RCE ARCHIVE: Continuing the Trailmakers campaign!

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] your seven-year-old brother has good taste hello fellow engineers welcome back to Trail makers oh my goodness your ghost boobs drift yes I nah just thank you very much for the tier three dude uh very generous one day I will pronounce your name right he is a kielbot hmm the more confidence they have the better it sounds but yeah yeah back in trail mix today thank you also sir Andy pies for the sub afternoon all he says a new rad 0603 thank you very much yeah so let's uh let's get into a bit of Trail makers so we're in campaign right yeah the Airborne campaign and by the way lots of new chat as I saw at the very start there presumably um did any of you come from like the the trail makers video because I did a little shout out to uh to this [Music] all right all right um oh yeah I forgot we made like a big old sofa didn't we oh man good times good times uh one one second just remembered I didn't turn my phone off and it'll be loud all right I think we're good I think we're good Okay so yeah so many Subs where all the subs come from uh thank you to Kong concrete left the door what con queef Tad door conquistador thank you very much oh man I've missed this car the sofa car it is a beast I have a mission should I do a mission uh thank you as well to squatty any plans for what you'll be making today no I guess we're just gonna see like what we have to do in this game um the crew is completely pinned down on a nearby Island okay so we need to we need to fly I feel like we should build something to go up that Runway and uh turn to a plane but do we have wings yet I cannot remember how far we got in this uh lift and drag don't think we've got Wings yet maybe we have to go look for them first now we got slim Wheels racing wheels okay I'll leave the wheels as his mechanic oh we got some suspension now oh yeah that's on the front of my thing oh I want wings I don't want to use that stupid stupid thing I had last time um I will I am going to load it up late where no not work chop is it blue prints there it is what am I doing with my life and that was the one with the with all the seats was it you don't have enough um actually no no did I did I even save this one I probably want to save this because this is actually pretty good so let me just go back into the game let me say how do I oh no I can sorry I'm so like I'm such a noob at this you gotta go save like that save that as the sofa right and now that's down there cool okay let's uh and can I I know that does that okay so how do I oh do I just hover over that one say three okay good so I can now transform by holding R and then pressing one so we're back in we're back in this thing inflate the balls wait this foot this version doesn't have guns where the guns hang on I thought this version had the guns but it doesn't gotta go back down we need guns we definitely need guns oh wait build okay I feel like we actually didn't we unlocked like quite a few different guns and stuff I think we did oh by the way thank you to uh Danny femdom 0527 for the eight months you've been a sub now we've got some pet patties as well thank you for those we oh we also have we have a dad joke time for some quotation mark laughs what do you mean laughs um oh dad jokes do I actually have any dad jokes lined up um I have to ever think I have a think while we're yeah I have a thing where we add some guns to this um oh we've got the minigun I forgot we got the mini gun last time ooh do I want to shove that underneath dad jokes dad jokes hmm Andy pies has one yeah let's say Andy by his dad jokes it might inspire me I wasn't very prepared today I sort of oh I've only got enough power cores for one minigun that's annoying yeah I was sort of like planning on recording this afternoon and then well I couldn't be asked so here we are Bubba [Music] ski 06 cheers for I'll move the gun to the back is that what we found out last time is that why I was cocking up I think gun needs to be like in the middle doesn't it I can leave it like there ish I don't want to go under there because that's like my Landing my Landing stuff what is blue and not very heavy light blue oh I did uh okay okay I got one then I got one I I can do better than that Andy post I can definitely do that better than that where do dogs Park their cars in The Barking Lot get it because they bark because they're dogs yeah okay um right let's uh let's carry on with where we got to eat um oh come on labra dog you've got like a dog in your name surely you appreciate that one surely that's cool to draw okay I'll take that I'll take a draw I will take a draw thank you all right oh hang on Aaron I'm going too high I'll go down again I forgotten the controls uh where is the mission but is it over that way yeah I feel like we should let's take out these guys first it's gonna be a bit of a learning curve trying to remember how to steer this thing um shot down drop down now oh no this is really not a very good vehicle I'm gonna say it now it looks like it should be very very efficient but for some reason it isn't right we've got one we got one we're just gonna get the other one now come on turn left turn left turn left out you're getting shot turn left why aren't you turning left all right sorry we'll just pull we'll fall while shooting there you go nailed it absolutely nailed it now float oh okay that was actually that was pretty good that right okay so we're heading what are those bridges man what are the curves for what are actually those curves for thanks by the way everyone appreciating the smoothness of that just then I was I was quite impressed myself um I think we're hurt though do I need to prepare yeah they do when you repair the balls deflate not ideal I'm not doing a bridge reveal that look it's I mean it's not a bad bridge to be fair but what's the curve for Curves in engineering pain in the ass and it definitely doesn't need it for the height wow what the frick how what was that why did that thing shoot me that's just minding my own business oh oh look here's the thing there okay remember that we'll come get we'll come get that another second I think we gotta go do this Mission so we gotta save these little ah okay that was not smooth that was not smooth repair yeah oh that was not smooth um yeah we gotta go do this Mission I'm reminded constantly of my feelings if you look in the top left of the screen I shouldn't have cooled the vehicle that because then I'm just hold it there's another is that a power core all right soda let's go get the power cord do I just need to go into these I don't need to take them back like in the original King do I or do I I can't remember all right drop on it drop on it oh that was so close okay yeah so we just we just fly into them okay so I may as well get the other one whilst we're here then so it's behind that rock let's go do that slightly like imagine if I complete this game like literally as a knob that would be quite impressive I reckon so yeah more power cores mean we can add like more engines more guns and stuff but I just gotta oh we've just gotta try and enter this hole with our object so it looks like it should be fine yes yes yes we got Dynamite Dynamite how does Dynamite work it's not like dynamite launcher it's literally just Dynamite is it all right anyway we've got a crying out get out of here there we go so let's see can we now there's so many balloons I think we might be in trouble I might just try and do like a flyover and do a bit of like on AIM aim oh no I was trying to stay above them but then I tried to oh I don't know why I tried to beat somehow like we're not actually taking too many hits all right let's just just get out of it and we'll turn around yeah okay let's take out some of these Foods eat minigun eat minigun all right they're all gone um what do they where my balls went he disappeared I mean we got cold for a second I do need to try and turn left it's so I need something to help me steer I'm not convinced material fins actually do anything if I'm honest oh man look at that I'm doing like stunts as well I should get like trick points for that and basically just deflate pull down then inflate then they are so confused all right why is what is that guy doing if I kind of rock they go through oh come on just aim this is really hard to steer as well I keep like come on yes okay we got one we got one got one all right good good okay I might just quickly repair complete the balls I'm hiding behind the rock I'm sort of like an Apache this is like the the engineer's Apache I reckon so far doesn't quite handle his words on Apache I'll I'll give I'll tell you that does need a little bit of work I don't know if more Tail Fins would do it or maybe now I've got more power cores we can like add more Rockets like a left and right sort of one how does that or okay first fire first fire that's what we got to eat so there's the last one all right nice nice okay we've done it we've done it so now you've got to save these little birds actually I'm gonna go I'm gonna go get that I'm gonna go get that thing first don't hit the floor is is this is painful to watch as it is to actually stick right here we go we've got oh a raw jet lovely make gimbal turrets um I feel like you overestimate my abilities in this but um a very painful kid I will try and build something a bit better once you get a few more like parts I'm just not sure I have the parts to do any better than this hey what's happened okay you're gonna have to repair that way it's okay he's facing the right direction so how many birds are in this do we need to swap to more seats there's six of them I don't think I have enough seats yeah how are they supposed to fit in there exactly well I'm gonna build I'm gonna add a few more seats so we'll just copy that copy that is that enough one two three four five six seven I know there's eight there's eight okay copy more seats either side and then let's have a think about what do we actually have propulsion wise we do have quite we have quite a bit actually so that's the raw jet we just got we've also got rocket Thruster and normal thrusters so maybe I want to move like I feel like if I move these down a bit then the thrust is above the weight is that good or bad I think that's bad isn't it if we move these up oh not that much okay I can't move them up fair enough what if I just move these down completely there you go so then thrust and weight is pretty similar I think that's what I want right and then I can add I may just add some to the front so if I rotate that uh that that way shove it there and I'll configure that to only go when I but I want to turn right yeah so D that will be then I'll copy one to the other side so copy configure that so it goes on eight and then I think that should help me help me steer right you should add side thrusters to help you turn I'm doing it I'm doing it Mr Anderson I'm one step ahead for once potentially so get back into there the birds are on board so yeah so if I want to go and let's just float a little bit I want to go left oh man what's the weight the weight is not good is that because the birds oh that actually that stairs are so much better thrusters I mean we're we are pointing down I think I just need to move like the seat like a bit further back the weight isn't perfect but it's not bad it's actually not bad if you've watched any of this you've probably already let down me he said first Dream for me don't let me down uh yeah let's hope you haven't watched uh well I mean I mean look at the vehicle vehicle was pretty good just um the guy controlling it not so much oh they're turning so much better with this I'm gonna try and use my Runway bear in mind I don't actually have wheels so we'll see how this goes oh not bad not not good either all right we're back we're back we're back the most efficient Airship there's so many first-time Chatters hello everyone um how did everyone find this from my uh from my video material makers video or is it just like just randomly browsing twitch whatever and by the way loads loads of uh subjects hey hang on hang on I'm floating I'm floating off oh moderately good aerodynamics unlocked nice all right let's go into the build mode so don't flip off I need to say I need to say thank you to loads of people Mr base man or Batman uh 13 minutes ago sorry dude cheers of sub King Arthur cheers for the sub dude uh Mr Prof zero gave out a sub very kind oh King Arthur gave out five thank you so much man appreciate that sorry I missed it 11 minutes ago and then Canard it's been a great six months he says thank you very much we also had someone ask a question bananas hmm yeah just yes yeah so I'm going to move the seats forward a bit that should help with the weight situation I mean the weight is quite far forward no I wanna I don't want to move them back we were leaning forward I want to move them back right yeah so now weight which is the red one is sort of in line with the lift so I think that's okay maybe yes no it's heavy just move the weight forward start off shut up um but yeah I think that's actually quite good I might I might add like what I'm thinking just so I can like do like emergency Landings a bit safer where was the old we've got aerodynamics we don't care about that at the moment let's get some suspension on the sides it's a bit of that [Music] a bit of that and then do I want to add Wheels to this because I really I actually could add Wheels it doesn't have an engine so I won't be able to like steer with it these are just like oops these are just like Landing Wheels or is that just asking for trouble because I'm just gonna like roll about everywhere don't know wait I reckon that's pretty good now it looks goofy yeah it doesn't look it doesn't look great does it well maybe we lose the wheels what if we do I have anything else I saw that sold it it's fine and what I might do is well although I can't really stack those yeah I don't know I was thinking about like just moving those to like be the structure three wheels what I want what I really really want are skis underneath or can that be good but anyway right so what we what are we doing now do I have to go over to that guy or do we have to have another mission here let's just okay no Mission there it seems let's go over to this bird how far away is it it looks like it's miles away so have we done all the missions here should I go find like all the parts I think we should probably should I find the parts chat would you reckon I mean I can see there's like chests about I'm going to need more balls soon yeah I actually am I'm quite like that's fully that's fully build up and we're not going very high at all or at least not very fast skis are an option but I don't have them at the moment yeah I did just quote Spice Girls spicycles I haven't done a Spice Girls poly Bridge 2 cover yet that's definitely something I need to look at uh or see the wheels there could have actually been useful Maybe all right we've got another power core that's good seeing that we can have another minigun on the front then we will be cooking on gas or the balls cost like our cause or are they just balls if you want to be my bridge that could work that could definitely work this that's a trouble like trying to find because I don't want to cover like too many songs from each like I want to do like one one song per their like music group the band whatever like what what Spice Girls song do we go with does the minigun send me backwards um what shoot oh wow oh wow yeah okay it really yep that's quite a lot of recall that quite a lot of recoil um right so where else is good stuff is that saying there's a power core that way I'm looking at the HUD up the top by the way I think is that an item so if we head this direction there might be an item for us because I I want some wings I'm sort of Fed Up of the floating thing I'd love to like legitimately fly just use miniguns instead of engines I literally could oh look I can see it I can see it down there all right Inflatables inflating balls yeah this is actually going to be like a perfect Landing unless that guy sees me all right put a shield up put a shield up all right there you go we got a heavy weight block not sure how useful that is at the moment I mean it could add some stability oh I actually need balls look how slowly I'm going up that's literally as as fast as I can as well yeah you got most things there is a power core over that way but oh I should probably get it let's go get it let's go get the power cord I could I do actually I do have a Fair few power cores so we could add a couple more engines I think we are a bit slow the trouble is every engine I add we're gonna weigh a bit more so we're not gonna be able to float very much although I could just make my thing a bit longer there's a shout in it oh look I can see I can see that's not even the power cord oh that's just a p why wasn't that on the HUD foreign why weren't you on the HUD all right what is it what's the raw Edge oh what that's pretty good in it that that wasn't good the person who said impress me or whatever he's just left all right okay let's uh let's take out those the first fire first fire boost peace all right okay I saw where did I see oh can you see like under the go down gotta go down not that fast or that faster that first ah under here though I see a power core I think this thing does actually fly quite nicely like legit I'm not even big enough because I made it it's actually I mean ignore that ignore that obviously it is actually quite good though so many guns go backwards sorted there you go we are cooking on gas yeah I got reverse engine minigun um okay shall I should we do a bit of building so how many power cores do we have now we've got five five three so I mean the raw Jets they have they have a cool down period I don't really rate them I think just add more of these thrusters to the back so let's copy that so that's double double the thrust um I think we're gonna have to add another ball do they do they cost power cores well they don't they don't cost power cores interesting didn't know that um so that's changed all the weight has changed quite a lot so the lift is at the front I think what we're gonna have to do is move stuff about a bit so if I move you that way delete that stuff then move these balls that way we're front heavy I think so how many power cores is a mini gun that is my question oh it's four it's four why would you want Dynamite I don't know you got to use other thrusters for one power cut yeah I know the trouble with the other ones they're like they're on a whip those ones I guess think they're on a weird like you can't shove them on the back very easily I could show them underneath I guess but it will I mean I could shove them on the sides like a kid I guess we could do a bit of hang on I get so confused rotating stuff so that and then that so we could add them like that I guess well actually can I can I do that delete some of those that is going to be major thrust oh man we're going to be in trouble what's the weight situation now so weight is at the back so I mean I think I want my thrust at the back right so it might be better moving the minigun to the front and then what else what else is heavy I mean I can just yeah actually okay okay I got this i got this have I got this I don't know I think I just want to take that and move it all forward a little bit so oh this game's like really quite annoying to select stuff sometimes just because it looks like all the way through right so that's a bit better I think the the lift is just ahead of the weight so it should be a little bit front heavy but I think that's fine thrust looks pretty spot on the weight though so let's uh let's get in this and see oh well it steers oh this is yeah out I was gonna say yeah I'm liking this but I'm not sure right so do we so we don't know where what the hell why does that mount in that shape do we know where like all the bits and Bobs are or do we actually have to go oh no I haven't hang on hang on we gotta we gotta go down we're gonna go down thrusts are set to space now it's no good for anyone slowed I'm trying to slow down stupid game build build build yeah so we've got to set these to go on to not space but w ow what was that w I figure w e and then configure W okay yes now we've got the oh no I missed one I missed one all right go back down again but go back down build what did I miss was it that one figure that was set up what I swear one of them wasn't firing was it one of those honestly one of them wasn't lit up oh my goodness that guy just went straight past me oh by the way thank you did I did I say Andy Kern 12 13 minutes ago if not thank you Andy yeah DeLuca say one that vehicle looks very efficient cheers boy it is uh soy javichu hey Matt I'm a big fan of your game please I suggest playing Dyson Sphere program yeah I have a well did actually mean to play that when it like first came out but um never never did for some reason oh man we are quite we're quite front heavy or late not heavy light oh look there's there's like loads of stuff all over the piece I've Just Seen another one we've got to head down there what is that what is that is that a power core I think it's a power cord there's there's another power core there's like power cores all over the place I thought they're all on the map but apparently the map just shows like random actually is there a map no there's no map yeah I'm gonna have to move the balls somehow well we've gotta we gotta sort this out I mean actually we might have enough power cores to get another minigun at the front so let's just land I'm just scanning the air for not be at the area for more bits and Bobs couldn't find them how many power cores we got we got two I mean shall I I could delete those and just copy those down a bit more thrust at the back that's a bit more weight at the wait do I want weight at the back no I won't wait at the front does that well actually that I think that did help yeah weight is moving forwards I think that's all I've got to do so what if I can I move those forwards no I can't really I mean I could shove them out there and then move them forwards I don't know if having thrust like in the middle is a bad idea though but that's like way more in line I can't just move the balls back because then they're not connected I can move them back one all right that is in line that should be fine so yeah we're pretty level and our thrust ICA look that bottom right one and the one at the back they're not lighting up does that mean they're not working yeah they are because look I'm spinning hey we gotta go land again but uh okay so those two those two build build okay so that one definitely wasn't working why that should work why aren't they working yeah I've I have streamed oh click the cockpit where's the cockpit where is it okay there it is oh they're turned off is that what I did accidentally I think that's what I did accidentally thank you chat Legends foreign now this is the most perfect vehicle you've ever seen it's actually pretty good considering it looks like a knob oh no we're not very level when we're no I'm gonna okay we are gonna have to make some tweaks because when I'm fully inflated we're fine -ish yeah look we're we're pointing up too much pointing up too much I mean oh it does it flies really well to me hang on is that the turret thing that millered me earlier yeah it is oh dear oh dear [Music] mere projectiles won't do any good oh no anti-aircraft anti-aircraft run away I think I need like rockets for that uh I know my ball fell off repair oh no we're under inflated all right we're good we're good let's get out of it yeah I need to I definitely need to fix this thing I'm trying to get away from the anti-aircraft [Music] okay that was a very I thought I was in game for a second I was like what is going on thank you for that Andy Kern gift in the sub cheers dude great time beat yeah satisfactory the to the question asker I have I Have a Dream Sex Factory uh the thing with like doing videos on it it's like to make your video interesting you gotta do like stuff that hasn't been done ideally if you're playing a new game anyway and um if you're not playing a new game and that well to do anything interesting in that game you need to spend like hours and hours I need to land somewhere so I can rebuild this is a brand new area by the way they're ruined thank you it's medium difficulty we'll see what that means I mean I'm having enough trouble just trying to just trying to play this thing all right so I think moving things forward was a bad idea I did sort of think that was going to be the case I was just trying to sort the weight out um I am actually thinking I might lose a load of thrust and get another mini gun on the front so if I lose that that and that move that to the side and then shove another one next to it wait so oh it's still okay let's move those forward a little bit I think I need the weight like just in front all the time right yeah I don't have a Bombay yet actually do I have a I might do it does ring a bell where's weapons gadgets no I don't ours Dynamite isn't it hey can I drop that no because it's not a plane it needs to be directly below okay well that's pretty directly ish yeah I need to detach I got nothing that I can detach at the moment I don't think nah nothing I can like wiggle it about on a steering hinge probably not too useful right anyway let's go see what we're doing over here I mean that's a lot flatter I'm happy with this I'm happy with this oh and look around here I just found a foul Court so inflate deflate oh no oh no I mean pretty close pretty close let's just clip it with my nut there we go all right so what are we oh my goodness this did you see that down there should I try and take it on [Music] okay we've started the mission I'm an idiot so you can on the Zeppelin oh look at that run that runway's got a bridge on it nice taking on this Zeppelin thing I don't know why my why are my guns targeted is it too far away come on I got drill mini guns now oh I've never had no we're facing the wrong way no no no no no oh that was close that was close okay I'm gonna it's got a shield it's got a shield I'm gonna try and get in front of it [ __ ] up oh man the mini guns doing damage why won't my mini guns aim at it you're stupid minigun maybe I'm like way higher than I feel like I am yeah a little short burst because I can't do too much because otherwise we go backwards because that is our reverse rougher oh man we're getting nailed we're getting nailed it's fine I don't I don't need my left nut I work with one nut oh no I lost my tip I lost my tip repair I'll tell you what if we can float up and get sort of close oh it's got a shield it's got a shield that scared of me I'm going over I'm going over all right ready get ready for a shaft in mate oh it's got a shield again honestly I feel like I'm dogfighting I think I really want to like try and get the tip down and land right on its head just draft it in the ass I'm going around I'm going around the other side and around the outside staying head on nice [Music] good job my balls are glowing I absolutely love it where are the zeppeliners crash oh wait gotta go down there have we oh they're down they're literally down there oh there's so many of the SE I'm literally gonna be like if the British had this in World War II the Germans would have surrendered a minute yep look how many of you there are I'm gonna have to do two Journeys you can't all get in I need 16 passenger seats that is ridiculous Birds six that's double what I have now okay let's move those copy those shove them back on hopefully that shouldn't affect the weight too much I think it is going to be like yeah shove that oh wrong button thankfully there's control Z in this game for you I pressed delete instead of insert all right so what's the weight the weight is way too far back so if I do that yeah so I think I can just pretty much do that to try and get the weight forward the gate now that's banging line question is can we actually float oh I just crushed a load of bullets so sorry can I inflate the balls oh wow okay that's that's not the best quite a slow incline I probably need to add more Bulls at this point I mean I could just shove like a load of balls on my balls does that make sense like a ball on a ball like ball section not innable honorable because yeah this is it's going to take a while to go up but uh we got time you got time I got definitely have time all right okay we're going in there we are going in that way uh Konig cheers what's up thank you I know I'm on full thrust for not going up my left ball got clipped by three reverse thrusters working pretty well there Lee what a blessing to have you here yep nice happy I am patchy mama you have failed in your position yeah it was like what you you well I don't think you'd get the Ryanair happy Landing after that one I think I will just have to try and shift my balls about oh we got a new cockpit round of aerodynamics do we have wings oh we don't have wings we don't have wings but yeah I need I need more well I just need more so let's delete that we'll move you that way and then we'll copy like that now thrust is way too far forward I mean lift not thrust oh man okay so we're gonna have to somehow move that I just are they the wrong parts now why can't I just move I can't just move that oh there we go yeah we'll just I reckon that'll be fine that's still attached somehow looks terrible now but whatever so it's a bit nose heavy but I think that's probably better than being ass heavy or testicles whatever you want to call it all right so decent let's go oh look at that bridge Runway that is decent I'm a big fan of bridge runways um do I have enough miniguns I've only got two a little bit worried about these guys so I wiped them out very quickly guy red balloon one big red balloon I'm guessing I need to repair because I've got labels all right inflate inflate I think we've taken out the the main prep we've got these other little ones which I'm really not scared of in the slightest so oh man face I'm not quite enough not quite enough I still missed it dude thank you finally okay so let's just repair my balls oh why did I jump out why did I jump out oh I hit the ground hard well I don't say it's more than 16 there what is applying like anything right they're all aboard they are all aboard they've obviously never seen me fly this thing because they've all just put on and we just checked there's no I didn't miss any parts around it yeah there actually isn't where's all the parts I just want some wings I'm gonna go down there because I think it's that a power core get some power caught all right there we go there we go there we go I'm gonna proper fly by that one yes no yes okay that was actually quite decent chat you can't deny that from me that was semi-professional in my opinion um am I going back to base or am I going to try and hunt down these parts I think I'm gonna hunt down the parts I can see one on that we'll get on the way back so do you still want to show off to these birds on board but I do actually know how to fly now so I can see down in the middle there is that so if we just oh that was good that was good I'm sure the birds were not worried about that at all the question is where where's the if you can see like a part somewhere where is it is it gonna go below me no it's still straight ahead twice for a second ago it was like back that way or is it behind no it isn't I don't know where it is I don't know where it is oh just scrape the bottom let's just get that power core over that way actually my nostalic type behind the building mind the building behind the building nice that was actually decent again chat come on back me up back me up I sort of look like I know what I'm doing I've got to try and get this one mate that could be tricky this is gonna be go in then hang on no I've lost I've lost it I've lost it I've lost right okay we're going down we're going down and then we minigun for reverse before we hit the ledge definitely didn't hit the ledge thank you power cortex for completely hiding that disaster all right then we're gonna land with these Birds because they I think I think they're traumatized for life now we'll never be getting unplanned okay I've lost my mini guns we don't have reverse thrust anymore I don't know what's happened I was flying this thing perfectly and then I just I don't know I've got overwhelmed all right another tail fin could be useful propeller could also be useful I've got no wings I need wings foreign dog fighting bullies I've got no wings I cannot dog fight I need Wings how do I get wings I really don't want a dog fight in this God all right okay where are we going then I mean maybe that's what's on the HUD do you think it's down or up let's go over look down I don't see any part I see Treasure Chest but I don't I honestly don't care about that I think they're just like cosmetic stuff so I'm not even gonna bother I just want some wings dogs don't have wings either so I should be fine cheers chat I've always got my back oh yeah there's actually there's no parts down here there must be it must be up so inflate the balls and let's go up I got to make sure nothing's above me I missed the power cord oh no oh I know I can see jets up there is that what I've got to fight in this someone said on top of the mountain that's where the chirpoos are does anyone see any parts anywhere all right I see something over that way I see something over that way between those two trees got it it's just oh it's just a power core it's just a powerful [Music] all right that was quite smoothly I'll take that um how you need part oh look there's part there's pop do you see it down there in front of that blob these be wings please be wings although I've got quite good at flying this I feel like I'd be better with wings flat connector great cheers game cheers I mean would I actually be better I feel like am I quite good at this I don't know press tab to see the location oh there is a map you just press tab Okay so oh it's below me and that's above me okay so let's go let's go find that block crate that's below me what's that was that there a second ago hang on I'm distracted I'm distracted does anyone know what that is oh no let's land on it and see what happens nothing happened just disappeared what was the point of that oh I see a power core Straight Ahead through the gap so that's probably the one on the map right this is just something random we will have it late thank you very much oh I should have mini gunned I should have miniguned we're fine mate so yeah the part is let's have a look at the tab is it pass above me now if it's above me must be I don't know where it is 84 meters 47 meters It's gotta be four meters below okay so it's pretty much at that level I mean maybe we gotta go inside and then drop down does that make sense it feels like a Ledge in eyes are brown oh it's down there it's down there chat it's down there okay you might have to use the minigun reversing method for this one have them out haven't quite got it down too much up see I'm thinking about reversing and it's making me mess everything up spinning survey oh we can nearly make a helicopter okay cool okay so do they just appear like just random ones I haven't got yet because there is now another one on the map I think yeah either that way oh it's over there it's over there so we just collect them all till I get wings or should I just do the dog bite you got the flat block for helicopter you can't use them as helicopter blades can you or can you that's awesome if you can all right so what level are they 139 meters below you'll get wings after the dog fight do you reckon 75 meters below okay so they're gonna be actually down here is it that level yeah it's there it's in it's in that cave it's in that cave oh up down yes ow no mini gun reverse mini gun reverse minigun reverse got it ah it's a wing it's a wing yes yes there's no wings yet you'll get them shortly after no I just got a wink I just got a wing you all doubted me we have wings but now I want to do it without wings what do I do chat do we build a plane or do I just fight in this I want chat to tell me what we're doing build a plane build a plane okay everyone's same plane we will save this though and if the plane's rubbish we'll come back to it but we're gonna build this at the end of the runway so we'll land it sort of bearish nice then face that direction right so I think I want to save this don't I so save what we're doing with my life yep save it for that okay and now we can delete all of that oh lovely look at all these red dots so we start off with the cockpit because we are making a plane we then need what sort of engine do you want to go for let me just clear all those out so we could have propellers I mean propellers probably make the most sense to be honest so I do propellers thrusters could work it doesn't actually say how much power that is more balloons all right shall we do I got an idea I have an idea you know like you can get like biplanes so we do like try planes I don't actually know if we're gonna be able to stare up and down do I I do have hinges don't they okay yeah I reckon that's how we're gonna steer we're gonna have one of those on the back trailer hinge bull hinge okay is that ball okay so we're gonna need steering hinge at the back okay so let's let's shove the wings on first then um hang on where our wings left okay so we got small modular wings so I guess we just too wide yeah I feel like we're gonna need like biplane or try playing oh don't color in Matt don't color it in whatever you do so we'll do will that actually work do they produce do they produce lift like that why is that Top Pawn upside down I don't know if that works assume they need gaps between them do they okay so are we going to get gaps we need if we need where's the aerodynamic stuff oh man there's so there's so much stuff now yeah I think we need space between as well what I want to do if I've got it oh they're so These Wings Are tiny though was hoping for like a I don't know just like a single sort of piece I mean maybe I could do it that way I was thinking if we shove that on then we can sort of join them together like that if I copy that up move it up shove that up I mean actually I might want to shovel that down to go there that did not copy what I wanted it to cut why did you select everything silly game there we go because I need I need a gap between them it seems so then if I copy that down move it down then in the corner is that like a one rounded yeah there is we can go ah like that so there this is this is gonna be weird so then where's the where's the normal blocks there they are shove them at the front show propellers in front of those who won that oh can I they can go that close propellers at the front there we go then copy that this side nice and then I'm thinking we need a hinge in between everyone's freaking out now it looks good that's like a trip plane not so ugly now trust me this is actually going to work so basically I want to copy I think I want to copy like all of that this way copy that this way as well so then copy copy and copy those wings this way trust me chat this is going to be good this is it might not be a plane that you sort of recognize but it's going to be incredible so basically I just need to join these with hinges so I want where's mechanic so steering hinge so if I wrote this quite hard to see with all the toggles on can I untoggle forces there we go I know the forces I'm an engineer I've done this sort of stuff before so yeah so that's going in there you know probably shove it there maybe pro copy it let's just set up the up and downness so if I wanna if I wanna pull up they want to go that way so they want to go red so red is s which means that is w so we then have another one of those then we've just gotta connect it together let's go lightweight with these yeah see what we're doing now I'll probably move that down a bit and then we just need some Wheels so what I'm well why do we put wheels chat is Daisy yeah chat is doubting this but someone in chat has just remembered snake dog everyone laughed at snake dog but then snake dog turned out to be a a channel Legend um I'll look we got we got weights and stuff let's turn let's turn this stuff back on forces so wait we're quite front heavy thrust is at the front lift is back there somewhere that I don't know that's probably fine sure be fine um so we do need tail fins so where can table fins go where are tail fins and left okay so we got simple tail fin oh that big they are big boys so I can shove yeah I reckon that's pretty I reckon that's actually all right yeah okay okay just some Wheels now and then I'll prove chat wrong so slim Wheels are they going to be too low for the props are they gonna clash with the props I think I don't know do we want to be like down there I tell you what I could hang on what sort of mechanical stuff do we have we've got just hinges question is can I hinge myself wheels that flop down I'm not sure I have that capability I might do so if we do steering hinge um yeah let's let's try and let's get this in the right place so rotate like that and then oh man how do I so if I want it to start there then okay okay this might work this might work so if I app if I move it that way and then up how big of a space do I need for Wheels is that low enough I'm not sure if it I don't know if props like Clash with the ground that's only going to move a little bit okay I think that could work this could work so then I how much do these move what's the angle 90 degrees okay that's good that is good so they start there and then I press e to talk a bit I mean they'll literally go down rather than up actually yeah let's not do let's delete that we'll do e there okay trust me chat stop doubting me I know what I'm doing so we copy that over this side we rotates it we then oh man I'm it's so hard to select stuff so we shove it over that way let's just check the rotations are good so egos no I don't want it to go down I want to go up I think I think that's what I decided and then we just use the grid block oh no you can't I don't think we can connect to a gridlock okay fine we'll use normal block okay actually we'll do little little grid blocks to go boost boost rotate [Music] and then boost that weight so the weights at the front so I might want this further thought it'll be fine it'll be fine I mean I could just move I could just make this a bit longer yeah if we learn it's not a failure so let's just okay um I did I to be fair to be fair I did know I had to move these forwards to be fair um oh I just don't want to it's annoying how can I how can I add more weight to the back oh I've got something I can do that with where's the weight block where are you wheat block mechanical no oh no you are a wheat block where would you be balance heavyweight on the back now the weight is behind the wheels oh yeah right oh we faced the wrong way hang on police all right hang on hang on why is it going left stop going left so much actually that's why I wanted to falling with style I feel like I need a bit more left and right steering up and down actually decent like look at that look at that it's the left and right that I've got nothing of okay okay we know we are actually nearly there we just gotta do some tweaks so I don't think these tail fins do anything you can't steer left and right with them unless unless I add some some hinges do I have do I have a twisty I don't think I have a twisty do I they don't have surface control because it's an old one yeah okay does the does the other one have it where are we where's the left there we go it says Direction stability but I don't think they work as I thought they would yeah so I think we're gonna need we're gonna need to try and hinge this somehow oh the thing that makes the helicopter bleeds oh yes shout that is a shout it's a rotating survey with those on top I'll tell you what I'm gonna I'm gonna shove them down there and I'm gonna shove them on top so I don't think in this game it actually matters where they are but if I take well let's just see so d goes hey that's the wrong way that is the wrong weight see Tron there is easier than just trying to figure out so that is D that is a I might limit the angle no the speed oh no actually that is slow that is slow I'm dog fighting I forgot I was dog fighting we gotta be fast so speed is one okay let's just see oh stop it let's just go off the edge let's just go off the edge oh my God pull up yes it flies quite well in my opinion I could do with a with a bit of like left and right I'll tell you what actually I could add a bit of left and rightness quite easily right let's oh God let's just go and land somewhere oh no don't enter me's Valley that sounds dangerous there you go the ruins that's my sort of area okay so we're sort of leveling out so I try and I'm gonna land on Runway chat doesn't believe it's possible but I am gonna land on the runway trust me chatting uh I'm good at I'm good at steering at no don't worry Jack forget it forget it the joke landed yeah what I just realized I could do I could grab that move it that way then add a Servo thing in there and then I've got the left and rightness I wanted the like Ian key one so survey rotate that way I guess we actually let's go like that was better cannot see a thing because all the yarrows going on but yeah now oh God so now that's in I can set that I can I need to limit this big time so that needs to be I think speed needs to be limited as well but angle needs to be like 15 Max Speed 0.7 and so okay so if I want to go if I want to lean left I wanna that e up is it e and Q I think that's right that could work 0.69 oh yeah okay you got you got a point there okay let's let's try this thing so I feel like that's good is that going the right way is that doing what I wanted to I'm not I don't know if it's ah crashed I crashed into something that went quite fast um I feel like it was too limited I need to unlimit I just need to let it Let It Be Free so 45 I think these need to be limited though to like 25 so let's okay okay okay yeah right right we're on something here let me just put what did I say to put my wheels away I can't remember what I said now oh I didn't toggle it I did E didn't mate so the wheels do actually go away if you look at the wheels um I just hang on we're in a death spiral yeah right this is actually decent fair play I've come up with something better than all aircraft that you've ever seen before it's actually genius you know that I mean it's new it's teething problems there's never been a plane like this so pilot error but the outro engineering behind it genius um The Twist it's helping me steer um but yeah so I need I need to change those to be not e they want to be like tea for toggle and then I'm going to toggle them as well so if I do that one t toggle then the wheels will go away sorted then I just need a load of guns because we're going to be dog fighting now this is where it could get dangerous this thing wasn't actually designed for air combat even though that was the original purpose where I wanted a plane um but we have mini guns so I mean I could probably that's gonna have to go on top do I want oh how many okay I can only have two mini guns I don't want to upset the weight balance is my main thing but if I shove one on the end of each wing wait still good okay I think we're ready I think we're actually ready I mean they could go on the side I reckon that's all right though oh yeah so we're flying uh what button was it t oh no they did they did oh no no it wasn't looking it wasn't looking that's fine it's fine it's fine it's just land these I don't know why they changed like what way they went oh no that was me it was me because it wasn't meant to be that one that's t delete that it's that one oh not click let's delete that one was meant to be t on toggle okay now we're good now we're actually good now we are ready to fight so t Wheels have gone away this thing is aerodynamic now I mean it's a little bit a little bit touchy but yeah I reckon in a minute I'll be able to get up to the top of that mountain then we'll be good forward and backwards a little bit too sensitive aside from that right it it's actually all right like I'm not even I'm not just typing up because I so designed it it is actually okay all right don't worry birdies I'm here to save you so we've gotta gotta get higher way higher and they obviously haven't seen me they don't believe I'm a threat oh my goodness oh my goodness oh they're playing so good [ __ ] light might go back to the knob we got it this time we got it this time I just caught scream all the way up I think I just gotta I just I just gotta come in at like a better angle or we're in a dog fight oh no oh I killed one I got it I actually did that chat you doubted me you doubted me it turns out I knew what I was doing Maybe right who wants some then which one of you want some there you go there's one there's one so we've hurt him we have hurt him I got the Twist on oh no oh no I think we're stalling I think we're stalling no we're good we're good we're good we're fine we're fine we're not fine we're not fine we're not fine we're not fine we are fine we are we are just press repair that was that was me panicking oh Poo if I didn't press the player we would have shot down both of them by now hopefully there's only two remaining still but this is actually going better than I thought it would if you don't agree then you had too much faith in me you got him this thing it's like it's designed like is it like the Euro Fighter there he goes one down it's designed to be like as aerodynamically unstable as possible so you can pull off Maneuvers that other Jets just don't expect that's exactly what this is enjoy School endless Evie see you later and you'll learn a lot more here than School trust me but still if that's what you want to do and start I'm joking I'm actually joking please [Music] okay okay we're good we're good I'm just showing off that doing some doing some tricks oh no it's behind me that's behind me that's been it's been around I'm upside down just trying to confuse it I I confused myself it's almost skipped class for this oh dear oh dear I hope it wasn't like aerodynamic class or anything okay that was the wrong person that was definitely the wrong button the trouble is he is so close to R [Applause] hang on it's just not all right I'm just gonna go into the clouds so I can reset I I failed to reset I don't have any repair okay let's reset okay this time this time we're actually doing it I promise you we are taking down this last jet where is it does anyone see it anywhere else above me it's up there it's up there okay it's been around oh hang on hang on it's been no don't change vehicle oh okay where's it going it's confusing me why is it going so far off the map I I swear this is a good aircraft all right we go again we go again we've actually got it this time we'll still do some treats and you guys should do some tweets to the design yeah we've got it we got it got it it's coming back it's coming back oh dear so I try and make it long yeah I feel like making it longer might actually help I mean it helps with most things right it's just land so we've landed well now we build okay this is this is gonna work this is actually gonna work so we go back that way because the longer we are the more stable we're likely to be I think so if we move that copy that copy that shove that back on right now that's actually good foreign this is probably fixed completely now yes stability we have stability thought of I mean we're not as oh no not the not the maze that's the danger zone it's just me learning how to fly it once I know how to fly it we will actually be fine I see now I feel like we're a bit better to go a bit higher against the clouds are straight up it is straight up it's West it's West all right he's got some Maneuvers on it Chris all right go a level out go level out we're upside down we're upside down they want to be upside down okay we're good we're good we're good somebody asked it's on my ass you know there's rocks there's rocks there's rocks there's rocks upside down pull up pull up surely that should have made him crash surely that's cool this game's cheating yeah I think the trouble is I'm a civil engineer that's that's probably the chub they were like when I so we must flat when I try and go left it like pitches [Applause] I think the front goes down or up I don't really know why oh no oh no um okay ignore ignore that one it looks like a bridge from the side does it where's my vehicle this guy's just falling to his Doom cons really game all right backspace oh come on game this is not fair [Music] can I hold space no oh the game gave up all right backspace no why is it support me oh come on I can teleport Can I with tab we're back we're back all right so repair okay where's where's my vehicle don't say it's gone don't say it's gone right it's there we still got it we've still got it pilot has the right idea this is way faster and screws the wrong mate runway's projects okay [Applause] it's just it's me it's pilot error it's not plane error it's guaranteed it's all me [ __ ] up if there was someone that could actually fly this he would have had this dumb way now does anyone see um what what happened there I don't know yeah I I don't know what I pressed self-destruct apparently don't remember putting that button then if I'm honest see I'm guessing the hang I think we can all agree and sort of get in the hang trouble is I don't where's the jet what am I meant to be wait did it actually crash [Applause] I think we actually did we destroy it can we just go pick up the birds we lured into his death so my plane did actually work in your face everyone it worked okay so now all we've got to do is land and pick up the birds all we've got to do is land and pick up the birds um there you go right back hang on I wanna I think I want to save this do I want to save this as the dog fighting Brave plane that's saved I think then I need what am I doing with my life so bring you in delete existing vehicles all right then I gotta try and retrain my brain on how to play this thing honestly I think it might be easier than the actual plane and yeah we just gotta pick up the birds sorted this is way better to be back it's because I perfected this over a series of like well one stream foreign why did you lie to me ow I mean I'm pretty sure I should have you did actually vote chat for me not to use this vehicle maybe because it would have been too easy because this thing is clearly the better dog fighting vehicle what are you doing what are you doing you know ready yes okay got it got it let's go pick up the birds someone voted to you oh look at it look at it crash in the background what an idiot crashing a plane what a noob anyway let's go pick up these guys let's hope there's only 16 of them yeah the board boys we're gonna go oh we're not going the directory we are going to scenic route again because I have seen there's a few bits and Bobs I've got to collect around it so yeah there's one between those trees do I still have the skills to fly without mirroring all these birds no here's the answer the answer is definitely no but we've unlocked a new flat connector lovely [Music] all right I'm pretty sure I saw like another one somewhere somewhere or did I did I not I know yeah there it is you see it over there ah there's another one are they just do they just constantly respawn I wasn't expecting this where is it oh we got Landing Wheels so I didn't have to use bike wheels I think that was the problem because I had those Wheels they weren't as good if I'd had the landing Wheels our plane probably would have been like absolutely perfect still you gotta you gotta work with what you what you actually work with like considering the tools at my disposal I did okay obviously with decent landing gear would have gone a lot better in my opinion chat definitely agrees to me that I saved everyone first time mate literally just got some wings shove them on the side job's good how's my video live timberboarders is live go watch Timber borders oh a slice of ancient weapons nice I've earned it blueprint oh look we actually have a plane now we want a small flap so we could have we can oh aliens oh we can actually build like a decent flame out potentially I mean I probably can't someone could they but nice okay chat I think we're gonna leave it there for today because you guys got to go watch my video now and uh I probably need to do some actual work but um just running that was really fun um and again we've just prevent stronger shape best shape yeah cheers guys peace love and knobs by the way thank you night Joe for the sub Theo Doric 20 for the sub V12 Volante uh oh rule meki for the chair use a survey to spin wait for rotation that's a good shot um some myself for the sub and I think that's it sorry I was so late I'm bad at multitasking but yeah cheers guys bye I am failing at closing the streamer right I've done it perfectly so bad yeah garage Timber Waters see ya
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 3,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: _GLjDKgE3Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 31sec (6511 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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