RCE ARCHIVE: Making the Hydroneer Fish Bridge!

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[Music] hello fellow engineers how are we doing oh it's a lovely day today sunshine and not windy very nice change um we didn't stream yesterday i was busy uh because this weekend it's the it's the wedding i'm going to where i'm best man so we had to do like a wedding rehearsal thing i was in a church um i completely messed up like i don't i don't swear very often but apparently i do say like god damn it and i said that in the church in front of the vicar i felt very ashamed of myself um oops [Music] yeah one of the more awkward moments um how can you mess up being the best man oh there's plenty of ways they gave me so many jobs as a best man i gotta remember the rings and then i've got to move some like kneeling matt out of the way or something and then i'm kidding how you doing dude how are you kade said the one phrase you weren't meant to say yeah i know oh i don't know why i brought it up i don't want to relive that movement ever again but thanks for the sub by the way very kind of you know also koi koi 10 months of being a software engineer mr zambo ae thank you happy zeke cheers what's up and fat nighters three cheers what's up you can probably hear my dog i think my girlfriend just got home so dog is going crazy oh yeah so loads of best man stuff happening at the moment which means i can only stream tonight and we're a bit early we're like an hour earlier than we usually stream because i like agree i get my haircut later i gotta do some other stuff probably like finish writing my speech breaking it it'll be fine it'll be fine right right guys marriage is like a bridge or something like that uh zak zak md cheers for the sub happy nine months wow daleem 22 thank you very much the pro swede is back oh my goodness paddy is going mental who farted see crazy man cheers for uh what else we got montana williams enjoy enjoyed your buddies stream raid last week oh nice yeah zob zero okay check him out if you haven't already i don't know what this thing is is it sub zero one two three no ttv subzero that's it he's a cheeky one he changes it all the time it's my stag dude tomorrow con calls first time chatter nice wait what are you doing what are you up to staggy was fun i missed stag d it was a lot less serious back then now it's all weddings and churches and oh man that's just constant shady shitty for thank you very much for the sub very kind of you right so yeah anyway enough about weddings enough about me being the best man the best one not second best man the best man enough of that i don't need to keep bringing that up do i don't need to keep mentioning that i am the best man i think we know that i am the best man right i just won't mention it anymore that i'm the best man the best real evil engineer oh my goodness we have a real evil engineer amongst us um at least you're not an architect mate the thing for the sub break kind of view koi koi gifting some subs as well very kindly egb has arrived so everyone everyone behave or you get banned get whipped into shape but yeah thank you koi very very kind of you give him five subs how generous a pro hang on proprium dia bolly proprium diaboli uh thank you for the subbing you've been stopped for five months did you know that oh no i've been banned tempest teapot love content thanks matt cheers dude right shall we get oh we got a dad joke now we have a dad joke who's that from aidan farrell yeah i don't expect that from you um since we're in hydro near which one do you like more gold or silver meh either all get it either or like an ore like metal ore or e no okay right okay wait we're in hydrant we're flying we're flying i don't have a hat on i'm in i've downloaded some mods to make building a bit easier oh oh god what happened did you see that had some weird i had some weird glitching stuff going on oh you don't boo me first time chatter how rude yeah cheers mr zombie that's that's the reaction we want a big wow it's half thorn cheers the cheer i assume you knew that one or you're just not impressed but thank you thank you for the cheer right yeah so ah why is that happening what's going on is it because i've got the stuff downloaded well actually it might be because i've left my stuff running should i go turn it off let's go head up to my base and we'll turn it off just in case um so where are you right over here how do i go down ah why are you doing this game oh my goodness okay i think that could be the problem ah alright open that ow yay i don't know how long that's been running but that don't look good um thankfully frame rate is source of back let's i think we should probably clear all raw resources yeah clear okay that's fixed we'll get rid of the dirt chunks as well sauce i'm glad that these ones don't disappear because that would be very annoying they're the saucy ones um we need we need to change the time i actually i have over here here it is i have this thing where we can change the light we can pause time we can change the light because i don't like night time it's terrible here we go right cool so that's that that's all running well it's not running i've stopped it we don't want any more issues today we are building we are building a bridge because the biggest problem with hydrogenate is this thing like what ev what what is it it's disgusting that's what it is um it needs fixing um and i want to i want to show you the devs i can't yeah i know there was a lot of stunks in there what was it i feel like i got a lag spike there as well um i started building down here and then i was gonna do a bit of a bit of jiggery pokery with stuff um but then i was like actually i think that will be like a much better view for a bridge because that one like the other ones in the background so we're building a bridge over here i've just learned some what was it f7 there we go look so i got some floor going on we got wood floor select at the moment and with this you can literally press the middle mouse button and it spawns in your hand so finally the creative mode we all deserve is in our grasp yeah and i'm i'm just going to build a bridge today a very very nice bridge i'm going to try to build a bridge today um and yeah i just thought you guys could keep me company while we do that uh i've got i got a few ideas on how to bridge the bridge um one of which is to build it out of gold could be possible might not be possible but it could be uh the other method is maybe we could build it out of fish maybe maybe and i'll show you exactly what i mean in a minute we'll do a little tester just to make sure it doesn't work unfortunately if i do the clear resources button thing that i just did all that hard work will be gone that's annoying um how do i how do i get rid of that i don't want it ah now i've got two right what was it control middle mouse there we go right that's gone so we have we have a sort of that's how big our bridge needs to be we need to build some other why not in poo because i'm not a madman i don't have like 10 hours to spend i do i don't want to spend 10 hours building out of poo for people that don't know let's go let's go have a look it's over here isn't it i'll go see my food bridge it looks very different far away it's like yeah what is that what is that but as you get close it turns into oh yes and what is it is it f okay yeah we're on the ground i was going to say it works perfectly as well i did get stuck there look at that that is a nice poo bridge uh yeah that's that bridge isn't as wide as it's going to be because i've got i've got ideas i've got ideas what i want to do yes that's good this this is dead to me this place anyway back to flying back to this bridge so what i'd love to do is like a massive arch but i don't really know what to make it out of it's like in terms of not just the pieces because basically right basically right how do i explain this let's build some sort of shutter thing do i have a wand down here still can you see there's fish down here i was doing some fish all right we have a wand we do have a wand so let's grab the wand and then let's build a few of those okay so let's just let's just do something like this so we'll grab that i'm going to grab all of these actually we don't need them anymore so we'll do a bit of rotatory potatoey just like that another one there yeah that's good another one like that and then if we grab like a fish do it troubles i don't have any big fish i think that's my biggest one at the moment but we can grab this we can plonk it in there then where's my wand where'd my wand go there is all right we can get that well actually no i think there's a better way of doing this i did see when i was searching in the old creative we found was it if i put fish in yeah you can actually spawn fish and i notice when you click on these you can literally put in an amount i don't know how this works at all but let's just say yeah 100 fish so how do i close that okay so we have 100 fish i think if i press the middle mouse oh god i'm scared okay that's not a hundred fish that's one fish what where's my hundred fish that did say amount 100 amount to spawn resource with is that the size so if i do a thousand say what was it oh okay i think that's the site oh my goodness no isn't the size that's the same size as the other one uh yeah maybe it is a size and maybe it's capped or something let's try like a smaller one shall we let's do like 10. i don't know how to close this menu right so middle mouse that looks the same size interesting uh it's price oh it's the price is it someone said it's price there we are it's the price oh ah sorry i missed i missed mr zambia cheered 500 bits sorry what did you say i don't know what you said but thank you very much very kind of you and elder god we got a question what's your easter egg in this game um devs haven't given me one yeah so i'm making my own i'm making my own because the devs don't like me very much um okay so we're gonna go in here i actually i probably want to turn on an auto clicker just to save my well actually these these are quite big fish ah that was a that was the wrong thing but if we just spawn a load of these just so i can show you what happened so let's delete those let's delete that right so fish in a barrel sort of um now we're gonna we're gonna exit the game so we're gonna we're gonna save and quit desktop yes all right now i'm gonna open it again i probably could have just quit out i probably didn't have to quit the entire game but hey ho live and learn so as we load her back up let's continue let's put it in creative mode come on obs show you people what i'm doing all right here we go so we're back we are back now where did my wand go what's up there i could see the shadow of it i wasn't sure where it was right if we delete these now look physics has no effect on these now do you see what i'm thinking so we can literally make a bridge out of fish or gold or anything yep fish bridge we could even make a fish nader oh man we could make a fish nato ah okay now i don't know what to do i feel like that would be like way too much gold but fish could be possible um yeah so so that's the plan what happened with the fish so if you if you leave the game and come back in physics has no effect on things so they were in a box but now they're not um what i'm not sure about do they count as resources so if i go to clear overall resources they're still there are they dirt chunks no okay so fish are always there the trouble with that is whatever i do i could ruin my game if i put too many fish down that could be the end it's a risk it is a risk and particularly as i don't know can i get like does that affect frame rate because like the physics aren't doing anything so it might be okay right maybe i don't know anyway we don't need the one for now we'll leave it there someone remind me where it is later on is that let's take over one of these we can press f to flight so we're going back over it so we're gonna be we're gonna put that somewhere i gotta try and like i wanna do an arch so we've gotta work out the best way of doing an arch um so what what do we have we've got category retail buildable oh man there's going to be there's a lot of things to look through all right we could we could use conveyors to like get a bit of a curve going because that's the thing i'm not sure what to do how to do the curve are there roof pieces roof oh they're a cottage roof the hell is a cottage roof there's wood i think i know what a wood roof it let's see what cottage where was it because if it's bigger it will save time which is fantastic so middle oh it's just one of those oh fair enough yeah so maybe if it went i mean maybe i want to do this like a viaduct maybe instead the trouble is i'm just not sure like i'm not gonna be able to get like a nice curve on it i've only got 45 degrees to work with i don't know what do you guys want to do what do you think we should do chat i mean i could try and do because there's not use corner roof pieces all right we'll have a look so corner roof is that one i'm not sure that's gonna that's not gonna help us it's still 45 degrees yeah conveyors are steeper than 45 the only trouble is i won't so i guess i could do like i could do the conveyors there and then 45 yeah should we try that alright what is it shh control middle mouse right okay let's start with conveyors that could be that could be a plan so conveyor conveyor all right what have we got we got the vertical ones yeah the only thing is they do have a bit of a gap in them you got like a flat bit at the top oh and i can't build these why can't i build these here why game why yeah uh it could it could have worked oh yeah you need pipes don't you oh man you need pipes okay that's annoying so let's let's get let's get some pipes then i guess so back to this pipe um what would be a good one to go i guess just straight pipe county that's a is elbow a corner i assume so yeah shall i just do i'll just do straight shelly i assume it doesn't really matter that they're not connected although will that game have a go at me saying it's not connected only one way to find out right so i guess we start like they're there ish or maybe down i don't really know i don't know what i'm doing i don't know what i'm doing so it will shove you there so that's the start of our curve so let's grab another one and shove it there perhaps and then this might be easier with the wand actually i'm going to grab the wand where was it chat where was it it was around here somewhere there it is so we need more conveyor so we've got we've got a few conveyors now so let's grab one let's shove it yeah is that is that going to be annoying the flat bit or is that going to be okay dunno we will have to see all right and question is when do we start doing 45 is that even i don't know if that's steeper than 45 is that steeper than 45 i don't know um adrian c t uh so many letters cttnc16 cheers to sub six 12 minutes ago sorry i missed it and also a baby with an extra wire on the end thank you very much what's up very kind of you uh we got a question how did the wedding go also can you pronounce my name juan the balcony horse six nine um wedding is sunday so it's not my wedding by the way i'm i'm the best man i know people were wondering if it was my own no it's not oh hang on i find perception this game's really hard to work out i don't know why all right i guess if we go to the 45 the trouble is i want to know how i can like make this less steep oh aren't there like wasn't there like corrugated iron that's a bit flatter there might be corrugated iron let's have a look would it be called corrugated how do you spell corrugated like that no what were they called have i swear that way is it coral corrugated is it no that's not a word hmm well it's a word but it's not the word i guess i could literally just go to the shop or shall we look in is it buildable or is there like is it like house or roof or housing there we go right what have we got in here or have they got rid of it i know you're like here they are here they are thin sheet it's called all right let's just search for tin so we've got the long ramp okay i think that's what we want so if we now yes that's the one that is the one yes yes okay we can we can get a bit of an arch oh man it's gonna be i might have to do like a double archer i think a double archer will be better [Music] do square tunnels with 45 degree corners i don't know what you mean two arches yeah use per yeah we all use pillars so we'll have like one just one in the middle i reckon we can get that far if we do a couple of these hey sibby's here hello sibby melted killer poo to everyone else um right so we'll put a few of those down yeah then maybe from there we want a couple of flats i don't even know if i wanted it to be that high really um so i think i need my wand let's grab one of these grab a few of them i'll leave the one there we'll grab that and we're gonna go oh no it's it's not the right height oh yeah it just it clips through okay okay got it got it so it goes there cool so question is it's not the best arch it's really not the best arch do i think i'll do should i do two of them so another one like that and then we'll go back down here definitely two arches if using sardines all right we're on the two arch so we need two of those one of those and a few of those a few pipes right that might be enough it probably isn't so corrugated first so you go up here will you rotate a little bit you go there grab another one there it is and then we can sort of see how it's look oh that might look quite decent actually i'm not sure though i feel like the conveyors are just 45 degree so maybe if i do just do 45 and then just have the bottom conveyor um so let's let's delete those and move that like well no i just want to delete that let's delete all that see you later see you later see you later then we want more of them so if that goes to there and then we've got a steep a bit but i think i want to move it slightly to the right i don't know if that's going to work though because it's sort of off grid but if it were there no it's a bit it's a bit far away it might be okay like once it fills in with fish or whatever what do we think what do we think i think we should we'll do the whole arch and see what it looks like no point judging before it's done so that goes there the other one is there another one i've already used it have night all right where's my wand so you copy one of them drop that there grab this you go on the bottom of that i'll tell you what maybe i literally just want to do verticals after that maybe there's no point trying to do the the things let's let's just see if it were vertical this might actually look better i mean i mean work better we don't care about how it looks we're engineers but it might be more structurally sound i reckon this question thank you for watch [Music] cheers for the sub very kind of you yeah the question now is out uh are you going to do a face reveal i've already done a face reveal in the million sub special that was my face can you believe it um i don't know maybe probably not all right does that look better i think that looks better doesn't it i know it's a little bit it's a little bit wonky there i mean i mean perhaps vertical tin sheets oh okay wow why why use why use the tin sheets is that not okay because these are bigger that's all yeah if i can if i can move that up a bit i can only move it up a half where's the middle that is the crit no i think it it's got to be it's got to be full length all right i think that's good why not for a face reveal because i don't think it it's not gonna add anything i like being international man of mystery i feel like austin powers um let's delete these conveyors so boosh boosh boosh boosh um cool right where did i leave hang on i thought i oh i'm not building in the dark i'll tell you that we're going back to my base actually no he's quick to go to shop we're going to the shop oh that actually that could look quite decent it's not great though i want i wish there was like the inverse of this like a steeper to go in that corner i don't know cla juan did i say it right by the way you told me to pronounce your name i i hope i did right we need we need this pause time be sunny game much better is that okay i need i want something steeper you can can i rotate these i didn't even think about rotating them the proper way uh where's where's my wand there it is i forgot i could do like t and w and whatever all right let's let's try that so if we grab this if i do what is it oh yes yes chat that's why you're here that's why you're here so we can we can do a bit of yeah a bit of that we can lower that one down oh yeah okay okay is that better i think that's better um did my youtube schedule change yeah so i'm a i'm like an hour later than i used to be it's been like this for quite a while now so my video will be out in eight minutes assuming everything's scheduled correctly um so everyone leave the stream to go watch that please because uh if you don't get the views early on youtube just says nah no one wants to watch your video screw you matt i hate you i'm like cheers youtube i thought we were friends i was like no we're never friends i just use umap uh yeah the uh the memoirs of a youtuber all right let's shove this one in there and then a cheeky vertical at the bottom i might nab this one for now because i can't be asked to make all the materials so down down i knew that would happen all right so that one i can't actually build it in there i'm sure there's some other thing i can put there so i'll be fine i'll be fine i think that's quite a good arch what do you reckon any good any good shorty fev cheers for the sub four minutes go good afternoon good sir good afternoon to ut wouldn't it be better to turn the vertical wood by 180 degrees well this is this is the inside uh because basic this is formwork if you if you missed the start of these if you missed the start of the stream this is just form work um because we're going to be filling this with fish or gold i haven't decided probably fish like over here can you see these little fish that is what our bridge is going to be made out of so this is just formwork yes there's some there's some worried faces right now um so yeah this is it should be fun it should be good let's well i think i want to build the whole thing first so we got those we need a few of those is that four of those we need oh oh i dropped it oh i i proper sat on that well it was pointing upwards i don't want to think what happened to that we need two of those and then well the main thing is how wide should that middle pillar be because i do i do want it to be like symmetrical and stuff well i guess it wouldn't matter too much if it like starts there i think that should be it's not really in the middle is it i'll tell you what i could yeah actually i'll do that i might extend this a bit and do that if we can we shove that down yes game yes game if we get rid of that is that a better arch or is that a bit silly i feel like that's okay or if we or if we meet in the middle so we take that up like oh no i can't do that because it's off grid it's off grid yeah i think i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this okay so we will go to varish is that sort of the middle yeah i think that looks better looks all right to chat the strongest shape is symmetrical yeah i know you know strongest shape in this one at the moment there's still time that's what i'm early on in the build so never say no we'll see how the structural soundness works before any strongest shapes are needed all right grab you guys you go come on there there we go i'm really bad at building in this game by the way it's like quite finicky although that was pretty good i was like speed run building so the flats go oh no that's a oh it is a flat interesting okay that goes over there somewhere i need to do these firstly it two was it oh no i did that wrong okay hang on so that needs to be a half that so you go there there we go and then this one if we rotate it the right way should go like that yeah nice nice i'm liking this i am liking this a lot so you go there mr flat piece go in the right spot and then that's a flatter so we'll take you are we a bit close we might be a bit close to the edge the middle i think the middle is gonna have to go in isn't it yeah it is it is it's good to learn these things early though right i mean i could go back to your design where it went straight down there hmm it'd be nice if the grid was toggleable it would it would now let's move all this back by like a fair amount however much that is like there is that wide enough i think that's wide enough i think that should give us enough room so that way that way in there nice what's a nice word toggle it's quite hard to say that word here you go there you go there you need a bit of that and a bit of that and go there you do the same oh dear oh dear that one's the wrong way around all right apart from building it on the wonk that's pretty good so we'll just move these to the side a little bit i i need to do that that was my i was my ocd guessing to me right yeah that's looking good that is looking good on the wonk should be on the bingo board you're quite right uh who's winging it who's winning bingo at the moment i love that there's bingo alright rotate you around grab your friend i know where's your friend gone oh he's gone all right okay where's where where's my wand okay i need to duplicate my wand because i keep losing it there it is there it is okay so we want ah we want one of them and that's probably it oh no we need we need loads of these don't we oh idiot matt idiot so we want these two bits of those so one goes there yes oh this is actually going to work really well is that a bit of roof yes that one goes halfway between i believe so come on game help me out help me out game come on nice like that and then hopefully we can get a cheeky bit of corrugated in there [Music] steamed cheers what's up holy crap here three dude thank you man that is blooming blooming kind of you have i made you vip yet yes you are vip kid right nice how's that looking for brit i mean right i'm not joking this is very much work in progress under construction compare that to that what is that bilf not a billf say it with me chat bilf not a bilf what's this one chat bill yes zombie baby it's a bilf lice of color yes it's a bilf good work everyone everyone's with me except for the devs and this one what's this one chat also built no it's not also bill awesome jack it's not a bill that's it that's it everyone so now we just need to tell the devs fix that um because unfortunately although this is to be awesome it's not going to be that useful i mean i might be able to drive up to it but over this side it's going to be it's going to be a bit ropey um i'll make use of it i'm sure it'll be fine um right so next up what do we want to do we gotta make it wider we're sure so i guess we just we just get wanding where's my wand why do i always do this it's over here somewhere isn't it oh [Music] do anyone recognize that that's a new one that's the big boy bitty thing cheers 10 squid very kind of eat it's my first ever big boy thing since i changed the sound effect uh thank you very much that's very generous of you sir and also greedy i did miss or did you say anything greeny where are you said rc i thank you as your videos have inspired me to start studying to become a civil engineer great stuff i hope you build bridges like this and not like that um right okay let's we need how wide should it be i mean the top probably needs to be bloody wide oh god no no no no none of that none of that none of that but thank you very much that's very very kind of you um i am wondering is it worth doing this without the wand because the wand takes quite a while i've got the creative mode thingy bobby now so i can shove these two in at least just you knob absolute bender [Music] oh the god nice ah dude thank you so much [Music] that i'm not gonna lie that's a banging solo isn't it that is a banging so late break me says dude you can't you see no you mustn't do that man too much right and just so you guys know there's no point doing any higher than a thousand because that's the only sound um that's different but thank you i do appreciate it oh dear yeah so like right i got i got this lined up so i can literally just press middle mouse we're making it wider [Music] lord mike why are you getting in on this steamed up oh my goodness it's all gone mental steam dairy i'm sorry i can't stick around for long i have to work in 30 minutes guys you got to stop this you've literally you've got to stop [Music] oh dear [Music] oh oh god i do i want i'm rick james oh dear what have i done to deserve this hey no i do oh why can't that go in there why can't that go there game we can get that one in i do really appreciate it but guys a little bit a little bit too much i think thank you very much appreciate you all um right right what are we doing let's do let's do these ones ah techwizard247 thank you very much for the sub very kind of you all right let's get some more of the this like this is so much quicker than building like how the dev wanted you to build in creative mode thank you whoever made this mod i owe you a bridge well i'm building a bridge how how low can we go yeah i knew that would happen we can do that that'll do that will work no wait that's in the wrong place um how can i get can i i can't do these halfway okay fine that's staying as is we're going we're going wider this way so we do that we do that and then we just got the flatters to do so if we y and then our r yeah that looks good that looks bang tidy as the welsh would say oh look at this speed building lads and ladets oh yes oh yes this is how i like to build bridges at speed all right a little bit more a little bit more yeah get in my bridge sheet of tin oh that's that's the wrong place that is the wrong place oh there was a cheer mikla stickler the latest rce video came out can you not do anything for the next 14 minutes yeah i'll just be building a bridge everyone go watch that because uh the youtube algo needs views um i'll just i'll just be here building a bridge if you guys want to go watch it i'll try not to do anything interesting i might talk about like some boring subject like ham or something i don't know much about ham actually like i sort of is a good point what is ham like i know it's meat is it just boiled like when when does meat turn into ham that's what i want to know that is what i want to know right let's do cottage rooves next say roof and we want the cottage of la roof that one not the best picture of that as it's brown ham could be interesting if talk about it right okay we won't talk about ham then what will we talk about architecture that's a good shout smitty um architecture oh i don't know anything about it because i hate it i don't hate architecture i hate architects it's very very very different um oh look how quickly i forgot these were big oops i've rotated yeah the question is do we go do we go wider again because that's gonna be too wide not too wide but like two pieces wide i feel like i've got to out do that i don't know how wide that one is actually oh yeah that's that's the other thing that's the other thing i hate devs blooming devs look they put the bridge like on that grid and they put the grid on this grid so my original idea was to like try and improve this bridge myself but i couldn't even do it because the devs they knew i'd they knew i'd do this i think that's what happened real evil engineer rce i thank you as your videos have inspired me to become an evil engineer and what kind of fish concrete will you use for the arches um only only the the most solid probably reinforced bass or something um but thank you for the that's very kind of eat i'm glad you've been inspired to become an evil engineer so are you like are you building like evil lairs or are you plotting against engineers what what sort of evil are you oops that's the wrong spot it was meant to go there let's delete that with control and middle mouse i'll play i put that one in the wrong place as well what is going on there we go right nice nice the trouble is i'm to have to like do do form work up the sides as well that could be a bit of a pain um so i want i just want flats i think is it called floor i reckon its floor cottage floor yeah or is there a wooden floor yeah wood floor we'll take the wood floor well what the hell what the hell there we go all right that will do that will actually do so over this way there and there and then i think i can just make these floor as well so if we do a bit of that nice i don't think i can get them over there but i can get them there and i think that's like the arch is done what's it all flaw rce terrible absolutely terrible we got a question we've got a question uh i've been stuck at home recovering from surgery who's this from cooper [Music] cube cubillaphy i think yeah thanks for streaming to break up somewhere boredom question what's the one thing you miss about being an rce since doing youtube um probably like this is going to be a bit of a weird one because it's not really engineering it's just like well working from home related i probably miss like just having colleagues if i'm honest because like there isn't anyone else working for me oh what the what's that what oh that is in the right place that looks really wrong for some reason and yeah we're just gonna we're gonna have to like fill up the sides i don't want to fill up the roof because i need to fill it with fish um so we're just going to do the sides i think so [Music] yes fart song thank you thank you very much that was massively appreciated um oh this is this is actually quite annoying what's the easiest way of doing this how high do i want to go probably to that i don't want fish to over over top that's the trouble we got we got another question as well i found a mod called build anywhere which can let you place walls on the edges or like down there oh maybe i'll i did see that one but i thought creative mode would sort of deal with that because i mean creative as well as having these mods installed oh man this is actually going to take quite a while i think at least i don't have to do the entire thing i will say that ah down up right left it's like so hard to do this okay so yeah just remember form work it's not gonna look the neatest but it doesn't have to it's the finished article that we're worried about the fish snitched article yeah no sorry sorry that was too far what's the other question not a question multi-clip i just wanted to point out you just said you need to fill it with fish double fish puns that one wasn't even intentional i can only apologize um oh this is this is quite a structure this isn't it i'm so glad this mod exists i i was well i did start doing it like normally just with like a bit of creative mode but uh i think i probably would have given up so thank you creative mod thing whatever this is called definitely saved the date yeah this is this is decent this is decent i'm liking this press x to trout oh no stop sorry i didn't mean sir i didn't mean to laugh at that i shouldn't encourage you guys press x to trout um right let's just get all of these in all the way to the end and we'll do the same there and then they're quite a big fish so i don't think they'll fall out those gaps if i'm honest but uh load those i do wish though i could spawn 100 like i thought you could shame that's not a real thing but nice that is good that is pretty good if i say so myself so i guess we'll just continue working up like that it's not too bad it's not i thought it i thought it might be a bit slower than this we're doing all right oh that wasn't the best one so there we go another one of them and then yeah they fit all height very tasty i'm guessing a fishy feeling about this tree oh guys i cut i can't do like i can't do fish puns there was a mistake laughing at that one earlier and making one myself do as i say not as i do all right warm work let's get let's get you in let's get you in there um i do have an auto clicker which i can just get going whenever so that will help with the multiplying of fish the poor the big paw i better put one there just in case i don't think fish will fall out of that but uh nice look at that look at that i've made a minecraft bridge oh yeah bridgeport it is literally a bridgeport people that don't get the reference that is literally the name of um well that place the town um right okay question do i want to delete those so i can get fish in there easier maybe potentially i think i'll i'll do this side first so rotate like that is that gonna is that in the right spot yeah yeah that's fine that's fine matt all right there we go so we'll just keep going up all the way to the top nice next see one two come on let's yeah we're getting we're getting the rhythm now we are guessing the rhythm and then a little half are on top noise and these ones oh i'm quite excited for this i hope it doesn't wreck my frame rate though because as we've said earlier there's no way to delete fish like once they're in your game is anyone here like a hydro near expert do they know like will my frame rate be wrecked by fish i remember i did quite a bit of fishing like when i did the fishing mini game thing but not nearly as enough not nearly enough as like what i'm going to be doing here no but i'm a fish ex are you actually a fish expert do you go fishing sibby this stream has officially turned into fish puns guys you're not helping with the monotonous knee monotonous monotonous monotonously monotonously monotone monotonous knee is me at the end right i'm not an expert but i've seen enough let's gaming outfits tonight it'll be very laggy yeah but the thing with let's game out ones did he did he do the like no physics glitch thing did he turn it off and on again that is the question all right we're actually we are getting there at least oh that was annoying that was really annoying don't worry i fixed it i fixed it all right all right nearly there nearly that let's get that corner covered and then down there one there one there we've gotta we gotta try and find something to go in there i think fish will fall out of that we can probably find that in a bit late we're gonna head over this way [Music] and go like that oh i missed the sub four minutes ago as well rg maverick cheers sub a full year of great civil engineering nice yeah i'm weirdly beardy oh man that's 12 months fair play rj maverick that is a long time thank you for your support witty beardy cheers the sub i never fish pun flounder doodles cheers for the wow i've seen us for the year for rg mavericks yeah that's very kind of it oh wrong wait we're going down right nearly there nearly there i know i've said that like a billion times i don't know what else to say at this point there's only so much commentating you can do on this all right delete you don't come on there it is there's that all right let's go along the top i like going along the top don't someone take that out of context somehow i'm not sure how you would but i'm sure some of you are weirdos chat all right now under here ah right there it is i completely forgot like how to do i've done this like so many times like my brain was just like i don't know what to do now oh oh god that was a saving lag i don't like that it does that now since this new update there is there is saving lag yeah this is this is inspired by timber born as sort of it's not quite a dam though it is a bridge um right let's let's do the old control middle mouse i think we'll get rid of these for now because we want to fill it with fish oh i just said the pun again i didn't mean that wasn't meant to be a pun that was just fill it up with fish is that better that's still fill it isn't it i'll leave that one there that one's fine right so we do i need to fix that somehow do i i think isn't there like a short piece of roof so what was it tin tin sheet ramp okay let's try that because i feel like fish will fall out it's not quite the right angle but i think it's better than nothing yeah just to stop them falling out and then over here we need probably just tin sheets because they're quite small i think so if we rotate like that do a bit of that yeah that's good that is good cool all right now we are pretty much all ready for the big paw oh sarah problem she's just come from the video i think because yep rest in peace timberborners 2 season 2 is over it was the finale today um right i tell you what i might delete everything over here just to sort of help the frame rate a little bit so let's delete all these we don't need these that was the original plan there's loads of fish down here and a boot because i was doing fishing trying to find a big fish before i found this mod so we'll delete all of those buy fish we'll delete the hats and the rod and we'll probably delete all of these fish as well because that was the tester just to test the principle we know it works right i think we're good i think we are good to go so question is where do i like i need to start on the bottom right i thought the fish they're a bit big they are a little bit big anyway fish well to be fair we haven't tried changing that to like just one will that make it smaller let's see so oh that does make it smaller okay i'm just i'm just doing the most structural of fish whatever whatever fishes my fish i think that's a bit small isn't it i'm gonna i'm gonna try the big fish to start and i'll see if it's like gappy and if it is gappy then maybe we'll go a little bit smaller so let's change does this change in front of me no okay that didn't change so i can drop that i can spawn another one oh god that's a lot bigger do we think that would be okay they're quite big you think i need to go like in between is it a guppy is that what fish it is no it's a sardine it's a sardine what's the fps drop fish per second oh dear all right let's go get the wand it needs to go bigger still that's that's a well big fish i'm scared it'll be really gappy actually i that could take quite a while should i go bigger or should i just get the auto click it i might just this is it's overfishing i'm not even fishing this size is good okay right i'm gonna try and find an auto clicker i do have one somewhere or two oh i think it's hang on one second one second chat just let me find it let me find it auto clicker there we are all right i'm gonna turn it down to one millisecond and it's f6 so if i just press f6 yes it's working so yeah the trouble is i'm a bit worried like the gaps down the bottom aren't all going to get filled in so that corner it doesn't look ideal i might have to do a bit of like manual movement are they that's i don't know maybe it will look okay maybe it won't ah bulls balls no no no oh id that would happen um right okay okay let's go let's go put the wand like there i think we're gonna have to do a bit of vibration to try and get these into place that wasn't meant to be a fish punt by the way huh oh i don't know actually i don't i might just have to do it like this you should have just used the wall pieces it's a lot more sensible than fish yep tree fair um sold it should i just go for it oh chief uh thank you for the fart very kind of you there's probably people that like have never seen blurp before and they're like why did matt just say thanks for a fart um yeah that's i don't know shall we just i'll just try and work from the edge i need to make sure i'm always looking at a fish though so this will require a little bit of con concentration all right let's do let's do down this side nice okay this is this could be pretty good could being the keyword oh i was like why is it stopped is there a fish limit i don't think there's a fish limit save the game yeah actually that is a good shot that is a good shot right let's let's save the game before we get too far into this um so save the trouble is i don't think hydro near has like save slots i think it just like overwrites i don't know we'll have to see what happens um let's just let's just fill this in we can probably we can probably just have a little chat if you want so uh what's going on do you guys chat what's happening put all of them in a bucket and drop them oh goodbye frame rate yeah what i'm hoping is at some point the frame rate will start to drop and then i can test then i can like leave the game and come back in and see if that fixes the frame rate because if it does we're laughing midnight skies you're eating a banana for breakfast nice bit late for breakfast tonight i do realize that most of you aren't from the uk bulk forum theorem is applying to grad school nice good luck are you going to be an engineer you get to build bridges out of fish you don't you really do dog just broke one of my ribs my day's going great so far wow how did your dog do that is it a big dog did it run into you i tell you what paddy jumps on me like he still thinks he's a puppy he doesn't realize he weighs like a ton now he is a muscular dog he definitely doesn't get that from me i just realized this is only like one arch although actually there's not ah why did i turn around um yeah there are actually yeah this isn't going to take too long i don't think how far through we're one hour 23. nice we should finish this with a fair bit of time left i reckon oh no i'm seeing a gap down there though i'm seeing a big gap oh right hang on i need to i need to get to that gap that's really annoying me we've got to be a little bit careful if we just delete all those right i think we're good yeah okay that's better that's the way to do it i think we gotta like go around no that isn't the way to do it gotta go and do the edges ah first i'm not doing this with an auto clicker at the moment because it's all it's all gone a bit weird the fish aren't behaving i think they could hear me getting confident that this wasn't going to take forever and they're like nah we'll put an end to this fill the gaps with small fish yeah i could but like then i have to do the whole thing in small fish because oh cause then i don't know like well i can't just fill in little fish i don't think ah they're falling out the edge we lost a few fish there he escaped careful not too close to the edge mat not too close oh we're a bit high we're a bit hype let's move to the right bye panda cheers what's up break on you and boo bear booby thank you very much very kind of you oh god oh goodness oh goodness all right here we go here we go we're starting to fill it in it's looking it's looking all right i think i think we just gotta do the edges a little bit slower and then we can just proper go for it in the middle ah fish poking out the edge oh no [Music] all right you fish you're too high let's delete that while i'm thinking about it oh that's quite a lot of fish that was ruth to watch oh guys you can't just go off fish puns onto normal puns i think you're going to get away with it i'm wise to your games thank you for the sub you did mess me up late oh no stop stop oh my goodness all right no one's sobbed because it's i can't take my eyes off the screen no one say anything in chat either this is a very critical moment of the port oh balls i've done it i've messed up hang on hang on hang on wait what did i say what did i say barry carly yon all right oh i feel like there's i feel like there's gaps there are gaps forming we've got to be careful are you just subbed now oh barry's gifting subs barry stop it and someone else ninja kiwi dude oh guys this is all your fault we were doing so well now look at us hey look we made like a pyramid you bastard look how many fish we lost guys who's that barry stop gifting subs why'd you do this to me [Music] oh in a sock go away you silly planks you know plank is actually a offensive term in britain you call someone a plank you absolute plank oh what is going on with this man this is very frustrating for me barry thank you for all the gifted subs you are distracting me massively though talbotto 70 cheers thank you for doing it when i stopped i'm sure probably wasn't the intention um but thank you very kind feet all right let's get let's get the fish down the edge we might have to go a little bit lower as well freak me man what is going on this is literally harder than it looks i mean i probably could just not use an auto clicker but um oh my why i gotta do this edges this is the trouble you can't just do one edge because then you can't get them like underneath like down there so i do have to delete some of those all right come on fish get in there get in there yeah now we've made a massive gap there that will not do at all hoping some will slide forward go forward oh freak me why why game do you think that's too gappy or is that gonna be okay i think we're not gonna we're not really gonna know until we take off the uh the boarding are we all right let's just yeah let's just try and stay on this edge i think that that should do that should do us all right matt that's looking okay yes one just fell down the gap on the other side which i very much wanted it to there are definitely some gaps but if i can like miss out some fish down we might be okay all right let's get close to this edge see ya super lime lean cheers for joining ah why did i look at chat all right a few more fish down there well a few more fish everywhere there are definitely gaps it's just whether i can get them down all right there we go there we go that's looking good that's doing the job that is doing the job may want to scale this down ah who was that who was that anthony you should be ashamed yourself hard to imagine how this bridge would smell oh yeah oh yeah it ain't gonna be nice is it all right we need fish down there come on missile missile fish get down there i feel like it's a bit gappy now it's a bit guppy now oh no no puns far too fishy to be doing puns like that right we are nearly there what an architect cheating mate i'm just doing the devs job i don't think they use the in-game stuff when they built the game and they built that monstrosity i mean that's not even on grid ow ow out damn it all right here we go here we go let's get this all filled up come on little fish there we go there we go it does look quite gappy actually i was hoping it would be a bit fuller uh folk theorem cheers the chair why can't blind people eat fish because it's seafood oh dear literally genius i mean i mean terrible it's quite a good one it looks guppy yeah there's coffee we are getting there they oh it's really gappy maybe if i just miss out some fish like sort of spread them out a bit because then like the single one they might actually go down the hole that they're meant to go down there's a massive hole there but i can't fit it in wait context context is important i'm talking about fish holes wait no that's even worse but the shovel down matt put the shoulder oh god i really just say that right back to the main event because we've missed this bit we've missed this bit yeah yeah i think i think the key is just to keep moving oh man it's looking and it's looking pretty good over i don't know how to put a lid on top please like do i just build the road and then delete any fish that are poking through is that the right thing to do or is this just gonna be like a walking bridge i reckon i could walk across that i don't know if i could drive across italy oh no they're out of range there we go we've still got we still got a fair bit to go i'm afraid i thought we were sort of getting that i mean we are getting there we're like well over halfway at least but um not too much more than that tractor compactor yeah so what i'm gonna do people that weren't here at the start basically in hydrogenate once you like with fish and like gold and other resources like you can sort of put them anywhere and then when you delete well when you like leave the game and come back in and then like in this example delete all the boards and stuff the fish will like they won't have physics so they'll stay exactly how they were which should leave us with a fish bridge so all the wood that you see will be completely gone and the fish bridge should stand it's basically like the fish is concrete and we've got all the uh all the boards up and once we save and reload that's the concrete hardening and then when we come back we've got we've got a fish bridge i've got to be careful here not to not to bloody look at the boards it's easily done all right here we go here we go let's get to the corner let's get to a corner don't look at the wood don't look at the wood it's very distracting but don't look at it that's kind of fish oh it's just fish puns just fish puns constantly which does actually remind me of the fishing stream we did in hydrogenate that was painful wouldn't it very people oh we're too high we're too high all right there we go that will do a little bit there um so yeah when i remove the wood the fish will just float as long as i've quit the game are balls balls balls yeah as long as you leave the game first we did a little test over there worked fantastic we made a fish nader out all right let's try and get in that gap so i reckon oh it's not it's not quite perfect is it why aren't you going in oh i just deleted i didn't mean to delete that one oh i'm gonna have to delete all these top ones is that better i don't know if that's better oh i really balls that up right that one is literally better though yes okay okay we're doing like extreme precision fishing here not that extreme not not that precise all right sorry sorry it'll be fine let's just let's just carry on carry on with the auto click all right there we go there we go let them all fall to the bottom that's what we're talking about uh fire panda cheers for you gifted us up very kindly very distracting but thank you and ask a question will you play surviving mars it's from the same guys that create a city skylines i was i did when that came out i don't know if it's still but when that came out it was free wasn't it yeah i have it installed but i've never i've never played it and yeah it was on my list to like look at but any good is it the trouble is i feel like my terraforming itch is itched with um what's it called the planet crafter i love that game i don't know why it's like it's like terrible but it's good and i just it just got an update as well so look forward to that in the next video or maybe the video after next i record quite far in advance so my videos are always a little bit behind um but yeah this is this is going very well actually i want to look up and just breathe it all in for a second breathing all the fishy air but i'm quite enjoying the rate of progress we're on all right let's get some fish down in that corner there we go there we go that's what we want that's what we want fish in the corners that makes me very happy yeah down there down there nice nice all right okay i think we've done we've done the hard yards now we can just fill it in however we want hopefully i think trying to keep moving is the key though because it helps you get the gaps a bit better yeah nice nice come on fish on little fish uh what was the game you talked about free um surviving mars it was free when it came out it's by the city skylines people i'm not sure if it still is it may have just been like a free weekend or something but uh it still works now it's definitely in my steam library and i didn't buy it right nearly there we are nearly there oh we got quite a big gap here we got quite a big gap let's get right to the edges that's it little fish that's a little fish you know what you're doing you be good concrete for me i tell you what frame rate still absolutely spectacular i thought game would be thinking about dying by now i mean it might be thinking about it but it definitely isn't doing it fish bridge fish bridge do you want a fish bridge yeah i'm enjoying this i feel like it's gonna look very very spectacular if it's all gappy i'm actually i'm gonna be annoyed but the main thing i just got to keep trying to fill i can see there are gaps there are gaps out no no balls balls all right oh how is that looking how is that looking oh man should i should i actually go up higher or is that good no it's that's good is it do you think we're done or should i keep trying to fill gaps there's definitely like there's definitely gaps i wanna feel it looks spunky what does spunky mean hopefully it's a good thing just make it more flat yeah so what i was gonna do i was gonna like cover it in road and then delete the ones that are poking through matt you should make a bridge out of onyx well i wouldn't mind doing that if i can if i can do it this way i do i do need to clear up all those fish as well should i do that now like it looks like a lot of fish lost their lives building this bridge and that just simply isn't the case work ethics they're very high on our agenda we're not we're not the guitar world cup we're we're building the fish bridge and trust me no one died in the making of this bridge another one that we can't quickly right click to take care of right oh man there's actually there's so many there's so many dead fish i also want to i want i'd love to just delete all the wood now and just let it come down but um i'm not a sociopath i actually want this bridge to stand up so nearly done a couple more fish to delete and then we'll restart the game and we'll attempt to do the big unveiling sound good sound good everyone say a couple more fish goodbye goodbye good bye it's a few hiding behind that rock very sneaky trying to get me in trouble with the press all right okay i think we're good i think i think we're good should i try and fill it up even more like any more gaps or should i try and put a roof on or shall i just shall we just go for it no i think that means just go for it okay let's drop that let's save and quit to desktop or should i just go to menu i don't know if menu does it i'm gonna go to desktop just in case one fish in the river isn't there oh really it's fine it's fine it's fine roof first okay people want a roof you'll get a roof no that's a fish that is definitely a fish mat they want a roof not a fish so we want a floor not a roof so you would float so the question is do i just do it that high and then delete everything above it yeah it's going to be a lot of fish to delete i can drive on that i think it's the same width as that one i did test that right this was too wide oh i couldn't tell because the devs blooming put it off a grid oh maybe i should have made it three white oh well oh well it's way too late to make it wider well i can't even get close enough to do this so like that yeah [Music] okay this is what we're doing oh no you all did some of the fish don't like this they're being ejected this is what i wanted to do afterwards i mean if it could eject them down that would be fine i can definitely hear fish like floundering about me all right go go there that's it that's it okay up there cantilever some fish off the edge oh i could actually just do like the road off the edge oh actually i could have done like that couldn't i i could have done that oh should i have done that should i do that still can't yeah i know i still can but to do the middle one there's gonna be a right pain there we go okay yeah we'll do we'll do that then we'll do that yeah this this middle one is going to be a bit annoying to do but at least we will be able to drive on it oh that's the wrong place i might come back and try and make it neat afterwards but um i think for now this will be okay yeah good good good uh good shout chat i definitely think the overhang will be worthwhile ah i can't really see where it's meant to go all right there we go there we go right okay all right nice nice oops oh i felt i'm so confused like whether i should try and do this properly or just let it overlap i don't like doing half a job but at the same time i don't have forever always overhang your wood yeah this is this is life advice i'm giving you guys it all right okay let's keep going let's keep going in the middle so many fish where do they all come from it makes no sense i just overlapped that wrong oh get down there we go there we go i don't know i don't know what's going to happen at the end if we drive across but we'll figure that out later it'll be fine oh yes look at this speed building nice one there yes yes okay shall i should i delete all these ones that are in the wrong place i think i probably should okay that was wrong button i have yeah i gotta delete them first because otherwise it's gonna do the weird glitchy thing let's go and delete all these oh dear oh dear but still once it's done it's done we don't have to again so we just got to be careful not to delete the walls or anything because that would be a disaster say that one and then i think that one's good right are we ready yes we are nice oh i'm so excited i hope it like does actually look decent and it's not just a gappy mess ah saving lag is terrifying i really can't believe that the frame rate is still okay as well hey fair play oh it is ejecting fish ah definitely ejecting some fish you see look they're all popping out they're all popping out right okay we're done let's go save so we're going we're going to desktop i think you guys you can hack that a few minutes of darkness you'll be okay i'll look after you all right so now back into hydronit uh thank you ruggety brotherty for subbing five minutes ago so i missed it and then hopefully you're not blind bones don't worry see you're back you're back uh let me just move my also clicker out the way so i can see what chat is saying all right so if everything goes to plan we should and where's where's the wand i'm gonna do this with the wand there it is we should just be able to do some deleting yes okay and under here oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes that is all i'm saying oh yes it's a little bit gappy but honestly i think it'll do it will definitely do all right i might do all these under ones first so that like the side ones can be like the big reveal oh that's a lot of fish there are definitely some gaps in the corners but overall not too bad i don't think we'll have to see you once you've revealed all of it oh man it's trump beaver's worked it didn't even take that long i honestly just to like set my mind up took about 10 times as long as this all right i'm gonna i'm gonna try and stay close oh man it looks so good it looks so good i'm gonna try and stay close so that we get like a big reveal later on but uh i'm i'm pretty happy with the results so far i mean we're on the shady side as well the main reveal is going to be on the sunlight side but uh this was a good idea one of your better ones i think matt good work good work all right a couple more [Music] all right metal sheets get out there wooden roofs you're done cottage roofs get out you guys dead to me anyone i was excited for the other side reveal in the sunlight look over there this kid it looks good it looks good yeah there was a dead fish floating back there it is we'll get rid of you hide the evidence oh it's gonna be glorious i'm not sure what to do with the roof though like the top layer we'll have to see about that but let's get rid of all these panels oh yes oh yes oh yes i think we have actually outdone ourselves oh this it does look sweet it does look good i'm sorry i'm very excited i'm proud of this at the moment i'm sorry if i sound like a bit of a architect but the main thing is the structural secureness of the sardine i knew they'd be very good structurally and everything seems to be holding fairly well right so so this is the best that the devs could come up with years of programming experience dev tools and all sorts i kind of remember what i rated that bridge it wasn't good though yes bottomless he remembers from earlier not a bilf but what is it chat what is this one bilf it's filth it is filth quite right that's epic wow thank you fire panda for the wow oh yeah that's that's decent oh dear um but yeah at the moment we can't really drive on it i'm i'm very worried that deleting some of these top fish will ruin the underneath what do you think what do you think try it yeah the trouble is once i try it there's no going back it will be fine they say hey doodles oh thank you oh thank you i'm quite proud and quite proud shall we change the daylight so we can get some like light on the front of it [Applause] i don't know what way the sun where is the sun the sun is over that way oh that's what i do so what if we where's the sun now sun is up there oh that's a bit it's a bit better the sun's like way too above it though cheers for cheers midnight skys here's some bits for your f fish for fishing your bridge thank you and witty birdy thank you very much for the cheer massive one amazing yeah do i want i want a bit more light can i change the time to a better time can we do a bit of oh another round of applause directly overhead so it's always going to be in shade it goes on for so long yeah i think i'm fin fished at the moment oh look there's a few there's a few little scoundrels down there there's my wand do i leave the wand over here wow thank you tom eclipse where i've lost my wand oh there it is there it is you can't delete the dead fish uh sunshine cheers for the sub very kind of eat oh i've pressed wrong button i've multiplied dead fish don't do that definitely don't do that there's the other one all right we'll leave it there i'm i think i'm too scared to like delete the top or shall i you just want to see the bridge collapse that's disgusting i can save yeah i guess i can save and then just not save i don't know how the auto save works though yeah i'll use the wand all right okay okay let's see what we got i'll start from i'll start from this end scoop poops oh i pressed the wrong one yes cheers oh god and for the wow as well someone else i missed your name oh look we got a we got a bit of a hole in the bridge there because i gotta delete those fins and that's good that's that's a structural fin that is i am i'm concerned this is going to take so long as well but i am a bit concerned that i'll be deleting too much because there's a lot of fish going into the bridge it's like structural like i don't want to just do this for the looks it's got to work how many fish get into these is that one okay i better delete them scoop poop scoop poop scoop scoop poop poop scoop poop scoop poop i like that oh i delete our balls i deleted one of those that's a trouble if you start singing and being silly matt you make mistakes let the deep ones stay yeah the thing is i think like the car is so terrible if i drive over this like it will get stuck on that is literally like one of the world's worst in-game cars so i think the fins they gotta go they do have to go shall we see oh it's not too bad it's not too bad is it i think that's actually okay it's the middle bit i'm most worried about so we'll do to the middle and see how that looks before the auto save kicks in well there are there might be like a few auto saves on this i'm not entirely sure i'm deleting quite a lot of those deep ones i don't really want to delete them what can you do what can you do well you could just not delete them i deleted a bit of wood uh flight right behind the bridge and take a point parallel to the right yeah yeah i could do i could do that like oh no because it yeah like that yeah it could be a fast way of doing it i'm seeing the gaps i'm making underneath now though i'm not happy i'm not happy should i get the old i can't also click right click i don't think i probably can but settings can i be asked with settings no i can't all right this is definitely quicker though thank you for that suggestion all right i think we probably should have cleared most the middle now let's just go to the other side and do the same all right white iron say it i said your name thank you for the blip very kind oh yeah these are the ones that could have a big effect i don't know actually i think we might have got away with it we might have got away with it oh i like that one i don't want to get rid of that one but it's gone it's gone it's gone oh actually that's pretty good i do i actually want to get rid of all these ones [Music] oh that's so bad thank you for that great guide oh listen what the hell is this bridge made by 10 y old architect add some nukes to make it better you want me you own a laugh this is like extreme engineering this modern day masterpiece i turned concrete fish into concrete fish now these are literally this fish they're not concrete they're actual living well not living anymore they were actual living fish that were spawned straight out of the thank you thank you thank you this is beyond anything i've ever dreamed of dead control why iron very appreciative of me saying their name come on cheeky cheer as well i never knew you streamed so thank you for this been a fan of your youtube vids for like four years i've only been going a year and a bit oh two years in june so nearly two years but um i really appreciate the the support thank you that's very kind of you got me through a lot very happy to be here nice i say time does fly when you're having fun and uh yeah it's only been it's only been two years well not even at the moment which is pretty crazy isn't it uh you have found the structural benefit for rigor morty oh yeah always pushing engineering limits i need to be fair i think that's what happens like trees isn't it that's what all wood is rigger mortis trees it's quite that's quite horrible actually isn't it all right oh we're nearly there we're over halfway oh it's looking it's looking good i gotta go change the light like i hate like night time and games why have i got that stuck in my oh it was a bloody it was a bad flute blurp wouldn't it you cheeky little viewers all right delete all these ah i gotta stop doing that i gotta aim i've gotta go down a little bit and aim up oh it's quite hard to do this actually like without deleting wood yeah yeah i earned that i deserve that cheers juicy was that juicy popping it disappeared oh so many fish i feel like considering how to spawn all these now deleting them is pretty brutal i got my self-esteem oh we got cheer i love you man truly love you white iron this is in the non-efficient shape okay that's good that's a bit concerned for a second have a great day got to get back to work say dude enjoy your day of work night joey cheers to the poop scoops massively massively appreciate the poop scoops it's gonna be one of like my favorite like top five favorite songs i honestly i don't know where it originated from does anyone know mr fuderoni love your videos matt your humor helped me get through some tough spots in life and i'm happy to say i'm not going to uni to be an engineer nice uh congrats uh thanks for the kind words that's really nice to read stuff like that so cheers let me know oh my fingers hurting now i've had enough right clicking all right die fish die you're too fishy come on oh every time i think i'm nearly there i like look at again i'm like oh there's so many fish you can put yeah i think the clock was paused or is it moving now that sun's moving isn't it is it moving is that my eyes moving no it's moving good good point i thought it was paused ah damn it do you fail i haven't deleted that many i think i've done all right considering all right die fish die die die uh juicy poppin what's next strongest shape bridge i don't know i should probably mine some like gold or something like what you're meant to do in this game the trouble is dev was so lazy with their bridge i had to fix it myself didn't i i mean it'd be nice to get back to some actual gameplay rather than fixing mistakes oh coconuts suck a golden dong there's an idea thanks for the sub eight oh god eight try eight tree crab 85 thank you very much all right we're nearly there we're nearly there come on i'm sick of this now sick of it die fish don't die road oh my character like flew away then right i'm gonna do this without deleting any more wood and you guys are all gonna be impressed okay you ready for this you ready oh that was close that was close game all right a few more little fish over i think the little fish tails might be okay i'm not sure probably better without them though maybe yeah probably is better without them stop being lazy matt just get rid of them it's like i gotta beat the devs i gotta do a better bridge than they ever could i want them to be proud [Laughter] why why hello fellow engineers and welcome to fish builder now in early access actually that's not a bad shout for a game [Music] am i getting rid of all these little little piddly bits i got to get rid of some of them like those and that one that's quite a big one and that one is that right is that enough um so we want some floor uh juicy pop in cheers a gift and a sub and then a atrogam with a cheer i've been watching you so long on youtube for our try seeing you live and it's eight oh there you go eight trigrams naruto i don't i don't know enough about anime i know nothing about it actually um oh really okay we'll do we'll do that then it's cheap oh game come on game i'm gonna have to still install that other mod where i can build anywhere let's just fix these holes hang on that's no good that is no good that's literally the wrong way round rotate yeah that's better that's better okay all right one over here one over here i know quite a few over here i was having a bad a bad moment when that happened assume oh i can get one in there hey where did that fish come from that doesn't seem right i can put one way in that rock nice and one there and then one here nice i wish i could get one in there i can now okay some reason i can now fair enough sweet okay are we done maybe maybe just a few little bits more can i get one oh i want to put one there really um can i get rid of that was it control okay right nice let's stop flying for a sec oh no that's also click stop flying no f that's the one we have a bridge a usable bridge but now i i feel a bit annoyed because while i'm on this bridge this amazing engineering masterpiece i have to look at that it's horrible meanwhile people over there i fell off they get to look at that masterpiece that is not fair that is not fair in the slightest um but yeah that is that is the bridge guys the fishy bridge i think i think we did i think we did a good job not gonna lie i'm impressed with us i mean there there are a few gaps it's not it's not perfect but it is actually decent i do like it this was a great use of my life yes uh for the bridge review you're gonna have to wait until the video i'm afraid but um i think we're gonna have to leave it there because my tummy is rumbling i am ready for some food um so shall we raid someone remember if you if you take part in the raid you get some paddy points you can spend them on all sorts of things so let's go and see who is on line line shut up matt shut up matt um right who do you wanna who do you wanna raid then shall i see if there's anyone playing this hydrant hydrant hydrate hydra hydrant oh someone's got a hundred nukes that sounds fun shall we should we give them a read er let me let me copy their name um let me just is he i got bloody adverts yeah i'm sure they'll i think they're live i'm pretty sure they're live it'll be fine it'll be fine all right raid this person all right there you go guys watch someone getting a hundred nukes you should probably tell them about this mod because it could save him a lot of time but matt don't rate someone who's not streaming again ah i'm pretty sure they're streaming i'm 99 sure it'll be fine it'll be fine but yeah cheers guys thanks for joining enjoy your weekend and think of me bricking it trying to do a speech on sunday uh yeah see you guys bye bring your bridge cheers what's up bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 11,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 7_dK1HOBtoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 49sec (8329 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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