Joe Pesci Pissed Off A Real Life Goodfella | Letterman

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ladies and gentlemen here now I'm going to read  you just a handful of the Joe Pesci films and   I think you get a sense of what I was talking  about I believe his first film death collector   I'm not familiar with that work his second  film Raging Bull how would you like that to   be your second uh Once Upon a Time in America  Lethal Weapon 2 Good Fellas Home Alone Home   Alone like the biggest gross motion picture  ever uh the super JFK and then he goes into   JFK another Blockbuster Powerhouse movie Lethal  Weapon 3 uh and his current film the public eye   and Home Alone 2 which is I guess going to be  released about the holiday season I would hope   our next guest an Academy Award winner and one  of the busiest actors today uh a couple of the   films I mentioned Good Fellas home alone  and the public eye his newest which opens   across the country October 16th ladies and  gentlemen here he is Joe peshi nice to see you you could break the Kareem Abdul Jabar  record I don't think so for long Ovation   how you doing good pleasure to meet you  you know I I watched that good Fell's   movie man man was that scary what an evil  scary nasty guy I've heard that about you too are you enjoying yourself at Saturday Night  Live having fun there not yet yeah okay not yet   have you have you any time in your career I know  you've been in show business since you were like   5 years old yeah anytime in your career have  you done stand-up comedy or comedy in front   of a live audience I've done comedy in front of  a live audience uh you know sketch type comedy   in in what form were you a part of a group part  of an i part of a group I was playing guitar and   singing and U my partner in the band was a a sort  of a standup comic and he was an insult comic he   would insult the audience and I got tired of  it after a while I started insulting him the   crowd liked it so we left in the ACT what year was  this uh the 70s yeah and and you it was it going   to be like a Smothers brother sort of thing that  sort of deal I think it was something like that   did you ever get in trouble insulting anybody in  the audience um yeah sure what would happen were   you ever anybody ever come after you well uh I  think there was one time which is probably known   uh that uh was a um sort of a wise guy I guess  and like one like you in the movie good fellow   sort of like that yeah God and I think it was his  wife or something I told her shut up see you know   and that's brainy stuff too Joe it's not you're  run-of-the-mill and Sal it's shut up yeah well   I wasn't a comic pretty good Zinger I didn't know  how to uh stop hecklers you know so it wasn't and   she was doing something in the middle of one of  the things that I was just kept going on and on   loud and loud I didn't know what to say other  than shut up and and somebody a friend of her   husband or her husband shows up and well yeah we  got uh you know in the intermission when we got   off the stage the uh the club owner said and you  know who that was no I don't know uh I don't care   yeah that kind of thing you know but the I don't  care turned into well look I didn't mean anything I mean come on can't they take a joke hey we're  topnotch Comics here you know a guy there wants to   see if about taking the crease out of your slacks  um now you know and I found this surprising when I   learned of it this afternoon and you mentioned it  here yourself that you did kind of a musical act   you played the guitar and you sang and at one  point in your career you actually recorded an   album maybe more than an Alum was just the one no  I did uh there was there was some singles before   that yeah and the album was the last thing I did  yeah and and was your thinking in those days that   you might just become a musical act or were  you acting at all then I wasn't acting at all   other than the the sketches you know that I was  doing I I couldn't get any work and what kind of   music were you singing uh it started off to be  just rock and roll in the 60s and you know it   turned into more of a jazz kind of thing jazz  blues now you know Joe we have the album here   could I buy it cuz I can't right here it's uh  and then do you mind if we play a selection it   depends on what selection you play see uh you  know I have no idea what we're going toist got   to get you into my life all right here we go this  is this is theum this no no we're going to play   the whole thing no no no this is Little Joe is  what you were calling yourself then little Jo okay all right now we're going to hear a little  of got to get you into my life here we go enjoy ooh you were meant to be near me ooh I want  you to hear me say we'll be together every day got to get you I don't know they found it somewh I'll give  it to you congratulations now um your the first   film you were in was was was I right there  it was death collector well death collector   was the first uh one that I had a speaking  party were and were you uh in a movie like   death collector were you a bad guy or a good  guy No Good Guys in that I was a bad good guy   yeah and then the second one was Raging Bull well  now there's quite a big step how did you get that   part who who saw you had somebody seen you in  death collector well they uh they were casting   for they were uh Robert dairo and uh and Martin  scy and sis Corman were casting for Raging Bull   and they were looking for someone to play uh his  brother and another part that was in Pete Savage   so they they uh they screened Raging Bull and they  look I'm sorry they screened death collector and   uh for another guy to play Pete Savage and uh  and Bob and Martin wanted to know who I was and   they were interested what were you doing when  they were looking at this film I was managing   a restaurant in the Bronx it one of those great  stories isn't it they called up at the restaurant   there was a phone call when I I was out during  the day and a waiter gave me a message when I   had gotten back he said uh Robert dairo called  you call him and I said get out of yeah so but   it it turned out to be Bob you know and it was  that was that was great great part great film   and a great career Joe pesy is here you know it  occurs to me we've been talking about all manner   of other things Saturday Night Live and other  films you've done in your recording career we   have not mentioned uh the newest Motion Picture  opening in a week or so whatever what did I say   it's opening um October 16th October 16th that's  right it's called public eye public eye what what   is it about it's uh based Loosely on the life of  uh a famous Paparazzi one of The Originals in New   York in the 40s uh Ouija was his name very famous  crime scene photographer right right and uh it's   you know it's about the life that these uh artists  live sometimes you know things they go through   to get their shots and things like that all right  and we have a clip a few minutes of this film and   yourself Barbara Hershey in it right who else um  some new actors really good oh what about a park   for me someday uh I think so okay fine I don't see  why not Dave here we go let's take a look now at uh the public eye uh with Joe peshi  watch closely folks you know what we're   going to see here let's just take  a look I heard this guy's walking   around a meat cleaver sticking out  of his head get the hell out eye on him throw a sheet over him oh thanks a lot thank you excuse me you better uncover him now son Christ Christ ofe table is wait a second what was the uh what was the deal with  your character in in JFK what was the deal on   your hair there uh the it was It was kind of  orange yellow orange right well what it was   was the uh the character I was portraying David  furry had no hair at all uh in real life and he   he wore this terrible looking wig and and all  the wigs we had made I could never make Oliver   Stone happy he said oh it's not bad enough  it's not bad enough so I grabbed a stretch   wig a girl's stretch wig a red one put it on we  chopped it all up and glued it down and he said   that's it that's it every time you would be in  the scene you you ended up looking at your head   and you just thought well is I guess he's nuts  I guess the guy is nuts he's crazy uh and you   you did some time as a barber yourself huh so  you pretty much done it all uh Joe have a have   a great weekend thank you and good to see you  thanks very much for your time pleasure meeting   you Joe P ladies and gentlemen hello I'm Joe  pesi and I'm hosting Saturday Night Live this   week during my career I've worked with such  great names as Mel Gibson and Robert dairo   now I've got these two idiots we're out of  time I want to apologize to Jeff Stillson a   comedian who was supposed to be with us here uh  this evening and we ran out of time and it's my   fault and I apologize to Jeff and also to the  folks tuning in to see him and we'll have him   back just as soon as we possibly can my thanks to  Joe peshy who was here and Phil Hartman as well   and tomorrow kids Jay Thomas Blue Rodeo and Manon  rayome the goalie have a nice evening good night everybody
Channel: Letterman
Views: 132,355
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Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: 9qv6Q2eXEkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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