Can These Bones Live? | Pastor Michael Hernandez

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eyes and just surrender it all to the lord amen so do me a favor lift your hands and close your eyes and father in the name of jesus lord we thank you for your grace tonight god lord we thank you for your goodness lord we thank you for your mercy god we thank you for your holy spirit lord we thank you lord that we've been redeemed god lord that we've been bought lord by the price by the precious blood of the lamb lord thank you for what you're doing we thank you lord for your grace in your holy spirit we pray god that you would have your way lord we pray god that your dominions be established in this place lord we pray for breakthrough we pray god that things will be broken in the spiritual realm because in your presence there is freedom there is liberty and we thank you for that right now we worship you in jesus name come on give god a big shout amen come on he's good he's good he's good [Music] hallelujah [Music] a melody [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing a little louder [Music] sing a little louder [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] louder [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] my salvation [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] higher and higher and higher and higher higher and higher and [Music] higher and [Music] higher and higher and and higher and higher and higher and higher higher [Music] [Music] higher and higher higher [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] yes you are yes you are yes you are [Applause] yes you are yes you are [Music] we lift you higher [Music] [Music] our great defender [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes you do every time every time [Music] that you've even gone to [Music] it leads me from the dry wilderness and all i did was [Music] [Music] and all i did was [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes it is yes it is [Music] to [Music] [Music] you restore my faith [Applause] [Music] we don't like to work [Music] [Applause] and all i did was [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so much [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] every time [Music] when i thought i lost myself when i thought i couldn't go any further [Music] you're still good every time [Music] restoration was gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can see your grace [Music] you're telling him [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you are yes you are yes you are yes you are yes you are you [Music] are my defender [Music] so i trust you i lean on you i walk into battle knowing who you are i walk into battle knowing who you are [Music] knowing who you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] this is this is how this is how this is [Music] [Applause] this is how this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] this is how this is how this is [Music] come on now your own words in your own words you begin to fight that battle come on you're coming boldly to the throne you're coming boldly to the throne [Music] you come only to the throne you come boldly to the throne you come boldly to the throne [Applause] [Music] so all i gotta do is praise and worship and give thanks to you and honor you and glorify [Applause] [Music] you [Music] jesus [Music] come on come on just cause conference isn't over and it doesn't mean we can't get excited in this place [Music] [Music] [Music] yes we do yes we do yes we do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we want to see [Music] we want to see [Music] [Music] [Music] king jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] in this place we are not satisfied we want more we want more we want more we want to see we want to see we want to see your kingdom here [Music] is [Music] [Applause] we're [Music] here [Music] oh [Music] still is [Music] more [Music] um [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] is a glory [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is oh [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i said if you could feel the presence of the holy spirit in this house give him a shout of praise if you came expecting a night i'll move a god give him a shout of praise if you came expecting victory give him a shout of praise if you came expecting not to leave the same way you came in give him a shout out praise this evening father god we thank you this evening father god we pray for our speaker lord we pray for pastor mike hernandez father god continue to use him lord for the furtherance of your kingdom we pray lord for our people we pray for those going through trials and tribulations lord we pray for those that are distracted right now we pray for clarity lord we thank you for your mercy and grace lord we thank you for your love lord we thank you for your strength and comfort in the name of jesus we just thank you father god we pray for the newcomer lord we pray for the backslider lord we pray father god for transformation lord we thank you in the mighty name of jesus amen welcome to reach church please reach back and greet a neighbor amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] welcome to reach church join us for any of our services sunday mornings at 9 00 and 11 a.m and wednesdays at 7 30 p.m we'll be streaming morning prayer on saturdays 8 a.m online or in person if you're joining us for the first time thank you for being here with us please text join to 562-418-5103 we'd love to connect with you and let you know what's happening here at our church on friday nights we have a place for everyone for ages 12 to 18 we have fresh fire that meets here in this building across our community we have connect groups for all ages getting involved in one of these groups is a great way to build strong relationships here in our church all of these groups start at 7 30. visit our website to find a group near you to give and continue to support our church and ministry you can use the following methods go to to give online text to give 562-206-1519 [Music] or you can drop it off here in our building during office hours listed on our website to the minute information upcoming guest speakers and other events happening at our church follow us on instagram and facebook and subscribe to our youtube channel at reachparamount please enjoy the rest of our service welcome to reach church come on give god a big praise we appreciate all of you tonight are you glad you're in the house of god why don't you turn to someone and say you're in the right place at the right time right now amen well we welcome all of you here tonight we welcome those that are watching us online number of people online tonight and we welcome you here on this wednesday night we have a great great speaker tonight one of the sons of the house from huddle texas pastor michael hernandez tonight you're going to be blessed by the word that he's going to bring tonight i believe he is going to challenge us but we do want to welcome any first-time visitors if it's your very first time here in our church we want to welcome you and let you know we're glad you're here honestly we just want to clap for you and tell you we celebrate you so is there anyone here tonight it's your first time would you raise your hand right here number of people here back over here welcome back over there wow while we welcome you to read church and we're glad you're here tonight and i don't know how you got here but we're glad you're here and uh we appreciate you coming and being a part we're gonna have a great time tonight uh and how many have had a good time so far wasn't that a powerful time and i don't know about you but i'm kind of living off the uh conference hangover right and the conference we had last week just has been tremendous and i've gotten so many emails and texts from different people and and from different churches and people just saying how impacted uh they were how thankful and grateful they were that we were able to hold that conference and i'll tell you what we reached a lot of people hallelujah the rhys conference and so uh you just be ready one of the things that happens during conference can i just let you in on this what happens after conference is that a lot of changes take place in our church how many know change is my friend you guys got it so we love the opportunity when we have a conference like this to make changes and so we're going to make a lot of changes is that all right and for the good and so i don't believe we have to be stagnant i believe we keep moving and we keep making changes as the lord leads us so there'll be some changes you'll love them you'll be excited about them you're not going to be all depressed you'll be happy about them so i say that to you because we always are looking for opportunity for ministry and for what god is doing we want to get the heartbeat and the rhythm of what the lord is doing in the church tonight but we do have uh uh jennifer alcarez is going to come tonight she's going to kind of give us a report and how the uh conference impacted her and forgive her for the for the sweatshirt go cowboys um so let me just start off by saying that when i when when we heard about the conference in my mind i kept thinking 2018 or sorry 2019 was just phenomenal and there was nothing in my heart that could beat that one and i thought man i really encountered god and and that's where i really had a lot of breakthrough and then 2020 happened and it got ripped away from us and so this year my heart was really just anticipating what was going to happen at this conference and i was so excited because i was like man we got robbed of a year i want to see what god is going to do this time because the last time it blew my mind and when every single conference i've ever been to i served and this year it was like oh there's really not much to do and i'll be honest with you my heart was a little sad and it's not because i'm trying to glorify myself but my heart really loves serving and so marlene's like listen i'm just gonna throw you in there we're just gonna do it and then i ended up helping lizzy um but when diego was speaking about the gifts and one of the gifts was serving my heart was just exploding because i thought that's that's my gift is to serve to i have a heart for serving the man of the house the woman of the house and in that conference i got to do just that even if it was just a starbucks run that made me so excited because i was getting starbucks for pastors for my own pastor i could serve my own pastor and every single night was phenomenal and then vanessa pastor vanessa i mean my head exploded i was like my goodness you know those little things that you push down and you push down and you push down because you think oh the lord has already taken that out of me the lord has i've already forgiven that person that's no big deal well that day that morning i didn't i didn't think that i was going to be blown away i mean i know she's amazing but i i always come and and i want to receive but my goodness she went above and beyond and the lord was pulling things out of me the lord was pulling things out of my mom the lord was pulling things out of my sister and the fact that just the three of us are serving together in the same church is a miracle in itself that's an answered prayer and so there was things that i thought man i thought i forgave my dad for that i i've been praying for salvation i've been crying out for it but there's a lot of anger there and i was like whoa and when she said speak out who you're upset with speak out who hurt you the only person i could speak out was my dad's name and i was like whoa lord i thought i forgave him but the lord was revealing things and revealing things and then the round table my goodness though that pastor's panel i was i was honored to serve them water i was honored and just the things that they were saying the things that that was coming out of their mouth pastor mike when he said that influence was a big deal that's a huge deal if you're not if you're not growing you're dying and literally i was like wow am i influencing people in the right way and for years i thought i was but the lord has shaken me he has opened my eyes to the things that that i needed to change in myself and then a word was spoken over me things that something i thought that nobody even knew and i said how did you know that when he said it he said you know you walk around joyous but sometimes you have anger and i know i'm a happy little package but sometimes i get angry and i i that that was like whoa lord okay and he said the lord is gonna take that off of you and i said you know what lord i surrender i surrender it to you so this conference was so good oh and then when i saw pastor omar's and i'm not just saying this because he's my pastor but when i saw his picture and they announced him and it came up on the screen i lit up like a christmas tree because i thought how amazing is it that we get to serve in this church how amazing is it that we have a pastor like pastor omar and sister leti i think we take it for granted because we come all the time and we get it can become repetitive but you guys let me tell you not everybody gets this they get to see it online but they don't get it in person they don't get to see and feel what we feel here don't take it for granted rise up do something serve don't go to these conferences just because it's a conference of our church go expecting go letting the lord really touch you and and let that seed grow inside of you you know be thirsty like pastor omar said be thirsty for the right things don't let the world don't let the world quench your thirst let the lord quench your thirst anyways i just had a great time i cannot wait for the next one you better sow that seed into the pledge if you haven't you better you better do your pledge all right anyways thank you [Music] are you blessed tonight wow i didn't realize we had two guest speakers but we did not just kidding that's awesome we appreciate that report and uh what a blessing everything she said and i'm telling you so many people were impacted in such a way and i think that's the challenge let's continue to serve as we serve god we're serving others right and i'm telling you tonight um if you didn't get a chance to be at the conference you definitely can catch it online it's on our youtube channel it's also on our facebook page and so you can get every night i've had so many people text me and said you know i wasn't able to make it i'm in texas or whatever that was going on but i felt like i was there and they said the the the quality of that video and all of that they said we felt like we were there so i want to challenge you go back and listen to it we want to give to the lord though give god a big praise tonight we want to take this opportunity tonight to give to the lord and how many know you can't bribe god to give you a blessing and that's not what happened when we give to god we're not bribing god but there is a verse in proverbs 18 and it simply says this proverbs 18 16 it says a gift opens a way for the giver and it says and ushers him into the presence of the great another translation says a gift giving a gift can open doors it gives access to important people now many times when you read the scripture uh people think about that gifts you know basically they make room for you and many interpret that as if you have a talent if you have a gifting ability that's going to give you some open doors but in actuality with the scripture is saying back this hebrew word gif is actually offering or present and the bible is saying when you're a giver it will make room for you it gives you access and the scripture is talking about it was customary in ancient times when you came to someone or you visited someone that was very important you brought a gift you brought some kind of expensive gift in honor of the person you were visiting and this is what the scripture is saying that when we come before god how many know jesus is lord of lords and king of kings and when we come before him we bring our gifts to him he's to be honored above everybody else and i know that we gave god the honor with our praise we gave honor gave god the honor with our worship and we begin to thank the lord today as we were worshiping him but we also give honor and glory to god with our gift with our offerings tonight as god had blessed us and so tonight let's prepare ourselves today to give honor and praise to god with our giving tonight there's several ways you can give uh there's a qr code there you could use that if you're making check i'm making a check out you're still writing checks uh reach network you can also text to give there's the number there so several ways you can give give online and i'll tell you everything we're able to do that conference we were able to cover the cost of so many things because people are generous say generous and so when we're generous when we give to god we're saying god we're bringing you our gift and worship and an honor to you tonight the ladies also have some cards if you want to fill out fill them out if you want to give electronically and you we will be able to process that confidentially if you want to fill it out with a pen or paper however you want also give cash if you like however you want to do that tonight we appreciate your giving and your liberality to the lord but we're going to pray and ask the blessing of the lord upon this offering tonight let's take a moment to pray father we thank you tonight lord what an honor it is to worship you and to give to you tonight we pray god that you'll bless the giver tonight bless every offering tonight god let it go for the furtherance of your kingdom and we thank you in jesus name amen and amen let's give to the lord tonight let's worship god you turn graves into gardens you turn bones into army you turn seas into highways [Music] [Music] you turn bones [Music] you're the only one you're the only one you're the only [Music] [Applause] there's nothing and nothing is better than you say over time [Music] nothing is better [Music] again we want to honor give honor where honors due and he came a few weeks ago pastor mike now he's had his wife with him today and so i want you to give a big reach welcome to pastor mike and jessica hernandez i want you to come and share something jessica come on and though she she could come i don't even know if you knew but you're gonna come up and share something come on give them a big hand tonight [Applause] [Music] hello hello last time i was here i was pregnant i didn't bring my fourth one today but um we're just so glad to be home this is our home away from home so thank you for having us um man texas is great huddle is great if you can see my shirt [Music] wait what [Music] so that's like what we say out there is we just want god to meet us every single sunday every single worship night that we have we want his presence to be there dwelling in our little building in hutto texas but man we are having a great time pastoring out there we thank you for you know your prayers for support for just um cheering us on because you know pastoring is not easy but you know just with the people that we have there man they're they're behind us a hundred percent and they're supporting um our vision they're supporting reach restore release and uh we are just so excited to be a part of this new reach network um we're having a blast out there but thank you thank you and we love you guys and here you go we we actually we have a video for you guys just for a little update for our church so if you guys are ready you can roll that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] some more room in there and and we're already talking about double services we're talking about knocking the next wall next wall over there's a business on the other side you know they'll be gone soon and maybe we'll but uh we just god has been doing something uh amazing out there and man i love being here though it's so fun to be here i think there's something you guys as jen was saying um so graciously earlier that there's something so special about this church and you can feel you could just feel that unity in the room and um if you're new here if you know maybe you you've it's your first time second time third time or whatever um you found a really good home and it's there's something like i said there's something special about a church that loves jesus and loves people and this is that church and it's not a perfect church because there's no such thing as a perfect church but this is this place is pretty close it's pretty close but man i we we appreciate all your prayers and everything you guys have been doing for us i know i've been here like every other week and uh but you know something i'm gonna teach you something a little bit all right real quick when your pastor asks you to do something you just do it okay he said hey are you available to preach i said password if you would like me to preach i will preach if you say it i'm there i'll do it and so i'm here and i have a word today that i really believe that um it's it's for this church and for you specifically and the question and the title of the message is can these can these bones live can these bones live in the book of acts chapter two that's the day of um when they talk about the day of pentecost something interesting that i'm going to kind of correlate to acts 2 and ezekiel chapter 37 is in both scenarios in both scriptures there is a suddenly moment and in the suddenly moment there's there's a wind in the breath of god in the book of acts there was a settling moment as they were waiting um in the upper room for the spirit the holy spirit to fall and they begin to speak in new tongues that's when they preached to the to the thousands and they were saved hold on jacob is texting me let me see what he says he said great video thank you thank you pastor jacob um and in the moment in a moment after the spirit comes we see that peter goes and he preaches he's with boldness 3 000 people are added to the kingdom of god that day now how amazing i still don't know how they did it without microphones but i mean it's pretty incredible but the book of ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 through 10. it says this the hand of the lord came upon me and brought me out in the spirit of the lord and sent me down in the midst of the valley and it was full of bones then he caused me to pass by them all around and behold there were very many in the open valley and indeed they were they were very dry and he said to me son of man kid these can these bones live so i answered oh lord god you know again he said to me prophesy to these bones and say to them well dry bones hear the word of the lord thus says the lord god to these bones surely i will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live i will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live then you shall know that i am the lord god so i prophesied as i was commanded see when god says to do it no matter what it looks like you just do it right our our job is not to to figure out the outcome our our job when we're commissioned just just to be obedient so i prophesied as i was commanded and as i prophesied there was a noise and suddenly a rattling and the bones came together bone to bone indeed as i looked the scenes and the flesh came upon them and the skin covered them over but there was no breath in them also he said to me prophesy to the breath prophesy son of man and say to the breath thus says the lord god come from the four winds o breath and breathe on these slain that they may lead that they may live so i prophesied as he commanded and breath came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet an exceedingly great army now let's pray father we thank you for this time together lord i pray that you would you would speak through me god i pray lord jesus that you would minister what you want to say god let nothing that i say be my own thoughts or my opinions but lord let everything that is said be led by your spirit and found it on your word we thank you for the privilege to learn and to be more like you in jesus name amen you could stay up here if you want actually if you want to you don't have to if you would like to i'm i i think i'm also i'm also dealing with the conference hangover i'm like still tired it's been a long week long couple of weeks so if i'm not yelling today then um let's just let's just take it for what it is all right um and these kind of questions that the lord is asking ezekiel are the kind of questions that really begin to challenge our faith and he he's asking ezekiel he takes him to the valley of dry bones and he asks can these bones live but the the interesting thing about this story is the timing of the question because it wasn't in a season of celebration for the children of israel that god is asking this question in fact israel was exiled during this time and in captivity not only was israel considered exiles or they were exiles but ezekiel himself was in exile he's in the season of captivity he's a prophet but still in exile but even in that season he was challenged to see something good even in that season where everything looked dead he was challenged with a question posed by god what you're looking at as death as dead as it is can it live and i love his answer because i think it's answer all of us would give well i don't know but you do and i think when god whenever god is posing these questions to us most of the time it's rhetorical because he already knows the answer and if you look at the time we're in now i mean it's just crazy have you guys seen the news lately that's very hot but it's okay i'm like let's do an altar call my tongue is done but the times that we live in today are really crazy like we're in those kinds of times where i'm like dang why couldn't i be been born like 50 years ago or some no offense to those who were born 50 years ago in here let's say 80 years ago 100 years ago we have to go real far back i guess i don't know but it's it's crazy you know you have all these um the mandates and the vaccine and get it don't get it and and we don't even talk about that right now all right but like all these different things are happening and you know you see the it's to me it's not even necessarily those things but it's it's the perversion that's creeping into the world today it's it's you can't even let your kids watch kids shows anymore because it's so perverted so and the weird thing about it is it's accepted [Music] there will be a time when they'll call good evil and evil good and if you're not aware and i think most christians are too busy too busy in religion that we miss what god is actually what is actually happening in the world around us but if you're not aware of what's happening it's it's it's this battle between good and evil it's his fight and and i believe that when i was putting this message together and praying about these things i felt the spirit kind of prompt this question in me as you look around and you see how evil it is can these bones live can can there be a move of god in such an evil time can there be revival a revival of righteousness when there's so much perversion can there be a move of integrity and character when there's so many so much deceit the question i believe that we have to ask is can can we see god move today and we listen the truth is this is we often say we believe that he can but when's the last time you cried out for him to do it really when's the last time you got on your face and you didn't just rely on your leaders to cry out for the change of the world but when's the last time you got on your knees in your restroom in your living room in your bedroom and you cried out for revival was the last time you cried out for souls pastor cali he's like the only guy that can get me to doubt my salvation no i'm just kidding but he's here on sunday and he he talks about these things reaching souls and and he puts his fire in us but but you know you can hear those sermons on sunday the sad part about it is a high percentage of christians do not live it out that's a fact [Music] so god will challenge us to do things like i was outright aid and we're getting right at ice cream because we don't have that in texas two for seven dollars it used to be two for five but you know inflation messing up our ice cream prices but i in and we went up to the the lady that was uh checking us out and the lord said you need to pray for her i'm like i just want to get my ice cream and i just want to go like god she's making me wear a mask so i said hey i don't know if you believe in lord or anything but i just feel i want to pray for you i don't know why and she's like i just got news that my cousin is is they had a stroke and they're hemorrhaging and they don't think they're gonna make it she just got that news and so i said well let's pray together i was with my brother-in-law and i grabbed her hand she grabbed his hand and he's just like what is going on here he kind of walked up into the middle of the conversation and we prayed together and i said you got to check out the church down the street uh it'd be a good trick for you the reason i'm telling this story is because i'm trying to give you an example of how simple it can be now we think that we have to in order to change the world that we have to go start an online ministry or or we can't change the world until pasmore gives us a microphone but the truth is this that you can't maybe you can't change the world but you can change the world around you [Music] and and what would it look like [Applause] what would it look like if we stopped asking god to send revival and he we started asking him to send us to start it think about that here we're on our knees and god send revival send revive when he's like i'm i'm trying but you're you're not doing anything and this question can arise can can can god still move today and if we truly believe it then we'll start to live it out and and ezekiel was this one man who believed it said yeah i i i don't know god but but i know that you do and whatever you ask me to do in order to see it happen i'm going to do it same thing with peter peter the we all know the story he denies christ three times right right you got to help many breaks to drink this tea because i have to blow on it for like 30 seconds i'm just thank you jen for bringing this appreciate it but i said it i hope i'm not boring you today i just can't go crazy that's all right but paul but but peter was this guy who denied christ but yet when he was commissioned by the holy spirit to preach a word 3 000 people came into the kingdom because because he believed that god could do it again the question comes down do you really believe that he can like seriously don't don't just pin it on me because i have a mic what are you doing what are you doing to see god move some of us are still we're still so busy fighting for our sin trying to convince god that he's wrong and we know what's best for us and the whole time it's like man if you would just understand that your sin is is hindering it's hindering you it's stopping you from being everything that god has called you to be the enemy wants you to say in your sin because if we stay on our sin then we stay distracted if it can keep us distracted then that's one less person he has to worry about that could actually change the world you know what's funny is we look at pastors and preachers and and and we we look to them we're like man there's these these guys that there must be something special about them and and and you know i i'll never be like that and all these different things but the truth is this there's nothing special about us i love what pastor billy hall says and and man that guy he was we were praying for like 30 seconds and he changed my life but he's like it's it's an honor to be called a dirtbag for jesus and the truth is this is that there's nobody that god cannot use but we've convinced ourselves because i'm not smart enough because i don't know enough because i'm not good enough because i'm i've been going to church long enough because i don't have the right family members because all these different reasons we've convinced ourselves that that god has to use somebody else he can't use me but he just needs to find somebody that that would say only you know lord what can i do to help you do what you want to be done on the earth our our one of our slogans is in our church it's in it's in hutto as it is in heaven because we've commissioned we've we've heard the voice of god and we've decided that that we're going to do whatever we can at our church to establish heaven on earth and honestly i'm i'm a nobody we're seeing moves of god that i honestly i didn't think we would see for another 5-10 years there's a lady that was in our church that she had to go to surgery she wrote i don't honestly i don't even know what it is they didn't give me enough detail i still need to sit down and talk with her about it but she wrote on a prayer card she's like i need prayer i'm going into surgery we went we prayed for her or no excuse me a lady in our church a leader in church saw the card she said i knew she said i felt the lord tell me to go find her and pray for her she ran out to the parking lot the lady was in her car she just prayed with her laid her hands on her that was it she went to the doctor they cut her open and they said there's nothing to be done here and they shut her up they closed her up how awkward is that huh like oh hey everything's good just there's another lady in our church i won't give you the details of it but she came into our church with with with severe ptsd in her life severe in a moment in worship she starts speaking very loudly we prayed for her and in that moment she was completely delivered she tells us all the time she's like i dealt with that for x amount of years and in a moment god changed my life but this is the thing is i'm a nobody you know i didn't i didn't graduate high school i'm an ofl dropout i didn't i didn't graduate high school i didn't go to college i never went to theology school sometimes i put messages together that it's definitely the holy spirit because but my point to you is this is that is that if i can do it you can do it god just needs somebody who would cry out and and the interesting thing about the moment of this is as well as as the captivity it says this the how the lord came upon me and brought me on the spirit of the lord and sent me down in the midst of the valley and it was full of bones jewish custom was that if it was a dishonor if you were not buried shameful but now ezekiel is standing in a valley of unburied bones shameful place for the children of israel a shameful place an ugly place to be it was it was a glimpse of the shame and the hopelessness the state of israel it's it's it's a it's a i guess a metaphor of of what was actually happening that they were dead and in a shameful place it's a the valley is a representation of a dark season of a dark time of a shameful place anybody ever been in a place like that you know those those times in your life that you're like man i wish nobody would just don't look at me i don't want anybody come over my house i don't want anybody looking to my life i don't want to you know that's the times when you come to church late and you leave early because i don't want anybody to see what's happening it's rough season but the truth is this is that god finds all of us in a place like this ephesians 2 11 says therefore remember that you once gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision made in the flesh by hands that at that time you were without christ being aliens from the commonwealth of israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without god in the world this is this is where we were before christ and this is where some of you are today spiritually dead spiritually dead see i've been in the church well i mean i guess we merged together when i was like 9 or 10 years old so technically i've been in the church since i was 9 years old i know what it's like to go to church and not know jesus i know what it's like to go to church and be spiritually dead i know what it's like to play the part i know what it's like to try to look good in front of everybody so nobody really knows what's happening within your own life i know what that's like to be ashamed of your sin and not really want anybody to ask about you because because if you know you have those thoughts that if they really knew who i was [Music] they wouldn't want to use me if pastor omar really knew what i thought and how i felt he would never come talk to me he would never shake my hand pastor isaac would never want to spend time with me the leaders that i have in my life if they really knew what i was dealing with they wouldn't want me anybody ever dealt with that but but god knows everything he knows all things and even in our darkest valleys where we're full of shame and guilt and sin that is right where god will stand and call us it's in our darkest place that god will call us out and we have this moment of awakening you know like those moments where you're like wait a minute maybe it's after you hear a sermon from pastor omar or maybe it's just after this conference that we attended and you have those moments of wait a second you're telling me that the life that i live now i don't actually have to live like this forever you're telling me that that what i when i what i thought was religion you mean that there's more to this than just going to church we have this moment of awakening that that i don't have to remain this way i don't have to remain dead you're telling me that i have a purpose and there's a there's a destiny on my life there's these moments of awakening when the spirit of god will reach down to our deepest darkest valleys god didn't take him to the mountaintop he took him to the valley because god does his best work in the darkest places god it's okay you can clap it's all right it's i know i think it's because the piano's on there like can i can we clap during the piano god does his best work in the darkest places the place that was meant for shame was a place of resurrection the place the darkest place the enemy took you to is your place of resurrection so i had those nights guys i've had those days when you're sitting by yourself and you're like man i can't go through this anymore i can't do this anymore in your darkest place [Music] i'm just gonna be honest with you for a second is that all right is that okay but get vulnerable is that all right pastoring is not easy and there's been moments in my darkest times where where i wanted to quit i wanted to run things ran through my mind that i never thought would run through my mind [Music] i sat there in my darkest place at the that i didn't know but little by little the enemy was dragging me there with with different thoughts and different actions and and now you're you ever been there you're in that place and you're like oh my gosh i don't know how i'm gonna get out of this but it's that place that the lord looks and he grabs you from there and he starts to speak to you he starts to talk to you no no no no you're not you're not who you used to be no that's not meant for you that old life is it's it's a lie and he starts to speak the truth to us and in the darkest moments is where we find our resurrection it's a place of shame god will take us out of the darkness and bring our dead bones to life he didn't just put them together he breathed life into them but you look into the scripture and before this the spirit of god was breathing to them it says it says they were put together they were breathless bodies there was there were just a lot of a lot of bodies there nothing could be done through them because there was no life inside of them see sometimes we as christians we can look whole but we're really dead inside is this is this helping anybody is it speaking to anybody we can we can look like we have it all together but but something in us is just not right they looked like they were living but they were they were actually dead they were missing something they were missing something this is my fear for the church today and and and why why why am i even bringing this up because you can see that today we have a lot of powerless christians we have a lot of christians that are all talk with no action we don't witness to people not because we don't love people because the spirit's not telling us to because we don't even know him powerless christians we don't pray for the sick because we don't really believe that he's a healer powerless christians we don't preach the gospel because we don't we don't really believe that there's a hell powerless christians now this is not anybody in this church right of course this is this is just generally speaking but imagine if we all believed it like a christian without the spirit matthew 23 verse 27 says woe to you scribes and pharisees you hypocrites for you are like white washed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly but inside are full of dead men's bones you look you look great on the outside but on the inside you're dead i know i'm out of the camera you know i'm gonna i feel like it's just kind of like story night tonight all right that's all right i was i was at the gym and i was playing basketball this was obviously a long time ago but um this is pre-covered um and i was playing basketball and there's this kid he's there all the time and i noticed he had a broken wrist like he couldn't move he had he was still playing basketball like bro what do you think but anyway he had he had a um brace on his wrist and i thought the lord you go pray for him like man god what if you don't handle him though it's gonna look really crazy like i don't want to pray for this kid he's like no no you need to go pray for him all right like i said i went up to him like hey man like i just want to pray for you bro what's wrong with your wrist he's like dude i fractured it i can't move it certain way and i was like let me just pray for you and let's just see what happens and i just put my hand on his wrist and begin to pray for him and he's like what he started saying things i can't say on this microphone and he's like he's like he's like whoa whoa whoa he's like i couldn't i couldn't do any of this before he's like what are you what is going on and he texts me then i gave him my number and he texted me he's like you know i i went to church but i never really believed that there was god until today now the reason i'm sharing this with you again again is because what i what i mean by by spirits like we look good but we're actually dead is that we we go to church and we play the party and we come sunday wednesday friday and saturday if you're extra if you're extra clean right like you know what i'm saying like you you do you have this routine of christianity but the problem is christianity to us sometimes all it means is church attendance but there's a world that is dying that is crying out for something that somebody would show them the truth that somebody would say hey you got cancer let me pray for you and actually believe that it can be healed that we as christians would would stop worrying so much about what people think about how we look on the outside and start living a life that says jesus what do you want me to do i was sitting with pastor omar the other day and we're we're talking about discipleship and he's like man jesus only had 12 guys and they changed the entire world and i'm just thinking oh my gosh how many people are in this room right now i'm like imagine if all of us like today went out instead of just just going home and going to the gas station and instead of just living our life but we actually realized i'm an ambassador of heaven that i've been commissioned by god to make a difference on the earth that i'm not here just to fill a seat but i'm here to i'm here to save the loss can i tell you that when we went to texas it wasn't because we can get a nice house although thank god it happened you know i mean i'm sorry that we live in texas right but but we said god whatever you want us to do my life is yours my life is yours how i don't want to get to heaven and jesus looks at me and he's like what did you even do with my son have you ever thought about the end of your life when you're standing before the throne of god with eyes like fire and he's staring into your soul have you ever thought how you're going to answer to him with how you live your daily life my goal is that when i get to him he says well done by good and faithful servant that i would enter into eternal paradise with my father now i don't have it all together i'm not over there praying for people 24 7 although maybe i should but i'm here today to challenge you that somebody would say yes god these bones can live yes god this can be changed yes god there can be a revival yes god he could start with me and what i love about what happens with ezekiel is god doesn't step in and do the work himself necessarily but he prompts ezekiel and says prophesy prophesy i want you to be a part of what i'm going to do prophesy and i like it because towards the end he says it twice he's like prophesy yeah prophesy ezekiel like there's like this like he's pumping him up like just speak it speak it because if you speak it i'll do it some of us are so far from the heart of god that we don't even know what he wants us to speak some of us are so far from god that we're not even close enough to hear his voice when we're shopping for our groceries i'm honestly i'm afraid to lose him that's honestly i'm afraid to lose him jesus is saying the kingdom of heaven is like a man who finds it finds treasure in the field and go sells everything that he has to buy that treasure i don't ever want to lose him i want to be close to him where i could hear his voice and he says go pray with that person again i love the revivals that we see the um i don't know if they do anymore but like the tent revivals and i love all that stuff i think that's cool i love the the park revivals or they're praying for people at the park and all that's wonderful don't get me wrong but i think it's i think more will change when we would just be christians every day love our neighbor hear the voice of god so he he he breathes into this army and he prophesies and i'm going to end here so if we could have daisy come up and i'm kidding this is great this this this body of of people just standing there right he's like prophesying he prophesies and and the bones come together and and now there's just a great crowd of people so i prophesied as he commanded me and breath came into them and they lived and they stood upon their feet an exceedingly great army god didn't breathe life into you just to stand the holy spirit didn't put his breath into your life just to be another church goer he didn't put his breath into your body just to be a better husband just to be a better wife some of us still need some work on that one amen he didn't just he didn't just call you to be a good person an exceedingly great army it was an army not a crowd a crowd gathers to watch a crowd gathers to experience something a crowd gathers just to spectate what's going on how many crowds were around jesus and only 120 in the upper room because the crowd will gather just to see what's going on over there but god is not raising up crowds he's raising up armies and armies come to fight armies come with a mission armies come with something in their mind and their heart that they're passionate about that i'm called not to just be here but i'm called to make a difference church you're called to make a difference you're called to be witnesses of the lord we'll read this in acts chapter 1 verse 43 and being assembled together with him he commanded them not to depart from jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father which he said you have heard from me for john truly baptized with with water but you shall be baptized with the holy spirit not many days from now therefore when they had come together they asked him saying lord will you at this time restore the kingdom up to israel and he said to them it is not for you to know times or season which the father has put in his own authority but you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the ends of the earth who is a witness of the lord witnesses are those who receive the holy spirit with power if your life hasn't been changed then you've not experienced the holy spirit you've experienced a good moment but the holy spirit will change everything about you he is that breath that is breathing to the dead bodies he is the breath that comes into those who like us were in a place of shame and pain and hurt and sin separated from god it was a holy spirit but who receives the holy spirit who is who is good enough to receive the holy spirit it's it's purely by his grace that we receive the holy spirit but the ones who receive the holy spirit are the ones who wait on him are the ones who wait on him what i mean by way i don't just mean physically weight i mean it means to prioritize him above everything else in your life everything i want to change the world i believe that these bones that we're looking at in the world today in the in our country in our cities i believe that they can live i'm just crazy i'm telling you i tell my churches all the time we're going to change the state of texas some little church in the city that nobody knows about we're going to change the state because i believe that these bones can live not only do i believe that the bones can live i want to be close enough to his heart that i can speak in a way that brings them to life that i can prophesy his heart so today the challenge to use this do you believe there could be a move of the spirit what are you doing about it those are the two questions that only you could ask you could answer do i truly believe that god can move today and what am i doing about it amen let's bow our heads let's close our eyes if you want to hear some yelling you can go back to my sermon a couple weeks ago and now the t is the temperature is perfect today you're in the room and you don't you don't know jesus you're not walking with him you can know christ you can know him intimately walking with the lord you can know jesus but today you're far from him you're not walking with jesus today you're not you don't have that relationship with him but you're saying man there's something in me there's there's this prompting in my spirit there's this prompting in my heart that says i need to meet jesus i need to know him well this is the truth it's the gospel that we believe in is that is that jesus christ came as as a baby and he lived a sinless perfect life he did ministry and he healed the sick and he casted out demons and he and he restored lives and and he did so many great things on the earth but but the world hated him because they loved their sin it was the sin of the world that put jesus on the cross and on that cross he was beaten he was bruised there was a a crown of thorns placed on his head he was humiliated he was slapped he was spit on with a full power to stop every single strike that was coming his way he took it on all of it so that he can take the punishment of our sin but it wasn't just the cross that was the punishment because as he's hanging there he cries out to his father and he says my god my god why have you forsaken me in that moment on the cross the eternal connection between the father and the son was was separated because of our sin and he was forsaken by the father whom he had intimacy with for all of eternity and then he's he's put in a tomb and three days later he ra he he he raises from the dead and he he walks the earth he does miracles and there's witnesses and there's history behind all this history supports the resurrection of jesus this is not a made up story this is not just a religion jesus is alive today and he did all that so you can be in right standing with the father so that you don't have to pay the price for your sins the scripture says the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life it's for those who put their faith in jesus and jesus alone but it's not just a prayer it's saying lord i'm giving you my life everything about me my hobbies my dreams my goals my sin my my relationships my friendships jesus everything in my life belongs to you to surrender life jesus says if you want to if you want to keep your life you have to lose it if you want to find your true life you gotta lose your earthly one so today you're saying i don't i'm not walking with jesus i'm not saved but i want to be if that's you just raise your hand any hands i don't see any hands raise your hand there's one back there okay one right here in the front anybody else raise your hand come on don't be ashamed don't be afraid put your hand high so i can see it put it high so i can see it i see that hand in the back anybody else you're not saved you're not walking with jesus and today you want to give your life to the lord i see that hand right there keep your hands up don't put them down i just want to make sure i get i'm calling the right people anybody else you want to give your life to jesus i see that hand right there in the middle in the back anybody else come on don't be afraid don't be a i see that hand anybody else you want to give your life to jesus today you're tired of living in your sin you're tired of living your own way and you're saying man it's it's i've not i've not done a very good job i want to give my life to the lord anybody else when i give your life to jesus i see that hand anybody else he's speaking to you it's nothing that we can do the scripture says that we are drawn to him by the holy spirit it's not my convincing that can change your heart it's the spirit of god anybody else in the room saying i want to give my life to jesus today just raise your hand okay you raised your hand that's what i'm going to ask you to do and i'm telling you if you don't if you can't do this what i'm about to ask you to do it's going to be very hard for you to stand up to the culture if you can't stand up in a church it's going to be hard to stand up in the world so today you raise your hand you want to give your life to jesus stand to your feet right where you are stand to your feet right where you are come on don't don't worry about who's watching come on let's give him a hand praise god [Applause] i know there was people back there i see you anybody else and i'm going to ask you to do this get out of your seat and come over here get out of your seat come on come on get out of your seat line up right here just face me face me come on up come on up we're gonna have some people come pray with you guys sir i don't i we've never met before i think it's your first time here today huh what's your name gerardo i don't know why i just see that there's something special about you and i just hear the lord saying you don't you you can stop running you can stop running and throughout your whole life you've avoided different things you felt the problem you came into the room and there was something different there's something different but he's been drawing you in he's been drawing you in and i hear the lord saying there's nothing that you can do that can stop his love there's nothing that you've done in the past that can stop him from loving you right now you can stop running today because you found your home because you found your home can we have somebody lead them in a prayer is that all right maybe the ushers if you guys want to pray with him because i do want to pray with some other people today i want you to stand to your feet tonight we're going to be done pretty soon if you you're challenged today you say man i want to see a move of god and i want to be a part of it just get out of your seat and come pray at the altar i want to see you move god and i want to hear his voice i want to know what he's asking me to do thank you so much daisy for staying up the whole time come on make room guys squeeze in squeeze in come on come on come on come on squeeze squeezing as we pray as you pray hold on [Music] come on cry out to the lord cry out to the lord cry out to the lord [Music] cry out to the lord cry out to the lord come on hears you he hears you what would you pray if you knew your prayer could change the world what would you pray if you knew your prayer would change the world lord bring the lost to you father we're crying out for for for for a move of your hand god for the glory of god to fall in the earth god lord we're crying out for a move holy spirit here we are send us let us be the voice that prophesies over this nation let us be the voice that will prophesy over our families let us be the voice that will prophesy over our jobs and our schools and our cities and our communities and our household let us be the voice that will prophesy that will breathe alive into the dead dry bones us prophesy let us speak what's on the heart of god lord let us be so close to you let us be so close to you jesus that we know we know what hurts you we know what makes you glad we know what honors you we know the desires of your heart jesus let us be that close lord take us to the valleys god take us to the valleys that we would speak alive take us to the valleys that we would speak lives [Music] there's just a there's a sweet sweet presence of the lord in the room he's in the room he's in the room oh cry out cry out cry out come on come on cry out holy spirit move holy spirit move holy spirit move holy spirit move lord we don't want just regular church christianity god we want to we want to we want to do what you've called us to do lord we don't care if the world hates us we don't care what they say about us we found a love we found a treasure we found something so special we found something god lord and we'll sell it all to know you [Music] lord align our hearts with heaven align our hearts with heaven jesus align our hearts with heaven that we would pray the same prayers that the fathers praying that we pray the same prayers that are that are in your heart lord [Music] father we cry out for mercy we cry out for justice we cry out for grace lord we cry out for power we cry out for salvation [Music] keep pressing in church keep pressing it keep pressing in i'm telling you the gift it's flowing you can feel the spirit flowing [Music] yes yes yeah yes lord do it god do the work do the work holy spirit [Music] he's breaking people and it's a good thing let him break you let him break you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i gotta just move how he was telling me to move and we're gonna do this i'm just gonna go so i don't know your name but i hear the lord saying he's changing your identity he's giving you a new name i don't know where you're from i don't know your past i don't know anything about you but what i'm hearing the lord saying is that you've been stuck in a lie of what others have said about you that you've believed what they've called you that they've called you a certain name and a phrase throughout your life and you've lived in that identity but the lord is saying i've rescued you i've rescued you when nobody else seemed to care i rescued you when nobody else seemed to pay attention the lord is saying when you thought you were alone and when you thought nobody listened i hear the lord say my ear was right by your mouth and i heard every word i saw every tear that that flowed down from your cheek he says i was there with you and today he says i'm changing your identity that those who used to know you are gonna look at you and say who is this guy he i don't even recognize who he is anymore i hear the lord saying son get ready because there's a gifting on your life to evangelize there's a gifting on your life that you have a testimony there's a testimony inside of you there's a story that you have to tell and the lord is saying don't be ashamed of your past because it's your scars that i'm going to use for my glory now i hear the lord saying your scars are going to be used for his glory so father i pray in jesus name that you would touch him god holy spirit fill him holy spirit fill him [Music] yeah open your mouth and begin to prophesy open your mouth and begin to cry out there's a new confidence coming upon you you used to have to pretend to be confident but the lord is saying i'm securing your identity from this day forward you're going to walk in a confidence that you never knew you're going to walk as not as a son of a father in the flesh but i hear him saying you're gonna walk as a son of your father in heaven that you've been grafted into a heavenly family you're not an outcast look at me look at me you're not an outcast you are not an outcast all through your life all through your life you felt that you didn't belong but i hear the lord saying you're not an outcast and the spirit of anger is going to come off you today i see it rising i need somebody to pray with him i see it rising that spirit of anger is going to come off you right now lift your hands and surrender it to the lord lift your hands and surrender it to the lord you had some plans and the lord is cancelling those plans right now i see it i rebuke that spirit of anger right now in the name of jesus i bind it and we we speak freedom right now in jesus name we speak freedom right now in jesus name you're not gonna [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so jesus be the glory auggie where's augie is auggie in the room is that you right there i didn't recognize you with a red hat there's been a pool on you over the last three weeks to go back to your old life a strong pool you started you started to connect with people that you know you shouldn't be connecting with [Music] because you become bored of the church life this is not a warning this is a cry from the lord because he loves you i hear the lord saying you're bored because you haven't given me everything there are still desires in your heart that you're trying to figure out how you can make it work with church and your old life i hear the lord saying unfollow delete separate [Applause] the enemy has convinced you that you don't have a calling he's convinced you that you're just going to be a church guy but if you could only see what i see in you the old life isn't worth it there's no way that i could have known this but i know that i know that you've been pulled back by friends from your life and you've even gone to do things the lord is saying that's enough that's enough you know my kids get in trouble before they get really disciplined i look and i say that's enough stop before you get into some real trouble and i almost feel that tone of lord kind of looking at you like son that's enough that old life's not for you and i think because you look in the mirror and you still see the same person but i i hear the lord saying i've clothed you in his eyes you don't look how you used to look because everybody who was in christ is a new creation and you are a new creation so father i pray right now god he wouldn't go back to his old ways father [Music] thank you we could do this all night i don't know what time what do you want to do [Music] you could just man i love coming here i'm telling you the gift of the gift is just like bam bam bam it's amazing it's amazing ma'am in the jean jacket right here what's your name rachel are you new to the church or you've been coming for a while kind of new still okay i don't come often so even if you've been here for a while that's probably why i don't recognize but i just feel the lord saying you're a prayer warrior and i hear him saying it's time to get back into your prayer closet because it's been neglected for some time because there are things that have entered into your life that are not sinful but they've been distracting they've been distracting i see chaos in your house and there are things that that are going on within your family that you're like god how did this even happen i see you kind of like throwing your hands up in the air saying i i can't do anything about this but they've caused a distraction and somewhere along the line where you used to go to prayer for everything now you're trying to figure everything out on your own and i hear the lord saying it's time to get back into the prayer closet it's time to get back in the prayer closet because the breakthrough that you need is not a breakthrough that you can figure out it's only something that can be done in the prayer room and so father i pray that you revive that he's reviving you tonight he's refreshing you tonight there's been a dullness over your over your walk with the lord for some time and you've been crying out saying lord can you i need something fresh i need a fresh touch and the lord is answering that today saying daughter i've heard you i've heard you pray i'm giving you a fresh touch touch your lord jesus name in jesus name in jesus name our fabian and dez here is fabian and dez here by any chance they're in the kid's room i don't want to take him out of the kid's room i'll pray with him afterwards we can't leave those kids alone for any time any amount of time i'm in the front right here what's your name alex i just see that you are somebody who praises and the enemies try to rob your praise [Music] he's trying to rob your praise [Music] i see you like mixed in with some things that you shouldn't be involved in almost like uh i see like a like a pot and there's just like things are getting input and there are things that are being poured into your life and mixed within the lord saying that's not what i have for you there's ideologies and studies and books and things that you you found interesting thought they were harmless but i hear the lord saying those things are not for you and they're much more harmful than you than you understand the reason that it's been hard to praise is because you've poured these things into your life and they begin to mix with who you are they become your not identity you're like well i like to read that i like to watch that i like to study that the lord's saying no no no no you've got to remove those things because that's what's robbing your praise is the little doors that you've opened in your life that the enemies kind of crept in and again it's it's not that you intentionally did it it's that it interests you it there was something that sparked your attention [Music] and because of that you went there when the lord said no more so i just feel there's some things in your house that you have to get rid of there are some i just keep saying books especially books you have to not just stop reading but i hear the lord saying get them out of your house delete them from your library disconnect with them completely so father i pray in jesus name that you would touch that you would give her the grace to do this everything and nothing less god everything in jesus name okay i'm gonna ask this again is peter howell here he's with the kid all you all that everybody's needs the words are the kids well then let me pray for the other guy johnny i want to pray for you and this will be it come on my boy wamo [Applause] can can we can we swap out peter for some help is that possible just like real quick i promise i'm gonna pray and then we'll be done so the kids won't be there very long without him okay [Music] you know it's okay to laugh when you're praying sometimes it's okay [Music] that's all right i just want to do this and then i'm going to wrap it up [Music] also because i'm like super it's very hot up here i'm like sweating danny where's danny's gotta fix that ac bro come on is this good guys this is blessing you tonight [Applause] fabian's here andes where's peter is peter here too did we get all of them out oh my if we did that i will be amazed that'll be incredible come up here uh fabian and dez i want you guys to hold hands and if we could have another couple get behind some of the leaders when i saw you at the conference i felt this word on my heart for both of you guys that the unity that you carry that you share the unity that you share is from god that it's not something you convinced yourself of it's not something that just happened that the lord had brought you to together for a purpose but there's been something some things happening that have caused you to sometimes doubt that even as the first couple of weeks of marriage have gone by you've said things to yourself and maybe to each other you probably shouldn't have said but you said it because you really felt that i felt like almost like the enemy was trying to creep his way into your household and caused strife between you two almost like you look you like you look at each other and you're like i didn't think it was going to be this hard but anything worth having is worth fighting for and and separation in marriage is never the answer it's never the answer god has brought you two together and that that heaviness in the house he's calling you to deeper prayer fabian he's calling you to deeper prayer i hear him saying that you your authority your calling is much more intense than what you thought it would be i hear him almost saying like it's it's time to stop playing games and it's time to be a man of prayer not that you're not me fabian are good friends he knows me i'm not trying to burn him but not that you're not but i was i prayed but then there was a season where i was brought to deeper prayer then when you get to that deeper prayer that begin becomes normal and then you're called to deeper prayers the lord is calling you to deep prayer and he's allowing these things to infiltrate a little bit so that you would become prayer warriors and fight for what you know is yours so father i pray in jesus name god over their marriage [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right this is it last one peter and johnny [Music] the boys right here man there's just something so intentional about you two things that you [Music] intentionally do for friendship and leadership do not go unnoticed in the church and although you may not feel like it at times both of you have been very very crucial in the development of the culture god brought you here for this time because there's some there's an anointing on you both of you to be a friend to love deeply to reach out because both you are so grateful for what god has done in your individual lives that you don't ever want somebody else to miss out on that but i just i and this i don't want to be out of pocket here i don't want to be out of line but i just hear the lord saying don't let anything ruin this friendship don't let anything ruin this friendship because you you need each other as friends but the unity that you carry again it's crucial to what god is doing in this church and so don't ever doubt your position don't ever doubt the importance of your lifestyle that people are watching both of you people are looking to you and sometimes you're like why would anybody look to me like what the heck this is so weird like i just want to swim with these guys but the lord is saying no no no because there's something inside of both of you that when people look at it they say i want that there's a joy and a unity and don't let anything come between this friendship don't let anything come to not so cry he's gonna make me cry so father i pray god this would not just be one friendship but lord let it let it signify god and be a sign for the unity within this house god that we are not competing with with one another we're not each other's competition god we're none of that lord we're all building the kingdom of god together so i pray god that a new level of leadership would come upon both of them god a new level of anointing would be upon them god that they would see lord the importance of their everyday lifestyle god of the words that they speak or the the way they go about ministry god they would not i hear the lord saying don't get tired of doing good don't get tired of ministry don't get tired of serving with a heart of gratitude the lord honors that i hear he sees all of your sacrifices he sees all those moments when you're tired after work but you get ready and you go to outreach and you get ready and you go to service he sees it all then i hear the lord saying i'm honoring both of you i'm honoring both of you so father today god let unity remain in this church i come against all the division that would want to sneak into this house lord you're setting up something so beautiful in this in this place god as a unity lord they'll know your disciples by the way they love one another so let this church be a light to the world god of what it looks like to not compete or compare or be jealous god but let this church be a church that loves you and loves each other we thank you in jesus name amen [Applause] amen if you would just lift your hands come on before you move just lift your hands come on close your eyes begin to thank god for the word father we thank you lord for what you're doing we thank you god father for this timely message i pray father every single word that's been spoken lord that we would seize it god that we hold on to it father help us lord to be ambassadors for you god help us lord to believe for the supernatural help us god lord to believe for the miraculous lord we thank you father for who you are god what you're doing in our midst we honor you in jesus name the church of god said amen amen amen well we appreciate all of you being with us here tonight how many of you appreciate pastor mike and jessica hernandez from reclaim huddle texas let them know how much you love them and appreciate them again we appreciate you being with us be a part of all that god is doing god bless you thank you for joining our church online we hope you enjoyed the message to stay connected with us follow us on facebook and subscribe to our youtube channel to not miss any of our online services and content click the notification bell and like this video we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Reach Church - Paramount
Views: 1,838
Rating: 4.9873013 out of 5
Keywords: reach church, paramount church, reach paramount, pcparamount, praise chapel paramount, message, christian church, pastor omar lopez, reach restore release, reach, restore, release, holy spirit, local church, worship, church service, church online
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 16sec (7996 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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