The Road To OVER 9000 FPS

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in every person's life there Comes a Day   A Day of Reckoning where they must push  the boundaries of what Humanity thought   was possible regardless of the suffering  they must endure and today is that day and Lexar I guess blackstars also  here they sponsored this video [Music] thank you in case it wasn't clear from the intro  in today's video I'm going to use some   Lexar memory and other things that are  significantly less important hashtag sponsor   sponsor to try and reach over 9 000 frames per  second in a video game is it possible I don't know   is there any point absolutely not but in today's  video it may happen I don't know it may let's see   now before we scour the entirety of steam  to find a game engine capable of over 9   000. we need to meet the hardware I'm gonna  use here are the three corners that make up   the triangle of power that we're going to use  starting off with the CPU I got an AMD ryzen 9   7950 X 3D which is just one of the fastest gaming  CPUs in the world no big deal now I did want to   buy a 7800 X 3D instead which I think may even be  a smidgen faster than this but I couldn't find any   stock so I had to buy this one instead what can  you do of course in terms of graphics card I had   no choice but to use the monolithic RTX 4090 now  in all fairness when it comes to just balls to the   wall frame rate the graphics cards probably not  going to be the main bottleneck I think the CPU   is a lot more important but I hear you say David I  don't care about these two corners of the triangle   of power they're basically irrelevant tell me  more about the fancy new Lexar memory you're using I'm going to be using lexar's new Ares RGB  ddr5 this 32 gig kit clogs to a blistering 6   000 megahertz without the Supreme Lexar bandwidth  the other two corners of the triangle of power   will crumble and this is the system that's  gonna house the triangle of power so let's   get into it first I need to upgrade the power  supply to something that can handle all the   beef and this 1200 watt unit fsp sent over seems  like just the right amount of Overkill [Music]   oh that power supply is the size of a  dwarf planet look at that oh I really   like this gunmetal paint finish despite it being a  thousand two hundred watt power supply they opted   for this little loser on off button although  having said that oh that is a lovely switch [Music] oh no I just realized there's some  Ram from a different brand in here we're   just gonna have to cover that up real  quick and replace it with some Lexar   oh that does look like Ram made by Aries  himself and it lights up oh that's much   better disaster averted I also decided to  replace the two 40mm AIO with the 360mm one   just for a little bit more temperature Headroom  which only involved some medium struggle [Music]   I also want to drop in one of lexar's new  nm800 Pro super fast nvme drives [Music] and just like that the system was ready for Glory now we're starting off with Battlefield 5 not  because I think we can get nine the hour tank   not because I think we can get over 9 000 frames  per second in it I'm just curious to see what kind   of frame rate we can get currently we're running  a 1080p High settings and with the frame cap on   which is kind of set up by default you can see  the system is not doing much at ultra settings   and with the frame rate uncapped in the settings  drop to low we're not getting much more than 300   frames per second and that's with the system  not doing much so I'm guessing this is a bit   of a game engine limit which I think may become  a theme over the course of this video but we'll   see interestingly switching over to DirectX 11  actually gives us a higher frame rate Peak and   more GPU utilization although we're still light  years off from our 9 000 frame per second goal so   I think we need new game wow CS go is not doing as  well as I was expecting a 1080p low this is a bot   match but still only 380 frames per second what  is this trash frame rate so I decided to try out   CS Go's built-in Benchmark which I'd say helped a  bit in the built-in Benchmark room we're getting   a thousand four hundred frames per second it may  be Benchmark as opposed to have actual gameplay   performance but still is gaming happening and  we're over a thousand five hundred here if we look   into the corner here we can get up to a thousand  700 and 103 frames per second and on this 240   hertz monitor you can really feel the 1700 frames  per second dropping the resolution to 720p helped   a bit but I still need so much more my solution  was to make the smallest possible custom map for   CS go with a wall texture so basic even quick one  would embarrass it at a urinal but the initial   impressions of my masterpiece was disappointing  it's still giving us a what after a quick Google   it turns out CS go also has a frame rate cap  which you can disable using the console oh yes   2 100 frames per second uh we're still very much  shy of 9 000 but that's pretty good either way   we need a new game briefly moving away from the  source engine I decided to try out Doom Eternal   which usually is a beast when it comes to super  high frame rates just look at that menu FPS at   1080p low settings we are getting about 500 frames  per second again you can really tell on this   Monitor and after playing around with the settings  didn't yield significantly more performance I   decided to find a more basic game environment now  I found a tutorial map which has much less going   on and in fact if you like look up at the darkness  uh you get quite a high frame rate although   granted this is at 720p with dlss on performance  I guess the next step is to reduce the resolution   scale whoa even with the lowest settings possible  we are getting much less frame rate than we did   with cs go after this slight disappointment I  tried a couple other games including Doom 1 which   topped out at about 200 frames per second Rainbow  Six Siege which gave us over a thousand frames   per second at 720p low and I even tried Unreal  Tournament Game of the Year Edition I'm so glad   I have this two terabyte Lexar Drive in here I can  install Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition seven million times I guess that's that's the  math there a few moments later okay well that   just keeps crashing when I try and launch it even  Quake 2 RTX with the RTX renderer off capped out   at a thousand frames per second so with cs go  still being the champion I guess we need to go   back to the source engine but just try a much  older game I think Half-Life 2 is a good bet uh   here it's running a 1080p High settings with  vsync off and as you can tell we have an FPS   cap of 300 frames per second again it's clearly  not due to the hardware because I don't think the   RTX 4090 even realizes a game is happening FPS  Max zero oh there we go the game is like running   in super speed what the hell is going on oh no  look at that I then dropped all the settings   and the resolution to the lowest they'd go damn  it still isn't repeating that initial Spike of   over 3 400 frames per second it's so funny  how everything is like sped up look at how   so despite finding a new frame rate Champion  we still have quite a way to go to make our   goal of over 9 000 frames per second and after  a quick Google something that a bunch of you   have probably been shouting at the screen for a  while now became clear I need to try Minecraft holy crap with Minecraft running at fast  settings just by uncapping the frame rate   we're getting over a thousand frames per second  and we haven't even started screwing around with   stuff yet I'm real glad we have that Lexar  memory in here the first step to get more   performance was just to drop all the settings I  could find oh yes there we go okay so we're at   a thousand seven hundred frames per second  feels so very smooth okay so if I drop the   resolution to 640x480 let's see what that does  it's actually not netted us that much more frame   rate although we are getting close to that 2  000 frame per second Point I've switched over   to creative mode so I could fly around and stuff  which has given us a bit more frame rate let me   fly higher so the land doesn't render anymore  and see the crazy part for me about this is   that the CPU is still barely doing anything  but I guess that's because this is like an 8   000 core CPU and despite that still not bad better  than Half-Life yet I then tried on OptiFine which   unfortunately didn't help the performance much  but in my disappointment I found a video that   said the best version of Minecraft for super  high frame rates is some alpha build older   than the universe itself which did help so I  think how this works is you just fall off the   side and eventually lots of frame rate happens  wow yeah that is a lot obviously the fact that   nothing's being rendered helps but and that is  that's a big number but still nowhere near 9   000 frames per second and after spending  a while playing around with memory and CPU   boost frequencies not helping the performance  much I decided for no particular reason that   the motherboard and CPU weren't playing together  nice and considering that I didn't have another   x67 board lying around I decided to try Intel  instead luckily I did have a 3900 KF flying around [Music]   whoa even with OptiFine that's made a massive  difference look at that and when you minimize   your HUD it's even bigger we've got almost 5 000  frames per second although as impressive as that   is it's still not 9 000. switching to over the  edge of Oblivion in Alpha we're getting almost 7   000 frames per second now but it still wasn't  enough so I turned off all the efficiency   cores on the CPU and started overclocking oh  over a thousand were getting so close [Music]   setting aside the fact we've got six gigahertz  Happening Here we are within spinning distance   of our goal but unfortunately the CPU had  no more left to give no matter what I did   I just couldn't get a higher frequency to boot  it seemed like I had tripped right in front of   the finish line and shattered both my kneecaps  but then for no particular reason I decided to   instead of MSI afterburner try fraps as a  performance overlay wait what the hell I'm   not even in the depths of Minecraft Despair  and we've maxed out the frame rate counter   at 999. wait fraps has to be reporting it wrong  let me quickly get MSI afterburner back up look   it was MSI afterburner's fault when you switch  it on it briefly shows 10 000 frames per second   and then it it drops down to what it was  before it was because of MSI afterburner   we've done it using fraps I could even get over  9 000 frames per second in OptiFine actually   rendering things so on my Day of Reckoning  I was Victorious all thanks to Lexar memory until the next video bye-bye [Music]   remember
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 380,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: GbsFLkRgC6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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