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and i'm comfortable to be that the almighty god will bless you in jesus name i can't hear your aim and please kindly strength your hands towards the birthday boy and just pronounce certain blessings upon his life whatever you want god to do in your life pronounce upon him one thing i pointed to him three is an attestation they are coming back to you pronounce that glory of god will never diminish pronounce from glory to glory we go pronounce from honor to honor god will take him he will not be an ex anointed he will consistently bogusly progressively be relevant to the move of god in our generation god has raised him the enemy will not bring him down he is already a voice he will not become an echo the god of evil that he serves and that is his servant we continually bless him glory to glory strength of god upon his life and his family good health thank you eternal father in jesus mighty name we pray father we give you glory for this great man of god and we thank you for what you are doing in his life what you have done before and what we do again we pray for him oh god as the utah young adult of this particular great organization of ccg whereas that this man of god we go from glory to glory from honor to honor from anointing to anointing [Music] we ask that the increase of god will boost your life more than ever before in the name of jesus we declare that we are ordered in this secure passage you will secure entrance stagnations redundancy reprogressiveness banished perpetually in your life even if the people cannot say amen deliver it to this man of god [Music] we declare lord that the strength of god in this man will not be relegated good health for your life your family will continue to experience peace continue to experience wonders the harmony that god has put in your family will never diminish god has already made you an intercontinental nothing will reduce you all your supporters god will support them [Music] and in your life and destiny you will fulfill purpose and everyone say amen that we have triple of the prayer i prayed thank you father because we all make it to heaven in jesus mighty name we pray and let someone say amen congratulations once again the lord almighty will bless you in jesus name just one prayer lift up your hands to god and say my father my father is that the way to call my father my father release to me what heaven has prepared for me today and let the name of the lord be praised in the name of jesus release to me whatever has prepared for me today let your name be glorified in the name above every other name lord thank you we worship you and we adore you we bless and praise your name thank you father in jesus mighty name we pray praising the lord always praising the lord hallelujah my lord is good [Music] [Music] eternal father we want to thank you because you are absolutely bogusly good to us no one is as good as you are you are absolutely good no goodness no no any badness in you and you are so good that all goodness comes from you the devil is so bad that we can't find any goodness in him thank you for what you have done in the course of this convention great releases from great men and women of god thank you for all the people who are present the first the second the third and this day thank you for all our viewers across the globe we bless your name for the permission of our daddy the lord the general overseer and who is number one youth in this particular organization caller ccg we say thank you we worship your name lord almighty we ask oh god that the blessing you have released already none of those blessings will escape our lives in the name of jesus now that i have something to heart as they have said we should say a few words we ask that everyone under the sound of our voice will receive the dividends of the world in the name of jesus i empty myself of anything oh god that i feel or that i taught i know i disappear so that you can appear and empty myself so that you your fullness can come in now the few things we need to say we bring blessing to the house in the name of jesus we pray that no one under this meeting oh god we go back with their problems whatever challenge minor major spiritual physical financial secular social marital they will receive the dividends and the blessing of your world take possession of my mouth my head or my heart and let your glory manifest thank you father blessed be your name in jesus mighty name we pray unless someone say amen [Music] please take your seat god bless you in jesus name i want to appreciate my father-in-law that the geo for the privilege to stand where is standing we are still in the kindergarten school of god and someday we will enter into primary school thank you daddy for teaching us the almighty god bless you in jesus name if you said you are the number one youth that anyone who is younger than you is a youth and those older than you is um is old then some of us we are seeing the kindergarten god will continue to strengthen you in the name of jesus with you and our mommy glory to glory in jesus name now come to our intercontinental leader thank you very much um i'm sure that i've been behaving well as one of your i'm one of the youth because you are intercontinental so we are just the lord will bless you please keep doing what you are doing god's glory will continue to support you thank you mommy for managing the continental if it's entire continental you also have entire entire continental god bless you it is well with you for all our leaders here god will bless you in jesus name i can't hear your [Applause] genesis chapter 26 verse 12 genesis 26 verse 12 just want to add few things because by the grace of god i have stick to you in the shadow hide somewhere to hear when i need to be in the presence when i need to be in the arena of miracle or because the world is a global village i'll stick to my phones on social media i've been part and parcel of what has been happening since the beginning and but because once you have a and a boss in the continental youth who mandated me that i must be here and i don't want to go and they apply again so i want to add a little voice genesis 26 verse 12 then isaac sold in that land and received in the same year 100 fold and the lord blessed him the lord blessed ready a hearing of his word in the name of jesus the bible said isaac had a hundred fold return from his showing this same year we are talking about exceeding expectations now god is the key factor in that particular story we read from the beginning of that story if you read it you will discover that god factor is something to be reckoned with in the book of matthew chapter 13 one to eight matthew chapter 13 1-8 the bible said the sower reaped the effects only from the seed that fall into the good grounds and they read they are 30 60 and 100 fold also in matthew chapter 25 14-30 matthew chapter 25 14-30 the servants were given each of them certain numbers of blessing 10 was shared out they made various i mean very degrees of return of the investment but somebody came with zero i pray today the expectation of god over your life if your amen is loud enough will not be caught up in the name of jesus king david was acclaimed to be a successful king without standing and rescinding exceeding expectation a military campaign for david admitted that the chains of his successes was not a result of his prowess the secrets of his success he told us in the book of psalms 71 verse 7 psalm 71 verse 7 he said when you read from new king james he said i have become a wonder to many but you are my strong refuge when you read from new living translation the bible said this king david said my success at which so many stand amazed is because you are my mighty protector now this does not mean that the sermons did nothing but everything he did will have amounted to nothing without god so the psalmist said in psalm 144 verse 1 psalm 144 verse 1 in amplified bible is that bless the lord my rock my king and my firm's friend who teaches my hand to walk on my fingers to fight so david was successful [Music] because god was his teacher in one of the psalms some 180 99 200. someone 190 this is 1900 he said i have understanding and all my teachers because god is the one that teaches me because i meditated in this world in first corinthians 15 10 first corinthians 15 10 paul the apostle said but by the grace of god i am what i am and his grace towards me was not in vain but i never more abundantly than all yet not i but the grace of god which was with me so i'm talking about the secrets of the people who made it and who have exceeded expectation they have grace which is called a merited favor and when you compare the life of these people who give glory to god and you compare their life with the the the man called rayoba and nebuchadnezzar you can read that in second chronicles chapter 12 verse one second chronicles 12 12 1 and daniel chapter 4 verse 30 to 32 both of them respectively they ignore god factor you know what happened to one of them one of them god has to send him to the university of the animal and god made sure he spent several years and when he graduated when you read that particular journey chapter 4 the outstanding praise that nobody in the bible ever give to god this man was the one when he graduated from the university of the animal i want to say to you today to be able to have exceeding expectation call it success in anything success in your academic your career breakthrough in any area it is something you need to be a mind god factor is very strong and you need to bear that one in mind jesus when he was talking he says seeking first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all other things shall be heard matthew chapter 6 verse 3 to be able to do exceeding to be able to have exceeding expectation god's factor is number one but i'd like to announce to you there are certain tools that you need to utilize so i'm going to mention a few keys to exceeding expectations few keys and i want to share those keys with you and just say leave the mic for a leader to to do the next thing number one you need to invite jesus to your life you need to be born again it is possible that out of this euphoria and happiness that is going on among us to be there but the hope of glory wasn't there there must be a personal relationship with the lord jesus christ to be born a new in the book of john chapter 3 john 3 8-9 the bible said a man must be born by the spirit and it's like a wind like a way you can't tell where it comes from and where it goes [Music] and you can limit it when you are born again because the spirit of god is in you and that spirit is limitless that means you are controlled by that limit by that spirit that is limitless you need to be born again why you say this it is possible to measure a minor and to a minor imager check and reject are you fully connected to the world who can empower for exceeding expectation god factor is strong but there are things you need to do he said to abraham in genesis chapter 17 verse 1 genesis 71 asks for me my covenant is sure was he said i support once he said i am available you can count on it but you need to hook to him for without him you can do nothing john 15 5. that's number one number two [Music] maintain unbroken fellowship with god maintain a broken fellowship with god this is done through bible meditation obedience to his word and obedient to the leading of the holy spirit the bible told us about a man in the bible it's an intelligence name of our daddy the man calling up in genesis chapter 5 24 the bible says enoch walked with god and god took him you read that in hebrews 11 5 also hebrews 11 5 genesis 5 24 every child of god you are called to fellowship with him you are called to be around him the bible said in the book of mark chapter 3 verse 14 mark 3 14 he called the tweet that there might be with him in first peter 2 9 first peter 2 9 the bible says you have chosen generation and all the life to show felt the praise you are to show forth the praise having who delivered you from darkness to life i mean from darkness of this world to light you need a broken fellowship sir ma you will only succeed exceedingly you will only succeed without limitation you will only succeed where men look down on you when you are in fellowship constant consistent regular progressive elaborate unbroken fellowship first john chapter 1 3 number 6 and 7. first john chapter 1 verses history and verses i'm in verses 3 6 and 7. when you do this you are connected to heaven number three discover god's purpose for your life and pursue it discover god's purpose for your life and pursue it jesus knew and pursue the purpose of god for his life of listening to speakers here during the course of this convention and they have mentioned different aspects of this you must learn to discover what you are configured and why to do you are not an object emotion you came because somebody needed what to carry you came not as a question but answers you came not as a problem but multiple solutions you came not as a consumer but as a producer a manufacturer you came you are created but you are not just a creator you are a co-creator you came as a voice that speaks that speak life not as an echo you came as a winner not as a loser you came here into the world at the end not as detailed don't heal is not where you belong the truth is what you are meant to be and that's where you are configured to be you came as somebody who's blessed anyone who causes you is wasting his saliva and the bible said in genesis chapter 1 verse 28 and god bless them you are blessed and highly favored can i hear your amen and swallow the saliva you must be conscious of your purpose in life [Music] i may say to you if you don't know one of the purpose who came to life to be is to be a solution one of the purpose you came for is to be a shot and a light is to generate solution and carry to where people need states because the capacity of god is available he said you and you can do all things through christ the lord said to jeremiah whereby before he was born and please each time you read the bible you must put a contextual glasses i don't know jeremiah i only know him in the bible but i know johnson or darshallah so anytime something is applicable something is being said to jeremiah you know what he said say to he said it to me in jeremiah chapter one reading from verse four to six jeremiah 146 god told him there's something i ordain you for in life have you discovered your purpose don't just do what everybody are doing don't try to sail against the tide there are many who are just walking through life without knowing what they are configured to do jesus was very very clear about what he came to do in 1st john 3 8 1st john 3 8 john chapter 10 verse 10 john 10 10 stuck he said i came to destroy the work of the enemy john chapter 12 27 john 12 27 john 18 37 was talking about the purpose of jesus coming into the world [Music] discover your purpose you'll be able to pray and focus you'll be able to focus and you you focus on it your eyes will be single number four accept responsibility we live in a generation that people didn't want to take responsibility accept responsibility for your life accept responsibility for your life help me to tell your neighbour i know you are i think social distance but you can shout to him or her accept responsibility for your life no one will help you to live your life whether you fail or succeed whether you have exceeding expectations whether you have a serious success expectation that is beyond comprehension it has to be you [Music] not any other person because as far as god is concerned everything is in your hand everything is with you accept responsibility be ready to give your best there is no free lunch anywhere don't have a ready-made excuse on the liver but that will sentence you to perpetual mediocrity of failure the four lepers in the book of seconds second kings chapter seven one to the end will be fine second kings read the story how they brought the good news they took responsibility they accepted responsibility for their lives deciding the city and killed us fine if they didn't despair us is okay read it in the book of second kings chapter seven three to eight second king chapter seven god has already made provision for them esther didn't he just said to modikaya another jews you go on fast remember he said in the book of esther chapter 4 verse 16 esther chapter 4 16 he said myself and my maid we were so fast i will go against the king lord if i perish i perish for those who are willing to let go their life they never they never lose it jesus was saying a new living translation read that one luke 17 3 luke 17 3 new living translation he said whosoever clings to this life we lose it whosoever loses his life will save it take responsibility do you know that it is no prayer alone prayer is part of the responsibility you need to take i had when the speaker was speaking to us yesterday if you need to groom yourself if you need to study if you need to read if you need to go for seminar do it if you need to deny yourself a certain luxury so that your future could be better i'm so sure please don't mistake me but in the book of jeremiah 29 11 say i know the thought i think towards you god has already projected the future for you your future is like laying your hand not in the hand of god it's working for god to show you the picture is that another thing for you to be able to see in order to walk in it the lord said to jeremiah in jeremiah 1 verse 5 jeremiah 1 5 i order you this is what i have for you and god said maybe i should not be speaking to the air and he said hey your man jeremiah come and he said i'm here god he said what did you see jeremiah 1 11 and 12 jeremiah 11 and 12. jeremiah said i saw an alma tree and i asked myself what does animal tree has to do with destiny but that was what he saw and god said come on you're a good boy you're seeing where and i will hastily what i said to perform it it means if he didn't see it god will not perform it he looked like what jesus said in the book of matthew chapter 16 verse 18. matthew 16 18 what the reason i said i will give you the keys kiss keys keys or fulfillments of destiny that's what is that whatsoever and whatsoever is anything he repeated that in matthew chapter 18 verse 18 matthew 18 beloved of god take responsibility shout out the other neighbor because he will not be angry with you because he's the is this your man that he has to come and speak shout to him or her take responsibility for your life [Music] i can't hear you say it again remember what are we now will stop at 7. you must be teachable there are many who are not teachable excuse me sir excuse me i know you are the leader of now and you are the leader of tomorrow but learn don't just take it there is a process jesus was not dropped as an adult from heaven and god has capacity to do it [Music] i beg of you don't use comic craftiness of the world don't use permit me to use that word don't use diplomacy use spirituality [Music] learn and wait be teachable don't be proud humble yourself [Music] god can use anybody to teach you god can use certain people to teach you junior inferior those people you didn't think they have what it takes look at moses as powerful as that man is as spiritual as harmonies along with god it was jethro that taught him division of labor see today i'm finding out when the suggestion was a priest i'm finding out priest of which priests of who anybody can teach you anybody can teach you somebody is there it was the maid of naman that linked him to where he got his healing be teachable and don't be a user many many youth not you not you they are users learn and stay learn and stay you muslim look at it proverbs chapter 80 verse 15 proverbs chapter 18 verse 15 [Music] he that from a tm translation he said wise men and women are always learning always listening to fresh insight are you a wise person be willing be ready to learn from anyone open yourself to other people's wisdom get wisdom the bible said in proverbs chapter 4 verse 5 proverbs 4 5 he said you need to get wisdom with all your getting proverbs chapter 19 verse 8 proverbs 19 8. he said those who get with some they do themselves in favor and those who love leni will succeed in life be teachable be teachable number six am i i'm right quit your converse souls quit your comfort zone stress yourself go the extra mile the extra you put on top of the ordinary is what makes you extraordinary don't be too soft on yourself don't give yourself to pleasure don't do only that which is convenient successful people they don't do what is convenient what they do is what is needful when i watch my father in the lord and i watch the way he walks that almost every night when you go out you will see i have to dodge and i said activate no wonder things are happening no wonder people are coming all over the world to see the wisdom and to see what only god can do what only god can do it was the apostle salman that was saying when he was going through this camp they were driving he said no no no this is beyond this is beyond the human being success people don't do what is convenient they do they need food they don't do what is comfortable they do what is imperative they don't do what is fashionable they do what is essential they don't do what is reasonable they do what is innovative proverbs 21 verse 17 proverbs 217 a new king james version new king james said he would lost pleasure will be a poor man he will love lost wine will not be rich oil stands for luxury [Music] translation call it perfume if you love perfume or pleasure more than work you'll be poor this is not to say you are not supposed to use perfume or that perfume is a sea but you need to work hard you need to quit your converse souls the bible said you read that on your own hebrews chapter 11 24-26 hebrews 11 24-26 moses became successful because he quits his comfort souls i pray with my eyes closed today everyone that are watching me actually and virtua if your aiming is loud enough you will exceed all expectation of success in the name of jesus christ invest time in your invest time in your goals apply level to your goal sacrifice anything necessary for fruitfulness for success i mean those who swear who spend work not sleep don't please as much as possible quit your converse souls it's my prayer today that god himself himself will make you successful in the name of jesus what kind of amen is that and lastly before i mention two hindrances then i will allow you to pray you need to be focused focused you need to be focused very important in our days in this day and age i don't know there's so many things people want to do and i've almost said to you utilize social media to populate the kingdom and to create content one of the time waster in our day is social media each time you open your something somebody is making something out of your data focus time waster phone calls social media facebook instagram did i know how i have all the accounts do you operate it as needful avoid distraction don't keep looking back keep reminding yourself i have a destiny i must exceed all expectations don't be like the people of israel many years they have left egypt they actually cry for garlic and cucumber who will give us garlic [Music] cucumber and they are on their way to canaan just because you are currently in the wilderness without me you are not going to reach you will reach your destination there was one problem with the people of israel in number 11 4-6 numbers 11 4-6 and numbers chapter 14 1-4 are the slightest challenge that we always want to go back to egypt [Music] that kind of thinking does not reflect focus you know there are many type of thinking there are uh innovative thinking inventive thinking there are um positive thinking there are champions thinking and all the like focus means you set your face like a fling isaiah 50 verse 7 isaac 57 you set your face like a fleet the bible said in psalm 34 5 some 34 verse 5 they look unto him they were lighting and their faces were not ashamed you may be missing the garlic and command of of egypt but there is a make and only waiting for you in canaan and you will get there [Music] i still don't like your amen [Music] [Applause] you will get there in the name of jesus in proverbs chapter 17 24 good news version proverbs chapter 7 verse 24 he said an intelligent person aims at wise action but a fool starts off in different directions i liked the translation each time i read the bible i read them in a way that i would get more minis he said an intelligent person aims at wise action but a fool starts off in different direction proverbs 17 24. david was focused on this goal he was focused on his goal to fight goliath he was not distracted by the believing of his brother by the insult of the people by the castigation earlier i've told him you you have brought this stupid nonsense thing you do in the house to the field we told you now there shouldn't be help like that in the house now you have started the behavior when you read that first summary chapter 17 26 to 30 first semester 26-30 i wonder when david now ki goliath where will elia be looking at those who are mocking you now they will come and bow for you [Applause] i said they will come about for you [Music] those who lack confidence in you will celebrate you in the name of jesus he did what he focused on goliath was boasting whatever he remained focused throughout ultimately [Music] he caught off his age if you are going to be successful in life you are going to have exceeding expectation you must be focused on your divine purpose focus on your goal part time you want to be where god wants you to be focused focus and those who are focused they enjoy solitude if you are focused you'll be lonely solitude all these and cold let's go together ego is in a class of his own ego let me mention these two things and i will let you go what are the indices hindrances that doesn't allow people to have exceeding expectations nobody wants to fail and i pray with my eyes closed here you will not fail [Music] in that amount amen you got out you will not fail what are the hindrances that disallow people from having exceeding expectation i will mention maybe snappily number one is disobedience disobedient to the word of god isaiah 190 isaiah 118 said only when you obey the word of god you can prosper only when you obey god obedience number two is ignorance ignorance because four six aussia forces ignorance number three that i need to mention is poor self-image poor self image let me say this to you you are not inferior to anyone and you are not a victim in life you are not what god says i mean you are what god says you are you are not what man says you are men may call you any name but what god says you are is the best for your life why does people feel in life refusal to connect to the source of blessing why those people doesn't exceed expectations lack of mentors why do they fail to exceed expectation they don't have time to fellowship with the one who determines their destiny may i say to you there is a prophecy before your birth and what are the prophecies many of them deuteronomy 28 verse 1 and 30 deuteronomy 21 and 30 thou shalt be the head i'm not detained you'll be above only what are the prophecies that have existed before your birth [Music] not only our leader here is intercontinental jeremiah chapter one verse five before i form you i know that i called you i ordained you a prophet two nations intercontinental champion what are the prophecies that exist before you work of your hand i will prosper what are the prophecies that exist before you you will be number one and not number last you will be promoted by god because promotion coming up from the east from the world is from god what are the prophecy that is it before you to be sure that you reach your goal my father and the lord a few months ago when you when we started god bless you the first series he said the first word god spoke to man after creation is that he said god he said bless you that the first word and god bless you are blessed we are not cursed anyone that cuts you they are wasting their saliva there's a song but whatever but so anybody that crosses you is wasting a saliva because please don't judge my english you are not constable you are not possible a costless cause will never come touch not my anointing and do by prophet noah if that ticket repeat will fall into it anyone who removes this appliance will buy they said every weapon fashioned against you none of it will prosper and every mouth that comes against you in judgment is your turn to exceed expectation but listen to this if you are not born again it's not possible to do it but god can do it in your life and if you are born again the two minutes you are going to use to pray you are going to ask him enough of this lower level of land i have been on the lower level for long no way i'm going to the top and that's where i belong that's where my focus is but if you are not born together you see i pray with you just tell him lord come into my life let me exceed your expectation let me do great exploits because then i do not have god they will be strong and do exploit rise up with me and begin to ask the lord i begin to ask the lord two minutes if you want you can be watching other but you have not come as a mitch multitude i want to hear your prayer loud and clear lord i refuse to be on the low level of grand non-level land is not my portion i don't belong to the valley i belong to the mountain i don't belong to the dog here i belong to the troll i am a king i'm not a beggar in the name above every other name i want you to begin to ask him your two minutes is going just few more seconds just few more seconds and if you are here you have not been born again all you are your life has not been properly washed or you are born again you're backslidden god can do something with your life today [Music] please you are ego don't become a chicky have only one more minute to pray i want you to do the prayer oh lord of heaven let me manifest your glory let me exceed all expectations let me exceed expectation of people taught and success over my life oh god you are my king oh god you are my lord i am here for you i am here for you lord you have 40 seconds more 40 seconds more 40 seconds more oh god of evil enough of mediocrity enough enough of being in the middle class i am testing for the top and that's why exceeding expectation of god must not be disappointed lord i am not going to disappoint the expectation of god over my life thank you jesus hallelujah in jesus mighty name we pray why our head is still bound i beg of you in the name of jesus and i plead with you as the lord lives if you know and there are people who live in self-deceit there is something you can do against your destiny and yourself is to live in self-deceit you know your life is not properly connected to that of christ the light i beg of you you can reach out to the earth to the front here i want to strengthen my hand upon you and pray for you i want to strengthen my hand towards you wherever you are just approach where some of our brothers are saying i want to pray with you because after this convention your life must not be the same what kind of amen are you saying you want to say god i know and god knows your heart please reach out here other people you are not concerned please keep praying your prayer and if people are like that or you want to surrender your life or want to rededicate it please come quickly to the altar come just come in front of me here i'm about to pray anyone like that if you are coming come quickly come quickly thank you very much come quickly i know they have called several articles i'm just i'm calling god bless you just come quickly come and stay in front in front there thank you god bless you let the rest i didn't ask you to clap let the rest continue to do their prayer lord i refuse to be on the low level of grant and those who are coming please come why you pray for another one minute lord i refuse to be on the low level of land don't come to this camp and go back the same and just home thank you brother thank you sister anyone coming just let them come i just come come to where my eyes can capture you just come god bless you god bless you and those who are watching virtually you want to make the same decision i just want to stand where you are and begin to make that decision now because you must not be the same after this exceeding expectation thank you god just come god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you the rest of us started second pray lord take me to the door take me to the job i refuse to be on the valley lord almighty i want to fulfill my purpose in life there is the reason why i came to the world i don't want to disappoint god's expectation in my life enough of failure enough of disappointment enough enough enough enough and those who are coming i'm about to pray i want you to come even you put your hand on your chest as those of you are in front put your hand your right hand on your chest i'm about to pray i'm connecting just put your hand those of you in front of me put your hand on your chest and i will stand for my hand i'm going to pray for you if you are coming come quickly my hand is stressed to pray eternal father thank you for these your children oh god they are truthful to you and whosoever is truthful to you you are also truthful to them i strengthen my hand on this altar to connect the people who are watching actual and to connect the people are watching virtua that whatsoever is the lord and the little little foxes that destroy the mind today let the blood of jesus cleanse and remove in the name of jesus christ the life of god that brings lifting the life of god that brings exploit the life of god that transform that translates that rejuvenate that he configured life may that life come into your life in the name of jesus may the spirit of inequity be banished power to serve god to the air may you receive it in the name of jesus everyone send amen iniquity will not be found in your church [Music] i pray for everyone under the sun of my voice as i lift up my right hand to heaven you will exceed all expectations in your life your success story will be global news [Music] your success story will be intercontinental news i pray for everyone that of you that is struggling from today struggle ceased favor coming form in the name of jesus unprofitable level terminates in your life in all your endeavors receive the touch of exceeding expectation of success you will make it here on earth and we will make it to heaven in the name of jesus whereas that everywhere you find a real cool airman let their blessing be the best in the name of jesus thank you our father in jesus mighty name we pray unless someone say amen i don't ask you to clap but if i clap a clap for jesus hallelujah now now hallelujah now fellow huge because we are back we are together follow you look at that our brother who is also a youth looking for you now that in the law that the ea has promised to keep on praying for us now whatever you write it's an additional blessing so we will go and drop it with baba and baba will be praying for you so let's jump our hands together or how do you say it intercontinental is it give god wife our what is it that's time i hand together as the people of god goes god bless you you can do better clap your hand come on you can do better come on you can do better amen how many types of hallelujah do you know i know 37 hallelujahs hallelujah hallelujah locomotive hallelujah hallelujah victoria hallelujah completed successful listen my favorite is hallelujah amazing now listen to the rule if you go before the rule foul the first to shout will receive false amen foul listen to the root the louder you shout receive the biggest blessing the longer you draw it amen listen if you go before go before go the first shot receive false blessing the louder you shout you see the biggest blessing the longer you draw it generational blessing intercontinental thank you all my leaders here thank you i could see our mum is there thank you for your prayer support let somebody shout hallelujah [Applause]
Channel: RCCG
Views: 733
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg latest, rccg september 2021 holy ghost service, rccg september 2021 sermon, @rccg, rccg 2021 holy ghost service, rccg online, september 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service 2021, rccg live service, rccg service 2021, live, pastor e.a adeboye latest, rccg live youtube, september 2021 holy ghost service, september holy ghost, you shall be fruitful
Id: feTI29D6zn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 40sec (3820 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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