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the appointed time we want to bless the name of the lord for the youth convention this year's youth convention is the best we have had so far [Applause] you know the program started from the beginning of the week and i am telling you [Music] i have been tremendously blessed the hand of god was upon the speakers like never before they many of them spoke even beyond what they planned to say because god answered my prayers that i want a very special youth convention and he gave me one i think it would help me shout hallelujah to god [Applause] now before i go to the presentations that have been made with joshua i want to make a very quick announcement and it's very important i have been bombarded by many people who have been asking me what is my stand on vaccination for kovid 19. i have not said anything about that because i believe it bothers on a national issue and when something is on a national level that belongs to the big boys the bishop the archbishops not to a small pastor like me a topic that president of kind president of pfn could speak on and i'm a man under authority so i kept my mouth shut so what i'm saying now i'm not saying to nigeria i'm saying to you my children who am i talking to say let me hear you now so what i am saying does not necessarily represent the view of the christianization of nigeria or the pentecostal fellowship of nigeria this is just my view vis-a-vis the redemption church of god safety is of the lord [Applause] it is of the mercies of god that we were not consumed if we are to go by what scientists said watch the highly trained intelligent scientific people said oh god we should be counting the number of deaths in nigeria by hundreds of thousands that's what they projected but there is a god who has asked prayers and he see here today when he told me january 1st 2020 that the world is going to behave like a child in convulsion and i think i told you when he said later not too long after that the whole world will have compulsory holiday i didn't know all the details because we know in part we only know what it tells us and god is not a talkative so those who are always prophesying per second per second i wonder which god is talking to them but as soon as it became clear that we were in for very very serious trouble and people began to and the scientists began to say hey what's going to happen to africa now i cried to god i reminded him of the prayers of the elders that a cow that has no tail it is god will be chasing away the flies for that cow so i cried through him my god please we have no help about you help us we have an enemy we can see and unfortunately majority of our doctors are not even around they've gone to look for greener parcels the facilities are not there many of the hospitals that who treat highly infectious diseases have been shot down for years help us and he spoke back to me i said son i've heard you cry [Applause] i'm not talking to the country i'm talking to you my children he said to me son only those people whose time has come we die from this virus he told me himself he didn't sign the prophet [Applause] so let me tell you one thing first and foremost and i think i've said this one before a table tournament at once at the beginning of this year don't be afraid now don't be afraid does not mean be careless remember i told you i mean you know my stand on cleanliness you know how much time we devote to sanitation during our convention you know that so if this thing has taught you nothing at all other than being clean glory be to god but don't be afraid okay you will not die before your time [Applause] i think i read it in the news or one one newspaper or the other some days ago that the average number of people in nigeria who died from snake bite is two thousand a year if that is the case and corona virus have been with us for almost two years and the number of people who are dead is less than four thousand that means snake bite is killing more people than coronavirus and i told you then that this thing is just one of the noisome pestilences the thing is just noise so very loud so don't be afraid if your time comes there's nothing anybody can do to keep you here coronavirus or no corona virus i should know that and you should know that now having said that i have never said to you don't be vaccinated you've never heard that from me rather than live in fear or doubt get fascinated if you believe that getting fascinated will put your mind at rest then go ahead the idea are you saying that you too could be violated if there are nations in the world that say i cannot come to preach the gospel there because of vaccination i will do anything for jesus christ if fascination or no vaccination is going to hinder me from doing the work god has called me to do even if they ask me to be vaccinated a hundred times i will be vaccinated so don't ever say that you heard from me that i said you should not be fascinated i loved when i heard that some governors were making it compulsory for people to be vaccinated before they can go to church i say her where the devil failed some people are trying because the moment this virus business came the first place they want to attack was the church the very people who are praying to stop this thing they said we shouldn't meet but thank god we overcame that and it's doubly funny when i now heard that unless you are vaccinated you can't even go to the bank i said ah i think they must have been misquoted they must have been because if they say unless you are fascinated you can't go to the bank and the number of vaccination was whatever available in the country is less than 10 percent of the population it means that 90 percent can't go to the bank but i love because they gave us enough notice that those who have money in the bank can quickly go and collect and we can go back to the original method of banking you know our fathers used to bank their money they put it in ports and bury it at the back of their house but all these things are necessary to make us laugh because in the nigeria of today if we don't laugh listen to me my children tomorrow will be all right [Applause] so keep on laughing all right the joy of the lord is your strength the bible says rejoice and again i say result let me hear somebody shout hallelujah okay now let's go to the business of today i think i've gotten that one out of the way my children today again have done very well very very well things are getting better each time we got these people to minister i won't say too much because time has gone the various choir has been very good very good i want to especially appreciate the choir of zone 3 not only because they sang very well that the moment the preacher looked at them halfway through their song they stopped that's discipline that's discipline because some of the choir long after the preacher said enough they would say you haven't heard anything yet we will show you today that we can sing but the the the one who was leading the song was in the middle of a verse the preacher looked in that direction and he stopped there let's give those people a big big ovation as for the preachers oh my oh my they were all very good but [Music] just a little correction i know this is you know i'm your coach right i'm sure you'll be surprised if i don't make some corrections the first preacher forgot that not everybody here is younger than 40. he just kept on saying jump up and shout john paul points out i said okay if we go keep jumping up and shouting by the time we get to the zone number three we will be falling asleep bet he did a great job so let's give the first young man a big big round of applause the second brother also did a very good job he didn't also jump up too many times but [Music] he forgot to end up in prayer the preacher must conclude this sermon by praying for the congregation that is important our brother from the north [Applause] has to be expected because i've said it before it's probably because things are hot up there that makes the preachers exceedingly hot that was good that was good that was good [Applause] and then the last preacher i don't know how he did it but somehow he must have spied my notes [Applause] by the time i add a little bit that i'm going to add you wonder how come because he just began to talk along my i said well that's okay it makes my job easy i would simply say well as my son said [Laughter] let's give the lord a big round of applause to our children we have a great future our tomorrow will be all right well i'm not going to ask you to jump up i will simply say shout hallelujah my own text too is ephesians 3. from verse 20 to 21 ephesians 3 from verse 20 to 21 now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that walketh in us unto him be glory in the church by christ jesus throughout all ages world without end amen i would have loved to spend quality time on verse 20 but maybe a day will come when we will look at that in some details because some of the one of the boys before me touched on that that one god is able to is not just able but able to do three he probably should have been able to should probably have gone to abundantly god is able to god is able to do abundantly and then it will even exceed what is already abundant and then above all that we ask and then above all that we think and then according to in proportion to [Music] toward the power and you know somebody emphasize that word which power the one that is walking in us that was a load would have been no food for tonight but then because of our limited time what is expectation many of my children gave some beautiful expectations a definition of expectation i would want to define expectation in the language that the market woman will understand by saying expectation is what will happen subject to all things being equal all things meanwhile in june in nigeria it will reign that's our expectation for you all things being equal if you have a job at the end of the month you will be paid that is expectation of all those who have a job all things being equal that means if you are not sacked before the end of the month if the place of work does not bow down if somebody has not lied against you to say you stole company property and you know all things being equal at the end of the month you'll be paid that's expectation what will happen if all things are equal let me give you another explanation of what we mean by expectation when a child is born and it's a girl all things being equal after a certain age she should become a mother all things being equal there is a potential in a baby girl that one day all things being equal she will give birth and as she begins to grow towards that age everything she needs to become a mother which was already in her when she was born we begin to manifest a girl doesn't go to the market at the age of shall we say 14 15 to go and buy breasts no no the breasts are already inside there waiting to manifest at the correct time all things being equal all things being equal you will leave here with the testimony [Applause] so when a boy is born a child is born and he's a boy all things being equal he will become a father someday that is expectation now if this boy should be married say by the age of 20 and he got the first baby at the age of 21 and that baby is a girl all things being equal that boy who has now become a father can become a grandfather around the age of 40 something if his first grandchild is a girl all things being equal he could become a great grandfather in the 60s if the child born at that time is again all things being equal if the man doesn't die before then he could become a great great grandfather in the 80s and so on and so forth but not everybody will become a great great grandfather that all things being equal the boy will become a father not my expectation that all things being equal before he dies he could become a grandfather not my expectation but when all of a sudden you find someone who is becoming great great great great grandfather that one is exceeding expectations i hope you understand but now okay now like the brother who spoke before the last brother who spoke say when we are talking about expectations there are basically two perspectives two god's perspective and your own perspective man's perspective there is nothing too hard for god to do as a matter of fact his name is jehovah el shaddai genesis chapter 17 verse 1 genesis 17 verse 1 the first time god introduced himself to man he said i am jehovah el shaddai and bible scholar says jeopardy means ge over your mother's breasts that's why they call him the goddess more than enough there is enough milk in your mother's breast to feed four children at the same time and is the children who say we don't want any more the milk will still be flowing so it is an easy thing for jehovah and shadow to exceed all expectations physically he has the ability to heal just one fellow and leave the place john chapter 5 from verse 2 to 14 john 5 from verse 2 to 14. he can heal you first and then inform you how to remain well but then in matthew chapter 8 from verse 14 to 17 matthew 8 14-17 the bible tells us that he could heal all we could meet the exploitation of everybody why el shaddai which is why i am prophesying in his name and all of you who are here tonight in need of healings all of you are listening to me tonight in need of healing receive your healing [Applause] but when you read the story of naman which that brother mentioned also in second king chapter five from verse one to fourteen second kings five from verse one to fourteen he can heal the one that is incurable like the testimonies we have already heard tonight but it can go beyond that it can exceed the expectation of the incurable because when the man went for healing all he wanted was that the leprosy will be gone he wasn't expecting that there will be no scars left when somebody has leprosy one of these signs of leprosy is that the fingers will be cut off the toes will be cut off the nose will be disfigured when god healed naman there were no scars left the fingers that had been that are dropped off came back the bible says his king came back to him like that of a newborn baby i pray in the name that's above every other name when god heals you today the sign that you have ever been sick before will not even be there [Applause] i remember the testimony of one young man who used to be our director of music he said that when we say there's someone here and something is happening he said he never believed and then you have this problem that a boil will appear on any part of his body when the boil breaks some stinking water will flow out of it and then the thing will heal but it will leave a scar and the scars were all over his body and then as we were ministering it was in the old auditorium god spoke and said there is someone here these cars are gone and he said ah i'm the one who have scars we run to the toilet to check and discuss who are gone if you have never received a miracle before receive one right now god can exceed your expectations financially psalm 24 verse 1 psalm 24 verse 1 says the earth is the loss and the fullness they are off haggai chapter 2 verse 8 again 2 verses the silver is mine and the gold is mine said the lord psalm 50 verse 9 to 10 psalm 50 verse 9 to 10 says the cattle upon a thousand he's our mind philippians 4 19 philippians 4 verse 19 says my god shall supply all your needs and bible scholars have said all all he said there is your needs not your wants but i want you to know my god can exceed your expectations and one of the boys mentioned the fact he mentioned second king chapter four from verse one to seven that's why i thought maybe they saw my notes in ii chapter four from verse one to seven there was a widow when he ran to elisha for help all she wanted was that her debt will be paid but after the debt was cleared she had enough to last for the rest of her life because god exceeded our expectation i decree in the name of the one who called me not only are you going to get out of debt you will never need to borrow again [Applause] in john chapter 6 from verse 5 to 13 john 6 from verse 5 to 13 when jesus christ wanted to feed 5 000 men not counting women and children with the launch of a small boy not only were they all fed there was still leftover to feed 12 baskets he exceeded their expectations in john chapter 2 from verse 1 to 11 john chapter 2 from verse 1 to 11 at the wedding in canaan of galilee not only did he exceed the expectation of the bridegroom or the mother of jesus who said they need wine all they wanted was something to drink to keep the party going but god exceeded their expectation not only in quantity but in quality the emcee said when people are drunk they bring out the worst wine but now when people are drunk in your own case you brought the best wine in the name of the one who can exceed all expectations your best is yet to come and god can thank you lord the lord said there is someone i suspect the fellow is here the doctor said that there is a hole in the heart of your child go for another checkup the hole is gone [Applause] the god can exceed your expectations daddy wants me to tell someone who is becoming fretful because of all the dangers kidnappers is that a lord asked me to tell you relax safety belongs to me [Applause] god can exceed your expectation maritally one of the boys had already mentioned that one also let me just take one example that he mentioned he said anna asked for only one child and god gave us six for summer chapter two from verse 20 to 21. she asked for one she got sex i have a feeling god is talking to a woman here in particular when your children begin to come you are going to need assistance because they become a multiples god can exceed your expectations spiritually and i like that one very much because he says in psalm 23 verse 5 psalm 23 verse 5 that anointed my head with oil my cup running over i've told you before that when i was doing the study of psalm 23 for the first time and i got to that place i asked god when the cop was full why don't you stop why the wastage he said i just want him to know there is much more where this one is coming from i don't know if you can believe it but one of the children said hey you if you want to exceed you must be a man or woman of faith but i am decreeing to somebody here tonight god is going to give you more anointing than he has given me [Applause] not only can he deliver a madman he can turn him to an evangelist you know the story mark chapter 5 from verse 2 to 20 all that that madman could ever expect is that he will be free from the demons but god exceeded his expectations he set him free and told him to an evangelist he took a man who himself said that he was a chief among sinners timothy chapter 1 verse 15. that's all of that sauce first timothy chapter 1 verse 15 he said i am the chief of all sinners but god took that man not only did he save his soul not only did he call him into the ministry in second corinthians chapter 11 verse 5 second corinthians 11 verse 5 the almighty god turned him to the chief fest of the apostles there's somebody here today who does not even know that he could be used of god that i am assuring you in the name that is above every other name you are going to preach christ throughout the whole world [Applause] if you are the one let me hear you say amen loud and clear [Applause] now let's go to individuals because there's a lot more to say on that but my children have covered almost all the grounds thank you father oh thank you lord the lord said there's someone here you've lost so many opportunities that by now if the best nickname they could give you will be lost in transit because any time miracle is coming before it arrived it's gone the lord asked me to tell you by the time i finish with you your nickname will be restored completely [Applause] now the rest of the rest of the sermon if i don't finish it you can find in the song that we sang if you pay attention to our songs you will notice we don't just compose every song is telling the story the song of tonight is a prophecy to you that you can exceed expectations that's looking at the individual perspective you can exceed expectations by linking up with god you can exceed all human expectations by linking up with god the first verse of that song says i'm going to excel in strength why because i am linked to him who can never fail because the bible said clearly that those who wait upon the lord isaiah chapter 40 from verse 20 to 31 isaiah 40 28-31 that day those who wait upon the lord shall renew their strength that first verse says i can walk i can run i won't faint i will mount with wings like an ego it is wrong to say that as soon as you get to a certain age you be god you become weak it all depends on who you are linked with now some of you listen to me from now on as you grow older you will get stronger [Applause] some years ago some some of my children young ones they decided to go with me are fishing and on that particular day we took off from potter court by road we stopped on the waves the name of akure deletion of shogbo finally we got to illoni around 8 p.m we left at 6 00 am and the children say ah thank tango that long last we are going to rest i said but they are waiting for us at local jail are we going to locate tonight i said of course we are going to local finally we got to and we got to locate around 11 pm after whatever we wanted to do we had and we got to bed around 1am by 5 00 pm i woke them up it's time to go ah i had to be praying for the driver that you won't fall asleep then we came obama [Music] or your ibadan and on my list we still have to go to abekuta a larue and so on but when i got to ibadah i just felt in my spirit that some people must have been praying so i announced i said let's go home we have tried all of them shouted hallelujah they were not the one preaching they were just sitting in the car with me traveling alone god am tired but it is possible never to be tired i decree in the name that's above every other name from now on every day god will renew your strength [Applause] you can exceed expectations even in life what the bible says in psalm 19 verse 10 psalm 19 verse 10 is that you are normally to live up to 70 or maybe 80. pemosis lived up to 120 and according to deuteronomy 34 verse 700 telomeres at four by seven even at the age of 120 the bible says his eyes was she sharp and he was strong enough to father a child why because god said in psalm 91 from verse 14 to 16 psalm 91 14 to 16 he said with long life will i satisfy him whether the devil likes it or not you will not die before your time [Applause] god can exceed your expectations materially but one of the boys had already mentioned that one two when solomon gave that one thousand burnt offering and god visited him all he wanted all he expected was wisdom and understanding but god exceeded his expectations he gave him money beyond what he can never spend he gave him long life he never fought a single war at a time when kings go to war every year god can exceed your expectations materially and otherwise now god through you can show the world that you as an individual can exceed all expectations spiritually acts chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 acts 5 from verse 14 to 16. it tells you about a man called peter a fisherman whose shadow began to heal the sick you can be the next fellow that god will use in that manner every time i read anything in the bible what comes to my mind is if god can do it for that fellow and it's no respecter of persons he can do it for me you are going to exceed all expectations as to minister in the power of the holy spirit i can't tell you i can remind you but time has gone but some of you remember that time in the very first auditorium by the by the expressway when god suddenly said that there are some people who have serious back pain and that they've never they've not been able to touch their toes for a long time and they asked me to call them out and i did and i thought he was going to ask me to lay hands on them or to slap their back or something he said i should dance around them if i didn't know the voice of the lord i would have said dance why will i say i'm dancing i'm rejoicing because your back is spinning but i dance and after i finish dancing in obedience like one of the boys said god said that's enough tell them to talk their tools and they were all healed nobody laid hands on them but the almighty god wanted to demonstrate his power that kind of anointing that anointing to exceed expectations in ministry receiving tonight in jesus name [Applause] now you can exceed expectations spiritually because the bible says in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 31. um thank you father must be very special for someone when we were at elisha grammar school there was one of us in my class who failed at the end of one year so we left him behind we moved on he now struggled finally he too finished and then went to the university like many of us did but by the time many of us who thought we were brilliant we are lecturing in the university struggling that fellow became a vice chancellor of one of the prestigious universities in nigeria the lord asked me to tell you that story because he said there is someone here is going to move you from the title of left behind to the title of arrived first you can exceed in spiritual gifts you can exist expectations because in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 31 first corinthians chapter 12 31 the bible says convert endlessly the best gifts there are many of us all we want from god all our expectations from god is at least one spiritual gift and many of us if we ask you what gift do you want from god they will simply say the gifts of healings very few people ask for the gift of the walking of miracles but god says you can convert endlessly the best gifts you can have the gifts of healings you can have the gift of the working of miracles you can have the gift of the word of knowledge you can have the gift of the word of wisdom you can have the will the gift of the word of prophecy etc etc you can have it all it all depends on you after all he said in john chapter 14 verse 14 john 14 verse 14 he said if you ask anything in my name i will do it i've told you before what when i read that passage first corinthians 10 31 for the first time i said ah thank you lord i want the anointing on elijah plus the anointing on elijah plus the anointing on peter plus the anointing on the lord jesus christ while he was there on that roll everything together and double it and god spoke to me then i said son you are asking for trouble you are the one who said i can ask for anything if you ask for it i can give you only the wounded to rest how many of you will say i don't care god just let me exceed expectations spiritually anybody like that you want you want in enough power to do anything that you wave your hand and the dead will rise you you wave your hand and the sick will be healed you wave your hand and unconscious will become anointed and the ancestors will go and perform miracles you want that kind of power i can't hear you [Applause] but then let's get a bit just a little bit of dignity it won't be much i'm about to close you can exceed all expectations in commitment to christ you know somebody gave a definition of a fanatic before he said the fanatic is somebody who loves jesus christ more than you that is definition of a christian fanatic you can exceed all expectation in your commitment to jesus christ you can love him so much be ready to serve him beyond the call of duty acts chapter 21 from verse 8 to 14 acts 2 21 acts 21 from verse 8 to 14. a prophet came to the company of paul and said to him you're going to be bound in jerusalem the holy spirit asked me to go and tell you you don't have to go because if you go there you are going for trouble will be waiting and everybody say if the holy spirit came to tell you don't go sit down he said what are you talking about i'm going there to preach i'm not only ready to be bound i'm ready to die that is called exceeding expectations if i ask all of you who are here how many of you are ready to go and start a church in america as we go how many of you would love to go and start a church in sweden oh no problem if i say how many of you are ready to go and start a church in iran let me go and pray about it but i have told you the story before so one of the stories i had when i was a young christian that fired me up a newlywed couple came to a particular country in africa to preach the gospel as missionaries they were newly wed and they got replaced and they saw a big wall round a particular section and they say what's going on is there a village in there and the manager said yes he said leopard colony everybody inside there is a leper we drew food to them over the world and the couple said has anybody preached jesus christ to them before and the man the gay said what are you talking about maybe you don't understand anybody who goes in there doesn't come out but we want to preach to them i mean if nobody had ever spoken to them we will want to go the man at the gate said it looks as if you don't understand if you go in there you are not coming out and the husband the young husband looked at the young wife darling what do you say the wife said all that jesus christ said he is go he didn't say anything about coming back so they turned to the gatekeeper he opened the door and they went in and the door was shot that's one couple i'm going to look up when i get to heaven you can exceed in commitment to christ you can exceed in your consecration to him that's an area where it should be easy for you as an individual to make up your mind i'm going to exceed all expectations in philippians 3. thank you daddy oh daddy asked me to tell someone he said all the people who want to date are gone except one and he asked me to tell you the remaining one unless he comes to beg you it's not going to see the new year [Applause] in philippians 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 to 11. paul said all things that were given to me i let it go why that i may win christ said i surrender all to him because i want to know him more i want to be allowed to have a taste not only of his power of resurrection but even the fellowship of his suffering so i give all to him i surrender all if i leave i will live for him if i die that will be gained consecration that closeness that total surrender to god i say whether i live or i die i don't care i belong to jesus you can exceed the expectation of your friends along that line again i told you a story that i had when i was young that a lady evangelist came to africa preaching a village and people there got born again and then she said any other village i said oh there is one up there but there are many lions along the way and the way they have been roaring means they have been hungry for quite a while and she said but i want to go there to preach and they say the lions won't allow you to get there they will kill you by the way she said but i want to go to them i want to go and preach to them and one legendary man there i said in that case i will go with you the woman looked at her and said you can't even protect yourself against a lion how can you protect me the old man said you don't understand lions don't kill except when they are hungry i will go ahead they will kill me and while they are eating me you can go consecration you can exceed expectation in your consecration to god you can exceed expectations in prayer you can pray more than everybody else you can in first king chapter 18 from verse 41 to 45 first kings 18 from verse 41 to 45 after elijah told ahab i have heard the sound of abundance of rain and he told the rest go ahead and he said he went to the top of the mountain threw himself down put his face between his knees and began to pray now this was a man who prayed for two minutes and fire fell now he wanted the rain to fall and rain refused he prayed the first time prayed the second time prayed at all time he just kept on praying until the rain fell you want a revival but are you willing to pray for it you want anointing are you willing to pray you want breakthroughs are you willing to pray because in first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 in first thessalonians 5 verse 17 the bible says you are able to pray without ceasing you can exceed in prayer when i became general of asia our church was big headquarters plus 39 branches and once corner of nigeria and then i took six of my best friends i can see one or two of them here the rest have gone and we went to hillary and we prayed for 36 hours non-stop when i say long stop we'll break for five minutes to go to the toilet and then start again no sleep nothing no food of me you can't be praying that kind of prayer and be eating after the 36 hours of prayer i mean god spoke to several things some of the things that we are seeing now and i was happy i released them they you know they all came back to their stations oh thank you lord we prayed for 36 hours we are prayer warriors now and then i came across the story of a man who prayed for 30 days and 30 nights nonstop never slept for 30 nights day in the act i have not been able to catch up with him he exceeded all my expectations of praying you can exceed in prayer and if you can exceed in prayer if you can just cry unto god and say i'm not going to let you go you get to a stage where you will say all right get what you want one of these days i will show you a spot on this campground some of you have heard about it i have been crying to god god empower me i was minding my own business as a lecturer in the university when you said i should leave everything and follow you i've done that now i can't do this work without power like that that young man said and i remember that night it was sometime between 2 am and 3 am when i became desperate and i said to god beside that you empower me or you take me home should be ahead of the truth that night they answered and the old ground shook and they felt the shaking as far away as djibouti when pictures began to drop from the walls you can exceed expectations in prayer you can go far far beyond your colleagues in prayer you pray that kind of prayer you will soon exceed in power you will soon exceed in every other thing if only you can pray so let me close my children have been saying again and again when the idea comes and he makes the altar call make sure you don't delay how can you be praying to a god who said in his word i don't listen to sinners how can you be praying to a god who says hey my hand is not shouting that i cannot see neither my ears heavy that i cannot hear but sin will be a barrier between you and i so i can't hear how can you be praying to god when you are see living like a child of the devil and you don't want to change but if you will come to him tonight he will save your soul his blood will wash away your sins and beginning from now you two can begin to have that kind of fellowship with god that will cause you to excel that will turn you from an ordinary person to someone who will be a mighty vessel unto honour in the hands of the most high god if he can save the soul of soul of jesus and turn him to a chief apostle he can do the same for you so if you want to give your life to jesus christ i'm not begging you tonight is your choice you by now you should have sent that this is not an ordinary holy ghost night this is a this is a night of exceeding if you want to surrender your life to jesus i'm going to count from one to ten by time i satan you should be standing before the altar then we pray for your salvation before the rest of us will go along with our own prayers so if you want to come you can begin to come now as i count one yeah thank you i saw somebody who is serious it's already running even when i didn't say around two one of the preachers said tonight there's going to be a call to destiny i think this is what she's talking about god is calling you to come and surrender your life to him so that your destiny can be settled three those of you who were here yesterday i i told you what the man of god said that there are three reasons why people clap one is to announce declaration of war to your enemies the second is to announce your victory over satan the third reason is to announce the arrival of the lord jesus christ into your home into your life into your situation whichever of detailing applies to you clap your hand clap your hand four five and telling those of you in the old auditorium you're already going to the altar there are men of god there who attend to you six hurry up if you know you are coming hurry up seven eight [Applause] nine [Applause] now those of you are already here and those of you before the altar in the old auditorium and those of you in all the viewing centers cry to god now ask him to have mercy on you ask him to save your soul promise him you will serve him from now on ask him to be your lord and your savior promise him that from now you will be him and obey him completely that is you just have mercy and wipe away your sins the rest of us stretch your hands towards your brothers and sisters and intercede for them the god will have mercy on them and save their souls that the blood that washes you clean we wash them clean also let's go ahead and cry to the almighty god for the salvation of these souls thank you hurry up those of you are here on the way i want to pray for salvation now thank you jesus glory be to god in jesus mighty name we have prayed father i want to say thank you thank you for your word and thank you for these people who have decided to come and surrender their lives to you please receive them in jesus name save their souls let your blood wash away their sins write their names in the book of life and i pray lord god almighty that from now on whenever they cry unto you you answer them by fire thank you almighty god and father i'm praying that in a moment when the rest of us are crying to you when they to cry to you answer them in jesus name thank you father for in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen praise the lord now those of you who have come forward those of you have surrendered your life to jesus i want to rejoice with you from now by the grace of god i'll be praying for you so if you turn to your left you will see somebody they are lifting up a placard follow him it will take you to where some persons are waiting they will collect some information from you your name your address your prayer requests so that i can continue to be praying for you god bless you you can begin to go now thank you follow the counselor follow the counselor if you don't want to clap for jesus don't clap at all if you want to clap then clap very well [Music] you [Music] do [Music] okay thank you now you want to write down your prayer points number one you want to praise god for his mercy that has preserved you to this moment praise god for is preserving mercy present then number two you're going to cry to him and say father you are the all-sufficient god please be generously merciful to me my family your church and my nation be generously merciful to me my family your church and my nation number three father let me be excellently healthy excellently healthy no ink no pain no no ailment of any type excellently healthy number four father let me exceed all expectations materially let me exceed all expectations materially number five father anoint me beyond my wildest expectations anoint me beyond my wildest expectations number six father empower me to serve you beyond human expectations father empower me to serve you beyond all human expectations number seven father let my testimonies exceed all expectations let my testimonies exceed all expectations and then finally will be your private request anything you want from god but pray pray tonight like you have never prayed before the altar is open and i'm going to ask you to come if you want and if we pray for just 15 minutes because time is first spent but even the 15 minutes let it shake the ground cry onto him exceed all expectations in the intensity of your prayer even with the 15 minutes that you have go ahead he's here you see us as prayers follow him foreign foreign thank you jesus glory be to god thank you father hallelujah you father in jesus mighty name we have prayed the lord will grant your request your testimonies will be beyond expectations your miracles your breakthroughs will exceed expectations the anointing of god upon your life we exceed expectations your victories your shows of joy we exceed expectations your promotion your breakthroughs we exceed expectations the way the almighty god will use you for his glory we exceed expectations it shall be well with you and your joy will overflow in jesus mighty name we have prayed hey man let me hear you shout out little [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: RCCG
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg latest, rccg october 2021 holy ghost service, rccg october 2021 sermon, @rccg, rccg 2021 holy ghost service, rccg online, october 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service 2021, rccg live service, rccg service 2021, live, pastor e.a adeboye latest, rccg live youtube, october 2021 holy ghost service, october holy ghost, exceeding expectations, rccg latest service, pastor adeboye latest sermon
Id: xT5pwq58zRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 24sec (5664 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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