No. THIS Is The Fastest LP GPU In The World

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They’re around $300 used and it’s a low profile card and doesn’t require external power with impressive gaming performance. I’m wondering if anyone has installed one of these.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ddwrtvita1 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

Id recommend upgrading to at least a 300w power supply if you use one of these

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/scubastebbs 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

I'd be seriously curious what one of the 6gb models do in some of these i7 6700/7700 opti variants.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/THEJimmiChanga 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2022 🗫︎ replies
in a recent video i put the gtx 1650 against an  rx 6400 to see which would claim the title of the   world's most powerful low profile graphics card  which was a silly thing to do because neither of   them are even close no this is the most powerful  low profile graphics card in the world and today   we're gonna see just how mighty this little  beast is but before we open the box it's time   for a quick word from today's video sponsor that  helped pay for this surprisingly expensive little   graphics card today's video sponsor is back due  to popular demand and it's none other than lenode   lenode is a linux based cloud computing and web  hosting service that offers multiple products   to manage cloud storage websites databases  game servers kubernetes and they can even   handle whatever computational load you can imagine  also if you value good customer support which you   should lenode is one of the best in the business  i mean look at how happy these two are with their   service if all of this sounds good to you sign  up to lenode using the link in my description   below to get a 60 day hundred dollar free credit  thank you lenode for sponsoring today's video well you definitely don't pay for the fanciness  of the box whoa that is some shockingly basic   packaging they just cellophaned the graphics card  to some cardboard like a bit of grocery store meat   okay so we've got a full length rear i o bracket  some rtx quick start guides which hints at the   performance of this thing and then a whole  bunch of little bit of full-size displayport   adapters but with that let's d-meet-nappy  the graphics card and have a closer look   so it looks like you can just kind of pop  it open like that and then you just kind of slide it out like that and almost drop it   it's so cute this kawaii little  graphics card is the nvidia quadro   rtx a2000 and considering its endowment  of rt cores in 12 gigs of video memory   this low profile powerhouse should embarrass  the likes of an rx 6400 which you really   hope it would considering that it costs an  eye-watering 750 us dollars now it says here   remove film before use so there's a nice peel  in coming hopefully let's see okay there we go oh now considering that this cost as much as a  reasonably sized starter home the construction   is a lot crappier than i was expecting  where's all the adamantium at what the hell   i mean even the shroud on the infinitely  cheaper rx 6400s made of metal and it's   the terrible xfx version and it instantly got  disgusting look at that what the hell and then   the next thing that i notice about the a2000  is that it doesn't have a supplemental power   connection which means this is an extremely  efficient gpu i cannot wait to see how this   thing performs now i'm gonna use this system to  test the little meet nappy graphics card this is   the one i built in that amazing aliexpress case  uh we've got a i think this is an i-512 600k   in here we've got a whole bunch of ddr5 and  all of the rgb now the rear pcie brackets   actually held on by hex screws which i guess  because it's a pro graphics card you need to   be inconvenienced by the screw bit you need to  use for it and you actually need two different   sizes of bit uh down here we have a tr6 screw and  this one's a bit bigger i think it's a tr7 or tr8 and when you turn it around to the back  you can see we have some more hex screws oh nice it's one of those fan connectors  that always breaks i really like those   oh look at that heatsink it's like really  textured on the side that's very interesting   and then there's also quite a big bit of contact  plate which i'm guessing is touching the memory   under there we've also got the power delivery  under here which is not particularly beefy   but it doesn't really need to be because this card  doesn't have a very high ddp as we'll see later in   the video and then back here we have our four  mini displayport connectors which is an awesome   way to get a whole bunch of video outs on a very  skinny little pcb um oh there really doesn't feel   like there's a way to do this without destroying a  unusually expensive little graphics card it's just oh i don't like that oh someone's coming loose oh oh there we go oh and now we're just left  with a skinny little pcb and quite a huge   die for a low profile graphics card this is  what an rx 6400 die looks like in comparison   now the reason that it's so big is because it's  based on the ga106 die which is the same die   in the 3050 and 3060 but it's just a slightly  different hardware configuration than those two   so that it can work without any supplemental  power and this is actually the 12 gig version of   the a2000 which means this graphics card has three  times as much gddr6 in it as either the gtx 1650   or the rx 6400 it also uses a pretty big  192-bit memory bus as opposed to the 64-bit   bus on the rx-6400 so yeah generally just  a very interesting gpu but anyway with that   let's try gaming on this graphics card that  really wasn't designed with that in mind   now here we're running gta 5 at 1080p very high  settings and we're getting a very solid gaming   experience for gta 5 that frame graph is smooth as  a baby's bottom which you can really feel in game   and look at the power draw as a total this  system is using just over 120 watts of power   and it's giving us a gaming  experience like this that's   honestly really impressive that's really  crazy uh let's try a more demanding game um what this is battlefield 5  running at 1080p high settings   and we've barely dipped below 120 frames  per second which is absolutely ridiculous   when you look at the power draw it's under 70  watts and again that frame graph is so smooth this   is running in directx 12 which with battlefield  5 is usually a stuttery mess that's really cool nice even cyberpunk is averaging  a solid 60 frames per second here   now this is a 1080p medium settings but still  that is that is very very good performance   and just look at that frame graph all of the  games run so smoothly and consistently now before   we try some ray tracing and do lesser graphics  card humiliation with the a2000 i just want to   see how it holds up to some overclocking okay so  that's interesting the graphics card very much   does its own thing in terms of overclocking  so i've been gradually pulling the slider up   and going from plus 200 to plus 300 has  done basically nothing to the core frequency   and it's because the graphics card is regulating  that by itself which actually kind of makes this   the easiest graphics card ever to overclock but  we're definitely getting a higher frame rate so   uh yeah let's do a benchmark and see how much  more performance we get damn considering that   just involved pulling two sliders that  is a considerable performance improvement now here we've got cyberpunk running at 1080p  medium settings and i've actually left the   graphics card overclocked uh just to give it  a better fighting chance with ray tracing so   let's just enable it and see what what happens  turn on some ray tracing wow that's slowed down   quite a lot but yeah okay that's actually kind  of running about as well as i was expecting   usually just turning ray tracing on just kind  of cut your frame rate in half let's turn   the other ray tracing stuff on yeah that's  not going too great although luckily because   this is an rtx uh we do have dlss available as an  option balanced wow that's made it made a very big   difference okay so with dlss balanced and medium  ray tracing it's actually running very well look   at that now balanced actually looks pretty good  although the small details like these kind of pin   stripes on the back of the car uh are a bit faded  although again with ray tracing i don't ever feel   like it's worth it turning it on uh  let's actually turn ray tracing off   i don't know i i i kind of struggle to see the  difference between the two although with dlss   running uh and no ray tracing look at that frame  rate we're getting over a hundred frames per   second and again we're doing all of that with less  than 70 watts of power draw this graphics card is   incredibly efficient so we've pretty much got  the settings cranked now and we even have psycho   ray tracing on with balanced dlss oh milf car  oh i parked right next to milf guard that was   that was my bad my bad let's just drive over here  we are still getting above 40 frames per second   what happens if we just do quality the rss  now with quality dlss it's a teeny bit sharper   and uh it's still running above 30 frames per  second with all of the settings cranked what   magic lives in this graphics card to make it  be this powerful and just have it barely use   any power and on that note let's compare it to a  not obscenely expensive low profile graphics card so clearly the a2000 eats other low profile  graphics cards as a nutritious midday snack   but considering that i could have bought an  rtx 3080 for the amount i paid for the a2000   it may be the most interesting graphics  card on sale at the moment in my opinion   it's just impossible to justify buying one at  least until nvidia launches a gaming focused   version of this card without ecc memory for  less than half the price nvidia maybe please you
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 501,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, a2000, nvidia rtx a2000, fastest, low-profile, GPU, david, linus, tech tips, 2022, king, OP, quattro, NVIDIA
Id: AvRDI1z-hh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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