RCE ARCHIVE: Making an electrical mess in Hydroneer!

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[Music] so [Music] hello fellow engineers good evening good morning good day good night do you say good night as hello i don't think you say good night as hello d that's like a goodbye sort of thing uh hello everyone how are you doing it's midday for most of you it's two o'clock for me oh did you hear that that was my shoulders both my shoulders just clicked at the same time oh that was gross did you actually hear that i heard it i definitely heard it no you're good they didn't hear it you didn't hear it it was grim uh by the way thanks jack walker b i saw your sub in the middle of that and tony the ghost very kindly also people have petted paddy he's he's not in the room at the moment he's downstairs i just gave him i just like got a cardboard box i shoved it full of some popcorn and uh shot the box and just left him to it he loves that i probably shouldn't teach him to like destroy cardboard boxes that'll probably backfire in the future wouldn't it but hello everyone um shot the box did i say shot i meant shut s-h-u-t uh don't move house just don't move house yeah true there's more thinking deliveries but uh um anyway we're in a hydrant i i was gonna say i've just yesterday i was recording a video um trying to do some automation and i'll show you what i've made i'll show you what i've made shadow duke do rack now i finally got another stream after four months blimey well welcome back and cheers for sub break envy you've been subbed for six months all right let's continue this we're in creative mode go screw doing this in normal mode look how long my game takes to load all right here we are here we are hang on let me just fly over here we need to turn this off quickly quickly turn it off turn it off right my game sort of hurts when i look in this direction over here it's fine but if i oh did you see the frame rate uh that's sort of because we've got four huge bridges down here made of lots and lots of particles uh so yeah gonna try and not look in this direction too much if you've noticed there's a new one over there suspension bridge you have to you have to wait and see that one in the next video um but yeah today we're we're doing this so look at that mess that's actually what i think is the like most sensible way of doing this uh but yeah i'm trying to automate making bars like gold bars i mean there's gotta be a better way but this is taking me like two or three hours to get to this point well i'm not impressed but i think i got to the point where it sort of works and so i've just done it for like one material i want to do it for all these other materials yeah we'll see how that goes but i was like yes so doing this on my own i'm gonna i'm gonna get twitch chat to keep me company although screw freaking twitch i tried to get partnered and they're like no shut up matt your we don't like you i was like fine i don't want to be partnered anyway i did want to be partnered because i wanted to like some people can't watch my streams because when you're partnered you can like your viewers can select different quality but when you're not partnered if you're only affiliate or below um you guys can only watch it at the quality i'm uploading which is like 1080p or whatever so yeah that's a bit wank no beds damn architects twitch is run by architects confirmed yeah very much so by the way thank you to the flooze seven also missed a lot of them but i'm glad to catch another one awesome well thank you for coming back uh shill mueller hurrah cheers what's up bigfoot hustles with the tier two cheers boy what's up rc i'm good i'm just ranting about oh you can choose your quality can you wait is that what people are saying you can't choose equality okay okay so yeah sometimes you can i've heard but um sometimes you can't i feel i've read i've been told to be partnered you can do it every stream otherwise it's just like as and when or something don't know well if you can't change it that's not too bad then but i thought i thought you couldn't anyway right do you want to see how this works or do you just want to watch the video where i explain very very poorly i think just watch the video we'll just talk some bollocks today whilst i whilst i build this that sounds like fun doesn't it right first off i guess we're moving these we need to rotate so the thing comes out that side so that's my iron that's my gold oh who farted it was it was richard richard the farter dirty barter um yeah so essentially all right let's watch let's watch one or two just so you can see like how it works ah i don't try not to look that direction so basically i got this set up so shards go into there and then i've got i got that thing down there that tells you the weight so in there at the moment is 10. now it's 14 and over here connected to this i've said ah don't look that direction too much i've said when it gets to 20 stuff happens so when it gets to 20 can you see that the bar came out nice and basically the bar comes along the conveyor belt until this detects it this can detect anything and basically when that detects something it sends a signal back to this that makes the thing go back in uh however you can get a point where like say say this was on like 18 or something remember it's got to get 20 to make a bar say two shards came up at once and so as they drop like one slightly ahead of the other one if one sets that off then it will like stop so the other shard will fall straight through does that make sense so while this is being poured out into a bar you'll get like a shard end up down there because it can't be smelted like while this is open uh so what i've done i've shoved the magnet up there to try and catch that one that falls down we've also got a magnet back here to try and stop that and i've tried to put like a little i don't know if you can see that wire down there that's to turn this conveyor belt off uh i haven't had much luck with the turning of conveyor belts off hence i've just gone with magnets everywhere but uh yeah apparently that's the most sensible wiring solution at least that i could come up with say minecraft 68 plus world cheers and that guy 83 thank you very much very kind of you um yeah it is it's essentially a masterpiece the thing is i wanted to keep it within like a two width radius width no just width not radius um so that i could like oh god oh no i forgot oh i forgot i moved all my smelters they're not smelting hang on so let's come over here let's turn this off let's turn this off and thankfully we can just do clear all resources yeah clear all dirt chunks now i need to stop looking that direction damn bridges all right so that's better that's all tidied up we do have some bars over here i know i'm just going to tidy those up quickly i can just shove them in that for now because they're just like 20 weight bars they're they're pointless um i just set that as 20 so that i could well test it worked basically and it does work sort of um so yeah now we're going to try and recreate this in other places could take a while but the re yeah the reason it's such a mess and it goes like so high and stuff is to try and fit stuff in within this two two grid square limit uh quite annoying actually because some of these things like i feel like that one would work a lot better if it was like on the side pointing that way um but there's no room because that's like well that's one grid as it is and it's got a wire in the back so we have to do it this way it seems to work though the thing is it gets a little bit a little bit ropey when loads of resources come so i did swap these over i put iron on there because i know that iron is a lot more common than the shards and it it got a bit messy that's why we added all the magnets and stuff but yeah we'll see what happens so i guess we're just going to try and recreate so where do i start i'm using that creative mod thing so we're going into a bit of logic sounds logical place to start it's a what's it called a keypad you get keypad so oh i've got i've got to look the way no i can i do this without looking at the bridges i mean they're nice bridges i do want to look at them but i shouldn't so i just need this for each of my bars nice and then i've got that thing which is like uh greater than or less than so basically every time like a shard goes into there it sends a signal into this and this sort of stops it going up that way until it reads 20. now what am i doing i'm trying to make a machine that automatically makes bars because my previous machine to make a bar i let you have to click and then that said like pull it out i don't want to do that that's like that's architect behavior i want to automate everything but it's bloody effort automation's hard um right so i need i need an equals logic greater than i think that's the right one so if we the worst thing is you gotta rotate like everything so is that the right yeah same one yeah cool okay four of those and basically i'm just gonna build whatever's here and just work backwards and build it four times i think it would be good just suck it up and make the bars yourself no because i like to build things out of bars like bridges and you can't build that on your own oh the lag over here is unreal look how many gold bars are in oh that's so shiny so cool looking yeah i need a way to make bars myself it's taking more time to automate than click the smelter yes but once it's done i can i can like go walk paddy and just let the bars pile up right or not right you didn't make any of those bars yeah exactly because i would have had to do it manually if i had this i could have done i could have done so this is the first step we need what do we need just cable where's cable should i do streets should i do ts let's do all the t's first i reckon so we got a t oh so it is quite annoying rotating everything you got that one there and then a t out the back of that that way that way oh god that wait that way that way that way okay it's like 10 button presses and then it's the right orientation um [Music] cheers for the sub you've been stopped for six months and lula lemmy me is how you pronounce your name uh thanks very much for the sub oh and the shin gun oh i nearly beat i nearly beat twitch dashing thank you very much i'm going to beat this one in your face mister basement 17 in your face twitch i beat you uh thank you for the sub very kind of you've been subbed for six months come on twitch keep up there you are there is there is um we've also got a question from lipstick um what are you wearing now i'm actually wearing nothing um right so let's do some corners next i guess i could do that t whilst we're here as well so what if we rotate like that oh bloody out what's going on holy pooh in the sock dude [Music] damn bro elder god gifting 20 blooming subs i am the captain as always yeah mike plays he gets it naked streaming is my face um is that the right place that might actually be in the right place i i clicked that like in shock i didn't even mean to click that oh grandma max is upset i'm nude i'm not really nude i might be who knows well paddy knows he's been looking at me in the eye like why'd you do this to me matt um oh i've been ignoring him i've been hanging on let me let me scroll up let me scroll up there is are you on the ptb there's something you should see what's the ptb the personal test bench the poly pocket tea bag what is it i'm not sure i'm on the ptb oh public test branch yeah that makes sense um no i'm not i'm not will i will i lose all this stuff if i switch over to it like it doesn't look like much but this is this is hours and hours of work hours of work you won't lose it but mods might be broken oh that's risky i might oh i don't know should i go and then come back or i'm scared i'm scared max i need mods i need mods it's the only way i can i can build things i want to build in my time frame i'm getting old max time is of the essence right elbow cable so we need a few of these by the way thank you to downright dastardly as well cheeky little sub in there and koyokoi this is my last month to move these over to patreon ah it's been nice having you on twitch sir but uh he is hatred on fanboy now all right oh come on get that there we go come on up one down knight down down forward yes oh we got a dad joke we got a dad joke over here sorry i missed that who is that from xfl slasher um [Music] how about i brought some shoes from a drug dealer i don't know what he laced him with but i was tripping all day oh dear i i shouldn't laugh myself i think that's what makes it worse when i like giggle myself a little bit it's uh it's not a good look is it od but good yeah i know i am running out like we pretty much have a dad joke every stream out all right is that right have i oh i put them in the wrong place that's got to be that's got to be one back hey oh no not down there i'm def i'm definitely making a mistake with this i'll tell you that come on ready go there you go right that's good now we have we have another one but that direction so goes there and then there and then this is going to look an absolute mess it's actually meant to be like the simplest way of doing this i'm intrigued by what max said now the uh public test branch is it easy to download is it like a five minute job to download or is it like a few gig well that is a five minute job to be fair don't know we'll see we'll see if he returns with an answer [Music] all right so i got that there i need oh this is just all all curves up here back one another one there nice yeah max is buggered off i don't know where he's gone he's not answering me i think it's because i ignored him he's now ignoring me that's what i get isn't it that's what i get all right so this one goes back there cool that's looking reasonable i think yeah it's all about curves at the top all about curves oh what's the question my question was what was my question um yeah to do the to get on the public test branch will it will it take a while oh it says go on to it or there will be murder okay so if i and i gotta see it will not small download all right okay chat you guys wait there i'm gonna i'm gonna go to the public test branch we're gonna have to hold this build where it is for now because uh well we've got some exploring to do i guess so i'm gonna save and quit to desktop and then i'm gonna try and download will it up my mods will i be able to get back into the normal branch without cocking everything i hope so uh where's properties beaters uh oh wait where's the public test branch is it not in betas what's it an update i don't know max max help me max i'm trapped i don't know what to do max right click hydrogen it beats us oh add a password there's a password i am a grandma's boy nice check that code opt-in i'm in so i think that's updated sorry if it's dark by the way are you back and say oh sorry 200 meg we'll be there we'll be there in a second don't worry i would show you my desktop but there's images that you're not allowed to see on there make of that what you will chat right we're we're downloaded now so press play and hopefully you guys will be able to see very shortly it's just it's just patching it's doing the patch by the way people have a guess at how many hours i have played hydroneer for to the nearest hour 1099 479 500 and everyone thinks i'm very off 42 069 obviously my skill in this game is like everyone thinks i'm i've been playing for so long it's actually only 92 hours that's quite a long time right so so max before i do anything if i were to continue this game will i be able to go back to what i was just doing in the non-test branchy branchness thing without everything dying or should i do a new game for this yep okay let's go we're still in creative hopefully we've still got some mods oh no it crashed computer says no okay i might try a new game because uh maybe it's cause i've got mods installed i don't know that was instant death they instant death it was probably the mod okay can i uninstall mods from here do i have to unsubscribe or can i just uninstall we made some critical changes to the bridge that you could see oh finally uh oh can i just untick can i just untick i'll just untick so i should be able to do that right so i will try again reload mods at the bottom did i not do that right i know i think that's good i think that's good so should i i will i still will my bridges interfere with your new bridge that's what i'm worried about i'm scared all right let's load it let's see what happens no crash again computer says no right we'll try we'll try a new one otherwise i might have to unsubscribe from the mods so we'll try a new game called they finally fixed the bridge uh steam cloud no i don't want to steam cloud we'll keep this local let's see if this works yes okay so my save just doesn't work fair enough let's go see the new fix bridge or your map read this what am i reading should i should i have driven over i feel like i probably should have driven sod it it'll be fine it will be fine how random that like my game didn't work in this one did they your save works you need to press reload mods already fair enough all right should i come over here to see the bridge let's see yeah it looks the same to me it looks the same at the moment not gonna lie a little disappointed massively disappointed what is this you just you just deleted all my bridges max that's because it's already perfect you're a knob i hate you dude we did leave something near the bridge for either [Music] near the bridge what's near the bridge right chat we're going on we're going on a witch hunt on a witch hunt we're going on a something here on the bridge it's on the bridge or on the bridge or on the bridge i don't know we'll keep our eyes peeled keep our eyes peeled what is it what could it be um should i go should i go climbing out this doesn't seem safe would you reckon chat where are we looking where are we looking i think what have they done they haven't fixed it in my opinion it very much looks the same i mean it is still is still standing so maybe the bridge isn't as bad as i first thought but there's a strong shaped rock pile i think that might just be your walk perception thanks to watching too much my content but i mean that could be it my mods are being architects yeah i know i'll do that um right let's get let's get back up there was something on the back of a port was there you gotta check all the poles where are you pulls which pole he wasn't looking closely enough where are you where are you gotta be looking very careful near the rocks near the rocks all right we're near the rocks hey i saw something i saw it i saw something some graffiti some rap scallions graffiti this bridge oh it's the score 5.1 out of 10. i mean it was it was meant to be 5.9 but uh nice because as we said before the log one score higher than the bridge because way way better i didn't tell you 5.1 did i i swear i said 5.9 because that's a 6.9 a log either way cheers dude that's awesome proud moment still should fix it later i mean look at it look at it ah there you go oh wait it was 5.9 i shall change it he says see but still thank you dude you can't fix perfection well i beg to differ because i made it more perfect four times did the log get an agreement i doubt the log got an engraving the log is just a log the bridge is disgusting someone said ah too much abuse it's beautiful it is beautiful yeah the devs the devs docked themselves at 0.8 because they knew how bad it actually was they knew my score was being fair my 5.9 was way too generous so so max purposely burned on 5.1 i mean i was surprised you put out a 10 because when i gave you that 5.9 score max i meant out for 100. did you miss that bit as well now i'm only putting your blonde cut when you're putting the plunker right let's let's get back to building some stuff that is awesome though cheers boy appreciate that it was 5.9 out of 5.9 if i remember correctly i guarantee you you're not remembering correctly right chat it's going to go dark it may even go quiet but don't worry i'll be back um i'm just gonna f4 out there so i don't want to save boosh chat can you hear me hear me hear me where are you you you does that sound like echo or was that just me being really bad oops i've pressed the wrong button uh let's get out the test branch i need my mods say properties me terrible absolutely terrible i'm sorry it was at this point rc all set forward out of streamlabs yeah i know i do gotta be careful when i have done that before i've tried to close like my auto clicker and close my recording a bit of a fail i trying to impersonate willy wonka am i just being i won't get um i don't know by the way did you guys know this whole time you've been watching my hygiene ear streams you've been watching my hygiene videos i've been nude right let's quickly go to mods because i gotta turn these bad boys back on so one two so i gotta do this and then i gotta press reload is that right reload so then yeah okay so i think that's what happened i think you got to press reload in order to like reload the game right there's a lot of shame for um being my pal i did say i was wearing nothing so that's a bit of a bit of an improvement on nothing right anyway let's oh man that's so cool they had to beat the bridge thank you max i really appreciate that if you're still there i mean uh uh why does it always why'd you always do that when you reload the game it always closes that i want to see let's let's just forget well let's remember what we were just looking at they look how much better my version of this land is so look this is where we viewed that bridge from like we're viewing it from my new bridge now look at this hey why is there a hole in it i didn't put a hole in it you know we look down here there bridge i look at these ones i'm sorry max i've i've outdone you here like this this canyon does look bare without them now in my opinion yeah let's just check the rock formation yeah it's still a knob shape but i'm glad that's like how you know like where to look it's like find the knob and then find the thing sadly not in the real game yet hopefully soon though hopefully soon right let's leave bridge four out the lag the lag because we gotta get back to this autumn michonne the bill fell a hole yes very useful right um i might do some straight cables i guess so where are straight cables there they are so let's get these in so that should make things a bit simpler to follow because it was getting a bit complicated with just random bits everywhere yeah and the aim of this if you're just joining i'm trying to automate making gold bars so i can make more sculptures and crap i mean i mean more engineering useful stuff poop scoops yes swede oh thank you bruce reed appreciate the poop scoops whoa didn't know you stream yes interstellar bombardier uh we are we are streaming right okay let's do out out out let's do the vertical cables so down that one like that so there's that many so we do that to all of these because basically i've already i've already set this up for one of them it was like my tester one i made it two grid squares wide so that i could just repeat for my other resources and i feel like this is one of the most sensible ways of doing it despite the looks it's actually quite a complicated process to uh automate bars but i will see we'll see if it works i'm hoping it works oh man i've how many how many subs did i miss damn hang on we've got steel sector m kizzy 61 melody of crystals uh who's woo two months and going a hot toaster with an r and extra r at the end and countaira is that like pantera but counter uh holding it that's a 5.0 out of 10 mechanical knows best what do you what about me it was beautiful you don't even know what bridge was caught you don't even know what bridge review score that got you will be impressed very impressed uh bigfoot hustles cheers for the cheer doesn't stream often enough that's why you didn't get partnered yeah probably probably although i i meant to well the route i was meant to have done was the one for a big following outside of twitch they're not meant to like look at your streaming stuff too much but yeah sodom i don't want me partnered say it ain't gonna happen because i can't stream more than i do unfortunately right that one there that one there ah that one there so we need verticals on those how many one two three four is that four blimey and then two there so ah lag one two three four and then two bet ah no oh i hate this i hate this all right put that back in so damn rotation one two three four and then two in that gap nice doesn't that look like a logical mess wait what's going on uh i am trying to automate creating gold bars and it's more complicated than you thought it would be apparently like i didn't at all try and over complete this i just tried to get it in a two width hence the height but uh yeah we'll see we'll see how it works so we got straight to go on those ones we then need a straight on those ones i'm looking at the bridges so frame rate isn't good i gotta try and look this direction so we're probably good unless i can get those ones in yeah let's get under there the straights we're probably good to go on to like some more curves now although i should probably put that one in whilst we're thinking about it there's so many cables so many cables hi autoplays catching my first stream oh i'm wonderful waffle thought you're only a youtuber no i stream as well but i'm not partnered because twitch hate me okay i'll stop bringing that up now i'll stop bringing it up now all right we've got that we've got that so i need to do from there can i is that the right place yeah there's actually there's one there as well yeah so basically all of those have one on nice but then the ones without that go down to that say that one and then this one if this works the end of it i'm it's gonna be ridiculous matt you made it wrong don't don't don't even don't even try and weigh me up with that i'm not checking we're just gonna wait till the end and if it doesn't work then i'll cry where's the elbows there you are but you did i don't know we'll see we'll see i'd love to take your word for it but uh i've i've been streaming too long to know that most of the time you're just trying to wind me up so we got that we've got rotate rotate those ones nice and then we've got a curve down there going backwards rotate that nice another one and another one decent what else we got we've got a curve going well two curves going there so can i get in there easily oh god big boy i'll wind your ass up mate what i didn't ask for this i'm not sure if that's a threat or a promise uh dude thank you so much for the big boy cheer that's very very generous of you um let me i i'm like fighting flying cables at the moment let me just rotate that way there you go so we can do that one that one that one that one and then ah that one nearly there and that one cool so then magnets go on those should i shove them on now or should i do more curves i'll probably just do more curves so we got those ones and then if we rotate one of these directions there we go got there in the end that one that one and that one nice right i think we're actually getting there sort of i'm gonna i'm gonna shove the magnet on now let's just search magnet we've got death oh no ah because you type it makes you continue mag so you want that i thank you whoever oofed me very kind view um i can't actually see who it was though because you've got to be quick on those they don't show up in studio annoying me but uh thank you oh god again you deserve to sure i don't deserve it don't be silly all right we've got we do have we've got some straight curves some straight curves some straight cables going on so let's go back to cables i can't believe i missed i missed some straights i was slacking so one there one there and one there and then it's a t and then a curve underneath so we'll do the t going that direction and then curves gotta get them curves where are you i'll tell you what since we're since we're streaming this i might turn the music on i usually turn the music off in this game well in every game there we go because you can't really record if you're oh i've still got i've still got the t i still got the t yeah you can't really record very easily if you keep your music running because it like cuts and stuff like where i do so many edits because i can't talk properly but yeah streaming we can definitely have in-game music lovely rotate that way one there one that down one there nice and i'm guessing we just have a corner going into that surely surely yes got it right nice go down go down there okay sweet okay i think we're guessing there so question is what goes there we need a t we need another t i sound very british asking for tea i'll tell you what i do i do love a cup of tea should i make a cup of tea i'll try to just carry on i spray just carry on i do you're really fancy you're gonna go get a couple that does involve leaving you guys on your own i'm not sure i trust you guys if i'm honest so i'll i'll go without even though i'm parched i'll go without a cup of tea [Music] and speaking of cups of tea i was just filming a little a little bit of like a little advert sort of thing for my um my million sub special merch oh cheeky fart in there by barb qhd one two three uh i've moved i've moved up in the world of tea that person asking dorba i i used to drink sainsbury's red label i actually thought well actually i still think red label was pretty decent i went on to spliffing brit's um stream where he was ranking t's and then i asked him what he thought of it he was very rude let's just put it that way so i thought fine let's see what the fuss is about so i bought some yorkshire and i've been enjoying it it's not it's not gold though it's just yorkshire normal bigfoot hustles cheers for the cheer boy need to train paddy to bring in the tea or ask your partner yeah sod that oscar really nicely nah not worth it not worth it yeah definitely got a train paddy baby he's still like he's such a puppy like he's so excited about everything it's awesome all right so we're gonna need straight cables i might put these bends in whilst we're here though so we've got that one that one and that one and then those ones on top and then a corner around there come on come on there we go nice and then oh another corner what a surprise another one and a another one and then a corner down i believe this one was did we do that that and this looks like an absolute mess it's actually like quite clever sort of not to blow my own horn but well you know just drawing down i think i missed something or you haven't been following you haven't been following it's been really simple to follow all right there we go so let's do that one that one that one and then these ones the thing is like looking all these cables like you're probably expecting something like insanely complicated to happen literally what it does is just makes bars without me clicking all of that oh dear i may as well shove that in while i'm here whoop okay okay what's next what's next i think we just need the loader straight there are some bends to go down there actually so let's rotate yeah that's in the right spot see that one that one and that one and then we've got where is it about there i think that's right so more there we then got two corners one going that direction and this is this is like the reset mechanism so this like reads that basically senses anything as soon as something passes under it tells that to reset so we'll bunk this in like that there there's a curve under [Music] that one [Music] there's quite a lot to this isn't that it's a one there ah where did that go one there wait did i miss one yeah i missed one what ah one come on come on one there nice you okay is that all the curves we need if we completed it we might have completed the curves all right let's go back the t-bars i don't mean to call them t-bar their cable i call them t-bars because i miss skiing i miss going snowboarding hopefully this year i might be able to do it does involve leaving paddy though like i've been with that dog pretty much every day since i got him [Music] off having a dog right anyway straight cables i think we're probably almost nearly there just two of those [Music] one there then is that everything please adjust your volume oh interesting thank you for that almost nearly closer to close nearly there actually there's quite a few gaps here aren't there i assume they're just straight cables i should probably check but i'm getting impatient now we'll do that oh no there's there's corners there's definitely corners that i missed is it perhaps where the machine thing goes that's where the machiney thing goes so that's a straight and then there both streets so that's straight come on come on game oh there it is okay any other straights that i've missed i think we're looking banging if i'm honest does anyone see any gaps i don't think i do i think i think we've done it so we just need a few more bits of equipment now basically so i need wait let's put weight in the weight reader what is this supposed to do this will ah this will turn all my gold it will smelt it all and it will turn it into a bar so i'll have loads and loads of bars and like basically over here i can type in a number and that will set how heavy the bar will be so you should be good i went through lots of lots of different phases like i tried to use these things like counters they didn't work very well uh the weight thing is much better but yeah i like totally for keeping it in the line but yeah okay let's shove these i did i missed a corner there are there any corners lying around there's a corner i knew i'd miss a bit all right any other gaps any other gaps [Music] so this needs to go in like that no it doesn't not at all this front one goes like that wait for it wait for it oh i nearly had it then there it is yep so that's good so another one in there oh this is this is crazy gap on the right well back there i can see an empty cable over there and let's get these in first so that's got to point downwards and then that direction yes the screen is on the left cool i should probably clear up some of the mess underneath as well let me get rid of these i've tried all these parts like were in use at one stage [Music] pretty crazy pretty crazy right okay what do we need now what are we missing we don't have magnets on those yeah okay that's what we need to search mag [Music] so they need to rotate [Music] another one there normally i am facing the bridge so frame rate is poor but nice okay does anyone see any gaps [Music] have we done it i think we might have done it this is the highest iq twitch chat i've ever seen bye sam the gift cheers for stopping by what is he making i'm making an automatic bar making machine um right so we do need the conveyors and stuff underneath i also oh yeah i should have done that first i really should have done that first can you see this one i've moved the conveyor forward to fit this magnet i forgot to do that with these four legs um right yeah at least if i grab the pipe i can move oh there's a it's a blooming cork in there as well so we gotta do the cork where's cork facing so rotate okay let's move the corks first it's quite cramped in here oh that was nearly it yeah so court goes there how the hell am i going to get to that other one in here can i squeeze under come on come on i can't get to it actually i might be able to go this way yeah there we go all right grab the cork shove it forward grab that shove it forward i should probably go down the next aisle to do this i feel like i'm shopping hang on where are we there we go there we go [Music] uh dr sunburn i got here late what is happening four minutes ago i'm trying to do big brain stuff uh i'm failing miserably probably we'll find out in a minute is that in the right place i think so oh no actually hang on oh no look the orientation so the conveyors they stay upright no matter what you do with the with the pipe so you've actually got to rotate so the pipe's facing the right way oh man i literally can't see it was is that the right orientation how i should probably just take the conveyor off if i'm honest all right that is the right orientation though so i should just be able to grab all those now if anyone's following fairblade all right down back oh this wait let's wait there cool so down the next aisle uh bluey wolf cheers to the sub as well great kind of you uh oh balls why is that one facing that way why would you do that ah there we go so the pipe's facing the right way i think the conveyor isn't for whatever reason what the hell why are you facing that way they're all but they're meant to stay the same orientation that you just placed on don't know what is going on anyway let's just stop complaining let's just get it done let's get it done wait what the hell why is that why is that on the wonk what that's not possible how have i done that that's weird isn't it see a nice toaster just stopping by what is going on with that conveyor [Music] i assume it's just not connected how random was that [Music] right so that those pipes they need to move so that needs to go [Music] there but facing that direction so you go there i really should have done these first and then it's just a straight pipe so we can select straight fight [Music] pipe uh riper cheers for the sub or riper c whatever you want to be nice okay so that's all the water done i then need conveyors under here as well so do a bit of that i might actually extend these whilst i'm here get out the way cauldron so we'll go to there [Music] i don't know how to automate like making jewelry is that a thing [Music] i feel like it's probably not a thing [Music] yeah the music is quite calming and then the uh the sub noise comes in like yeah so [Music] that noise was an x and an s next to each other in case you were wondering how to good cheers for the cheer boy big cheer how are you doing big boy i'm good big boy we're we're nearly there i'm just doing the conveyors and then i think we're i think we're pretty much good let's just move these out of the way i'm ready to make a mess so i just need conveyor belt ah wrong button i just need conveyor belts so we'll go conveyor straight those ones so they pretty much just go along these i gotta i gotta shove one back there they okay i love that you can put conveyor belts like any orientation on any pipe now like on the tee you can just have a straight so much better than before [Music] and then final ones i probably do need some corks i mean that should just be a bend really should i swap that for a bend i might swap that for a bend i was just being lazy but because do i have any bends is that a bend yes we got some bends we've got the bends [Music] so you get that you go that way that way i'm that way nice okay pretty much ready to go i just need to add the straight conveyors along here uh no no that's wrong i need to move these ones forward [Music] you hear that you do that there you go and then we put straights behind it [Music] so we do like a straight down there straight down there and a straight down there nice oh nearly there look shadows sucks thank you very much for gifting five subs that's super kind of you [Music] yeah thank you very much i assume i pronounce your name right then [Music] surely put the conveyor on the bend oh yes oh thank you thank you that one right nice okay do we dare turn this on i should probably do a few more checks i mean it does look pretty even i know one thing i haven't done is this bit because that doesn't actually do anything at the moment so yeah those cables literally do nothing i might wang him in in a second but let's turn it on let's see if it works let's see what happens oh whoa whoa whoa whoa no let's not let's not we need to set the numbers first annoyingly we gotta look at the bridges to do it so what should we do just like a hundred so enter a hundred let's probably get rid of the zero first 100 and then cloutium i mean claudium could be way lower it could be a 30. so i think that's all you need to buy new stuff but i don't know we'll see hang on are you meant to be like that is that the one that i just said we'll ignore yeah i think it is yeah i'll be fine i'll be fine you'll be fine yeah the lag's bad it's because i'm looking at the bridges if we look at this like this direction should work fine right i sort of thought this might have worked by no yeah it's not working it's not working these they have defaulted to starting on zero no oh i know what i've done i know i've done i know what i've done i i forgot all the bits and bobs all the stuff that makes it clever so let's just clear all that chunks the overall resources so if we if we go back to looking in here i've actually got like a load of clip-on stuff god knows where there's one so that is a logic flip hook so it turns an incoming logic of zero into one and anything bigger or equal to one into a zero um i could explain how this all works but it's a lot ah it'll be a lot easier if you just watch the video when it comes out hopefully hopefully you'll be able to follow it in the video you might not be able to at all actually because i was trying to explain it whilst building it and i kept building it wrong so hopefully my editors can like make sense of it thankfully that's not my job anymore i just make the mess all right so what was it a flip pick that one so we need that on there and there and there and then we just gotta try and find all the bits i know there's definitely yeah there's a vertical one so that's just an arrow which i think is called a diode diode hook and basically that just stops like logic going the wrong direction [Music] so can anyone see what way the arrows facing is facing down that's no good so it's got a face upwards and that just means when when like my reset thing resets that it doesn't reset everything uh that pipe okay i'm pretty sure there was another oh yeah look there is another flip hook where are you flip hook there you are so that just goes in between the weighing things so one down there and one there and one on this end nice i think that's everything i should probably try and have a little look oh no look there's one there there's one there oh yeah that's one second timer so that's for the magnet because if you don't put a one second timer on this magnet basically when like the bar gets taken out of there the bar just gets sucked up to the top so we put a one second magnet to make sure the bar's gone before that magnet turns on as i said before very complicated machine but i've done the legwork it should work once they're all hooked up should of course i've probably cocked it up somewhere so you go there you go is that the right one yeah that's right one and then ego deck it's got the magnet behind it nice all right anything else anything else i think i think we're good i think we're fine all right let's close this again [Music] look at that mess all right let's see if it works i think as well because most of these are already filled up with resource i think the first like resource in should trigger the the bar to come out oh no okay so this only measures additional weight so when that gets to a hundred it should move see that's the gold one that's going up slower so we'll keep an eye on this one so when that gets to 100 hopefully the bar will come out go along there and when it gets to that point the bar thing like the arm will go back in and whilst that happens these magnets will turn on hopefully preventing any more falling in and then when that turns off the magnet turns off right ready to 100 so that's coming out that's going along there you can see magnets not working or did they work maybe they did work let's wait for another hundred i think this that one at the back would be easier to sleep so when that gets to a hundred starts leaking so that mag yeah can you see that it's preventing anything dropping down while that bottom was open nice 69 very nice all right so that one magnet grabs the gold because gold is magnetic as everyone knows oh no it failed it failed there you go so that's why i saw i need more magnets because some things do sneak through i feel like i need like another magnet on the side or something because basically that like the range of this one sometimes it's too late and the one second delay on that one it's too long but if i do no delay on that it up should i try maybe maybe it doesn't if we take that off that's the one second delay let's see if that actually i feel like that was picking up the bar oh it didn't maybe we don't want to delay maybe we don't want to delay we did no if i move if i move the magnet down one then it definitely picks up the bar i tried that so if this magnet is one bit lower when that happens that bar goes straight up into there okay that might have fixed it what i'm gonna do i'm gonna clear all resources and then we're gonna watch this one again and we're gonna there's no room we're gonna try and keep an eye and just see if any like resource falls down or look they're trying to they're trying to no look did you see that they made it underneath i think that's why i put the one second on because that's what was happening without the one second like because basically i just need to i need this magnet to stay on longer and the only way i can do that is to like stop when it starts there's no way to make this stay on longer basically without a delay add magnets to pull the leaked one oh we could do that you could somehow and magnets yeah how would we do that about this so so bad looking that direction damn bridges so we do [Music] let's head over here i don't even know how i'd fit a magnet in there's like there's literally no room left [Music] unless we build underneath with magnets is there a gap the other side of this uh no not really because that's in the way trying to fit this in a 2x2 wasn't very sensible you can do dual smelting and it does not require magnet at all you move the second smelter to when first releases uh what do you mean what second smelter man this it's nearly good but look we're getting bars we are guessing bars how should i see maybe i'm overthinking like maybe there aren't that many resources underneath i'm gonna i'm gonna pause it and i'm gonna grab a magnet on the stick and see how big of an issue it is so that's paused magnet on a stick let's just go have a little look yeah so how many bits are in there now i've got gold i didn't mean to take the gold right ignoring the gold i think there are three bits of [Music] yeah so it's three for every quite a lot of bars if it doesn't work nuke it i reckon it works i reckon it's pretty decent because what i can do is every 10 minutes i can just like clear all resources maybe shall we leave it to run for a little bit [Music] we'll see how it goes [Music] all right we'll keep an eye we will keep an eye don't quit you can fix this is there any clouting no no cloud team yet it's a cloud soon be the one at the very end the furthest one away [Music] night joe 16 months you've been subbed cheers boy and zero con no no cheers for the sub very kind of eat yeah so actually that's something we could do that's what i tried to do down here so this arm here which i haven't done for those yet i tried to put a logic valve on there and the logic without this one this like stops like when it gets a signal it stops you conveyor moving which is good but i think it defaults to being on if you know what i mean let me just can't see what you think let's try and get that in the right orientation so if i were to shove this down there it stops the conveyor [Music] you see that i conveyor stopped i need it to default off if that makes sense does anyone know is that possible flip the signal okay okay let's try then what do we need because we've got a straight wire there can you see where my mouse is i think that this is actually why i moved the convey i think i never got around to testing this but i moved the conveyor by one so i could get that straight bit of wire on and put the lifter thing so is it a flip hook let's try that so that's just gonna go on there let me shove this on that right orientation which is that then [Music] it's still running nice okay i probably should have put this on actually it's still set to 20 okay what number we on 22 so the next one that comes in should turn that into a bar and the conveyor belt should stop come on shards come on shards don't embarrass me like this all right there's a shard so that should drop in yes yes okay this might have fixed it nice okay let's let's put this on i think iron is the mean it's the test isn't it the big boy test let's shove that there we'll then get the logic stuff we need a straight and two bends so where's oh straight says straight i'm gonna build these on all of them awesome here as well just save time later [Music] real montana williams cheers for the sub dude eight months blooming out [Music] thanks for the support right oboe cable so i literally can't see bloody snow why is snow white all right so we've got those we then need that orientation there there and then we just need more of those stoppy valves i'm not sure what they're called what are they called am i missing something where are they i can't see it it's called it's gonna be called a valve right all right logic vowel pick oh it's a hook that's right annoyingly that i picked out while typing okay so logic valve hook rotate you like that and why have you stopped [Music] quite oh no why have you stopped do i need to detach that afterwards or something oh no oh no uh let's attach that a second let's get that all moving i don't know why that why'd that happen right i think that was it i think i've got to oh i haven't attacked oh there you go they're completely cocked i haven't done the flip hooks flip flipping out and on the flip hooks logic flip hook you go there you go there and then i gotta attach these afterwards to pick you up rotate the right weight and then do that oh no there's gold flying it oh no oh no the magnets got mental oh oh i love to see it um i think you need to be reattached as well [Music] right okay let's let's clear all the resources i'll clear the dirt chunks as well my resources again right this might work for the seventh billionth time what we want to happen is when enough shards go into there that turns into a bar which means the bottom opens the bar comes out the bottom the magnet should turn on the conveyor should stop and then when that bar gets to there that should close up everything else should be fine it's just a question does the conveyor need a one second delay as well i wanted to stop instantly but not turn on it i don't think i can do that alright so that's open that stopped okay that's decent that's actually pretty good we'll watch a few more runs because it's all about like where that last bit of iron is when it sets that off so there you go in oh yes did you see that that's the magnet working oh i dropped it too early you prick why did you drop it too early i love doorbell in the chat if the conveyor belt stops why do you need the magnet oh fair enough yeah that was the perfect reason why you need the magnet unfortunately it did drop it too early [Music] which means under there we've got some resource i think we've got some iron ore [Music] let's watch a few more times though let's just see if the magnet does it again hopefully not i'm gonna have a slurp my drink [Music] i feel like what i want i want to move that so it's like there like it's not because it's three spaces away that's open for too long the trouble is i couldn't find a way to like set that without this [Music] but watch a fever i feel like it's actually like if it only happens like one in every 10 bars i'm not gonna lose sleep over it kravati cheers [Music] right magnets being good but it's dropping them too early you're a knob have i got you on a timer oh oh oh there's no there's no one second timer on that one what happened to that was that when i was showing you guys yeah that's when i was showing you and ah chat i was showing you the magnet doesn't work without the timer and i forgot to put it back on oh right okay i think now if that happens again well that's a good that's a good lesson to show you why we have the one second timer on this magnet because it means when this magnet does good stuff hopefully it will do it soon it drops it not too early hello luke luke through hawker finally caught a stream oh he's up early to watch mystery oh no do you see that that's the downside because this because this magnet's on a delay and i think the turning of like to turn that conveyor off the stop there's a slight pause it's not like a second it's like a split second we'll try and we'll try and watch it again just to make sure but i think that slight split second yeah do you see that last one i look at that's such a long pause ah that's annoying that is annoying yeah so we got a choice this magnet we could either make it go early but then it drops them too early or we can make it go late but it doesn't catch those ones not a clue what's better yeah the magnet does delay to turn on so ready so that goes please yeah so we caught that one so when it drops it it drops it perfectly in there so annoying that's the that is the downside of this logic stuff like you're sort of limited it's like one second and whatever the built-in latency is i'm pretty sure if that conveyor stopped instantly it would actually be fine it's just a slight delay yeah it needs a smaller time delay unfortunately there isn't one but the dropping the dropping of resource is like almost spot on so one second is pretty much fine i just need it to turn on quicker no there isn't a pulse extender that's what that's basically what i need like a pulse extender i had to make it a long post not just a blob unfortunately with logic you can only well logic in this [Music] yeah add another magnet that's what i would do what i would do if i had the space was add a magnet like basically here like on this side facing that way um that didn't have like the one second delay that's sort of why i bought i put those there i thought they would catch it i mean i could i could maybe try and move that magnet so like there the trouble the trouble is that involves moving everything and i've just done it four times um do i do that i could try it on one and see if it actually works the thing is it means i've got to move everything upwards basically people are saying to have a parallel signal not on time yeah i think that's basically what oh parallel timer i don't think that works i tried to do that another time so basically you're saying come out of here and go back into the magnet and then one will go first then the other one i don't think that works i mean we can try shall i try because that will and let me let me get the [Music] the t i need the t logic thing so basically if i were to swap that with like that and then the loop on top of that well maybe it has to go up again and then i basically need to put oh god yeah it have to be really tall because you need the timer to be like around this bit would that work i don't think that's how it works because i think that's two signals rather than one so i think it would like turn the magnet on and then turn it off again [Music] the time will not be it will fit i can get it to fit it just involves moving a lot of cable okay let's put let's try the only way to know is to try it let's open that let's get rid of everything all right i'm gonna do it on the iron one because that's the one with the most material coming through so basically [Music] i gotta lift these up by two so let's just shove that the right orientation and one now why did you move your of a thing two okay so remove that one [Music] over to there then we can move all of these up oh yeah knob okay oh really come on game of course i didn't want to go there okay that's good i might put the well i'll put the t's in i can't put the t's in yet oh let's just plot them there for now let's move those up to this is so complicated so they want to go there and there oh come on game right and then the t's go directly on there nice all right no one in chat screaming at me so i think i'm doing it fairly sensibly for now so we just want straight cables i left the room to get another cup of coffee coffee what is matt up to matt's trying to fix his mistakes we're trying to see if we can make our magnet work for twice as long so basically if we just get rid of that so basically our signal comes along here it's got one second delay and then it goes into the magnet what i want to do i want to have this magnet turn on without the one second delay i want it to turn off after the one second delay that makes sense so what we've done if you can see that we've stuck a t there so hopefully if we take that one second delay and shove it there then the direct signal should come in like that and then the one second delayed signal should come in like that i think that's going to count as two signals so we'll just turn the magnet on then off but i might be wrong let's hope i'm wrong so let's turn or maybe add a diode don't i so we're keeping an eye on this and we're basically just seeing when that bar gets smelted what happens that top magnet because i don't know [Music] all right that's a pretty good view i reckon hydro near logic doesn't work on pulses it works on literal logic what does that mean is it going to work or is it not going to work that's good that's an early magnet oh still dropped it too late yeah so basically the one second did nothing [Music] right i think the one sec did nothing how of one set it's got the one second delay there if i add it to the start then it won't catch the early blobs so the magnet turns on when it receives logic of one and won't turn off until it receives logic of zero [Music] um so basically this this top is doing nothing right [Music] what if i were yes yeah i thought so yeah sounds waste time okay the next thing i feel like we could do well unless could i could i change that to a flipper will that help i'll just turn it off later right you think i need two seconds delay the top's not doing anything we just we just look the top is literally doing nothing green root fruit what am i looking at you're looking at me trying to be clever and failing i'm trying to make bars automatically i'm trying to smelt them without having to like click [Music] and it's sort of working we're just getting a few little bits of resource like slipping through the net yeah so basically to prove a point let's let's watch this so we wait we know that if if this magnet grabs something it drops it too early so i wonder can i kind of go and grab something should i grab i'll grab a bar just to prove a point just to show you what the magnet is doing so next time that opens i'm going to drop this bar and then that magnet will catch it yeah and we can see it drop and you'll see it will drop it too early so it slips through the net so when that bar goes what the hell why didn't you what why didn't you work wait why didn't that work there's no delay i swear the first time through you actually did something though [Music] hang on i've cocked this now stuck open [Music] all right let's just see again does this top magnet not work now what the hell it never stopped yeah it did i thought the very first test we did it caught but then it dropped it through later [Music] what did i imagine that maybe i imagine that ready yeah look what's that what's that doing then that magnetid that magnitude oh sorry i missed some subs dewolf 85 11 minutes coaches what's up and greedy thanks for the sub very kind so that magnet did i just imagine that everyone's saying that the magnet didn't turn on new kit just nuke all this um okay i'm not sure i'm not sure what happened man i think this top thing is useless anyway magnet is turning off one second after it turns on okay i'll try i don't i don't believe you but let's see if we add another one second so there's a hook with a delay of one second so if we wang that there you reckon that'll work [Music] we shall see so they're all going in hopefully okay i was gonna say hopefully uh a node will sort of drop now look it's cocked why is it caught did the bar not come free oh man come on come on game [Music] there you go okay i set it off i set it off [Music] look at that magnets is going on i think that's two second delay just cocked everything right let's just see i think the two seconds has cocked everything basically so i i'm gonna go back to the original probably and then just try and move the magnet like that one so there goes the bar okay that sort of worked but we didn't get to see if that magnet works so we just got to wait for one of the bars we made and then the ore to be magnetized up to there if it works fair play [Music] i'll see what you doing right now i have no idea what i'm doing right now in a word hey what that might have worked that might have worked [Music] somehow that might have worked [Music] so that opens oh i tell you what why don't you test it with just one resource that's what we're doing that's why this one [Music] can you see we got we got different resources going through each one we're just testing this one at the mid at the moment think we might have fixed it what i'm trying to do i'm trying to automate bars but we had a little problem in that when we sort of turned everything off now when we made the bar if you watch down here when we make the bar the like floor drops out wait for it wait for it wait for it come on so there the floor drops out i'm trying to stop any resource falling in there while that's happening hence we got magnet there we've got a magnet there we've got a stopper to stop the conveyor belt moving i feel like we may have just fixed it accidentally i could add a resource spawner that's true should i do that all right i'm going to clear all raw resources and then i'm going to add can i even fit that in i'm gonna try and add one of them i'll go to dev resource spawner we want it to be iron is it iron ore so if we face that there this is the real stress test oh no it dropped it too early still okay that's definitely oh god definitely a limit on these let's let's just remove that a second [Music] yeah that's pretty much because that's only set to 100 if i change that to like a thousand it would probably work a bit better so i try i'll do like 500 stuff just as the stress test oh man there's so much iron coming in so when it gets to 500 which we can read down there oh god it's on eight what the hell is on 8 000 uh did i forget to press enter or something [Music] hang on why is it broken it's broken i think i don't know some reason it's broken what the hell it should be when it's greater than or equal to according to this 500 we're on like 10 000. we're on 16 000. how is that not i already went past the number okay so if i just put it on to 20 000. that makes sense that does make sense all right okay so what is it what's it on now on 17 000 so we'll give it a few minutes when that gets to 20 000 we'll see what happens yeah it's gotten well over 20 000. i think it's just cocked it's just broken um don't know why that's broken i guess i should probably save and quit saving reload does that sound like an idea save return to menu [Music] i'm not nuking it it took like hours in the house it took so long [Music] is it possible to trigger manually no annoyingly [Music] all right so what is it on oh it's back it's back down to zero okay so let's delete that we'll make it a thousand press enter then is this still i always changes to gold when you reload so we need dev where are you dev there it is [Music] we need iron ore i mean i could just try this on the gold one but yeah oh facing the right direction then we'll go have a little look again over this side oh no it's just it's broken it's meant to be a thousand why is it breaking is it really great that it's meant to be greater than that's what the instructions said look greater than equal to greater than equal to how random don't know what's going on with that you think it's because of the loop yeah so do i i think this loop like cocked everything up so let's just get rid of those those those straights let's oh where did that one come from where did that one come from over there oops my bad probably should have turned this off to do this yeah let's just shove these back oh no oh richard it's a sad day it is a sad day all right let's see has that fixed stuff um i should probably go check what that number is what's the number uh so it's 8 600. so if i set this to 9000 yeah as far as i'm aware that's the main downside of this build this is the only way to reset it [Music] so 8 800 hopefully when he gets to 9 000 we should get bars moving through again and then we're good all right please yeah i blame the devs as well definitely max's fault um you can use the lever but you've got to then well you've got to shove it in [Music] so it's just effort it's a lot easier just to set that and wait it's really like not easy to like replace things because they're different orientations and you know how it is all right ready we are very close nine thousand oh no why is it broke why is it broken what happened [Music] because it's fun yeah i don't know yeah the luke didn't fail it why did it fail um it's not 9000 it's 9.8 and i'm pretty sure it's 9 000. it's like these that's a hundred that's 20 and that's literally when they work so that gold one 96 wait for it 98 100 the bar comes out how random that one just stopped working i must have accidentally taken something off maybe deny i don't know pick up and replace furnace that's a good idea let's turn it off first ah there's so much lag when i look in the direction of the bridges [Music] uh what orientation does this need to be not that is that right does that like the other ones yeah okay so that's good that's the ninth out so this should just go straight away right if it's now fixed randomly oh dear oh dear something's broken is it you are you broken oh game wait why why it was all going so well it wasn't it sort of was it was going reasonably well has your brain frayed or anything yeah it has but i don't know we got a question from richard for the views would you set up a times nukes on all the bridges no i really don't want to nuke them they're beautiful i mean look look how much nicer that looks ignore ignore the hole over there in the middle but apart from that it's lovely i couldn't i just couldn't do that the engineering me wouldn't let me nuke it no you stop it chat stop [Music] um okay i tell you what what i might do i might shove another furnace in so maybe it's a broken furnace so let's go to logic where's do we have a logic furnace smell so there it is so let's just get rid of that you're dead to me let's try this one come on one two three four they're not four that's the same map one two three there we go [Music] how's that timer reset i think the timer might be broken oh actually no look it's not it's not going to be plumbed in properly [Music] we got a big boy dick oh the people want nukes gg card you can't make me do that that's horrible i gotta fix this i'm trying to be clever and stuff all right let's try and fix the weight thing you can't make me nuke it surely i know is that a spare one and that's a spanner hurler no stop it chat i don't want to i don't want me why why are you doing this to me all right wait read it let's replace that then right in there then we can go set this to a sensible number like a hundred one hundred oh the lag is bad over here no stop it oh yes yes mike this one oh look we got one cloud symbol there you go i've been bribed to not nuke the bridges what a legend mike plays games 19 is that's all i'm gonna say about the issue oh look we it worked i fixed it i fixed it so when that gets to a hopefully it works now yes mike legend absolute legend thank you sorry chat we're not nuking right i fixed this oh that bloody magnet i don't know what's better than a do i keep oh dude [Music] oh coconuts suck oh i don't want to what if what if my save doesn't work what if what if we lose it chat don't don't make me please please chat oh bomb holes right no beds all right let's let's turn this off let's turn this off out right save how do i back up my chat oh mike thank you man i sorry matt this is all i have to bribe you tonight oh i'm sorry mike i think you've been out bribed i don't want to do this but thank you for your cheer i do appreciate it uh where's the nukes i parked on this truck right how do i how do i get down to it there it is so you're only getting one nuke chat yeah i know tell boss i know i know you but peace not war peace love and bridges not nuke bridges get your obs ready uh i re right what one what one am i nuking you're only getting one nuke no you're not getting 10 you're getting one you're not getting 10 you're getting one someone make a poll because i gotta go i gotta sort this are any mods there to make a polar probably not whatever is laggiest i think this one's the laggiest oh it's so nice though we don't want a new kit do we the middle one the suspension bridge oh night jose can you do a pole from your phone can't make a pole from the front can you tell me how to make a pole do i just sorry i had to turn the music off because i got a i got a right pole oh um nothing happened oh there you go okay all right got it i'm doing a poll which bridge to nuke i spelt bridge wrong hang on um gold suspension fish and chat if you want to be nice i've actually put original so if you want to vote for original do it content doesn't meet guidelines what what do you mean what guidelines is it because i put some hate speech in there let me just delete that okay i had to remove the hate speech can you see the poll now yeah twitch maybe does want me to mute it's because i tried to abuse you let me let me see what the oh yes original come on original so this is the golden one that's the original that's the suspension and that is a fish bridge which one are we nuking come on original come on original oh it's tight it's tight the gold is laggy let me make sure auto save is turned off oh no original yes yes original one in your face in your face i mean to be fair i got braved a lot of money so i probably should do the gold one because that's what dick wants um let me just make sure auto save is turned off where is autosave you're on cheeky autosave so um [Music] let's get some [Music] muke on the go meek knuck so we'll do this one [Music] first i guess so i'm gonna shove a delay so i have time to get back so one nuke there oh i can't believe i'm doing this i can't believe i'm doing this so yeah i'm guessing the most destructive place will be like here right i don't want to do this i don't want to do it is that good dick is that good need one on the bottom as well oh fine fine the trouble is i'm gonna have to like run down here i'm gonna put them on 20 seconds those ones maybe right okay so we need we need some cable so we need logic straight so i'm just wearing a 10 second on this i can i can escape 10 seconds [Music] on these ones i could wire it up but i'm just gonna manually do it [Music] two down there so that should be 20 seconds then i'll do a 10 second on this one that sound reasonable oh dear make a bridge out of nukes and then blow it up that's not bad shout out actually right so logic switch oh god hang on logic button i think button will [Music] be that goes on there [Music] that goes on there this is freaking dangerous i'm scared i'm gonna this up [Music] i hate you dick that's all i'm saying that is all i'm saying [Music] oh did you back up i don't know i don't know how to back up i've just turned off autosave and i'm going to always f4 once we're done [Music] how do i back where does anyone know where hydrogenate saves are saved i should probably try and find this um [Music] in saves where's saves max where are you uh it's usually like documents is it you guys wait there i'll try and find it isn't it called like gold it's not called hydrogen here it's called like gold mining or something uh local app data or is it okay let's have a search for that where's percent there you are very cool oh i can't why can't i spell local app data no items great let's just try app data then uh oh god okay where are we looking am i looking the wrong i might be looking my wrong thing program data program files where's app data i don't know i don't know where i'm looking i think i'm looking in the wrong i must be looking the wrong thing it's probably my other hard drive hang on app data it's looking it's searching yeah i've got my folders unhidden it's in documents okay let's go to documents documents why don't i have user i don't have user and documents users oh i just gotta find users do i okay users then me yeah here we go app data cool right what we're looking in do you reckon local roaming what's it called it's not called hydroneer i don't think i'm pretty sure i've seen it before it was called like gold it's called mining is it it's just called mining oh there it is mining so saved save games okay question is what oh there you are i got my stupidly long save name do you guys want me to read out my save name it is oh my goodness i'm so excited for the new hydroneer 2.0 release and it seems they added infinitely long save file name i wonder if that's just to appease josh or whether they thought i might try it myself too cool so i guess just copy those wang on my desktop i'll be right in it i'm sure i'm sure we won't need this i'm sure it'll be fine but uh let's shove it in there cool [Music] okay i just need the 10 second timers so logic timer where are we where are we should i go past them oh no they're not logic they're not logic they're called hooks so so there they are cool so that's on there [Music] oh i don't want to do this i really don't want to do this what if what if it dies [Music] i'm not doing 10 nukes that's enough nukes right okay we're doing this one first so league this is a good sight this is what you have come here to see get ready for witness something beautiful there it goes ah to see it love to see it [Music] that is what i think of your bridge max should you ever get clip this or something nice now i've been bribed now lag to do it to this not ideal uh okay so i've got to click the bottom sort of wait 10 seconds and then click the top so one two three four five six seven eight nine okay now we stand back right chat you asked for this oh thank you dick oh no oh no my friends [Music] my beautiful frames oh no no we can't even see it it's just carnage [Music] i don't like it oh there we go there we go we got the double mushroom cloud oh what is it gonna reveal it's not looking good down there it's not looking great look on my bridge though it's supporting all the scrap well there you are you absolute bastards hope you enjoyed let's go raid someone who we raided no beds all of you apart from mike mike's a legend apart from mike um let's read i don't know who do you want to read my my musician friend is online the singer alex we can do her well not like that we i think we raided rt last time don't we i think the trouble is those guys they're doing like a real life power washing thing so they're not actually looking at their chat not that much power though that's too much yeah see that much coffee stain we did coffee stain last time oh there you go dick says alex he bribed me or do you do alex hunt just don't tell luke disgusting right raid alex right everyone say hello to her from me and tell her that you're all bad people you bribed me to destroy bridge and now i'm sad uh but yeah cheers drawing guys kept me company sort of made something cool and then destroyed something very cool um tell her matt's dick destroyed a bridge sure that'll work peace love and destroyed bridges i hate you all bye hello [Music] welcome in raiders [Music] matt what are you doing are you trying to throw me off your of my game cause it's not working let's play the raid song does anyone remember how it goes i'm in the wrong key that's why let's go two teams maybe i'm in the right keynote two teams combined [Music] hey [Music] thanks i am not even surprised whatsoever welcome in everyone my name's alex um or happy or happy hippo
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 2,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: EAjrtrfLtpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 58sec (8758 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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