RCE ARCHIVE: Deep Rock Galactic Survivor!

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Music] hello fellow Engineers oh let me just turn the uh some of the sound onto the music how is that loud is that a cake it's like 80. I'll go 80. so this is a new game that we've been playing today um I've recorded a video on it and I realized I'm not very good you need to like play quite a lot I think but uh oh my goodness is this game addictive it's pretty much all I've done today I was like I should probably just stream it it's a it's Deep Rock Galactic Survivor it's basically vampire survivors but in like deep rock Galactic things so you can like mine and stuff um it is it is very good um and it's a beta by the way so it's not like it's not finished or anything there may maybe some bugs Etc just as a heads up uh thank you to Don Walker labradog for the tier three cheers dude appreciate it as always uh Milton kilippo I got married congrats to be Mississippi wait no your name changes Mrs not sibby uh congratsu that's awesome uh Andy pies is that background real or a drawing it's hard to tell it's um I think I ripped it from GTA so neither neither more drawing than real cheers the sub to Balto 70 the chair dude 67. Danny fandom a5d7 that guy why there's so many Subs I didn't stream last week did I that's probably why that guy 83 conquer six three one nine thank you very much everyone appreciated rectal scattergun always a pleasure to watch you he says Colonial I think that's it uh cheers this up send me two shoes with an extra s past tug or turge turge or turg die um and but what's with all the subs wherever you guys come from this is not normal human I know words I'm almost getting contractions from our twitch seven months are on two months time I'll be a twitch dad apparently uh rawal 89 thank you very much for the subs everyone appreciated let's get into this game shall we um so you'll see in my video how it works basically it's um yeah basically think of it like well I guess Bounty of one since that's the game we played quite often um but you can mine as well so you can like you can take out these but essentially you want to take out the little aliens they drop XP we get XP can see down the bottom that's the bar filling up so the more we kill the more XP we get so thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and then once we get enough we get an upgrade so there's three no four different levels common uncommon rare oh no epic and legendary uh the sort of standard we've come to expect from these games um you can re-roll them for gold gold is up here there's also another resource in red uh you've got to mine those uh haven't seen any yet in this run but uh yeah let's just go for oh man actually all these are pretty bad I guess critical chance you see bottom right we've got four percent critical chance what is critical damage actually do we have any critical okay there's no critical damage so you may as well do that yeah critical is quite low this Cactus looking thing can you see when we get the resource it'll tell you what it is up there you manite a manite but it it's not like along the tab basically that's like a resource you can use to upgrade sort of like later on like between rounds like they're permanent upgrades if you like um so ignore those unless it's gold or what's that called again nitrate I think something like that um they're the only two you can use like in the rounds and there are six ads letters and I'm here man I wish I could turn ads off why can't I turn ads off stupid twitch I just want to use their service for free um so fire rate that affects all weapons because can you see they're like there's not a gun this one because it's showing my gun you see my gun down there um that only affects that gun so 15 damage good but it's only affecting that gun I can get up to six guns and I shoot them all at once I don't swap between them or anything uh so let's go for I I guess when you get one gun for now that is quite an increase there's a lot of enemies there by the way um you can see I'm reloading now so I'm not shooting because there is a Reload which we can upgrade and make faster and stuff um oh six armor it's a rare and you know how much I like shiny stuff yeah you you shoot automatically so I'm not shooting I'm not pressing anything I think you just shoot the closest enemy to you you see I've got a little drone up there as well uh he's got a name I can't remember his name it's like Oscar or something uh we'll see it in a second though because we will upgrade him every so often uh level five though we unlock a new weapon so do we go with a shotgun uh good against like big enemies because it targets the highest HP and we got this one which does electrical damage and this other one which does well electrical and acidic damage again this targets the highest HP as well I think this one's probably better hopefully the electrical damage does like it arcs between enemies go for an electrical build yeah we'll go for electrical build then um oh so yeah so that one 10 status effect damage so that's acid electrical and Fire that's how you increase the damage of that if you know what it means so I won't do move speed even though it's rare I love the shiny up here and then I gotta go find some like resource if I'm honest because look we got zero top left there is a map up the top so you can sort of see stuff you can see the white dots they're the flowers they'll collected it's in the top right I've got these two quests um and if you if you do the quests then you get um just a load of resource and XP so well worth doing if you can I think the Q aliens one you always have to do the other one's sort of optional um so for here we've got 25 reload speed just for that new weapon we've got you can hover over and it actually shows you the the stuff so it reloads 5.45 seconds so probably well worth taking that to be honest although five percent of all all my weapons get five percent damage could be good still rare we've got to go for a rare so we'll grab that we'll head up here can you see those things that's another resource that we can't use in-game it's like uh between rounds one where is it an N or Pearl yeah I can't use them are up here look finally we get one of these resources so this is the nitrate is that what it's called Micra Micra grab that oh can you see the magnet as well that gives us well that will suck in all the XP on the level I absolutely have a rest that's always a good one um oh man so many subs and we've got a question as well RC Shield cheers the sub General Tesla cheers for the sub line of lion lion so much LOL work going on there thank you very much for the sub and then what was the question we had down there so after our cracker chat on Twitter oh yeah so on Twitter I don't know if anyone has been on my Twitter before but um yesterday I said we did like this family I say family basically my girlfriend's dad is like he's got a man cave and like he always has like mate saver and stuff and uh they've been doing like well on on the wall it's like it's like written on the wall like the wall of fame um they've been trying to eat three crack three Jacob's cream crackers which are basically just really dry crackers that you get in the UK trying to eat three of them as fast as they can um without any water or anything and I was like I've got a pretty wet mouth I got a pretty wet mouth so I should absolutely smash this so I was like big enough how I'm gonna absolutely destroy them I think the top time on there was two minutes eleven and then the next ones they're all like two minutes 38 three minutes except like two minutes 11 was like really fast and I was like to eat three crackers that is not like surely surely not but um yeah so I did it of course I wanted to uh for even worth got the first cracker wedged it all in my mouth all in one biggest regret of my life literally like I don't know how it happened it went from like a cracker to just coating my mouth with dust like I was almost like dying from like inhaling it um anyway somehow push through two minutes oh three so I am the record I'm on the wall of fame um and if you want to try at home if you have Jacob's cream crackers in your country uh give it a go let me know your time two minutes or three to beat anyway sorry very quite a tangent there uh I've got two very cocky friends who think it'll be easy Sweet Summer children should I increase it to four crackers as they've been Architect no no because literally I was like the cockiest person in the world I thought I'd smash it um literally just let them do it they're not allowed to drink it's just you gotta eat three crackers as fast as you can no water um if they can do it under two minutes I'll be very impressed I'll send them a hard hat maybe probably not um but I doubt I doubt they can do it I do have a wet mouth legit um right anyway yeah cream cream crackers they sound wet I guess because cream but it means like something about how it's made like the stuff is creamed or something I don't know they're very very dry stuff it with your wet mouth yeah they're they're a very dry cracker and they just turn into like dust when you chew them um yeah anyway anyway uh no inholic did I say thank you three minutes ago if I didn't thank you very much Ray kind of you and they said woohoo new game thank engineering God yeah no no Super Auto pets what is going on what is going on uh dad joke um a mining one I guess what did the gold collector bake for dessert carrot cake with a K carrot get it gold get it gold collect carrot cake no okay right well let's pick one of these level UPS I'm gonna go with the Epic one rather than the two Commons so that will give us 35 damage for this weapon um spider on my butt spider on my butt all right where am I trying to go we need to find two more flowers and ideally lots of resource oh look because we've completed the the aliens once when you see we've got the kill and Elite Smasher oh look there's gold here that's gold hits the elite Smasher is that huge spider thing up there I'm now early on in the game I found it better off just to leave it alone because there's there's not many enemies about it's not very dangerous to walk around so if we we literally just don't try and attack that thing and then literally just try and get everything from the map we can so we've got the flower to get there we got well we've got one more flower to find try and get all these bits of gold it will help us very much later on because essentially the resources up here in a second I can use them to upgrade exploding spiders oh there's the flower though there's the flower all right I can't get to it I can't get it we'll come back we'll come back oh there's another flower there anyway it doesn't matter it's on the flower oh and I've I've upgraded look there's the name of my drone he's called Bosco uh this isn't going to be a video but I've already recorded a video today if that makes sense that I just really like the game so we're carrying on um so what upgrade do we go for here so Bosco a little drone we can increases reload speed by 10 that's all weapons that he has because he can have multiple weapons as well uh reload speed or give him rocket launchers that sounds pretty good let's see that and then that's the final thing so did you see that was loads of gold as well as some XP as well and I'm gonna head over this way I'm gonna try and just gout out the map so may as well grab that I guess has all the XP coming flying in so three percent fire right now 15 for that weapon I don't think this one I think until you have loads of weapons it's not really worth doing the like all weapon ones I think it's worth just focusing on each weapon so 15 on that one nice so yeah I'm just looking on this map the yellow is like the outer border of the road I'm sort of just trying to find all these little resource pockets and try not to kill that thing too much so tell us it's going down I'm too powerful I'm too powerful tell you what let's head around this right and we can mine let's go but yeah later on I'll be trying to kill that thing as fast as possible because ah the tides will very much be against me but for now I'm doing okay okay level up level up am I Irish no I'm not I'm English no I'm not I'm not sure where you shite that was my best uh impression by the way check out the gold nice are the bugs really big or are you really small I think it's a bit of both because I'm I'm like a I'm a dwarf aren't I so top of the morning do it yeah I'm gonna stop there now I'm English but live in Wales yep that is correct I like to uh live in fear as they say always living on the edge uh we have a question as well Aussie have you heard of a game called Soul Stone survivors where's the boss if you have a time yeah oh I have heard of I don't know what it is so I'll have to investigate in more details but yeah nice um right what we do okay for a 10 mining speed sounds good ah there's so many enemies oh man okay our health is going down if I get this block here that I see a little red thing that increased my health will not increase it just regen my health and this thing's down so let's do that this is the little fly drop so collecting red sugar that's what I just picked up to get my health will increase my Max HP by five that could be useful even though it's only uncommon uh that one small chance to get Nitra that's the red thing or mining any kind of rock so that could be worthwhile gold tip bullets increase your Damage Done by one percent for every five gold you have well that's good now but I'm about to spend loads of gold because we've just killed the enemy like the big boss uh I don't know if you can see that green arrow in the background I've got to get back to my pod within the time limit I've gotta they've evacuated me out essentially I mean if you look up the Top This Bar up there there's five different stages so this is the first stage um I'm gonna go for let's go for that one and then we've got a oh man I don't know how we're gonna get through here 25 damage on the machine gun he's gone for that so slide around here oh we've actually got a bit of time I may as well get these collection XP get yourself onto that drum part it's about to head out nice we've leveled up another weapon so left one does plasma damage now plasma like bounces off rocks and stuff so pretty good middle one kinetic that's just like normal uh cryo does damage that freezes enemies or slows them down at least uh uh twitch chat what one what one should we go for let me know like the the different damage types they're not like different enemies that are affected by the damage so it doesn't matter if you go all kinetic whatever it's just like how the bullets work do most people say in plasma all right we'll go plasma yeah if you look at the pink bullets they like bounced off rocks pretty good oh yeah get the magnet yes cheeky little level up before we disappear um 10 reload speed affects all medium weapons so you can see at the bottom can you see like there's two arrows so if I got a normal one there's no arrows there's two arrows that is a medium weapon you can see medium plasma spray that one is medium precise kinetic this one in the middle was a heavy weapon so that will affect two so yeah may as well do that I've been waiting to get this one oh look at that that is a nice upgrade battery bullets change the damage of my machine gun down a to electrical so all my bullets will be doing Arc damage we'll do that and we'll get inside taking you to stage two and then we'll get out of it so if you don't get back in time it is pretty much game over I think you die it's never actually happened before it's been very tight but I think we're good anyway this is the shop this is between the stages you can see we've got our currency up there we've got the gold we've got the Nitra you can see what everything costs now generally you want to go for legendary or epic stuff I've never actually seen a legendary in the shop before so I may have to take that 25 mining speed damn my favorite tea yeah is just Nifty who doesn't love Nifty Alpha architect tears mug um yeah shall we do that and then what's that 35 damage to my machine gun I can afford both of those I'm gonna do it I think I'm gonna do it I've worked hard to get it and then I could increase my fire rate of all weapons or I could just hold on to my gold hope for next time um I think I'll hold on I'll hold on I can also spend 30 gold to heal myself as well by the way worth knowing and there's re-rolls which would be useful but I think uncommons cost 23 so no point doing that all right let's play so we're on to stage two now you can see all the top of this yellow bar stage two oh look there's some gold and this one we gotta collect s so they are mushrooms so generally they're the little white dots on the map so we'll head over this week there's a mushroom there down here will minus Matrix then we get XP when we mine the resource that has like don't get anything although now we have a chance to find Nike grab that I'm not gonna worry about these things these are like m games upgrades I probably should actually I'm not scared of you all right another level up I think we'll just go with the rare one although you look common is 10 damage increase it's a lot it is a lot yeah 25 reload speed because that takes 3.9 seconds to reload currently yeah I think we'll do that try and remember there's a magnet there but I'm gonna head down this way there is a mutton down there oh they're so strong out out that hurts all right so this is just another resource that we can't use for now we can use that at the end in between games uh Bismol I'm pretty sure I'm bismores it's not like the resource that only like specials can see most people can't see it keep yeah I'm not gonna worry too much about the uh the NXT although we'll get back if you know there is a magnet above I'm gonna get this bit of Health um the Beast cheers the sub toast Droid and metzanic met Samo Samuel's Army uh just a Sudbury kind now we also have a question I was wondering whether you would try frostpunk it's a great City Builder well I guess I should probably announce this now my patreon sort of already know it's happening um I'm changing my patreon up it's a bit risky if I'm honest but um I'm changing my patreon to do bonus videos because I want to do more like games that like where I don't have to worry about the YouTube algorithm and I feel like games like frostpunk where I sort of missed the boat or they require like a bit of time to play like satisfactory factorio those sorts of games um they're not that good for YouTube anymore I mean they would be [Music] like a year Well a few years ago when they first came out but like longer series YouTube doesn't really care it's all about doing one-offs really so what I'm doing on patreon I'm offering weekly bonus videos where the patreons they decide what well they vote basically the highest is they nominate games everyone else votes for the game they want and um so yeah maybe frostpunk we're a future one who knows but yeah the idea is to get me to play some like longer series which hopefully should be quite fun [Music] um but yeah I don't have to worry about titles and thumbnails and that sort of stuff damn YouTube people please yeah could be another one you're getting paid please would be really good on YouTube like when it first came out doing it now unless you're doing like some crazy challenge or something no one has seen before can't really get away with it anyway what are we doing here 10 damage for electrical weapons that is two of my weapons or 10 status so the arc does 10 or what do you think chat there's also three armor but damage damage all the way so do I affect my actual electrical damage or just the electrical weapons so left or right essentially [Music] by Paddy's architect nightmare that name that name we'll patreon videos eventually make it to YouTube no because that's sort of the point like I mean they will be on YouTube but they'll be like unlisted because uh like the the main point of it is sort of I don't know a bit of stability in terms of I don't have to worry about the algorithm and stuff hence their bonus videos um yeah pretty risky but I'm hoping should pay off you guys should well hopefully see some more content that you want to see because I know lots of people do love the longer form stuff but uh well I've got to balance of that algorithm annoyingly most people seem to be saying left I think so we'll go left oh look there's three mushrooms down there I'm gonna go around the back oh there's four mushrooms down here oh I just took loads of Health out of silly let's try and get this little captures done as well now we need to try and get back up oh man that's a lot of enemies that's right if I load them all this way hopefully I can sneak up the slide out one hurt me oh no there's the Smasher thing run away there was a was there a magnelp here was that the last level I can't remember I gotta get two more mushrooms there's one I'm gonna head through this way because there is another mushroom over there nice okay excellent job and some XP so I guess we'll 25 damage to my foot oh yeah I think I'm pretty sure it was up here yeah the magnet there it is all right let's grab that so we're gonna upgrade quite a few times here this is the plasma rifle we'll go what is the reload speed 3.31 fire eight five let's go weapon damage on that one that was the heavy gun wasn't it oh man so many upgrades this is awesome uh 50 Cent damage on the machine gun epic 35 fire rate yeah I gotta do that because the chain reaction of explosion um I don't really want to cure that enemy it's still quite early games I want to try and find some gold and nice to it I mean I'll take I'll take some of these they're not going to be using this round but they will later on we'll take some of that head down this way it's a bit of Health I don't really need actually come on shoot them shoot them those spikes like really hurt you right another another magnet oh I'm trapped I'm trapped oh I've got a new weapon nice okay what weapon do you want to go for guys we can do more electrical we can do kinetic or we can do plasma yeah I did see that was um a New York oh I didn't know there was a Wandering Village update I knew there was a Planet crafter one though but um again that's another game where like it's so hard to do individual videos a series I mean a series of individual videos because each one you need like a unique selling point and it's not a sort of game where there are that many [Music] all right oh lots of people saying kinetic interesting and what have we got what we actually got oh we got a pole we've got a pole one is winning the electrical [Music] remember you don't need like one of each type of damage they just sort of have different effects so the electrical arcs between lots of enemies the plasma bounces off wolves and the kinetic just well it's just bullet all right looks like that one has won the Thor bug taser does sound cool yeah we'll go with that one and then that will run it oh boy oh boy um I'm gonna dig up this way everywhere oh man this is actually terrifying there's enemies in here as well let's get our bit of help go go go go go go go go go go go go go go so many explosions down there all right the bus is going to be down as well I may as well stay down here oh it is intense we've got 30 seconds to get back but we've got a supply Pod Drop explode in a ring of fire dealing damage and burning when you take damage that sounds good to me if I'm honest screw yeah screw the other ones that sounds incredible and then oh we're upgrading Again by a rate for yeah fire rate for you it's already doing eight a second and we've got to try and oh man if you've got to get back okay it's only there I'm gonna try and mine this thing oh did you see the explosion thing they got hit all right quick quick quick once you killed the boss oh okay we're in the shop we're in the shop we got quite good amount of resource here so epic cogs I can only afford one of them plasma or that's our new electrical one I might do the plasma just because the the fire rate of that's so good eight and a half a second yeah I think we'll do we'll do the plasma increase damage by 35 everyone needs at least one please and then shall I re-roll try and find a epic or legendary there you go there's one straight away 20 damage to all electrical weapons that is three of them oh boy so we'll take that and then I think we'll just we'll just play shall we on to the next one by the way thank you to tiny whiskey and X shivlet for the subs very kind anyway let's go stage three here we are we gotta kill alien we've got to find flowers again so there's a flower right there it's really gonna grab this tonight 30 grams of this flower there's another flowers everywhere flowers for days on that then probably worth trying to get these resources we're not sure if we're going to survive too much longer these things will help me level up for like future rounds but yeah things ramp up pretty quick in this game it's about to get very serious my shoe automatically I don't aim or press shoot it does it all automatically in case you're wondering uh rude attempts to reload speed on all medium well that's only two of my weapons that's pretty good I'm gonna go oh I'm trying to stay in the walls all right up this way is this going to be a dead end up there I think it might be I'm gonna go right a flower there that's completed one of the missions loads of gold some gold there I'm as health as well as beautiful that is what we'd like to see these out watch out for the flying bugs because they come over the walls not ideal ah I just got hit anyway six armor that makes me more resistant down this side because then those enemies they have to go around I don't want to burst through there yet not till there's space so now we're just now we're good yeah Blues Blues go away go away run somehow it didn't get hit there oh man I gotta go through the walls I don't know where to go right through the walls through the walls oh I escaped somehow I don't know how I escape that run there's so many enemies wow they heard me he hurt me right the elite ones out okay oh we're leveling up we're leveling up oh okay so you can see why this gets pretty pretty hardcore um okay okay what shall we go for here a new weapon why don't you want to go for crying that will slow down enemies yeah everyone's saying yeah this does scale fast isn't it that's mental you can see why I was like taking it really slow on like the the early levels like trying to get absolutely everything okay I'm going this way to see if there's any resource found it I'm worried it could be a dead end I'm not sure got the map oh look resource you can survive this round I'll be very very happy what we're gonna do I'm gonna take a bit of a whole lot that way not all the way through though and then we're gonna try and defend those big spiders I can't I can't run away I think no I don't know what I'm aiming for oh I got a magnet I got a magnet we're leveling up man is good six armor 10 damage on electric weapons that is three of them oh so many upgrades 15 damage that's on our plasma one year of best entertainment thank you very much I don't have them in one year of regret as well five next to me right quite a lot of gold that has a dead end down there [Music] that is actually a dead end I always believe here trying to keep an eye on the radar for any resources red over that Loop there's actually lots of enemies that way oh man look at all those for those claws too like serious damage I don't want to go close to them at all oh man oh no right back this way we're all the way at least my plasma does like really good like bouncy ball damage without in the walls yeah hopefully that'll be a bit of a death trap although blooming Flyers can just fly over the top not ideals all right the big boss is nearly down taking it down taking it down you're in stage four come on come on play Drop ooh an epic artifact plus 70 HP and 2 life Regen yes please you have to watch nine adverts oh why does twitch do this I swear twitch is like trying to push everyone off the channel [Music] anyway um yeah I'm definitely doing that I'm gonna get yeah good amount of XP level up again um I don't care about critical if I'm honest like my chance doing a critical hit is four percent and it will only give me 10 damage because at the moment I've got no critical damage or is it that one I've got five percent critical damage not worth upgrading I don't think I'm gonna go fire it all right anyway I've got to get here I need some help we're trying to mind this yes I do yesterday all right we got it we got it let's get in let's get in the into the mouth yes game is fun it's really it's quite addictive because like the more you play the more weapons you unlock so like they ordered it like at the start I think I only had like two different types of weapons or three different types or something now there's like all sorts quite fun um anyway what have you got there 12 reload speed of all weapons or 40. yeah and I'll do a rewrote two more epics so fire rate for that thing and I I can only afford one do I'll tell you what I might just reroll again do I take one of them or do I re-roll reload speed on the plasma 2.75 seconds to reload I think I might take the reload but yeah then we rewrote and then I'm gonna re-roll again on an epic there we go oh 25 critical damage that's not a lot is it got four percent chance of doing critics I don't think it's worth it I don't think it's worth it I gotta re-roll though I gotta get something good 12 move speed I mean to be fair no I'm gonna take that one and then yeah extra HP as well because my health my Health's quite low actually probably not the best use of my income so stage four out of five you gotta kill aliens you gotta oh you gotta find a resource this time so there will be some music over that way let's go up here and get the hell oh no oh no okay stay in the walls I am trying to stay here actually you can let my plasma just like rip through everyone there's a magnet there I don't think I've been alive long enough to justify getting the magnet this is working quite well though until a flying thing comes or like a big boss this is actually pretty decent try and get the magnet okay we've got oh I've got a new weapon we've got a new weapon or do you want to go for a chat I feel like plasma and doing that that thing was would be really cool I don't know what do you reckon I'll let you guys choose plasma cryo or electrical cryo is a grenade I do have all the electrical Buffs that is true yeah I've got quite a lot of electrical yeah electrical damage is plus 45 can you see that on the right so that's all those weapons maybe it's worth doing that one although what is plasma yeah plasma haven't got any any upgrades cry you have to remember to use no don't cry just like that just does area damage that slows enemies down the game's too loud okay I'll turn it down once you've done this and can I do it now yeah there you go uh what's too loud is it the the music I'd rather say you're too quiet well I can't turn my voice up because otherwise it'll clip that's uh let's turn that down to like 25 then oh sound effects okay turn the sound effects down as well go down to 80. sorted I think people want the you know what did you want oh there's a pole there's a pole two okay grenade one so we're doing grenade oh no oh no that guy got in oh no now I've busted a hole I've busted the hole right okay where are we going now where are we going now I sort of want to get the magnet but probably better to come back I am not going in there that looks terrifying all right we'll head upwards oh look there's the the blue resource we need so we gotta mine 20 of these how many have I got from doing that oh 12 not bad I'm losing Health though uh enemies everywhere mine through this weight I'm going along this way so many enemies everywhere why are they like this I'm just trying to pull for their resources all right that enemy's down can we push these oh man look at all of those there's so many all right we got the kill the elite slasher one not ideal but I need to try and find some more of that more kite because that will give me loads of resource because I haven't got much resources around 23 Gold 40 of the other stuff cheeky level up though turn the master back up okay we'll go we'll try we'll try 40 yeah yeah I could I could try and get the magnet I can't really remember where it would where it is was uh oh look there's a magnet there there's a magnet there thank you Game that is nice I'm gonna go with armor I think uh 25 damage on the grenade sounds good another upgrade another 15 oh no five cent damage on all weapons I think now we've got five weapons that's sort of worth doing a bit more that's it push them back push them back a new Bosco weapon for electrical yes please get back get back all right we gotta watch out their exploders and I think they'll yeah they will explode a hole in the wall sort of ruins everything anyway Let's uh let's run away and try and find I mean up here is pretty good it's a bit of gold I want to try and find that market more kite stuff okay oh look legendary 50 fire rate of that thing so that shoots one a second pretty much is that all like I'll shoot more than one a second decent out um okay it's a bit healthier oh and there's the more coat as well let's grab that okay that should be enough yep there's all the gold now we got some health we've just got to Kill the Boss I wouldn't mind uh I wouldn't mind grabbing that resource for this upgrady one oh God oh God oh no oh no it's the edge of the map it's the edge of the map I don't know where to go we're trapped we're trapped health is low health is light so many enemies I think we're doomed I think we're doomed let's get some HP oh boy oh boy dig dig dig dig dig through the middle oh my life I'm not alive for that much longer I don't think oh right there was shooting green stuff at me all right out this way out this way how am I alive I don't know how I survived that I should not have survived it oh man okay okay we're good we're good we're good okay we're actually good we're actually good oh boy oh boy we can calm down a bit I need to find some health um right okay where are we gonna go to get health probably through here now head down this way okay I think we're actually okay for a little bit oh man I do not know how we survived that out I just took damage that was really silly now and again what's going on I need some help there's all the health can anyone see how can't see health I haven't gone up here yet hope it's not a dead end and let's hope there is Health down here are you ready out of me okay okay that's Health there's Health up here gold as well I love some gold just gonna make sure I don't pop a hole out oh and I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to I've already done it I've already done it right health health sneak out this way into this wall into this wall Rod run oh man it's just enemies everywhere I'm gonna try and stay here no other big boss is here run run no as enemies down that way as well stay here for I know I've I've punctured a hole I didn't mean to I didn't mean to so many enemies about out oh I'm so close to dying I can see some health though right there I got it I got it all right I might be able to level up oh that was so stressful oh look at the chat saying dead end I'm dead how is he not dead in your face chat in your face it's just the chip I think uh rushy washy cheers mate don't spend it all at once oh all at the abyss bar I'll try not to Cheers boy I'm not clutching this this skill I'm just trying to I'm trying to make it more entertaining for you guys I've got it under control don't worry everyone wants Anna Williams cheers for the sub 11 minutes ago my bad and JB 91. to break on you both and Craig wuck cheers for 12 months of savage boy right okay I think I've got to go with the health there surely I could do 10 electrical damage increase would you reckon would you reckon chat offense defense I could re-roll I could reroll shall I reroll I'm gonna reroll I think yeah it's only 50. oh it's worse it's worse oh no sorry re-rolled again I forgot uh they're all what's going on should I just take the 10 I'll just take the ten I'll take the ten it's better than nothing oh God oh God oh God oh God no so many so many I don't know how I'm alive let's keep running yeah yeah no we're doomed we're doomed we're doomed we're doomed oh man it gets so tense oh so yeah that's uh that's essentially how the game plays and but the good thing is look all these upgrade materials we got we didn't have those before and it means once we get all these up you unlocks electrical drones cryo drones nice bear we can come into upgrades and then these are like the permanent upgrade stuff um so what would it be worth doing increase my reload speed to 15 or armor I think starting off with better arm is good and then I can only afford mining speed increase that doubles it Lee so uh nothing to be sniffed well doubles might increase doesn't double the speed but yeah right shall we shall we go again I assume the the main game this looks like a carrot character select doesn't it so I guess the full game will have like other characters but uh show you another round let's do another run I'm gonna do this one a little bit quicker like less explaining it but oh cheeky epic to start with 35 reload speed yes please a rare oh electrical damage straight away on the machine gun but yeah this uh this first the first stage is like so relaxed now but yeah I think the key is you upgrade as much as you can early on uh this game isn't out yet so I don't know how much it's going to cost this is just the beta um let's go with the electrical should I do 15 fiery now let's go with electrical so yeah there's a cheeky little Cactus thing so that will help us upgrade next time but mostly I want to be trying to well I want to do the the quest so I've got to get this blue stuff I want to upgrade my weapons and stuff okay oh electrical drains that's the new one we just got defensive drones that damage nearby enemies so that is actually a weapon I'm doing it I want to see what's like chat I want to see what it's like so oh look there's a magnet down there as well could be useful yeah I may as well grab it may as well it's not going to do a lot better than a kick in the balls as they say another 10 damage for the electrical I'm gonna go get this cactus you can see my little drone floating around my head oh that killed a health bar one that gives me loads of XP two epics 12 fire rate on all weapons or increasing HP this early on I think the fire rate 12 is a lot I don't know but I assume like they affect like Future Weapons I get as well surely they do right anyway loads of Nitra that is good probably going get with the XP and stuff or legendary thirsty damage to my electrical weapons this is going really well where was this last round honestly oh yeah we are ripping through the enemies now this is good let's go grab that more kite stuff that should complete the challenge there you go loads of gold loads of gold thank you very much um 15 damage or the Drone thing another Cactus here to get rid of yeah I probably could do move speed I know spoiler from a video but the last boss you definitely want move speed the thing is I love being like overpowered like killing enemies fast is really really fun uh I might would you reckon chat Rockets or the cryo I didn't actually notice the crow doing anything I assume it did like it's quite hard to tell cryo cry cry couldn't link yeah okay we'll go that one then all right so yeah before we spawn the okay we've just won the boss we spawned the boss but I wanna make sure I like maxed out everything on the map so I'm gonna be trying to stay away from that spider so I want to make sure I've mined everything I can and ideally kill all the enemies I can to get all the experience but I don't wanna I don't want to kill the big boss because then the round we're heading to remember pretty sure I thought about leveling up early on okay so there's that resource which isn't the best so I can't use it this round but I'll take it goes to exploded nice oh this way is to explode when you kill them oh annoyingly I'm gonna have to go back up because that was a dead end uh mine quick I don't have the temp set mining speed this time and it's a lot slower foreign that's not ideal that is not ideal uh Apple snows cheers the subway kind we have a Woods or other question as well just re-watched the Last Action Hero so here's the question which movie would you jump into as yourself oh as myself aliens oh uh snakes on the plane or German ah I'd feel like aliens you're gonna die Snakes on a Plane you're probably gonna die at least Jumanji you got like a bit of a chance like it's a gamble in it and you know I love gambling not in real life in video games which I guess is real life Jumanji definitely right so uncommon so we go six percent reload speed for all my weapons or 10 fire rate on that I feel like yeah fire rate on that even though it's common I'm pretty sure early on it's better to go for like single weapon upgrades because they're you get more more bang for your buck trying to grab all these upgrades but I don't want to shoot the spider stop shooting the boss is there actually any gold or Nitro left anywhere look at the map this looks like a dead end it's a dead end oh Bulls elbows elbows uh oh no oh okay well boss is down because I'm too powerful for my own good so I'll just try and grab all this XP the play Drop there explode a ring of damage oh look get a small amount of XP when mine in any rock yeah Jay we'll do that before should I do move speed now yeah nine percent move speed that could be quite noticeable Maybe I want to get those inks because the pinks will level me up probably electrical damage increase grab that one okay because I got my extra move speed I should be able to run through the XP oh boy oh boy it's quite tight still it was quite tight now oh stick damage idiot oh that was the magnet oh I didn't see it sorry chat no oh dear what was that critical chance I don't think it's worth it criticals or should I try and go for a critical build what do you think chat 12 critical chance for 4C gold okay chat saying go critical all right we'll do it we'll do it yeah then yeah electrical weapons have gotta go for it really I guess a re-roll what have we got 25 reload speed all 25 damage on the machine gun yes please get to work I see resource over something left oh there's also this as well let me grab them oh this is a mushroom one as well so grab those three mushrooms all right yeah it's just mushrooms all over this right that's another one down there there's another one down here as well okay we're going this way 50 reload speed oh yes please there's so many mushrooms we'll complete this in no time yeah I'm gonna go back to try and get this bit of gold come on come on mine it mine it well there's a there's a magnet out there I don't know if I can get to it anymore not gonna light let's head down here I'm gonna get that gold up there I think I'm gonna come back come on careful they're coming they are coming if I could take down one of those spiders didn't work as planned I thought they'd all explode but it didn't really work oh that did work I'm just gonna leave I'm Gonna Leave the stuff and I'm gonna try and come back for the magnet I think dead end down yeah there's nothing down there there's nothing down there really there's another mushroom up here I only need one more after this one oh boy mine knows um can't really see anything on the map apart from this oh there's the mushroom to the left okay that's good that's good we've leveled up we've got a new weapon stick with electrical because we've got two electricals I could just keep going with the electrical or do we switch to a plasma electric yeah everyone's saying electric okay we'll do it we'll do it we'll go full out electric if we can this time there you go there's that completed loads of gold so I'm just trying to find resource slash the magnet um I don't know how to get through there's enemies oh no oh no oh no you can see why sticking to the edge is a really really bad idea you really don't want to do it sit down here out right can you remember where the magnet was it was sort of was it down in the bottom right somewhere where's that that's leveled me up I'll take that uh critical damage if we're going Crystal I guess was the Magna up this way yeah there it is there it is decent okay that should level us up a couple of times 25 damage for you I think that sounds like a good plan and then six percent critical chance yep then hmm 10 fire rate oh yeah why not why not right he just exploded the health for me very very useful actually cheers to that that's gonna be a dead end oh no no isn't it leaps around it leaps around cool we'll head up this way then because I was hoping there'd be some gold and stuff and there is hey strongest shape strongest shape I didn't even see that in my video you got a live strongest shape Discovery oh no the big boss the big boss oh I know I'm trapped I'm trapped oh boy oh boy oh boy oh I know which we can't we can't do it we cannot do it captain out out okay okay just do it just commit just commit you got it Matt you got it you got it now get the cactus decent now run that's where you go D let's go believe in these games I think they don't really talk about in the industry oh the explosions destroyed everyone oh that's what we want that is what we want 30 critical chance a hundred percent critical damage but we do lose 30 normal damage not ideal um so what is our where's our critical the critical damage we've got up to 30 no 105 nice critical chance is I think it's that one so that'll go up to 50 so every other shot should do double damage which sort of sort of worked out am I gonna get that experience I'm actually okay now we've got to try and get out of it um more critical chance oh 25 down like 25 is so much compared to like three percent critical chance like chat what's better off on here 25 25 damage on one weapon 10 damage on three weapons or three percent crits it's got to be it's got to be that right 10 damage all right um we need to get to the drop ship why am I trying to get XP idiot Matt idiot oh look at all that I'm gonna get stabbed out he's stabbed me in the ass okay stage three here we come we've lost quite a bit of Health which isn't ideal oh look at that though Get Lucky so that will increase the chance of getting higher Rarity stuff oh I might do it I think we're gonna do it uh is it too late to do it because like 25 electrical damage or 20 even pretty good okay I'm doing luck I'm doing luck and then I'm Gonna Roll okay we've got an epic two extra drones okay so glad I did that not gonna lie now plus 15 critical damage so more drones more critical damage I can probably get away with one more reroll what are they yeah let's do it let's do it oh there's a legendary 70 Max HP not bad oh two extra beams from the I didn't know you could get stuff like this two extra beams from that gun that would be cool can't afford it though annoyingly I guess that's one of them nine percent critical chance yeah okay get to work that's aliens to be killed and go will be mine so what have we I mean I should probably go get a health first that seems like a good plan we've got the health there's loads of bugs everywhere I I do feel a bit more powerful than I was before whether that's just because there's way less enemies but like look at the three drones circling me okay so we'll head up this way we've got to get flowers This Time by the way you've got to get six of them so there's one there there is one down here I may as well grab it oh boy oh boy tell you what I do feel quite strong I do feel quite powerful it's going good it's going well yeah this game's uh well it's not it's not early access yet this is just the beta so it's not out yet for you guys unfortunately but uh pretty sure it will be I think it's meant to come out this year so that's good attempt damage on electrical so yeah that's all three definitely doing that oh ripping through that guy I think I'm actually strong I'm actually strong for a change all right let's go get the flowers I got one more to collect do that nice that is loads of gold 27 gold 15 damage on my electrical weapons that's a that's a no-brainer famous last words I love that like I'm either terrible or I'm cocky there's no middle ground with me all right nothing up there I guess I may as well get this Cactus thing while I'm here like thank you then then okay can I get that yeah I can I can decent I I am strong I got the magnet we got the magnet oh an epic 12 fire rate now that does affect critical right because the faster I'm shooting the more likely I am to Crips so I'm taking that leveled up again for a new weapon we gotta stick with electrical right so we're taking the boomerang um where do I want to go where do I want to go let's go I've got this way to get that the electrical seems to be really working by the way we do have the elite already oh yeah it's a flying one it's just there so I'm gonna try oh God oh God oh God run run run I'm stuck get out get out oh no you want my health why didn't why was I cocky why did I get so cocky that boss is nearly down that bus is down now I've lost like all my health not ideal six-point crit chance yeah grab that as well um I feel like exploding in a ring of fire is actually really good they're gonna go with that um oh I gotta try and get up damn explodey spiders oh I need help badly but I don't really think I have time oh I'm not going to be able to get over there I'm just gonna have to run through come on oh that was close I might have to spend Gold On Healing this time oh man oh okay what do we have here extra fresh yeah 50 Max HP or just 50 Max HP what does heel do does that make completely heal me because I can only afford I may be better off healing oh no it didn't I thought it was gonna heal completely five percent crit chance on all electrical weapons 15 damage on all electrical weapons or just heal again I was one hit away from this famous last one oh dear was better 15 damage or 5 critical or just healing crit electrical also that one yeah Woody crit okay we've done it the cogs was better ah there we go all right I saw there was Health straight up so I'm literally gonna I'm gonna run to that via mushrooms there's one there is one that I'm ignoring everything where was it where was it there it is there it is there's one to the left as well okay that's good I'm gonna mine I don't know why I'm mine in that but I am there's more Health there okay we should be back up to Max Health pretty much decent okay let's try and get those mushrooms over this week oh boy oh boy I'm surrounded I'm surrounded um five cent damage on all weapons yeah my brainer or there's a magnet so I don't take it we'll take it didn't even level us up too early in the game for that really I think getting all the mushrooms is my best bet this early on yeah we'll head up for three I guess may as well mind some of this stuff so I can level up next time oh nine percent fire rate is that all my weapons yeah it is some gold as well ah that wasn't very nice okay he's down he's down get the remaining gold get that XP and get the hell out of there or nearly got stuck there all right seems to get a gold little cheeky bit of gold okay we're good we're good we're good we might go get that gold okay now I'm a bit screwed let's go this way yeah straight down straight down okay over to the right I can see some resource it's the red stuff wait say no to that should get a red I feel like I am still quite strong really you've leveled up again um I'm tempted to go the mining speed 10 percent quite it's quite a lot yeah chat seems to agree with me let's go for it let's go for a chat all right there's a mushroom up there can I get to that yes yes I did and I didn't take any damage somehow I don't know what's going on oh I know the elite one's out the elite one is out now still haven't got all the mushrooms there's one down here though how many more three left okay I can see two down this way one two okay so mushrooms are just to my left I may as well grab this gold while I'm here and the mushrooms that's more gold then set off a chain reaction there another one there oh blooming out blooming out run run away okay oh 20 critical chance for my bot oh that's only the Rockets it's on it I'll be fine I'll be fine may as well remind this I mean I won't need to get the pink I need to get the pink always get the pinks I will mine this but I gotta be careful because the things after we eat it's good it's good we got it we got it oh okay um knock back and slow enemies when you take damage oh that's the Frozen shield or the Epic is 70 HP in life region chat's like take the middle one Matt you suck okay we'll go for the middle one see a bird rock and stone Brothers have you played this yet dude or have you I did I I did a recording by the way that was actually quite good Superbad so I'll send that to you in a bit I haven't oh well this is the game and it's good it's very fun all right I'm just taking that one we've got 30 seconds to get back um I'd love to grab some XP on my way but I don't think we're gonna be able to I mean there's a cheeky little bit over this way I'll do that we'll do that oh yes get the magnet it's a risk but a risk worth taking maybe potentially probably not do you think that was risky chat did I it up are we gonna get back in time I think it'll be okay it'll be okay right right uh so crit damage is 120 at the moment crit chance is 67 percent um chance is better than damage yeah that's true I'll go quick chance right we're leveling up we're leveling up six percent crit chance to all weapons nice and oh legendary 15 move speed I might need that to get back to the ship so I take it or do I do the six percent crit chance I think I want the move speed I think play it safe all right speed oh man we're just leveling up constantly another nine percent move speed just so I can get back I'm doing it oh yes the speed we got a new weapon oh and it's not electrical so our first non-electric weapon uh I'll let you decide chat what do you prefer we got the plasma carbine which is well that targets the closest Center what does that one do then just shoot eight projectiles actually burst of them and then the kinetic is a shotgun that pushes enemies back that could actually be good we'll go shotgun yeah I could re-roll but I don't know if there are any more electrical weapons so I don't think it's worth re-rolling I haven't like unlocked them all yet I'm gonna go shotgun is there a pistol or is it a shotgun close range shock yeah there's a shotgun go for that one right we somehow made it back easy I feel really fast now by the way are you listening to dingy ding dingy dingy Diggy dinghy hole on repeat I need to uh I need to get with the stuff all on Epic 35 damage for you not bad 25 damage for you 15 Chris good I feel like I should probably I should probably get some actual damage right like I feel like electrical damage 20 that's sort of a no-brainer right surely because all my weapons pretty much do electrical yeah I'm gonna do that I'll do nine percent critical chance and then do I just do one of the damage for those or do I try and re-roll for a good because we could get a legendary or Epic I'll re-roll shall I what is that a 35 damage now let's rewrote okay what have we got 35 damage again on that one I feel like they're the same thing aren't they oh there's a lucky thing and five cent crit chance and all those ah well okay let's just so I reroll from here re-roll again or should I just take that one I could rotate that one and then re-roll again okay nothing really good there 25 damage on that I can afford one more reroll I've done it oh look yes it changes the damage type to electrical on the pistol you're always telling me in our DMS how you want a bigger shut up shut up see your bird what are you on about bigger cogs 15 damage in all my electric weapons but yeah that makes the pistol Electric yeah baby okay so all my weapons yeah because because I turned that into the electric can you see it's got 80 damage and five percent crit chance now which it didn't have before lovely we are an electrical boy okay this is stage five um now where are you gonna do in this one there's these little where are they there's one where are they there's these little like cocoon potty things oh my there's one up there can you see that and basically when you burst them the like bosses from before come out and once you've popped all of them then a massive boss comes out and it's just it's just Carnage and we are blitzing them by the way am I getting cocky again or I don't think we can die I think we're good I think we're fine okay let's try and get some of these resources because I might not survive this and what is our critical chance now it's 85 so I guess another three percent although 10 damage for all my weapons oh God do that right I just been quoted I don't think I can I don't think we can die okay I do get cocky yeah I don't think we can die to we might not survive this yeah we're doing damage like we're going damage we are ripping for everyone okay so I gotta go find another cocoony thing um let's just do 10 damage on you probably not really worthwhile but whatever all right another cocoon let's head over this I don't know if it's worth getting all the gold and stuff now so I'm not sure what happens at the end of stage five I've never done it before I feel like this is the strongest I've been though so this is my best chance of actually doing it yeah right what's coming out there another flying one okay that's fine that's fine Dodge around the back of it do a bit more mining Dodger on the back right it's down it is down and there's loads of XP up here come on rip through them come on dwarfi man this is good this is absolutely decent this is actually decent okay we've leveled up we've got two rares 15 critical damage gotta go with that right we're on 120 damage uh and one about eight and a half shots well sorry every 85 shots out of 100 will do that much damage so yeah we'll do that yeah yeah I probably should I probably should have gone reload what's up we do have to reload and I haven't upgraded that at all this Roundup I think so there is quite a lot of time where we're not actually shooting oh man I'm actually we're getting a bit pinned into a corner yeah let's go let's go down this way let's get out of it I don't want to go that way let's go up this way okay we're free we're free we're gonna find the final cocoon I think that's like the where the boss one comes out of so I don't think I can take that down yet 12 critical chance that will nearly take us up to a hundred percent done it I've done it are we doing damage to that no I don't think we are I don't think we are um I feel like it's probably up now okay so hmm there's actually not a lot going on I'll go do a little bit of mining so all that spider got close that spider did get close oh so many enemies okay a little bit scary a little bit scary I'm gonna have to punch a hole up this way and get back get back get back get back you little bugs have all that XP not leveled up yet okay we're good we're three we're three okay another oh electrical damage for the boss it's just electrical everywhere okay let's I don't actually need health yet I should probably just punch a hole get these resources and stuff there's a pink I'll grab the pink grab that resource okay nothing up that way that's a dead end what's down here I mean there's a bit of gold over this way where's the blooming cocoon I don't know where it is I've been all the way around here look at the map oh God oh God oh God have I tried thrill vote not yet not yet it's on my list though all right we're gonna have to run through those oh boy oh boy go down go down where's this cocoon I kind of find it I'm turning Scottish again okay three percent critical chance that means we'll be doing 100 criticals all the time I feel like the 10 damage is better though I'm doing that oh there's a magnet there is a magnet good spot chat oh 30 reload speed yes um six armor probably should take that if I'm honest and then more move speed or more up I can move speed oh and then a new weapon as well now annoyingly there's there's no electrical do we hmm 3D cryo grenade reroute I okay I will rewrote but um shotgun that could be very useful for taking down bosses if I'm honest targets highest Hub enemy I think I gotta go for that I've got to chat I know you want me to reroll but I feel like that's the one to go for here all right there's Health there as well which I desperately need now we got some health I don't know where these cocoons are I don't know where they are uh fire rate of you yeah I guess so how am I meant to get through these there's so many enemies right run all right the Cocoon it's got to be down the bottom then because I think that's the only place I haven't been and this was that it no that's just health okay it's got to be it's got to be down here oh there it is there it is the one place on the map I didn't go to time but yeah that is the boss now and uh he jumps like that which means he can catch up to you very very quickly or see I don't know what it is but ah be fair Health going down pretty fast I feel like we might do this oh there's a magnet as well there is a magnet as well I mind that why I rate 15 yeah oh I can change my shotgun to do fire damage that sounds fun oh I've just gotta watch out for the hordes now oh look there's another magnet all right let's try and take out a load of them before we grab the magnet oh I should have I should have grabbed the magnet Fosters on me but thankfully I've got move speed on my side yeah okay I think we're good I don't think I don't think we can lose this okay there's hardly any enemies about and the health is going down constantly oh why couldn't I do this in the video well the reason is because the more you play the like better your permanent stats get so that would be why um 20 cent reload speed yeah yeah we'll have some of that oh we splurted it nice oh we gotta get back we've got to get out of there so fast though I don't need to I just want to kill the natives why am I so British what's wrong with me no I saw it let's get out of it let's get out of it let's play it safe let's play it safe Matt let's not fall on the final hurdle apparently so yeah Chris goes actually pretty good gets to a bird to uh splice this stream up he loves editing streams that is for sure so yeah we uh we did quite well look at the electrical damage four million two hundred thousand damn uh we unlocked oh a new weapon sounds like an electrical one as well um and then in the oh oh look there's different difficulties interesting but yeah and then in the unlocks we've got all these so what do we go for their reload speed mining speed movement speed critical charts I think would be critical because we know how good they are and then I mean to be honest probably mining speed yeah nice that was uh yeah that was only Hazard one there's it goes up to Hazard five that's gonna be impossible but anyway my video is coming out in five minutes so I'm gonna say uh peace love and big old Ginger beards uh go watch my video five minutes um cheers joining guys that was really fun thank you everyone that sobbed and stuff uh Nemo Saint and power the black yay made it to a stream again only for a short while sadly but still chisel yeah thank you guys um I'll catch you next time bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: goYC5rck8FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 2sec (6362 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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