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[Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] everybody only i will look for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] is for you to do [Music] for you to do me yay [Music] [Music] we give you praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign my [Music] oh [Music] [Music] boy [Music] i never see any god like you i never see any god like you and i never see any god like you never i never see any godliness [Music] i never never never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i never see any god like you from the to south and east to west i'll never see any god like you have a move i never see any god i'll never ever [Music] never never never [Music] i never never never [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we call him excellent [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are greater than what people see [Music] and forever my god everybody [Music] [Music] no you love me you two deny create i know you love me [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i call you my father you answer my [Music] [Applause] prayers i call you my father [Music] [Music] what you have [Music] foreign [Music] i call you my father you i saw my prayer [Music] i call you my father you are my [Music] [Music] only you can change what the man can change [Music] only you'll be liable defendable [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm so sick [Music] [Music] this way i never knew you could favor me this way daddy i never knew you can't favorite this way you are forever minister thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] you have favored me this way [Music] i never knew [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] testimony [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i thought [Music] nobody [Music] is [Music] [Music] rcc [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] the greatest gynecologist their greatest physician [Music] [Music] hello hey [Music] do [Music] there is something that makes me run into your presence [Music] it [Music] there is something that makes me run into your presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is something that makes me [Music] every phrase [Music] [Music] is [Music] every prayer [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] hey [Music] my [Music] what's [Music] hey [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] on this ground we're going to give you praise [Music] in this place we've come to [Music] daddy [Music] [Music] [Music] a foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you we give you all the glory we give you we'll give you all the glory we give you amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we give you oh [Music] we [Music] are father almighty we give you all the glory we give you all the honor we give you all the adoration accept our worship in jesus name [Applause] father your children are here today trusting that because of today's meeting they will soon have joy exceeding all expectations father so let it be in jesus name answer them today lord and let your name be glorified in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen unless someone shout hallelujah [Applause] i shall come with one or two people and tell him or her you'll be rejoicing with me very soon and so shall it be in jesus name let us be seated as we open our bibles to first summer chapter 1 from verse 9 to 11. four summer chapter one from verse nine to eleven so hana rose up after they had eaten in shiloh and after they had drunk now eli the priest sat upon his city by a post of the temple of the lord and she was in bitterness of soul and prayed unto the lord and wet soul and she vowed about and said oh lord of us if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thy handmaid and remember me and not forget the handmaid but we give unto thy handmaid a man child then i will give him unto the lord all the days of his life and there shall no reason come upon his head you know our theme for this month is exceeding expectations when hannah was praying she was asking for just one son one and he wanted that son to become a houseboy in the house of the lord give me a son just let the world know that i too have given birth and lord i'll give him back to you let him go and serve in your house let him be a houseboy in the house of the lord and his suspection was just one boy who will be a houseboy in the house of the lord and when you read for summer chapter 3 and you read it from verse 1 through like very dear chapter first sermon chapter 3 you will discover that that was exactly the work that samuel was doing in the house of a life a houseboy that can be called upon any time of day or night because when god began to speak to samuel when god came and called somewhere somewhere the bible said the boy got up he was already lying down to sleep and ran to realize he was a houseboy he says i am here because you called me elijah i didn't call you go and lie down again so the boy lay down again and again he had lord calling him and the second time he got up run through a like sir i'm here you called me and i said no i didn't call you go and lie down third time again iran because he was a house boy if it were one of the children of the home and you taught your daddy called you first time he said i didn't call you the second time he said i didn't call you if he called it all time you are likely to say i don't know what's wrong with daddy today he should let me sleep samuel was a houseboy he wasn't born in the family it wasn't with a member of the household of a life he wasn't supposed to be anybody important that was the expectation of the mother that's all the mother wanted him to be bet the boy wants to become a prophet because by the time you get to four summer chapter 3 verse 19 to 21 4 summer 3 to 19-21 the bible says that boy has become such a mighty prophet that when he speaks anything he says comes to pass the almighty god did they allow his word to fall to the ground the mother did not expect that the child god was going to give her will become a prophet the mother didn't know that this child is going to become a king maker fourth summit chapter 10 verse one fourth sabbath chapter ten verse one not just an ordinary prophet the one who anointed the first king ever in israel somewhere this boy became so powerful that he became the king remover to appoint a king is an easy thing to remove one [Laughter] that's a different matter indeed because once you put the king on the throne it has power over evil in your life you don't believe me you read four psalms chapter 16 first summer chapter 16 when god said to someone i want you to go to the house of jesus and anoint me another king somewhere said if saul fears about it he will kill me so the king maker is not the same thing as the king remover but this boy who was supposed to be a house boy became a prophet so mighty that by the time you read four summary 15 from verse 1 to 29 4 summit 15 from verse 1 to 29 the king as powerful as he was took hold of the garment of this boy and tore it and this boy said your kingdom is turned from you extremely powerful prophet i want to assure you in the name that's above every other name [Music] that the child god will give you as a result of your coming today we shake the world [Applause] the mother was expecting just one son but instead of just one son samuel became the born of six children five extra came four summer chapter two from verse twenty to twenty one four semi chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 the mother gave back to three other boys and two other girls so instead of being one son he became first born of six children when my father opens your womb and he is going to do so very soon [Applause] [Music] you will be the one who will tell him i've got enough [Applause] god exceeded the expectations of hannah and i was expecting a houseboy son a god she got a prophet she got a king maker she got a king remover she got the first born of six children why if there's any major lesson to learn from hannah is that she put god first give me a child and you can have it she put god first and the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 33 matthew 6 33 seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and oh these things shall be added unto you the prayer this morning is going to be very simple lord i am putting you first in my life let your will be done in my life and the almighty god will add to you not just an ordinary son but a mighty son who will be the firstborn of many children if you believe that let me hear you say amen [Applause] that is why if you have not yet given your life to jesus christ it means you are not putting god first yet the first thing must be done first if you are yet to surrender your life to jesus christ do so now if you do so now the almighty god will exceed all your expectations so i'm going to count from one to four if there's anyone here who's yet to surrender east of her life to jesus before i say fall come put god first and the almighty god will put you first so i'm counting now one two three god is more than able to exceed your expectations let your muscle enter your life to him first hurry up if you are coming thank you father now those of you who have come and those of you are on the way cry to the almighty god ask him to save your soul ask him to have mercy on you and forgive all your sins and promise him that you will serve him from now on and i can assure you they will hear your cry now the rest of us please let's stretch our hands to these our new brothers and sisters and pray that the one who saved our souls will save their own souls also pray that god will forgive their sins and receive them into the family of god let's pray for them brethren let's pray for their salvation thank you father let's pray god have mercy on this your children save their souls have mercy on them let your blood wipe away all their sayings lord sanchez [Music] thank you lord in jesus mighty name we have prayed savior please hear the cry of your children have mercy on them let your blood wash away their sins save their souls oh lord write their names in the book of life and from now on anytime they cry unto you answer them by fire in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen praise the lord and i'm rejoicing with those of you who have given your life to jesus now because from now on i'll be praying for you and so i will need your names your address and your prayer requests so if you follow that fellow to your left lifting up a piece of wood it will take you to where some persons are waiting they will collect the information i need and bring you back very quickly and i will be praying for you god bless you you can begin to go now thank you father oh thank you almighty god blessed be your holy name lord thank you lord amen as usual i'm going to pray for you first then you will go ahead and cry to the almighty god and i'm sure he will answer you today he will exceed your expectations so if you don't mind or you come towards the altar so that i can pray with you first and then you go ahead and tell the almighty god that you will put him first in everything that you exceed even his expectations and serving him and it will exceed your expectations in giving you wonderful children powerful children children that will be known throughout history mario oreo thank you father you can begin to praise him in advance because i believe he will answer you today thank you my father blessed be your holy name circulation of this i know you are jehovah he shall die the goddess more than enough i bless your holy name i bless your holy name i bless your holy name thank you lord [Music] thank you lord thank you father thank you all sufficient god blessed be your holy name thank you thank you thank you father oh i worship you thank you daddy [Music] in jesus mighty name we have prayed my father my god the all-sufficient god the god with whom all things are possible i thank you on behalf of this your children who are here today father look down from heaven upon this your children and hear their cry [Applause] even as you heard hannah that day a child hear your children today because they have made up their mind that they will put you first my father my god hear their cry exceed their expectations [Applause] give them mighty children give them mighty prophets give them kingmakers and whatever number of children you may give them as a result of today let that be just the beginning glorify your name in their lives and please lord i know we do all things are possible answer them this month in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen now you go to god and cry unto him until you are satisfied and then where you are going you drop your offering but tell the almighty god please exceed my expectations i don't want just an ordinary child i will serve you i will put you first even that child will serve you please exceed my expectations go ahead talk to the almighty god talk to him now [Music] so [Music] so so so so praise the lord
Channel: RCCG
Views: 1,820
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg.org live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg latest, rccg october 2021 holy ghost service, rccg october 2021 sermon, @rccg, rccg 2021 holy ghost service, rccg online, october 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service 2021, rccg live service, rccg service 2021, rccg.org live, pastor e.a adeboye latest, rccg live youtube, october 2021 holy ghost service, october holy ghost, exceeding expectations, rccg latest service, pastor adeboye latest sermon
Id: TzYW43Na_0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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