look at that come here come here come here touch your toes touch your toes where's the pain i'm not there the pain is gone yeah yes he said he felt like a heat come on him and now the pain is gone [Music] say that again um just numb i don't feel nothing it's been hurting for a long time yeah i've built i usually feel tight and i can't really move that much but right now i feel like it's just loose man and how long were you dealing with that oh since i was 18 years old since you were 18 you've been dealing with that doubt that i had now with the mri i found out that i had a herniated disc funny heat came to my mind i should have just called you out lift your hands fresh season upon you fresh season whoa that's the power of god pastor albert lord i thank you stretch your hands toward this man church there's a new season a new season [Music] wow it is so strong thank you jesus come here what are you feeling i don't feel nothing this used to be numb it's not numb anymore you know what i just heard the lord saying he said stir up the prophetic gift stir up the prophetic gift serve the prophetic gift lift your hands that prophetic gift in the name of jesus and god's people said amen i sense such a strong anointing here right now god's gonna heal you right where you are there's a wave of healing flowing through here lift your hands sing it steve [Music] you are [Music] [Music] you sense your word and [Music] you [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] you are the lord my [Music] lift your hands [Music] thank you jesus [Music] sing it again thank you jesus thank you thank you thank you [Music] let's get lost [Music] in the name of jesus i speak to every sickness and every disease i speak to every demonic power i speak to every drug addiction i speak to every bondage he's gonna do it for you right now and in the name of jesus the son of the living god we the church command that every sickness every disease every bondage be broken right now we declare it we speak to those strongholds and principalities we cast you down in the name of jesus i rebuke arthritis right now in the name of jesus arthritis go keep praying church keep praying paralysis somebody has paralysis in in their left hand these two fingers right here there's like a numbness god's healing that right now i thank you lord somebody's right ear just been healed i thank you jesus somebody with an upper back injury the lord is healing you now you feel like a heat coming on you he's making you whole someone in here brought your child in who has asthma and god is healing that asthma right now in the name of jesus keep praying keep praying we rebuke every sickness every disease cancer we rebuke you now go in the name of jesus and command joints be healed arms legs knees elbows be healed i command throats to be healed lord whoever caught what's going around we rebuke it now in jesus name father we come against every sickness and every disease right now just lift your hands and ask him to heal you it's so simple only believe only believe only believe come out of that wheelchair in the name of jesus leave those crutches behind in the name of jesus somebody who injured their elbow you've just been healed i thank you lord someone with growths on the back of your head like cysts those are going in the name of jesus [Music] kidney disease i rebuke it in the name of jesus church miracles are happening all over the room right now there are miracles happening all over the room there's someone here tonight there's a woman here there's a woman here who's battling a severe drug addiction i rebuke it in the name of jesus you're going free tonight keep praying keep praying keep praying now now what i want you to do is lay your hand on the part of your body that's sick right now come on and those of you around them start to pray start to pray start to pray come on church let me hear you pray begin to pray in the holy ghost [Music] elbow be healed knee be healed feet be healed neck be healed brain be healed blood disorder i rebuke blood disorders right now you go in the name of jesus you are the lord that heals us and you are making us whole in the name of your son and we love you for it lord we give you the glory we give you the honor we give you the praise there's someone with severe nerve damage severe nerve damage is being healed right now i thank you lord severe nerve damage thank you jesus [Music] there's a person in here there's an issue with with a dental problem something in the right side of your mouth on the back there's severe pain and there's severe there's a severe issue going on there the lord is healing that right now a woman with migraines there's a man with a shoulder injury god is healing you church i'm telling you if you have the faith to receive it it's here right now the power of god is moving lift your hands receive it now every sickness goes disease in jesus name now i can barely see you but if you know that god has touched your body tonight will you just wave at me wave wave wave wave look at all look around church look look look look look all those people here's what i want you to do those of you who know you've been healed in your body i'm going to challenge you to do something tonight a little different and challenge you you know you've been healed in your body i want you to come out of your seat come line up right here the staff is going to help you look see sergio come come come come out of your seat right now right now right now all of you who are waving at me is it possible to get some type of light on i can't see anything come come come over here over here pardon yeah patrick follow patrick there's several coming from all over can we give the lord a hand of praise for this church [Music] [Applause] look at all these people we need to give the lord a hand of praise for this where's reuben reuben you know what to do there's still more coming if the lord heals you look that woman over there you need to go check yourself i'm telling you you've been healed this is incredible what god is doing look you may not even know you're healed check your knee check your elbow check your back check your eyes check your ears god is making you whole i'm telling you okay they're forcing me onto the floor can we get some lights on in here the rest of you go ahead sit down sit down [Music] look at that line church this is god's power and look if he healed you come out of your seat don't don't don't be shy come out of your seat and come line up right here where is reuben you can just yell it okay sergio what happened here dear this is virginia she had anxiety and during prayer she felt something left off of her so you had anxiety issues and what did you feel god do what you were worshiping right now i just felt this overwhelming warmth in my body and as soon as i said god take it for me i just felt my body cool down and everything just felt relaxed and released you got delivered tonight you got delivered you sensed his presence here now what does it feel like i just feel my body's full of tingling right now and i'm just like happy like a child you know that's what they describe like a tingling on their body lift your hands lift your hands close your eyes don't be afraid it's just god's power lord let it never come back in the name of jesus let it never come back in the name of jesus my friend what happened here this is julianne she had a nerve damage and it was on her hip to the bottom of her leg and during worship she felt something electricity and it lifted off no more pain [Applause] say that again so they understand nerve damage where from the top of um from the bottom of my back to my ankle um for about a year it's been like very burning like needles all up and down my leg like a pinching pain and what happened while you were worshiping um during service it was hurting the whole time and i kept on trying to move my leg to to help it and then while we were worshiping it just went numb what did you feel come on here [Music] okay come here i'm gonna clear the aisle here okay actually pat i want to have her come this way whose church do you go to um reach sam pedro san pedro okay [Applause] [Music] we give jesus a mighty shout of praise [Applause] this is god's power look at how overwhelmed she is this is what jesus does this is what jesus does he made you whole and the pain is gone god's power is touching you and you'll never be the same in jesus name you'll never be the same in jesus name sergio diego this is samantha she had a thyroid problem and it was a stiffness and during worship is softened up and she can swallow better now so you had a thyroid from like a growth like a swelling um it's hyperthyroidism so problem with um hormones but um i had cysts but they were gone because the lord healed me last time but i felt a tightness in my throat and during prayer i felt like kind of like a choking sensation and then it just stopped so you felt the lord's hands on you that's what i think that was that was jesus touching you did you expect that to happen to you not today when tomorrow lift your hands are you filled with the holy spirit okay receive the power of god on you now lord in the name of jesus let this never come back and stretch your hands have you been praying for that well the lord just told me that's what your cry of your heart is right now and and he's going to do it i didn't say it on the mic that's between you and me but the lord said tell her i heard when she was praying that and god's people said amen this is esthany she was in a car accident in 2018 and she had a spine injury and you called it out when you were worshiping and she felt a heat come over her and no more pain no more pain all the pain is gone how do you know um i am constantly in pain i could not turn my neck show us what jesus did for you this has got to be the most casual testimony i've ever heard it's almost like you just knew he was gonna do it i'm gonna be honest i i've been praying for so long that i was afraid that it wasn't going to happen but when i repented of not believing it just came lift your hands stretch your hands towards [Music] receive his touch can you all do me a favor and pray in the holy ghost just for a couple minutes because they're acting like gumby lord let the power go through her i want to show you something the power of god is here people often why do some people fall over why do some people not i'll tell you what it is some people are positioned to receive and other people they're like analyzing it and i can see you analyzing it but here's what i want you to do lift your hand and the point is not to fall over please don't misunderstand me the point is to receive god's touch on your life put your hand harder like this ask god to use you to let the power flow through her lift your hands just receive the touch of god on you see it when it flows it's like a river and sometimes in our minds we've been taught wrong where you say i'm gonna fight it and if it's really god it's gonna no no he said lord i want everything you have for me what happened here sergio this is samantha she's been having that or sylvia i'm sorry she's been having dying aren't you prophetic i missed it okay there you go so she's been having digestive problems and she would even have uh she would feel like the needle picking in her hands and feet neuropathy [Music] how long have you dealt with this almost three well three years now since i god spared my life two years ago what happened as you were worshiping um i felt like a little like vibration in my stomach and then it just happened for like a minute and then it went away and i don't feel anything usually i'm very rumbly and have a lot of problems with my stomach what about the neuropathy and what about the neuropathy neuropathy it's a constant my feet have been swelling a lot past couple months so that's why i'm not at church as often because sometimes i walk and what happened tonight the feet are still numb but i don't feel pain pain is leaving lord bring feeling back to her in jesus name hold on pack [Music] everyone pray that filling comes back to her feet right now what did you feel go through you right now let's try it she says every time i worship i want to jump up and down but i can't can we worship with her show the people you can jump up and down you're not go for it [Music] and there's no pain church can we give jesus a hand of praise it's beautiful sergio this is lori she actually came with a walker she has ms couldn't even stand this long and she walked up here by faith and she's healed you had ms spirit say again well it's the holy spirit in all of us come come come you had a walker would you like to i'm not a good dancer pardon yes do you want to dance where is your husband here i know come come turn turn turn i wouldn't be that court i want to just watch you here for a second look at this and you came in with a walker and what did you feel when the lord's power came on you when you were praying for someone who had a nervous problem a damage to the nervous system damage in the brain i have had so much pain in my brain and my face in the last week that i honestly thought that death was coming honestly and i've been with the lord i accepted the lord in my heart and what happened tonight and set in 1970 what happened tonight tonight it was the holy spirit everywhere it's i have always prayed in the spirit i've never prayed it out loud because i know you have to have an interpreter with you two days ago i found out my prayer but tonight did you feel the power of god come on you and now you're walking i was in pain in my right leg and i was believing because of the holy spirit in the room and look what he did for you can you show us again what the lord did for you church can we give the lord a hand of praise for what he's done here this is powerful welcome back reuben what's going on [Music] tony here has been healed of pain from his left leg seven months now he said today i'm able to feel seven months what was wrong with your leg well kovitz in january and uh i've had nerve damage since then and always had my wife rub my leg pretty much every night and for the first time i was well show us the lord heal you can you run over there and back for us please [Music] [Applause] [Music] say again [Applause] [Music] you said you're sweating because you don't understand just some my hands are sweating and i don't it's the power of god here oh it's the power of god i'm nervous but at the same time um i haven't felt it my wife doesn't have to rub my leg anymore you hear that you don't have to rub his leg anymore he's going to do it for you now okay because the lord heals you he's going to do it for you now every well the lord delivered you from having to do that and he delivered him from the pain and the people said god bless you sergio hey dica this is celia she had a frozen shoulder how high were you able to lift it before and show us what you can do now what do you think of that i i still i'm just i don't believe it it's just what church do you go to i'm sorry what church do you go to to pastor eddie's church that's right so so restoration so when you were praying over everyone and i'm thinking you know trying to pray i've only been going to church with eddie for since may so i'm very new to all of this and so we're praying over everyone so i'm thinking you know thank you lord for everything and then when you said put your hand where it hurts or pain and i'm thinking do i have anything i'm like oh yeah big shoulder so i put it on my shoulder and i'm like please jesus help me with my shoulder and then i just lifted my arm into my back there's no pain it's been almost a year and the doctor told me it my lift your hands close your eyes may it never ever ever come back and oh that's the glory of god may never come back in the name of jesus reuben [Music] here has been healed for migraines and bad vision she said she was diagnosed with bad blood circulation and she says today for the first time she feels no migraines no pain and she's able to see properly now and you're able to see properly when i would uh get up from like better sitting down my vision would go and i would get light-headed and that's gone so you're not getting light-headed when you got up and down here so how else do you know you're healed um when you talked about blood um like something sickness with the blood i just felt like a love over me and i just started crying lord let it never be the same again in jesus name where is matthew did you did you get your wife on the phone ever did she hang up on you can you call her back please sergio what happened [Music] this is erica she had she was walking and she stepped hold on what do we need to do are we good to stand here okay keep going so she stepped wrong and when she stepped wrong she felt he pulled on her knee to her thigh and when you said to lay hands and test to see if the pain was still there she said it was completely gone and what happened when you were worshiping well i just by faith you said just check your knees your joints and see if you you know check yourself and see and then i i i knew i was i couldn't stretch my leg the right way because they were hurt show us that the lord healed you do what you couldn't do before you have really good balance i don't even know how you're doing that i didn't stretch my feet i got hurt at work my i stepped wrong and that the presence of the holy spirit is here can you feel that it's the presence of the holy spirit everyone lift your hands pray in the holy [Music] your spirit father that sure better never be the same don't worry don't don't be afraid don't be afraid just receive it it's the glory of god [Music] lord break that torment over her mind in the name of jesus gabriela here has had tourettes since she was six years old she said during prayer she said she automatically noticed that she no longer had a twitch on her she said everything is so still she's able to stand still now your twitch went away from when you were six years old yeah so when i was diagnosed i was sick to do that treads like kitchen stuff and then i was having really bad ones right now but then once we started praying i felt like calmness and like relief and look at you my mother jesus made you home and now he's gonna use your life lift your hands father let your power come on her and use her for your glory in jesus name brittany yes it's diego and everyone else receive your miracle today in the name of jesus church begin to pray we speak to every cancer cell in her body in the name of jesus and we declare that the power of the holy ghost is going to move and touch her even now fill her with power from on high in the name of jesus the church said sergio what's going on here this is carla she had reproductive system there was something wrong with the reproductive system and she had cysts that were bleeding and during worship she felt she's still feeling the heat all over her and she says i know i rebuke it in jesus name i rebuke it in jesus name let it never ever ever come back now can we thank the lord for everything that he's doing lift your hands say thank you jesus we honor you lord we bless you we thank you for everything you've accomplished here tonight and let us remember your holy spirit we pray in jesus name and the church said amen i'm going to turn it over now to matthew you're so i'm sorry i distracted you god bless you guys amen can we give the lord a great round of praise in this moment man and that's night one that's night one listen i have a few quick announcements uh please please please do not forget your children all right i know we've all been in the presence of the lord uh but do not forget your children they are upstairs so please go get them checked out uh also uh parking if you if you paid already uh the gate should be open you can get out and exit out without having to get validated or any of that uh and also finally is we do have our breakout sessions thursday and friday morning and if you would like to volunteer to serve in our children's ministry for that breakout session there's an incentive you can earn a priority seat for yourself and a plus one for that evening service that you serve in so listen please be a part of what god is continuing to do this week and we'll see you all back tomorrow night god bless here online at 7pm we'll see you tomorrow night [Music] [Music] from [Music] [Music] i see the birds [Music] the morning [Music] and why does it keep repeating [Music] but i see the waterfalls something's got to change don't you hear the heavens call they'll be singing [Music] foreign [Music] but now my people come
Channel: Reach Church - Paramount
Views: 1,930
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Id: oFYsinuwEtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 32sec (11252 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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