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[Music] bless his holy name blessed [Music] give him glory give him honor give him adoration praise god present his worth is wanting to replace his worthy to be adored is worthy to be magnified praise him praise the king of kings praise the lord of lords praise the owner of the earth the owner of the fullness thereof praise the one who never fails give him glory give him honor give him adoration thank him for all he has done for you since the beginning of the year praise him for preservation present for healing praising for health praising for provision praising for protection give him glory give him honor he is worthy to be praised it's worthy to be adored bless his holy name thank you father glory be to your holiness thank you father in jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] i want you to pray for all our rulers at every level that the one who himself is called the body bearer will help these people to carry their own bodies they're carrying the burdens of kingdoms of states of the nation but they have their own bodies let's cry to god that the almighty god will carry their bodies for them let's cry to god go ahead say father you are the body and bearer please bear the burdens of all our rulers open your mouth and cry unto god pray pray for them let the body bear help them to bear their own bodies their own individual buildings burdens in the whole buildings over their children physical bodies material buildings spiritual bodies body bearer help them please help them to carry their own bodies please lord help them assist them help them to carry their own bodies thank you father in jesus mighty name we have prayed then let's pray that the almighty god will give them wisdom he will give them understanding he will give them direction from heaven so that they will be able to rule us our right go ahead talk to the almighty god father give our rulers wisdom from heaven give them the spirit of understanding give them special divine enablement so that they will be able to rule us our right guide them lord support them strengthen them please lord stand by them stand by them thank you forever my lord in jesus mighty name we have prayed brethren when david made a mistake and god decided to fight there were thousands of people in israel that died not a single one in the palace let us cry to god open your mouth and try to go and say father don't let our rulers make mistakes aha cry to god cry to god don't let them make mistakes because if they do we are the ones who will suffer please lord don't let them make mistakes you can help them so that they won't make mistakes so that we won't suffer please don't let them make mistakes have them lord direct their actions direct their thoughts please lord don't let them make mistakes thank you father glory be to your holy name in jesus mighty name we are prayed now you're going to pray for yourself you're going to cry to him and say father another year is coming to an end fulfill your promises for me go ahead talk to the almighty god another year is coming to an end please fulfill your promises for me [Applause] we're in october lord another year is about to end please fulfill your promises for me thank you in jesus mighty name we have prayed you are the mighty god the greatest [Music] [Music] oh [Music] for the almighty the all-sufficient god jehovah el shaddai the one who lives forever the one who can do anything the great body bearer accept our worship in jesus name thank you for january lord thank you for february thank you for march thank you for april thank you for me thank you for june thank you for july thank you for august thank you for september and now thank you for october father i accept our thanks in jesus name it is of your mercy that we are not consumed there are many people who said happy new year with us and i know more that we are still alive today thank you thank you for preservation thank you for your provision thank you for your support further accept our thanks in jesus name father today we your children across the whole world one accord and we are crying to you for our leaders oh we are always quick to criticize them when we forget that they have their own problems oh great body and bearer bear their bodies for them [Applause] whatever may be their individual problems whether physical materials spiritual marital or otherwise please lord solve their problems support them [Applause] defend them fight their battles for them in their very own domains my father and my god send them help and give them wisdom give them understanding and don't let them make mistakes so that we don't suffer and lord please the year is going to an end there were so many promises we made for us that you prophesied into our lives since the beginning of the year before this year ends father and sorrows fulfill your promises [Applause] and lord all your children who have been faithful in the payment of their tithes and in the giving of their offerings this month embarrass them with your blessing embarrass them the kind of blessing that they will say god this is too much father give unto them and lord god almighty in the life of every one of your children all over the world let this month be a month of miracles in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen unless someone shout hallelujah i wave your hand to one or two people and say good morning god bless you and then you may please be seated we are delighted to welcome the number one citizen of lagos state to our midst today god bless you sir and god bless you man and we are delighted to welcome all our royal fathers too and so that i don't miss anybody we are we are delighted to welcome every brother and sister to the church this morning god bless you [Applause] second chronicles chapter 20. i'm going to read quite some verses second chronicles chapter 20 from verse 20 to 30. and in case anyone is wondering we didn't hear you pray for nigeria we've done that on october 1 at the holy ghost service and we know that god has already heard us whether the devil likes it or not all is going to be well with nigeria second chronicles chapter 20 from verse 20 to 30. and the rose early in the morning and went forth into the wilderness of decor and as they went forth jehoshaphat stood and said hear me o judah and he inhabitants of jerusalem believe in the lord your god so shall he be established believe his prophet so shall he prosper how many of you believe the prophets of god then you shall prosper and when he had consulted with the people they are pointed seeing gas unto the lord and as you praise the beauty of holiness as they went out before the lord and to say praise the lord for his mercy endure it forever and when they began to sing and to praise they lost such ambushment against the children of ammon and monsieur which were called against judah and they were smitten for the children of ammon and moab stood up against the inhabitants of monsieur utterly to slay and destroy them and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of syria everyone helped to destroy another may i prophesy to someone that all your enemies will destroy themselves and when judah came to us they watched towering the wilderness they looked unto them multitude and behold they were dead bodies falling to the earth and none escaped and when jerusalem and his people came to take away the spoil of them they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies and pressure jewels and they strip off for themselves and with the strippers for themselves more than they could carry away and they were three days in gathering of the spoil it was so much and on the fourth day they assembled themselves in the valley of berakah for they there they blessed the lord therefore the name of this same place was called the valley of baraka on to this day then they returned every man of judah and jerusalem and jerusalet in the forefront of them to go again to jerusalem with joy for the lord had made them to rejoice over their enemies every one of you you will rejoice over your enemies and they came to jerusalem we saw trees and hams and trumpets onto the house of the lord and the fear of god was on all the kingdoms of those countries when they had heard that the lord fought against the enemies of israel so the realm of jehoshaphat was quiet for his god give him rest round about i decree to nigeria god will give you rest this morning have been asked to speak to us on divine involvement what what do you mean by divine we all know that one that doesn't need a lot of definition it simply means something that has to do with god what do we mean by involvement in the language that the market woman can understand involvement simply means to have a hand in so when they say you are involved they mean you have a hand in the matter for example in matthew chapter 8 from verse 1 to 3 matthew 8 from verse 1 to 3 a leper came to jesus christ and said i know that you can make me who if you are willing if you decide to have a hand in my situation you can make me who jesus said i'm willing and he touched him he had a hand in the situation and the leper was cleansed so when we talk about divine involvement we are talking about god having a hand in your situation and so i'm praying for everyone of us everyone listening to me all across the globe from this moment onward god will have a hand in your affairs you see because when god becomes involved with an individual when he has a hand in your situation the incurable can be cured i mean you know the story of naman in second kings chapter 5 from verse 1 to 14 second kings 5 verse to 1-14 this man was rich he was successful he was famous but he had a problem and that problem was leprosy and in those days the process was incurable but god had the hand in his situation god told him to go and watch in a particular river you don't get cured of leprosy by washing in any river no matter how clean and the river god asked him to go and watch him was even a dirty one he himself said so he said there are better rivers where i come from but this one but because god has a hand in it he washed and he was cleansed in john chapter nine from verse one to seven john chapter nine from verse one to seven there was a man who was born blind and people were talking about him he said how come he was born blind because it's that his father who sinned or the mother jesus christ said no it's not a question of saying i just want to show you what happens when i get involved his spot on the ground made some mud put it where the eyes were supposed to be and told the man to go and wash and the one the man washed and he came back seeing he had no eyes the god got involved and he got two brand new eyes and i pray that that will be a message for somebody today [Applause] several years ago at roe park when the church was still very small we had a crusade a rope pack was big enough to take all of us and then we had the testimony was this young man who [Music] was born with only one testicle and the parents trying to help him took him to a herbalist who said he could help and in the process of trying to help he destroyed the only one he had that's the involvement of a herbalist then he came to rupak and as the preaching was going on god said he was distributing spare parts may i claim that for you this morning [Applause] and all of a sudden we began to hear somebody shout and the boy came forward and the almighty god had given him two brand new testicles now this boy who lost all his physical got married and of course because he had no testicles there was no pregnancy but after that incident some six months or so later he came to see me in the office here he said he came with his wife and i could see the belly he said god did this for me he said daddy do you want to see it i said i can already see it i can see the belly of your wife i pray for every one of you in need of a spare part from heaven get it today in jesus name when god is involved with an individual it can turn a failure through an overnight success luke chapter 5 from verse one to seven luke five from verse one to seven peter had fished all night and he caught nothing peter was hard walking but there was nothing to show for his hard work and then jesus got involved stabbed into his boat and in one troll of the night he caught so much fish that his boat and the boat of his friend were filled to overflowing with fish when god gets involved with an individual he gets a financial breakthrough that we need the help of somebody to manage very soon your testimony will be my problem is not money my problem is how to spend it when god gets involved with your situation you can get sudden accelerated promotion in four summer chapter 16 from verse 1 to 13 for summer 16 from verse 1 to 13 the bible tells us that god saying somewhere to go and appoint to go anoint a king in the house of jesus when he got there there were some big boys that they thought that we deserve to be king there was this young man called david the the the according to bible scholars because he was the product of a one night stand which the father had with her a woman who wasn't the wife he wasn't even invited for presentation but because god was involved in this case god said that won't even sit down the prophet said we won't sit down until you bring this boy and then they brought him and the boy woke up a shepherd boy he went to bed the king because god got involved i pray for someone today those who should promote you who are not doing so they won't even be able to rest i mean i remember several years ago we were at a workers meeting over there the church was very very small and drawing workers meeting on sunday evening we will take a bite a bible passage and we ask everybody to contribute the workers sit on one side the pastors and deacons this sit on another side so that we know who is who and everybody was making contributions and some of the contributions were way way off and then one young worker got up and said this i believe is what the bible is saying and it was right on target and so i looked at him i said well done dk he looked at me and somebody got close the matter sunk into his mind he just picked his chair and crossed over to where the dickens was [Applause] and everybody the people there was where are you going the general myself called me from now on i am a dick i decree that today god will send promotion to you [Applause] you see when god has a hand in your situation he will grant you unusual favor if you can read genesis chapter 39 read it from the beginning to the end genesis 39 from verse 1 to the end joseph was his slave was bought by a man called potiphar because god has a hand in the life of joseph he became the ceo he was a slave you read the story the bible said fortified handed over everything to him that the only thing that fortified god's interest in was the food yet and it was joseph who decided what food they should give to him then there was a crisis when the wife of potiphar tried to cause joseph to sin and joseph refused and so the wife lied against him and he ended up in prison when he got to prison because god's hand was still in his affairs the jailer made him the controller of the prison and somebody said if you are the one put in charge of the prison by the one who is supposed to be looking after the prison their prison life cannot be that bad because the bible said everything that happened in the prison was in the hand of joseph so he decided what to eat he decided when he wanted to sleep he decided what he wanted to do because the hand of god was within when god's hand is in your situation he grants unusual favor [Applause] he says help to you because it will continue with the story of joseph you will see how god manu maneuvered until from prison he became the prime minister of egypt you have told you the story of a couple of my children one the name of one of their children is god cares he cares that's the name they gave the boy and so that so when you ask him how can you give your child such a name and he gives them an opportunity to testify they went abroad they went to america on government scholarship when they got there as soon as they began to settle down there was a coup it was the era of coup upon coup and a new government came and cancelled every scholarship they were already there they were already studying and they already had a set of trains no scholarship means no money coming from anywhere and no walking permit so automatically they ran dry and hunger setting charitable hunger there was one day when the twins were crying so badly because parents no food for parents so no food for children that the husband said i can't bear this cry anymore so he ran to the library to go and be at least to pretend to be study and my mom was left alone with the trains crying for food and then some people came to witness how to house witness they have been doing this this morning it got to a point that they said now we should go home the leader said just one more house just one more house and they came to the house where this my daughter was with the with the children at that moment she had remembered something i taught them long ago that if you pray and you don't get an answer try praising god so she took a tambourine and started singing at least the same game would drown the noise of the children a little and suddenly the door opened and the children saw a huge white man and they kept quiet at least for a moment and they saw the man saw tambourine in the hand of my daughter and said oh we come to talk to you about jesus christ but we see you with the time are you a christian and say oh yes come in and they came in and after they came in my daughter said well we would have loved to offer you something but there's nothing in the house and the white man said well do me not in the house not even a bottle of coke nothing so he went open the fridge and there was nothing there went into the kitchen nothing there he said wait for me i went out came back loaded with food by the that was saturday by monday he got the husband's job and after that the first child they had after that was the one she named the carrot i am decreeing to the life of someone today god will send help to you today but that's for the individual but today we are celebrating this is the first and university of our nation so what happens when god gets involved in the affairs of a nation the first thing that i'm sure you'll be interested in is that if god gets involved in the affairs of a nation that will put an end to terrorism ah you you say where is that in the bible i will show you just in a moment but you know we all know our problems the kidnappers were not even kidnapping people on the rules anymore they are going to the houses of rulers kidnapping rulers in urubaland for example is a sacrilege that you touch a ruler when i was younger i don't know what situation has become but when i was younger if you see a caveat coming you will move aside for him to pass you don't even want his dress to touch you there's so much power so much horror of majesty around so now to go and kidnap a ruler but that's about to end i said that's about to rain in fourth semester 17 from verse one to the end for summer 17 from verse one to the end the bible tells us that goliath terrorized israel for 40 days and 40 nights it was so bad that when he gets up in the morning and he rules even the king will go into hiding and then god got involved and brought a small boy who is just a piece of rock silence the enemy permanently i don't know why it's going to happen but because you came to church this morning in the mighty name of jesus christ very soon all the acts of terrorism all the acts of banditry all kinds of evil action will come to an end very soon when god gets involved in the affairs of the nation it will protect the people from pandemic you say where is that in the bible i will show you read exodus chapter 12 from verse 1 to 36 exodus chapter 12 from verse 1 to 36 a pandemic swept through the land of egypt and despite this particular pandemic where we were talking about it was very selective it kills only first bombs every first born in every house was killed by an enemy that they could not see but because god has a hand in the affairs of israel not a single child in the land of israel of the nation of israel died i told you those of you who came to the holy ghost service i said when god told me in on january 1st 2020 that the whole world is going to behave like a child in convulsion i told everybody course i didn't understand what exactly that meant i i could interpret it several ways it could mean that there'd be earthquake all over the world or something like that but i just told you the way he told me when later on he said that the whole world would be on compulsory holiday i told you then corona virus came and the world is still composing public holiday or compulsory decay you can't believe it you you see the streets of london of tokyo of everywhere deserted because god spoke and then there were all kinds of predictions oh w.h.o all the experts say oh god what's going to happen to africa now they'll be dying like chicken i even know one of the pastors one big man of god who said oh god before july the people who will be dying in legal state he said it publicly will be will be counting hundreds of thousands i said what have we done why should they single me out because i belong here i cried to god daddy i reminded him the elders have a proverb the cow that has no tail it is god will be chasing the way the flies we have no help but you help us and he spoke and said son i have heard you only those whose time has come we die and when your time comes there's nothing anybody can do about that and like i told you on friday i read not too long ago that the people who died from snake bites on the average in nigeria is at least two thousand a year which means two years four thousand days due to snake bites now those of us in lagos we won't understand that you go up country and you see what the farmers go through almost two years gone those who have died by coronavirus are not up to three thousand yet they are less than those killed by snake bites because there is a god who answers prayers and i am declaring to you right now coronavirus will not come to your house when god has a hand in the affairs of a nation he can turn the tide economically if we have a problem in our nation now it has to do with economics like i said when i was asked to preach in abuja last sunday when i asked those who understand the language what do they mean by how much we need to service our debt they said that is the interest you pay you not you don't touch the debt something you pay so that they will know you are still alive and they say what we need to pay to keep the debt breathing is about 98 percent of our income we have problems and that we are seeing borrowing a little more that when you listen conquering chapter 7 from verse 1 to the end second king chapter seven from verse one to the end you will find out that when god is involved with the affairs of a nation he can turn the tide economically i mean there was a situation in a place called samaria since we're so bad women were eating their children we will never get to that stage in jesus name but a man of god prophesied i said within 24 hours there'd be so much food nobody would want to buy and the expert said how can that be if god were to make a windows in heaven would that be possible that god showed him whether you believe it or not one way or the other nigeria will survive when god is involved with a nation he can solve a national crisis overnight have we problems in our nation you have to be deaf to believe that we have none or blind we have problems and there are quite a few but when you read exodus chapter 40 from verse 1 to the end exodus 14 from verse 1 to the end when israel got to the red sea and they look back and they saw the army of pharaoh crossing in on them and they had no weapons to fight they did not even know how to fight because they had been slaves all along they were busy making bricks there was nothing they could do they couldn't go forward because the sea was there they couldn't go to backwards because the enemy was closing they they had a problem and they even said to moses sir at least you should have left up in egypt if we die in egypt when there would have been very aggressive but then god got involved told moses tell them the enemies you see today you will never see them again i don't know how many of you will believe with me but very soon this country will be another testimony to the world [Applause] one day israel thought they are finished by the following morning they discovered that they are just beginning i believe nigeria is just beginning it will be well with us now that brings me back to the text in second chronicles chapter 20 that i read before if you read the story from verse one the bible tells us that the king was sitting down in his palace minding his own business serving god when news came the three mighty kings have joined themselves together and they said let's go and wipe him out by time he heard that they were coming they were only 24 hours distance away he said what do i do when you find yourself in a situation when you know you can't fight the battle then call on the lord of hosts he gathered all these people together they all stood before the almighty god help us they cried and then god sent a message so don't worry i will be involved and he told them what to do which is what i'm going to advise you to do this morning say worship me please me don't don't panic i've never lost a war i will fight for you but you must worship me and the bible said they worshiped it i mean you can imagine somebody going to war and he pulls the choir in front hey he told the choir you keep saying it those of you with beautiful voices those of us whose voices are not so good we will be making a joyful noise behind you the bible described what happened that day it's amazing three things with the mighty armies they were united to destroy israel god got involved and we don't know exactly what happened all of a sudden the people of one king looked at the people of the other king and they said we hate you and the other people say we hate you more let's see who can win and they finished one nation and then a few remain and they say what are you seeing waiting being alive they said god said they have to finish one another it's amazing when god is involved with he will prove himself in such a manner that everybody will know this can only be god i am one very great scientist and i was discussing not too long ago and he said the this the fact of what had happened with nigeria in particular he was talking about corona virus shows that there must be something there [Applause] that is not anywhere else i said you want to know what is there at least once a month thousands of us gather together in a place called redemption camp praising god there is something there that they don't do elsewhere at least once a month he said i believe you i said you better do if only you will praise god today like you have never done before very soon people will come to you and say [Music] you have a secret why are you so successful why is it that when people are dying you are getting stronger how come you have absolute peace of mind when other people are trembling and you will tell that you want to know the secret i have god and i worship him in spirit and in truth which brings me to the conclusion oh when god speaks it is done when he sends a word of prophecy you can be sure as soon as it's gone now it is settled it is always settled only for his own people not for not for outsiders a bible says bless the lord for he is good for his mercy and direct forever and then he went on to say it is the mercy of god that god the children of israel through the red sea and the same mercy of god drowned their enemies the same as the future so the matter is actually in your hand do you really belong to him or you a pretender [Applause] in a time of crisis he will separate between those who are his friends and those who are pretenders that's why if you are in church this morning wherever you are listening to me and you know you are not hundred percent con committed to god let me tell you the bible says at the end of the age and we're at that place now there will be noise some pestilences and i told you at the beginning coronavirus is just one noisome pestilence just noisy and it's just one believe it or not there are others to come that we don't have to worry because it won't matter to us but if you are not on the side of the lord god have mercy on you so if you want to be on the side of the lord you want to surrender your life to him you want to really really commit to him not pretending i'm going to count from 1 to 10 before i say 10 commands time before the altar let us pray that god will save your soul so that you become part of his family and then you can say i have nothing to fear the lord is on my side so if you want to give your life to the almighty god come now i'm counting one the choice is yours nobody is compelling you to three you have to hurry up you're offering [Applause] fall [Applause] five [Applause] and those of you are outside if you want to come you better hurry up six [Applause] seven [Applause] eight [Applause] nine [Applause] [Music] okay thank you very much now those of you have come forward cry to the almighty god ask him to be merciful unto you ask him to save your soul tell him you want to be part of his family promise him you will serve him for the rest of your life promising you will have nothing more to do with the walks of darkness nothing more to do with the devil cry to him and the rest of us please let's switch our hands towards this our new brothers and sisters and intercede for them and pray that the one who saved our souls will save their own souls also let's pray for them brethren let's intercede for our new brothers and sisters let's pray that god will have mercy on them that is blood will wash away their sins pray for them for just one more minute and if there's anyone who she wants to come you are not late yet you can seek him and the almighty god is willing to save your soul too thank you father oh glory be to the holy name in jesus mighty name we have prayed savior i want to thank you for your word i want to give you all glory and honor because of these people who have come forward to surrender their life to you please remember your promise that whosoever will come unto you you will no wise cast out they have come to you now please receive them have mercy on them save their souls let your blood wash away their saints please write their names in the book of life and from now anytime they cry unto you answer them by fire and i pray that they will serve you for the rest of their lives thank you my father and now very soon your children will be praising you and they'll be worshipping you i pray lord god almighty that as they do so you will get involved with them get involved with them physically get involved with them materially get involved with them maritally get involved with them spiritually and please lord because of your children who are going to be worshipping you today get involved with nigeria in jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] amen praise the lord now i want to rejoice with those of you i've come forward today i want to promise you god helping me i'll be praying for you on a daily basis so i need your names your address and your prayer requests and so if you will turn to your left you will see someone they are lifting a placard with cancelling on it follow him it will take you to where god god will help you he will grant your request in jesus mighty name okay okay let's give the lord a round of applause and these people are going [Applause] thank you father shall we please stand you know there is a saying that if your hallelujah is louder than that of your neighbour your miracle will be louder and will be greater than their own so let me hear you shout out i want to appeal to you even if it's only for five minutes worship god like we have never done before and begin to take note that from now you will see his hand in your affairs go ahead just worship the almighty god bless his holy name praise him praise him like never before give him glory give him honor give him adoration bless his holy name bless his holiness you
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Id: kG6f8GdpL8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 22sec (3622 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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