Holy Spirit Conference LIVE + BIG Announcement - David Diga Hernandez

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so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] so hello hello welcome welcome come on come on just begin to praise him right now it's why we gather here tonight you know god is so good that he brought us together in this place can we right now together exalt his name can you lift your hands with me can you join me in worship as we sing to him and those watching at home from all around the world wherever you're watching we're going to lift your hands right now we're going to praise the king of kings in this oh we moment you lord oh we love you guys oh we can clap in this place but we keep it going keep it going [Music] [Music] i invite you guys to see it if it's an awesome song it goes like this i search the world but it couldn't fail me [Music] oh man's [Music] [Music] and put me back together and every desire now satisfies [Music] nothing is better than you always say together [Music] is [Music] seen them all and you still call me friend cause the car the god of the mountain is the god is the card of the valley and there's not a place your mercy and grace won't find me again we say oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing better than you lord there's nothing nothing is better than [Music] is oh we know he's good in this house [Music] [Music] you turn shame into glory [Music] [Music] you turn [Music] you're the only [Music] you're the only one who cares we know you can do it lord you're the only one you're the only one i can turn my morning into dancing turn my shame into glory so we gather for you lord oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing better than you lord there's nothing nothing is better than you we sing a kid oh there's nothing better than you lord there's nothing better than you there's nothing nothing is better [Music] better than you or there's nothing nothing is better than you you turn crazy we say you turn crazy [Music] you're the only one [Music] you turn crazy you're the only one you're the only one who cares yes he is oh can you praise him tonight god you're so good to us you're so good to us it's why we gather understanding that he loves you [Music] lord we thank you [Music] or we thank you father for just allowing us to gather in your name just take a moment take a moment you're so faithful god [Music] oh only you can do god praise god [Music] walking around these walls i thought by now they [Music] [Applause] we are here lord waiting we sing together [Music] oh can you join us tonight as we sing this together the promise still stands great [Music] we believe this [Music] my heart my heart will sing your praising jesus you're still enough you're still enough lord we say jesus you're still keep me within your love my heart will seek your praise again [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] is a song about faith do you believe it [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight [Music] where there was [Music] and i believe i believe [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] r [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we were [Applause] to be friends [Music] with [Music] [Applause] we were [Music] we give you [Applause] [Music] we worship you are you we just sing that again [Music] we worship you we say [Music] you you're so worthy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me just the voices can you sing that day [Music] uh we give you [Music] [Music] foreign you are worthy of it [Music] to your own things [Music] you are worthy you are worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes you are you are worthy [Music] [Music] for you deserve foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is can we join together [Music] well [Music] oh lift your hands and tell them church [Music] wigs hands lifted voices lifted wigs [Music] exalt your name lord in this place [Music] oh [Music] we with every voice make your presence from the depths of our spirit we cry [Music] this [Music] oh [Music] so father tonight we've come to magnify and uplift that name which is above every name at that name every knee shall bow at that name every sickness shall flee at that name every demon in hell shall tremble it's the name highly exalted above every other name for there is no name under heaven given amongst men whereby we must be saved there's no other name that heals the sick there's no other name in whom there is salvation we've come to magnify and uplift the mighty and the matchless name of jesus the son of the living god and so tonight lord we glorify that name we love that name we praise that name can we just say his name in this place just say jesus now give the lord a hand of praise tonight come on church shout unto god with the voice of triumph for we are victorious in him shout unto god with the voice of praise for we are victorious in him in the storms we are victorious in the chaos we are victorious in the confusion and the uncertainty we are victorious in the nations we are victorious in this earth we are victorious for it doesn't matter what we're facing out there we exalt the name of jesus high above every circumstance high above every trouble and we soar to new heights in the spirit as we shout to god in praise and faith knowing that the battle is won if you love jesus just shout unto god one more time [Applause] now turn to somebody next to you and say something good is going to happen to you something good is going to happen to you [Music] you may be seated in this place this evening and i also want to welcome those of you watching online all over the world god bless you and we welcome you to the first annual holy spirit conference here in sunny southern california god bless you all of you joining us around the world we love you and we're gonna as i said continue to do events all around the world but here i believe god god's given us something very special here in this region now i understand they're still looking for seats if you have a seat available next to you i believe they've already begun to go into the overflow and tonight if you made it into the building thank god i saw some of you lined up all down the street there's spiritual hunger here in this region there's spiritual hunger here in this region so i want to give a brief overview of what this conference is what you can expect this weekend and then i'm going to make before i begin preaching my sermon i'm going to make a big announcement here at the holy spirit conference live with everybody watching online we have some big news for the ministry and it's going to be something that is expansive something that is timely and something that i believe is going to result in multiplied people coming to jesus so this weekend we have tremendous speakers i'm blessed that i even get to be sharing the platform with these wonderful men of god we have joining us tomorrow morning at 10 a.m for the 10 a.m session it's going to be here at this location it'll also be live online but i highly recommend you get here at the 10 a.m session we have my good friend from hungry generation all the way up there in pasco washington pastor vladimir sobchook will be joining us tomorrow morning he's here tonight i'm gonna have you in a little bit i'm gonna have you come up and say a couple words um but uh and then tomorrow night uh we have with us a wonderful man of god pastor benny hinn will be joining us tomorrow night and we love him and we honor that man he is a mighty man of god and we we we love him as a father in the faith and we're so blessed that he's going to be here tomorrow night he called me the day he's he's here in california now and he's just making his arrangements for tomorrow where he'll be joining us in the evening so i really recommend i was telling pastor vlad i mean this is this is great the lion and everything but but you need to make sure to get here especially early tomorrow night okay because because uh at any time pastor benny ministers if you're early you're already late so you have to make sure to get here extra early okay um so that's that's going to be the conference schedule i'll be ministering the word tonight and i'm also as i said going to be making that announcement but before i do i do want to honor and invite to the platform my friend pastor vlad seljuk just to greet you guys say a few words come my friend can we stand and honor this man of god pastor vlad this is a this is a joy to have you now you may be seated this is this is this that you're looking at someone here tonight who's the only one who can get me to go out of my way to drink coffee with him so he's he's you got me on coffee and all that and i say like it's a you know a substance you got me on coffee he got me on coffee but this is a mighty man of god a dear friend of mine um just i i i can't i can go on and on about you but um i would like you just to kind of address everyone say a few words i couldn't just have you sitting there tonight you know if you're in the room i have to have you say something and uh and then also tell them please we have some of the brochures i believe in the lobby on some of the tables there talk a little bit about also the internship program that you guys have over there in washington it's a powerful internship program and you online watching listen you hear here i'm telling you you've got to hear this so pastor vlad please greet us thank you thank you thank you thank you david i'm honored to be here even though i'm not uh speaking tonight but for me it's a privilege to be with you david and also it's a privilege to be at the launch of something that's going to be happening every year the holy spirit conference amen david is so kind he actually asked me if he could use the word holy spirit conference because we had it for a few years and so we discontinued that because of other conferences and so i was like david we don't own the holy spirit but he's very very respectful i'm really honored to be here i'm also here with my wife and so i'm really just blessed to be in this wonderful atmosphere i know the holy spirit is going to do some wonderful things in the next day and a half and next two days and those of you who came here just come with an expectation that god is going to meet you at the point of your need and there's over 2 000 of you just on youtube watching also believe that the same power that is moving here is going to touch you there amen there's a story of the old testament when moses called up the judges to receive his mantle and two of them didn't make it to the meeting i'm not sure if there was not enough seats i'm not sure it was the coveted restrictions i have no idea what their reason was but they couldn't make it so as we have about 2 000 people moses had about two they couldn't make it and the interesting part is the same mantle that fell on those present fell on those who were watching live well they were not watching live but they were at the distance so those of you at the distance remember this this is not a barrier for the holy spirit distance is not a barrier for the holy spirit go ahead and type that in the comment below because that involves you that includes you and the holy spirit is going to use this ministry and this conference to mark you for his kingdom amen amen amen and so um it's about six years ago the lord placed upon my upon my heart and my pastor's heart to start a ministry equipping short if i could say program but it's not a program i hate the word program um an internship to equip the young people i started in the youth ministry at the age of 16. i became a youth pastor at the age of 16 at the age of 13 was when i first preached so i believe that it's young people are never too young not just only to experience god but to be used by god so my uncle my pastor he instilled that into me at a very young age i mean i was stealing on saturday from a goodwill and i got caught that was the only the only time i stole it was the only time i got caught i never stole after that because i got caught it was the grace of god six months into the united states i didn't even speak english and the next day i preached the church and i told my uncle my pastor it was a very small church just few families i said i am i deserve to be crucified next to jesus i'm a thief he's like oh no you're gonna preach i'm like i'm gonna die out of guilt he says yeah you'll never you'll never steal after that i never stole after that so my pastor he had that for me and i really felt you know when i turned about 28 or something that now it's time to start raising and developing other young people and so we opened it up with just one internship now it's three inches ships a year so for the spring it's for the discipleship for the summer is just for the teenagers for the teens so parents if you've got teens you want to get rid of for two months you can ship them ups fedex whichever way we want we'll take them or those of you watching online half of those teenagers david come not even believing in god but they come from christian homes you could see right away the resistance because parents push them some of them it's a punishment so we could see they one kid i remember came in and he called his mom right away they said they are beating me he didn't even arrive to the church yet he said they are beating me come and take me because he did not want to do nothing with the lord and within one week he was begging his parents his grandparents and everybody to move to trey cities because the lord encountered him so and then the the fall program is for the ministry and so if the lord places upon your heart it's only three months and the teens is two months and and the reason being for that when apostle paul was on the way to rome he had a shipwreck and then he spent about two months rebuilding a fire while somebody else built his ship and then there is where he shook the snake into the fire and there is where the lord used the very hands that were delivered from the snake to deliver others from their sickness and i really believe that that short period of time where it's not your destination but it's like a gas station you get delivered you get healed you get empowered you know that your hands can be used by god and then you go back on your way to your career into your calling and so that's just my encouragement to those of you who will feel uh led in your heart before you go to university and switch your major four or five times you know take a year seek the lord let him establish you so then you can make the decision one time but do it the right way amen i think it's my time to come to an end [Applause] that's one of the unique factors in the holy spirit there are no real time limits so um no they weren't did you want to say more they weren't it was a it was a technical glitch i think you went underwater there for a second okay i thought that was me i was like am i passing out or something my friend can we can we hear it for our dear friend pastor vlad so if you'd like more information on that internship program um i highly recommend it as he mentioned there's two different kinds one is kind of like a basically a base level where someone really needs deliverance and they're they need that that extra push that deliverance and you can send them to that one and then they have one that's more specifically geared toward ministry training if i understand it correctly and you can find all the information for that internship program i highly recommend it i went i was able to teach at that's something you didn't even mention you have many different people coming in and teaching the interns so i was able to go in i sat with a little classroom like maybe 30 or 40 of them and i was able just to teach one-on-one with them i was able to answer their questions on the holy spirit and he brings a lot of men and women of god in to do that so we really do recommend that that's a great internship program as he said before you send them to university i say before you send them to cemetery make sure you at least make sure you get them grounded in that that was a joke guys it was a joke okay well i do want to mention a few things here as i said i'm going to make an announcement but i want to make sure i'm framing this properly so there's no misunderstanding of the next moves that the holy spirit is making through this ministry can we get my face off the screens please is that possible thank you if i had a picture of the holy spirit i would put him on the screens but anyway so many of you here know what the ministry is about and what we do and many of the efforts that we put forth in trying to build believers make disciples and win the lost and you've followed the ministry some of you for years some of you this is the first time you ever heard about it you heard pastor vlad is going to be there so you came on down to the conference or maybe you heard pastor benny hen was coming so you came down to the conference that's wonderful for whatever reason you came here you're here now you're watching now and god brought it together but our ministry believes in being laser focused on just doing a few things with excellence rather than doing many things with mediocrity and so we never want to get away from the vision so i'll say it right now no i am not starting a church that's something some people say what are you going to start a church like they think it's the evangelist and the next level is the pastor like no i'm an evangelist that's what god has called me to do and so i'm focusing in on the call and what the ministry does is spread the gospel through things like media through live streams to the events like the holy spirit conference and the various miracle services that we do around the world we added to that the holy spirit school which isn't how many are students at the holy spirit school by the way many of you how many of you guys take those courses just wave at me if you take in the so we have several of you here and i'm sure many of you watching online who've taken the holy spirit courses the holy spirit school is a free bible training program it's basically bible school with no fees and we allow people to come in because many times i would get messages from people saying pastor david do you have any materials we can't afford school but we would love to read the books we don't have the money for it but we would love to just watch the videos even if we don't get to participate as students and something just didn't sit right with me in regards to that i don't think you should put a paywall in front of the gospel this is why [Applause] [Music] this is why our conferences are free this is why we release the media for free this is why we do the holy spirit school for free this is why we do the live streams for free yes it costs resources but i believe in a one-word strategy it's quite simple faith faith that's how the early church built the ministries that god gave to them so god's blessed this ministry we we see millions literally millions of people are being reached through the media that's coming out through facebook and youtube and the app that we have and we're on apple tv roku all of the different top box television sets we do live streams on a regular basis and those live streams reach thousands of people our events are hosted all around the world we went to an island in pompeii and when we arrived there they said you're the first one in the island's history to ever do an island-wide miracle service in all of the history of the island and i asked them why that was remember you were there steve we asked why does nobody come to the island he says well nobody comes to the island because there's no money to support the infrastructure of the event now ministries of course have bills to pay and so sometimes they would say well they can't do registration here because they wouldn't make up the cost so because of our monthly partners we were able to go to that island and say don't worry about the cost we're coming and we saw over 500 people saved on that island that weekend [Music] of course the glory belongs to god when you do god's will god's way god provides it and i think of also the holy spirit school there was a man by the name of ellen some of you saw him on my social media feeds he messaged me saying i don't know if you'll ever see this message but i wanted you to know i took my course and he showed me his certificate that he printed for me to see and he said here's the issue he says i didn't have internet so i had to take the course intermittently every time we had internet for a few minutes i would watch a video for a few minutes guys there's like 12 videos that are an hour long each the tests also require the internet this guy would go to coffee shops he would go to hot spots he would find mobile devices to complete the entire 12-hour course print up his certificate he had to go and pay to get that printed and so he told me everything here it's wonderful that the school is freezes but the internet is not free we have to pay for the internet and so once again our ministry partners came together and we built an internet cafe there in zimbabwe and now there's a location there [Music] with internet computers a printing section they they even have their t-shirts and their hats for the graduates it's awesome and if you go on my instagram you can actually see you scroll down but you'll see the students who graduated and and they can because they can't have access to printers we bought printers so we can print their certificates for them and give it to them on the spot after they complete the courses that's another one of the ways that the holy spirit has been moving through this ministry so the media the live streams the events that we do around the world the holy spirit school it's all a wonderful wonderful thing that god is doing and we are just getting more focused we spread the gospel all around the world in the power of the holy spirit through events and media that's what our ministry does and we're not going to veer from that what i'm going to talk to you about tonight is an expansion of that it's an expansion of what's happening in this ministry this expansion of what god has called us to do a laser focus i've had people call me to this and call me to that and come do this and come do that and we've had to stay focused on what god has given us to do so i want to make this very clear first i'm going to announce that at least for the next two years i talked to reuben about this where's reuben so for the next two years that's for this year and then the rest of 2022 we are going to continue to hold monthly services in southern california [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're going to continue to hold monthly services in southern california now that's not the announcement but i need to say that because i have to be very clear here that this is not a transition this is an expansion so some would say well what about california i'm telling you right now california we're going to continue to do monthly events we're going to continue to hold events here in california even the holy spirit conference and we're not going to stop because we believe this is a special place god has assigned to us and we've been god's given us revival here so i'm going to need you to help me with this because people online don't pay attention to anything all they're going to hear is the next amount announcement and then they're going to just they're going to spread what they think is their own idea of what i said so let me be very clear california is a focal point for this ministry so this is the california is a focal point for this man and that's not going to change okay you hear me very clearly this is not a transition this is an expansion like in a war you set up various fortresses to take more ground our ministry is going to begin construction and the project fundraising to build a second television broadcast studio in austin texas so now i have to be clear on why this is important there are seven reasons why we're continuing with this number one we want to win more souls this new facility that we're going to build is going to be state of the art like solomon's temple we're going to put all we have into this thing to be clear we're keeping the southern california studio do you remember how tbn had various or has various stations all over the world we're going to do somewhat of the same model except internet based so that we stay more lean so we're going to do one in southern california we have it already we're not losing that foothold we're going to continue to do monthly events in southern california we're going to expand and build a second location in austin texas the 10-year plan is to do another one in orlando and somewhere in the northeast and then after that who knows the lord might lead us to do international television broadcast studios now the reason for this is i'll explain number one to win more souls the greater your media reach the more eyes and ears you get in front of the more eyes and ears you get in front of the more people who are converted by the gospel message we want to build more believers discipleship is key to growth in anyone's spiritual life which is why we put out teaching as constantly as we do we've had people tell us that they started as a new convert and now they're in ministry today all from just watching encounter tv from when they first got saved do you realize there are evangelistic ministries that exist today because there were people who grew up as they were it i don't feel that i'm only 31. i shouldn't they should no one should be telling me that but they they transitioned maybe from their early teen years into early adulthood so they worded as grew up but they said they grew up watching encounter tv and they started in the ministry because they were inspired by watching encounter tv there are they're all over the world like that we also want to reap the end time harvest the clock is ticking church the clock is ticking i wouldn't be surprised if we heard the trumpet right now and the sky split wide open i was i was in the back checking out the online broadcast before we we began and as the countdown was going and people were getting excited for the beginning of the service someone commented on youtube imagine what it's going to be like when we see jesus coming the anticipation the joy but we have to be ready for it i don't want to get to heaven and find there was more i could have done on earth when i get to heaven i want to be able to say lord i did everything i could to win souls so it's to reap the end time harvest number four we want to impact the next generation the youth by communicating through modern means we reach the modern generation and let me tell you something there's a very wicked agenda right now to corrupt the minds of youth and young adults the way you combat that is by taking the gospel into the dark places and the way you take the gospel into the dark places is through media digital media is the future of evangelism we also want to establish kingdom dominion this is not just another studio as i said this is a spiritual fortress it's time that the church reclaims media [Music] i don't know about you but i'm done reacting to what the world does it's time to get ahead of the game and this is why we're doing this it's time to expand with leaner operations greater use of technology more creative ministry and we are going to go after the soul of the next generation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] number six we want to empower ministries there are ministries around the world who use our editors and our directors and our graphics designers we have ministries flying in the leader of the ministry will take their whole staff in and they'll come and they'll receive a tour of the entire studio and our our team gives them everything we show them how we create our content schedule we show them how we code our apps we show them how we reach millions of people with hundreds of dollars and we show them how we play the algorithm and how we work to be creative to catch their attention and we're helping to equip other ministries this new studio project we're going to have a couple of sets on there that we're going to be able to allow other ministries in the region to be able to come and use that we might platform other ministries and we're going to continue to do that in california as well so the more regions we go to the more ministries will be allowed to be platformed think about it if you live in florida you can't come to california every week to tape your program if you live in texas you can't come to california to tape your program every week you have to have something local and by localizing our studios we're going to be allowing others to come on there are programs that you watch you don't even realize i guarantee if i said some names you don't even realize they were shot at encounter tv studios that our editors put those programs together that our people helped design their websites and the way that works is kingdom connection we are not about competition we are about connection and we have to stop playing that game there's a world that's dying and going to hell it's time to stop with the competition we're all on the same team number seven the reason why so we want to win souls we want to build believers we want to reap that end time harvest we want to impact the next generation we want to establish kingdom dominion the nation belongs to the church don't forget it we want to empower other ministries to be able to maximize their impact and multiply their reach and number seven we want to defeat demonic big tech censorship that is why in addition to this brand new studio that we're constructing we are going to be releasing our very own i'm talking on servers on operations we're going to be establishing our own video platform within the next two years [Applause] we're going to establish our own video platform that we're gonna allow other ministries to begin to use and we will not censor the gospel we will not silence the church when they try to make a move against us they can't kick us off what they don't own and when we have dominion in that way and when we apply the wisdom of the spirit in that way we will come against every force of darkness and they won't be able to stop the gospel i'm serious it's time to stop worrying stop complaining and start innovating church of the living god you have the holy spirit in you you have the fire of god within you it's time to begin to build the spirit-filled are the most innovative the spirit-filled are the most imaginative creation is god's business it's time we do it so we must let our frustration become action and it's time to stop reacting and begin creating so to recap we're continuing southern california don't and if you see a comet they're leaving to texas don't let them say that say no they're going to continue doing things in california this is not a transition this is an expansion and so we're going to build this new studio and it's going to be bigger and better than anything we've ever built before and we're going to build this new tech platform and we're going to need to invest a lot in our own servers in our own technology in our own codes in our own software and we're bringing some of the greatest minds in the kingdom of god together to come against this assault on the church and i'm telling you god will use this and this will be the future of evangelism so i have a two-fold challenge for you tonight by the way for those of you who are here if you're interested in knowing more about the project we put together a magazine that details everything and they're in the lobby they're free just pick one up don't take one just to look like if you really are interested in getting involved we're calling on creatives we're calling on donors we're calling on the minds in the tech industry we need to gather now those you watching online connect with our ministry we're pooling our resources as the kingdom of god and we're going to build a heavenly platform for heavenly purposes now my challenge to you tonight is twofold we have big support as the ministry continues to grow i i'm overwhelmed whenever isaiah our cfo every month he sends me a report and says here's what we did this month and i look at what we do on a monthly basis and in the beginning of the ministry i remember we couldn't even do that in five years and i'm looking at what's coming in month after month the people are getting behind this the people are starting to see some momentum is behind this ministry and we need more hands on deck we need to come together because together we can do more than we could ever do alone together we are the church of god and as we rally together we're joining hands and linking hearts with thousands of believers all around the world who see the potential behind what we're doing they're tired of what's happening out there and they're tired of feeling helpless and hopeless and powerless and they want to join in on something that's bigger than themselves it's bigger than me it's bigger than you this is god's agenda for evangelism in this century and it's time we rally behind it and so my challenge to you is twofold tonight one i need you to go by the way you you got these little flyers on your seats and you can use your qr code if you don't have it um help the people out here you watching online tim put up that link the hsc one you're gonna go there right now you're gonna need to meet that's not the goal for the studio the cost for the infrastructure has to be built and the new studio is going to be enough to accommodate ministries from all over the region now that is a lot of money but it isn't it's a lot in the sense that none of us have it all at once if you do nothing's impossible with god but we really have used our in-house staff and we've really done i believe an effective job of stewarding the resources but that's the cost of the conference now what i need you to do is number one i need you to give i need you to give right now by going to david hernandez.com hsc and then i need you to scroll down a little bit and i need you to sign up to our emailing list if you're already getting emails from us you don't need to do that but the reason i need you on the emailing list is because the day is coming where we're no longer going to be allowed to preach the gospel on facebook or on youtube or on any of these platforms because they're going to label it as hate speech they're going to label it as hate speech they can call it hate speech all they want but i would rather offend someone into heaven than comfort them into hell i'd rather tell them a july that comforts them and keeps them bound so i need you to sign up to the emailing so do two things here's my challenge to you those you watching and those of you sitting here you can do both on the same page you can give right there a gift we need to cover that 80 000 for the conference and i need you to sign up so we can send you information next week i'm going to be sending this out in a digital format to our mass emailing list but i need you on that emailing list you want to join with us get on that emailing list there's a that we are rallying behind us this ministry is gaining momentum and we need you to stand with us if you believe that it's time to build something for the church to have on its own now whatever comes in over our goal for this conference is going to begin to go toward the new studio that we're building so we need you to do it today go right now david hernandezministries.com hsc you can actually track the progress as the people begin to give you can refresh it so what i want to do is let's get some envelopes over here i'm going to get the offering out of the way tonight so we can just free flow for the rest of the service i'm going to have the ushers if you don't want to give on your phone if you want to write a check instead you can write a check or give by cash to the envelopes but the debit card option is going to be that right there on your phone but i need you to sew and support those of you watching online i'm seeing names coming in from all around the world thank you kenya and thank you angel and thank you charmaine and thank their they are coming in fast christopher and desiree and carol and dynamite and michelle all of these gifts are coming in and we know it's because the people believe but in what we're doing they believe in the gospel so this is that something you can do we just reached over ten thousand right now as we stood here church and we're on our way to 80 000. it's coming in you can see it update live yeah you can give the lord a hand of praise and remember whatever comes in over the goal whatever comes in over the goal that's going to go straight into the holy spirit not the holy spirit so it's going to go straight into this new studio project which you'll be hearing about so again my challenge to you tonight is twofold go to davidhernandezministries.com hsc when you go there you're going to give a gift and then you're going to sign up to our emailing list and join our army so we can be in touch with you now we don't charge registration for these conferences and there are some people in here who will not be able to give anything and we are glad you're here we welcome you but what i need you to consider people of god is that though you may be able to give a little something someone in your row might not be able to give something so we need to come together give for that person in your row also who can't support who can't do something but with all their heart they want to and as we the people of god come together this will make the difference the support behind it just went over 11 000 the support behind this ministry has been tremendous and it's been great we're talking figures that some of you would just make your head spin and it made my head spin and to have to have the face to raise that every month is making my head spin but as we've had great support we now need even greater support we need people to just lavish the lord in your giving and it's to him it's to his work think of all he's done for you think of all the wonderful ways he's been there for you and your family and your marriage and your health he's never held back from you don't hold back from him this is his work this is his mission this is for souls this is that we might win souls disciple believers reap the end time harvest impact the next generation establish kingdom dominion empower other ministries and defeat this demonic big tech censorship here's what you can do right here right now it's just went up over well over 13 000 church it's climbing fast so continue to give and support and you can actually refresh it and see it i'm telling you within seconds this thousands and thousands coming in from all around the world be a part of this because we're gonna meet this goal we i just went over fourteen thousand we're gonna meet this goal and then we're gonna put this toward the resources of the ministry whatever comes in over we're gonna put right toward this next project there are business people in here you can do something large we've had people come to the meetings and just do tremendous tremendous gifts that took care of the event and then another one we need you to do this for the lord we need you to do this for a generation we need you to do this for the future of evangelism depends upon how we obey the holy spirit so as you're giving you can fill out your envelope if you like again envelope is for cash and checks and then if you want to give online you can give with your debit card just went over 15 000 church you guys are supporting big time thank you for all of you giving online to i can see your names nettie and swarut and joyce and and it's coming in so fast i can't even catch up tom and sandy and norma so do what you can if everyone in the room did about 50 to 100 we'd meet the need if everyone in the building including those online that would take us over so as you're preparing your gift remember if you're writing with an envelope make sure to write neatly you can put your email address on the envelope and be a part of what god is doing this is the future guys how many are excited about what god is going to do through this so again if they say oh the ministry left the texas no we didn't we expanded the text we're keeping operations here too okay this is a global ministry we can go all over i'm gonna be ministering the word in a little bit how many need just another minute or two with your envelope let me just wave at me okay i know it's a little dark in here i got i it's very bright on stage i think they have to leave it that way so i can hardly see anybody but if you need just some time i'm going to give you a minute or two there and thank you to natalie and deborah and lucas and zoe and judy and angela and robert and another catherine and dorian angela we so appreciate your support from around the world [Music] now if you need just another minute again wave at me or why don't you shout at me if you need time with the envelope was that a sheep [Music] i sounded like a sheep the sheep is sewing thank you i'm going to minister a word tonight on how to receive impartation and the mantle that god has for this time and day god bless you guys all of you all over the world i can't tell you how thankful i am uh for you so i'll just give these to uh here uh sure i'll hand this to you you can uh you guys can take a look at that and by the way those are in the lobby if you'd like to get involved with that okay i'm gonna finish up here because we need to get things going those of you who've been filling out the envelope i'm sure you've had enough time now can we just lift our hands to heaven please father in the name of jesus lord i lift every knee to you now lord as we've begun to partner together in the gospel i pray that you would touch each one who's sowing lord meet their every need and prosper and bless them not so lord that they can consume it upon their lusts but lord that they might be a blessing to others give us the resources to expand your kingdom give us the resources to feed the hungry to clothe the naked to care for the orphan and the widow [Music] father i thank you you're performing a miracle there are some of you in this room right now you're believing for breakthrough in your ministry father i thank you that you're sending breakthrough the divine dreams that you've placed in our hearts you're going to cause to come to pass we thank you and we love you lord give our ministry the wisdom to stretch every dollar to maximum efficiency give our ministry the wisdom to stretch every dollar to win as many souls as possible for highest impact and let us reap a harvest of souls together in the name of jesus and the church said amen the baskets or the buckets are going to go i'm i grew up charismatic pentecostal church so i say baskets the baskets are gonna go the buckets are gonna go and i'm gonna minister a word tonight can't we just give the lord a hand of praise for what he's doing preparing my bible app thank you again for those of you who are supporting this ministry i don't take it lightly i don't take it for granted i know many of you in these times it's it's somewhat of a struggle but um we we honor you and we we thank you for your faith and we don't take it for granted here in the ministry so as those buckets pass i want you to get your bibles out and we're going to go looking at various other verses all throughout it's going to be quite a bit of jumping around but i want to talk to you tonight about how to receive impartation how to receive impartation the theme of this conference is mantles and i believe there are people sitting in this room there are people watching online who are going to be marked by heaven in a way that will forever transform their lives i believe sitting in this room are future prophets future evangelists future pastors future teachers future apostles and i believe that sitting in this room are ministers of the gospel about to receive a greater mentor and as we believe and we gather in faith i know that as the word goes forward lives will be transformed the mantle that god has to impart to you is for a purpose is for a generation it's for a life to be touched you you can ignore the devils guys i'm talking the word of god pray for him as he goes father touch that man in the name of jesus fill him with the spirit of god i pray lord let the anointing of god touch him in the name of jesus and the people said you know there's nothing like a good demonic manifestation to get the service started off right okay where are we yes mantles mantels to drive out devils mantles to heal the sick mantels to preach the gospel the anointing is the power of god the anointing is god's ability in you the mantle is the assignment and the authority i'll give you an example i'm an evangelist and the bible says that we should think of ourselves soberly think of ourselves realistically so though i am an evangelist i do not imagine that i have the mantle of billy graham you may say to be kind brother david you could let's just just for a moment please let's think about this okay let alone do i want that kind of a mantle the responsibility that would come with it but think about this the mantle is the assignment and the authority so as an evangelist i'm called to preach the gospel my mantle that goddess well his mantle that he placed on me is specifically in an area of grace to help believers walk in closer fellowship with the holy spirit it's to win souls primarily here in the united states though we have services all around the world it's a mantle for media it's a mantle for events it's a mantle for live streams that's a mental there are some evangelists who have a mantle for the streets a mantle for the feeding programs a mantle for the mission field and all of them in god's sight are equal all mantles are equal in that they are needed but not all mantles are equal in responsibility i'll give you another example i know many anointed prophets of god some of the most i'm talking when they talk you feel the room shift but there was nothing still to this day i've been in many servers i've heard many prophets to this day i cannot find anyone and this is not an you know a criticism i believe it's something to aspire to there's no comparison for kim clement i'm telling you i haven't seen it yet i think that could be coming but i remember the the day i first saw him minister i was in the service when that man got on the keys it was like a wind blew through the room and as he begins to play my knees started trembling i i felt a pressing weight you know like like like almost like smoke in the room where you can't really see or you feel almost like you're gonna choke on it it's so thick it was almost uncomfortable it was so thick now that is a mantle i know many prophets but only one that i've known them to carry that kind of mantle at least in modern times a mantle is an assignment a mantle is authority i could have a mantle for local evangelism i could have a mantle for national evangelism i could have a manta for international evangelism and international mantles that doesn't mean that if you look at my schedule there's other nations on there that means that when i visit a nation the nation shifts you talk about shifting nations think of billy graham he would go into regions filled with racism and hatred and various kinds of evils share the gospel and there would be a shift in the atmosphere in that nation he would go behind the walls of communism he would go into some of the most oppressed parts of the world and when he would speak things would shift that's a mantle all of us have an anointing all of us have a mantle now impartation is the spiritual transfer that takes place between believers knowledge can be imparted power can be imparted mantles can be imparted think of elijah and elisha when he saw his master being taken up into heaven what did he cry he cried out for a nation cried out for israel he realized the mantle he was receiving was an assignment to a nation think of moses and joshua an assignment to a nation jesus and the disciples an assignment to regions to the nations to the world david and saul paul and timothy for every historic moment there is a heavenly mantle and in our day god is searching the earth for someone upon whom he can place a heavenly mantle an assignment the authority to carry out that assignment the anointing to carry out that assignment these troubled times call not for another politician these troubled times call not for another rallying cry these troubled times call not for another cause or another charity these troubled times call for anointed people of god filled with the holy spirit [Applause] a generation hear me now please a generation is waiting on you to catch your mantle a people is waiting on you to catch your mantle when god elevates a man or a woman he never elevates that man or woman with the intention of elevating them for the sake of themselves when god calls you it's not about your call when god puts you in ministry it's not about your ministry when god anoints you it's not about your anointing when he gives you it's not about your gifting when god elevates you it's about elevating his word [Applause] and when god brings promotion it's time to increase your devotion you can turn your neighbors say you can tweet that when god brings promotion it's time to increase your devotion you cannot survive on praying 15 minutes a day you cannot survive on reading the verse of the day when god elevates you to new levels it's time to increase your devotion the longer i'm in ministry the less i do in ministry and the more i do in praying as the mantle increases as the assignment increases so does the pressure and the weight of everything behind it and if i am not strengthening myself inwardly i will be crushed outwardly [Applause] so number one the first key the first key to receiving an impartation whether that be knowledge whether that be the anointing any type of spiritual transfer the first key number one time with the lord now this is so very basic it may almost sound like it shouldn't be a point in a conference as if everyone should know it whereas we all know it intellectually i don't think we've come to appreciate it in fullness with jesus is the first key to impartation first john 2 27 says but you have received the holy spirit and he lives within you so you don't need anyone to teach you what is true for the spirit teaches you everything you need to know and what he teaches is true it is not a lie so just as he has taught you remain in fellowship with him there's an anointing that we've received and he teaches us now this of course is not saying that we don't need to be taught the words some people have misunderstood this why would god say you don't need to be taught and then say in ephesians 4 11 i've given you teachers this is not saying we don't need to be taught the word this is not saying we don't need to be taught the the fundamentals of the faith or the scripture if you look at this verse in context it's saying that the anointing that you have received causes you to know that you are saved to know that you belong to him it's an inner witness of salvation but that is the first and foremost key to receiving impartation from the lord when i when i first began in ministry it was in my school now i grew up and attended a private baptist school and attended a pentecostal church and now you know why i am the way i am whenever i tell people that they go that makes so much sense now but you know that's where it began i can still remember it was one of the church services where the youth pastor's name is his name is eddie vargas he was he was running around because he was the worship leader at our church and i guess that the person who was supposed to flip the lyrics you know okay how many of you remember overhead projectors okay good an overhead project my friend david's going you know okay an overhead projector was was a projector that sent an image overhead right so it had there was a big box of light you would put a transparent piece of paper on it some of you're looking at me like huh why didn't they just use a projector listen they would put a they would put a transparent piece of paper on it and it would have the writing on it and that would project and then the magnifier would put it on the wall and so i guess whoever was supposed to do the overhead projector had bailed and so i see pastor eddie he's looking around he's running to the fellowship hall and i'm standing there with a couple of my friends he goes hey i need a favor my one friend on the left went that way and my one friend on the right went that way and i was left standing there he said i need you to do the overhead projector i said i i was so nervous because i thought what if i mess it up and i was i was very nervous about it but i didn't realize that the day i began working that overhead projector was the day i began my journey in ministry [Applause] you cannot have your pulpit until until you unless you've had your projector everyone needs their projector if i didn't man that projector i i watched and i and i remember that as i look back i think of the the how that moment led to everything that's happening today i wouldn't be standing here in front of you we would not be having the holy spirit conference had i like my friends ran away now it began there and i remember i would come to service and i got i was so like i took pride in what i did that overhead projector never had dust on it all of the songs were in alphabetical order i had a power chord that was the the wires weren't all uh you know all chaotic i had i had wrapped the wires around so that it had a perfectly clean look and i would plug it in i even got fancy and started putting tissue boxes because it was right by the altar and people would use the tissue from my cart when they started to cry not only that i would go to the worship practices so i can start knowing the song and understanding their little hand signal so i knew when the bridge was coming so that when i would flip the song it was right there at the right time and man i i wouldn't let anyone touch my my my cart i thought man they should get me to do all the big services with my project i should be the projector guy [Applause] but you know you you you you go from there because i had the man the projector i had to be in the front of the church i had to be in the services and i got to hear anointed men and women of god because i was in the front row i got a lot of prophetic words because i because i was in the front row i got i mean i'm telling you it all led up to one day i went to my youth pastor the same one and this was years later i said i said i i couldn't because i couldn't sleep i was having trouble sleeping because the lord was telling me i want you to preach i want you to preach i want you to preach and i was just i was no i was like no not because i didn't want to do it i did part of me did but i was scared and i remember i went up to him so it's a wednesday night i said i feel like god's calling me to preach and i said now i know you got to think he goes okay you're on next thursday when i when i asked later as to why i was allowed to preach i mean because that thursday the very next thursday the power of god moved this sermon was not very good it was my first one a simple three-point sermon on king david and it wasn't it wasn't the best sermon they had ever heard but the holy spirit went with me and he moved in the service then there was a youth pastor there who happened to be there and he said i want you to come preach for my youth and i went to preach for his youth there was another one there eventually i just started preaching around all these churches just solely off of word of mouth never passed out a card never said you have to have me at your church never tried to rub shoulders with spiritual giants and say hey you got to promote me i just was there and available and god began to elevate that [Applause] but you know it was during that time of serving and during that time of getting to know the lord that i began to dig my spiritual roots hours in prayer not to preach to man the projector not to go lay hands on the sick because i had a ministry and i wanted just to know jesus hours a day in prayer chapters and chapters of the bible seeking jesus not for his hand but for his heart and coming to know him and be satisfied in him his presence god began to do things in me began to stir me i began praying for the sick at my school i began going preaching in front of public schools i would go preach on college campuses in the free speech zones 16 year old me terrifying people because they didn't want to hear the gospel but it all started in that secret place and i asked my youth passion i said why did you you just kind of said yes you just threw me on there he said well it was because i knew number one of course he said i saw that you had been serving all these years so that's the other thing though i recognized that you were spending time with him god opened the door i didn't have to push it we have too many people today who want the platform without the process they want the platform for promotion do you really realize do you realize what you're asking for something so sacred something so holy it began in the prayer room when god begins to look around the earth for who he might use he doesn't necessarily look in the places of highest education he doesn't necessarily look around the board meetings with multi-millionaires he doesn't necessarily look for the most athletic when god looks for a place to put the mantle he's looking in the prayer rooms think of simon the sorcerer who when he saw the apostles laying hands and imparting the holy spirit acts 8 he saw the apostles laying hands he said i want that power what did they tell him you're you're filled with bitterness and jealousy he wanted to buy what could only come through a process you know you can't you can't just pay a registration fee to a conference go there and come back anointed i'm just can i just preach the truth to you you're you're not gonna pick up a mantle by going and taking some online course even though you got the certificate the mantle doesn't come because i took a course the mantle doesn't come because i went to a conference the mantle doesn't come because i took a selfie with the famous preacher the mantle comes because i'm spending time with jesus simon the sorcerer in acts 8 was rebuked for two reasons how he wanted to obtain the anointing and why he desired it he thought he could buy it you can't pay for the anointing with money you can't even ask for that that's sorcery simon the source for thought you could buy power when you think you can buy power it's sorcery and he desired it for himself so number one time with the lord this is the first level but just because it's the first level doesn't mean it's unimportant it's the first level because it's the foundation matthew 28 is this blessing you this evening matthew 28 i'm going to go to verse 19 and read verses 19 and 20. look at this this is jesus speaking therefore go and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit teach these new disciples to obey all the commands i have given you and be sure of this i am with you always even to the end of the age the plan of evangelism is multiplication that one might reach three or four or five and those three or four or five might reach two or three it's multiplication this is why number two the key to receiving mantles number two is teaching receiving teaching the word of god establishes you the word becomes deposited in you the word transforms you the word reveals things about god the word is the substance with which the holy spirit creates anew in you if you're not giving him substance you're giving him nothing with which he can work that's why many can come get hands laid on them they'll fall out experience a real touch of god's power they'll get back up again and then go live like the devil because there's no word in them the power passed through them instead of resting on them think of how in genesis 1 how how the holy spirit hovered above the face of the deep he hovered above the word of god that word hovered means brood it implies a a bird incubating its eggs just as a bird incubates its eggs so the holy spirit broods over the commands of god and the holy spirit hovered above that creation now when noah after the flood was looking for a place for god to begin creating anew what did he release from the ark the dove and he sends it out one it comes back two it comes back three it does not each time he sent it out it was in search of a place it could land and all throughout the old testament you'll never once see the dove landing it's not until you get to the book of matthew when the dove lands on the word the dove will always land on the word and when god wants to create anew the dove will always hover above his word so it was in the book of genesis so it was at the beginning of the new testament so it will be in your life you want the holy spirit to create in you you need the word in your life it's your first defense church i know atheists who know the bible better than most christians we as believers should know that word be in the word and receive teaching from the word from great men and women of god now i remember growing up in church we would have guest speakers and there was two guest speakers that i especially loved um one of them he's he he actually still pastors in arizona steve we were with him one about nine months ago and um his name is harry hills and that was a mighty man of god that i grew up watching him preach there was another man by the name of steve romine who's passed away from since then uh his impact on my life was so great that we have at the ministry a steve romine day so that the staff gets the day off in honor of steve romine but steve romine was a man in a wheelchair with ms who would pray for the sick and he was the funniest i'm telling he did things that if he did him today people would be just offended everyone's offended at everything today i remember one time there's a guy sitting he would call people out he would give nicknames to everybody like when he's prophesying so like there's a lady with a leather jacket he goes you the biker chick you know he would give names like that i remember one time there was a guy there he had a red shirt black slicked back hair a goatee a little mustache and like a gold chain and he goes you uh the guy who looks like the devil i want to give you a word [Music] and and no one would get offended he was just he had such a joy about him he was so joyful so loving so i mean i can tell you story after story i mean he's he's he was a he was a character to say the least and i would watch him he would prophesy give words people would get healed and then i would watch harry hills now harry hills is more more stoic more serious more intense but super annoyed and i would watch harry hills go down the aisle and you know it wasn't like like some do today like um i'm seeing an m over you what an m and they're like fishing like the holy spirit's saying m the letter m if the holy spirit's talking he's giving you the name if they're saying the letter it's they're fishing for information guys i hate to break it to you oh it got quiet in here hey i've just preached the truth you guys and so he would go down the aisle not questioning not asking he would go you i remember this one woman he goes you he goes you have a problem on the left side of your jaw on the inside there's a problem with the tooth and she just turned she had no idea how he even knew and he prayed for her and whatever that issue was she was experiencing went away she was completely healed and so i thought this is astonishing seeing both of these mighty men of god minister and preach and teach and i noticed that it was everyone from the stoic type of harry hills to the humorous steve romine i thought if god could use harry hills and steve romine god can use me we receive impartation from mentors teachers and they and we must humble ourselves to recognize that there are some who can teach us more than we know i know we don't want to admit it i know we don't like to talk about it but the fact of the matter is that there are levels to the anointing we all have the anointing that's right when i say there are levels to the anointing i'm talking about the fact that all of us respond to the anointing within ourselves differently and not all of us are accessing it as we should be and there are mentors men and women of god who will impart into our lives and cause us to be elevated we have to have the humility to admit that we can be taught we have to have the humility to admit that we can grow if we think no one can help us grow in the anointing then no one will help us grow in the anointing it's true if you think that it's true mentors however want to return on their investment you have to be worth their time use what they give you learn from their talk before you learn from their walk learn from a distance before you come closer where's britain at britain didn't know come here britain you didn't know i was gonna do this i'm sorry say hello to everyone around the world so this is britain mays don't step too far back these stairs are tricky this is britain maine's he came from florida to california just to be around the ministry and learn he didn't know it at the time he probably does knows it now i was testing him before he came out i have people all the time message me and this is not a bragamony so please it can sound like i can sound like a snob saying people all the time messaging me but it's it's a reality i'm not trying to sound you know but it's true people message me will you be my mentor will you be my mentor will you help me will you disciple me and then i'll say well you know i have a youtube channel have you watched the teachings no where or the i kid you not people have messaged me pastor david do you have teachings on the holy spirit i'm like yeah that's the whole idea of encounter tv or i'll put out a video how to pray in the holy spirit pastor david how do i pray in the holy spirit how to fast and pray pastor david how do i fast and pray 25 truths about demons and spiritual war for pastor david tell me what you think about demons in spiritual warfare this guy read the books he would actually able he's actually able to quote back teachings from videos from years ago that i even forgot about and i said when i saw that that he had read the books he had dug into the material he had watched the videos and he was able to like if i'm teaching something like one-on-one or with me and a few of the other guys he'll be able to finish what i'm going to say because he goes i know that teaching of yours that's the type of person i want to put time into because they give back return on their investment thank you pastor i want your mantle you don't even show up every sunday i could stop preaching right there that was that was a whole sermon see but the problem is with this generation is we don't like the idea that they're structured to the church and that there are spiritual authorities you want to see demons manifest just start talking about authority people want to think they know it all people don't want to learn it's not it's not it's not it's not you know they're not it's you you must be the problem because i was offended by what you said maybe just maybe you can learn from men and women of god who have been in this longer than you have and and if you're looking to receive a party see god's place someone in your life they don't have to be on tv or on the radio or on facebook that can i just tell you that is so overrated it's overrated it means nothing it's it's numbers it's numbers stop going after the most popular and start going after the most available mentors though want to return on the investment you must receive the teaching now when they teach you this is why it's so important to know that first step because acts 4 13 says they had no special training in scriptures but they knew they had been with jesus someone says did you ever go to seminary i said no but acts 4 13 they say what i say well go read it no special training in scriptures but they had been with jesus do you realize that there is a lot of information going on around out there there are false prophets there are false teachers it's a fact guys and we must as the people of god we must realize that in this season we have to be discerning we have to be discerning and i don't say that lightly if we're not grounded in a personal relationship with the lord that anybody who's good at preaching anybody who's good at speaking will be able to convince you of demonic doctrines listen listen this is why it's so important that the first and foremost is time with the lord because once you've established your foundation and you start receiving teaching from others you'll be able to recognize when what they're teaching is unbiblical if you don't establish that first and you go right to teachers you're going to be tossed to and fro number three laying on of hands second timothy chapter 1 beginning at verse 6 says this this is why i remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift god gave you when i laid hand when i laid my hands on you for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power love and self discipline the spiritual gift was imparted when the hands were laid on him now growing up i had many different people laying hands on me powerful men and women of god and i'll remember i remember this one instance in particular where my grandfather and i went to a service that was actually held here in orange county i remember i was watching tbn one day and thank god for tbn whatever you may think about the fundraising tactics thank god for tbn and what they've been spreading around the world that's the only criticism i hear oh fun they have to but you know i was watching a powerful man of god on tbn and i had watched different episodes of different things before i watch different preachers and teachers and i can go on naming programs that i really enjoyed but there was something one day that caught me you ever you were just pulled in by the spirit and i remember i'm watching something on tv and it was so different than anything i'd ever seen before i'm watching on tv as people are singing these old hymns and they sound like angels beautiful heavenly music i remember as i'm watching them i literally felt like i was being pulled i'm watching the worship and i'm sensing just this real peace in the room and usually about this point in the program is where after the worship there's the teaching or the preaching that's not what happened after the worship suddenly this excited voice comes on the screen pastor this woman came tonight and she was in a wheelchair and she couldn't walk for x amount of years and here she is the power of god touched her tonight and now she's one and that lady ran across the platform the crowd erupted in praise the worship began to emanate all over the room and then i watched as people began to fall out under the power of god i'd seen people push people over before i never understood that i'm like you're gonna get sued if you keep doing that but that that wasn't what i mean people couldn't even get on the platform the anointing was so heavy i remember watching this that i got it i just knew in the spirit i said there's something there i can't explain it i just know i'm supposed to connect somehow some way i go to the service that this man is having and was over here at the back then it was the arrowhead pond arena it's the honda center today i remember getting there with my grandfather and just thousands of people outside the building lying wrapped around we get there and i see different people worshiping some were singing songs somewhere somewhere praying in tongues some churches had come in in groups off of the buses with their church t-shirt i mean there was every race there was every denomination there was every style there was every age demographic just there to hear the word of god and i remember i wanted to get prayer and and this preacher's preaching and out of nowhere he says i want every preacher of the gospel get down here i said i preached and i ran i ran down i remember though i was way up in like the the big the top section i run down and i remember i was pinned against the platform by the crowd i couldn't get to the stairs to get onto the stage there was one usher there who i think i don't know if he's security usher what he was he broke protocol he said hey come up here let me grab my hand and he pulled me under the platform i remember when i stepped on the platform i felt like streams of water i couldn't even i couldn't even get my my footing i see the man of god coming laid hands on me didn't push me he barely touched the side of my face like like a butterfly landing on my face didn't push just touched me i closed my eyes lifted my hands and i thought for a second well maybe what i saw on tv wasn't real maybe that was because i wasn't feeling anything when i opened my eyes i realized i was already on the floor my body was trembling the next thing i know i'm i'm being picked up i couldn't even feel the guys lifting me up and they they just threw me in the the section where everyone couldn't walk i mean nobody was able to walk i saw like people just shaking and they're on the floor and i'm like are you and they just set me down on a chair and i'm like i couldn't even get i felt like a weight on me my whole body was just done something happened that day as a laying on of hands years later god would connect me with this mighty man of god you know i've been connected with many great servants of god and one thing i've noticed if you want to receive impartation from a man or a woman of god number four honor and service i'm going to spend some time on this one and then i'll give you number five i sense the anointing really strong here tonight in ishmael you can stay with me please first samuel chapter 16 verses through 16 the bible says now the spirit of the lord had left saul and the lord sent a tormenting spirit that filled him with depression and fear some of saul's servants said to him a tormenting spirit from god is troubling you let us find a good musician to play the harp whenever the tormenting spirit troubles you he will play soothing music and you will soon be well again then if you go down to verse 21 the bible says so david went to saul and began serving him saul loved david very much and david became his armor-bearer now what i believe because you know the story eventually saul became jealous of david i thank god i haven't had that happen in my life god's given me some wonderful mentors none of whom have become jealous like that but in david's case saul became jealous of david now here's what i believe about the tormenting spirit that god sent to saul i don't believe that god sent that tormenting spirit on soul for punishment alone i believe god sent the tormenting spirit on him as a last resort hoping he would repent god sent it as a last resort psalm 51 8 says your hand weighed heavily on me now let me rejoice saul could have transferred what god gave him instead it was torn now i thank god as i said and to be clear because i want to make sure i'm being clear the men and women of god in my life i thank god they're godly men and women and they've not become this over me ever supportive loving i can go on naming people all of my spiritual mentors support me and are godly people but this got me thinking there are some people in the room some watching online you've had a song you've had someone who spiritually lord it over you someone who crushed the dreams that god placed in your heart someone who couldn't let go like pharaoh someone who told you something like if you leave me you're out of the will of god [Music] and that's how you know you're being manipulated it's the spirit of saul but god has not called us to serve men and women of god he's called us to serve when we do in this sense he's called us to serve the men and the women [Music] impartation comes through honor and service after my experience there at the arrowhead pond arena i had to connect with that ministry i didn't know how there was no way in my mind all i need to do was serve people say how did some people ask me some of you know what i'm talking about some of you don't people ask me how did that happen all i did was serve all i did was serve you know there's a big difference between impartation and imitation i'd like to say i'm not the next anyone i'm the first david hernandez i'm the first me except for my dad he's the original david hernandez and i'm i'm me i'm not that you need to say that say i'm not the first any or no i'm not the next anyone say it i'm not the next anyone i'm the first me [Music] imitation comes when i observe impartation comes when i serve imitation comes when i observe impartation comes when i serve see anyone can look at me and and and imitate me i can do it with steve i can do with ishmael i can do with a lot of preachers i can imitate a lot of preachers i've never done it live on camera but i can imitate a lot of preachers [Music] don't don't no i'm not doing it you thought i was huh steve's trying to bring that out of me i can imitate a lot of preachers just for fun i'm not going to do it so stop i can feel you guys the hush in the room like is he going to [Music] but you can do that by studying someone's mannerisms the way they dress the way they talk the way they present but impartation can only come when you serve [Music] david served the man because of the anointing david needed that mantle as we see in mark 6 5 jesus couldn't heal the sick in his hometown because because he had become so familiar familiarity blocks impartation [Music] god has placed someone before you god has placed someone in your life and it's not in how you treat the man of god it's in how you treat the man i want to show you something britain come up one more time stand right here so when you first begin to serve a man or woman of god be it your pastor be it someone got his place and god has placed someone in your life there's an advantage when impartation accelerates your spiritual years i gained more in impartation one year of impartation than i could have of 30 years of ministry without it but see here's what happens so there's the man of god and you are a man of god britain i say there's the man of god wow from a distance you see the lights and the stage or maybe you just see the preaching gift you see from a distance and then here's what happens is you start to serve you begin to get closer and you get a better look and their humanity begins to show i've been in this situation several times and and it's at this point you have to decide do i do i allow myself to be repelled by the humanity or do i have the grace for them that allows me to receive from them hear me now if you lack the grace for them you will lack the grace to receive from them we don't serve the man of the woman remember or the man or woman of god the of god is easy that's the person on the platform you just have to carry their bible if their arms are too weak as a joke when you start to serve the person you start to see the flaws here's what happens from a distance wow mighty man of god closer oh they're a little impatient there aren't they i didn't like the way they just talked to me about that that was well i didn't well i thought they were constantly running around the room singing and praising and preaching and oh you missed that scripture and you start to see flaws oh i i didn't know they had that political view oh my goodness why he voted for it for so and so and now i voted for so-and-so so i don't know if that you hearing me tonight church [Music] [Applause] i see the flaws okay oh the marriage is not perfect i just saw them argue that was maybe they don't take care of their health like they should you just start to see the humanity but then something happens if instead of distancing yourself at that point and i'm not talking about abuse guys there are there are there are of course you don't want people to cross lines but then as you start to lean in you go from what a mighty man of god what a mighty woman of god to oh my goodness they're flawed and then you get closer and you can say that's why god uses you [Music] like a pearl in a clam i'm convinced that god hides the anointing within abrasive humanity so that only the persistent can receive it and we must serve to god's satisfaction not to man's conflict will test honor conflict will test honor honor and services number four it was long before elijah received the double portion that he had served it was a long time before elijah received the double portion even though he had caught the garment it was a long time before david became king even though he was anointed it was a long time before christ was incarnated even though he had been prophesied [Music] and number five is proximity if you are faithful to the first four god may grant you number five which is actual connection romans 1 11-12 simple verse for i long to visit you so i can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the lord when we get together i want to encourage you in your faith but i also want to be encouraged by yours here's what's interesting to me why couldn't paul just impart the gift to the letter why couldn't paul just encourage through the letter there are certain things that can only come from proximity and god will grant that but here and now today someone's going to catch a mantle [Music] someone's going to catch a garment someone's going to receive an assignment i pray it be you lift your hands and begin to pray in the holy spirit come on [Music] lift your hands pray in the holy ghost [Music] keep praying keep praying keep praying [Music] kendall robobo quetta i surrender on [Music] [Music] you want him to use your life to sing it out to him i swear i surrender [Music] i surrender [Music] all to thee my place [Music] is you and your home is watching online surrender all surrender all spend our lives for your glory lord [Music] i surrender all [Music] all [Music] lifted [Music] i surrender give everything to jesus [Applause] use us for your glory lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] is i surrendered [Music] i something is shifting in the room i want everyone for the next minute or so to pray boldly in the holy spirit come [Music] on [Music] [Music] you want that mantle go after it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] patrick get this one right here [Music] keep praying in the holy spirit church come on sing it holy holy holy now holy in jesus name the receiving of jesus there's power here tonight church is holy holy holy all you lord [Applause] oh he's here tonight church he's here tonight church is his power on you what you're filling is his power on you oh father make prophets and evangelists tonight make pastors and teachers and apostles raise bold and mighty servants lord who will go forth and declare your truth and not care what the world thinks in the name of jesus [Music] sentence everyone keep praying in the holy spirit in the name of jesus receive your life is about to be transformed brother never be the same again where's patrick britton get up here guys [Music] this woman here [Music] everyone keep praying in the name of jesus touch in jesus name you don't need me to lay hands on you i promise you i promise you if you call upon the name of jesus there's something happening here tonight church the glory of god is here the glory of god is here i thank you jesus receive it there's a prophetic anointing coming on you prophetic prophetic prophetic i call it out in jesus name [Music] everyone stretch your hands toward her [Applause] center [Applause] some of you are feeling like a heavy weight come on you right now how many can feel that heaviness that wait wave at me there are mantles being imparted mantle's being imparted thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i rebuke every sickness and every disease in jesus name i stand in christ jesus and i rebuke every sickness and every disease deliver your people to lord who's this guy in the glasses in the front he's got a blue hat on bring him up here if i don't call you out it's not because god overlooked you it's because you didn't need me to call you out lift your hands never be the same again you'll never be the same again preach the gospel preach the gospel receive it right now that's power from on [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring this woman here he's bringing restoration to your family he's bringing restoration to your family and a fresh mantle on you and a fresh mantle on you in jesus name bring this girl up here please let him use you let him use you let him use [Music] what are you sensing on you right now i don't know what to say jesus touching you it's jesus that's his power bring this woman up here right here yeah you come bring her up here they just kind of stand out to me and i minister as the lord leads whoa receive it in jesus name in jesus name [Music] i'm feeling it like hey bring her back god's not done no it's not done it's it's like electricity here tonight guys [Music] bring this lady please [Music] wow you guys i don't even know how to explain what's here tonight touch her i pray in jesus name receive his heavenly touch [Music] bring this guy you want god to use you are you ready lift your hands somebody's left ear right around here your left ear just popped open who is that who is that check your ear i'm telling you there was an issue with your left ear right on this side miracles are starting to happen everybody pray in the holy spirit [Music] a skin disorder somebody over here with the skin disorder god's healing you check your skin i'm telling you it's clearing up thank you jesus i give you glory paralysis in the hand is going i thank you lord in jesus name drug addiction is being broken in the name of jesus you don't have to beg for it we're in it church we're in it sound people turn steve's mic on please [Music] there's no agenda tonight church it's just jesus [Music] we need steven's microphone on please [Music] i you oh i'm gonna do something very reverently go to your seats but remain standing very reverently if god has called you to be an evangelist not witnessing just witnessing i'm talking the office of the evangelist i want you to stay up here if god has called you you feel god has called you to be an evangelist like in ministry i'm talking about the fivefold not just i preach here and i'm talking about you know god has called you to travel the world preaching the gospel of salvation and you can keep playing it please keep playing it please and the rest of you very reverently very reverently i don't want to disturb what we have here [Music] and what i'll need is i'll need space in front of them guys to shoulder please [Music] patrick very quickly please i don't want to lose the moment come up here [Music] what's your name jaden i see god's call on you jaden [Music] stretch your hands toward him [Music] you have to understand something it's not my mantle it's his [Music] and sometimes god will take portions as he wills and imparts according to their faith [Music] jaden you're walking away here tonight with an impartation father take a portion of that which is upon my life [Music] and place it on jaden now [Music] stretch your hands toward them church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now pick them all up and have them lay hands on the people behind them [Music] lay hands on them go [Music] fire in jesus name fire in jesus name bring that guy in the suit [Music] keep him here pick up jaden [Music] now everyone look at me it's his mantle it's his power go walk in it go walk in it brother i don't know what your name is i don't know who you are all i know is god wants to anoint you and the enemy has been harassing your mind and god says your past is forgiven your future is bright move on it's a new beginning it's a new day let today mark the beginning of a new season [Applause] [Music] what do you do pastor vlad in moments like these [Music] you can feel it can what's your name arden receive it in jesus name there it is look at the power of god all over him thank you for catching him i'm gonna tell him something personal [Music] so i'm gonna say it off mike you are holy holy are you lord god oh my god [Music] holy [Music] [Music] is are you is god there's someone here i want to pray for you have that you've lost feeling and movement in your hand it's from paralysis where are you i know you're in the room i know the voice of the holy spirit just identify yourself quickly that's you well no wonder i'm hearing that you're right there okay what no no you stay right there what's you you have no feeling in them how long you been dealing with that it's been almost a year hold my mic jaden what's your name again jayden you hold my microphone [Music] so say again there is no pain and the feeling no feeling is the feeling back she says the pain left her can you feel my hand on your hand so god is he has god healed you god healed this woman right now church [Applause] [Music] someone's left ear i know it someone's left ear where are you there's trouble with your left ear who is that that's you come here keep praying church your left ear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you mean it's better i can hear better now wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute how long has it been since you could hear out of that ear since i was two years old [Applause] and i'm 48. 45 years can we give the lord a hand of praise miracles are happening in the house tonight it's a flow of the spirit of flow of the spirit somebody right around here injured your shoulder a gentleman who injured their shoulder who is that if that's you just better say it because that's you what's wrong with it i tore both my rotator cuffs how long ago um last year i haven't worked in a year okay let him go [Music] move the shoulders say again pain is gone can we give jesus a mighty hand of [Applause] praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm telling you church there's such an anointing for miracles right now there's such an anointing for miracles right now [Music] digestive issue has just been healed i thank you lord someone in the room with digestive issues there's somebody in the room right now you have a skin disorder but if you'll check use your phone light check and you will find that you are healed of that skin disorder what i want you to do is if god heals your skin disorder wave that phone light at me you have to check in faith we've had some people who after the service is done they'll message us say i didn't realize i was healed until i got home and sometimes they don't even check but god's healing a skin disorder i know it i know it there's power here this guy's just getting a double portion [Music] keep praying church lord we love the miracles but we love you more and we love you more [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] god's power is here while you watching online we're about to end the service for the night but we're going to say good night we love you before i let you go i want to pray with you father in jesus name i pray lord that this healing touch would go forward to each and every one in their homes touch them i pray in jesus name touch them i pray in jesus name we give you the glory and the honor deliverance and healing and let the presence of god rest on them don't forget tomorrow at 10 a.m we're gonna be with pastor vlad sobchook will be here and make sure you come back for that all of you god bless you those of you watching online remember until next time nothing is impossible with god god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: David Diga Hernandez
Views: 55,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: holy spirit conference, holy spirit, the holy spirit, pastor vlad, pastor vlad hungrygen, pastor vlad savchuk, pastor benny hinn, pastor vlad holy spirit, pastor vlad raise to deliver, pastor vlad holy spirit conference, pastor benny hinn holy spirit, pastor benny hinn sermons, pastor benny hinn power of the holy spirit, david diga hernandez holy spirit, steven moctezuma worship, sermons on mantles, sermons on the holy spirit, power of the holy spirit
Id: 412QEUmwqsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 38sec (10538 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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