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we bless your neighbor [Music] and we confess you that you are the lord we bless we bless your name oh lord and we confess you that you are the lord we bless we bless your name oh lord and we confess you [Music] that you are the lord ancient of days we bless your name we confess that you are the lord the almighty the most high the controller of heaven and earth the unchangeable changer god of abraham god of isaac god of jacob will worship you there's no one like you may your name forever be glorified today in the lives of every one of us show yourself mighty mighty to save mighty to heal mighty to deliver a mighty to bless in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen praise the lord well give your hand to one or two people and say good day god bless you and then you may please be seated we want to continue with our series going higher today we'll be looking at part 30. going higher at 30 our text will remain first kings chapter 18 verse 36 first kings chapter 18 verse 30 6 first kings 18 verse 36 and it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice that elijah the prophet came near and said lord god of abraham isaac and of israel let it be known this day that thou art god in israel and that i am thy servant and that have done all these things at thy word last sunday when we were looking at this passage we looked at the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob today we want to go on [Music] to the next thing that elijah said let it be known this day that thou art god in israel and that i am [Music] thy servant if you want to give a subtitle to today's talk you probably want to say god manifest yourself god please manifest yourself prove yourself that you are god elijah was saying in his prayers lord god almighty proof yourself that you are who you say you are god of abraham prove yourself like you said in genesis 17 verse 1 to abraham genesis 17 verse 1 that's where jehovah else shall die the god who is more than enough prove yourself to be the almighty psalm 91 verse 1 psalm 91 verse 1 tells us that you are the most high and you are the almighty almighty means of course that there's nothing you cannot do jeremiah 32 27 jeremiah 32 27 says behold i am the god of all flesh is anything too hard for me to do god prove today that there's nothing too hard for you to do which is why i'm praying for all of you listening to me today that that god who can do anything will prove himself in your life and every impossibility in your life will become possible today prove yourself that you are the maker and controller of all things i mean for example in genesis chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 genesis 1 verse 9 to 10 it is recorded that you made the sea you are the creator of the sea and so you are the controller of the sea according to jupiter from verses to 11 job 38 from verse 8 to 11. you are the one to dc this is how far you can go you can go further when you get to the beach with your proud waves you just must recede job 38 from the 3 to 11. and you proved that before in exodus 14 verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21-28 you told your servant to lift up his hand against the red sea and the rest he parted you proved yourself that you made the sea and you are the controller of the sea in genesis chapter 1 from verse 14 to 18 genesis 1 14-18 you created the sun and the moon the greater light to rule the day that the sun the lesser light to rule the night that's the moon you created both and you proved that you are the controller of both the sun and the moon because in joshua chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12-14 when joshua asked the sun to stay and the moon to remain stationary you brought it to pass you have proved it before but you are the maker of the sign the maker of the moon and you are the controller and we know in isaiah 38 from verse 1 to 8 i started from verse one to eight that the almighty god can even ask the sun to go backward retrace its steps you are the almighty prove yourself and it is interesting that you will never find anywhere in the bible where it says god created fire he created land he created the sea he created dynamite he created bursts he created everything there's nowhere where he said he created fire why not because he himself is fire you can create yourself the bible tells us in clear times hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 hebrews 12 29 that our god is a consuming fire and i'm sure elijah must be telling god you are fire you have come down before in exodus chapter 3 from verse 1 to 6 exodus 3 1-6 when you wanted to speak to moses you came down as a fire burning in the bush and the bush was not consumed you have done it before and you have proved it again and again that you are the controller of fire when they through the hebrew slaves into the fire shadrach meshach and abednego the fire didn't burn them and so elijah was saying to god you don't change you said through yourself exodus chapter 3 verse 14 you say i am that i am not i was not i will be but i am you don't change and in leviticus chapter 9 verse 8 to 24 leviticus 9 8 to 24 when aaron presented an offering before the almighty god he sent down fire to receive it so elijah was saying to god prove yourself do what you have done before you have sent down fire before to receive an offering do it again but then there is something even more serious in his prayer he said show this day not tomorrow prove yourself today that's your god in israel and i believe there's quite a lot for us to learn from that little bit of his prayer you see some miracles can wait for one year i mean in genesis chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 9-14 when god himself decreed that sarah will have a son she had to wait for nine months before isaac showed up it was god who made the decree but the miracle took nine months i mean you have for the example second king chapter 4 verse to 17 second kings 4 8-17 elisha which is double anointing decreed that the shunammite woman will have a son and she had to wait for nine months for the miracle to come to pass so miracles can wait for a year so miracles can wait for a month in first semester 17 if you read it from verse 1 to 16 before continuing to 51 4 samuel 17 verse 1 to 16 and then on to 51 you will see that goliath terrorized israel for 40 days before the miracle came so some miracles can wait for a month and i hope somebody is listening to me very closely because this is the very very crucial aspect of this message so miracles can wait for a week oh john chapter 11 you can read it from verse one to the end john 11 from verse one to the end la saros was sick they sent a message to jesus christ the one whom thou loveth is sick he heard he stayed where he was for another two days before he arrived by the time he arrived this fellow had been buried dead and buried four days the two days of waiting plus the four days of barrier because it was when he died that jesus said all right now this fellow is dead there are the days together you have six days at the very least and yet the miracle came some miracles can wait for one week so miracles can wait for 24 hours one day in second kings chapter seven second kings chapter seven from verse one to eleven second kings seven from verse 1 to 11 when there was a siege at samaria and elijah prophesied and said by this time tomorrow 24 hours from now on there will be abundance of food and nobody will want to buy everybody will just go and collect 24 hours 24 hours later what he prophesied came to pass so miracles can wait for 24 hours but some miracles cannot wait it has to be now proof yourself now that's what elijah will say i'm standing alone before this angry crowd 450 [Music] prophets of bear ready to take me to pieces god you better do something now when david ran to meet goliath if he has missed that first tool if that festoon had missed the mark we won't be telling the story we are telling now when in matthew chapter 14 when peter was walking on water to go and meet the lord jesus christ and then he began to sink and he cried to god and said help if jesus christ said i will don't worry so your miracle can come tomorrow the story we are telling now will be a different one when shadrach meshach and abednego landed in the very fullness if god was not there already instantly to take care of their situation the story will be different in mark chapter 10 verse 46 to 52 mark 10 46-52 when jesus was passing by and batman began to cry for help the reason he didn't keep quiet is because he knew it is either now or never so i'm asking somebody this sunday when do you want your miracle because you could wait next year god will still be on his throne you can wait for a month you see a miracle working god you can't even wait next sunday miracles can come after one week so miracles must happen immediately immediately prove yourself now when it is time to pray that should be your prayer today god i know you are the controller of times and seasons i know with you all things are possible but this very day you must answer me now that's why when in genesis 32 when all of a sudden an angel appeared jacob and started wrestling with him and the angel said let me go because the sun is breaking if this is going to break it will break with the two of us here because if you don't answer me now by tomorrow i'll be dead so miracles can't wait some miracles can wait i pray for every one of you listening to me today that god will give you the grace to hold tight to god in prayer until he answers you today prove yourself o lord this day that's what elijah said if the fire did not fall that moment that would have been the end of the story for elijah and then he went on to say prove to these people that i am your servant prove to these people i am your servant give me your backing that's what he was saying you know many of us are serving god in spirit we are serving him in truth there's nothing wrong in asking the almighty god to say prove to the world that i'm sincerely serving you proof to the world prove to those who are asking where is my god show them you are right behind me give me your backing prove it lord elijah was saying give me your backing like you gave to moses exodus chapter 3 verse 7 to 12 exodus 37 to 12. when you sent moses to go and bring the children of israel out of egypt almighty god you told him i will be with you and you are with him prove yourself give me your backing the way you give it to joshua in joshua chapter one from verse one to eight joshua one one two eight you told joshua as i was with moses so will i be with you now you were with moses you were with joshua be with me prove yourself give me your backing let these people know that everything i'm doing is for your glory in isaiah chapter 61 from verse one to three isa 61 from verse one to three it is written to give me beautiful ashes it is so that you might be glorified lord why am i asking you to prove yourself in my life today is so that you might be glorified it's not because of me elijah was saying lord god almighty the reason we are having all this competition it's because of you because of you i want you to pray today like you've never prayed before stir the almighty god i am nothing if i'm put to shame that's nothing that you cannot afford to be put to shame you are the almighty and the o lord knows that i am called by your name prove yourself so that you might be glorified i have a deep feeling within me if you really call on him today he will answer you but you can ask him to prove himself if we don't belong to him you cannot ask him to come and prove himself when you belong to the other camp he can only prove himself on behalf of those who are his children that's why if that is the only reason why you must give your life to jesus christ do so now it is only when you belong to him that you can call him upon him to prove himself so let's buy our heads if you are anywhere listening to me you want to be able to say to god that before the son says today i want a testimony then surrender your life to jesus now now let us pray call on him if you are giving your life to him to please have mercy on you to forgive your sins to save your soul to become your lord your savior to receive you into his family so that whatever concerns you from now we concern him because you are now his child call on him to save your soul he is willing to do so if you sincerely want to say bye bye to a life of sin so call on him now for a moment or two and i will pray with you for your salvation thank you father my father my god i want to say thank you for your word thank you for all those who have made up their minds that from this moment of what they want to belong to you body soul and spirit remember your promise lord that whosoever will come unto you you will no wise cast out please lord receive these people save their souls forgive all their sins let your blood wipe away their sins receive them into the family of god and from now anytime they call on you please answer them by fire daddy i am praying on behalf of all your children all over the world particularly do so for us who i need of your help or gently oh father answer us today give us our miracles today not tomorrow before the sun says today give us our miracles and we will glorify your name lord in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen praise the lord now those of you who have given your life to jesus i congratulate you i want to assure you from now on i'll be praying for you that's why i will need your names your address and your prayer requests so that i can be praying for you and i would advise you to locate the nearest redemption church of god to you and as the pastor there that i sent you and you want to know what to do next and they will tell you god bless you amen
Channel: RCCG
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg latest, rccg september 2021 holy ghost service, rccg september 2021 sermon, @rccg, rccg 2021 holy ghost service, rccg online, september 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service 2021, rccg live service, rccg service 2021, live, pastor e.a adeboye latest, rccg live youtube, september 2021 holy ghost service, september holy ghost, you shall be fruitful
Id: tI6kUzL1etM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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