Holy Spirit Conference LIVE - Pastor Benny Hinn

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[Music] tonight come on let's join our voices in this place in the room there's faith praising him we won't stop praising with our voices [Music] the weapon may be full but it won't prosper [Music] when the darkness falls it won't breathe [Music] [Applause] you know i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory for the [Music] [Applause] belongs to you with faith we sing this we say there is power in the mighty name of jesus every war he wages he will [Music] join us foreign [Applause] a victory oh as we worship [Music] [Music] every single time you take what the enemy meant for and you turn it for good you turn it with every voice in this house [Applause] [Music] a today you take what the enemy right there [Music] [Music] and and you turn [Music] you take what the enemy meant for me [Applause] you take what the enemy meant foreign your family over your children over your marriages you take what the enemy meant for me whatever you're going through tonight remember that you're singing [Music] you hold on to that promise hold on to that promise hold on to that promise cause death couldn't hold you down lower so whatever we're facing god if you're gonna turn it around just take this moment with us honor the king that's in the room [Music] we just want to touch from you lord it's all i asked lord [Music] those in their homes they're looking for you death could not hold you down [Music] do we believe that tonight [Music] we sing it again for death could not hold you down [Music] you are [Applause] oh you can see him seated [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] so we say [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] death could not hold you down you are the reason you're seated you are the reasons [Music] this is for your father [Music] angels you have won the victory [Music] can we sing that again hallelujah [Music] nothing can hold it [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not hold you down is see [Applause] [Music] jesus is in the room [Music] the king is in the room the king is in the room [Music] [Music] you deserve the praise you deserve praise you deserve the praise worthy worthy is your name [Music] you deserve the praise [Applause] [Music] you deserve the praise oh give him your praise tonight so where is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] you deserve a praise [Music] oh you can tell them again tonight so worthy is your name [Music] you deserve the praise [Music] you deserve a praise [Music] [Music] i'll just begin to speak in your heavenly language the holy spirit is with us he's been waiting for you he wants to be with you [Music] we thank you holy spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] in this place [Music] that [Music] in this place [Music] holy spirit the what's worse [Applause] [Music] father can you join us [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] this place mercy and grace [Music] this place [Music] [Music] in this place [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] place i'll just praise him just praise him just praise him the lord is in this place we want to continue to worship him in this place many can sense him in the room isn't it amazing that all we have to do is join our faith together and believe that he's in the room and he's already here i want to sing this song it's been on my heart on my mind this past conference [Music] he's worthy of it all [Music] all of our praise all of our pain all of our love all of our affection he is worthy of it all he took it all he's so worthy [Music] can you join us and sing to him tonight you are worthy of it all [Music] until you [Music] [Music] to be [Applause] [Music] until you are for you deserve the glory so we say you are worthy you are worthy [Music] [Music] until you [Music] my voice [Applause] is we say [Applause] foreign [Music] oh [Music] oh he can hear you tonight [Music] [Applause] lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] together we say [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we sing with heaven [Applause] [Music] we want to continue to praise him tonight can we just sing praises to his name we don't want your presence [Music] i sing praises to [Music] yours [Music] we sing again i sing praises to your name oh lord for your name is great and greatly to be brave i give i give glory to your name oh lord [Music] for your name is great and greatly to be praised come on your name for your name is greatly [Music] i give glory to glory to your name [Music] presence of the holy spirit is here oh lord oh lord for your name is great and greatly to so father tonight we surrender ourselves to you and we ask you precious holy spirit to come and do as only you can do we've come expecting mighty things from your hand lord but father most of all we pray that we would touch your heart tonight and i pray that even now the presence and power of the holy spirit would rest upon this meeting in the name of jesus we pray and the church said can you give the lord a hand of praise this evening an awesome god we serve [Applause] [Music] awesome [Music] well are you ready for tonight church i'm excited for what the holy spirit is going to do here of course i do want to mention just a couple things before we transition over and hand the service over to pastor benny hinn um you know we have a wonderful team here at the ministry and they do tremendous work and i just wanted to name a few people of course we want to thank our guest speaker from this morning pastor vlad did an amazing job pastor vlad thank you so much tremendous work that you do i do want to acknowledge he's running around here like crazy somewhere mr rubin vargas who does a tremendous job and then uh of course my brother mr stephen mock the zuma does beautiful worship and then my other brother my biological brother my younger brother michael hernandez also with us does it i mean we got people in the back working if i started naming names i could be here listing there's like 60 people who all worked together to make this a reality so we at the risk of leaving some people out i had the name of you but thank you all who participated and have been a part of this i also do want to thank um here with us tonight is the pastor of this church the sanctuary church pastor jay haislip is here and pastor jake can i just say we honor you and we thank you for being so bold and courageous as to leave your church doors open in the middle of this season can we honor that man of god church thank you pastor jay for your boldness and for your courage and then um reuben just give me a thumbs up if we're ready what pastor benny is ready i know he wanted to prepare just a few things um can i get everyone just praying in the holy spirit just before we introduce the man of god [Music] well i'm going to take an opportunity to give an introduction here i i don't think i get many opportunities to to to do this so publicly but can i just say and i want to say this publicly on record and i want everyone to know it that i love and i honor pastor benny him a wonderful man of god a spiritual father and i don't want to take any more time tonight we're going to turn this service over can we please remain standing welcome and honor the man of god pastor benny him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you and thank you and please be seated hello to all of you [Music] the lord bless you tonight love you too you're so gracious all of you and i'm glad to be back in lovely california the weather is hot and i just came from florida and it's cold i can't believe it actually florida is called my wife is just coming in i think so can we just get her here before i start yeah see uh she's here my daughter they just came i don't know why they just came but they just came and the grandkids so just have them come right in before i start ministering there they are and ellen nice to see you too you may be seated well i don't know what he said but doesn't matter but anyway sue is here hey you know what it's not often we are here together because we go back and forth to florida finally i said you know what it's time for me to just be with the family so that's why i'm there i don't really like florida i i don't like the weather and i don't like the bugs but i love my family so being that they're all there i said okay it's time to go and uh where are the grandkids or they're back there somewhere okay and tasha's with them okay keep them back there how many how many have grandchildren three of you come on how many how many have grandkids wave at me okay you love them right you love them when they come and you love it more when they go but we love them well anyways i want to say thank you david for having me the lord will bless this young man really i mean it and we are we are living in a most amazing moment and i want you all to be in prayer for what's going to happen this coming week that the lord will give us grace let me hear amen i've been praying that the lord will extend the season of grace on our country and we just need not to pray for our new president biden and we need to pray for his people because that's what the word says pray for those in authority and it's time we pray hard for this nation because the world needs america and i don't know how many of you have ever read the constitution but i have and when i became a citizen back in 79 i was tested on my knowledge of the constitution i don't know why they did that but they did that with me anyways i moved from canada to marry this wonderful girl here and there was 1979 dear lord i was 26 years old with black hair curly black hair and suzanne had red hair now she's blonde then she goes brunette then she goes blonde again she actually can't make up her mind but she looks good in blonde and i love her dearly and i really mean that 42 years now huh [Applause] we've had many good days some bad days but mostly good days and i i heard a a dear lady years ago give me a piece of counsel about who to find as a wife and i'll and i want to tell you this because i think this is how many of you are young people wave at me okay how many are single people okay she said young man this woman said young man never fall in love with the face she said always fall in love with the heart and boy i tell you how true that's been you know so just remember that well back to what i was saying this nation needs a real move of god and back in 79 when i read the constitution i wept and i thought to myself you know only god could put these words together men could not put such words together we have a great country people i've traveled the world i've gone all over the world except maybe saudi arabia and and iran and places like that but i've really been nearly every country no place like america still truly no place like this nation so let's believe god amen now let's stand and bless the lord he is so wonderful and i really mean he is so wonderful why don't you lift your hands and tell him how wonderful he is the greatest thing in all my life is knowing you [Music] the greatest thing in all my life is knowing you i want to know you much more i want to know you so much more the greatest thing in all my life is knowing knowing you now wonderful jesus your people have come tonight not to hear me they've come to hear your voice and i pray that by the power of the holy spirit you'll speak to them so clearly tonight so powerfully tonight that they'll not forget what they will hear and i pray lord you'll quicken my mind and quicken my voice that i might speak what you have to say and say it just right and touch their life establish their walk establish their walk wonderful jesus strengthen them in the holy spirit [Music] that not one of them will weaken as time goes on but will become stronger in you much stronger and sweet heavenly father oh you are so wonderful thank you thank you thank you for sending jesus into the world thank you lord for all you've done for us through your son thank you for sending the holy spirit to you with the praise oh god of abraham god of isaac and jacob do you be all the praise and at your right hand this very minute is seated your son wonderful jesus our wonderful savior and we welcome the holy spirit right now the blessed holy spirit take the service i pray touch your people [Music] do as you will you're free lord to do as you will blessed the holy spirit lift your hands and welcome him with me holy spirit the world will come in this place [Music] omnipotent father potential father of mercy and grace [Music] thou wilt come in this place in this place holy spirit thou earth mercy and grace can he lord only in this place me foreign [Music] feel all the hungry and thirsty within restore us oh father revive us once again tonight holy spirit thou art when come in this place holy spirit powered welcome omnipotent father [Applause] [Music] of mercy [Music] and grace and he always comes he always comes when jesus is glorified lift your hands and close your eyes worship the son of god now glory to the lamb of god [Music] without tonight we've held our life we will give you the praise we will give you the praise fill every heart tonight lord fill every life don't let them leave the same way they came in in jesus name not one of them lord glory [Music] glory [Music] [Music] glory glory to the lamb [Music] and worthy to be you're the land [Music] upon the throne unto you lord to you we lift our voice in praise you're the lamb [Music] upon [Music] glory glory [Music] glory to the lamb [Music] glory glory glory to the lord you are glorious and worthy to be praised you're the lamb upon the throne and on to you we lift a voice in praise you're the land upon the throne for you are glorious and worthy to be prayed you're the lamb of [Music] voice in place to you we lift a voice in and we give you all the praise and all the glory all the honor all power of dominion belongs only to you blessed redeemer wonderful savior wonderful jesus touch our lives anew let this be a better year than even we have believed for in jesus name amen you may be seated i want you to take your bibles i still have my beautiful bible that i have preached from in years but my eyes are not what they used to be so now i have to use the ipad i can see what i'm reading when you get in your 60s you'll see what i mean all you young people don't have to worry now i want to minister the lord just put this in my heart this may be a little difficult for some of you younger people but i think you'll you'll you'll catch on you see what i'm really concerned about is that every one of you on that day will be smiling i mean smiling before the lord that you won't be ashamed on that day see the greatest the greatest challenge in life is how to keep our christianity strong that's the challenge because it's easy to get saved it's tough to stay holy and it's tough to stay sanctified it's very tough to stay strong in the lord you know like when people run in in a race it's easy to start but boy when you get close to that finish line that's tough so how do we stay strong how do we finish well well that's really what i want to talk to you about and i know some of your young people are a little cold-hearted well that's normal it's okay but if you don't do something about it you will not make heaven a cold heart will be rejected see jesus asks of us to pay a very high price a very high price what is it your life now when when i say your life i mean you have to deny your life you have to deny yourself true christianity is if any man will come after me that's what what the lord said i didn't say that that's what he said if any man will come after me let him what deny himself that's not what you hear today in church which here is how to build self and how to prosper self and how to success this and success this and success this is all about success and how to make it and it's really it's a hope message it's not the gospel it's a message of hope we all need hope but hope only can carry you so far and that will stop what we need is how do i how do i survive when persecution comes how do i survive what i may be in prison for my faith will i really be a believer if they come and take my bible away from me and they imprison me for having a bible you say that'll never happen it did you see most of you young people and older people may not know church history millions millions were killed for owning a bible around the world millions and what you don't know is they were killed by religious people not by the governments of those countries more people were killed don't get don't get upset when i'm just giving you history here all right if you don't believe it go check me out more were killed by religious organizations than by the roman empire the popes of rome years ago were really like emperors constantine the popes took the place of the emperor of rome and they killed christians for owning a bible the pope papa back then back then huh so you have to know your history you every one of you needs to needs to read fox's book of martyrs you'll change your life it's just plain history church history uh because back then they only had one translation of the bible in latin nobody was allowed to have a bible in their own language well who knew latin only the priests and the scholars so people would go to church and the priest would read the bible in latin and explain it his way but you know how many errors were in the latin translation 2000 there were 2 000 errors in the latin bible because they wanted to keep the people under bondage to what they believed it says nobody knew what the original says that's just history okay go check me out so what they did is they destroyed all the bibles were in existence in any language and they had one translation called the vulgate that's it and the priest explained it in the way he wanted to explain it and nobody was allowed to own the bible they would chain the bibles to the pulpit with a chain so nobody was allowed to even read it imagine having a bible and they would put a chain around it so nobody would be able to see what it says it was william tyndale who was the first man to ever translate the bible into english and for that they killed him a lot of them were killed for giving us a beautiful bible like jan haas they killed them people were killed 50 million at one time killed in england alone for owning a bible in your country where your parents came from 50 million were slaughtered for owning the english bible one little girl her family was killed because they translated the lord's prayer into english for her and they killed the family so you see millions have suffered to give us that beautiful book we call the bible much blood young man has been shed to give you this and they may take it away from you one day you say when in the great tribulation you think antichrist will let people have a bible that's a joke i mean i'm being sarcastic he will not allow that we say well i won't be here what guarantee do you have you will not be here how do you know you will make the rapture some of you won't wake up to reality some of you won't what did jesus say luke pray that you be accounted worthy to escape those things that are coming on the planet you think that covert 19 was bad that's just the beginning let's just be real vaccination will be mandatory people you won't be allowed to travel without vaccination that's just mandatory and you say well okay it's it's a good thing it's just the beginning it's just the beginning what's next only god knows okay only god knows but the thing is we better be prepared for the coming of the lord because things are going crazy out there and real quick the last time i was able to preach here was in march who thought we wouldn't be able to have church and gatherings still just now finally at least in some places so what is coming would be frightening frightening so get to know your jesus get to really know him like not just oh you know i read the gospels i would shock you right now if i should ask you how many of you have not read the whole bible i would shock you you would not probably want to put your hands up but if i should ask how many of you have not read your the whole bible eighty percent of you would put your hands up it's just a fact it's how do you know because i've tested it already with other people but i'll be nice to you tonight i'm not gonna ask you but 80 percent of the christians today have not read the whole bible they just read matthew mark lujan acts the episodes they think that's enough oh no no no the early church did not have matthew mark luke john or the book of acts or the epistles do you know that the new testament they did not have it for almost a hundred years for 100 years the church had the old testament they found jesus in the old testament that's tough they had to find jesus in the types and the shadows they had to study the bible real hard they had to look for him in the book of leviticus you know and in numbers with all the sacrifices and what they all meant but they found him and look what kind of lives they lived strong in the lord so we have to finish strong because we will you will you'll have no choice in it we will stand before the judgment seat of jesus now judgment seat is not an easy place that's a very frightening place paul said this knowing the terror of the lord nobody preaches on that knowing the terror oh we just want to know this wonderful loving savior he is but he is god almighty the lion and the lamb are one you've all only known him as the lamb you're about to meet him as a lion and the lion is not going to be as easy on you as a lamb yeah sweet jesus precious lamb of glory we just sang it yeah what happened to lion that's a different life huh different thought we will stand before the judgment seat now a judgment seat is not somewhere you're going to be told how good you are it's the place where god will judge you for what for the way you lived your life now the judgment of christ doesn't mean he's gonna throw you out that's the white throne judgment where unbelievers will be judged for what they've done in their life and then they'll be thrown into the lake of fire that's a whole different message i'm going to talk about that but we believers all of us me included david all of you you will stand before the judgment seat of jesus and he will literally he will examine every word you spoke for he said by your words you'll be judged so he said what do i do well just read the bible and obey so here's the first thing you do the first thing you do is stop getting involved in this world you're not citizens of this world and since you're not citizens of this world what are you doing getting so entangled with it that's your number one job your number one job is disconnect from the world that's what jesus said he said deny self deny not only self but carry your cross now carry the the cross means you die to the things of the flesh you die to the things of the world paul said to timothy he said a soldier of jesus christ should not get entangled with the affairs of this life a soldier should not be entangled with the affairs of this life it's a sad thing today many christians have have have been so entangled with politics they're not following jesus they were following trump or biden or somebody else only god knows who they were following i got so sick of it i had to say something about it trump is not the savior jesus is the savior don't be mad at me don't be mad at me it's all right if you get mad at me i'll love you forgive you and go on but i saw christians fight each other over trump and what they believed politically i thought what's wrong with them what's wrong with them it's about jesus so now that is all this mess is over with let's focus on jesus huh and let's stop getting entangled in the affairs of this world because the bible tells us very clearly set your affections on things above not on the things of the earth so it's time we do what god said right now we are still on earth so we have to deal with this stuff we are in the world but not of the world and since we're not off the world let's not be so involved with it and let's quit watching tv stop watching tv you you got in your mind so messed up with tv you're so connected and so bound to all your shows and all your news broadcasts and you want to know this stop it so you don't read your bible that's why you're so messed up some of you i'm sorry i'm just i came to tell you the truth if you don't like me i'm leaving tonight i just want you to all to make it huh i mean i want you to make it in the presence of the lord i want to make sure i want to make sure when you stand there you won't be trembling you know that you'll stand confident that all is well and so the bible says the bible says perfect love casteth out fear means when we know that we have done well there's no need to fear the judgment seat because then we know we're not going to stand ashamed so that's what paul said that i might not be ashamed now look your life on earth is only a test a test of what he'll give you then i would not want to be and you would not want to be with the crowd that hears i never knew you just the very thought of it is frightening lord in your name i don't know you depart from me you workers of iniquity that's a very hard saying so what do i do lord well if you love your mom your dad your brother your sister your wife your children and grandchildren more than me you're not worthy of me that's what he said right so jesus said if you love your family more than me i don't want you well lord now what am i supposed to do well he told us exactly what to do deny yourself care of the cross i mean die to the things of the flesh and the world and follow me now it's very easy to follow if you can see who you're following it's very hard to follow when you don't see who you're following so your relationship with the lord is the key when you're close you can see him so stay close how talk to him how do you stay close with with anybody just talk to him if my wife and i don't talk we will not be close right which we have to spend time you know talk to them and talk to them and the more you talk the more you know so get to know the lord how i just told you spend time with him just open your bible shut the tv off whatever and just talk to him i promise you he'll talk to you too just talk to him put your worship music on and just talk to the lord tell them all about it you know that old song tell him all about your troubles just tell him all about it he say well will he listen of course he'll listen anyone who counts your hair is interested in your troubles think about that i mean have you ever counted your hair no why because you don't care for your hair well you care sometimes to make it all nice and but you don't you no not one of you has ever counted your hair or your kid's hair come on let's be real i looked at a little one there's a lady she had a big wig i said lady jesus loves you so much he's even counted they are on the wig so he loves you say please say he loves me say it you know how much he loves you you're more expensive to him than all creation what is this what the bible says look it cost god nothing to create the world cost him nothing it cost him everything to save your soul so who's more expensive hello it cost him nothing to create the world it cost him everything to create you to save you i mean because of his life so who's who's more expensive you know so lift your hands the lord i am more precious to you than all the angels and all creation thank you lord now since you are so expensive since you're so expensive get to know the one who loves you that much he loves you way more than your mom and dad love you he loves you way more than your family loves you you see only jesus said this i shall never leave you your mom never said that your dad never said that they wish they could have but even if mom said even if your mom said i'll never leave you she won't be able to give the promise even if your father said i'll never leave you he will because when when he dies it's over goodbye only jesus said that and only jesus can keep that promise so saying all this get to know him stop being so involved in social media put away your phone dear lord i see people what are they doing you poor soul you your instagram you look at it more than you look at your bible yeah let's be real that's that's why some of you are messed up i love you to tell you that huh put that thing away open your bible read your bible download it on your phone i don't care just read the bible you know four years ago four years ago i told you this before if you haven't you need to hear it four years ago the lord said to me i was watching netflix i was watching some historical thing on netflix he said cancel it now okay i'll cancel it so i cancelled it and then the lord said cancel cable i did cancel direct i did you'll never watch tv in my house because i don't have the connections so what do you do with your time the bible oh dear lord my blood pressure goes way down when i read the bible my stress goes way down when i read the bible i just sit there and i cry and i love him and talk to him and i feel like i'm just gonna float it's a wonderful life wonderful life that's what we all have to do get to know this god it's not that difficult you don't have to spend all day in your bible just give it some time you know god knows we have to work and you know make money and pay our bills and get a job and make sure we have a house and he knows all that but stop wasting your life with things you don't need to waste your life with you're not gaining you you don't gain a thing by watching fox news or cnn news or any news okay you can you you can find out what's going on just look at the headlines on your phone and be done with it but stop watching this stuff and stop being so connected to this programs you seem to like they will give you zero knowledge of god so what we need to do is this it says grace and peace through the knowledge of jesus you want grace and peace of course you do it says through the knowledge of the lord so i want to now minister the word all all this i just been saying is just the appetizer so now i'm gonna i'm gonna give you the word on what you must do all right so take your bible come on look at your bible even if you have a phone i'll let you make make make sure it's on plane mode okay now i wasn't always like this you know but i'm 68 now i will finish well and so will you [Music] okay i said and so will you say i will finish well i will not be ashamed and i won't be afraid when i stand before the law uh-huh you see now you're going to see the smile on his face now look what it says in ezekiel ezekiel we're going to go to the old testament now because i want to help you and please don't be so rushed where you have to go tonight somewhere just listen to the word that's all we need right now for the next hour and so just put put your mind somewhere else you know be this be at peace and just focus now on the word okay forget all the other stuff ezekiel 36 26 says a new heart will i give you and whose spirit will i put within you what a beautiful thing huh and i will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and i will give you a heart of flesh and i will put my spirit within you and i will cause you this is awesome i will cause you to walk in my statutes you shall keep my judgments and do them now god says i'm going to cause you to walk with me i'm going to actually make it happen for you without you struggling and fighting to do it i'm going to give you a brand new heart i'm going to take the old one out of here i'm going to put my spirit in you and i'm going to cause you to know me so we see here an amazing promise amazing promise now the second you begin looking at the new testament you begin to understand that god actually did it through jesus so in ezekiel he said and whose spirit will i give you what did he mean he means he will give you a brand new spirit the human spirit you see before you were saved before you accepted jesus as savior your spirit was dead dead unto god you still had a functioning spirit but the spirit of men was dead towards the lord and so what did he do he says and i will put a new spirit within you meaning i'll take this old one out i'll put a new one in and that's what happened when you and i were saved he gave us a brand new spirit and then he said and i will put my spirit inside of you i'm going to put my holy spirit inside your new reborn spirit that happened when you were born again for jesus said to nicodemus what is of the spirit is spirit what is that the flesh is flesh you must be born again how by the spirit of the lord he comes and he draws you to himself he gives you the faith to believe for salvation and when you accept the lord it's all his doing not yours nobody ever got saved on their own it's the lord who convicted you it's the lord who drew you it's the lord who gave you the faith to believe that he is savior and once that happens then you have a brand new spirit and now what must you do with that new spirit feed it a bible so it can grow just like you feed your body food but now god says i'm going to put my holy spirit inside of you and i will cause you in time because nothing happens overnight huh i will cause you to walk in my word i will cause you to walk with me and know me that's a process how how long does it take life itself i did not know the lord when i began like i know him today i did not love him back then like i love him today i got saved when i was 19. when i got saved i got saved but then later i began to grow in the lord how reading the bible in the fellowship with saints in church i was in church every night my father thought i lost my mind but i didn't lose my mind i just had a brand new one but the thing is i grew in the lord and as i grew in the in the lord i began to change and my family said that's not the same son we had what's wrong with him no it's what was what what was right with me not what was wrong with me and then later they came and heard me preach and my father said to my mom that's not your son up there he said your son can't talk like that and he came and said son how can we become like you and they got saved my whole family got saved but what happened god was changing on the inside and it was showing out on the outside now the bible says something powerful in romans let's turn to romans 8. in romans chapter 8 we're going to look at verse 16 here verse 16 it says this the spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we're the children of god so now god gave us a brand new spirit he puts the holy spirit within us and the next thing we know is i belong to the lord i'm in how do i know by the holy spirit romans 8 16 i have that witness inside of me that i am truly a child of god now the second that happens the second that happens the kingdom of god begins living inside of me but what does it mean that the kingdom is living inside of me well jesus said in luke 17 21 he said the kingdom is within you righteousness peace and joy is now at work in your heart that's what the kingdom of god is in your life and god begins to change you from day to day you change now that's the beginning of the christian life now please hear me a lady a lady came to a pastor one day she said i'm bored what are you bored with well you preach the same thing it's the same songs it's the same everything and i'm bored it's true story he said what are you looking for i'm looking for peace i'm looking for joy and the assurance i'm gonna make heaven he said well what else is there what a foolish question for him to ask what else is there the christian life is not peace join the assurance of heaven that's just the the beginning the christian life is being transformed into the image of jesus day by day that's what makes the christian life exciting that every day he's changing me transforming me into his likeness into his image i'm teaching in my bhi i see some of my wonderful students right there calm down kids i love my students we have we are up to 2 400 almost students now since march and i've been teaching about the coming of the lord and so forth and i know it's just been wonderful but i just finished now teaching on the on the resurrection of the body do you know one of these days you're going to look just like the lord what does it look like well don't you remember on the mount of transfiguration his face became what like the sun it was altered changed and began to shine his clothes began to shine that's what would happen to you one day if you make it i gotta keep reminding you there's a job to do huh you're going to look just like the lord what it because it says so if it says so in the word it says so that when we meet him we shall be like him we shall see him as this and we'll be like him so what is that like eyes of fire lady please imagine having eyes of fire yourself don't laugh like that that's a little too much for me hair of warm your hair will be like beautiful wall you're gonna shine brighter than the stars jesus said in in the gospel of matthew that the righteous will shine god's glory will come right through you that body of yours one day is going to go right to the earth whether you die or not it's going to go back to dust he's going to give you a brand new body like his own hallelujah what a day that will be but now we begin here by getting born again god giving us a new spirit inside putting his holy spirit within us to guide us empower us to give us the hunger for his word and his wonderful person and presence and now we have a job to do and so the bible says something beautiful here what must i do now lord all right acts chapter 5. in acts chapter 5 we are told that the holy spirit is given to one kind of people here they are we are his witnesses i'm reading verse 32 we are as witnesses of these things and so is also the holy ghost whom god hath given to them that obey him so if you want to be a real christian you have to begin with obeying the lord you read his bible and obey now a lot of the things you read in the word it's hard to obey this is where you ask lord wonderful holy spirit help me be like that help me do that i still ask that lord i want to be just like what what i'm just reading i want i want to obey that i don't have it in me now but help me obey give me the power and the will to obey help me surrender lord to you because i can't on my own love my enemies see i can't on my own forgive those who really hurt me on my own i can't that's where you need the lord to help you forgive your enemies and love your enemies and do good to them that despitefully use you and call you names and do horrible things to you and against you and accuse you of things you've never done that's where the christian life shines only he can help you otherwise you want to go go and let him have it but you see god says no let me do it vengeance is mine let me do it that's a tough thing because we all want to go and get them ourselves you know but jesus says no vengeance is mine i will replace as the lord now you love your enemies and you do good to them and put calls on their head that's tough especially when they show you such horrible hate but they do that just the way they are they're not children of god we are let you let your light so shine among men but we win at the end we win and they lose believe me now we have to obey in john 14 the lord jesus said something to us very important and we often miss it when we read that beautiful promise of the coming of the holy spirit john 14 verse 15 says this listen it says this if you love me keep my commandments if you love me obey me and then i will pray the father he'll give you another comforter then he gives the promise of the holy spirit coming to you but we have to obey the lord you know how tough it was for the son of god to obey think about what it meant when jesus became flesh and to obey his heavenly father to identify first with sinners that was a real step down for him it says he being in the form of god humbled himself became obedient unto death even the death of the cross obeying that that's something else that god should disrobe himself of his form and become a human being and die on a cross of shame he obeyed he showed how much he loved his father when he obeyed you know he said to john the baptist when john the baptist said no no no you baptize me when jesus came to the river jordan and john the baptist did not want to baptize him because he said how can i baptize the son of god and jesus said no we have to do we have to fulfill all righteousness meaning himself the son of god had to identify with sinful men had to become one of them that's obedience so it was much harder for him to obey than for us to obey because for us to obey that's simple it says the commandments of the lord are not difficult we can obey them how the holy spirit within us gives us the power to obey whatever command or you young people i know it's a little tough but well it's it's going to get well you keep saying that yeah because see your if your mind is polluted your spirit is empty if if your mind is so wrapped up in the world and you're eating your your your life oh yes you can time is running out running out right before he went to heaven what was the first thing he asked wait that is one of the greatest secrets and you can do for your christian life get to know the world this is important a lot of people don't worship the lord they worship doctrine they preach help because the letter kills if i only know the charismatic move yeah yeah hallelujah i'll blow up if i have the word and the spirit i'll grow up you want to grow up right so how the word and the spirit say that now this is where the waiting comes because waiting upon the lord is so powerful he said wait and the spirit will come wait and they did now what does it mean for me to wait does it mean i sit in my room and just no the bible says waiting upon the lord is the practice of the presence of god let me give you just a few scriptures just quickly write them down psalm 62 1 truly my soul waited upon god psalm 130 verse 5 i wait for the lord my soul doth wait waiting of the lord is one of the most wonderful things you can do for yourself psalm 25 verse 5 in thee on thee do i wait all day another scripture isaiah 33 verse 2 be gracious unto us we have waited for thee waiting upon the lord it's a wonderful art in the christian church that has been lost now got to bring it back psalm 37 7 rest in the lord and wait patiently for him waiting upon the lord we see and i can give you scripture after scripture after scripture i don't need to but i'm going to give you just one that i think is so precious psalm 27 14. waiting upon the lord oh this is so important this is so important wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thy heart wait i say on the lord if you want to be strong as a christian you have to wait upon the lord you all know what the bible says they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength right so if you want to be a strong christian you have to wait how do i wait quite simple i take my bible look at me listen now this will help you i take my bible i read it slowly and while i'm reading my heart is quickened when my heart gets gets quickened i begin talking to him but while i've been reading i've been waiting what am i waiting for i'm waiting for the lord to quicken me through his word it says in psalm 80 verse 18 quicken me and i'll call on you quicken me i'll talk to you it's impossible to talk to god till god has talked to you listen here you cannot seek god till god seeks you you cannot touch him till he touches you so wait till he quickens you say how will i know you'll know everything in you will know every true christian will know when god touches you you won't have to question that you'll just know the second god quickens you fellowship begins but why do we wait you know madame guyan a great christian woman in france talked about waiting upon the lord as she would just meditate upon the scripture and just wait sometimes you have to wait maybe a whole hour it depends on your relationship with god there's been times i've waited longer than that there's been times it was only minutes and he quickened me today i was reading the word as i do every day and about halfway he quickened me and suddenly my conversation became sweet and right to the point otherwise it's all repetitious stuff and repetitious stuff will wear you out so don't say anything let thy words be for you you know it says but as god quickens you you talk to him and now why the fullness of the holy spirit please hear this the fullness of the holy spirit and waiting upon the lord are inseparable i just told you earlier if you read the bible and only read the bible you'll dry up if you only want the gifts you'll blow up but now the word as you wait on the lord you're waiting on him reading the word slowly and now he quickens you and suddenly you begin to fellowship with him at the same time and that brings that beautiful fresh anointing you know a fresh beginning fellowship begins with the lord and what happens there something amazing happens as you've been waiting what you don't know is you've been emptying yourself of self you've been emptying yourself of you and now because you've emptied yourself by waiting he begins to fill you he begins to empower you he begins to empower that innermost being the quietness of the soul the quietness of the soul enables the holy spirit to touch our depth but you have to be quiet in his presence you say well i don't know how to be quiet listen listen i'm not talking about mental quietness that's not spiritual there is a quietness that is so precious because it's a quiet rest you know that old song there is a place of quiet rest now that quietness happens as the word fills you i promise you you'll know what i mean everything just quiets down your body just feels like it's shut down peace settles down like i told you your blood pressure goes down your stress goes down it's peace and in those moments the holy spirit begins to empower that inner man and don't you walk out on me if you do you've just told me what kind of christian you are true christianity we're talking about here now the bible says something the minute that quietness begins because of the word something fantastic happens found in psalm 42 oh how i've been there especially lately verse 7 deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy water sprouts all thy waves all thy bellows are gone over me it's like something that happens literally where the presence of jesus comes at you in waves after wave after wave and everything in you is still totally still his presence begins to permeate you there are times you'll even know what robe is wearing what color that's a fact you're completely at ease with your christian life and suddenly you pray prayers you had not thought of ten minutes ago you begin to believe four things you never thought you could believe for you begin to ask for things you never would have asked for a day before oh the depth of that fellowship is so wonderful and the assurance that blessed assurance that we sing about really comes in what am i talking about i'm talking about that quietness is an emptiness that happens in in in waiting upon the lord our emptiness and our nothingness turns into strength you've got to get that you're sitting there and it's really hard to explain in human words but i'll try you're sitting there you've been there for 45 minutes and everything in you is just calm your language is tears you can't even talk words are inadequate your love is oozing out of you without a word he speaks now to your spirit that's what it means by deep calls on too deep and suddenly you are in this beauty that you can't describe and your body is pushed out of the way literally and he starts talking to you very clear you start talking to him real clear about your life no that's not what he begins to tell you prophetic things that's a whole different thing that's a gift he starts talking to you about you and him the relationship and now in your emptiness and in your nothingness that has happened when you just sat still there is strength so it said in isaiah they that wait be strengthened the minute you are strengthened i want you to hear this please now god begins to fulfill the promise of the infilling of the holy spirit in zechariah 2 13 it says be still o flesh for the lord is about to rise out of his habitation be still stillness today is something that is unknown to most christians be still i'll tell you a quick story to help you dear moody by the way just before i tell you my story del mori said if i can keep a soul quiet for five minutes and let that person for five minutes think about their soul i'll get them saved if i can take a soul this is dale moody if i can take a person and let him think about his soul just for five minutes i'll get him saved but we are so busy our minds are occupied with all kinds of things never about eternity we're too busy with everything in life then when it's too late it's too late to even find god because we've been so occupied with life life life life life getting up in the morning thinking about what am i going to do for this and then you're old and you're dead it's over no quietness in the presence of god is very very powerful learn it it's a blessed thing to do for you if you can't handle it play some worship while you're doing that so what i do just sit still can't you sit still haven't you ever sat and waited for your dentist that's much more tormenting than waiting upon the lord waiting upon the lord is wonderful because he's going to change your life waiting up at a dentist that's torture or a doctor to see you you sit there and stare on the wall or look at the tv and get bored look at somebody's face and say oh lord wait upon the lord people you're waiting upon people all the time come on so this guy named peter jacob years ago back in this and i was young that was in my uh about 19 years old he said benny he was a mighty man of god this fellow my mother man in church he said benny i'm going to pick you up at five in the morning i have something to show you i'll change your life what five in the morning be ready it'll change your life i get up at five in the morning he picks me up he was a great saint that man he drives me out of toronto for about an hour and a half into the forest he gets out of the car nobody out there but trees just trees everywhere not a swollen site not a gas station anywhere just trees he parks the car on the road he says let's walk where he says just walk now we walk in the forest and we walk and we walk and we walk and walk and now we can't see what the car is anymore and peter says i'll be right back what i'll be right back oh my goodness i'm thinking he's going to the bathroom so i just wait there with the trees looking around and you know you don't know where you are you're just in the in the middle of the forest and don't know how to find your way out so he leaves and i'm thinking he's going to do something behind the tree you know one minute two minutes three minutes four minutes now it's 10 minutes and by 10 minutes i'm getting really scared i'm thinking he he left me he went back to his car and i'm going to die here or some terrible animal is going to come out of the trees and kill me and so i'm i'm getting nervous by the minute and he's gone now at least 10 minutes or more the whole time he was hiding behind a tree watching how long before i would scream and boy i screamed a few minutes later i was like where are you i'm thinking this is it i'm going to die i'll never get myself out of here i wouldn't even know where the road is or the car is just forest in trees and it jumps out from behind the tree out of nowhere it just jumps out it's a sea you cannot be quiet long enough so what are you doing to me he said i'm trying to teach you a lesson he said i he said i was looking at my clock he said you were not but only a few minutes before you began screaming i said what are you trying to do he said benny you begin screaming only in a few minutes he said i'm gonna teach you a lesson quietness will help you find god if you're just quiet long enough you'll find god i thought i'm going to kill him he cuts me up at five in the morning he drives me an hour and a half to tell me that i look back oh how grateful i am today because i went up on the lord for way more than five and ten minutes oh and the joy i've forgotten in my life oh it's been wonderful so waiting upon the lord empties yourself i've been telling you the secrets of the christian life how do i deny self weight because waiting in the lord's presence that self starts to vanish he has no power then no strength to control your life the word of god tells us something wonderful the minute you begin to wait upon the lord he begins to fill you with the holy spirit but now listen here there is two ways to get filled with the spirit one comes when you're in a revival meeting people are you know being blessed by the lord and suddenly whoa you're filled like the day of pentecost i've been there you've been there but there is another way that is much better and that is when the holy spirit comes upon you as you wait quietly he refreshes you continually it's the difference between hard rain and trickles of rain which one is better the showers because the infilling that fast one only lasts only so long before you get have to have another one they were filled with power in acts two and had to be refilled in acts four so people that get filled in a revival it doesn't last but a daily in feeling slow in feeling it'll carry you through your life so when when i was young i enjoyed that quick one today i enjoyed the daily shower how many got that put your hands up high i used to go to church and just get oh i want to feel the anointing lord fill me again lord and he did but that quiet shower every day now ah i don't want to go back to those revivals i found my own revival in my room [Music] this doesn't dismiss the need for good christian services where you get filled fast but anyone who gets filled fast will be empty fast i just gave you a real full one here the quicker you get filled the quicker you lose it and the slower you get filled the longer you keep it waiting upon the lord is that slow in feeling this is where that beautiful thing happens be filled with the holy ghost speaking to yourself not to a crowd in psalms and hymns to yourself you're just by yourself wow spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart by yourself unto the lord by yourself that's those showers of blessing so pentecost acts 2 the showers ephesians 5. did you hear what i said in ephesians 5 18 he says be not drunk with wine be filled with the spirit speaking to yourself not preaching speaking to yourselves and psalms and hymns and spiritual songs [Music] singing and making melody in your heart now your heart is singing by yourself unto the lord ah the joy the peace that path of all understanding is there i want you to find that place and you will and the second you do now listen [Applause] [Music] the second you do something will happen uh where is my friend there come sit down over here my brother the second you do [Music] something will erupt out of you called worship now please listen to me and listen carefully worship is man's highest glory we were created for worship worship is the greatest expression of fellowship with the lord great is the expression of fellowship so you're you're you're still with me right you're you're really catching on right okay the second you begin to worship that is if i can say all the exercises of the christian life prayer love faith surrender obedience culminate in worship when you worship all these things come together i'll say it again everything we do as christians pray love the lord faith in god surrender to him obeying him it culminates it comes together in worship so worship is prayer and love and faith and surrender and obedience all in one and the minute i worship i am presenting my whole being to him that is the truest that is the fullest approach to jesus real gentle real gentle heavenly gentle don't let us hear you just a little bit and don't play anything we know i've learned a lesson because if he plays something you know you'll begin to sing with him i don't want you to sing with him right now just listen lord i have have to tell you you present your whole being in worship worship is our is if i can say it like this worship is our highest destiny we were created for that god seeketh those that worship in spirit and in truth he said well that is true worship this truth the word now is alive when god created us he gave us a soul adam decided to connect to the earthly things with the soul had he connected with his spirit with with the spirit he would have worshipped god instead he decided to connect with the body and the things offered to him by his wife that she was presented to by the devil so rather than connecting to the to his spirit he connected to his body and the second he did he died and the second he died god no longer called him adam he called him flesh meaning the flesh began to rule jesus came to change all that so our soul is that center part of us that decides who will i surrender to will i surrender to the spirit my spirit so i can connect with the lord or do i surrender to my body and do the things my body wants me to do so i am connected to the earth and the things of this world well if i connect to the things of earth i'm becoming a slave now to that but if i say no i'm going to deny self deny flesh deny the world i'm going to surrender to the holy spirit through my spirit i surrender and now what happens everything i've been talking about happens the word the holy spirit waiting upon the lord the quickening and now the worship and the second that worship begins something amazing happens i want you now to listen to this do you know do you know there is wisdom that is of the flesh and wisdom that's of the spirit the bible tells us that very very clearly do you know there's also serving god in the flesh and serving out in the spirit in fact serving god in the flesh is in in in galatians 6 13 so there is a service in the flesh that is very religious most please forgive me for being blunt most of what you see today on christian tv is flesh it's service in the flesh it's all flesh the praise is flesh everything is flesh so people are worn out by it anything that tires you out is flesh and there is and there is a mind of the flesh and a man of the spirit it says in the book of colossians there also is amazingly there is worship in the flesh and worship in the spirit worship in the flesh i'd like to read it to you because some of you don't know that's in the in the bible worship in the flesh is colossians 2. and colossians 2 verse 18 talks about worship in the flesh and verse 23 it's it says let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels intruding into those things which he hath not seen vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind here's someone who worship angels but it's not god and in verse 23 it says this which things have indeed a show of wisdom in will worship or flesh though and humility and neglecting of the body not in any honor to the satisfying of the flesh so you see many churches today worship it's about it's all flesh it's all actually demonic but there is that worship in the spirit mentioned in john 4 and only jesus can make that worship possible what is true worship stop i'm going to talk to him and then we'll we'll come back to you what is true worship psalm 22 turn to it turn turn turn psalm 22 is true worship it's when jesus worships through you it's not you worshiping he takes over and worships through you by his spirit that's real worship in psalm 22 22 he said that he worships through his church and that is the greatest experience you'll ever have and may i tell you it's very hard finding it today in a church you'll find it easier in your own bedroom than you will in church i will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the congregation will i praise thee who's who's praising the lord is praising his heavenly father hebrews chapter two i'm almost done now hebrews chapter two the bible tells us about worship in the spirit where the lord takes over your being and begins to worship through you oh how i have experienced that it's marvelous for both he that's sanctified verse 11 hebrews 2 both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren saying i will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church will i sing praise unto thee that's glorious that's glorious true worship is so mighty you you literally forget yourself now there is a and i must say that people have tried to worship and they put a lot of effort into it they put a lot of work into it but it's not spiritual in fact it's noisy and tiresome it wears you out just listening to it you cannot worship someone you don't know but only when you know him you can worship and i'm going to tell you something the place you'll find that is in your closet yeah you can worship with the saints there'll be some pockets of true worship and some pockets of flesh nothing but flesh and noise but find that place i promise you it'll change your life now lift your hands begin to pray in the holy ghost lift your voices pray in the holy ghost and the earth is filled bring the spirit with his glory the earth is filled with his glory the earth is filled with his glory holy is the lord have you heard the voice of heaven can you hear the lord everyone standing please lift your hands and bless him in the holy ghost [Music] because as you do the atmosphere will change all around you can you hear the sound of heaven as the sound of many waters [Music] the sign of worship coming [Music] from the throne there are cries of adorations as men from every nation lift their voice to make his glory known [Music] join me now holy moly holy hell you lord the elders and angels by the redeemed worship you now oh holy holy are you lord [Music] it's wonderful the elders and angels by [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you lord [Music] the elders are you the elders now we've come to worship we've come to adore we've come to magnify your holy name we give you the praise lord you'll be the praise wonderful lord jesus touch your people afresh fill them afresh i give you the praise jesus jesus [Music] jesus there is something [Music] say jesus like the fragrance after the rain sweet jesus jesus jesus let all heaven and earth proclaim [Music] kings and kingdoms they'll all pass away [Music] but there's something about your name oh lord your beautiful [Music] your face is all see and when your eyes are on this child your grace abounds to me oh lord [Music] your face is all see and when your eyes are on this child your grace i stand i stand in all of you [Music] in all of you [Music] holy god to you all praise is due i stand [Music] i stand i stand in all of you o lord i stand [Music] i stand in all of you holy god to you all praise is due i stand [Music] fairest [Music] lord jesus ruler of [Music] of god [Music] thee we like chairish [Music] thou my soul's glory say your lord of all nations son of god [Music] and son of man [Music] and on earth [Music] forever i love you i love you i love you lord today because you care for me in such a special way and yes i praise you i lift you up i magnify your name that's why my heart is filled with praise [Music] i love you whisper to you i love you i love you lord today because you care for me in such a special way and yes i praise you i lift you up i magnified your name [Music] that's why my heart is filled with praise lift your hands to heaven says [Music] just adore him now seated at god's right hand jesus god's holy son as you worship him as you adore him forget all about yourself but life [Music] itself [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] ah [Music] touch your people [Music] uh [Music] fresh touch [Music] fill every one of them empower everyone let this be the night [Music] let's touch and lesser touch [Music] so [Music] spirit of the living god fall fresh on everyone now lift your hands to him don't let one of them leave this house [Music] without a fresh infilling don't let one of them leave without a fresh visitation give them their hunger lord give them their divine hunger [Music] to wait on you till they find your dear wonderful presence to wait in your wonderful courts [Music] for a fresh heavenly visitation lord and this year this year will be a new year for everyone here spiritually and new year lord a heavenly year lord your power majesty and glory fill them now jesus let them feel that anointing lord flowing through their body [Music] as they yield their bodies to you as they yield their life to you give you the praise say after me dear lord i am so hungry i am so thirsty [Music] fill me now fill me afresh i do not want to live not one day without you not one hour without you not one minute without you oh sweet holy spirit show me how teach me day by day to walk with my redeemer [Music] to fellowship with him give me a love for jesus i have never known an undying love a holy love a pure love oh sweet holy spirit even if it means my life i'm ready i'm ready lord to offer my life a living sacrifice for you sweet jesus my jesus my blessed lord i want to please you with all my heart every day every hour every minute to live the christian life and if it means my life i'm ready but on that day as i stand before you i want to be accepted i want to be accepted i want my life to be pleasing to you now today every day oh dear lord everything in my life that you hate take it out and kill it oh dear jesus every thought every act everything in my heart that's not of you take it out kill it lord god i give you permission i ask you with all my heart purify me sanctify him take the world out of me and poor within me your love your presence your power no matter what happens on this earth i'll be strong i will stay strong and i will strengthen others my brothers my sisters your church and right now with all my heart i pray for my brothers and my sisters under persecution i pray for them now help them lord be with them lord strengthen them lord lord and those in prisons deliver them oh dear jesus bless your church multiply your church and i also pray for your people israel turn their hearts towards you let them find you [Music] as messiah and now lord i offer my heart my life my all to your service take my life and let it be consecrated lord to thee take my moments and my days [Music] let them flow in ceaseless praise thank you for hearing my prayer and i thank you for answering my prayer and now unto him who's able to keep me [Music] from falling and to present me before his throne with joy to the only wise god be glory and honor forever amen amen hallelujah [Music] take your seats aren't you full i am bless the lord o my soul now listen sweet people before i leave i'm going to pray one prayer god will heal you but i came tonight for one reason to tell you what i said tonight will you do it don't disappoint him say i won't so are you ready just five more minutes i'm done are you ready to really give up this life no seriously now let's put this question to you clear are you ready to die to self shut the world out no more worldliness i'm going to advise many of you i don't order you no i can't but i'm going to ask you i'm going to ask you because it's something i've discovered that's brought me great peace stop watching the news in fact save yourself money and cancel cable and direct tv too if you want to it's up to you but whether you canceled or not that's your business just don't be all wrapped up with it really don't be you know time is running short really short things could change next week things can erupt in no time and when they begin to happen you'll be glad you've done what i'm telling you to do disconnect from this world it's not worth your time really it's not worth your time and don't get so involved in politics or the world just focus on jesus spend your time with him you know still get you know like the lord knew that that tower fell in jerusalem and the lord knew that pilate had mingled people's blood but he wasn't involved now i'm going to answer the question some of you may have heard in your mind well the lord said if you love father mother brother sister more than we are not worthy there is balance the same god who said honor your father and mother did not say hate them here's what he meant he showed us this by his own life his mother comes to his service his brothers show up and they say your mom is out there your brothers are there he said who's my mother who's my who who's my family they who hear the word and do it but then on the cross he looked and saw his mom and said john take care of her that's balance he honored his mom by saying john she's your mother now he's your son now his last thought was his precious mom that's wonderful to show you the honor he gave her but when when it came to the call and he was preaching he had no mother so when god calls you he comes first not family that's what he meant when he said if you love father mother more than me meaning he must have priority he is the lord of your life when he calls you you leave mom and dad and obey the lord you leave wife and children obey the lord but it doesn't mean you cut them out because jesus did not cut his mom out he said take care of her and then on the day of pentecost she was there with them and was filled with the holy spirit so there's balance in the christian life but when it gets really complicated is when people become so involved in this life we don't have much time not at all maybe 10 years maybe 15 maybe 20 we don't know look at the changes that happened just in the last five who knows what's going to happen the next five now we focus on the kingdom and especially the lord jesus he is our life now before i i'm done dear david come with me please i love this young man and i honor him too because he's my friend and he and i are going to pray right now that the lord will heal many of you and then we're going to talk to you about something before i say good night so what want you those who are sick those who are sick while you're seated just place your hand on your on your body can you get a microphone for yourself david and we're going to pray in faith he and i and as we pray dear vladimir would you come up with me please pastor vladimir any of the other ministers that you want with us dear david are here maybe they can come and stand with us too you know anyone you want to bring up feel free these are dynamic young people here very dynamic and i promise you i i will come back to california god willing soon and i will have a healing service i didn't come tonight to have a healing service i came to talk to your heart to heart about something way more important than getting some of you healed if you live this kind of life you'll be healed by yourself believe me so david come this way dear pastor vladimir and you gentlemen so place your hand on your body now lord we all agree here on this platform this wonderful man that you've anointed lord we agree that sickness will die that your people will be healed your people will be delivered from disease that there will be a healing mantle now come upon the people that they will receive health and the benefits of salvation we'll give you the praise lord for healing your wonderful saints [Music] heal every one of them in the name of the lord jesus i rebuke and i command sickness to leave their body sickness to leave their life in the name of jesus amen amen
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 84,694
Rating: 4.9113083 out of 5
Keywords: holy spirit conference, holy spirit, the holy spirit, pastor vlad, pastor vlad hungrygen, pastor vlad savchuk, pastor benny hinn, pastor vlad holy spirit, pastor vlad raise to deliver, pastor vlad holy spirit conference, pastor benny hinn holy spirit, pastor benny hinn sermons, pastor benny hinn power of the holy spirit, david diga hernandez holy spirit, steven moctezuma worship, sermons on mantles, sermons on the holy spirit, power of the holy spirit
Id: hn8mqjlSmzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 53sec (10013 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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