Ray Liotta - He & Craig Are Being Good Fellas - 2/2 Visits In Chronological Order

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raelia [Applause] why don't you guys stand well no they stood they did well they didn't know well that's let's beam over there these people over here and have a completely different belt on Chong I guess the theme is death but the theme is dead well what you were talking about in your monologue then I just kind of getting ready to kill him I'm wearing black if you like cemeteries and I use everything come from I do like seven three tiles like they're there because they're peach what is this I would look at this was it's a family crest ring get out of here really yeah I see that look there's the little thing and the family must learn to your wife and your family yeah well you know what that one's a little big so I use the wedding ring to keep it on a hell right I don't respect the Spanish Inquisition hey is this the first time you've done a mobster this movie since Henry Hill was just a the only did yes sure yeah yeah yeah this is a true story - we just make it even crazier what happens in it what happens is is Michael Shannon is a hit man who's hired by Roy DeMeo I'm the head of a crew all real people and I see something in him that he would be good at killing people and he is but not as good as me we see the thing is you've got very malevolent presence you come across this quite Killary of you ever actually you know just pop someone just you know get a feel for it [Music] because I have you still you still live on the East Coast so you know I'm here I mean this is like 30 years or so 81 I came out Wow I used to be on the soap opera I did a soap opera for three and a half years where I played the nicest character in the world Joey Perini I Queenie that's a great name I love it hail ray Wow here's your side well judging I just said joint barrini I judged a little bit and then I came here and I was a nicer character in the world yeah what happened then came out here five years nothing happened he didn't work for five years as horrible that's bad man what did you do did you get any other kind of job now I saved money from the from the soap okay five years no working well I did a couple guest shots yeah I guess you're do you mean it hex what that's your kid but yeah they're both my kids there's but you know when this show gets a little tough I remember why I'm doing it by looking at again that's why I got my pink how'd you get your pink of that your daughter's with you tonight yes yes what agency 14 oh gosh I'm sorry man how's it going she's good oh yeah that's great that's also I imagine that you know potential suitors for your daughter will be a bit you know careful it's starting a little there's a little bit that happening I have to pick her up the other night and all her friends came over to me but they are like mr. Liotta but they were all kind of like they've all seen Goodfellas man and I've seen when you cross the street with a gun and the kid and the driveway and the Popo that I have to value the whole it was incorrect it season move it I love that I'd say I love that every teenage kid wants to do that it says you know to beat somebody out well you know avenge a girl yes always yeah I've never been in a fight in my whole life glad to hear ya I've been in a few but I lost them why would have why are you gonna fight I liked the eyes of the skill of the strength to win and also tougher what started the fight is a big drinker eyes Dane eyes I drink her mouth hey you know you when you got rid of the drinking yeah yeah you were you ever a drinker you ever go to heii I used to have a few yeah say no more a moment of respect but you doing anymore nah did really he said happy about it I'm happy oh yeah yeah [Laughter] so 14 year old ein hell you're 12 and 2 both boys though so it's all right you know 12 and 2 yeah why the gap I have very sluggish sperm [Applause] that renews I think yeah the idea of my sperm being sluggish amuses yes I'm a clown to you is that better say it's just as funny I set you up do that a little bit so what's going to the movie you played a mobster that's the Iceman you got one out now called place beyond the pines that's out now - what's that whoa hey steady steady ignite or he makes movies it's fine what is it about I think it's okay if they applauded [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wanted him they'll be doing tomorrow's what I wanted a movie called Goodfellas [Music] which was right before Field of Dreams I was at a movie called Lanie the wonder dog but but I just finished the movie and this really good applause with the Muppets no I was that's nice I could do the Muppet movie before their second Muppet movies my suck you got tape guys might be careful what is it the Muppets Muppets again is the next one right ah yeah I guess I don't know I think that's the name of I always forget cause I don't have to say them I did an episode of Sesame Street once with Elmo and some chickens really give it to Sesame Street I have not that's the big time yeah yeah I hear that smattering of applause yeah they were thinking about it Oh too late too little too late ya know you ever do spongebob yeah that do spongebob you did splinter I was the head of a bubblegum gang or something like that that's the one I wanted we have to take a break we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before on the back every I'm here was really order we're getting along a bit better now because things cleared up during the break we talked he talked through and everyone's fine raise I gotta cover my house and make some food what's the deal does he say that like the whole time yes yeah great it's not a real horse - just pretend we're guy in the back oh yeah whoever's been noticed in the office that day back into the horse it's a kind of like point system I think he's just sneaking in right now tell you the truth yeah usually gets in late you don't have to be your own time if you're the back end of the horse it's alright yeah what you see or you don't loaded see I have I start why I started out doing musicals in college I never I never wanted to act at all I have no idea what I wanted to do my dad said go to college take whatever you want I walked out of my College Board's so I got into the University of Miami because at that time all you needed was just a pulse to get in there it's fun I got in don't get mad at me Miami and I was just going to take liberal arts and I said well you have to take some math in history so there's just no way I don't even want to go to college I don't know what I want to do I'm not going to take math and history again so just right next to the liberal arts was was the theater so I walked over and decided to become a drama major and that was it and then there was this girl in line so yeah and everything that's what I thought I was waiting on he's like as items like summer this is the boat is about something else this is about this is about Quidditch isn't it this is about chasing the psycho girl this is a detail yeah that's right keep with the theme yeah enemy beretta ton don't good baby good it's a good that thing is like what am i Miami College to you but the first thing I did was I was I saw Edition for the play because she challenged me I got into the play and how the first thing I did I was a dancing waiter in cabaret man I really wish we had a clip of that yeah yeah yeah on you do stuff man it's all right yes I hope one day I'm going to look back at this show and go do believe I did that this is my dancing we are period I think at the end I'm not remember sound of music so there's I saw I was one of the Von Trapp kids but I played a thirteen-year-old and here I was like 18 a jock from New Jersey and like one with the lederhosen in the did did yeah well we're on time you want to enjoy an awkward pause Oh an awkward pause we do a pause awkwardly and then go to a commercial break so we have a couple of those or oh yeah that's what I'm saying but these are just you know they will lead up to this one this is going to be the big one this is this is the one oh it started suwon I was doing the pause man I was giving you a line to keep the balls going but if you're talking to me it's not a pause it's it's a local conversation and dad said I said everything from a pause oh no you pause [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah hey hey ray I've been standing for you the whole time I'm standing man for you shut up ray everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the best audience ever the best audience we've ever had an entity of the show that's what I was just saying happy neighbor yeah y'all right you had a nice Labor Day were you out there in the backyard grilling and stuff yeah I noticed you kinda just like hey you from the house okay Michael you're segment producer asked like why do I always wear black so I said that's it yeah cuz I've never I don't think I've ever seen you in any color other than black well now you have well I have to say it looks great and really pops your eyes it doesn't it film looks like a bit of a departure for you man the kind of I don't think you use a preacher I don't I don't mean to be you no no no no idea I museum killing people yeah but now I'm just leaving it up to God got nothing to say by that because because during this movie I started reading the Bible and I read up you know the Old Testament and do 10 read the whole thing well no but looks like the old the Old Testament God really like oh we get yeah you get the Old Testament go very angry a New Testament God everything's cool yeah sort of kind I don't know I haven't read that much of it to be honest it's very interesting yeah I'll bet yeah do you ever read it at night when you can't sleep in a hotel no I have not not really there's other things yeah yeah you ever do one of them movies not yet yeah you'll be all right so I have a things that Labor Day is all right you're relaxing family my daughter's here course and she said to say hi well III don't matter mind okay yeah yeah she's on it make sure I tell you that so okay but don't get family night I wish your daughter huh wages your daughter she'll should be 16 in December oh no no it's okay I having fun all right yeah beat them early on it doesn't matter no race day the show yeah except that you're leaving well no well you know it's leaving the show yes leaving airs I hope not no no I like why are you okay like and will you get that did that you didn't move on to somewhere else or well I'm not saying I'm not moving on to somewhere else I do continue to plan to continue life but not in a cupcake not within not not not here with the cupcakes and such you know you did you get a cupcake today I did not know well I can get one for you know yet so what were you doing then at the barbecue were you guys there's no barbecue no barbecue no when shopping for my daughter she had to get some Sun yeah got back from Mexico where I worked with horses that's not a real horse all right on the right horses I didn't know you were horsemen to either did I it's just like the past three months are getting ready for this movie I went like three or four times a week and I'm just like in love with them really yeah deep really yeah just unbelievable animals they're very nice animals yes Marc beautiful yo when a horse no you probably have to get one you can't just go to other peoples all the time I don't know someday maybe yeah I think you have to get well you know he's a big horse trader William Shatner yeah but he does the visage I think yeah like yeah by he does that the horse them did the horse is like I what are you doing England well come on let's do this no no what can i rain we doing just riding around shooting people as well yeah well yeah more was it took place through the the mexican-american wars and there was a lot of swords and and and sword work on a horse it took the first time yeah it was great yeah but back to God oh yeah yeah the other movie yeah so you play a preacher who reads the Bible and it sounded to me in the clip there was a guy is slightly off camera playing a guitar and my dependent so what's that about that ah takes play it starts in the 30s okay I'm a preacher this family comes up to me they just had twins there's no jobs there's no money they want out talking about my wife just lost a child again in labor so this is not a comedy then another but it but it's it's a faith-based movie that's beautiful the story's beautiful the guy that you saw Ryan pelt he's a great singer great singing yeah yeah there's well there's a lot of singing in it yeah what happens the two babies get I take one they keep the other one turns out to be this big rock store my my son that I adopted uh he loves singing - so he answers a contest and and to imitate who his brother he doesn't know that's his brother so how complicated it is a little yeah but that's pretty sure yeah it's alright can you sing you singing in the movie I started sing and I started doing musicals first thing I ever did when I started acting first job I ever went first job in college the first role I ever had I was a dancing waiter in cabaret yeah I think I'd paint pretty good money at least a nickel yeah I'd pay a nickel for that a nickel in a cupcake yeah I dancing waiter in cabaret how come you never stayed with that you've got a good singing voice Italian come on oh no no no you should do it alright little more singing yeah I played Sinatra once yeah I remember I mimic them I didn't sing it you didn't sing in that movie just lip sync and else you want to tell me my better Easter Bunny or Santa Claus now that's what it as well yeah what kind of at a time this happens well you want to you want to do something ok foil rides a horse you want to write your work yeah no I mean the runner I think I think maybe you how do you feel like you feel confident enough it's not a real horse but but we can imagine it yes come on a big fella come on their million screen [Applause] Yesi you've got the truck you want to get on I guess the front seems fighting about it but the body has a very nervous Hey all right next time yeah then Bailey order everybody [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 184,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, クレイグ・ファーガソン, ロボットをゲオフ, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, super happy fun time hour with robot and old man, ray liotta craig ferguson, ray liotta interview, ray liotta alice eve, ray liotta funny, ray liotta best moments, actor, best actors, musical, field of dreams, comedy, funny, hot
Id: JkLJKs4OBqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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