When Ray Liotta Met Real Life Goodfellas | Letterman

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our next guest has starred in some terrific  motion pictures such as goodfellas and also field   of dreams his latest movie is entitled no escape  and it opens on april 29th let's go see that paul folks please welcome ray liotta ray   ray nice to see him next i know i like the cold  you you like it i like the color well good for you   there you go and also i i used to do on a i was on  a soap opera another world and i worked with this   oh you know so you know biff anderson yes he's  very talented don't you think yes he helped me   with my commercial oh you did a commercial  i did i did a love songs of the 50s it was   the first thing i've ever done and uh it  actually was just stills so we just looked   in each other's eyes what is your favorite love  song of the film not you know i don't remember   you uh i don't see you on a lot of television  shows and as tom mentioned everybody has a   television show are you are you nervous about  coming on show yeah i'm a little uncomfortable   with what is the apprehension oh just making a  fool of myself i guess hell hasn't stopped me uh and this this week has been especially bad  because i had to throw the first pitch out   uh for the san francisco giants and  that's a great honor it was a great   honor but i hadn't thrown a a a ball since  i did uh field of dreams and i was nervous   because you know here all these guys are  these big jocks and you know 50 000 people   right exactly and you want to make sure you  throw it to the plate and look somewhat manly and and luckily you know i cheated of course and i  threw and i got it over and dusty baker said that   was great and uh uh cindy crawford was there the  the week before and she threw it over the backstop   so i felt manly uh now when you when you were uh  doing um like goodfellas man that that movie just   i was like twitching for weeks after that  thing that was ooh geez what a what a gritty   edgy uncomfortable film that was but endlessly  entertaining but you know what i mean yeah because   i just i just i just i wanted to get home you know  i thought let me just get away from these people   they were just uh they lived in it yeah and did  you hang around with guys like that did you did   you ever meet the the i guess your character henry  hill did you what was that uh henry i met after uh   after the movie and that uh he was glad that i  didn't play him as a dirtbag as he said which   i wasn't too um but when marty and i we went to  a restaurant and we uh directed yeah and uh these   guys would be coming up like auditioning for him  we were at this italian restaurant they heard that   marty was there and that marty uses real people  in in his movies so these are like real life wise   guys but they wouldn't admit it they all came up  with stories as if they were auditioning for him   and one you know they would all come and talk in  third person i knew a guy who did this oh i knew   a guy i had to i knew somebody who had to whack  their this guy in a diner and and his sister was   there i knew a guy who had to whack this guy in a  diner and his mother was and really they actually   was like competing with each other so and what was  what was uh henry hill himself like now this guy   he's still in the federal witness protection  program is that correct yeah i had met him uh   uh that one time then i met him and then the movie  came out he was very uh he was seen around town a   lot and i was at a premiere once and he uh he came  over to me and and i didn't know what to say here   he is in a witness protection program i don't know  what's going to happen why is he going to premiere exactly so he comes over i'm sitting with a  group of people and not i don't know whether   to introduce him or what to say i'm afraid i'm  not i don't know what's going to happen sure   and and uh he so he's saying hi how are you  and then he starts introducing himself to   hi i'm henry hill oh my god you've never seen  a crowd disperse okay yeah i would think so   but what d what do you know of his life these days  is he i mean do you know where he is do you know   how he is do you know what he's up to nope and i  don't want to and that'll that'll be it for him   the rest of his life well actually he came up to  me uh uh one time at that same party saying that   he wanted to do a sequel of the movie and he said  do you think the beginning of the beginning of   my life was tough where do you see the rest of it  but it i mean that must be it strikes me as being   insane that he shows up at the premiere i know and  then he's at the party having a couple of drinks   next thing you know somebody  slaps a sign in his back and tonight he's sitting in the bands next thing you know somebody slaps a  sign in his back that says shoot me   uh tell us about uh no escape what kind of a film  is that um it's a nice big action movie we shot   it in australia uh what part of australia uh in  the rain forest um i was doing a scene there in   the rainforest and there's all kinds of creatures  around and you never know what you're coming up   against and i'm getting ready for a scene it's a  real serious scene and i'm pacing back and forth   back and forth and every time i pace to my left  there would be a lot of noise a lot of i didn't   understand what it was i'm pacing back and forth  pacing back and forth again get to my left there's   this noise and i just felt uncomfortable so  i started walking away and i just felt like   i saw i just felt like something was behind me i  turned around and i was being attacked by a bird   what kind of bird i don't know i called  it a hitchcock i don't know what it was   it just actually gets you in there just just  came after me and i'm running away flailing my   arms and the crew is getting ready and their  heroes are these macho uh australians and um it's the bird so you really impressed these big tough australian   guys where's your good fellas now oh  look it's tippy hedren hello tippy that's funny uh but the film  is you are like at the last   outpost for uh convicted nasty felons in the  year 2020 yeah it takes place in the future   and i'm a wrongly convicted marine i get sent to  this penal colony where there's good guy good bad   guys and bad bad guys and it's just how i want  to get off the island and you you saved the day   for everybody yeah all right opens april 29th yes  a lot of fun you happy with how it came out yeah   ray it's a pleasure to see you thanks thank you  very much for being here tonight ray leona kids
Channel: Letterman
Views: 1,499,384
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Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: EQtv5GvUduo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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