RCE ARCHIVE: The carrot bridge must be finished...

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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] all right foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] hello you fellow Engineers quickly before the night cycle gets us damn you son why would you do that to me why would you do that to me um we can we can head overhead all right don't worry I know I'm done remember we got this ah is that yeah that's midday that's midday pause oh that's better that is better um hello everyone fellow Engineers that's the thing I I remember my own saying thing hello fellow Engineers uh welcome back to hydroneer um unfortunately the the mod maker the guy who made this mod um he didn't manage to update that so still producing cut veggies however Mr itchy the uh the dev he's he's only gone and pulled out the bag so we need a carrot because he's basically made a cloning machine so let's take this carrot let's fly all the way back to our Bridge um and by the way sibi melted calipo 24 months of subbing that she subbed during the the starting screen uh thank you very very very very much that's a crazy amount of support 24 someone said like 24 months that's nearly a year full of all of uh mathematicians in my my chat right so let me show you how this works so we're gonna go well let's just leave it let's just leave it there for now if we go into this and we type spitter oops I just damn it I just picked up the floor anyway you can see we have a resource spitter which is a custom mod made for myself um and it's got It's holding a little bit of a a little bit of a surprise it's very efficient shall we put it that way so Boosh there it is looks looks sort of interesting doesn't it but wait wait if we put it down oh yes it is a machine of efficiency made by an engineer for an engineer and this is what we're going to use to fill this bridge with carrots we're doing the carrot pour today um so yeah essentially everything you see here will be will be carrots hopefully uh much like this bridge is like all gold that's what we're aiming for um so yeah let's let's I'll show you guys how this works so essentially can you see it says empty there all you got to do is get an item and like just bang it on top and now that's set to carrot and whatever size it was for Whatever item it was that will now spew out carrots when you press the button on the side pretty good huh so someone asked where are my fpf where are my FPS drops this is the mod so the mod that you can all download yourselves um so it's turned my bridges into one two three pieces or something yeah so rather than the 38 000 or whatever it was um but yeah let's grab this and oh and let's shove this down one of these so I reckon rotate like that shove it there and you can see boost turn it on carrots come out we are now filling that up with carrot love to see it um now thankfully in this game uh carrots are magnetic so I can go grab a magnet stick from over here thank you and then we can just use this to like compact the carrots much like vibrating Concrete in real life when we do concrete pores uh we're just like vibrating up so we don't have any air holes um if you've watched my previous like hydronade streams you probably you've probably seen me do this on like the other Bridges um well worth doing because they're actually I mean look at look at this look how tightly packed those gold bars are hopefully carrots will work the same obviously they're a different shape um so might not might not work as intended but um worth a try we've got those we've got these pouring down and so I might leave that doing that and then spawn another one so let's just do that if I drop down shove a carrot on does it look at those look at those so I don't know if it needs to go on top yeah it does actually need to go on top okay that's fair that's fair so carry it on there and then we'll shove this one probably over this side for now actually I can do two at once although that one is clogging up slightly where's my magnet stick do I leave it up here yes up here so um we will just have to oh God oh God we nearly lost a carrot we need lots of carrot can't be having that come this way come this way carrot there we go there we go all right so yeah I'm just trying to get these all down to the bottom oh man that's been going for ages and there's really there's not a lot of carrot in there once you like compact here once you compact them oh it's gonna take a while this is gonna take a while um so yeah what I'll probably do oh I need to turn the other one on that would be a good start um I might I might pause this for a second because I don't wanna don't wanna it up I might just get like loads of them ready and then just start pouring everywhere so if we just like oops wait where did there we go if we just place a load of these down and then they're all going to be like prepped once I like Wang a carrot near them then we should be good to go by the way thank you to goleto 220 vibing carrots it's a it's a very nice it's a very rce thing to do apparently um do I even have to yeah I do have to drop it okay we've got to drop it that's fine that's fine so we'll just drop the carrot on all of these and then they should all be set up foreign can I is that Crouch no there isn't crouch in this game oh yeah there is oh I could just do that okay so I can literally just touch tips with all these and then yes I can just wave them in front okay that's good that's good touching carrots right so they all say carrot now yep so what we're gonna do we're gonna head down here and I think I wanna I probably want to fill in this middle bit so I'll grab a load of those this could be Carnage actually the middle maybe I won't do that too much um I'm probably gonna do that to try and double or triple the amount I can get going in one arm all right so let's what if I shove those the other side we'll see what happens as I turn these on so that one goes on what happens with that one okay that's good another on this side so this is producing carrot set one every half a second so uh this should be with three of them one and a half every half second or three a second if you like simpler maths so yeah we just gotta try and make sure we compact these down and then that should be a lot quicker and yeah we're gonna be filling up this arm because that's going to be like a Cross Beam that so we will be doing that you just gotta try and keep this thing Compact and not let it clog up yeah I'm not doing a suit Bridge damn chat obsessed with suit Bridges and but yeah I am gonna have to come down over so often and just sort of like can you see there's like gaps there so I'm just gonna try and make sure they get filled make sure we don't get too clogged up the top oh this is this is a lot quicker this is a lot quicker I'm glad I did three I'm very glad I did three we do have to try and keep him going they right nice lovely question is can I if I leave that like in the middle can I then get this side going or is that asking for trouble probably asking for trouble but sold it you only live once and you don't want to be waiting on carrots your whole life trust me so we'll do that we'll turn that one on that one on oh God over the left get my magnet where's the magnet quick it's cooking up over here get him down get him down oh God is this side nearly full I think we're nearly full oh yeah that worked out very well is that actually full let's start from the bottom we'll just make sure we're fully compacted yeah you can see gaps are forming now as I'm sort of shaking these around did you see that Gap there I feel like the frame rate's dropping already before my eyes I guess that I probably need to turn these off ASAP otherwise they're going to spill out oh no over this side over this side all right get down get down carrots oh no I did I did too much at once I did too much at once okay that's good that's good let's turn these off turn these off quick I I may have overestimated myself here oh no look at that one where's my where's my magnet all right this could be messy four carrots okay I think we're good I think we're good um oh let's just get those in there okay now we need to de-clog so we're acting like fiber in the gut we're trying to move things along all right down to the bottom down to the bottom oh it's actually oh my goodness that filled up really quickly I mean they're not compacted down here but uh oh yeah that's pretty good so if we do three at a time we should actually fill this reasonably quickly decent I heard she's there yeah we need we need some guesses as to how many carrots will fill the bridge because actually I assume he will um he'll take my save file and it will add this to the mod uh so that my frame rate will be free once again I'm just giving him work at this point he doesn't have much to do with us with himself so I have to give him these jobs to do that's how it works right here cheap but yeah we need guesses in the chat as to how many carrots are gonna go into this bridge 69 420 that is a very good guess actually they legit I actually think that could be pretty close to the final oh man imagine if it was right so that's nearly filled up so I'll leave those going a little bit longer keep trying to compact a bit I think the cross braces are probably going to be the hardest thing to do because I don't want to like pull stuff out the sides but I do want to compact them also but anyway I think that's pretty pretty compacted now so let's shove that there let's turn these off and then I think I just want to like move these oh goodness over to there and then start filling or do I wanna I might want to do it from the other side if I go that way oh turn it on turn it on yes they're trying to compact these is actually going to be really tricky because I don't even I can't get wind but can I get slanted windows there are slides of Windows I think okay right let's turn these off let's get some slanted windows in actually no there isn't you can't get Windows that slanted can you no oh that's annoying anyway you will try and fill in oops all of these I'm gonna I'm Gonna Fill in the back side first so we'll do that one we'll do the one next to it because then they should yeah they should shoot over there oh look how neat they are they're the neatest carrots ever so we'll do another one there oh I pressed the wrong button okay and then we'll do this one there as well nice and then we just got to work out how are we gonna sort of compact these I mean if I just give them a bit of a bit of a shake perhaps that'll be fine I don't want to I just worried about making a gap like on these ends but yeah I think move move and jiggle that's it that's what we're doing here all right tell you what going okay I'm a bit worried about the orientation though it's going to be like orange on one side and green on the other like it's looking very furry out this side maybe a bit of jiggling will fix that um I will come back to the chat to say uh thank you for the subs and stuff I just gotta just gotta try and do this first because oh God it's getting a bit serious if you know what I mean oh no you got a big boy one no don't distract me don't distract me now's not the time to distract thank you whoever that was I will say thank you probably in a bit okay I think we're at the point I need to start turning these off quick quick turned off turn off why is my hand eye coordination so bad why do they get so old wait whoa right okay let me go back let me go back um so we had we had a dad joke yeah oh boy do I have a I got a good dad joke so hydroneer is sort of about like well I guess gold um and yeah I was just like I was just wondering pretty much what what do you guys prefer I would you like more like gold or silver because like my personal opinion is like either or get it either or or o-r-e gold is or either or yeah no okay um moving on uh let's let's just let's just move some of these carrots a bit if I can get them over to this side all right there you go itchy is there a way to delete carrots because I just realized I'm going to be making a mess I'm not entirely sure how to like clean them up there's a few carrots down there oh I don't know I don't know right is that sort of flat so I can just I can just delete them can I control middle click yeah that was it that was it awesome okay I think I think we're good is that compact enough ah it's so it's so Twitchy doing this I think that should be good though that should be fine um so now let's just compact those okay that's good oh more subs hang up it's a big boy what a kid oh nice to cheer oh it's Tes always trying to distract me right let me say let me say thank you to tamaron carrots they say yeah cheers this up it's bits oh is that bits bits is that bits bits the famous twitcher thank you very much uh that's good cheers for the sub fight me RC he says Helly bits um and then artez gifted 10 Subs what a legend it was very distracting though I always say that um all right let's just shove my magnet over there and then cheering a thousand bits notice me senpai I've noticed you don't worry you unnoticed um right so how do you what was the oh it was Ctrl C oh God so then now yeah and I've got one of them okay so I can pop that there so that's sort of a lid for that side and then a lid for that side like that and then I can start pouring these in at the next point which I mean I guess could be could be there so if I just shove them to the side for a sec the trouble is because we're we're not we're not as steep of an angle so we might struggle to get the carrots down there um let's go have a go so we'll take this thing up here we will oh let's see what could I I could show it there the trouble is I can't actually press the button on the back I could take that wall out though temporarily is that gonna write chat what do you reckon is that gonna launch okay look at the shape of it is it gonna launch a carrot over the top or will it stay down place your bet what do you reckon I'll see you later says enjoy your day of work thank you for being too generous as always long yeah right don't say yes say in or out because I can't remember what what order I asked it I could yeah I could put the window there is a shout all right 50 50. I think that's that's pretty solid answer boosh oh yes they're going straight down sort of um so that's that one done is it then worth I need to get some more in somehow I mean I could just I could just shove them here so let's move that out the way now let's turn let's turn this off for now before we get too clogged so I'm gonna shove one there and there so either side so that will get three times the carrots so let's just go grab those yeah there's so much efficiency in this now I love the shape of these they're awesome so one like that and then this one on the other side beautiful right so if I turn those on by tickling the balls we should be pretty good I think so boost I really should have unclogged this before I turned them on oh right where's oh where's my magnet it's over there there it is there it is I got it I got it quick I like what I'm better at work Under Pressure that's why I do this sort of thing oh no oh no it's gone bad it's gone wrong it's gone wrong oh no they're way harder to move oh there's so many carrots falling out get down carrots move down the hill carrots right I think we're good I think we're good yes okay we're good we're good we got a carrot for lunch a carrot lunch that's a load of carrots falling down a hill all right come on it's carrot Avalanche come on oh there's still so long to go right can I question can I grab like the top ones and move them down is that working I've ended up with like one carat oh God oh God I messed this up maybe I should have done this in like two batches like start from The Middle oh no I can hear the Carnage of the spawners right here we go come on it's so clogged all this bridge needs to eat some Fiber in a big weight I might I'm gonna have to turn them off I'm gonna have to turn them off it's absolutely mental uh wrong button wrong button and there's so many carrots oh I was not ready for this turn off turn off okay oh dear yeah this really this video is gonna take a while to make I mean we're already like do we spend like two hours just building this bit last time and I I shamefully spent a good like 45 minutes on the bridge on the uh on the bridge deck off camera just like trying to get in the right place all right anyway let's move all these down come on carrots come and get them on fall down that's it that's it all right lots of room there it's this top bit I'm worried about oh there's so many carrots at the top right let's move let's move as many down the bottom as we can we're just gonna have to do this in sections I think the good thing is whatever I learned from this side I can apply it to the other side so I can do that one a bit more efficiently uh that is the plan anyway right that's a good load of carrots you guys come down go on keep going keep going keep it moving that's it you can see the frame rate is already starting to uh to create me a little bit we've got a long way to go though like we're really we're not even a course of the way through the amount of carrots we're gonna have in this thing uh hence I'm streaming this because screw doing this off stream with no one to distract me that wouldn't be fun can I nuke it after it's done [Music] um depends depends what sort of bridge score we get whether it deserves a nuke or not um I'll probably say yes as long as I make sure I've definitely got a backup save because quite terrifying losing this oh man this is going to take a lot longer than I thought it would I thought oh boy that was a lot of carrots let's get them in I don't want to make it I don't want to make a mess all right there we go there we go they're in almost pretty much sort of all right come on carrots come down here come here here we go here we go right yes yes okay this is good I think we're we're making progress now uh how long have we been doing half an hour okay half an hour we've nearly done oh I don't know maybe a sixth director we've done a sixth of the bridge I reckon we've nearly done a sixth oh no look there's a big gap there I didn't see that Gap all right come on guys what am I doing with my life what is this oh carrots still it will be worth it the final come on carrots the final result will be worth it right I mean I'm even more motivated knowing that like you guys can actually use them or like see them like thanks to the new mod and that is cool I'm just going to be very careful not to up what I've done down there like can you see like there I can see there's a gap and trying to get carrots down there uh without cocking stuff beneath uh why are you jumping out right is that is that better I think that's actually I think that is actually better bear plate Fair Play We sorted that decent right come on carrots come down here calm down it I need some self-consolidating carrots I know I wish the compacting was a little bit easier granted game not really designed for this um so fairly oh yeah sorry I've I've forgot to um continue reading out the subs yeah thank you for reminding me personally just sub now right let me see where I got to uh uh RG Maverick blah I coughed by saying that one I always forget about this sub but I'm not mad about it oh well thanks for the sub dude appreciate it um we then we've then got a question that I can see [Music] let me just get these carrots down so question is if you could be any wild animal what would you be and why wild animal oh so I can't I was gonna say like a dog I feel like dogs have pretty good lives but like a wild dog probably doesn't have a very good life um oh I'll tell you what I'll tell you what I'd be what's that animal that like sleeps loads a sloth I like sleeping no no actually it wouldn't be a sloth sloths are like boring I'd like I wanna I don't know I like I quite like flying like hydronia flying is pretty decent so maybe I'd be like I would say a bald eagle but I don't really want to be bald like I think I'm going a bit bored as it is so like uh uh hairy Eagle if there is such a thing no there's anything wrong with being built but um like you want to be you want to be different from your your real life don't you I'm not bald now I'm just I'm nearing it there will be a stage in the next few years where I will have to decide am I going to be thinning hair guy or am I going to be bald guy and the trouble is I don't really have the muscles to pull off being bald and I'm pretty hairy everywhere else that's the trouble with like people that go bald generally it's people with like a lot of testosterone and people with a lot of testosterone generally are like pretty hairy everywhere else and like so why doesn't it grow on your head like what who came up with that honestly architect-like behavior letters um anyway let's tangent let's let's turn this back on so we've got carrots there we've got carrots coming out there maybe I just want to or can I I reckon I can do three we can we can pull off three I'm a lot more aware of this situation now so let's get them down get them down you could slide down the top and instead of flying do you mean in-game or am I being a bald eagle still get down get out get out okay okay um we then oh no I can't I can't look at chat now sorry chat I wanted to see what happened next but I oh I should have done three why did I do three they pile up so quickly hey we're good we're good get in there carrot okay we're fine we're back we're back get down get down get down so is that oh that's where we got to okay we're actually we're actually really good we're in a good place because we've nearly hit where we need to be we just got to fill that Gap in nice and that Gap oh no it's Carnage it's carrot Carnage up the top we've got to move all of those I'm gonna have to turn these off turn these off it's enough turn off I could leave the back one going actually should I do that just so there's like there are still carrots coming into the system foreign are there any gaps I don't see any gaps okay we're good we're good there are some gaps so I've got to do let's do both sides really fill up the walls a little bit of that try and move these this main Clump down I will get to the subs we just trying to do that oh it's actually it's pretty full I'm quite I'm quite pleased with this already you see there's a bit of a gap there but I think apart from that we are well compacted thanks to the vibration of my magnetic carrots yeah that is good that is actually decent oh is there is that a bit too much of a gap was that right oh no there's a few bits of gaps there okay we'll do down there down that yeah you just gotta like drag backwards just to try and compact yeah that's way better that's decent that's actually decent the carrot bridge is getting there right um so I can probably let that fill up a little bit let's just move them about down here right up against that wall okay so now we've got to try and do this cross brace or should I do the other side maybe I'll do the other side first so did I learn I should probably start halfway up I feel like that's what we've learned what do you reckon chat is that what we should do should I like fill that down and then from there down yeah anyway I need to I need to catch up on the chat so uh we had another question too late now but can Windows go across the bottom to magnet from under yeah they could have done um but yeah too late now as you see uh real Mickey cheers for the cheer nearly 500 people watching you play your carrot live that's what it's all about uh Black Box 13 in Roman numerals oh 13 minutes ago as well thanks for the sub fade I.E 96 live stream thank you for the sub ciao game design is that ciao c-a-e-i-o k-i-o okay I'm pretty sure it's ciao isn't it um but thanks for the sub and then Alex the crunchy baby yummy uh they say howdy thanks for the sub ciao is ciao are decent I got it thank you for looking for thank you for confirming chat I'm right I'm gonna go from there I reckon so we'll shove that there and that's probably fine so take that plonk it there I'll take this other one give it a rotate plonk it there and then this one well this one's a bit tricky I might can I like glitch through does that work yes it does decent okay right all three which I just do I might just do two I feel like three is a bit too much even though I did just plant all three um I think let's just do two at least to start and then if it goes well the next one up we can do three all right maybe I'll try from up here come on carrots calm down the trouble from up here I can't actually see like what I'm doing can you see the odd bit of green poking out occasionally oh God oh God I just oh see I made a dent I made a dent right okay okay get these down get these down I sort of forgot like that this was a shorter shorter length a shorter paw but yeah that's that's actually just going okay we're not in too much trouble yet let's go move just gotta keep moving down keep compacting oh man there's oh no that's good that's good I thought there's always a gaps but we're actually I think we're okay if we just move these down before they clog right there we go there we go that is that is the movement there that is the movement I'm gonna do it from the inside as well just to make sure we're all good yeah I think there's me there's major gapage down there yeah look at look at the movement we got now just going to the other side so let's move everything down let's get on top oh I gotta try and not ruin that cross Breeze easier said than done it really is um I think carrot's going mental at the top as well I might have to turn them off a second so is that on over so that one on oh oh all right don't Place three down unless you're actually going to turn three on Matt come on basics basic of carrot Bridge Building right so from this side oh there is a gap there there is a gap there let's just try and it's that gap on top I need to try and get rid of to really know how to get on top of that because I'm ruining I am ruining this side but oh they go I think I fixed it I think I did actually fix it okay so now we just work our way back up and I might just I'll jump over either side because yeah pretty good on this side actually we'll just do a bit of compacting one side than the other yeah there is a poll by the way of how many I didn't even see the answer how many carrots you think there will be I think was can someone tell me what one was it like 40 000 I reckon there'll be I think there'll be more than forty thousand anyway I think that's pretty good no no look there's a gap can you see that Gap that is a gap so let's push everything on top like that ah auto save damn auto save I say damn was saved I'm quite pleased there isn't always safe oh anyway forty thousand plus one yeah I think it'll be I don't know actually because how many did that have I mean this was like they're so much smaller than carrots these gemstones [Music] so yeah not really sure I'm a bit worried actually that this carrot Bridge would be like the same thickness as that I think that's not really thick enough for a or a carrot Arch really is it if there's bunnies in Hydra near this bridge isn't gonna last long oh I love it love it right okay let's fill this back up and well that's all we need to do decent and then we'll take this to the top so we go there don't meet and then a sideways one I think I'll do I'll do out this side like that so I assume yeah that works ah quick press that one okay we're good we're good now magnets at the ready start moving them down oh they've clogged already come on God I really should have caught up with chat while I was doing that uh Mo Ralph 1802 thank you for the sub a while ago uh massively appreciated and English mystery oh mysterious uh boom go to carrots they say yeah I'm so glad I didn't like actually fight I did think about trying to do this as a legit Bridge build like actually farming the carrots and using the uh the Hydra Cropper to um pop these in place so I thought like using a little arm thing like I'd do this in no time but uh yeah no custom mods and it's still going to take an absolute age custom efficient mods as well I might add right okay we've joined up with the bottom so that is good come on carrots keep it moving keep it moving single file that's it oh the swap is clogging the top is clogging balls covered all right there we go there you go now this probably isn't the most enjoyable thing to watch actually like just me shaking my my mouse back and forth sorry if it is a bit nauseous um it's worth it though because the end result is gonna be it could be a higher rating than the 10 out of 10 perfect bridge in my opinion how is that possible you might ask well we'll have to see but uh oh are we getting that so that is where they're linked so we're just filling in the gaps now frame rate isn't terrible at the moment considering we're like I reckon we're about a third of the way there now so we've done this on both sides remember I do I wish there was like a carrot counter somewhere in the game so I could like see instantly how many carrots this is all right I'm gonna I'm gonna turn these off now I think that's probably enough carrots at least for a little while all right and then we'll go we'll go see the damage so have we have we linked up so that's the bottom oh it's looking good it is looking good so let's just compact all these and then we'll see how much of a gap we form up the top you can see it's already pretty big it's the more we compact the the more the carrots will slot together creating a very strong Bridge structure foreign the mod exists I'm not gonna lie because the game it was pretty much unplayable at least this save and I didn't want to I didn't want to lose the save look at the bridges when you've made Bridges like this you can't just go back to having that as your only Bridge I'd rather like poo my hand and clap um right we are nearly there I think we'll just do this side now oh bit of movement there bit of movement there oh yeah look there's still so much compacting to be done you do one side and then you realize the other side is crocked oh we're gonna need more carrots we're gonna need way more carrots let's probably do let's do on top as well so we'll drag them all down I should probably start at the bottom of this to be honest and it'll go from there and then drag down drag down drag down right okay how is that looking it's looking good it's looking good I mean there's oh there is a bit of a gap there is that finally it's not fine if you want to do a job if you want to do a job properly do it properly that is definitely the same if a job's worth doing do it properly that's it that's the one get Linus to do it he'll probably try and sell us a screwdriver or something right turn these back on you you know it is go time now why is there a carrot in the air there there you go get down get down what do you mean it needs the strongest shape have you not seen the the spawner this is built with the strongest shape okay that is well compacted apart from that point balls balls okay I think we are actually good though we are actually good so let's turn oh what's happening to that okay it has stopped I was worried that I was gonna go like mental and fly off right we're good so let's let's take that out and then oh where am I going to shove these they're gonna have to go this side to do this so I guess we'll shove them there I might have to replace the back wall with Windows so let me just control copy that I don't know why I didn't do windows initially if I'm honest so orientation like that then hopefully from the other side I can remove the tin sheet out uh is there no oh there's really oh wait is that it oh that is it okay decent so I just oh I pressed wrong button what was it control it was control Okay so yes boost yes oh that's good that is good so we can see through there now so as we turn those carrots on now we should be able to compact these very very nicely where's all the other ones there's one so I probably want to start like from the sides and then try and do the middle afterwards is that the right thing to do am I probably grabbing too many of these I think I probably am sorry that one and then that one then that one and that one and then oh no magnet sticks all the way down here all right there it is [Music] all right so it's got a move oh no it's not good after me oh there might be there might be too many carrots coming down I won't like [Music] all right that's it move out the way move out the way [Music] I might just let it fill up with carrots and then try and sort it out afterwards because oh that's gonna be hard to do this cross brace it really actually is all right say what it's done them off turn them off that's enough carrot that is enough carrot boost I feel like maybe I should have done like a wall this way and then filled them from the top rather than whatever I've tried to do here [Music] all right so loads and loads of carrots um well I guess let's just try and bring him back this way so it might be possible let's do it this way and it's just yeah you guys drop down okay it might be possible I'm not sure I'm going to be able to fill like the roof enough let's go have a look from this side yeah it's not uh why are they jiggling stop jiggling I wish there was like a push with this I think I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to do it I'm gonna have to take the roof off I think oh slightly annoying but Jobs worth doing you know we've said we've said that a second ago so let's do it let's do it properly so control boost boost I sort of forgot that like gravity is my friend in this control copy that and then I have to spawn these like that and that so I think this will work it's just well not ideal for the way that I was doing it because now I've got loads of carrots in the wrong place which I'll probably have to delete but uh yeah all right so move that to this side same with these ones then I guess just turn them on I'm just gonna do one side at once because I don't want to this uh where's my magnet did it fall down there it is or frame rate is starting to hurt a little bit that's that's a good sign means we're doing something right oh look at all those carrots such a waste such a waste of vegetables okay we'll leave that there and then we'll turn those off they're already clogged up and then hopefully we can oh I'm scared they're going to explode not too bad not too bad so I just sort of want to try and 45 degree them I want them to pile up like on this Edge not that edge I'm probably going into way too much detail No One's Gonna Lose this anyway let's um I feel like we're not far off actually I might just do a couple in the middle so say what let's go boost boost have a little look and then think oh God we've done too many carrots turn them all off grab the magnet and that could be enough we could yeah we could get away with this I think that's probably fine that looks pretty structural to me and that's all I care about it's not really about the looks it's all about the structural integrity um so I think for these I'm probably gonna do I lose the lid what do you think chat shall I take the lid off this and then just fill them up and let gravity sort of deal with it I can always trim afterwards no we're not halfway yet we're we're a third of the way definitely a third of the way how are they going to stay in place well hopefully gravity and let me shove that window back on you definitely need to go back there let me shove that window back that because yeah I don't think having a roof actually helps us this is not very laggy not yet we're only a third of the way through save and then do it I should hit the trouble is there is an auto save which I think the window wasn't in the right place oh good Shout we would have been leaking carrots everywhere what a spot by City all right okay let's get rid of all these I believe in myself and gravity I think I know what we're doing definitely going to win the tears so let's rotate that way and then on the side because to be honest I could just like I can just start filling these from anywhere right yeah not bad I probably want to move you forward actually if I move it turned on does it or it does remember that it was on does it no it doesn't okay just the light was on just a visual light okay so let's see if this is the way to do this because it'll be a lot easier to move and I can just sort of like plot them from the top I'm not sure it would work on a 45 degree slope it might be and if it does it would save me a hell of a lot of time I will say that but yeah essentially just pull these back until it's the right thickness you know I feel like I need I need an extra wall there I took it off tonight let's just grab that shove it there magnet stick to there nice right what's happening at the top nothing too much oh it's so much easier to move them it's so much easier I tell you what I'm gonna move you to there press your button and then grab the magnet stick I think this is this is the way that I need to do it from now on and just move them down and then down here I can just slowly like shuffle them back like that's looking as strong as beneath I reckon it's just whether would this work on a 45 degree probably not but for doing the top bits I think this will save a lot of time this is an engineered brain yet that's what everyone's thinking definitely I tell you what oh look that was not on I was gonna say they're not really they're not going as fast as I thought that's because we're only we're only two carats carrot machines down that's way better okay decent yeah I think this is the way this is the WeChat slowly work our way to the top see a bit of a gap there so I just gotta slide them all back a bit oh God oh God oh God gotta be careful right and then I can just trim them afterwards with like the wand or something foreign like that like that that was a good idea um so let's start moving these around a bit shove one there you can go that turn both of those on all right Where'd I leave my magnet oh no where did I leave it I was back here oh bad I am panicking a little bit oh poop I think that's good they're filling up they don't even need me to like compact they're doing a good job on their own good carrots what a healthy Bridge indeed helps you see better this bridge I like to tell you what I could just drag these like to the other side to the middle yeah look at that look at that that is engineering with vegetables and just need to make sure these are compacted right so now we want to move these so let's just turn them all off uh then we'll do the other side or shall we do the top probably do the other side do the top very last so we're going that oh no not there not quite there Matt not quite that I'll go there right that's good and then another one was I no I keep my depth perception isn't quite right at the moment for some reason then rotate that weight so that goes there beautiful where's the magnet stick why do I keep losing the magnet stick oh it's over there it's over there every time um thank you for all the pet patties by the way where is he he's downstairs he's not up here so I'll have to redeem after the chat as always and pads he's actually he's in a he's on a like this is like a vegan diet poor dog um so basically he like he had these sores on his legs I took him to the vet last week because he had these sores well I haven't turned the other ones on hang on to add these swords on his legs that he kept licking and like they were sort of spreading and like round his eyes it was all like he's getting like bald eyes from when he was itching around him so much he looked in a bad State oh I won't lie not the usual Paddy that we know he was like completely fine in himself oh no I'm stuck bollocks no I'm drowning carrot help help I'm stuck oh I'm all the way back here no quick bye oh no that's a lot of characters a lot of carrot well that was close that was close I gotta be careful that I nearly drowned in carrots um anyway The Paddy story um yeah basically the vet said like she gave her an injection stuff charged me 200 quid for the pleasure um basically he said he's allergic to something um said most likely it's food apparently I like two to eight years old um dogs can just suddenly become allergic to stuff [Music] um so what we gotta do I'll buy this stupidly expensive food that when you look in the ingredients is like it's just dust like there's nothing in it go which basically means like your dog can't be allergic to this food um so what we're doing two months he's got to eat this dust um but then that sort of if if it goes it rules out like him being allergic to food [Music] no the opposite the opposite If he if he is still like allergic and all itching stuff it means that he you can rule out that he's allergic to food but if it stops it means something he was eating he was allergic to and then you got to like slowly reintroduce like the food that he was eating if that makes sense to try and work out what he's allergic to so yeah pain in the ass but poor poor little dog a vegan Labrador it doesn't sound right to me I will not lie but it's only temporary it's only until we can work out what he's allergic to and most of the time dogs are like allergic to like different sorts of protein so I think it's food at the moment is like salmon so he's a vegetarian anyway really but um yeah I think the protein in this special stuff is like soya or something soy soya I don't know so yeah dog issues hence he needs all your pets so thank you for those I will redeem them afterwards um I'll tell you what this is actually looking pretty structurally sound in my opinion just check this oh there's a lot more there's actually a lot more carrots on this side I haven't compacted as well so let's just get them all down here there we go there we go [Music] do the outside as well yes yes [Music] okay okay I think we're pretty much there we've just got the top to do and then we can see we're halfway through oh thank goodness how long has it been an hour and 11 minutes oh and 11 seconds wow cool okay we're good kind of um next up I probably should have put the bloody the windows in there I'm gonna do that over this side first so let's just boost all those out of existence and the the street bits of 10 are gonna be windows to build those is it still yeah we still got it there cool so top ones you guys going and we're doing windows so we can see like what we're doing with the carrots we can compact them by looking uh people asking whether this is going to be a video sort of so the stream like won't appear in the video it might be like a little montage of like what happened but I've sort of I've recorded half a video and then I started building the bridge and then moved on to stream and then essentially like I'll continue recording afterwards if that makes sense so what you're seeing now will probably be like 10 seconds of video I need to get rid of the roof on there don't I yeah so yeah pretty much this is like behind the scenes if you like of a video um and I thought about because did you guys did you watch the um yeah this is the grind so I don't know if you if you saw my loft video yesterday but I I saw a book I built that castle like in the same way I did it like off screen so I feel like this video will be similar but you just suddenly cut to the completed Bridge that's the Hope anyway um right so we want to get rid of those well looks that was wrong butter because I think that did work well to be honest the old gravity method it's just unfortunate we're gonna have to start from the very bottom not ideal but yeah right few more carrots so we'll get that one on and I might move these to like there oh Paddy's barking he's barking it might be a delivery actually there chat I'm just going to do a quick be right back I need to I need to stop the carrots I need to stop the carrots right way there I'll be be right back [Music] foreign [Music] Paddy has an ongoing battle with a postman um I will give you biscuits for uh defending the house so bad good boy but yeah it's sort of like um Engineers versus architects um Pepsi versus Coke Paddy versus delivery drivers I'm usually try and defend the place bless him but yeah right so those three aren't and we just wanna oh God oh God that's a lot of carrot there's a lot of carrot I should have made these glass really shouldn't I so I can see what's going on a bit more um thank you everyone that's uh subbing and stuff I will get back to them when I'm less distracted because there's so many carrots oh man all right let's try and drag these over this way okay that's pretty good that's actually pretty pretty tidy in my opinion all right okay let's let's turn these off and do a tiny bit of compacting and first I will let me just scroll down and see who don't say thank you to uh one the last two four three oh that was 31 minutes ago I'm so sorry uh think Rock one two eight nine happy five months uh the mighty yolk thank you for the sub main mate no hello I think this carrots need some tomatoes to make them into stronger shape oh ho ho well well let me just take you over this way just so just so you can see we've already been through this we've got a pile of vegetables when I was deciding which one to use so good eye you've definitely got an engineering eye if you if you spotted that just from looking at the carrots so congratulations pat yourself on the back and our frame rate is slowing down slightly there's a lot of carrots going on a lot of carrots um right okay let's just try oh man this is this is a bit sketch it's a bit sketch let's just try and vibrate those carrots into those gaps does that sound rude I hope that doesn't sound rude I think it does anyway I think that's good because I can just trim the top as well do you want to be more over this side than that side though yeah I'm sure that's fine I'm sure that's fine right decent let's let's go do the other side so for oh the good thing is as well this side is slower well it's higher it's like shorter than that side so that is decent um I already I did already start this one just I was trying to see if it worked before I went on stream in case you were wondering so let's take some of these down um oh I didn't I didn't finish the subs uh thank you to the doctor 6306 yeah thank you very much we have a question from Paddy Architects nightmare will you build a scrap Dam I could I sort of I did already do a damn though I built a a golden Dam my very first hydroneer video actually oh no not the very first no I built I think I built an actual Dam like a dirt Dam and then I did a golden Dam in like the second or third video I think and I did it legitly no creative mode back then um anyway then we had loads of pet patties thank you very much tell him my Ruby understands his pain dog allergies are terrible they never understand Ruby still wants cheese yeah I hope it is something like Dairy if I'm honest like something that he doesn't usually eat in his normal diet but it's really hard like you don't realize how many like little snacky things you give your dog like I I often my feet like a yogurt or something I usually like let him lick the uh like the yogurt but it's not loud anymore at least in the short term oh no that was empty oh that was blooming empty hang on carrot why is that one not working does it need to there you go that one's working now so let's get all three on let's go grab the magnet stick and then let's create Cottage carrot Cottage oh there is a cheeky hole at the bottom that carrot just snuck out keep an eye on that um thank you to graph next uh for the sub as well as kernard carrot Bridge and four Quilla and osakiti oh goodness oh psychic insisters oh hang on carrots carrots I need to try and read this oh there's blooming carrots leaking out the bottom he built this oh Second Son Osaka gets Osaka get Dickerson have I did I get it right or psychic or Saki jitson soon SUNY yeah well spoken thank you thank you I know what I'm doing I know words right okay that's pretty pretty good actually pretty happy with the compaction of the carrots so now we'll move on to the other side so let's just turn these off move them over here we got one down there and then one on either side that's one there one there oh man we're halfway through I feel like this side might go a bit quicker as well just because we know what we're doing now okay that's a light it's going to be really slow but still believe chat we just got to believe now so engineering is believing I did best for most people I love YouTube vids thank you very much and I'm glad I well I'm glad I did best for most people without pronouncing your username or suck it oh no I'm not doing it again I'm not doing it again slayed it enough times um squishy popped into the stream late what's the status looking like the status of the bridge we are halfway through the carrot poor now we've done all of that side all three cross beams frame rate not too bad if I'm honest so fair play devs um we're just we've just started this side so I've done that one compacted we're just compacting the carrots oh damn auto save just compacting carrots as we go um but yeah going going right whereas the most efficient shape um have you have you not seen all of these I mean look at them we're literally efficiently building this in fact that side okay I think we're good for that we just got to do this cross brace now uh they're a bit of a pain I'm not gonna lie but I think I just need to try and fill up this side a bit first trying to come back and do that afterwards not easy not easy at all right so yeah probably put that in okay let's turn all these off quick quick quick quick all right so now we'll shove these that wave facing there so we sort of fill in those gaps first this is what we learned from doing the first side so I think we just go boosh Boosh grab the magnets and then that should be pretty good nice carrots for days uh will I build the scrap down though I don't know at the moment we're focusing on the carrot Bridge it's not time to think about future projects it sneeze Off full attention um right okay let's turn these off let's turn these off and then let's move um I think we want to do the edges first and the middle last I think that's what we learned I think so turn these on we'll give these a little bit of a vibrate just try and move them down there we go there we go do the same on this side because we really want to get them into these gaps all right let's just Shuffle this along and then we're almost there actually in terms of number of carrots as I say after you compact it is a bit a little bit decepting so we've got to make sure we're proper in the corners no gaps in this bridge because that will give us weakness we need to turn those off now too many carrots no that's the carrot that's not a magnet stick there's magnet stick um oh and then we have another question as well hello I am new but I wanted to know what your favorite YouTube series is as in one that I've created oh that is a good question I mean there's there's like so many series that are like good for different reasons like um like I feel like many many motorways that sort of like kicked off my channel well poly Bridge obviously but like mini motorways like proper brought in like loads of new people oh man it's fun game too far hydroneer classic I will say I fill out all my videos and that have been like pretty decent um oh man so many so many theories that I like I mean Timber burners I haven't even mentioned Timber burners I mean who what other YouTuber has their own soap on on YouTube got a lot of soap right okay I think that's pretty pretty good we'll trim some of those out later probably uh but let's start filling this up so I need one of those so we'll control see that and then plonk Clues there and then we'll move these up we're going to do are we going to do halfway I feel like halfway did work better didn't it will shove that one there yeah that's good yeah what's your guys favorite series of my channel like of my entire Channel if you could only watch one series or you could only tell let's say you're telling your mate you can only watch one series what would you tell them to watch that's what I want to know oh Planet crafter that's a shout forgot about planet Crafter there's a lot of Timber born as fans in here can't argue with that welcome back to Timber bonus okay I mean not many series have their own theme tune I tell you what though are you guys liking the uh the poly Bridge it's not like a theme tune it's just covering random songs in the style of bridge like bridgney Spears oh emperor I'll tell you what yeah if you ask this if you ask me that question like a year ago I'd 100 have answered infrar is the best series on my channel had a lot of fun with that especially like the first episode absolute banger they're like I don't know it really reminded me of like my actual work I think because I was just going around like an engineering office like playing tricks on people and stuff yeah Emperor that's good I forgot about emperor I need to make space you need to make space we're a bit messy this time we got a few carrots on the roof for some reason um right I think we're pretty oh no we're not compacted until there's huge gaps we have to turn the carrots off though you have to turn them off carrot Carnage that one's like completely buried it'll be okay though it will be okay so let's get back down here because if we start the bottom then we won't have to do it again basically if we can get this really nice and compact let me do the other side as well yeah that's good oh look at that Gap look at that Gap time to fill it with carrots from above so you get that all back lovely doublet back to this side yes that is it that is it [Music] um but get Fox cheers for the sub by the way nearly nearly missed you um and they're all all good goodness that's a lot of carrots there's a lot of carrots and then we had two more questions so let me just check the oh look I got a gap there can you see that that is not what you want so we'll go down here we'll try and drag backwards but I'll try not make a gap there as well that's annoying cross cross braces are awkward so we've done that how does that look now do a bit of a gap a little bit more vibration I think we're good this side yeah looks still still some gaps on top this side's been really gappy for some reason maybe I've lost the art of compaction of carrots carrot compaction yeah let's just get those two on for now can I try and get some of those carrots back in yeah there we go there we go that's what we like to see decent um so yeah a question we had using points to shout out him for a nice yeah I forgot about him bro um oh there's another there's another it's a long question so I have to wait till we're done here so I think it's pretty much now to be honest let's turn these off then should I do I'm gonna do this side yeah so question was why does your sing-along Timber boil in his entry only show one word at a time that is not true sometimes it shows the entire sentence whatever sometimes yes you are right it does show just a single word um depends who's edited it I think whether it's a John or a Kendall uh surely in order to sing along you need to see a few words in advance so you're ready to sing them good point good point constructive criticism we got going on here appreciate it I will whip the right editor and uh probably sack them as well that's just how we roll that's how the business rolls you make a mistake you're done you're fired although somehow schmeichel's still working for me I can't quite explain that one uh would you rather all right so would you rather question from sibby would you rather cross a river by walking across a tree trunk I'm quite good at that actually got pretty good balance for an old boy um or using a rope swing oh I love a rope swing I think the trouble with a rope swing because like I've been on a rope swing with like a dog beneath you and that's pretty much like an alligator because they got like Snappy mouths or whatever um and I reckon rope swing is more dangerous because uh although it's fun it's definitely more fun than walking across a true drunk um you're sort of you're not in control and like if you're using it as a mode of Trance but you sort of want to be able to steer where you're going and stuff the only thing you can do that with a rope swing compared to just walking all right see what tell you what we need to we need to pause pause the carrots too many carrot too many carrot ah I didn't mean to do that can I put that back in all right okay we're good we're good let's get compacted um so yeah I think I'd probably go I'll go I'll go walk across the tree drunk I trust my balance uh we then we then had another question which I will read once I've just jiggled those down a bit I I can literally feel the frame rate is stuttering a bit now the game's sort of like hang on a sec there's ten thousand plus carrots spawned what are these doing why is this knob bed with a magnet moving them all the time it's making me think and while Kerbal Space Program that's a good series oh yeah that was sort of forgotten by most people foreign the question was hey Matt you planning on doing some more space content like ixion it was really fun but yeah xion was fun uh trouble with that game really really hard to like thumbnail like it's good for like the first thumbnail because it's quite unique but then like episode two like what what do you do and unfortunately with YouTube It's well it's more about the thumbnail than the video um so yeah hence haven't done an episode two yet I'm not rolling it out but yeah just really really hard to do for some games but that is the way of YouTube essentially and I saw I saw another question oh it's literally it's popped up now I think someone asked it and then they're like oh I forgot to press the ask a question thing so you nearly got value for money there I nearly I nearly answered it before you asked it as a prop question with Channel points but uh let's answer it anyway well definitely anyway because you have actually asked it now uh the question is do you watch the videos after your editors edit them or do I just trust them yeah so the editing process I 100 watch all the videos and most videos I like we get another revision done so I'm quite like I guess because I always I've always used to edit my own content and stuff I'm quite like picky I think my editors will agree I'm a pain in the ass to work for probably because I always want things done like my way um so yeah unfortunately for them that means once I've watched it like the first watch I've usually got a few comments on like things we can tweak and change and stuff um but yeah the more like The more I've worked with my editors the more they sort of know like what I want and the trouble is like when you first like get editors they don't really know like what your style is like what you expect um so yeah generally I found the longer I've worked with people the uh the less sort of comments I've had on their edits and yeah there's definitely quite a few occasions where I've watched a video I'm like yeah that's perfect no no amendments required but the thing is even if it's like a tiny thing to change like yeah it's a pain in the ass for everyone involved because they got to like do the change they got to re-upload it then I got to download it and then uploaded it um but if there's like one little mistake in a video like your videos are there for life so in my opinion it's worth it's worth being annoying to these people edit for me um in order to get like well a better video at the end of the day that's my opinion anyway they probably disagree they're like Matt you're an idiot I hate you but uh it is what it is um right okay so we are on to this section now so I think we want one oh where do I want it was it was it there was that good enough I think it might be there it might be there and then yeah one there and one on this side right I think that's good so let's turn these on and then we'll get magnet sticking right so magnet stick Argo move all the carrots down did I clog up the window I hope I did I'm sure we'll find out in a second all right can we carrots come in this way um the measle cheers for the sub I can see you've posted a massive message which I will have a little read of once we're in a less precarious part of this build we'll not build the carrot ball um and I'll also say massive massive thank you to cubie Luffy one uh for the five gifted Subs that's very kind of easy thank you so much I hope you're doing well buddy oh look someone someone French got a got a sub the same thank you in French uh purse from France did you know I've just been to France snow reporting you may have heard about my injury uh I'm pretty much better now in case anyone was wondering somehow like I just healed within like a week which makes me think maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought it was and I was just being a wuss like my girlfriend said I was I don't know I guess we'll never know we will never know will we um I reckon I'm just like an incredible like immune system stuff I'm good at good at healing the only logical explanation in my opinion but it is possible that I was just being a worse yeah my strong engineer body engineered itself back together in no time at all oh that's what I was missing I need to put the lid on this one so you go oh that and you go oh hang on I need to let me just shake these a little bit okay lid back on boosh sorted all right okay let's move these down if I can do this properly I should not have to do like the same part more than once I think if I do like one side then the other than the top it means I won't have to keep going up and down I feel like this might be a quicker way of doing this yeah that's a trouble there as soon as I as soon as I drag more stuff to the top of it it oh no yeah there isn't there's no good way of doing this because the magnet is like it sort of works in like a like an area it's not like directional if it was directional that'd be really really useful for this but uh because it works in an area yeah that's never never gonna happen hence those cross braces are really a pain in the ass today but oh it's crazy how much Gap there is I can tell you compact crazy right yeah still still some major gapage down here foreign have I ever seen frostbunk yeah I have frostpunk is one of those games that like I should have played when it first came out I made I could go I could try and go back to it um I feel like games like that though you sort of I don't know you need to be like not late to the trend there's some games you can get away with like playing them years after they come out or months after they come out I feel like it works better if it's like years old rather than months old because if you try and play like a game that's like three months old then you're just like you are just late whereas if you play a game like two years after it comes out then you're like oh he's being nostalgic do you know what I mean like there is there's some logic to what I'm saying I think but yeah I feel like frostbunk is one of those where like I sort of missed the boat same with grounded I'd love to play a bit grounded my my head it's a suited bird said I've ever played it because uh he's just started so it's amazing and I was like yeah I really should have done when it first came out I think I'm just too late to it now like starting grounded now on my channel it's too late honey too late I'm always late to Trend I'm terrible no night nurbus boy it's 4 30 a.m where he is I'm oh by the way you have did a video come out today what video came out at five o'clock that was like half an hour ago did a video come out what video was it balloons oh yeah balloons but you're not a balloon oh that was a wicked game I absolutely loved that um if you haven't watched that video yet you should really go check that out balloons but you're the balloon yeah that was decent verbally I love a I love a fan made game and they're not scared about being copyright straight taken to court just pinch all the assets I'm sure it'd be fine I mean thankfully they are free games so they could really go to court yeah go go wing it on after this stream um I wouldn't I wouldn't go do it now because we're we're nearly at the penultimate point the penultimate point the point point I don't know we've nearly built the bridge is what I was trying to say and you don't want to miss the end although it will be on YouTube so maybe you do maybe you're d um right so where do I want all these so you go there you go oh Poo wrong button you go there right carrots are a go uh oh where's my magnet there it is there it is quick quick I'm always so bad at starting this I wish carrots were like more round as well so they'd roll a bit more like I didn't really think like when I was when I was deciding the fruit or veg that's it as a carrot if I'd done this in tomatoes they'd just be rolling down now right not like stupid carrots getting stuck everywhere yeah I didn't think that through I did not think that through well look we've already we've already met oh that was decent compacting I'll tell you what that actually worked out oh there's a lot of character there there's a lot of carrot there but yeah I think the I need to do bigger drags yeah big drags is the key unfortunately we're pretty much done on the bridge and we won't be using this technique anymore because uh the next section uses the open top method which I think is better than this method if I'm honest and I just can't do open top on 45 degree slopes because it would be messy yeah good to know you should we ever build another vegetable based Bridge or any other resource in this game right so I'll probably go and turn the carrots off now at least the harder to reach ones like that one but yeah right okay last little bit compacting um oh so many questions so many questions the real question is which of your series do your editors hate the most um what I can tell you I know that one editor said he absolutely hates editing you know like when I do like like the clicker sort of games the idol games you know like cookie no I haven't played Cookie Clicker why have I played that like coin flipper that was it good video but um yeah in terms of editing bloody boring to look at and not only that like you've got to try and edit it so that it's actually a decent watch like nothing's happening on screen like at least with this as like as a blooming as a bloom Bridge but like with coin flipper you're literally just watching thumbs flip coins but uh thanks to the power of editing uh the final video ends up pretty good because it's got like loads of zooms and memes and stuff there is a boost tax for a reason yeah exactly I'm right is that gappy oh this is actually pretty good I just realized this is sort of the most important part of the bridge in terms of doing the compaction because this is like what you're actually going to be looking at when you're using the bridge and I mean of course that's where the most force is gonna come down with the structural Integrity of these and yeah that's what that's what I meant that's what I meant not that not the looks not the looks um but yeah actually I think we're pretty much pretty much there that doesn't look too gappy to me so we can almost go on to those bits oh yeah we lit we can we're just gonna yeah we're just gonna go straight onto it the open top um I should probably let's probably do these first shouldn't I what way how did I do these before did I go there does that not either shoot oh that's that's risky that is that is risky you'll get another one on the go late oh I forgot to turn the other one on that always happens boosh there we go the carrots are falling off the top yeah that's not the right orientation for this I'm gonna have to move them bum holes bum holes right quick turn them off turn them off move that one yeah I'll just do it Daniel I just wanted to try and like make it fill like the the smaller angle like down there better it didn't work oh well okay let's turn these on let's try and not make a mess there oh God oh that's so many carrots I think maybe I need to do this from like underneath is that a better shout yeah because then they shouldn't fall out I don't think foreign quite slow going if I'm honest give him give him a shake right okay probably good to move them now so we'll do one there I'm probably gonna have to fill those gaps back in the load of carrots there and then I will move it left a bit once it's filled up like that so we turn that back on yeah that's all right I think that's working that is working yes full to the right perfecto and then one over there what's that an onion Bridge made out of Architects this love it okay carrots on top flatten all right okay that's good that is actually decent so now we just go on this side then oh yeah it's not it's not as decent as I thought it was did I not oh I keep not turning these blooming things on that's the trouble when you copy it while it's on the light doesn't come on if that makes sense or doesn't go off when it spawns I'll tell you what though I'll tell you what that's ah not far off being done okay we need to we need to move it we need to move it get get off magnet stick too ready too ready right okay Jay let's just shove that there for now oh dear okay okay I think we're good I think we're good so next up we just go up the top and we face it that way and then you can go facing foreign yeah go back one actually go back one and then you can go facing that way so we'll turn all three of those on grab the magnets Dirk there it is then I might while they're just filling up there I might try and neaten this a little bit oh dear okay I think we're gonna have to do some like trimming with the wand but it's not too bad it's not too bad right let's start moving these down let's doing it this way so much quicker just look how many carrots you can move at once so yeah basically just piling up this area so good it's so good um by the way thank you to oh man so many Subs I missed there's cheese beard eight minutes great thank you sorry a bit late and then sir Phoenix three two seven thanks for the sub and then corny juice you've been subbed for 16 months am I need to read out the maze or his one as well that's one that I missed earlier because it was quite a long message um annoyingly I'm in a another tricky situation again let me just try and get enough carrots down there we don't have yet so I can I can drag all the top ones down right there we go there we go yeah that's what we like that's what we like Okay so he said oh it's gone off the screen it's gone off the screen thanks for making so much content for all of us to enjoy oh that's okay uh your videos really mean a lot to me quick question what's your favorite way to cheer yourself up after a shitty date um well thank you very much that's very very kind of you man really appreciate um just knowing that you guys like the content honestly brings so much joy knowing that people don't like really like your stuff because I work hard on these oh obviously I'm building a bloody Bridge that's taken four hours just to do a 20 minute video um yeah so thank you um and then the what cheers me up I mean thankfully now nothing cheers me up more than Paddy the dog like he's always happy to see you he always wants to play or have a cuddle or he's a good dog and yeah massively massively rate him for being cheered up um the thing is though I've never I'm actually thankfully I'm not really in a bad mood very often because when this is your job like there's not much to be like annoyed about like my old job I'd always come home and like I don't know I'd be working with like an architect all day or something and I'll be like in a bad mood and stuff but uh don't have to work with them anymore I can literally call them knobs all day long get paid for it and then know that they can't say anything back because they can't defend themselves on the internet so don't read their comments so win Big W massive dub is what I say to that right so let's do let's do this that was weird let's do this side um and then we're actually nearly there we finally nearly done this thing how long have we been streaming two hours blooming out yeah this bridge has taken longer than all the other Bridges at this point um anyone see a magnet stick anywhere oh it's there it's there's hiding um right so we had another question wyr what does that mean I'm not down with the kids what does that mean Wa Would you really would you really is that what it means be able to understand oh would you rather ask would you rather question sorry I missed that bit I missed that bit it's a would you rather question would I rather be able to understand Paddy as my dog perfectly oh for Paddy to understand me perfectly oh man oh that is a good one that's a really good it's like it's not bad would you rather it's like a good would you rather so I think the thing is like having a dog obviously sometimes it can be frustrating that like they can't understand you not just for like like obedience or whatever but like oh god oh goodness like you know like I was saying about his allergies and stuff like I want to tell him like there's a reason why you're not allowed to lick my yogurt pot anymore because like at the moment I'm worried he's thinking like oh I've done something bad I'm not allowed to lick his yogurt but like he hates me suddenly I don't want him to think like that because I love him he's my dog so yeah would be useful to uh be able to tell him that sort of stuff but at the same time like would it be more useful to know what he actually thinks would I want to know what he thinks what if he thinks I'm an absolute architect like what if I find out he is literally just using me for food as I suspected like what if I find out he he's got a crush on my girlfriend because he does he does like snuggling with her quite a lot I've noticed that then we would be in an awkward situation me and the dog oh and what if he what if he knows that like I chopped his nuts off what if he hates me for it yeah I don't know I don't know if I want to know what he's thinking actually because he might hate me I don't want to take me but oh yeah I think yeah I'd want to communicate to him because then like when I go like snowboarding and stuff I can be like oh pad like don't worry I'm just I'm just like going on holiday for a bit like I would take you with me but you're a dog you're not allowed on planes and then he'd like he'd understand that whereas now he's like oh my God well potentially he's like this he's like oh my God they've run away they hate me they've left me with these people that I don't really know yeah I don't know oh man that's still a really hard question because would I rather know what he is thinking or would I rather tell him what to think yeah I think I'd rather I'd rather communicate better so I can tell him like you don't need to bark at the delivery man he's just delivering like your food like he's not gonna break in he's literally just coming here he's gonna deliver some some food your food paddy and then everything's gonna be okay so you don't need to bark you don't need to protect the house the house is completely safe don't worry there's The Architects don't know where I live that's why I've got a PO Box for this very reason yeah so yeah good question very good question I think I'm communicating with him though I don't want to know what he's thinking right so let's move these three to the other side turn all of them on then give it a compact down this side a bit of a compact nice then we're just waiting for more carrots yeah I got a PA box if you if you go on my YouTube about page I think I shoved it in there um I think did I I did a community post where I gave it out and I've got a letter in front of me actually that's from someone in Anchorage is that in like somewhere in America yeah very cool it's awesome yeah so thank you if you're the person that sent out to me I can't remember your name at the moment sorry but if you did send me something from Anchorage um I got it I'm reading it uh very kind of you yeah just a bit of like fan mail decent um right okay let's do let's do these top bits so I reckon oh how do I want to do this actually do I just want to pile it in the middle and then drag it to the end Maybe yeah Alaska yeah I thought it was Alaska I don't want to say Alaska and then like everyone call me an idiot but I did think it was Alaska who I did I swear that's American geography isn't the strongest of mine I'll say that right okay so I'm gonna drag these either end so you go up there and it just gets tricky here because I don't I don't wanna like mess up that stuff but it's but it's gonna happen as I just said uh I could just come back and fill those in I guess like with with more carrots oh because yeah that's it's really hard to do joints basically I'll tell you what let's shove that one there and start filling it in yeah very or harder than it looks to um get all these joints in because yeah magnets area of attraction ah I wish there was like a push sometimes I feel like push would be a lot a lot better in this situation or if it was like a bit more directional right so let's give this a bit of a bit of a jiggle yeah oh if I try and push it I just mess everything up like I might be better off just filling it all in and then just like vibrating it like don't actually try and move it about oh God oh God uh move move all right okay we are I think we're actually getting that I'm sort of doing like compaction but in a horizontal direction oh I've cocked that up royally yeah I think we're just gonna have to we'll just I could do it from the side that seems to work a bit better that doesn't no it doesn't no okay we'll just we'll just compact like that and then we'll just move these along so you go there and those both on and yeah essentially you'll just move them about the place I think best bet and then once all the carrots are in we'll then just vibrate I think that's the way to do this so close to finishing mate the trouble is I'm then gonna have to delete all the stuff I might have to do that off camera because I'm gonna have to go in a minute it's nearly six o'clock here had his dinner time um you guys will see the finished thing on a video very soon late I hope um oh man yeah sorry I don't think I don't think we're gonna finish it because deleting all the all the edges and then trim it it's gonna take an age but uh we're we are nearly there we're literally nearly there we're so close can I do it in time let's see what happens I think I do just wanna so I just try and fill it all in like that and then just come packed to maybe move that one until later right where's the magnet where's this over there okay good grab another one show it there turn that on grab a magnet all right and then compact compact is this gonna be the way to do it it actually might be could work better than the other method oh yeah oh yeah I feel like this is actually yeah is it working better I'm not sure I'm just moving them from like one side to the other foreign whether they're actually compacting or not right either way they we're pretty much we're done on carrots I need to turn them off start this end start that end quick quick oh goodness that's a lot of carrots um okay so one basically everything the same on the other side so those so there and then I will shove one on this corner just for a little bit so we do a bit of that and just give them a little little Shake about all right then turn that one off then quickly go and vibrate all of these ones a nice head underneath do the back side right I think that worked a lot better than the other side right it actually yeah did work better definitely worked better surely surely everyone agrees that was better okay we're done we're done we're done quick quick done off done enough too many too many too many too ready okay so we want one on this corner again while that's doing that I will compact all of these ones yes that's actually decent I think all right and then a load in that bit and then if I just or very very slightly shake them same with those then move this one to where was it about there oh we're actually nearly done we're actually nearly done yeah I definitely should have done this method on this side oh well just try and even them all out I think this is possibly done possibly I need to have a proper inspection but uh chat I think we've Bloom and done it the trouble is I don't wanna I don't want to under commit the carrots I'm better to do too many because I can always trim them it's just look how many carrots there are is just try to work out if we've done too many carrots or not enough because like that lump there I can I can trim that but if there's a dip can't really trim a dip and like adding carrots afterwards pain in the ass because you have to build all the shuttering again so there's definitely a few areas that need carrot wait do I because it's hard to see like the thickness I think we're actually pretty good for the most part now those cross beams are definitely getting trimmed I think they're like way too thick actually because if you look at the thickness of that we'll be trimming to like that area um oh it might be done it might be done so excited um I don't suppose itchy is still about is he I just want to know or anyone that knows hydronia uh do I need to like do I need to um trying to like close the game and reopen it in order for the for all the veg to stay still because that would be a disaster if I just started deleting stuff and they just started falling that would be scary save and test yeah okay shall we do it shall we do the reveal the suspension is killing me couldn't afford a dad joke for me oh thanks for that that was a pet Patty by the way um by the way jisk 1992 cheers for the sub seven minutes okay sorry I missed it um sorry let's hit save and then because I need to put the the cables in at some point I don't know how I'm gonna do those yet uh but shall we just start deleting I think it's it's probably quicker to delete with the wand so if I do one because with this I think do I just yeah just right click um so shall we shall we start from the top and then do the reveal get rid of all those as well foreign there's a few oh there's carrots moving I think they just weren't that well compacted they were sort of floating in the air oh God I'm scared oh man I'm scared to do the underside [Music] oh it's okay uh it's reading carrots a little bit oh goodness oh oh this is so scary please game let me have this let me have this no fair play though frame rate looking pretty good right now oh yeah that's decent that is actually decent I think foreign that is not a strong cross brace oh dear especially when bits fall out oh dear I mean it's not it's not the worst actually [Music] so many carrots falling out I don't like it oh that is a weak joint that is a weak joint okay you might have to come back and fill in some of these but I reckon for now let's just get rid of them because I want to see so bad the final carrot Bridge this is like six six hours five hours probably five hours to be fair I just deleted a carrot don't do that oh right let's do the undersides oh no oh somebody fell out I don't know why they're falling either oh God these These are scary let's get rid of the windows first oh I just deleted the carrot yeah why do I have the option to reload I mean it does look bad it does not look bad at all you cannot say too many carrots fell out oh I think we're still good I think we are still good oh I don't like the carrots falling out right okay I think we're fine I think we're fine now oh I think we're fine I don't know if we're fine all right do I do the sides first and do the bottom last I don't know if the order like matters foreign let's do oh yeah let's do the top reveal yourself to me Bridge is what I've been waiting for I love dripping off a bill like this oh yes oh yes right now the scary bit okay that was good that was another good one yes yes oh it's looking decent you can't say that's not looking decent and because I engineered it to Perfection it's standing perfectly no structural flaws in this build uh we do have to do the underside though which is terrifying foreign I hate this but I hate this bit okay that's not bad that is not bad it looks a little bit hairy but uh remember we can we can trim some of these so we got like a few floating carrots I can just like oh scary I can I can do that so I can neat enough because like there's there's loads of carrots there they don't all need to be there we can like shave them off a bit let's see how it looks much better I don't know about much better it looks better though like I might be better off just because what are they that's quite a gap why is there such a gap there were they like on top it may have been on top cheers Tess he says the next Bridge needs to be made out of soup Bridge I'm not away I'm I'm actually I'm pretty happy with this I think once we get some cables in because we got we got cables on that one and we'll probably do similar on this I reckon we've got another bill for our hands looks very Irish it's not it's not a potato it's blooming it's carrots meat foreign let's let's just get rid of all these side so at least half the bridge is revealed and then we can get a proper look as to what we have built oh this is ah scary I was gonna say that's a lot of characters just fell down oh wipe them there see that's why you should use glass so you can see what you're doing windows I mean to be honest that's it's so far under the oh God under the deck no one will see that oh Paddy's just come up like Matt why are you making all these horrible noises are you okay see if only I could understand him I would know that he's scared now I'd stop making noises like uh but yeah I think that is oh yeah it's looking good it's looking good you cannot you cannot deny this is a bill chat I know it's only half revealed and there's no cables yet but what's your what's your estimated rating first what do you think our independent Bridge reviewer will give this bridge once it's fully complete once it's fully revealed itself to us or we got a 9.9 I like that score I like that score we've got a 6.9 interesting quite a few 8.5s so people don't seem that impressed by the carrot I mean remember it's this isn't metal like yes that's impressive but I mean gold it's metal strong this carrot soft oh God I mean only soft when cooked to be fair I don't think these carrots are cooked but uh look at it it's a carrot Bridge 8.5 because of the structure issues yep it's not finished yet it's not finished it's so cute someone said our solid 9.6 I've taken 9.6 um so yeah I just need to reveal this side and then we'll be done ready to add cables in um and I don't know I feel like should like under the deck have another Cross Beam because like we've got one there we've got one there and there I feel like there should be one in the middle cannot be asked to do that but maybe it should have one yes there should damn it everyone's saying yes that's so many carrots and these ones will be unprotected as well well I don't know maybe that's one for another day um so I can't be asked to do it now I'm not gonna lie but pretty impressed with how we've well what we've ended up with it looks a bit wonky actually is that just me that's good it's fine it's fine it's a good Bridge it's a good build um you gotta cover the existing character yeah and I I'll have to at least I can do the other side that's why I wanted to like get half half the side out first so we can do any changes that we need to but yeah I'm gonna do another date because I gotta go eat some food and stuff um but thanks for joining me chat um go watch my video because uh it's well I say it's just come out it's been out like an hour and um it's decent one balloons but you're the balloon but yeah cheers guys I'll say peace love and carrot Bridges um oh shall we read someone no I don't have time I've got stuff to do but yeah cheers uh the Aloft video I think the castle took me probably like an hour it's not that long oh that doesn't include the grinding though and that was just the build a little secret that Dev gave me creative mode so I could build what I wanted don't tell anyone yeah bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 5,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: QLAMmXjfvTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 47sec (9167 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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