John Oliver on His Wife's Reaction to Offering Clarence Thomas $1-Million Deal to Resign

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-We're back with John Oliver, everybody. Your YouTube page just started doing something very cool. You're uploading all your episodes through the history of the show. -Yes. -You're also a 10-year show, just like us. -That's right. We came of age at the same time. What? -Yep. -We started at the same time. We didn't come of age. -But you made a massive mistake, because you -- I mean, you look back, it literally has, like, Season 1, and I don't think you've changed the way you look. But then you look at the YouTube page, you're like, "Oh, you older now." -It is... [ Laughter ] It is amazing. There's some comments saying, "You need to tell people that these are old shows." You go, "Do I?!" [ Laughter ] "Are you [bleep] sure about that?" Look at my face, body, general demeanor. Some [bleep] happened that hasn't happened yet to this boy. [ Laughter ] Pandemic, kids, Trump presidency. It escalated over a decade. [ Laughter ] Yeah. -It is very cool to be able to go back. And it's very nice that you guys have that library available for everybody. -Yeah. It's amazing, yeah. So, yeah, we own the shows now. So [Chuckles] -- So they don't get deleted, now we're giving them to YouTube. So, yeah, every week we're off now, we'll do a new -- a new season. -There is something that has not happened yet that you threw out into the universe. He basically offered Clarence Thomas $1 million a year -- not just $1 million -- $1 million a year -- if he resigned from the Supreme Court. -I did do that. I did, yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] Yeah. Easy. -Easy. -Easy. So easy to feel that way when you didn't make the offer. [ Laughter ] And I felt exactly like you until the offer went out on TV. I was so excited. "Oh, that was fun. That show went really well. Oh, [bleep] it's about to happen now, isn't it?" -Now, I imagine there's multiple people you just have to talk to about that. People -- lawyers. -For sure. -Your wife? -Definitely. Yeah. -Were they -- Were they as applaud-y as this group? -I would say my wife was on the low side of the applaud-y. It's more, "What did you just tell me?" I did say to her, "It's until one of us dies." And I think that if he takes the offer -- -Not you or your wife. You or Clarence Thomas. -Yeah. That's not -- No, no, no. -Yeah. -[ Laughter ] Well, you diagnosed the awkwardness in that room. "Well, why would you put that in the offer, you sociopath?" Yeah, until I or Clarence Thomas die. And I did feel like, if he took the deal, that there were going to be some people so angry with me that they were going to kill me. Therefore, my wife wouldn't be on the hook for the money. But she didn't take that as the reassuring statement that I hoped. "Oh, I won't be around for that. Don't worry, it's fine." [ Laughter ] It would -- If he'd said -- It was kind of -- It was both a huge relief and massively disappointing that he didn't take us up on it. -What was the window of time you gave him? -It was -- We gave him 30 days. Honestly, I'd open it up again if it -- ahead of -- as long as... [ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah. -As long as he gets out before the, uh -- before they're doing the June decisions, I would be willing to open discussions again. So, Clarence, I know I keep -- every time I'm talking to Clarence through the camera here. -Sure, yeah, yeah, of course. -Clarence, I know you're a big fan of Seth. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] I think he's not, but Ginni has it on. [ Laughter ] -Ginni. Ginni's just a fan of just the canon of late night. -Oh, just loves it, yeah. -Um, yeah, if you want to get in touch and open up the negotiations again, I still have the contract in the drawer in my desk, and I'd be willing to do that. -That's really cool. -Again, until one of us dies. And hopefully, that will be you. [ Laughter ] -More than fair. -Well, you know, like... -That's just self-preservation. of Siegfried and Roy. -Yeah, yeah. Um, Met Gala tonight. -Yeah! Am I going to see you there? -Eh, man? -Am I going to see you? -[ Laughs ] -Am I going to see you there? -I love when you -- -Johnny loves -- Johnny loves dressing up. [ Laughter ] Johnny loves banana tux. You're going to be there, Johnny. Come on. Johnny. [ Laughter ] Johnny, come to the Met Gala, baby! -I do. I love fancy occasions and socializing with people I don't know. Yeah, and it's a win-win for me. You know that. -You love museums where everything was given as a gift. [ Laughter ] I know that. -I know you love it. -That's true. -I know you love stuff that's where it's supposed to be. -That's true. I do not -- I don't have complicated feelings about the Met at all. -Nope. -Do you know what? This year, I'm not going to be there, Seth. -Are you not? -All previous years... -Oh, no. -...all future years. -Alright. [ Laughter ] -But I'm so happy that you're going. Is this -- -Can I call you as soon as I leave, to tell you everybody I met? [ Laughter ] -What are you, uh -- What story is your outfit telling? -Oh, [Sighs]... [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] -I just want to get you warmed up for the red carpet. Seth, Seth, Seth! Huge fan. Um, what story's your outfit telling? [ Laughter ] -"Fashion..." -Mm-hmm. -"...brings us together." -Oh, sorry, sorry! Jennifer Coolidge is over here. No. [ Laughter ] That's right. Fashion -- Doesn't fashion bring us together? -You've been invited. -I've been invited before. Yeah, but I've said no because I don't think I'm going to elevate that evening. Mm-hmm. [ Laughter ] I don't think I'm a net positive to a night like that. It was a mercy refusal on my part. "I think you think you want this. I know, in practice, you don't. Let's just squash this invite right now." Yeah, I don't, but I'm very, very, very much looking forward to seeing you on the carpet. -Thank you. -Do you eat there? -Do I eat there? -Does one eat there? -It's the best because nobody does. And so I just go to town. [ Laughter ] Everybody's, like, so -- Everybody's in, like, such tight-fitting clothing. It's, like, maybe the most dinners I have in a night. [ Laughter ] -Do you know what you're going to eat tonight? -Whatever they have. -Oh, yeah? I'm not picky, yeah. I'm cool at the Met. [ Laughter ] -So, just to be clear, you're fine, as well, with where they've been getting their stuff? Is it a good custodian? -I think a lot of it was just there. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -I think the Temple of Dendur was, like -- was actually originally built there, and they put the museum around it. -So much of the stuff, just invading armies stumbled over. -Yeah. -And then found a good home for, like a kind of adopted puppy that actually had an owner. -Yeah. -Yeah. -The good news is, there's no way of ever knowing. There's no way of ever... [ Laughter ] You guys, John Oliver! [ Cheers and applause ] "Last Week Tonight" airs Sundays on HBO, and streams on Max. We'll be right back with Mikey Day.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 199,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: late night, seth meyers, late night seth meyers interview, interview, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, John Oliver, 2024 Met Gala, $1-million offer, Clarence Thomas, resign, Supreme Court, Last Week Tonight, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, news, current news, politics, Community, The Lion King
Id: 9eIsu2OLrsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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