"Finish Well" message by Dedie Cooley Shine 2021

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a man a fish. I can give that to you tonight. See you tonight or I can teach you how to fish and you can feed yourself every day and be able to apply it and so and I'm not sure I mean, I'm not a preacher by any means because they say preaching the only difference between preaching and teaching is one is yelling preaching is yelling and teaching is telling so I'm just going to yell and tell and tell and yell tonight if you don't care. I want you to be a thinker tonight you you are sitting down, but I don't want you to shut down and I know you won't shut down now. I was born in Kentucky. Thank you so much for the count I was born in Kentucky and Kentucky is known as the bluegrass state and every first Saturday in May in the city of Louisville, Kentucky anywhere from 150 to 180000 people from all over the world show up at an event called the greatest race and millions more tune in to this America's greatest race. Now those of you sitting out there might recognize it as the Kentucky Derby. Right, yeah, but I've come to declare to you tonight that though this whole world acknowledges the Kentucky Derby as the greatest race you and I as a one god Apostolic Christian are in a race that is set before us with a far greater of hope and a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. That's some temporary horse races The word of God says that this race that you and I are in is for an inheritance. It's for an in. They say about it so much tonight. Heaven is the absolute and certain inheritance of every part that again child of God. This race is for an inheritance that is incorruptible in other words. Ladies Heaven has no death and it has no decay. It is everlasting and this race is for for an inheritance that is incorruptible and undefiled. That means heaven is pure. Heaven is pure. sin sin. And misery are the two huge defilement that spoiled this world, but heaven is pure and this raises for an inheritance that is incorruptible and undefiled and it faded not away in Heaven Lady ladies there is no weariness. There is no distaste heaven is forever. Pleasing and all of this is reserved for you in heaven who have kept by the power of God through faith of the salvation. That's the kind kind of race we are it is an eternal race and it is for some place glorious Hebrews tells us. We're foreseen. We are also composed by a great cloud of witnesses. Let us lay aside every weight and the sin, which so easily beset us and wait a minute wait and see that beset us. What is beset means it means to wait and see it so easily affects us the way we sin that so easily torments us the way in sin that's so easily overcomes us and let. Run with patience the race that is set before us so here tonight all of us are in this race and I look out across this congregation and I have to ask myself who is here right now running this race that was not with us running this race last year. then I think who's here right now running this race that will still be with us 1 year from now running this race. then I have to think who is here right? Now, who will not be running this race tonight, but they will not be running this race next year Who's in this audience tonight running this race that will quit by next year and you say well that's kind of a morbid thought no not really the first two are not a morbid thought, maybe the thirst first one the third one because the first one I mean every year brings change some people move away. Some people have gone on to be with the Lord Hallelujah. Some have just received the Holy Ghost been baptized in Jesus name, so they've just started this race, but I have. Question for you tonight. Where Will you be when the race is finished, Where will you be when the race is finished and you're thinking well, Sister Cooley How in the world would I know where I'm going to be when the race is finished? Why would you even ask a question like that? This is why I am asking you a question Where will you be when the race is finished? I keep an updated log and updated list. Of names. of young people both male and female that I grew up with now. This list of names covers a 10 year span in other words at me at 18 years old, I have included in this list those 5 years younger than me from thirteen to eighteen and then from eighteen to 23, got it so I was in the same church from a child until I was 18 years old. so from my beginning as a child to the ending of my first phase of life 18 years of age, I wrote down all those as many as I could remember that began this one God acts 238. Repentance baptism in Jesus name immersion receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongue holding us unto god and separation from the world race and the reason I had to qualify for this race that I'm not. I'm in is because so many think they're in this race, but it's a different race. I'm talking about the one God acts 238 race that we're in and we all run this race in a church that provided everything in assisting us to finish this Apostolic right. Now watch this because I'm going to spit this out really really quick My church was one of the Pioneer leaders in music Ministry in the United Pentecostal Church, Our Church choir was recording albums back in the 70s. Okay, It was nothing to record a church choir album. I'm talking about men and women had matching outfits alright and then we performed two to three musicals a year large productions and watch this. It didn't matter if it was a full adult musical. It didn't matter if it was a full cast children's musical, they weren't going to leave the nursery out of this. Zero zero to 2 years of age they would take those baby cribs and they dress them up like parade floats put wheels on the ends of them dress those infinite costumes the music would be played before the musical and they parade those babies all around the church in the house so nothing was left out when it comes to the musicals. We have the District Labor Day services brought in the big name in of preachers. Remember this is in the 70s we hosted and attended all youth rallies. We were over most of the music for the district. The Sunday school decorations over the top and that's when you had to use an overhead projector Our Christmas banquets were. Downtown at the elegant eloquent elegant Master suites Hotel, there was skits and games and entertainment gifts, Special speaker in photography Think about this it's 1970 1974 we even had separate children's banquets down at the elegant Master Suites Hotel. The entertainment was brought in photography Most everyone had a new maxi outfit complete complete with and boutonniere. Here's me and my brother 1974, I mean at all. Big as his head. we were big time stuff that's 1974. We are one of the first to have a newly built state-of-the-art Christian school buses for outreach there was junior or senior camp camp meeting get this These are pictures of our senior camp choirs We would record albums at senior camp that'd be like the district recording every year the senior camp for that's 7172 we would record. Camp albums We have one of the greatest pastors and pastor's wives in the world why they invested with their time and their talents I didn't ever leave Service wondering did he mean what he said, Or did he say? what do you mean what he said, Right there? No our pastor preached straight and was understandable. it was precise it was unwavering, so I said all that to say this we all started this race and we started it with the best of everything to help assist us in finishing it supported us in finishing this race, but can I tell you that out of seventy-seven young people people that started this Apostolic race? Only twenty-two of those are still running this Apostolic race. well, I was quite disheartened by the numbers of seventy-seven young people starting to raise 22 are the only ones still in the the race, so I decided to include the Apostolic Church across Town One church that we went to camp with the number was 32 out of 113 100. 113 started this Apostolic race, but only thirty-two are still running so one gave up Eighty-one quit Eighty-one became overcome. Maybe we could say. Got be said it affected tormented so all of those wonderful things wonderful things that we had to help us music drama banquets rally was not enough to keep one running one God Apostolic race now, Paul said. I fought a good fight. I finished my course. I've kept the faith in there is laid up for me, a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous judge. He shall give me at that day and not to be only but to all of them, but love is appearing there is a key. And he thought I just read for you in that verse are you ready for it? Yeah. Are you ready for it? Yes, Paul said. I've fought a good fight. I've kept the faith. I've finished my course and the key thought is this you don't win by starting you win by finishing. Finish. finish my car. To win you. If you're going to win, you gotta finish. Finish you may be seated and if you don't get anything out of this tonight because I know it's late but you didn't shut down on me. you are sitting down, but you didn't shut down then you go home and you take that thing and you get twenty pieces of paper and a black permanent marker and you're right you don't win by starting you win by finishing and you post that up on your mirror in the back and you got another one and you post that on the light switch and then you make another side and you post those signs all over your house. You don't worry about starting you get my. See Oh, you're wonderful. Okay. so you know this race. It's not like other races. It's not me and you it's one another trying to see who can beat in this Apostolic Christian race everyone who crosses the. But you gotta finish. You may be seated in other words, you can't pay your bills. You're poor. I'm sorry but you gotta finish. Husband has left you finish your children reject your part. finish the race you're sick and potty finish the race. To win, you gotta finish. listen it all boils down to this. I became a full-time music ministry at Twenty-one and I'm 56 years old. now that makes 35 years of Full-time ministry so at fifty-six it all boils down to this whatever I have gained brother Mckee in 35 years of ministry. whatever it is I've I've lose it all if I didn't finish. At least at least 56 years of life that I didn't fit. 56 years of life if I didn't finish. now, one of the perks of getting older. It's I'm going to tell you some nuts to get perks, but I'm going to tell you a good perk to get older as you can see we're a certain road comes out where it is anyone here. tonight. That's live a good length. I can do this, you're able to see where certain people took certain roads and now you can see where they ended up and what happened and where the road is you can make a list of names make a list of names from your past Y'all make a list of names from the past look at what roads they took. their destination. Deuteronomy. Listen. the. Of God, Moses Precious Man of God about 80 years old, He's an angel in the burning Bush. froze down his rod turns to a serpent picks right back up. It's no longer his rock, but now it's the rod of God. Oh, this is great. Moses goes to Egypt tells Pharaoh. Hey, I want you to let God's people go. God uses Moses to send a plague after the plague after plague, which ultimately culminates in the death of every first born, both man and Beast, then pharaoh finally says, Get out of here. I don't want to see you anymore. finally miserable crosses the Red Sea pharaoh chases him down and he gets Pharaoh's Army gets drowned by the Red Sea. Israel has had 40 years of wandering in the wilderness because of their disobedience because they didn't obey God and there's a new generation, but listen to what's happening. so Moses is now about 180 years old. He's at the end of his life and he's sitting there standing there reviewing God's laws looking out over the children of Israel and he's reflecting back and he's thinking I wonder what it's going to be like for the children of Israel now and he has a keyword of wisdom in Chapter Thirty-two verse twenty-nine. read it with me. Oh. They were wise that they understood this that they would consider their latter end. What did he say? he said, Oh that they were wise that they would consider this. consider what Moe what you're talking about their latter in Moses was saying ladies if you are wise, you would consider the end of your life You would consider this, but you know what you gotta be wise so you gotta have wisdom my goodness well, what is wisdom wisdom is in considering the end wisdom is the To see into the future the consequences of your choices in the present wisdom is the ability to see into the future pick around there the consequences of your choices in the present. Yeah, I want to ask you a question. How will your story end because one of these days you will walk your last mile You will write your last words, sing your last one. Make your last trip you will look at life for the very last time and slip into it. And I ask you how will your story end? life Sister Christie. It is a series of beginnings and it's a series of endings. There was a time when you were born and then let me hear the trumpet and we get caught away out here. There's going to be a time when we die but in between being born and dying, there's a whole lot of beginnings and endings in between that life. Hey, there's the beginning and ending there's the beginning of relationships and sadly there's an ending of relationships. There are the beginning of. And there's endings of ministry 1983 was the beginning of my Bible college training, 1986 was the ending of my bible college training. There's a beginning of this worship service. and there will be an ending to this worship service around midnight or one. there's the beginning of the book and there's an ending of a book. The Bible begins with Genesis one one in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth so contrary to the lies and illusion shouts out history had a beginning and history will have an ending revelation. Twenty-two life is. A series of beginnings and enemies, but I want to stress to you tonight that the word of the lord emphasizes that the end is the most important thing you couldn't do one thing about how you came into this world, but you have the choice how you're going to leave this world you. How you came into this world, but you have no choice how you leave this world. You can be seated you're wise when you determine the destination. while on the road you're on. When you go on a trip, you gotta know where you're going first, you punch it in the Gps if I'm headed to my parents in Indiana, I'm I know I'm going to twenty 805 Armstrong Road in New Albany, Indiana 47150. So if I came to Indiana, I don't head towards Oklahoma when I leave my driveway the way I turn. Points me if I take the right turn to my destination and what happens is so I sit there and I go to that door I go to Marshall on up Texarkana and to little rock. I go up to Memphis and from Memphis, take four to go sixty-five North Hollywood We have to cross over the bridge. I'll take a ride on the beach and take a ride and take a ride on the road. I'll take a ride on Armstrong Road until I pull right at the front of my mom and dad's house, but the destination the. Determines the route that I take Ecclesiastes seven eight, says better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof. The end is the most important if you're 20 years old and under raise your hand right now, if you're 20 years old number raise your hand. So I'm trying to get you to think about when you're thirty. If you're four and you're fifty raise your hand, I'm trying to get you to think about when you're seventy. I'm trying to get you to consider the latter because you don't win by starting you win by finishing. Be seated, so what is my destination? Where am I wanting to go because the destination determines everything and my destination is heaven and I pray it's your destination too and I'm running this race with a goal and a destination in mind the hope of the church and every born again believer is the rapture the catching away of the church, the first century church expected the Lord to come in their day. Yeah, they did Paul expected the word. Come in his day the pentecostal movement of the 1900s, those people begin to seek God they pursue God they wanted the Holy Ghost in anticipation of the rapture of the church. People like Howard Gods Witherspoon, JT Haywood OFF Andrew Erin They sought God because they wanted to be ready and prepared for heaven. right. Absolutely. So it's the will of God for every generation a believer. That are born again to look for and anticipate the soon return of the Lord and I ask you if the Apostle Paul and Andrew I were looking for the return and the catching away of his brother, the rapture of the church in his day. how much more should the church be focusing on the rapture and You know what I thank God for anything that would cause me to anticipate and look for the rapture of the church. anything that draws you closer to God is a blessing and that's a scary statement to make. anything that draws me closer to God is a blessing a virus election rioting. I don't care what it is if it draws you closer to God. It's a blessing and. II don't say that delicately because I have had close people to me. Died last year from the complications. but my concern is the way I'm seeing people and it's kind of mentioned tonight respond to repeated shock and repeated exposure concerning heaven and the rapture of the church and people will respond one of two ways when it comes to this repeated and repeated exposure and the way you and I respond to what is going on around us is an indicator of where our hearts are what. This the way you and I respond to what's going on and happening around us is going to determine whether you finish this Apostolic one God acts 238 Jesus name Holy Ghost. that race. you can go all the way back to the 70s early 80s when Russia and America were at odds with each other, I was young, I was scared to death when the key I was terrified, but I could hear Saints say the Lord's getting ready to get us out of here. He's fixing to call us out. Get ready. Keep your eyes focused. That was one way people responded. Okay. With more prayer more fasting more repentance more reformation but there was a second way that I remember people responding some started to slow down and become a little desensitized because in nineteen eighty-eight reasons why the Lord's coming in Eighty-eight and I was getting married that year. Oh my word. family members, people came back to the Lord, the altars were filled what were they doing getting ready anticipating expecting the lord to come back and guess what when he didn't come back in 1988? What happened the way some of the people responded. They were right back out in the world, but I'm here to tell you that some of the church there was others that responded with more prayer for repentance. Actually they were saying thank you Lord for another nudge and the spirit you're you're just telling me to get ready. Oh yeah. remember you don't win by starting you win by finishing up y two K. My goodness computers are shutting down. It's. The Lord to come back another time and their words saints of God that picked up the speed and you know what that you know the way they responded man they start tilting their head toward the eastern sky. Start looking for the Lord to come. Whoo. That's one way that people responded, but I also know that others dropped out of the race when nothing happened. How are you responding to repeated exposure and repeat? 911 terrorist attacked Twin Falls and Twin Towers fall down by then I'm going to tell you some people are so already numb by repeated and repeated exposures, but there were others that were like Lord you just sent me another love letter to tell me keep your eyes on the eastern sky I felt attacked me on the shoulder and it's me again. It's another reminder. coronavirus pandemic will buy now. Professing Christians we're ready too distracted to even run the race. How can you say that sister the headlines confirm it? Houston Chronicle May 2020 Many Houston church is not planning to reopen after Abbott clears the way. Did you read that these professing Christians were too distracted to even run anymore? I'm going to run, they said. And I quote as much as we would like to come back. There's very little to gain and there's a lot to potentially lose. Oh, no wait a minute. I did. I just read that right I quote. As much as we would like to come back, there's very little to gain and there's a lot to potentially lose now folks I would expect that out of a humanistic. carnal unsafe family member to make a statement like that, but people who are trying to at least or at least professing to finish the greatest race. But that was their response. That's one response right then on the other hand, there were those that responded the other way. but now you know why they responded the other way because they knew the word of the lord they knew what the Bible said and the word of the lord hit me like a ton of bricks and they knew his words and said. To live is Christ. And to die is. Those people you that responded, according to the word of the Lord were hearing him say I still see if you okay, I still see you pentecostal so you're still looking for me keep running keep running finish finish. I'm asking you tonight How will each morning affect you? Where will you be when the race is finished What in the world? does it even mean to finish this race you're going to have to fight the good fight of faith if you're going to win this race, you're going to have to fight the good fight of faith. How do you have? Romans tells US faith cometh by hearing but it doesn't stop there does it say it with me faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word. What does it mean to finish this race you're going to have to finish the job of reading meditate and memorizing the word of God in. That's what it means to finish the race all scripture. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and for instruction in righteousness this book man's outback. Where's this book this book is daily food and water for your soul If you need to eat every day drink every day you need this food and water every day. Finishes the way this is the discernment of the intent thoughts of your heart that keeps you from sinning but it's women not feel sorry for you men that are here tonight, but I gotta tell you but as women we are so gullible because of our. emotions and I mean like this and you can tell I'm not real quiet so. emotional means you just base whatever on. You feel at the moment emotional like and the thing is feelings are fickle They can change so quickly emotions are unpredictable because they're not tied to facts. God's word is the only true fact book. You cannot walk with the Lord based on your feelings somebody needs to hear this you cannot walk with the Lord based on your feelings because you will not always be God. And always be God. Won't always be like eat vegetables. Feel like it. Feelings change So if you went to a government indoctrinated public school like I did, I did also that I was taught evolution. I was taught. I'm an animal. I came from an ape Lucy so you better just leave it up and then you're going to die. do whatever you want to do the live it up. However, you feel and that is produced unbridled emotionalism You feel that right rioting. don't right, you feel like storming the capital vote for it. You feel like burning down the building have at it. You feel like killing go ahead, Unrivaled emotionalism and it's expected today. And it's actively encouraged by the media and Facebook. It is legitimized by pseudo scientists of psychiatry and psychology instead of being led by Scripture and wise counsel, Many people rely on their feelings and emotions to guide them in their most important life decisions. I'm going to give you an example of this you ready marriage and probably not one of you up here married. Do I? Does it make me feel good? Feel butterflies in my stomach. Do I feel weak in the knees? Feel like I'm falling in love. What does it mean to finish the race? you must finish the job. of reading. And memorizing the word of God in your heart. The government was able to shut down shut down churches all across America You hear me the government was able to shut down churches all across America. what would happen if the government confiscated every bible and it was against the law to own one. Do you have enough word of God in in your heart that you can survive in. It has happened in history they were successful in removing it out of the government public schools are our houses next in the word of the Lord is your lamp. It's your compass We live on the outside of little area called Hilltop community. It's nothing but a bunch of woods and I mean lots for sale kind of like a retirement community has has golf club horse stables legs putt putt volleyball you name it, but I'm telling you it's woods also and houses everywhere and so my husband was fishing at the lake. he left something went to go. take it to him When I come out of there. I just thought I knew where I was going. you know it seemed right. I'm going to tell you I'm going to the end of the road and I'm like okay. I'm going to go this way. I did that. I don't know how long it was forever. So long, I started laughing at myself by myself in the van. I'm on the road I go eeny meeny miney. I felt like a man because they don't have directions to. I think they just say I know it all turn out right. I know you shouldn't come from, but I'm just saying that's what I did. I was like. okay and I was laughing and laughing, I finally had to call my husband at the length and said where am I how do I get out of here? it was that bad. Psalm 1412 says there's a way that seemed right unto a man, but the end thereof. It's a way to death. There's a way that seems right, it appears right so I got geographically disoriented and each direction seemed right to me seemed right, but I will tell you there is something far more deadly than the solace is talking about here and that that is getting spiritually disoriented and being spiritually. That's disoriented is deadly. It's like like having a spatial disorientation. Listen closely. This is where I'm just going to. Kale for a second spatial disorientation is a condition in which the pilot's perception is wrong. He thinks he's flying one way, but he's actually flying another way. a spatial disorientation expert was teaching his students and said the number one thing you pilots in training need to know so that you do not experience spatial disorientation is this number one evaluate whether conditions logically not emotionally. Oh, now that'll preach. evaluate weather conditions. logically not emotionally every storm you encounter all the clouds all the rains The hail Lightning thunder noise you make sure you evaluate it a lot. And not emotionally your feelings number two be ready pilots to fight off illusions and false solutions. Flight trainers will tell you you look at that Head indicator and it tells you you're going a certain way and you better believe it because there have been pilots who are flying upside down and they wouldn't believe it and they were flying upside down and so they felt like they had to climb. or so they thought and many of life has run right into the ground all because because of spatial disorientation you better learn to believe the instruments young ladies you better learn to. To and turning your destination parts of life, you better learn to believe the instrument and not go on your feelings. There's a way that seems right to a woman. it seems right, but it may be death and we have to learn to look in the book and say this is what God says, and I gotta listen to what God says, and I gotta do something about it. Young lady you may feel great about something okay. You may feel really good about something but you better stop and ask where does this road come out? Where does? Come out and when you don't know you better find a wise godly friend. now I just said a godly friend. I didn't say it on the internet and find some blog with some reprobate or somebody that's going to agree with you. I said you. And you better ask that friend who's lived a little longer than you have. God reveals truth to your mind and in your mind informs your will that's right. And then your will. Plays into action so that it controls your emotions and the result is God on your behavior. Let me explain that again because I want you to I want you to understand the clincher here is you gotta have the mind of Christ. Your mind God will reveal truth to your mind, God's probably revealed truth to your mind tonight, then your mind informs your will in order that it can control your emotions and the result is gone out of your behavior, but the clincher is this, You gotta have the mind of Christ. Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. So Where's God's mind. This is the man of God and the voice of God will never contradict the word of God That's the difference. The voice of God will. never contradict the word of God. so listen if you want to hear. an audible voice from God. read the Bible. Read the Bible. God's revealing truth to somebody's mind right now when you have the mind of Christ, you'll submit your will the Holy Ghost will give you power. It'll give you power to overcome and it'll control your emotions and out of God on your behavior. How do you finish the race? you fight the good fight of faith Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God ladies we stop and we ask ourselves. Where does this come out? You don't take a road just because you like it. You don't take a road just because you feel like it you ask yourself Where does this road come out at the end and let the end decide. How do you finish this race you think about the end of everything you think about the end of your marriage you think about the end of your child rearing the focus of life should be on the end young ladies you think about the end of your youth Ecclesiastes says. Remember, now thy creator in the days of thy youth You may be 15 years old, but you will soon be eighteen and you will soon be twenty and if you're. You will soon be thirty so you don't just think about where you're at right now you think about where the road you're on right now is going to lead you married woman if you stay on the road, you're on right now, Where is he going to lead you? take heed when an elder or a godly woman says. Oh, wait a minute. wait a minute watch out. I see where that road's going. That's right, Young lady when mom and dad say, Oh honey. Oh, no. no no. In it II, don't like that we're we're not going to wear that I know where that will be. We're not going to go do that. We're not going here. I've seen those that have taken that road and it leads to death. come on. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit because they didn't consider the end They stole the garment and the gold from Jericho because he didn't consider the end. Samson played the boyfriend girlfriend game wound up with his head in the lap of Delilah and then blinded and granted because he didn't consider the end so it failed against the word of the Lord because he didn't consider the end and on and on, I can remind you of those in history who did not consider the end but allow me to tell you about the roads that some. Took that started this race with me but dropped out because they didn't consider the end and I have changed their names. Tammy Ron Carlos Sam Terry Barbie Tony Samantha continue to be faithful in my home church after my pastor had retired, but after a few years, the new pastor stopped preaching separation from the world. My friends to linger there and little. Little the church was on its way out and now my home church is no longer apostolic because they didn't consider the end. of the carnal young man in our church against the wise counsel of her parents and pastor, and now he's in a battle for her life because of the spiritual struggle of a divided home because Starla didn't consider the. Ethan a UPC pastor, would listen and sympathize with this pentecostal family as they would explain away why they didn't believe certain Holiness standards anymore and separation and every holiday and family gathering even listen to them over and over again until a little Ethan changed, then gradually took the church out and finally went a different direction because he didn't consider. the end. Dalton out his young son to play with even though it wasn't against the castle. This is pastor and then in the midst of church now, his son is 3 years older and wants to play in the junior league and no longer wants to go to church at all. Dalton didn't consider the charity Joshua Don Tabitha Caitlyn and a host of others brought the city life into their home began to watch videos and shows they fabricated their persona pull away from relationships that mattered they amplify. Widespread and gossip and now Satan knows exactly what they like and Satan knows exactly what they don't like and they also did away with proper biblical reserve between men and women other than their husbands and their wives and counted divorced because they didn't consider the end. Luke accepted the higher position offered him in the company, which means Luke would have to relocate so he moved his. And relocated to a city that did not have a strong Apostolic church money. Now that no longer believe this message because Luke didn't consider the end, I know some of you are sitting out there and you know people who have done every bit of this Russell was asked to join a new singing group inside the recording contract. It was was a chance to make big in a contemporary music industry, but he would be teaming up with someone who had pulled out of the organization and no longer upheld the separation from the world. the the organizations stood for in 1989. We stood together on stage at the National Music Ministry conference in Jackson, Mississippi, and he looked me in the eye and he said, I will never give up on this one got message he went ahead and took to the road and he took that note and now at the end of his concerts, he will have you come down except the lord and you are saved. Russell did not consider the end you see there are always going to be opportunities to get you off track and get you. That's why you gotta look ahead to the future and keep your eye on the end and somebody tonight needs to stop and think about the end of their life. Life is a series of beginnings and endings, but the focus of life should be on the end. I've got the Holy Ghost when I was about 6 years old, you want to know one of the reasons why I got the Holy Ghost so young. because I thought about the end, I heard them preach about the plan of salvation, but you gotta have the Holy Ghost to go to heaven that there was a heaven that there was a hell before you can enter into the Kingdom of God You have to have a plan of salvation and you know what I didn't know. The Lord was going to come. I didn't know in the end was, but I thought to myself at a young age, I better get the Holy Ghost because I was thinking at a young age like I don't know what he's coming and when you think about the end unless you're foolish that thought right, there should put you on the road you need to be on. It's so here tonight this should put you on a new road and I'm asking everyone of you tonight if you continue on the road that you're on right now where. Be 1 year from now. years from now and if we don't hear the trumpet 20 years from now where will this road lead you that you're on right now? Where will you be when the race is finished? God help me to finish strong to the very very end. you must finish the job of reading. And memorize God's word I'll find time to do anything I make time come on. I don't find time to do anything. I make time that's right. It's 7 PM on the evening of October the twentieth 1968. a few thousand spectators remained in the Mexico City Olympic Stadium It was cool and dark and the last of the marathon runners were carried off in exhaustion to the first aid stations. more than an hour earlier, Mae of Ethiopia was powerfully moving toward the finish line. he was the winner of the grueling. Six mile 385 yard event. as the remaining spectators prepared to lead you gotta understand the race is over. everyone's gone except for a few spectators at the gate. be sitting near the marathon gates suddenly were aroused by the sound of sirens going off and policemen blowing whistles. The spectators were confused and look toward the gate and Entering the stadium. the colors of Tanzania. His name was John Stephen Ari. He was the last man to finish the marathon. His leg was bloody bandage. He grimace with each step he had severely damaged his knee in a fall he painfully hobbled around the 400 meter track. the spectators who have remained behind arose and applauded the courage of this man as if they were receiving the winner. I already painfully finished the run. Cross the finish line. he walked off the field. Turn it off to the chin. and when asked why he had not quit since his past had been so painful somebody tonight's got to hear this right now when asked why he had not quit since his past have been so painful and he had no chance of winning a medal he said. Country not send me five. 5000 miles to start a race They sent me 5000 miles to finish a race. And I'm going to tell everyone of us tonight, God did not put you in me here to start this race He put you in me here to finish this race is ginger and whatever it takes whatever we've got to do so that we finish. we've gotta do it if you gotta go home and make a list of people that started this Apostolic race and look what roads they took and if they're still running didn't do it and let it shake you let it wake you and then respond the correct. Every morning inside of the time and the love letter that God gives us and sends our way and let it causes you to take radical measures in how you spend your time. every day. Where will you be when the race is finished, you don't win by starting you win by finishing you win by finishing. You have only one decision every day. How will you use your time? Will you bow your head? I'm asking you tonight to join with me at this altar lay yourself before the lord and surrender yourself and say God not my will, but your will be done take the time and pray into your relationship with God saved you again until it engulfs you until it overtakes you until your eyes look toward heaven until you. Ears long to hear the sound of heaven until your mouth cries out for heaven. until your hand. To touch heaven, finish ladies, ladies make a declaration right now, I didn't start this race to quit. I started this race and I'm going to win but you gotta cross the finish line you gotta finish if you want to win for me to live is Christ. and to die is. Oh god. Help us tonight, Oh lord help us each and everyone. god that we would love for. Help us to love it. This is not heaven down here. Of God. You. That declaration right now God I'm going to finish well I didn't start this race to quit. I got a made up mind right now. Take your neighbor by the hand and say I'm going to finish. I'm going to finish Lord help us to finish. Out to God and ask him to. Let me finish I'm going to finish this. God to the very end. Don't get distracted Don't get distracted. I've come to tell you the lord is fixing to come back. That It doesn't matter if husband wife children, I'm going to make heaven. I'm going to make heaven. You. You know when. you win by finishing. You. That Everybody who crosses the finish line is a winner. Yeah. yeah. I'm going to finish this race. Would you lift your hands toward heaven? sing this song? That Don't get distracted. Don't you call don't get. For the glory of his name. You there. all across this building would you? Take your neighbor's hand and lift it up. everybody. Of your heart.
Channel: Rob n Shara McKee
Views: 9,782
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Id: s2Ppi0bYcq0
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Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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