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[Music] praise the lord everybody [Music] i know you are already blessed by the tremendous worship and a time of prayer by by way of welcoming the power and presence of the holy spirit put your hands together give god the biggest praise come on put us together put your hands together you may be seated in the presence of the lord you may be seated in the presence of the lord you may be seated in the presence of the lord such a great honor privilege an opportunity to come a minister to you i trust the lord that i'll be a blessing to you in this session and your life will never be the same in the name of jesus i ask you to shout your good amen [Applause] i wanted to introduce some of more of my books to you but i think they are yet to bring it but uh i want to encourage you there are books there on finance books on the creative edge but then there's a bible there it's a very unique bible i am the only one on earth who have produced this prayer bible it has 15 000 prayer points 15 000 prayer points and it covers over 400 topics so anything you want to pray about is already in it and it is going to bless you tremendously how many are ready for the world this afternoon if you are ready i'd like you to shout i'm ready said very loud i'm ready in the book of joshua chapter 1 verse 8 joshua said this book of the lord shall not depart out of thine mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according as is written direct for then thou shalt make that way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success god wants you to succeed jesus also talked about a farmer who went out to sow seed and when the man sowed seed it sowed on foregrounds some seed fell on stony grounds some fell oh okay the books are here let me just quickly mention the books the first book i'm going to tell you about is 30 reasons why you should own your own company 30 reasons why you should own your own company your company is the vehicle with which you will carry the blessing to the people your company is the one with which you can propagate blessings your company is that with which you can live a blessing for your coming family the second book is the creative edge most of the companies who are doing well in our world today are companies that came out of somebody's creativity they pray that your creative edge will manifest in jesus name the third book i want to mention is how to provoke god's visitation in your life you need god's visitation you need god to visit you the fourth book is the power of the tithe 14 reasons why you should tithe and 29 blessings of the tithe don't let anyone confuse you don't let anybody tell you tithing is not important there's no time to teach about tithing i will have just shown you how that contrary to its ending rather jesus chose to affirm it by his ministry let me just give you an illustration in the book of hebrews chapter 6 verse 20 down to chapter 7 verse 17. the bible says four times that jesus is a high priest after the order of who after the order of who after the order of mercedes when jesus came there were two others he could have lined up with that outer the order of aeron and he could line up after the elder of mercury zedek he did not line up after the order of aeron which ended he lined up after the order of mercedes which is continuous and when you are part of an order you do what the other does the order of merchandise receives tithe what should jesus do receive time this book will change your life i wrote it 15 years ago not knowing that there will be a lot of argument about tithing it will bless you i have two books here that will bless you all the men in the house somebody all the men say amen this book is very funny he said so you call yourself a man so you call yourself a man hundred and one differences between the boys and the bozo there are boaz's in this house that are to bless their generation you are one of them the last book we live in a world that is very libertarian and people are doing what they like this book says let's talk about sex it looks at the subject of sex from a bible biblical christian point of view if you don't know what the bible says if you don't understand the subject you need to get this bookie to bless you and then the last of course is the bible the power posting prayer bible with 15 000 prayer points in it it will transform your life in the name of jesus so the farmer went and he planted seed some fell on the by the roadside some fell on stony grounds some fell among the thorns the one that fell among the thoughts was choked the one that fell on stony grounds did not be a fruit the one that fell by the roadside was eaten up by the birds but the one that fell on good ground yielded 30 fold 60 fold 100 fold don't let the rain distract you this afternoon this is probably the most important of all my teaching during this conference can you believe that the one that fell in a good ground yielded 30 fold 60 fold 100 folk there are too many christians who are settling for 30-fold blessing addiction 60-fold blessing multiplication but today i came to teach you about hundred-fold blessing exponential success i like everyone and i also say exponential success and i want you to hear me don't tell them in europe what you're about to hear this afternoon people pay 200 euros to hear the teaching 200 euros to hear the teaching those who are on my wealth master class they are the only ones i have taught but we're about i'm about to teach it freely but please don't treat it freely i want you to receive it as something that will transform your life i'd like you to say exponential success exponential success so the bible says that the man who sowed the seed the one that even fell on good ground some of them yielded 30 fold there are many people in church they hear the same message like you they sat under the same pastor but their level of succeeding with the same world is 30 fold [Music] then there are those who went forward their level of success with the same word is 60 fold that is multiplying by this afternoon we are about to teach exponential success exponential growth is growing and going beyond incremental success every young man young woman was listening to me today you need to hear me with the air of the spirit there is no time there is no time for additional blessing there is even no time for multiplication there is time for billionaires to rise in the house and if you are one of them i want you to shout i receive it incremental minds focus on something different from exponential success god has called you to something more than incremental if you want to wait for incremental blessing you will have to wait a long time i came today to speak to someone whose level of growth is going to be beyond incremental the exponential mind focuses on making it different in making it different breaking through in a way your neighbors have never seen mega successful companies operate with exponential mindset facebook apple they are not adding they are not multiplying they are growing exponentially exponentially mark zuckerberg may be a young man but he deliberately built eight campuses in the united states of america where he hired the best brains that come out of the best universities mit harvard princeton yale to come and work for him all they do is sit down and think of problems to solve and then they grow boom ladies and gentlemen facebook is not more than 16 17 years old started in 2004 but today it is worth 101 billion dollars ladies and gentlemen uber is no more than 12 years old but it is today 72 billion dollars and let me show all of you uber drivers uber does not own one car but they are using 100 they are using over a million cars belonging to other people it started with a man who traveled from california to france and the taxi disappointed him and he saw someone with a car and as if they could take him somewhere and you pay them for the number of hours that's how he got the idea of uber he went back home and started the company he does not own your car yet you work for him over a million cars around the world are working for him he has never been to nigeria he's never been to every coast but all those nations are working for him now his company is worth 72 billion it is no longer addition multiplying it is exponential so if you hear me with the air of the spirit this afternoon and you get your spirit ready that grace will jump on you you will leave this conference with a new testimony if you believe it shout a massive amen so facebook uber apple they are not looking to increase by addition by multiplying they are looking at exponential growth in the course of my teaching today at the end of the teaching i'll give you 8 c the letter c 8 c's that you need to work on to move from 34 to 64 and to move beyond 64 to the 100 fold exponential level if you are the one i'm talking to let your human be better than everybody else but you see the exponential mind requires movement out of your comfort zone the challenge of the nigerian young person is that we like our comfort zone we like where we live we like to give excuses we like to blame somebody we like to address and say this is the person who caused my problem and our government is my problem my parents are my problem the university i went to is my problem you cannot experience exponential growth until you step out of your regular zone if baba de boy did not step out of the regular zone of redeem it will have remained the 30 churches that he inherited some 40 something years ago i still remember those days there were only 30. after a boutique meta i don't remember many branches in town only one i also i always remember is when you're on your way to ibano only by the road there was one redeemed church in oguma king village and then after that one one redeem in my hometown my mother sometimes but something happened grace came upon the man he did not see addition he did not see multiplying he saw the possibility of exponential growth he made an announcement some people did not get it but you and i are now witnesses of what he saw that oil is on this house and that all will rest on your life i said the oil will rest on your business it will rest on your dream it will rest on your vision if you lie if you believe it shout a good amen taking advantage of this mind requires thinking in terms of exponential growth thinking differently because some of you the conference will be over i said that man said we should start a business you now begin a business of repairing phones you can't have exponential growth repairing one phone at a time you can't have exponential growth opening one barbell shop you must scale everything you do if god blesses your hand to start a barber shop and you live in potaco there's nothing wrong with having 20 of your shops across protacod let us imagine that your barber shop is called seasons so you should have one in line one must have a branch by the time you now have 10 to 20 barber shops in portacot and each one is bringing they didn't bring much money they only brought 20 20 000 naira twenty thousand naira times two twenty barber shops is equal to four hundred thousand naira a day in five days you have 2 million naira just having a barbershop that is scaling that is exponential thinking you took the same name you are now a brand you took it to a bar which is not far away you started scissors you opened 20 branches you took the same name you took it to another town before you know you are in a holder you are in brass you cross the water is the same name everybody began to hear that is exponential thinking you need to step out of your box somebody shouted step out if you ever read my book the creative edge one of the things i taught there is stepping out of the box the problem with many of us is that we live inside a box a nigerian box a yoruba box an ebook box a tiny box it's time for you to step out of that box it's time for you to do something you've never done before it's time for you to enter levels you've never entered before and i'm going to pray with you at the end of my teaching somebody will have a testimony you will have a testimony to have an exponential mindset requires that you confront ambitious moments that may rise and make exponential decisions exponential decisions begin to announce like i said the first the second day begin to see it have a mental picture of where you want to be what you want to achieve where you want to go then you run with momentum momentum is the strength the force that allows something to continue to grow stronger to grow faster as the time passes you need to have momentum momentum not open one shot then you cross your leg and you went and printed so many complimentary cards i am the managing director of caesar's barber shop and you have one in room of cruising one in room waller you can hardly pay your children's school fee you can hardly feed your family i came today to push someone to exponential growth i came today to push somebody to unuse your testimony finances will see you and connect with you and when i talk exponential growth it is applicable in ministry those of you in ministry your story will change it is applicable to business those of you in business your story will change it is applicable to your profession those of you in a profession your story will change shout him and again anything with momentum does not just move it accelerates your only limit is said by yourself many of us have set a limit to ourselves we sleep too much we never read we never stretch we hang around the wrong people we read it on our phone to gossip not to do business not to do business a fixed mindset holds people back from success the man served by the pool of bethesda for 38 years he had prepared the argument for how to answer people i've lived a few years on earth and i've noticed that when people want to justify failure or limited success they rehearse some answers they reverse this several times to themselves they know how to answer you why are you here i have no man the angel is too fast other people are too fast my family has gone i have nobody to help me and the bible didn't tell us that he cannot move he stayed on the spot for 38 years this morning on this afternoon somebody listening to me in the four corners of the air who is also connected via the internet if you hear me with the air of the spirit where you are will not hold you down europe will not limit you africa will not limit you america will not limit you your story will be heard around the world if you believe it shout him and with fire you need to move from incremental planning to exponential thinking many of us all we do is incremental planning i am this place today i'll just add one more step tomorrow i don't want anything that will stress me it is laziness that stresses a man success never stresses testimonies never come to the man who has not seen exponential breakthrough i pray for you today that your story will change everyone can become wealthy they just need to look at what others have done incremental many of us i said it during my first teaching all we have is just one source of income and we do not realize if you only have one source of income you have limited your life you have limited yourself there is a funnel that water should come through into your bottle and you only have one river that is filling your funnel and you're wondering why you're struggling but when god i yellow campbell is here created adam and eve how many rivers did he put in the garden of eden how many shouted out loud four rivers so the god of the universe could have given only two people one river they can't finish it but he chose to put four rivers in the garden of eden in other words the level of your current your currency determines your abundance if your river current is only one your income is only one you are limited but god put four rivers and each of the river has a meaning the first one guy hunt it means sweet river god is about to give you sweet income sweet income shout i receive it say it again i receive it the second river person it means free flow free flow there is an abundance there is a job there is a business that will bring free flow of favor into your life in the name of jesus the third river is called hidakel hidakel this river here kept means repeat like an arrow repeat like an arrow there is some source of financial breakthrough that will hit the target for you receive it in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus the last river is called the river euphrates the river euphrates euphrates freitas fares you first sin actually means break break breakthrough the last river is the river of breakthrough there are times guy hunt is delivering but it is not enough person is delivering but it's not enough idiocal is delivering but it's not enough you need a breakthrough river a river of sudden financial breakthrough if you are the one receiving a child i receive these are the four rivers in the garden of eden adams should have used one river but god of abundance put four rivers for him as a sign and a shadow a type and a shadow to you for you to realize if you rely on one source it will not be enough to carry out your vision you need exponential blessing to be able to sponsor the gospel to be able to carry out assignment to be able to when they say they want to build a church in your area and they said the land is 100 million for you to be able to call the pastor and say pastor here's a check for 75 million i will have written 100 million but i want others to be blessed also so here's a check for 75 million shout out i receive it i was preaching in baton rouge louisiana in the united states the pastor of the church gave me a testimony of a member of the church a billionaire who called the person and said how much do they hold how much do they spend to organize a reinhardt one care crusade and the person said i don't know so this member said okay here's a check for a million dollars if it is not enough they should let me know i will add more they were about to come to oshobo in nigeria the crusade was 750 000 dollars balance was 250 thousand dollars they asked the man what do we do with the balance he said tell them to keep the change for another crusade the one million dollars was no big deal to him and listen god is not a respecter of geography he's not irrespective of nations the next man to sponsor that kind of crusade is in this place i said you are in this place i repeat you are in this place the heavens will lift you up many have seen additional wealth added to them some have experienced multiplication but they have never come into exponential possibilities exponential prosperity and you just need to do what people did right to experience exponential wealth to experience exponential blessing listen listen the first billion is the hardest after that others will begin to follow and begin to follow and begin to follow and begin to follow i pray for you today the grace to break through into that realm is resting on your life it is resting on your life it is resting on your life however it is not becoming a billionaire that matters it is what you become on your way there so today number one make a decision that you really want god to prosper you i told you yesterday if i cannot change your mindset i cannot change what comes into your hand if the enemy tells you some blessings are too good too great too awesome too big for you you will not enter your hand if satan gives you excuse you know gosulu you don't get education they don't know you your language is not good you know we speak english if you believe that lie then you'll be limited one of the wealthiest men in the country of nigeria is a man who only went primary three and then got born again and because he went to a bible study at the age of 13 the master who was training him said you left my shop and went for bible study and kicked him out and said let jesus let jesus make you a shop owner [Music] and the young man told his master you threw me out because of jesus i shall come back with my testimony the young man knelt down before jesus and said father i want to be a millionaire before i'm 19 and i want to marry when i'm 20. that young man became a millionaire before he was 19 married at the age of 20 21 they were looking for those who will start a car company in nigeria all the big names applied and he wrote a special name his name and his wife's name they didn't know it was somebody who did not finish more than primary three and they gave him license to be a sole importer an assembler of cars in the country of nigeria today his company is worth 800 million dollars he didn't go past primary three he's the owner of course charis that is the representative of land rover in nigeria representative of range rover and representative of the small car i brought this afternoon i declare and decree to your life the god who did it for cosmos maduka he will do it in your life he will do it in your life he will do it in your life he will do it in your life somebody said four rivers say it again four rivers say they get four rivers and that does not mean you should only have four rivers let me shock you do you know how many rivers aliko dangote has 53 53 rivers the richest black man on earth has 53 rivers he cannot spend all the money it's no longer about the money you spend is now about exponential success it is now about making impact there are people of god in this place today you are young and they don't know you but i prophesy on this altar today nigeria will hear from you the world will hear from you nations will hear from you say amen three times it is not becoming a billionaire that matters it is what you should be before you become number one make decisions that you want to be wealthy number two let it reflect in your work ethic let it reflect in your work ethic let it reflect in your work ethic let it reflect in your work ethic you can't walk nine to five resume work eight a.m close 3 p.m every day and build billions is not possible you must realize you must work 16 hours a day those whom you see who are making impact they work 16 hours a day not eight hours and they are enjoying it until i met a woman with a teacher i said what do you do she said she's a teacher i said do you like your choice i like you too i just feel close and go home and sleep a little sleep a little slumber and your poverty will overtake you like a bandito it is not becoming a billionaire that matters it is what you become on the way the frugal days of being generous will come in your life from the frugal days even in those days you should become generous give to somebody so see 87 of those you see in nigeria today who have wealth nobody left money for them no family left wealth for them i pray for you wealth is coming to your house i'm carrying the clothes of luck from your life i'm sharing the clothes of poverty from your life you are changing location from today shelter man like fire what is exponential success what exponential success listen your ability level is very fluid and variable but it can be influenced by hard work if you decide when this convention is over i don't want to remain the way i used to be i want to now be a new person i want to really prosper i want to change i want to handle wealth there are eight things you will need to do the first one is called c for clarity clarity clarity be clear on what you want what do you want your life what do you want to become clarity be clear on where you are going some people don't know where they are going today they are up tomorrow they are down be clear on where you are going be also clear on what is your product where is the problem you are solving where is the problem you are solving only burma come nigeria come make us become civil servants so we just queue in civil service that is the problem of our nation out of 36 states forgive me to say this but it is the truth this is a very controversial statement but it is the truth if nigerian states were businesses only five will still be in business 31 will have been bankrupt because they have borrowed money more than they have income so how can you brag i am the executive governor of a bankrupt economy 31 don't have money they don't they are broke they are borrowing in fact no business can survive if it keeps borrowing only about five states only about five states have enough so they can't experience exponential success and in fact some of us don't even realize they have spent the money of five generations to come first generation all the arguments about vht is because if everyone keep the vat in their states governor no go see money pay so they have to take it from those that are prosperous to give those that are bankrupt but i came today to ask you what problem are you solving i lay hands on somebody right now the ideas the dreams the vision that will make you a testimony receive in the name of jesus receive in the name of jesus receive in the name of jesus somebody shout clarity [Music] you must be clear on what you want clear on where you are going clear on what problem you are solving clear on who is going to buy from me who am i serving if you sell food who wants your food if you cut hair who wants your style who wants your work if you are selling clothes who wants the clothes everybody is into fashion designing hungry stomach not a weird fashion solve problems you must be clear on what you want for your future your company your children your family you must be clear on your goal in life i ask you young man today you are 30. where will you be when you are 40 what are you doing to get there when will you be when you are 50 young lady what's your goal why do you want to marry that young man because the answer because he fine find out they put football table find no they provide food to ah find not a sub problem or where poverty comes like this phone will disappear when poverty comes i'm telling you 85 percent of domestic problem is centered around money 85 percent of domestic problem is centered around money listen i was going to say you are lucky you are not lucky you are blessed for this conference 99 of nigerian youth outside nobody is teaching them what you are hearing in this conference nobody gave them this opportunity so put your hands together for the organizers appreciate them come on [Applause] that's why some people think the answer is yahoo yahoo or banditry anything you get in the house you will waste whatever comes in haste will be a waste it came in haste it would be a waste the man whom you made to cry the woman from whom you took she removed her clothes and in her nakedness she cast your future what do you think you will become what the man would say is a bandit grabbing people and demanding money they think it will be free everyone will fight them your amen is very weak [Applause] you must be clear on your goal on your vision what do you see what do you see what do you see what do you see you must be clear on your aspirations somebody shout clarity [Music] i'm gonna say long on the first c out of eight then you must not only be clear decide what you want write it down set a deadline tell yourself that pastor might you say before i am 40 i can become a billionaire let me write down 10 problems i can solve in nigeria and you write it down and you begin to look for a solution i declare today in the name that is above all names heaven will give you answers heaven will give you answers heaven will give you answers heaven will give you answers shout amen like fire after you write down your goal you begin to do something every day that is taking you towards that goal every day every day something to take you towards the goal every day every day something to take you towards the goal don't get angry with anybody who have offended you turn their anger down what they did to you to a blessing and i was a teenager they used me to sell sell sell sell sell i sell bread sell these zelda saute i knew how to do mathematics without writing it down so when i grew up i didn't know they were teaching me the anointing of being a business person so when i was a bachelor pastor in these lagos this lagos and my salary pastor my salary was 50 naira a month in fosquel when i resumed in 1976 my salary was 50 naira even that time i smoked on you not the big one had nothing 759 i want big money even that chance now poor my money next year they promoted me they changed my salary to 65 naira by the time i was getting married four years or five years after resuming full-time ministry my salary was hundred naira 100 100 naira by pastor belema every year i will not spend my money i'll eat small food i'll gather the money during my holiday as a bachelor pastor i'll fly to europe i'll go and buy musical instruments i'll bring it to nigeria i'll put it in a bookshop belonging to ebenezer albeit in shipperolu they'll sell my musical instruments with that i bought the first plot of land and at 27 as a bachelor i built my first house [Applause] many who are singing today i want to be a billionaire it's just to show off you know they want to drive they just want to drive bugatti when you drive ferrari at 109 salary that time one dollar was 70 kobo 65 70k i'll buy a musical instruments and bring buy a musical instrument and bring god saw my heart he changed my level when i was in england nobody was bringing christian books to nigeria because the government of abacha stroke babangida made foreign exchange to be known as rng you couldn't bring foreign exchange but i lived in europe so all my income all my salary i began to bring christian books i became the largest distributor of christian books in nigeria representing a 30 publishing companies i was a nigerian representative kenneth hagin harrison house destiny image 30 publishing houses incremental to exponential by the time i knew we had profit i didn't know what to do with the profit you can't check it out so i came to my way and bought 900 acres we bought one acre hundred thousand we're now selling it 15 million naira emma and your logo are you ready for this teaching i said are you ready [Music] so number one is what number one is what number one is what number two you raise your competence your competence your competence the civil service they don't expect my dad and my mom to raise their competence they literally they studied they just be doing literally to internal courses no competence level raised you want to experience exponential growth change your competence ayala umbrelli saliramunja become one of the 10 percent highest in your profession 10 percent best 10 percent highest 10 percent best 10 percent highest 10 percent best 10 percent highest when they are thinking of accountants in nigeria that they think of you when they are thinking of anyone in that business let them think of you when they are thinking of an important nigeria concerning that let them think of you i pray for people in this house this teaching will change your life your story will change your dream will become reality your expectation will become reality shout amen with fire shout amen with fire [Music] but you can only be 10 percent when you are obsessed with excellence don't do anything badly do it excellent if you are the one arranging flowers yeah shock us every year make it the best if you are the one providing sound make it the best let people begin to hear about you you only get what you deserve competence raise your level when you raise your level you determine your income when you raise your level you determine your income when you raise your level you determine your income do you know there are event planners of 50 000 naira at the same event there's another event planner or 500 000 naira the same event there's another event planned of the same event of 5 million naira the same event there's an event planner or 15 million naira depending on how you have raised your competence level something is changing from today i said something is changing from today number three find your concentration concentration i'd like you to say concentration now no talk anymore concentration find your focus focus focus focus a broken focus is the beginning of accident when your focus is bad your vision will be bad the camera i'm looking at if the man messes up the focus now my face will look fuzzy my face will look jagged but because the focus is sharp my face is sharp same thing when your focus is wrong your concentration is wrong you'll be distracted stop the distraction there are some friends who are no longer your friends just as you have been unfriending people on facebook unfriend them unfriend them shut down your phone also shut your phone shut your phone close down your phone it isn't every call that you have to pick it's not every text you have to answer is not everyone you have to respond to shut your phone down every minute you're on this one you buy credit every minute you're on instagram you are on linkedin you are on facebook you are on uh youtube you are everywhere the one where no concern you they talk about youtube jump inside you're abusing people foolish man you shouldn't have said that what's your own what did it add to your life somebody screamed concentration [Music] one of the greatest blessings of this generation is social media and digital but it's also the greatest curse the greatest blessing i just taught it last saturday to those people who paid to be on my platform how to sell through digital platforms they are they are replacing regular advertising all the billboards along this road no matter what travel here goes here but when it's on digital everybody sees it use your phone use your facebook to market your business put five dollars twenty dollars behind your barber shop your scissors barber shop in the whole of patakot everybody will see it digital is going to become the biggest television is going to disappear to your phone but for the moment stay off it concentration concentration get yourself prepared get yourself prepared concentrate on the major things make the main thing the main thing make the main thing the main thing make the main thing the main thing be so disciplined that you stay with your goal [Music] they told me i have 30 minutes more before i came to teach i was finishing my my message for sunday because i'm taking on a very difficult subject from sunday i'm teaching on why i believe people run away from it i'm about to teach europe why i believe there is a god some scientists will tune in on sunday they want to see what i say so i couldn't waste the time sitting there concentrate number four number four constraint constraint what is constraint what is constraint a constraint is anything that is hindering you a constraint is anything that is limiting you a constraint is anything that is blocking your exponential success a constraint is anything that is your roadblock to travel from here to lekki where i live it's only one hour or sometimes less but there's traffic constraints so it took us three and a half hours to get here the first day it took us three hours to get here yesterday today the constraint was limited it took us two hours constraint some of us we are the ones who went and wrote to problem people who are not adding to your life they are you see everybody in your life is an arithmetic they are either addiction multiplication or minus and division you've got to remove some people try to change all your constraints for your exponential success part of your constraints are gold diggers somebody scream gold diggers [Applause] gold diggers are that lady you are giving money that man you are giving money single lady don't sponsor love don't sponsor love the guy won't marry you say he know get money make you buy him car make you buy him this make you pay in rent thank you and because you don't take you never marry you come by and car you pay in rent ah ah constraint listen and some of us our family members are our constraints let me say something controversial and then i'll step into my car and go home in the whole world apart from jesus whom you should give and worship with what you have and so into the life of your man of god the only responsibility you have are your parents not your brother not your sister not your cousin not all your village people where they call you brother because you get money you don't get money they will say will be you [Music] many of us are broke because we are carrying burdens that jesus did not give us number five are you getting something i said are you getting something number five continuous learning continuous learning [Music] continuous learning you cannot grow exponentially if your reference point is all the information put your whole heart in i mean you need to change what you know [Music] dave david said i have loved your word jeremiah said i have loved your word more than my necessary food paul said when you are coming bring the books i don't know who told you that christianity makes people to be bereft of information any area where you don't know much you don't do much you've got to know that you must change your mind for for exponential growth 60 to 90 minutes every day reading something warren buffett one of the greatest wealthiest man on earth all he does is sell some is buy stocks and shares he reads three to five hours every day and he's 85 years old cut down you're listening to radio all those music you know by head cut down all those rubbish cds flood your mind with ideas ideas ideas ideas ideas ideas ideas and god will begin to show you the problem to solve number six [Music] what was number one what was number one what was number two [Music] what was number three number four number five continuous learning number six you must have a commitment commitment commitment a commitment to achieve a commitment to succeed a commitment to your business listen don't start the business 9 a.m is when you say you'll be opening today you're open 9 a.m tomorrow you're open 9 30 another day you open 11. another day you open 12 midnight another day you open 6 pm one guy in london near the house i used to live in an area of london across stratford and long moved away from there he opened a christian book shop he called it an anointed christian bookshop was selling christian books he said you'll be opening 9am one day you open nine another 9 30. another 11 another day nine another ten that because it was inconsistent the bookshop closed the devil did not close his bookshop he closed it by himself i pray for somebody here today fresh oil is resting on your life your story is changing [Music] your dream will become reality shout a massive amen number seven the courage the courage to begin the courage to face failure because failure may come some things may not sell but it does not mean that god did not call you to do business some things may not go well i told you i used to be the one everybody bought books from me pastor bilema everybody i was a supplier i represented 30 publishing houses 30 30 publishing houses everybody bought from my company madison media but there were failures there were funny stuff who carried away our books who stole our books there are christians who did not pay us but it did not stop us from that business god prospered my hand courage to start all over again courage to persist courage to keep going courage to never give up number eight and that's where we close today compound compound your success compound your success how do you compound your success define your key goals define where you are going define what you want to achieve define what you want to become make sure you define what you want to become and then multiply it by 10 multiply your dream by 10 multiply your vision by 10 multiply what you want to achieve by 10 exponential make sure you make up your mind that you really want to succeed you want to achieve you want to break all levels you want to enter new dimensions from today i pray for you that god will increase you beyond your own imagination favor will rest on your life abundance will follow you the kind of blessing you've never seen will become your portion it will become your story it will become your testimony in the name of jesus when i say compound your success you must 10 x everything 10 x everything times 10 your dreams times 10 your vision times 10 your commitment times 10 your prayer times 10 your desire times 10 your vision times 10 your results don't wait tell yourself whatever i have achieved i must 10x eat i must 10x the dream i have i must stand as the vision i have i must 10x the breakthrough i want i must stand as the dream i have the assignment the blessing i want to see in my life the bible says the seed the man showed brought one hundredfold richard as isaac sold in the land the same year and the man had a hundredfold return he succeeded he went forward he prospered until he became very prosperous and until the philistines began to envy him 10x your dream 10x your vision 10x your ideas god gave you an idea god gave you a dream god gave you a company 10 times what you have seen ten times what you have known ten times what you can see ten times what you have known from today your story will change i pray again for you that your story will change somebody's in this meeting something unusual is happening in your life the place you've never reached is god is taking you there you will enter the level of exponential success exponential abundance exponential breakthrough exponential testimony in the name of jesus god will compound the favor in your hand god will compound the blessing in your hand god will compound your customers you are going from lesser to greater you are going from smaller to bigger the problem you will solve that will change your story god will open your eyes to see it as a god will open your eyes to see it you will generate exponential growth from today you are going from mindset to mind growth from mindset to mind growth from mindset to mind growth your weakness will not hold you down failure of yesterday will not hold you down heaven will strengthen you god will give you grace abundance will follow the works you do every dream and aspiration of your heart will become the reality of your life testimonies will follow you the place where you have known failure before as you go back there god will turn your story around god will turn your story around god will turn your case around god will turn your story around god will turn your case around god will turn your case round god will turn your story around i tear the rag of limitation of your life you will not just have incremental success you will have exponential success exponential testimony exponential favor exponential lifting businesses of the east will come to you the favor of the west will look for you the abundance of the north will come to you the abundance of the south will come to you the bible says and usher shall dip his feet in oil from today you will dip your feet in oil you will dip your feet in increase you will dip your feet in abundance you will dip your feet in oil some of you have some little little business literally to idea right now but the god who compounds he will compound your success look at me look at me albert einstein said one of the greatest secrets of life is the secret of compounding i teach my people how to compound the people on my platform you can check it on matthew i teach them how to compound because the best way to increase wealth is to compound it look what i told you i bought the land 150 000 and now we're selling it 15 million and i didn't do anything the thing just compounded ah the oil of compounded breakthrough shall rest on your household the oil of compounded testimony shall rest on your life it shall rest on your life it showers on your life it shall rest on your life it shall rest on your life don't tell me things are hard it was during a hard time that isaac had compounded 10x breakthrough and isaac sold in the land in the same year and he had a hundredfold return i lay hand on you today that's why the challenges in our world and the battle in nigeria receive the anointing for compounded success receive the anointing for compounded favor receive the grace for compounded blessing receive the grace for compounded turnarounds from today your story is changing your story is changing your story is changing tomorrow the people on my platform the wealth academy i'll be teaching them how to start a company and running it to success [Music] if you don't have a company [Music] can you see too much to teach [Music] deuteronomy 28 verse 5-12 says god will bless the work of your hand your basket and your storehouse but you see many of us the only thing we've been presenting to god is work of hand there is still basket and then the storehouse basket work of hand is salary basket is small business storehouse is when you begin to hire 50 people and above how many are ready for that level [Music] deuteronomy 28 from verse 5 to 12 meg 99 percent of the church they are just receiving work of hands work of hands work of hand salary then he said basket but then there's beyond basket exponential store house lift both hands as you have lifted those hands they represent the companies you are going to start they represent the favor that will come to your life they represent the breakthrough you will receive exponential success in your business in your finances in your marriage in your ministry exponential success exponential success exponential success will not see you could see you oh no here you go hear you oh no no you god no you will not see you go see you we'll no here you go hear you we'll not know you before god know you the world will hear from you the world will hear from you the world will hear from you exponential success is coming to your house it is coming to your life it is coming to your house it is coming to your life this will be your conference of turnaround this will be your conference of a turnaround this will be your conference of a turnaround where i'll give the lord the biggest praise give him the biggest praise give him the glory give him the glory something is shifting something is shifting something is shifted something is shifting something is shifting something is shifting something is shifting in the realm of the spirit [Music] [Music] so two times in the bible two times the word floodgate was used malachi 310 does not say windows in hebrew it says flood gate do this and see if i will not open for you the floodgates in nigeria we don't have floodgates we have it in london i live in the eastern part of london and it is below sea level so because the sea can flood east london they spent 85 million pounds to make a flood gate to lock out the sea so that when it is rising they lock it out but god is saying to you today instead of locking out the sea i'm going to open the floodgates i'm going to flood your life i'm going to flood you with favor flood you with blessing flood you with testimony flood you with breakthrough how many are ready for exponential success here [Music] and when you start that company too many things in my head but i need to tell you this don't give your company a christian name we call that segmentation don't segment your company don't call it hallelujah bread don't call it anointed rice don't call your barber shop shalom baba shop muslim no go go and you need their money have you not need their money christians please stop stop calling your shop coinonia bread we not say you know greek [Music] please give it a name in in marketing we call it segmentation you need to do segmentation you need to target some people but don't let some people carry their money away don't start an estate and call the estate zion zionist look for another name look outside there's green leaf green leaf bread look outside [Music] the red california red california please something is changing in this house you are leaving this conference with anointing for exponential success hallelujah hallelujah hi hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah don't stop hallelujah
Channel: RCCG
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Id: gIogswrvl28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 20sec (4940 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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