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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] engineers and welcome back to mini motorways oh it's been a while it's been a while uh how's everyone doing it's really miserable where I'm sitting it's been peeing it down raining all day and it's like Pitch Black it's like it's 5 p.m and it's it's dark not happy Winter you'd have a here to have it and yeah we're back in mini motorways today uh because they've just released a brand new update called the endless and expert update it's releasing today if not already um and this is actually a sponsored video so thank you to Dinosaur Polo Club for supporting the support the channel supporting the stream we don't do many many sponsored streams um and and very kindly they've given us three keys to vote to give away so if you want to play this later I will be doing a giveaway actually ogodango do three giveaways I'm gonna do one now for all the early birds um so let me just let me just give this a start so I think if I do okay so if you type giveaway into the chat from now uh you'll be entered and in like let's say five minutes I will I'll roll it and then someone will win the key um so you can play the mini motorways brand new update today uh so yeah everyone just Spam chat with giveaway um I don't think you want to enter it more than once otherwise it might unenter you so just just once and then we're good lovely jubbly um how is everyone anyway I'll try and read chat but between the giveaways between the giveaway spam now I'll try and read what's going on yeah I see I see there was a there's a couple of Subs during the intro thank you very much to coup can you be Luffy one I can't wait to see how rce Architects his way through this update yeah so this update is there's like a as an expert mode um I reckon I reckon I'm an expert at mini motorways I guess I was pretty much what I was a highway engineer for 10 years that's a decade that's like a third of my life surely I'll be good at the expert mode right right oh no someone's code they can't afford the heating well yeah hence I'm doing I'm dude I've done sponsored streams to support heating this winter um I have I same as you I'm not putting the heating on yet grew that burning money um ozan gallerian gallian uh cheers the sub very kind you've been sad for 11 months almost a year as they put it and it's very true that is very true we've also got poor sexy yeah which actually my my meat pulled from back home uh his first car was a sexy is that you Paul when your first car is that you happy to be back go Motorway Matt oh yeah I forgot I was Motorway map how did I forget my name Motorway Matt and yeah if you're if you're just joining um type giveaway just the word just once into the chat and you'll be entered because I'm about to do a giveaway so you can play this on Steam obviously if you don't have Steam uh probably wouldn't recommend typing giveaway but if you don't and you want to play it type giveaway and you'll be in with a chance to win and I'll be doing another giveaway I got three I got three codes I'll be I'll probably do like another one like somewhere in the middle maybe after the first game and then I'll do one like at the end or something um yeah also yeah that's a good point someone's just said I already have the game can I still enter I wouldn't recommend it but um you can if you want uh red 010 just what's up Ray can we ooh a nerve gas that's quite a good name actually Gavin um oh look look we've got we've got a dad joke we've got a dad joke oh boy do I have a dad joke ready for you guys all right you ready for this let's wait for the subscriber sounds you ready for this um what do you call a man walking down the motorway Carlos get it car loss because he's walking down the motorway he's he doesn't have a car cop okay never mind never mind so bad so bad right this Let's uh oh dear let's do the giveaway so first giveaway for mini motorways um I'm gonna press a button and I think nightbot is gonna tell you if you've won or not um oh hang on hang on what's going on here Mr West 91 cheers what's up fuzzy Wubs looking forward to seeing your skills from oh we got big boy one from one engineer to another thank you fuzzy Wubs Mr Fuzzy wubbs capric 10 hello fellow engineer Matt thank you very much what's up and tez let me know he wants a fight he's giving me a thousand bits for a fight I'll tell you what let's see if you win mini motorways so I'm going to do the giveaway now ready roll it there you go there's the winner Andrew shots 22. congrats [Music] as I said I'll be doing another one in a bit um but first if you if you actually want to check the game out yourself have a load of these links I'm just going to spam some links into the chat we're not spamming not spam them of course just post them gently so there is the steam link if you want to check out on Steam it's also I didn't actually I didn't I didn't know this it's on it's on Apple I think it started on Apple I'm pretty sure this game it used to be like an apple exclusive so yeah if you want to play it on your Apple phone there you go and you may remember my previous stream I did on this game it was on switch there is the switch link if you wanna if you want to play it on Twitch if you want to play it while while sat on the toilet [Music] nice right okay um should we get into it scratch you do some do some gaming uh cooperick turn cheers for gift in the sub that's very kindly to architect wait what why why would you do that they don't deserve to be a sub [Music] um oh tez 500 Bitties I'm going back to work Matt I'll leave it up in the background look yes hope the view counts thinking like an engineer enjoy work dude catch you later I'll see you see cleaning I'll see you see clean architect just for the sub even sub 15 months yo new patreon merch so excited yeah new patreon merch I got I've got an email today like 48 people it's being dispatched to that's a lot of t-shirts um for those that don't know you can get exclusive patreon merch like only the patreons get it it's not available so uh lucky those guys I think what one is it this time it might be I see strong shapes it's like a sixth sixth sense like I was gonna say ripoff no parody parody that's the word definitely not ripoff parody anyway yeah so let's get into this update so you'll notice now on levels I think you need to have done like beaten one of the challenges but um like and and hey there's classic there's now endless which basically just means you can just build forever and ever but there's there's also expert um so I've already already did this one I just did a little test pretty good score actually if we check out the leaderboards uh in expert I am fifth in the world yes Beth in the world uh mainly because well I think only 10 people have played it but that's not really the point the point is I'm fifth in the world at something just how can I cover this up it looks less impressive when you can see that 10th got 15. fifth of the world this um right so I haven't actually done many challenge modes so we might have to go for a little yeah look expert mode is locked you got to do 600 trips in any challenge to unlock it so I think what yeah I think Moscow was one where we've unlocked the expert um shall we give that a Bash [Music] yeah chat bad Josh fifth out of 10 so you're average you take that back you take that back there you go Chad saying yes right we're doing we're doing Moscow expert mode um I quite like Moscow is like yeah it's like a red red themed of a bit of red Moscow oh bugger me sideways dude poo in a sock meanwhile I'm getting like slated for being real average engineer but I'll see you secretly an architect just gifted 20 Subs I think he feels sorry for my um my averageness yeah also jb-91 cheers the sub and Joe 2000 GT a good model of Joe that one the 2000 GT a classic um thank you very much for the for the sub very kind all right so expert mode now this mode um it's pretty it's pretty serious so basically let me show you like when you draw a road like can you see it's like light gray so you can you can sort of you can delete it and move it for a little bit but I think it's like it's like five maybe ten seconds after that you cannot move the road yeah yes mini motorways just got serious so basically whatever Road you draw it's there for the rest of the game um hence expert yeah wow wow um so I think we probably do want to do a bridge I mean we've got to do a bridge I think I'm just gonna do that so you will sort of see like it's like light gray that means it can be deleted but uh we can sort of roughly time how long it's going to be until it's just well it's gone um I think like you sort of see it like fade over time as well but yeah it makes the game pretty complicated you can still move Like Houses like all the time you just can't move like the main roads so you can move drives from like one side to another yeah pretty cool well look you can see can you see now it's like dark gray so now I can't oh I can't I can't still delete it I think that's it yeah so that bit I can't delete now it's like you're saying no you're deleted um so you have you have a little bit of time to change your mind but uh pretty much you're screwed I once the roads in it's in and see I'm gonna do I think I'm just gonna do well yeah leave like that that's pretty good [Music] um squang cheers for the sub that's very very kind of you [Music] um let's get the old we'll get the old fast forward out because look it's coming up to Friday I want to fast forward to the weekend and if you haven't seen this game before I'm I'm I reckon most of you probably have but the idea is you've just gotta you've got connect roads between houses and slices of bread and you gotta try and get these like raisin things foreign and oh man we're getting we're getting a lot of houses let's shove that one there yeah basically I think these are like I always call them like upside down shopping bags they're just I don't know you just gotta go and collect them whatever they are you need them I guess they are they probably are like supplies aren't they oh right there's that spawn there okay that's not good um right and here we have the other the other thing the other Audrey I'm I'm really not a word a word person the other feature is that the right word yeah let's call it feature the other feature of the expert mode update um you get eight weekly choices so once you've picked eight different things you you don't get any more so well and you get more Choice which is always good um so you basically get like one of each so you can either go for the bridge the the traffic lights the roundabouts the motorways or just the extra roads um but remember you only get eight of them and then that's it uh so pretty much I imagine it's probably always worth doing motorways but but is it because if you think about it your roads can't move so I imagine things like roundabouts and traffic lights are actually going to be a lot more useful than like usual but usually you'd always go motorways but um you can't move motorways once they're in either so you can't really use the motorway to save you anymore however my name is Motorway Matt so do I have a choice not sure I have a choice um but yeah I am actually tempted by one of those two I won't lie to you especially because you get double the roads and like yeah okay so sorry someone chat was just like I don't care about the reasoning just take down Motorway so yeah we got the motorway yeah without without the roundabout things are risky particularly because now if you look we don't have another Bridge um so I think we're gonna well you're pretty much gonna have to do like merging different colors so I think if I share the bridge I reckon that probably makes the most sense to do now right save the motorway for like bigger Journeys like that's still pretty close that oh God oh dear okay starting to think I should have gone should have gone Bridge um I can't take a road out there and do that that is probably the thing to do uh it's not ideal it's not ideal no you can't move the motorways once the motorway is in the motorway is in um so actually actually this update makes the game more realistic because once you've built a road in real life it's very very hard to dig it up and put it somewhere else so a lot more thought required a very very different game uh Bandy BBQ what I thought you could pick the roads up you can but we are playing the brand new updated mode which is called expert and that because you got to be an expert you got to think differently so you cannot move roads and look this this Junction is already Carnage that's one thing like if I had the roundabout I could I wouldn't mind doing stuff like that or even traffic lights I can feel like Motorway I'm not sure when I want to use the motorway isn't that what an excavator is for you dig up them roads [Music] all right we got another one of them so I think I better do just that that is annoying actually because that means that is now a junction so cars will go slowly past that [Music] not actually ideal that's that's actually really annoying why couldn't you just spawn there why did you need your own private Drive [Music] that's all architect's fault yeah it is blame the architects sorry let me just scroll down I think very early on didn't I get yeah go would you rather question so oh when I zoom in on OBS well when I scroll up on OBS I zoom in on the game Sorry I'm very sorry to a ish ishalf um who asked what's your other question 16 minutes ago and I ignored it like an architect um massive apologies would you rather flip coins someone's watched today's video or design highways oh I'll tell you what I'm lucky enough that I get to do both in one day just an hour ago I was flipping those coins and now I'm designing motorways the joy of being a YouTuber slash twitch streamer sort of oh right right it's the end of the week I might actually wait to see what my upgrade is because it's nearly the end of Sunday and oh man okay I don't think I can wait I think we're gonna have to do something about this um I've only got 13 roads I don't even know if I can reach over there can I like if I were to do [Music] is it safer to give myself space so I can get around there if I need to I'm sort of thinking doing that oh no don't go up there don't go up there you silly silly road yeah I'm out of roads I literally can't reach let's try and wait to end the week and hope that this Supermarket doesn't fill up with all the goods uh thankfully there it is right so what do we do this time uh [Music] thinking oh Bridges I feel like I might need Bridge or do I just do the no I think Bridge I have a feeling we're gonna need more bridges pretty soon like traffic lights I feel like that's like a tweaking thing I mean a roundabout is useful but I feel like bridge is like on the sort of essential side [Music] so yeah I've done that uh which means I can finish my RAID I can take it down there and then I think this one we're gonna come sort of straight up there like that connect that guy in sorted all these cars are gonna leave at once we've got to go collect those upside down shopping bags foreign we do have another question would you rather another would you rather question oh these are brutal would you rather do a mini motorways Bridge review I mean we have a bridge I could do one or not pet Paddy for a week I have to pet Paddy like every every other hour but that's why I only stream for two hours because I have to go pet him afterwards and obviously all you guys are like redeeming pet patties so I have to redeem them look at all these cars as well oh look at look at all these cars there's a lot of cars um well they're just arriving in time that was close that was a lot of upside down shopping bags getting jammed there um yeah by the way thank you to we had wait when did I last read something did I forget JB 91 if so thank you for the sub a while ago oh yeah I think I got I got distracted by the 20 gift Subs to be fair to me pretty distracting I think I'm allowed that one um oh no look that white Supermarket just spawned there by the way not just me I reckon that that Supermarket they're bleaching their bread aren't they they are bleaching their bread bread does not come that white surely like I feel like the brioche is a bit closer to like realistic bread there's something not natural going on there um thankfully look we are all connected um so this will get busy but it's it's sort of spawned in the right place I reckon so we'll have that we will have it what's blue bread that's like it's wet bread like soggy bread some people they just they just prefer their bread like soggy a bit weird in my opinion but um yeah that's what blue bread is um by the way thank you to squing for the sub 11 minutes okay sorry I've only read it now uh Bolly 1992 very kind of you and the job bubble yeah thank you very much oh and also fuzzball69 cheers the sub and Kuby Luffy one gift in five Subs thank you very much very very kind of you although actually why why Ops on screen it said you just subbed you didn't say you gifted five Subs did it oh Kade how's it going dude [Music] and by the way if you guys haven't seen I'm Cade's YouTube channel awesome YouTuber absolutely love this stuff uh go check him out I'm Kade on YouTube but thanks for sub dude he's been sold for seven months actually it says it says eight months on my on my account so you're doing yourself out of service there man eight months or actually maybe one month was like sad that's why you're saying happy seven months because like one of them was like miserable because I met I hate you that that month was the worst dream we've ever done are the worst streams I blocked that month out of my memory says oh hang on listen listen hi Matt hello just wondering when will you make an open TTD stream with us an open tdd that is a game that's like been on my list for like ages yeah thanks for the donation um so yeah I need to I need to try that I need to I need to try and raise it up the list if minus oh no look we've had we've got more brioche down there right so six weekly choices remaining um if you haven't noticed I think I don't think I mentioned actually so you can't pick like two of the same ones in the row so because I went for the bridges last time I can't do them now and you would have noticed last time I had the motorways so that's why that one was blanked out I've only got 11 Road pieces um oh [Music] I honestly don't know I [Music] I'm tempted by the motorway again because then that's two motorways [Music] but like that middle that middle area like let's have a little look this middle area like that's gonna need a traffic light badly really badly I'm thinking I can probably just rode over to there with a bridge [Music] so I don't actually think I'm gonna need a Motorway too much but like who knows what happens next oh is this hard but I knew that's new is it it's very useful very very useful um oh man I don't I don't know what one to go for chat says roundabout roundabout how many people voted on that 14 voted for roundabout nine went for Motorway only two voted for traffic lights [Music] oh man chat wants roundabout thanks for your assistant uh Who Wants To Be A Millionaire I didn't ask the audience [Music] but if I did I'd be picking rounder I really I'm not sure because the thing with this like because you can't rip up anything you have to place your roundabout like sort of pretty early on because otherwise you're not going to have room to do it like I couldn't well I don't think I could put a roundabout on these roads because they already exist hmm [Music] I have to follow the poll the chat is not a democracy we must over three dictator mats oh bulls do I actually have to fully chat I want to be like first in the world there's as a chance that no one's played this level so I might be first in the world do you not care about that chat foreign [Music] that is does Matt have to follow chat's answers yes or no let's find out [Music] because then that basically decides whether I take something or the roundabout I'm just having a slurper drink by the way I'm not just I've just got quiet on you I'm just I'm just drinking [Music] oh and speaking of um why are you guys about speaking of my audio enjoy this enjoy this moment this is the last time potentially you'll ever hear my voice this way why I'm having a voice chat no I'm having a voice change I'm not even sure if that's the thing um I bought a brand new microphone and a brand new like mixery thing so um yeah I'm gonna be absolutely breaking it trying to set that up and not ruin my future recordings [Music] um everything sat on my desk I got like the new microphone here I got the this is a go XLR like mixer thing um yeah pretty pretty scary like when it's like when I need to record every single day uh pretty scary yeah Kade you you've got to go XLR haven't you I've also my microphone is I'm gonna be trying out the sure SM 7B I think it is it's basically the mic that like everyone uses I was like probably you probably probably should give it a bash shouldn't I [Music] yeah meant to be meant to be a good one bloody better be he costs like a bomb bring me I spent some money [Music] anyone that knows me they call me like a duck's butt like I'm watertight I don't like spending money I'm oh man all right the PO is in 54 percent said yes 46 said no [Music] um the thing is that's a pole so do I still no I'm joking I'm joking right we're doing we're doing blooming roundabouts it looks like so roundabouts this is your choice chat um all right we've got 31 roads that is good I feel like let's get this yellow sorted first so we'll go over to like there and do that that way yeah that's good um if you are just joining this brand new update we're playing the extreme foreign the expert and endless update oh cheeky part from dick cheers let me um and basically um it makes your roads permanent so I can't like I can't delete those these roads are permanent um so yeah pretty scary very very different oh look at that that is very kindly I will I will accept that all day long thank you very much again well really egg on a sec what are you doing there mate I literally he's literally trapped there's literally no way to get up to there unless I Motorway him like because I I mean I could I could do a junction I forgot I could do a jump I probably should just do a junction okay I'll do a junction fine stupid game oh I mean I I literally thought it was trapped I mean yeah in reality I guess I could have bridged over but in this game you can only bridge over water so I mean or a roundabout that's true let's actually see so roundabout oh you can actually you can't put it on any road [Music] so I could place a roundabout there it's not that I would need one there okay so that's good to know so you can actually Place roundabouts anywhere which is sort of good I feel like it's a bit wasted there though that's where I want it really and I can't have one over there I mean I could do one that side but like that bridge is there I can't do that bridge now so yeah we'll just we'll forget about the roundabout for now looked pretty strong there not gonna lie yeah we do I mean I've only got 10 bits of Road and I wanna I wanna become the first in the world so I'm afraid there might not be any strongest roads for a little bit and we'll hang on hang on I missed some cheers I missed some cheers let me let me scroll up and find them dick says ASMR Matt in next stream yeah maybe we can test out the new mic and I can like talk into it deeply and stuff is that a thing I'm pretty sure that's the thing uh Paddy Architects nightmare finally I'm on time to see stream by the way I'm waiting for Christmas merch yeah so we do have hopefully some Christmas merch coming um I don't want to get anyone's Hoops up because like well you know the world's in like a bit of a shitty place at the moment um it's not nothing's finalized so it might not happen [Music] um so don't want to get anyone's hopes up but yeah we are we're looking to try and do Merry Bridge must jumper but knitted like legit Christmas jumper knitted so hopefully fingers crossed that'll happen but um yeah we just have to see oh let's pause that's not ideal so this might be where we use our Motorway right I'm thinking I can take that maybe I can take you away because we can move we can move driveways we just can't move roads it's like if I were to take that guy off that bit of Road stays there like I can't delete that there's no point taking him off I should probably just take those two and yeah I might just have to Motorway over the top so you're gonna ruin the property values although why is that red oh it's just red I was like why is it red I can build there oh yeah or I could I could wait for other houses I mean thankfully we do get a timer on the motorways it seems um so yeah maybe some other houses will spawn up here we'll see what happens though are any other houses gonna spawn until I want to delete this now should I delete it well I've deleted it just in case other houses like spawn up here because I don't want to waste a Motorway I saw I feel like I've hacked the game a little bit there temporary motorways for the win right here we go five weekly choices remaining um chat then I guess I guess you're deciding this one so someone do a poll do we want traffic lights Bridges motorways or roads [Music] now you can also you can spam chat as well I'll read them but I reckon they'll probably be a poll [Music] um let's let's have a look at the at the level just you so you can see what you're doing I reckon I feel like motorways is probably like we're getting at the point where like going over top of things is going to be useful [Music] um but yeah I mean I definitely I don't want to round if you well you can't you can't go round about roundabouts blanked out traffic lights I won't say no to you because I think that Junction wants to traffic light and perhaps like around here somewhere uh Bridges I'm not actually sure bridge will be useful because we're sort of we don't have much space to cross over although I reckon over this side we could need Bridges but like we're probably gonna need two hence I think Motorway might be more useful than a bridge yeah roads roads are always good but yeah I reckon it's probably going to be Motorway yeah is there a pole apocal Pika puka can you do a poll for me please I would do it myself but I'm I'm terrible at twitch I don't actually know how to [Music] right right there's a pole there's a poll going up [Music] so uh have a little have a little cheeky vote what should we go for meanwhile I'll say thank you to oh there's loads of Subs we don't miss so many Subs what aegon how many Subs did I miss I missed so many Subs I'm so sorry what I just get like distracted Motorway Matt is obsessed with motorways [Music] um but anyway thank you to Spooky sister very kindly Jessica eh happy Thursday give Patty some pets for me I will Paddy's downstairs right now he's a very wet dog uh we got soaking wet on both of our walks State pretty miserable um thigh Psych cheers what's up by the way the poll is up go and fight whiteverter eight months and I'm still happy every time you stream or post a YouTube video oh awesome thank you very much sweat cheers for the Serb yeah we also got a question how are you I'm good thank you as I said it's it's dark and it's only it's not even six o'clock yet so a bit miserable I've had to change my pants twice today not because I pooed myself or wet myself well yeah because I wet myself basically uh but I'm in Rain why are you always falling out the sky on me [Music] um I think I said Thank you to Jay pickey but if I didn't thank you gpk and then gangbalf gift in a sub thank you very much [Music] she says what are you wearing as her question I am actually wearing wet pants they do so on Bros yeah the thing is like I like walk in the woods and stuff and I feel like having an umbrella in the woods it's a bit weird isn't it like now in case the woods with an umbrella or do they maybe they do that's why they're dry don't know [Music] yeah I've heard of frostpunk everyone says I should play it like they reckon it's similar to timberboarders oh Motorway one by the way with 55 of the votes what actually came second our lights with 23 okay I think Motorway is a good choice so we'll take the motorway I'm still waiting for the for the roads over this side before I put that Motorway in look we do have two motorways on us now I'm sort of gambling with this come on come on white houses where are you where are I'm gonna speed up time and see if one spawns anywhere it's not looking good it's not looking good it's already Tuesday no one's built any new houses I think there might just not be any white houses spawning so we're probably gonna have to put that Motorway back in I mean it's when it's already Wednesday yeah blue house there okay we're putting the motorway back in before we lose that because we've only got two houses there so that's obviously that's only four Journeys [Music] um these guys I guess that goes down there do you across like that I mean actually actually should I do like is that better just see they're a bit more at an angle don't know foreign thing is like that that number of shopping bags is just going to keep going up and down now I'm going to commit I'm going to commit I feel like that is a moose we we probably need all right so I've seen that's in now right can I delete it no it's in Motorway one is in for good oh no oh that's annoying oh I've got time I've got time okay I can delete that I think I'll leave those deleted right and then we'll take these off that way because oh man that was so lucky that was so like everyone's telling me to cheese it it's a sponsored stream I shouldn't be promoting Jesus can you make a Motorway over a motor yeah you can I did a video where I did I think every single Road was a Motorway so I had like over 100 motorways I mean obviously there was a lot of crossover it was very very spaghetti-ish I'm right chat mod one mod whoever wants to eat can we do another Poll for Bridges traffic lights roundabouts or roads we've currently got 11 roads all of those we get 20. yeah that one will get 30. spaghetti is this game similar to freeways yeah it is ish um you've got to like you you don't freehand draw on this you just have pieces um and you actually you have like destinations and it's like a it's like a high score Chaser so you don't like simulate and see how good your traffic is you gotta like keep doing Journeys so can you see top right there's like a yellow house so I have to connect him to like a yellow supermarket and every Journey he does like can you see these little upside down shopping bags uh each one of them we do we get a point and uh we gotta get the highest score that we can traffic lights are going to win or traffic lights are smashing it I feel like traffic lights probably a good shout at this stage not gonna lie yeah they've got 56 of the vote so we'll take the traffic lights and I'm probably gonna put the first set there because look this is just upgraded to an IMAX um oh we got in we're getting loads loads of yellow houses there I'm sort of thinking is it worth it's worth doing like this doing a bit of that do you know what I mean then I could traffic like that up what do you think what do you guys think I mean yeah I do have a roundabout still I do have a roundabout I have no idea where I'm going to use it I guess it depends what what supermarket color we get up there but for now I think hang on let's I might do that instead yeah so if you've never played this game before usually you can like rip up your roads and replace them whenever you want we're playing the expert mode which updates well it released in an update today I'm not sure if it's out yet I think it's out like well anytime now pretty much um but in this mode like once your roads are in they're in like you can't delete them these roads are permanent um oh right so we got green green over there do I have a bridge Bulls I don't have a bridge uh so that means I'm gonna have to Motorway over to that oh that's annoying that is quite annoying do I I hate doing private motorways I think we're gonna have to do that but uh yeah there's another one there there's another one there so let's shove that in the middle do that so I think when that bar empties that's when this Motorway is like committed oh no look we got another IMAX the screens are so big all right I'm gonna connect it in there oh there's another one there oh that's all kicking off it's all kicking off meanwhile I think that one that green sort of all right there's traffic ain't too bad we do have another white house down there but you're sort of on your own I could connect up there but oh no we've got two oh no that's not ideal I'll tell you what if I was cheese in this Motorway I could literally just connect like that over to there and then cheese this one I should have cheesed it I to the I delete the motor air gate we'll delete this Motorway um I really I need some greenhouses on this island ideally not gonna lie oh I'll tell you what I think I'm gonna need any traffic lights there that is getting oh it's Carnage because we've got IMAX there IMAX there they're competing like they reckon they've got a bigger screen they reckon they've got a bigger screen like it's just I don't understand it's not all about the size no one told them this I'm right let's cheese the microwave we'll do that for now down here we've got another IMAX um I mean I could could bring some of these houses down I guess um or three weekly choices remaining so not many left chat so we've got Bridge Motorway roundabout and Roads so there should be a poll going up very shortly there you go look at the speed of that fair play mods um and Bridge is winning massively thank you very much we definitely need a bridge please vote Bridge [Music] so this is what's going on so basically I think I'm probably gonna delete this movie and try and replace it with a normal Bridge like down to there I mean in a in a proper game I'd probably I'd make these two connect over there but I can't delete that and I think connecting them all up is probably bad you sort of you still want to go with a bit of segregation uh but you know as I think I think Bridge has won by miles it's got 72 of the vote so I'm gonna take Bridge which means I can delete that Motorway and yeah I'm gonna do I want to go there this is this is really hard like trying to think ahead because uh once your roads are in on this mode they are in but yeah I'm guessing that's what we're doing for now we've got another yellow there I might actually take that one around the back so it doesn't disrupt too much you can do that with all you guys this blue one um hang on what's going on what's going on so you shouldn't be over there you can go over that way although that's not ideal because that makes a junction there now which makes all of this slow I can connect to you that way though might be better I don't know what to do with those Blues maybe I should take some of them down I could do I could do that because I feel like there's a lot of blue houses there's a lot of blue houses they use white ones not ideal we might need to do something about that might we might have to can I tell you what can I get around there's a roundabout can I get a roundabout on oh it's so annoying I can't get around about anywhere because if I put that in I literally I can't delete those Junctions so that roundabout does nothing but I'm gonna have to get over to this with more more white houses because we've got all the houses we got them all down here it's just a case of getting them over so let's swap you back over there I might even swap one of you back and then Motorway what do you reckon probably I don't know what side's best that side and then I don't even have traffic lights to put on it I don't know chat I don't know purple okay we got we got purple to deal with as well let's not let's not moved away yet so we do we do have the purple there and yeah I guess the house is all the way down there so that's probably gonna need a Motorway I guess we just wait a little bit Yeah there's purples okay yeah good choice for the most face I'm just worried that white is gonna kill us oh yeah we gotta do we gotta do the purples they're not anywhere near so purple from they're all the way up to that side I guess [Applause] we have faith cheers chat chat as faith [Applause] oh sorry I zoomed in on OBS and I didn't actually know you could zoom in on this game that's quite cool actually maybe is that a new feature or is that always a thing yeah that Blue's not ideal either all right let's do that one down probably try and get more houses across if I do that right two weekly choices remaining um yep do a poll so traffic lights around about motorways or Road next upgrade I forgot the last choice if anyone votes Bridge you're an architect oh everyone say Motorway I think motorway's like smashed it it's already on 74 the vote one person's voted bridge to be fair there is someone called architect um they got gifted to the sub earlier so that's how I know I know there's five Architects there's six architects in the chat I reckon if Bridge wins I get to I get to pick the upgrade myself that sound fair I reckon that's fair yeah Motorway is winning with 61 the closest next one is 17 and that's traffic lights [Music] um I reckon looking at it I think Motorway has won sorry Bridge lovers 13 Architects watching my stream interesting very interesting uh Motorway is one note so we've got the motorway which means well actually look the whites they've sort of sorted themselves out although that looks busy not ideal well that guy just ran a red light did you see that actually what do those traffic lights work I don't understand all these traffic lights work oh I might look at all the look all the purple houses down here what is going on oh I know the oh the road's in already the most ways in so I can't move that now um oh what do I do actually I might just I don't even know what to do a bit of that so they're all connected I don't even know if I want these guys connected yet I'm just trying to save the road just in case I do need to we don't have many Road pieces left actually Four theme all that that yellow is a very nice very nice spawn and that one up there decent uh do we need more Blues we could move that one over that way I think we get I think we're fine oh just got an IMAX there not I do I'm gonna connect to you that way uh maths dude isn't it worth at some point reclaiming all roads uh we are playing the brand new update which has the which has the why do I keep want to call it extreme which has the expert um game mode which will be playing so this is this is expert I can't actually I can't dig up roads every single road is permanent um they should have called it extreme it sounds cooler in my opinion extreme Highway engineering um so yeah this in this mode once you build a road just like in real life it's pretty much permanent am I wasted my points and they didn't I'm gonna read out his question he loves content very kind of he I got a game suggestion please play BeamNG Drive I do actually I have that in my steam Library and it's one of these games they were like unless you're like super good at modding and stuff like you can't really make content on it it is cool though I'll give you that yet Marcus isn't cool mini motorways is back with a brand new update right here we go the last weekly choice so the future the future weeks will only offer us Road tiles uh we can't take a Motorway because we took that last time so what are we going for Bridges traffic lights roundabouts or just roads let me know in the poll and if you want to look at the for another look that's what we're that's what we're dealing with at the moment I feel like I'm gonna have to use my Motorway to get over to that aren't I like that is busy that is busy oh there is an rce choosers you can vote for as well [Music] if you want to um I I'm gonna have to move away over to that I think it's not looking good I feel like we're what I can't see our score at the moment I'm wondering what sort of what sort of Point level we're on I want to get over a thousand at least um but don't really know like what what the scores are going to be like on this expert mode we'll have to see what's out right we're going with bridge that is what the chat wants oh look purple down there oh Anna blue there where did you come from oh Bulls oh in a suck all right what do I do here then [Music] what do I do here zombie baby 87 cheers for the sub um oh man right so what I'm thinking what do I what do I even do there's so many Blues up there I don't know how to get them down to there without a Moto E H but I guess once they are all right hear me out hear me out I'm thinking we use our roundabout there right then we do a little stub and connect that into hang on let's stop out I want to go I want to connect into that basically so if I were to do that could I then mot away from down there no no no not that not that sorry from down here maybe like maybe straighten straight in Risky there's about to have loads of Junctions or Crossroads I'm thinking if I take that up to the roundabout then I can connect those roads in there so then these white guys they can come along there and then come over the motorway around that roundabout I'm sorry the white people just go straight over to the blue people there you go along the motorway around the roundabout up to there does that make sense I think that makes sense to do a bit of that do a bit of that I mean it's still quite a long way but I feel like it's probably better and then to get the purple across that's where I use the bridge because I can literally yeah I've got I've got a space down here so I can literally just go wob no I don't have enough Bridges okay we can connect up to there I still don't have enough Bridges okay okay we can connect out of there or literally like may as well get a diagonal and do that does that make sense so then the purple dude to use the motor for you but then come out across there oh this is really complicated suddenly make a second roundabout connection for the highway yeah I could do I think that's what I wanted to do I just got confused like I think I wanted to do like one there and one that screw you treat can I go down I can't go down yeah we'll do it do it like that yeah I think that's good and then I could potentially like remove that traffic light oh no I can't because the traffic light's permanent oh [Music] all right I'm gonna commit I think that's what we're doing sadly we're not going to get any more traffic lights so a little bit screwed that's about to turn into an alarm but look all these all these houses down here all the traffic is leaving so I think we're actually fine and look they've got a quick turning around there they don't have to go all the way around the motor really they just go around [Applause] right decent I think we're good I think I am going to connect these guys over to there like uh connect to you down there as well sorted sort of it depends what color spawns like down down here that could ruin us that could massively ruin us oh no oh there's already so much traffic coming up um I tell you what there are oh I don't even I don't even know how to get over I mean there's lots of white houses there so they're coming up I could I could sort of Branch off there the traffic's gonna be Mega it's not gonna be great now that roundabout could get clogged but I feel like it's better than clogging up this Junction I feel like that's already Carnage like get it Carnage they literally oh well that is a good spawn that's a good spawn I love that [Applause] [Music] yeah I think trying to connect onto like that road is going to be too major although actually this is cropped and ready look at the motorway backing oh no it's all gone wrong the thing is I can't even delete we are in trouble there's just there's too much going on um I need to connect you like around that yeah I may as well connect you in there I'm trying to just ignore that look at the traffic oh I end up there as well right let's try then putting a branch in there don't think it's going to help us oh man we're doomed we're doomed it's week nine we got more Road tiles I don't think they're gonna help us because uh [Music] it's just it's choker it's it's not great [Music] yeah I think I shot myself in the foot this is a very brutal game mode like once you start getting the imax's uh you're gonna need some luck on your side I think there are alarms everywhere oh there are there are cars arriving up there babe and that IMAX we might save it right guys anyone no let's connect all these up yeah yeah I think I think we're we're doomed right there you go that is the end top right done uh the thing is oh we didn't we didn't make a thousand we didn't make a thousand oh dick oh there it is foreign try making grid layout really I mean we could do we could try and do a grid a permanent grid you don't get many Road pieces though that's the only thing um so yeah in this in this mode the expert and endless update um you can continue any game in nbis which basically just means like it doesn't matter like like you can't lose basically uh so that is that is a way you could build Milton Keynes if you wanted to bractal scatter gun nice name and yeah let's go back to menu let's see how we placed in the world and then we're gonna do a giveaway so everyone if you if you type giveaway into the chat um you'll you'll be in with a chance to win a steam copy of mini motorways so if you want that type giveaway now only do it once because if you're into more than once you won't you'll be discounted now no exclamation mark at the start just the word giveaway um and meanwhile I'll check out how we scored an expert oh I didn't even get first in the world I got second in the world that's on [Music] the last cheered me up for coming second cheers I have destructs man great kind View um we have we have a question that I missed as well from ewek can you upgrade existing roads like that main green line that ends up two squares from the newly um upgrade ish I don't know not well no no you can't upgrade roads like roads are pretty standard in this game you can put motorways in um and like bypass roads and in the in the normal game mode you can you can like rip up your roots and replace them in this one once we're in they're permanent I wanna know what game a Zack did he got double mud double must score um right I'm gonna I'm gonna go look for another another level where we've done the challenges because I haven't actually done many there you go Manila we can do expert Manila was a pretty good one for me I got six thousand on the on the main run be in order to unlock the expert mode you you need to do 600 trips in a challenge mode um and I haven't actually done many of them I haven't actually paid those two levels yet Chiang Mai and Lisbon I have to do them um but shall we do shall we do Manila Manila expert mode can we see the leaderboard for expert I could get top in the world I'm gonna be first in the world in your face everyone else I mean I might do I guess we'll see how it goes um right so let's do the giveaway so basically if I do that there you go Mr Kev Goodwill you have won the giveaway so basically I'm gonna everyone that wins I'm gonna message you the steam code afterwards so congrats and I'm gonna do one more giveaway at the very end as well so you don't have to keep typing it it won't do anything right now um and just quickly if you if you wanna if you didn't win the giveaway if you want to play it yourself there's steam link there's the Apple Store link Boosh and there's the Nintendo store link because you can play it on switch remember boost all right then Manila expert mode tame the roads of Manila the most densely populated city in the world without moving them let's see how this goes so oh really why why why the outside so annoying who does that actually I feel like that's not the most sensible I should probably be like down there is that more sensible oh no you Blow Me Now blooming out we'll do that instead so you can move these roads like temporarily up like when you first build them but in this mode they will they will like well concrete sets basically and when it does you're screwed you can't move them um Paddy architect say Manchester chair will you play the long drive I don't know actually that is a game that's sort of always intrigued me I've seen uh Josh let's game it out he's paid a lot of that [Music] quickly get that rodent but yeah it does look interesting let's put it that way foreign it's probably one that I'll stream rather than do a video on because it is so weird uh parentsio cheers this up I missed G-Wagon yeah I'm still I'm waiting for infra space devs to release their update they got like a massive update coming with like terraforming and different planets and stuff I've been waiting for it for ages right chat eight weekly choices remain what do you want I reckon you can't go in Motorway first one surely right I think you just gotta do like Motorway every other because motorways they are useful or are they I don't know I don't actually know maybe bridges are more useful this early on I do have two Bridges already though worth noting I have two Bridges uh we have another question from Fizz wedgie have you played Ministry my industry whatever it's called um I haven't actually I do I do own it I was I was planning to do a video on it but just never happened for some reason uh it's on my list it is on my list right so the pulse Choice Motorway roads roundabout Bridge or the other one the other one being traffic lights yeah it's currently between Motorway and Bridge I think that's like they're probably the top two choices that I would go for as well yeah sibi was hoping she didn't get caught with that pole I I definitely saw it uh motorways have won though so let's take the motorway and doing it early on because you can't pick it next time um I think that means we can get four motorways right if we do Motorway every other time because we get eight so yeah could get four motorways quick math [Music] do you usually stream at this hour no I I don't have a stream schedule schedule whatever you want to call it I stream when I want or when I can I should say not when I want to when I'm when I'm available see right so you go there that is not an ideal placement um because if I oh wherever I connect this it's going to slow everyone down I guess I'll do that yeah no idea I don't know if it's worth like moving you to there now oh blue oh that's that is decent all on that side I feel like as well it might be worth just leaving like the bridge space clear because if I do it like that then I've got like space if I want a roundabout and stuff I'm trying to like I'm trying to prep ahead a little bit and actually I do I could do that I feel like that could be worth doing actually you know like that because then that's just all one road right right next choice Bridge traffic lights roundabouts or roads you can't pick Motorway this time because we had it last time [Music] uh right we've got another question if you could go back in time what would you tell RCA five years ago oh what would I tell myself five years ago I I don't know actually because I feel like if you like if you like you try and I I think most people if they if they go back in time they'd want to like stop them like having a bad time or whatever like they'd try and make life better right [Music] actually how how many years ago was five years when did Leicester win the Premier League I probably tell me to bet on Leicester to win the Premier League [Music] um but uh [Laughter] that is a good one to be fair I mean who wouldn't do that [Music] it was like Matt nice bad um yeah I feel like if you don't go through like negative stuff you don't appreciate like the good stuff as much so would I go back in time and tell myself like don't worry about Architects like you will form a community that can rise up against them everything will be okay would I tell myself that or would I like to let myself build the Heat and anger so that I could start a YouTube channel and rise up against them um right Bridges has won so we're taking the bridge I was like nice Choice map all right all red down there that's that's not a bad placement I think we'll have some of that that goes straight in there I mean technically I could do extreme segregation is that worth doing am I getting I'm probably not going to get like lots of thousands I should probably just do this like standard way like extreme segregation is what like proper high scores okay what the hell oh they're connected to each other I was like what are they connected to they're connected to each other like two dogs trying to do it right I think we'll do that that could need a bit of tweaking I might actually do no that doesn't work that did not work at all I could do that I thought this is just a mess like there's I'm not really enjoying these layouts at least if I do that I'm not committed with that bit of rude foreign prettier I am playing Dark mode I don't always play Dark mode but I've grown to like dark mode recently yeah there you go GPU test got it and oh by the way Mr snooze gift in five Subs cheers dude I nearly missed that how do I nearly missed that we've also got De Luca so one cheers for the sub he says show us what he said and then we got a poll for these choices traffic lights Motorway roundabout or roads go motorways go motorways um we also have another question as well would you rather shave your beard or become an architect oh that you didn't even do a would you rather question I don't have to answer this I technically don't have to answer this with a proper answer it's just a it's a standard question you try to cheap out you try to budge the system um I'm just going to answer it yes any complaints and nope here we go just yes that's what you get that's what you get trying to trying to cheese the system just because I would draw the question cost more than a ask a question guess means both oh the thing is if I shave my beard like my chin like like when you've got a beard your chin looks like big and then when you shave it off like because you're used to seeing it so big your chin looks like twice as small as it actually is like it looks like like my mouth is there and then like where my lip like turns into like like that's just where like what what I see after I've shaved like it just goes lip and then chin like there's not there's no Chin there like my my bottom lip is my chin it's not a good look anyway Motorway is one so let's take the motorway look at the segregation of this by the way like we have split three different colors up already feeling pretty good about this front oh and that's not that's not bad either because we've got a bridge so I think we just take that over there it goes straight up let that run a little bit see where the other houses spawn that is beautiful we will take that for sure foreign for a bridge review sadly I I found out I can't actually do like all the musical stuff I do like um I did what did I do I did like Story Time with Matt recently I also did a sexy Story Time with Matt I did both those on stream once um like with the music in the background all legit and everything but the annoying thing is the music is like it's like on a license to my YouTube channel it's not to my archive channel so when I put on YouTube like I get copyrighted um very very annoying so I can't if I wanna oh God if I want to keep my um my archive Channel going I can't really do like music stuff on this a bit annoying yeah um right that green pretty decent because I think we'll just do a bit of that really straight throughs sounds kind of sensible not sure what to do with this at the moment whether I should Bridge across I mean there's lots of cars here I might save that till later because now it's not really needed um by the way get the old pole going we got Bridges traffic lights roundabouts and Roads I'd like to think we never go roads because we will get roads later on I got seven that's plenty for now oh why it's roundabout win I don't I don't actually I'm not sure roundabouts are that useful I mean I could round about like this but then like you gotta round about the other end surely I feel like roundabouts I was like save a bridge or something I mean we're gonna be mixing colors on there because that's going to have a different color next to it um all bridges is smashing the vote 62 percent the next closest has got 29 percent and that's roundabout by the way if you were wondering uh so what is it Brit yeah I think Bridge has one yep Bridge confirmed yeah this is actually it's going okay I'm gonna have a super drink that's how confident I am lovely right oh oh we got we got an IMAX we have an iMac Cinema so this one do I do I take him that way we've got another one there yeah I'll tell you what I think I'm just gonna do like that oh man they're all spawning down what are you doing if I do that for that that I mean I could try and take them over that way maybe and try and segregate I don't think it will segregate though that's the thing once it's connected it's sort of connected zombie baby rce typical overconfidence and subsequent demise is my favorite path I do feel like that happens a lot like I get proper like yeah I've got this I'm gonna smash this and then like I die a slow and painful death I never see it coming I'm always I'm always surprised to hear that I've I've lost um oh what do we do at this one though yeah oh no indeed Michael is this is this Motorway time what's the game this is Mini motorways um a brand new update is just released and we're playing the the endless well the mo the the update is called endless and not extreme the endless and expert update now basically adds an endless mode so once you finish you can carry on building uh see very nice stuff but uh the extreme expert mode um basically means you can't delete roads anymore so in the base game you can you can like move roads wherever you want not in this mode now what do we do at the dark blue [Music] um I mean I'm sort of thinking can I bridge I can't bridge over there I'm sort of thinking do you like that because then I can connect like those guys up actually if I go through the middle I can go through the middle actually that's probably worth doing and then just do like straight across and then just pray that that's a dark blue what is that bridge that that's getting value for money that bridge it is curved structure Engineers they don't like curves uh oh we got we got dark blue there don't think I need to connect to you yet I think two should be enough for now Maybe [Music] oh did you see that we just got we just got a turquoise uh four weekly choices remaining going both away the pole should be up any second now traffic lights around about Motorway or Road uh we've got a lot of motorways I think late game we're gonna be in a pretty good place like this like the grouping on this is actually decent like if mini motor threes was darts they'd be talking about us that's what I'm saying um but yeah we got a we gotta try and sort that out in a bit I reckon just straight round Road I just bypass all that stuff yeah it should be fine should be fine um I've still got two Bridges left as well decent so in the poll it's pretty tight between Motorway and roundabout I'm hoping my three wins round about why is everyone putting round about what are you doing what are you doing roundabouts winning oh no your knobs you have sleep knobs why would you do that oh it was going so well who voted roundabout 223 people voted roundabout that's who oh God right okay we're going roundabout you know beds chat you absolutely all right we're going we're way past I'm gonna give it a wide berth as well we're gonna go like up that sort of way let's see what happens oh that's a good spawn yeah we've only got two motorways I've wanted another one I won't lie to you [Music] people boosted their votes you can boost weights oh I did Joe Walston he uses Channel points oh look it's red it's red I tell you what actually as that is red we've sort of got all these houses connected and all of those ones is it worth just like disconnecting these three or like two of them and then so that those ones get used [Music] well actually actually look here we go we got we got that down there that's not too bad um I feel like I'm okay for now though that's also there's a there's a little bit of red there probably do that yeah I might just hold on to that one for now and then I can always swap those back if these get busy because we are gonna need I might do that actually I think that's probably fine for now and I'll look to connect this one at some point but uh end of the week Bridges traffic lights motorways or roads what is it chat um 679 would you rather explore space or explore the deep sea ooh uh oh I think space definitely space as a kid I feel like space was like the most interesting thing I ever learned at school like I used to love like space books and like I got a little telescope thing and like you'd look at the Moon like you could barely see the moon because there's a really terrible kids telescope but yeah space I think I feel like the sea like yes we haven't explored much of the sea but like like it's just the sea like like the sea is just there but I want to know what's out that way like oh I'm pointing up by the way I'm not pointing down pointing up I will say I I had an argument with my girlfriend the other day not not a bad one um she was trying to tell me how like I was trying to say like well we were talking about babies don't worry we're not we're not having one or anything um I was talking about like how babies are born and like they're really like not dependent no yeah they're not independent I don't do what I mean like a baby can't do anything it can't it can't walk it can't like do whatever um and I was trying to say it's because like humans are intelligent like they can talk and all this stuff they're dependent that's the word um and yeah I thought it was I mean it probably still is um because yeah because humans are intelligent and stuff so they they got like more brain power to grow if that makes sense um like compared to like a giraffe that comes out and can just walk straight away but giraffes are pretty dumb but then she came back with well what about dolphins they're pretty much just as intelligent as humans but they come out like swimming and all this stuff apparently they can like turn off half their brain and then the other half so they never need to sleep or something like what that's mental but then I proper like checkmated her I was like well they can't be that intelligent because like why are they living like they breathe air but they live underwater like what was that all about do I mean like if if you're an air breather what you're doing living underwater like that's not intelligent anyway one I I think Motorway one I miss the Pope I was talking about dolphins but mostly one RCA you're distracted by Dolphins okay motorways we've got three motorways we are in a good spot for late game how would they move around me that's not my problem that is not my problem I'm just saying if you're gonna if you're gonna breathe air don't live underwater it's not very intelligent yeah like does that can like flip along the ground isn't it like tortoises are basically Turtles aren't they um okay we've got we got dark blue there not ideal don't think we need a Motorway yet though I'm sort of thinking if we just come down that way and then just connect some of these in right so if I do that that that and that yeah I reckon that's fine I reckon that's decent dick for 20 bits very mimish okay how would you define intelligence my definition is ability to willingly choose to not be Architects well exactly I think we're on the same page dick we are on the same page why is the yellow up there oh here we go here we go all right okay we're at the point where we may I'm just gonna say may we may need a Motorway um I mean I don't necessarily need I could I can't I oh so annoying you can't rip up roads but I could make these guys cross over and come like down there and then sort of take these houses down and then say like come down there or something did you get me like I could do something like that I can't delete that one that's annoying we could do that no we can't remove roads we're playing the expert mode which is which is a brand new update which is out or coming out today um but yeah we cannot delete roads in this so I could do something like that or I could just use a Motorway now I'm not sure what is better if I'm honest do you reckon that would reckon Motorway spam chat with what you think I should do chat by the way knee knee knee cheers for the sub eight minutes go sorry I missed it oh and Dick I missed your other cheer just because I want to be first see top of the leaderboard I stopped the leaderboard by one bit very sneaky uh cheers cheers for the massive chili very very kind of you no I've paused I've paused chat right what's everyone's saying oh most people say motorways military safe resources okay so basically delete that delete that delete that delete that and then Motorway down to that guy so put you back over there were you there I think you were there weren't you okay so yeah we'll move away from there up to that oh yeah blue motor oh no wrong side wrong side cheeky game over there over there um I might put a road in just so I don't myself later on all right I reckon that's good I reckon I mean alternatively we could have actually taken those guys are you onto this road and around but then that doesn't really solve any other problem yeah sorry right Paul vote for the next upgrade we can't take motorways this time because we took it last time uh Rhodes is winning Mass uh someone's oh why is Rose winning I think chat has turned against me I feel like traffic lights would be the most sensible thing well actually we don't actually need traffic lights because we're not very I feel like there needs traffic lights and then maybe another one there but oh man the power of me saying what to vote for chat said she listened to me thank you Chet corny juice cheers to the sub it's been 40 months already sadly don't have a lot of time to watch YouTube anymore but I'm glad you're still going strong keep up my friend oh that's a shame man uh I'm actually I've always like loved my content but I'm loving my content at the moment like I feel like I'm doing a bit more like a variety than I usually do like a lot more like random games like today's game what was that game I absolutely loved it though I don't know if you guys saw it coin flipper and yeah cool right traffic lights one the power of being the guy that everyone's watching so yeah traffic like should I get the traffic lights in now now again with the traffic lights once they're in they're in so it might be worth sort of saving them instead what do you think I think probably probably worth saving them actually isn't it twice I spent someone spending all their Channel points trying to scream over 4 200 channel points doesn't wait cost like 100 Channel points then I assume it does that's pretty funny [Music] yeah they do oh nice oh 10. no 100. it costs 10. all right there is a hundred um right anyway we got we got light blue I reckon we probably just want to do like keep that going right you go along there and up to there and then we just connect to you guys straight down yeah I mean I could I could Motorway but I feel like that's a bit of a waste for now they're all the same color they're all they're all friends here there's no need to like I need to make it weird yeah a little green there you go down right loads of Reds here do they want to get anywhere possibly up to here and then I can take that one off so maybe I want to do like that and then do that just because we've got IMAX here that's an old Supermarket oh Bulls bully bully balls okay ignore that you go back down I'll delete you guys see never commit to anything too early like this game mode you've sort of gotta wait and see if you actually need to do stuff okay it's the end of the week I'm gonna wait to the end of the week right last weekly choice the pose going up Bridge motorways roundabouts or 30 roads after that we're only gonna get roads I'm gonna have a cheeky slurper drink while you guys vote as well assuming mods mods do the pole because I don't know how to do it I'm so bad at twitch I'm like my old boss like in my old job he was like really computer illiterate I feel like that's what I am already right Motorway is winning thank goodness um who else he chooses as well I think I'm going Motorway but uh Moto is gonna win anyway seems good yeah we have a word to rather question well actually we had a we had a question before as well from zombie baby 87 uh don't make cul-de-sacs yes I know that's not a question um why are you a knob they're happy are you asking why am I a knob or are you asking they're happy there you go I asked answered the question with a question dick says Rhodes well Rhodes is very close to winning 32 but motorways snatched it with 34 so sorry mate your chair isn't gonna count uh we're going with Motorway as per chat's demand uh but yeah we do have a would you rather question that I need to answer as well uh would you rather have bad breath or smelly feet oh hang on Big Boy cheer oh dick [Music] oh dick he tried to bribe the system and uh oh that's that's quite I'm sorry yeah you got you got you got done a bit there mate slightly too late he says roads with that massive cheer unfortunately we've gone motorways um yeah what are we gonna what we're gonna do all right master I must I'm answering the question would you rather have bad breath or smelly feet uh yeah I'll tell you what dick next time I'll take Rhodes just for you mate just for that cheer I'm a nice guy like that um right here I do I've got a bridge so I reckon probably worth just doing this right so you come out there go up there boosh I think that's decent yeah are we all in agreement that is decent I reckon so um oh yellow up there can I get you involved I don't think I need to for now um bad breath or smelly feet I feel like I'd rather have smelly feet because I think most of the time people are gonna be like talking to you if that makes sense like they're not gonna like there's more chance that someone will smell your breath than smell your feet depends how bad the smelly feet are yeah smelly feet I've got so many feet that's what I'm going for um let's get these greens involved because we do now we now have an IMAX down there uh everything else looking pretty healthy right I haven't missed anything hang on hang on I have I have missed we've got dark blue there where did you come from where did you come from how did oh there is oh there's like two dark Blues there that's not enough that is not enough okay I can connect to that one we got Applause some dick I haven't even picked the roads yet and he's uh he's loving it he is absolutely loving it uh cheers the Applause dick I'll send that ages really silly blurp silly smoke silly slow blurp um yeah is that extra house enough or am I gonna have to I could connect like another one yeah let's see how that one gets on that's also an IMAX as well so I think we're gonna have to do that and I might connect to you that way actually I've got some Light blues there we do have these two Reds over here as well let's make them very friendly neighbors they they both have two cars but they only drive to go and see each other bit weird but uh whatever you want to do yeah the red IMAX only has two well it's got three houses now I've did that one we we have caught some traffic there as well I do have the option of like bringing one of these Reds up as well if needed right dick ego mate because you cheered so much I'm gonna pick roads just for you I'm nice like that um oh I know that we've got an alarm we have an alarm I think I might have to move away over to that yeah because then at least I can like take these guys up that way and then oh I can't disconnect I think that's the worst thing I can't disconnect but I'm thinking if I do that wait it was that it was that dick cheeky little fart did you send that ages ago as well or have you been holding that one in complete the Ring Road I could complete the Ring Road let's do that that would probably like break the game though and do you do that that is going to be a Ring Road should I I've never done a Ring Road it could work it will probably ruin everything right chat spam ring if you want me to do a Ring Road or just don't spam anything if we get like we get 20 Rings we're doing a Ring Road okay we've got 20 Rings already Brown ring cheers dick ring ring oh loads of first-time chairs saying ring hello first time Chaz all right okay we're doing the Ring Road so I need to put I actually I need to I need to come around there don't know all right there you go Ring Road is in so I could technically just connect all of these and then everyone should be able to get everywhere sort of I don't want them to do that though it will completely even middle of the game oh man look at the traffic up here now this is not cool it is really not cool I want I want to delete that road oh the greens are dying the greens are dying badly do I Motorway they're the only Greens on the map I don't know how it's so bad oh there you go I jinxed that I properly jinxed that right I'll tell you what I'm gonna have to connect you up I'm gonna have to motivate like from there up to there seems like a waste but we're screwed pretty much oh man look at the alarm going up come on quick oh that is so bad there's so much traffic is it worth like traffic lighting there maybe then perhaps I could like bring that down find more rights [Music] yeah then the other traffic like that I think that's the that's the traffic I wanted to do earlier wasn't it we've got more green I might send you that way I don't know how to get greens up there I might need another Motorway oh light please we've got loads of light blue houses loads are like blue houses actually um tell you what though points we're on 1200. pretty decent oh and look at this that is decent so we'll take you do I don't have any bridges for you that's slightly annoying I'll probably connect you up there and then just take a few of these off like down there maybe just two for now I think two will be fine another red because that is now an IMAX now you can connect straight down I think and you another red there that's fine this is going pretty good I've still got another Motorway around bro [Applause] so relatively happy we've got more roads I might actually put this road in like up and around to there just for all these Blues around a bit of green yeah because they'll they'll go and get involved we've got traffic lights there so that's pretty good [Applause] all right nice this is going well somehow this is going well bypass green above blue top left yeah I could do could be worth doing actually if I just come off like there I've got quite a lot of Road tiles see I could just do that trying to clear up this a bit [Applause] yeah nothing looks too major which is quite nice to see not gonna lie yeah nice I can relax I've still got a roundabout as well there's so many Reds on this side that aren't doing anything I imagine it might be worth getting them into the middle some more roads yeah like over here there's there's a lot of demand down there yeah I'll tell you what do I have I've got space I might take all of these off do a bit of that and then we'll take a Motorway the question is where to do I want to go like in the middle right there there's a there's a poll running at the moment next upgrade Road Road Road Road or Road and yeah rude is winning with 14 votes at the moment crazy so should I do that with my last Motorway there's also this blue which isn't happy um I mean I can probably I could probably do like that is to get these Blues involved I feel like that's probably gonna be worth doing right [Applause] yeah dark blue is going up there yeah decent decent Motorway saving the day as well come on Motorway Matt the trouble is we got a lot of traffic this cup oh the sound the sound gets louder if you zoom in [Music] cool I never do that um all green over that look at that Carnage in that car park that is for that's like when you that is literally like when you leave the iMac Cinema the car park is just mental especially if like a film like Fast and Furious has been on or something everyone's like trying to give the handbrake a little bit of a go thank you oh week 13 right I might slow this down because oh actually I can't really do anything I think that's the thing with like expert mode you can't squeak you gotta commit so early on that there's nothing to do because I can't move any of these roads I mean there's a lot of alarms we're 2200.2 I'll take that there's so many alarms which one is gonna go first I think the top green is about to pop isn't it yeah there you go it's gone 2375 Journeys made though and again we could continue in Endless mode if we wanted to but let's go see how we got on meanwhile type giveaway into the chat and you'll be entered into a brace draw for a steam code for mini motorways um yeah let's go have a look at the leaderboards so just type giveaway you know you type it once because if you do multiple things you I think you get discounted it's like spam prevention or something so how did we yes I'm top of the world in your face everyone else on the leaderboard so if you've ever wondered if a highway engineer is an expert at Mini motorways there you go you've heard it here first best player in the world number one Motorway Matt that is what we're talking about oh dear um why you guys are entering the giveaway we've got a couple of questions as well we've got what's your favorite movie ever oh that is a toffee that is a tough there's so many good movies um I really I do really like like the Martian and I like a bit of interstellars I like I like realistic like sci-fi stuff again because that question earlier I quite like space yeah intrigues me um if you ask me like 15 years ago though I would say Scary Movie one I absolutely loved Scary Movie one and when I was like 15 it was like the best film ever that's like the power the parody of like horror films good film uh what chocolate is your favorite kind oh now that is a question um oh I don't know I love like all chocolate like I love a malteser as well like a box more teasers I'm a happy boy uh I like Toblerone a bit Bit of Swiss chocolate I'm like oh I'll tell you what actually there's this there's this British thing what they called they're called The Smiths the chocolate Smiths they are um they do like handmade chocolate my God it's incredible like I've got a subscription box thing like every month I get like three bars like different flavors so good if you're British give a cheeky Google the chocolate Smiths honestly best chocolate you'll ever taste this site constantly sold out as well they have like like stock updates and like they're sold out in like an hour is that good um what am I wearing now well now I am just wearing high Vis but it's not a jacket that's all I'm saying cheeky rotter um right so let's do the giveaway so are you ready drum roll please akona 7705 congrats today you are Kona and the two other people that won the giveaways earlier I will send you a whisper on on Twitch um with the steam codes so you can redeem it and play it yourself nice um right shall we shall we read someone chat sure we have a little look who is on I've I've been doing like birthday streams recently birthday streams birthday raids I've been quite enjoying them have you guys been enjoying shall we should we do another birthday one or any other things any other suggestions um well there's not many it's not many English streams that's their birthday I don't think people searching birthday also watch our breed yeah there's someone who's doing like a five day birthday read birthday raid birthday stream you know what I mean oh why'd you always get adverts I hate switch adverts man it takes so long to like C bear well stream I can search for farewell farewell I don't think there's anyone doing a farewell stream anniversary anniversary oh bloody I hate I actually hate twitch adverts why is it a thing I'd say what just give me some give me some streamers that I should read let's just read someone scooty let's have a look Scooby is he on he's on I was doing some super Auto pets cool we'll give him uh we'll give him a cheeky raid tell him peace love and bridges tell him tell him in the raid in the raid message when we join tell him change your icon to hard hat or whatever the chain or use the hard hat just say hard hat otherwise he's not worthy of the raid oh someone asked her would you rather as well uh would you rather never be able to make a strong shape or be an architect for one day oh man never make a strong shape that's like that's like my slogan that's not my thing um I think I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna give architecture go it'll be like the easiest Day Ever surely um right we're raid and scooty remember tell him change the hard hat um and thanks for tuning guys that was a sponsored stream by the devs of me most ways check out the new update which is out today endless and extreme no it's actually expert but it was pretty extreme um yeah and thanks to sponsoring really appreciate your support of the channel um but yeah let's go raid this dude peace love and motorways bye guys [Music] oh sorry it is a r e not ER and let me change it I'm thinking it's gonna be the ant all right let's see what the odds are at thank you so much for the raid RC hard hat hard hat I need to use the hard hat all right well we uh we're actually swapping out of sap at the moment but sure I'll put the hard hat on where's the hard hat there it is all right we're on the hard hat uh thank you so much for the raid uh RC thank you thank you thank you but yeah we uh
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 10,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: Zpx_Pw2xNoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 11sec (7751 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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