MIDWEEK | Evangelist David Diga Hernandez

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is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] when you were playing that record what were you thinking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] good evening reach paramount are you guys excited tonight are you guys excited to worship jesus this evening well in just a moment we're going to get into some worship and we have our very own evangelist david digger hernandez who's going to come and preach a powerful message so i hope you guys came excited and expecting and i just want to elaborate a little bit on that on what that means expecting i don't know about you but have you guys ever had a long day's work and you come home and you're just expecting to get that home cooked meal that warm meal well that's the type of excitement that we need to come into church with hey man you got to be hungry for god's warning man so are you guys hungry for god's word i guess excited for god's word because let me tell you something when you come with the hunger of god's word there's like a demand you put on heaven and when there's two or three or four people or 50 people that come with that hunger you're putting a bigger demand on heaven for god to move for my circumstance for god to move if i'm feeling sick for god to move in my finances whatever the case is you put a demand on heaven and you increase your level of faith for god to move on your behalf so tonight let's come with that level of faith and that level of expectancy for god to move lord god we thank you we're two or more gathered you move in the midst of god we pray that you bring freedom we praise our god that you bring restoration lord we pray that you bring excitement to our hearts lord god and we just pray lord that you move on our behalf we thank you that we can come excited ready to worship and praise you lord we just pray that you move in the entire service we thank you and praise you in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] wanting a place to [Music] [Music] but i just [Music] with us [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] another one come on [Applause] come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] he am me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] you're on the same anymore you're forever changed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] because [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] another one come on come on who's free you're free in this place come on with boldness [Music] you're prophesying tonight you're prophesying tonight that's your testimony you're saying saying you lost me [Music] no more sickness [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i thank the master i make the savior i thank god yes we do come on give him some praise come on give him praise you are free you are free [Music] i know who i am i know who i am i know who i am i am yours i am yours [Music] come on that's beautiful [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm forever changed i'm forever changed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are for me [Music] come on you say that again i am [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am yes i am [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] there's a place [Music] yes i am yes i am [Applause] thank you thank you we're so grateful and we're so grateful [Music] is and [Music] you're [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this world would never satisfy let my heart [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you is [Applause] [Music] for me for me only jesus [Music] for me before me for me [Music] for me [Music] jesus [Music] for me jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] of this world [Music] for me for me [Music] lord jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my is [Music] could never shine [Music] just you king jesus [Music] your key [Music] here [Music] king jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] we make this place [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] lordy you deserve the glory if there's any praise let it be to you you are worthy of [Music] from [Music] you deserve the glory you are worthy of it all [Music] and [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] worship [Music] worship [Music] all foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you deserve [Music] you are all the praises [Music] [Applause] [Music] you deserve the glory every voice [Music] [Music] he's [Music] the living lord the living god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my exhausted [Music] [Music] undignified worships [Music] i lifted my cleanings [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and [Music] is [Music] and how i think [Music] sing lord i love you [Music] lord i love you we thank you jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we're so grateful [Applause] for you are holy you are holy god be praised [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on every voice give the lord a shout give him a shout give him a shout of praise he's worthy [Applause] [Music] the name of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on if you're grateful if you're grateful give me a shout of praise one more time i'm a shout out praise we thank you how great you are lord we honor you i want to say you are holy lord you're holy there is none like you jesus lord we thank you for your presence we thank you for the goodness and the kindness of your love lord lord as we worship i pray that you change us from the inside out god you change every heart every mind bring priests to every mind lord for their heartache i pray you bring joy bring a resolve of faith in jesus name bring healing for everybody in jesus name lord we thank you god we thank you in advance for the good things that you're doing here tonight in jesus name lord we we thank you in jesus name everyone said i said amen god is so good come on don't you just love the presence of the lord all right so we got a lot of good people around you greet them [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] welcome to reach church join us for any of our services sunday mornings at 9 00 and 11 a.m and wednesdays at 7 30 p.m we will be streaming morning prayer on saturdays 8 a.m online or in person if you are joining us for the first time thank you for being here with us please text join to 562-418-5103 we love to connect with you and let you know what's happening here at our church on friday nights we have a place for everyone across our community we have connectors for all ages getting involved in one of these groups is a great way to build strong relationships here in our church all of these groups start at 7 30 pm visit our website to find a group near you i'm excited to announce reach youth ages 12 to 18 are welcome to join us in the cafe for worship the word games and more every friday night at 7 30 we can't wait to see you to give and continue to support our church and ministry you can use the following methods go to reachparamount.com to give online text to give 562-206-1519 or you can drop it here at our building during office hours listed on our website reach bible institute starts tuesday september 21st topics will include humanity and sin and an in-depth reading of first and second thessalonians classes will be at seven pm in person and online friendship sunday is september 26th bring your friends and family to this special service we'll have raffles and gifts for all visitors reach kids will also be having a special lesson on good friendship for up to the minute information upcoming guest speakers and other events happening at our church follow us on instagram facebook and subscribe to our youtube channel at reachparamount please enjoy our service come on welcome to read paramount i said welcome to read paramount are you happy out there i love that name reach how about you we're reaching people for jesus and jesus reached you turn to someone and say jesus reached you man all right turn to someone say you're in the right place at the right time right now come on give god a big praise tonight we're excited that you're here we're looking forward tonight we have our very own evangelist david digger hernandez tonight from dhn ministry uh he's going to be ministering tonight and we're just looking forward to the ministry that's going to go forward i want you to know it's going to be a blessing so are are you ready to receive from god tonight i think it's going to be a tremendous time it seems like it's been a while since we've had them so i'm looking forward to hearing hearing him minister tonight and also just for the ministry that he brings how the holy spirit uses him so you'll be open to god we want to welcome all of you that are watching online and welcoming anyone here for the very first time if you're here for the very first time i read church that we want to just acknowledge you tonight we want to welcome you here tonight we just raised your hand we just want to welcome you anyone here for the very first time back over there a few people right here in the front god bless you thank you for coming tonight we appreciate all of you being here and we're just going to have a wonderful time with just a couple of announcements that we did not get to put up on the screen uh on the 27th they're going to have a woman's night right here in our cafe so that's coming up in a couple of weeks and again on this coming monday night we're going to have man up monday men's discipleship a restoration so we're looking forward to that and i'm glad to be back i just came back from kansas city glad to be back in paramount and we were able to celebrate a 28-year anniversary there with pastor kelly and uh and pastor uh esther there at the cure church and had a wonderful time in that congregation with that congregation just invite being a part of it and just seeing what the lord is doing god is doing some great things and i'll tell you what uh i'm looking forward to what god's gonna do here today and this weekend so we want to give to jesus come on give the lord a big praise tonight i want to take the opportunity to worship the lord with all of our heart all of our soul there's a versus scripture out of mark chapter 14 and i'm sure most of us are familiar with this verse of scripture it says well meanwhile jesus was in bethany at the home of simon a man who had previously had leprosy while he was eating there a woman came i came in with a beautiful alabaster jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard and she broke it or she broke open the jar and poured or poured the perfume over his head and some of those at the table were indignant or they were mad why waste such an expensive perfume how many know what you give to god is never a waste and they asked he asked that they asked it could have been sold for a year's wages and the money given to the poor so they scolded her harshly but jesus replied leave her alone can i say it in modern language shut up and just think you know lay low man stop criticizing leave her alone he said why criticize her for doing such a good thing to me he said you will always have the poor among you and you can help them whenever you want to but you will not always have me how many know that's true and she's done what she's done she could uh she uh what she had done what she could and has anointed my body for burial ahead of time and i tell you the truth i love what he says here wherever the good news is preached throughout the world this woman's deed will we will be remembered and discussed and here we are over 2000 years we're discussing and talking about that story of this woman's liberality and generosity to god tonight and i'll tell you if there's something special about this story that this woman was willing to give her very best to god how many know we don't tip god we give god our best and say god we want to give our best to you want to give our tithes and offerings to you lord as you have blessed us tonight we just don't want to give you a dollar we don't want to give you a tip but we want to bless you tonight as god is blessed and that's what this woman was doing and even though she'd given all of this money there is some on the side saying you shouldn't give gave that much i'll tell you you can't never out give god i said you can never out give god god tonight will always bless us when we give so tonight let's bless the lord as god has blessed you tonight and there's several ways you can give as you can see on the screen you can scan that qr code if you like you can also text to give that's a real simple way to give you can give online as well and you can also if you want to use an envelope however you want to do that we have you can also give cashier we've got some offering baskets here and one in the aisle however you choose to give we appreciate uh your giving and your liberality everything we do is possible because of your generosity tonight and so we want to pray over this offering that all right and that's the blessing of god on your life as we get prepared to hear from our evangelists tonight so let's pray let's let's together let's pray over this offering so father we thank you tonight for the opportunity to give into your kingdom and lord tonight we pray and i pray for the blessing of god upon every person lord today that gives today i pray bless the giver tonight bless this service tonight with your grace and we thank you in jesus name amen and amen let's give to the lord [Music] tonight you are god the one we live for we give you praise all of the glory to god and again lord we give you praise [Applause] [Music] give you all of the glory [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you this evening can we give the lord a hand of praise just honor him just for a moment come on just lift your hands right now right where you are everyone please standing across the room let's invite the holy spirit to do whatever he wants to do tonight i want you right now to begin to pray out loud in your heavenly language come on pray in the holy ghost holy spirit we honor you come and do as only you can do we pray tonight lord that your word would transform our minds and hearts and we pray that the anointing would be present in this room we thank you for the privilege the privilege of knowing your presence we honor and we bless you tonight and the church said amen give the lord another hand and then you can be seated happy to be here at reach church i gotta get used to that it's always right on the tip of my tongue the the other name see i don't even say it i'm training myself conditioning myself i was i was we actually are coming straight from doing a live stream over at uh our studio so a lot of our friends we call the spirit family good to be with you guys see i told you i'm like i'm wearing the same thing so you know i was live okay we went from there to here and now we're here and i was telling him i'm going to go preach at reach and i said hey that rhymes didn't even mean the rhyme there but we're excited to be here with you and welcome if you're a first-time visitor wonderful church and those of you who are watching online if you haven't done so already make sure that you subscribe to reach church wonderful content coming out of this ministry if you believe in discipleship and prayer and the word of god and evangelism and church planting and radical faith and obedience and this is the channel for you the word of god preached uncompromised here and you'll be challenged to pursue the call of god for your life and laying aside all distractions that would keep you from fulfilling your divine destiny so make sure you subscribe to reach church and if you're ever in the area in paramount california how many know we would welcome you to this wonderful church and we'd make you feel right at home so i'm i'm going to minister a word this evening and it's going to be a practical word but it's something that i believe that we need to hear especially especially these days especially now with what we're facing in our world and you know i say things like this not to scare you but to prepare you because there are challenges that we are facing now and there always will be there always have been in every generation of believers there has been a challenge or two that really defined that generation of believers and how they responded to it so there is no generation there is no time in history where there wasn't some challenge that the people were faced with we have our own unique sets of challenges here in this day and age so now more than ever if we're going to be grounded if we're going to be spiritually fit if we're going to remain focused on jesus we must come to be people who can hear the holy spirit there's so much chatter in the world so much clutter so much chaos so many opinions and ideas and philosophies flying across your screen coming into your ears playing across your radio preach from different platforms and pulpits and heights of power from all around the world and it can often become confusing when you hear so many opinions about so many things that actually matter and you can find yourself saying lord i just want to be able to hear you clearly because the truth of the matter is it doesn't matter what's being said as long as you can hear the holy spirit you're going to walk in holiness you're going to walk in power very importantly you're going to walk in peace you'll keep your sanity how many know in this season the enemy has really assaulted the minds of people around the world and so we need to be grounded grounded avoiding the extremes of religion and superstition and we'll get into that in a moment but we need to come to know the voice of the holy spirit now when i first got saved i remember i walked in this somewhat paranoid approach to hearing the voice of the holy spirit and please hear me now because this may be some of you in this room i was so convinced i was hearing the holy spirit so often it took me years to realize that actually i was walking in a form of religion so when i first got saved and obviously when you first got saved there was this sincerity in your heart to say lord i want to hear you i want to obey you i want to know you i want to walk in your ways i want to listen for your voice i want to be sensitive to the holy spirit you think about sensitivity it's not just a matter of how clearly you hear him but about how quickly you respond when he speaks don't ask me how but a few months ago again don't ask me how but i burned my hand making oatmeal an embarrassing admission i know a little hint my wife said why don't you pour the oats into the water instead of the water into the oats so i realized yes that's probably a much better way to do it but i had burned right here on my on my my hand there was this there was this burn mark and i remember when i would shake people's hands especially here at this church you know we have a lot of very enthusiastic readers let's grab your hand and and so no but we love that here so they they shake they shake my hand and i remember shaking hands i would feel this ah like this this sting on my hand and i would pull back instantly why i would pull back so quickly because my hand was so sensitive so sensitivity to the spirit again we think of sensitivity to the spirit is kind of like this floaty existence we're going oh i hear the spirit all the time and he's speaking to me and he told me to be in this lane not that lane he told me to wear this shirt not that shirt and to be honest with you the holy spirit doesn't speak those things more often than not that's just you and we'll get into that in a moment but um you know that's not what spirituality is but it's when you do clearly hear the voice of the holy spirit that you're sensitive in that you quickly respond when he speaks delay is disobedience when the holy spirit tells you something often we think we can debate with him we try to fight with him bargain with him and reason with him well why don't we try it like this or do it this way the scripture asks is the spirit of god straightened can he be straightened meaning can you change his mind and the answer is no when the holy spirit speaks he's gentle but persistent he's not going to change his mind so you might as well do it his way right from the beginning and so sensitivity to the spirit is a matter of obeying that voice when he speaks now a little bit of my testimony here there's different aspects i share of my testimony for different purposes and messages in this case i'll share with you about the times in my life where i thought i was hearing the holy spirit when i wasn't and people torment themselves torment themselves with all sorts of burdens and rituals and ideas that float around their head i kid you not it would take me 20 30 minutes to pick which clothes i was going to wear because i thought well if the holy spirit wants me to wear that shirt what if i wear that shirt and someone else was told there's going to be a boy in a red shirt walking this way you know we make these connections and and i began to become very religious in the way that i approached the voice of the holy spirit so that any thought that entered my mind i would respond to it as if it was the holy spirit speaking to me and if i didn't respond to it i would walk away filled with guilt and all day my mind would be going oh you should be ashamed you didn't hear the holy spirit you didn't listen to the holy spirit and believe it or not this is what many of us do without even realizing it this is a fact this is how christians live and that my friend is religion i'm going to show you here that the holy spirit doesn't actually speak as often as some people say he speaks not in the way that we talk about like where he's giving these very specific instructions for every movement that is a form of superstition but the primary way that the holy spirit speaks he does whisper to our hearts the primary way that the holy spirit speaks is through the word so i'm gonna show you the four ways that the holy spirit speaks and i'm going to show them to you in the order of their importance the order of their accuracy so the first way we hear the holy spirit is through the word the word is the most important way we hear the holy spirit and it's also the most accurate there are people who base their entire lives off of something that they thought they heard the holy spirit speak to them and they'll create entire ministries they'll seek to create entire movements they will arrange their entire day they will obsess about those thoughts and what actually ends up happening is they have a form of godliness with no power because they're walking in religion following after their own imagination without even realizing it and not always is it something even that bad a little too much for me not always is he speaking those things you see i would go about my day and i'm gonna say this but it's gonna sound i have to be careful with the way i said it's because we believe in evangelism but but i'll give you an example i would every store i would visit i felt like the holy spirit was telling me to witness to every single person i came into contact with now it's a good thing to desire to evangelize it's a good thing to allow the holy spirit to move you to witness and you actually don't even need the holy spirit to tell you to evangelize you should be doing it anyway but here's the difference for example i would go to a store and i would have a flight in like an hour and i would risk missing my flights i would risk missing my appointments i would risk keeping the schedule that promises that i had made to others to keep because i was stopping at every little thing wondering if it was the holy spirit the worst part was when i would leave stores if i didn't go all the way to the back like i had that nudge to do i would walk away all and all day i would be carrying this guilt this shame this this like sense of failure and that is what happens when you leave the foundation of the word i would wake up sometimes two three in the morning thinking oh my goodness what if i missed the holy spirit here or what if i missed him at school or what if i missed them at the store what if at the gas station that second glance i had at that person walking by what if that was the holy spirit and while we should be sensitive to the voice of the holy spirit we have to biblically balance everything we do because on one hand yes you should be sensitive yes you should listen for his voice yes you should wait to hear his instructions and you should move when he tells you to move on the other hand don't allow every women thought that comes into your mind to become solidified or believed to be the holy spirit because then you walk away with torment so how do we approach this how do we hear the holy spirit truly truly hear the holy spirit we hear him number one by the word second timothy 3 16-17 says all scripture is inspired by god and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right god uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work so if you want a word from god first and foremost you need to open your bible if you're serious about hearing the voice of the holy spirit then you're going to be serious about getting into the word don't tell me you're wanting god to speak don't tell me you can't hear his voice if you're not in the word that is the foundation that's the first and foremost now the holy spirit speaks to us through the word now here's what happens this is so powerful here's what happens the word goes forth as a foundation and as you interact with the word as you receive the word what then begins to happen is you have the second way the holy spirit speaks number two is wisdom so the first is the most important and the most accurate that's the word the second is not as accurate not as important but it's the next in line that is wisdom you asked me about the guidance for this ministry you know the holy spirit didn't whisper to my heart the heavens didn't open god didn't lean down and say hey start a youtube channel he didn't he didn't whisper here's the name of the ministry here here's here's what here's what the the graphic designs will look like that doesn't happen he didn't even say as much as here's who to hire here's who to bring on your team it doesn't work that way that part is wisdom wisdom that's the holy spirit navigating through you there's just this sense where you sense almost like this inner pool you you look at the situation and and you you're helped in navigating it though the holy spirit doesn't speak specifics all the time he'll actually navigate you through certain circumstances to where somehow some way there's a check in your spirit and you know by wisdom of the spirit that that relationship you're in just isn't right you know by wisdom of the spirit that that business partnership just isn't right you know by wisdom of the spirit that a certain circumstance you're in or a certain way you're approaching something just isn't right that's the wisdom of the spirit the wisdom of the spirit we've seen guide our ministry in the technologies we use in the platforms we've chosen in the strategies we've implemented in the personnel we've hired in the places that we visit to go and do ministry that is the wisdom of the spirit james 1 5 says if you need wisdom ask our generous god and he will give it to you he will not rebuke you for asking after the word this is the most reliable means by which god speaks think of solomon how god gave him the proverbs how god gave him wisdom to rule a people and how god gave him wisdom to acquire wealth it's just this this this certain way of being guided now if you're not in the word if you don't have the word in your life you will not have access to wisdom so again it comes back to the word i build it on the word i'm in the word daily i consume the word i'm in the word after that then it's wisdom after wisdom the word wisdom after those two then it's the whisper and the whisper is not as accurate as the word it's not as accurate as wisdom nor is it as important as the word nor is it as important as wisdom but it's still an important component to have you see i could read in the word that i need to live holy then i need to evangelize attend church use my gifts love my neighbor forgive those who've wronged me i can go on a whole list of things i know i'm supposed to do from the word how i apply that is found in wisdom but i can't read chapter and verse necessarily what job i should take what school i should go to what classes i should choose where i should live what i should do in those specific things and if you will ask him he will guide you now this is where it gets interesting because remember i talked the little spirit speaks specifically to our hearts what i am saying is we are so easily deceived by our own emotions and thoughts i'll give you an example i used to read the word at like three in the mornings when i was like 15 right now it's like two in the morning just a better schedule and i would read the word and i'd read a chapter i go oh well i received then i would close i go oh no no no one more chapter one more chapter and i read second chapter third chapter fourth chapter i would get up i kid you not 50 to 60 chapters and still feel guilty for not having read enough of the word i would go and evangelize at schools on school grounds and i would stay there evangelize this person this person this person this person this person and if i was out there for four hours i would still feel guilty that i had to go home and keep my other commitments why because we think sometimes the spirit is speaking when he is not how do you know how do you know well it starts with the word you follow the word god will give you wisdom if god gives you wisdom and you obey that wisdom god will start speaking to you through the whisper because what happens is if you try to hear the whisper without the word or wisdom you start doing weird things there was a lady and i think isaiah lopez is watching isaiah was with me in northern california this is years ago we went to a church and i kid you now i'm trying to preach and minister this lady gets this giant blanket and she throws it up in the air and twirls it and then she curls up into a ball in real dramatic fashion and it falls over and just drapes her and she stood there for like 45 minutes i'm thinking she's got to be like sweating under there or something because and i'm like can somebody check on this lady now let's be honest she was a distraction in her mind i had to do it i had to obey the lord god spoke to me i've ministered at several churches several ministries and sometimes the pastor will ask me hey can we keep it to 30 minutes 45 minutes here you guys give me a lot of liberty but in some places they're like we got to keep the schedule moving now as an immature christian as an immature preacher who are they to limit the holy spirit that's ego it's pride who are they to limit the holy spirit i'm going to go as long and i wouldn't get invited back well i don't want to get invited where they're not going to let the holy spirit move but i'm thinking wait a minute wait a minute how do i know god didn't speak to them about the structure of that service see and so so that's arrogance right but i think i'm hearing the spirit i think it's the holy ghost speaking of my heart and i'm convinced of it why because it came into my head and it sounds good so i'm gonna do it arrogance pride and and we become fixated on all these little things that we do and it again it if you read of the great generals of the faith of revivals past you read how absolutely insane they were driven because every little thing they thought it could be god so i have to do it there was the woman who woke up at 7 47 that's what her clock said and she thought god was telling her to take a boeing 747 to another nation to become a missionary there now maybe god had called it to be a missionary but to base your entire life on the fact that you saw 747 on the clock when you woke up is foolishness we get these things in our head guys and the problem is we often even so try to spiritualize our stubbornness you know it's not my opinion that was the holy spirit speaking to me and you begin to confuse your own emotions your own thoughts your own whims even though they are good sometimes and you obsess about them like they're the holy spirit that's how you enter into religion and superstition and that's how you lose your peace of mind you want to truly follow after what the holy spirit is doing it starts with the word and then it's wisdom wisdom will guide and then it's the whisper that's how the holy spirit speaks now not only do these change in reliability and importance but they also change in frequency daily word daily wisdom not always daily whisper look at the scripture look at the prophets they would record in their books every few years why because god would come one year give them a wisdom for that a whisper for that gear go they'd live off of that because if you're not going to obey step number one god's not going to give you step two and three see we want we want we want that supernatural expression of it when we can't even be trusted with the natural expression and that is how you spiral into religious thinking i know this is a bit of a different teaching here it's not necessarily topical but these are specific things in the spirit that you have to be equipped with because i'll tell you how it affects your life because then you take your your political preferences and you think god is backing your politics your philosophy your way of seeing the world instead of accepting the way he sees the world you begin to take this approach to life and if you become offended with your brother or sister why it couldn't possibly be that you were in the flesh it surely must be that they are in the flesh and the holy spirit supposedly tells you so if we want to be mature people who hear the holy spirit we must be able to set aside our whims our emotions and our preferences not just hearing what we wish god said but hearing what he's actually saying finally number four the way god speaks so number one is the word number two is wisdom number three is the whisper and number four is wonders now here is how god speaks to prophets through visions through dreams through miracles through instances like this here's the problem some people seek prophets seek the signs seek the miracles seek the wonders while neglecting the word so anyone who claims to be prophetic can tell you anything and because you lack a foundation you commit your whole life to what they said i can't tell you how many times people have come to me said brother david somebody prophesied over me 10 years ago and it still hasn't come to pass and i'm wondering what did i do wrong how did i met tormented for like years and years and years be quiet because they were they were looking for their foundation in a wonder when god wanted them to find it in the word [Music] we get all mixed up this way everything starts to become chaotic in our lives when we don't have this in proper order and the reason i'm saying this now is because i don't want you reach church i don't want you to be swayed by every little thing that comes your way even when there are wonders involved you say well i'm gonna go follow the signs well if you were in the word you wouldn't have to follow signs because signs would follow you if you were in the word you wouldn't have to go seeking every prophetic thing that was around because you would hear from god for your life for yourself now of course we need prophets of course we need prophecy of course we need dreams and visions but if that's what you're basing your life on you're going to be chasing experience rather than being grounded in your faith i don't look for feelings to validate what i should know and believe by faith i don't look for feelings to tell me something that i should already know by faith so the word first and foremost get in the word number two follow wisdom number three then follow the whisper of the spirit and please don't torment yourself by giving yourself little errands little tasks little things that you tell yourself are the holy spirit and are not that is how you lose your mind and i'm just trying i'm just telling you the truth i'm trying to show you how to ground yourself because what begins to happen is that brings a real strangeness about you that's not spirit strangeness it's flesh strangeness you guys hear what i'm saying there i know that i know that sounds harsh but it's true some people are just really weird and they're weird because they're not grounded not because they're spiritual they think their weirdness is grounded at all i'm so spiritual and weird not really that's the flesh you can be a real person still and hear the voice of the holy spirit but it begins in the word and then you follow after wisdom then if he can trust you with the word if he can trust you to follow after the ways of wisdom then you come to the place where you're gonna need that whisper see god gives you the basics everything you need to know in the word and then from there the guidance for your life decision making that comes to wisdom wisdom that you gained from the word and then when those two things aren't applicable for very specific situations even messages he wants you to deliver to another believer then the whisper comes and once the whisper is there that is the guidance into the specifics after that god will use wonders prophecy dreams visions people speaking over your life but if you're not grounded in the word first then those things can take you off track are you receiving this tonight church i was out this is the word the holy spirit had me bring tonight i was gonna teach this and now i want to pray i wanted to shorten that up a little bit but i really sense that we need to be grounded here really need to be grounded expec guys listen to me again not trying to scare you i want to prepare you you think kovid was crazy it's the beginning of birth pains that's the beginning guys that's you're going to look back and go remember the good old covid days i'm serious you you watch it how things are going in the world not and and break out of the american mentality i'm talking about the world right now the world as a whole there's a shift but we know the darker it gets out there the brighter the church shines but if you want to continue to shine you want to continue to stay plugged in you've got to know how to hear god you're carried away by every whim every voice guys not every voice that claims to be from god is from god they are very very convincing very very very convincing i've seen it guys be very very very careful i really sense that strong word right now be very very very careful the scripture declares in the last days false prophets will arise be very careful anyone who is not pointing you to jesus that's dangerous anyone who tries to pull you from fellowship of the local church telling you they're your answer not your pastor you're in danger you hear another minister criticizing pastors and preachers your pastor's not this your pastor doesn't have power run the other way you're hearing this from someone who believes in power who believes in casting out devils healing the sick who believes in the prosperity of god's church who believes in prophecy you're not hearing this from some facebook theologian who believes god went to sleep i'm telling you stay grounded anything that pulls you into isolation pulls you from the fellowship of believers pulls you from the basics of the faith pulls you from being satisfied in the presence of jesus that's dangerous and you need to learn to hear the holy spirit for yourself it begins i'll say it again with the word and from there it's wisdom then the whisper then the wonders if you reverse it you base your whole life on oh the holy spirit said this and then listen and this you're gonna lose your mind i'm just i'm telling you i've studied revival histories and i used to say oh i want that lord every little thing you whisper and i realize no that was their flesh they lost their minds because of it it's the word guys it's the word i do sense a strong anointing here could you just lift your hands and just begin to ask the holy spirit to guide you please say holy spirit guide me now i want you right now to begin to pray in the holy ghost because because the holy spirit wants to strengthen you the holy spirit wants to help you god help us to not be bound in religion that says you no longer speak and help us not to be bound by superstition that causes us to mistake every women thought for your voice help us to be grounded in the word in the word lord in wisdom that you give let us clearly hear the whispers of the spirit when you're speaking and let us not neglect to despise the wonders that you bring our way help us to be grounded lord help us to be grounded in the name of jesus who here had um recently a a a negative medical report you just recently went back you're hoping for better news and then something it was a turn it wasn't what you wanted to hear again i don't want to do the song and dance of who is it and then you come up to me after the surf and say it was me but i was shy i don't do that because there's a flow to the service that we have to keep not that i dishonor anyone and i know it's a little bit high pressure in a situation like this but i know that i know that i know that i hear the holy spirit when he speaks these things and there's someone in here you received um just recently a medical diagnosis or a report that that you you were hoping otherwise but then something uh came as a result of that and now it's just kind of weighing on your mind you're here would you please just raise your hand i know that you're here would you please just wave at me i know that i know that i know is that you in the back ma'am come now so one of one of the reasons sometimes we hesitate to think maybe he's talking to someone else but if it if it's for you just raise your hand come would you please if you don't mind come come to the front would you all pray in the holy spirit please may i ask i'll ask off the microphone [Music] everyone stretch your hands toward this woman lift your hands father i thank you that your healing virtue is present here tonight i pray lord that your power would flow through this woman's body remove every sickness and every disease church i want you to be going to pray for her healing just ask the healing virtue to flow right now [Music] filling on you right now [Music] thank you jesus [Music] oh was there someone you want me to pray for over here [Music] keep praying in the holy ghost church [Music] speak as only you can [Music] this is interesting i'm seeing almost like inflammation right on the left side right on the head it's like as i got a pulsing right from the left back of the neck it comes up to the front on the left side who is that i know that again don't don't hesitate don't hesitate i know the voice of the holy spirit he would not reveal these things for no reason you're here and that's one of the issues you've been having it's it's a it's a sharp pain right here the left side back of the neck and it shoots up over to the front side i want to pray with you don't miss this opportunity to receive that who is that i know that i know that i know and stephen will verify this because he's with me after every service every single time every single time someone comes up and goes it was me but i felt shy or i didn't want to take someone else's healing don't go for any of that you you'll be the one to claim it you're here and i want to pray for you and that you were raising your hand list what did you want prayer for very briefly briefly briefly okay come stretch your hands toward our sister here that was you with that too that without that word that was you okay lift your hands lord i pray in the name of jesus for the healing power of god to flow jesus thank you lord release your healing virtue release your healing virtue in the name of [Music] praying church keep jesus jesus we honor you [Music] marcel would you come please [Music] there's another marcelo no i knew something i was like you probably didn't know i heard nicely would you come with me [Music] join hands and everyone just stretch your hands toward them and pray [Music] the prayers of a righteous man avail much [Music] and as i look at you i see in the spirit there's like a dark cloud coming against your family [Music] and you're standing there hand lifted like this and there there's like a beam of light over you pushing that back the warfare in your family even strange attacks has been intensified in these past few months and because of that you've dug deeper into the place of prayer and you've claimed your family for the kingdom of god and you are standing your ground this time won't be like that time is what i hear the holy spirit saying for god says i will cause you to stand as a man of prayer firm foundation rooted in grace the enemy cannot have your family the enemy cannot have your children the enemy cannot have their minds cronkite assaults on the minds the minds the minds darkness darkness i even see [Music] there there there is even some element of witchcraft in that assault but god is giving you that place of authority because let me just tell you how spiritual dynamics work whatever the world says when a man of god prays he's he's he's basically god's authority in the family and there is there is there is a i i i don't like using cliches but this is what the holy spirit is speaking is there's there's like a prayer warrior spirit coming out of me in this season and when you speak as you speak i see that cloud dissipating that darkness dissipating it's it's it's going to be the work of god father we pray lord you give them this miracle in the name of jesus let this be a testimony of your saving and delivering power in the name of jesus lord anoint his hands anoint his mouth lord i thank you that this man is a warrior in the spirit i thank you that your grace goes beyond what we can do i thank you that your power is made perfect in our weakness i thank you lord for testimonies that are coming i thank you lord for breakthrough that is coming i thank you father that the heaviness the cloud is being lifted from off of this family in the name of jesus and the church said amen [Music] britain why are you standing there you and reuben come in here and help me pray guys just to stand there and help just pray in the holy spirit is this okay that i'm just waiting on the spirit guys the spirit is willing with the flesh is weak i know some of you smell doubles thank you lord jesus we pray for that spirit of prophecy to be present let the spirit of prophecy rest heavy on leroy the spirit of prophecy rest heavy on the room john and christina stand up for a second [Music] what god is going to do with you is going to scare you [Music] god is going to do with you is going to scare you [Music] there is a great responsibility that comes with god elevates a man and a woman and i can just hear you say god don't do it don't do it until i'm ready until i'm ready until i'm ready that's just the thing [Music] is he will always put you in places where you're not able to do it but he is and what i'm seeing for you is a reach that all the holy spirit is telling me to tell you right now very clearly is that this is going to go beyond where you can see this is going to go to higher places than even you might think you're ready for but if you'll cling to the places of prayer you'll cling to jesus you'll cling to that fellowship these bonds there's no limit to what god can do with your life he's taking the limits off john i'm serious he's taking the limits off let him take the limits off let the lord take the limits off because i see you guarding yourself with good intentions not wanting to become prideful not wanting to be the center of attention but you have to realize something when god favors a man there's a tension on him [Music] and the favor that god is releasing to you in this season is coming because you humbled yourself before him like david the shepherd boy who said lord i'm going i'm going to just worship you in the field he was promoted because of his passion for the name of jesus do you know why he stoned goliath why he threw stones it was because the punishment for blasphemy was being stoned to death so it was david's zeal for the word of god and his righteous indignation that goliath had violated that word that brought him promotion it's going to be your zeal for the word and if you protect that you guard that that zeal for the word god will use that to promote you lift your hands christina you too because this is coming on you too i know that sometimes it can feel like the spotlight is on him but the prayer backing that you will provide is going to be so key in this season and don't mistake the attacks of the enemy on your mind for you becoming weak don't mistake the assaults of the enemy on your mind for you becoming weak the enemy will hit us at our hardest point of insecurity the enemy will hit us at our hardest point of weakness father i pray peace on christina's mind be very aware christina of the exterior influence it's not just you it's the exterior influence that's come against you both you join hands everybody praying in the holy ghost so father i pray in the name of jesus that you would use this couple like an elijah whoa i sense a strong anointing on this guys everybody i need you pranking the holy ghost use them like elijah god is going to position you in front of prophets of baal john and there will indeed be a demonstration of his power there will indeed be a demonstration of righteousness the zeal for your house has consumed me father i pray that that zeal for your house that has consumed him would be like fire in his bones father use this man and woman use them as a weapon in your hand against the forces of darkness use them to destroy the works of the devil in this season i pray you raise them father raise them to higher heights and use them for your glory in the name of jesus and everyone said amen precious anointing here isn't it like it's i love it and it's a really uh i mean i'll let's be honest i'm not the greatest speaker in the world but it's the anointing wait what happened [Music] oh thank you i know i mean i remember the first sermon i preached was right down the street here at madison and i tried to make the title sound real fancy it was our relationship with god almighty that was the title and it was about king david and i just remember i was all over the place and but the power of the holy ghost showed up and and that's john that that's what i will not trade i will not trade it for anything in this world it's that that that anointing it's all it's all that makes it if i could have got up here fumbled through all my notes people could have got their breakthrough why because of that guys you protect that anointing you protect that anointing oh protect that influence of the spirit i'm just going to say there's somebody here i believe you're a woman there's an issue you've been having right here there's like a sharp pain in your throat i this is the first time i've ever hearing anything like this let's not do the song and dance guys it happened twice in a row you're here i know it this is the holy spirit's voice if that's you would you just wave at me there's a woman here if there's an issue there i don't want to do that thing where you come to me after the service i need to know you're here god is speaking i know the voice of the holy spirit if that's you i need to know and and you've been even assaulted by by really almost demonic nightmares in this season i want to pray with you god's power is present to touch your life do not harden your heart against the holy ghost i have to move on if you don't respond but i know i know that i know is that you again i'll just lift your hands receiving father in the name of jesus [Music] lord i just heard the lord say tear down the altars tear down the altars an altar is a memory tear down the memories altars in our minds can be memories that we build to things that we give our attention to and the reason your mind is so attacked in this season is because you've given attention to the memories you've built altars to things and because of the way things went it causes you to fear for the way things might go the enemy even has attacked you very severely with fear and anxiety concerning your son this season and it's kept you awake and it's caused like like we just like i just said it's because of those nightmares and god is breaking that off of you right now god has not given you a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind and we declare that you're a woman of the word a woman who believes the word and we tear down these altars these memories these memories to the past we break its power no you are not slipping back into that darkness no you are not losing your mind god says i tear down the memories today [Music] put those things behind you press forward to the new it's a new day a new season [Music] just everyone jesus [Music] just pausing for a moment to make sure that there's nothing else the holy spirit's speaking i cannot make him speak all i can do is listen and i'm listening right now pray in the holy ghost jesus [Music] camera guy here [Music] put the camera down stand right here lift your hands [Music] everyone begin to pray in the holy ghost [Music] there's a lie that the enemy has been telling you and this sees it very strongly and that is that you're going to go back to your old ways and there has been this persistent attack on your mind things that tie into that lie you're going to go back this was never really real this was all just fake and this right now is proof to you that that's an assault of the enemy and that god will keep you [Music] god will keep you [Music] stretch your hands forward um jacob's still your bible study pasteurizing would you come stand right here i want you to hear this everyone else stretch your hands forward [Music] some personal things there but church stretch your hands toward them break its power keep bringing the holy ghost keep breaking the holy ghost break in the name [Music] god's doing something in him jesus we honor you jesus we honor you even as i was praying for him there was something in you saying lord i need to touch lord i need a touch this season has just been i pulled you over and i just felt like a whirlwind around you a whirlwind of just a season of one thing after another after another and you're like trying to catch your breath and i hear the holy spirit moving past me like the breath of god he is the spirit of god breathing new life breathe upon me breath of god breathe upon me breath of god [Music] dennis god's gonna give direction [Music] god's gonna give direction [Music] but don't allow the confusion of this season to keep you from pursuing god as you know you should [Music] there are there are even questions about what if i had taken this path or that path and because of it confusion confusion don't let the confusion of this season keep you from pursuing god the way you know you should god will direct your path he's guiding you he's giving you very clear instructions if you quiet your heart and listen enemy wants nothing more than to remove your influence give it to the lord he's doing it [Music] daniel i don't have a word but i want to know why you dyed your hair okay [Music] at first i didn't know who you were for those who are wondering daniel and i are close enough that we can juggle [Music] wonderful spirit i'm just i'm literally just standing here waiting [Music] this word is for you as a church i really do senses that i'm just going to obey the holy ghost here you've heard the words time and time and time again but we're entering a season where it's time to reach for a new building you guys i'm telling you i don't know much of what the inner talk has been later preparing for various things that we have going on but i do sense this season is a season where god is going to stretch our faith let god stretch your faith in this season i know we've received word of the word after word afterward but but you know abraham received a word and it wasn't until years later that the word came to pass you know when it happened right god gives abraham the word he well then he was abram go out from the land of your father go to the place where i will show you he goes he leaves everything and god says i'll make you the father of many nations and several years pass between the word that was given in the fulfillment of the word but it wasn't until abram sat and shared a meal with god that something was ignited in that promise and there's something to be said where intimacy brings forth the fulfillment of promises and if you'll have it church if you'll have it i sense the holy spirit inviting you into a season of greater intimacy as a group and it will come through the worship yes but it's going to come also through prayer psalm 80 18 says quicken us and we will call unto you there are moments you can approach god whenever you wish but then there are invitations he quickens you and then you can call there's a season of greater faith and as this season of intimacy you may not be building up but i see you going deep [Music] and in this season of intimacy it's going to be a rapid fulfillment of promises not just to do with the facility but there are ministries yet to be birthed there are things that we are going to reach for that we will obtain but intimacy is the key to the fulfillment of promises do you realize that it was david who was called the man after god's own heart why did he seem to have every door open what released that favor on him several things but primarily david was intimate with god and it's out of that intimacy that there are going to be promises fulfilled pastor that's the word i'm sensing strongly it's in the intimacy that you find the fulfillment of promises [Music] and god is going to even burn out the chaff the weed in the terrors god is going to clean countless there's going to be a great cleansing because intimacy does bring forth repentance and cleansing but in the intimacy is the fulfillment of the promises so get ready reach church this is going to be a season of intimacy and and what god is doing here you see he had to he had to sift god used that pandemic i don't know if he caused it or not he didn't tell me but he certainly allowed it and he certainly used it and i think there was this great sifting this great shaking and moving things had to be moved out of the way so that other things could fall into place and in this season there has been a remnant refined a remnant refined god is revealing true sons and daughters who is truly in who is truly out and with that refined remnant there is an invitation to intimacy and in that intimacy there's the fulfillment of promises i know you may look at a building as just a building a building is not just a building church read the scriptures buildings and land ownership is spiritual it's a spiritual dynamic that's why the enemy fights so hard so father i pray we would be faithful help us lord to walk with you as we should lord we repent of ungodly things of fleshly things of mindsets and attitudes and lack of faith and all of that lord we just lay it at your feet right now jesus and i pray lord that we would receive of this anointing that's present here and let us know the fulfillment of promises as we receive your favor in the name of jesus we pray everyone who agreed said amen well i sense a release from the lord and i pray that you were blessed and i also those of you are they still watching live okay i didn't like i didn't want to dismiss just in case you know sometimes they enjoy watching that love you guys and remember subscribe to reach the reach channel and visit reach caroline almost said the other name visit reach paramount when you're in the area we'd love to have you let's say goodnight to our live stream viewers we love you guys and now i'll turn this over to whoever thank you for joining our church online we hope you enjoyed the message to stay connected with us follow us on facebook and subscribe to our youtube channel to not miss any of our online services and content click the notification bell and like this video we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reach Church - Paramount
Views: 933
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: reach church, paramount church, reach paramount, pcparamount, praise chapel paramount, message, christian church, reach restore release, reach, restore, release, holy spirit, local church, worship, church service, church online, david diga hernandez
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 10sec (7390 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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