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[Music] good morning you guys welcome back to another DD vlog Oh ready to get the day started we have some pretty amazing stuff on the schedule today but check out my boy Gordon's place again shout out to Gordon because he's put me up for the days that I'm here in Southern California Gordon lives in Newport Beach right on the water here check this this is a pretty is a pretty baller view now today is your typical Newport Beach kind of cloudy to start and likely to burn off by the afternoon we're gonna go get the tire Slayer we need to put some heat the engine my boy Anthony's in town from MADD whips my brother from another mother he is from Toronto Canada so he's a Canadian friend of mine and he's building his Porsche 911 he's got the rap on it some HRE wheels he had a gt3 style wing put on it and today BF engineering is tuning the gentleman's vehicle so why don't we bounce over to VF and catch up with those boys there she is let's warm her up hey nice cold start probably echo right off this building [Music] boom look at this my boy aren't any from Mad whips what's going on brother how you doing I'm amazing good to see it it's good to see you too man I miss you you're looking good the Porsche yes you've gotten so much done to the Porsche you got like a gt3 RS style wing yeah it's got a wrap brand-new HRE wheels wheels and something to do a power here yeah we're gonna solve the Porsche IPD plenum which is supposed to add about 10 15 horsepower sweet I'm gonna slap it on the dyno and do a final custom hex tune yeah and that's it time to play everybody comes to VF now you're learning right like everybody comes here if you have a car you want to get it tuned or they probably already have a tune for your car if it's a BMW a McLaren a Lamborghini and Audi ra or what else are they been doing Mercedes basically any luxury performance vehicle contact these guys link in description you guys have a code so you get a discount but listen I've got your stinky shorts from Monterey last year there you go just joking the wife wash dump hilarious amazing got all the stains out for you don't worry they weren't like those types of stains is eggs benny sauce eggs benny sauce but the wife she cleaned it right up here's a little plug tide to go okay I got my breakfast in my coffee let's go see your car whoa whoa whoa you know I tried to get a dde license plate and they denied me they denied me for five years in a row really late every single year I wrote a massive long essay of why this is my company why was important to me and on year six Joby gave it once again lesson in life persistence yeah dude if you want like just keep going for it yeah until someone says yes let's start with the wing love the way yeah from 5:30 to 3rs wing flawless what's gorgeous I love it whose idea was it to do you like it RS wing like that for all the years I'm getting some credit for this bloody car you bastard the rap loving the rap I can see right away it's got that Schiphol like warren designed to it love this dude those wheels are so nice were they they weren't all blocked before they had like a chrome lip or something that Paul is like yeah so you painted them fully polish lip and this was like great yeah you went all black black yeah that's a good idea - yeah 2011 I believe they're discontinued this is this is the look for this car yeah just a simple deep lick satin black dude I love delivery goes right with the mad which colors you got the mad whip stuff going on here shortly I didn't know that you had a red steering wheel and that is so 9om gt2 RS Porsche gt2 RS oh man that's unreal short shifter yeah under all that which is an aluminum cage yeah and that changed the entire dynamics of how you drive that car dude this thing looks sick how are you good how are you welcome back to my blog thank you secret missions to give the gentlemen today any secret tip so mission secret missions everything everyone I'm rolling with that Nick every time I come here everyone says his voice sounds like it's gonna give out a secret mission 100% but he does he does if you wish to accept the mission yeah you have to stay tuned and check back on the next video I like that do you open this bad boy up I'd love to see how yeah that looks like a Porsche engine that's all you ever see in these cars yeah today we're gonna replace this plastic air flow police black here with an aluminum engineered piece that's five performance to add 10 to 15 horsepower you got an exhaust yes brain please what are we doing why am i listening to you talk turn your car on jeez me come on why are we listening to Anthony [Music] all [Music] there we go hit that again hit that I'm excited you should drive my car so I can stand on the street and hear what it sounds like when you drive up and down really fast okay deal the rough part of my job hey take everybody's car and do flybys what do you got here this is a techno monster carbon fiber holy automobile a Lamborghini Wow so you're giving you this because I have a Lamborghini and you drive a Porsche you know whenever I have to put in a good word if you the company and see what I get you so that's a no [Music] here we go you excited totally Daria no all right no Dino [Music] and himself right here I love that that shifter to go at the steering wheel [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah brother have a great day see you later later man Jerry always a pleasure good to meet you my friend we're making it weird you and Dave must know each other okay see you guys later all right you guys I have to head up to avant-garde we have a straight pipe Manuel Murcielago with a rear-wheel drive conversion waiting for me today's about to get a lot better later brother [Music] we've arrived yet another day of full house here at avant-garde let's go see what the boys got in store for us today we're taking this today oh yeah [Music] but first it be polite to go and say hello hey guys look the man the myth the legend right here himself so close this is the mercy owner he's gonna give me his car to go rip around it sadly sadly this come on palms are sweating been having nightmares all night over this one up Home Slice I was just asking about you and they're like he's sleeping in my car what time is it here my Clark what's wrong with it oh oh oh oh yeah what is that Oh one cylinders is missing there's no boosting it's actually slower than previous like I'm serious you're gonna freeze before upgrades gonna beat me in a race right now but we got put some heat in the engine of the mercy that down that thing sounds so amazing bro let's get a jump in all right [Music] here we go guys into is the mercy we go oh wow what a different layout of the cockpit than my car the best part though is of course that right there oh yes whoa that is hot I see why you want to warm up the engine and turn the AC on to probably cool off the shift knob you basically just want to aim me right down at the right down to the shifter you guys gotta check this thing out Wow look at that now you might not be able to hear me over there but [Music] [Music] that is so cool yeah that's amazing what a beauty that's sick as hell yeah [Music] [Music] enjoy smiling we're gonna get a flyby in the tunnel for you guys right now that was knots that fly by [Music] [Music] awesome man your turn next that stuff is nuts oh you're gonna let Alex drive it you first yeah yeah in case something goes wrong I'm just joking let's sound so bad cheesecake we're going to cheesecake you guys wanted more food vlogs you got it some crusty khao sam encrusted galaxy damn good would you get out that's cheney alfredo fettuccini alfredo i've got like a Frodo al frodo and I've got shrimp angel hair pasta with a marinara sauce they made it spicy with some chilies we just turned this into the Food Network Food Network Food Network I can't talk today that's the chicken mango salad that is a salad of salad look at the size of that thing Wow Bon Appetit gentlemen and then back onto the road now you're just picking up the cars from ballet and we're out of here we're gonna hit the road hand the keys over to you I'm a food coma - who's driving we're gonna get this valley right here to drive here he can't drive the Mercy for us [Laughter] we're going together Wow removal foreplay the key to this feast oh now nuts oh this is crazy holy first time someone's driving my car by the way someone else besides me he's driving my car for real I'm naughty children well yeah I'm legit honored Wow and here it sounds just as nuts that's crazy that is so sick bro all right here we go [Music] oh it is smooth look at that it'll dry by itself you don't really even have to give it a ton of gas [Music] incredible dude amazing you know you're gonna ruin me right you don't want one of these cars now be extra cautious Mankiw listen like you guys hear this thing how nuts is this this is seriously the best sounding car ever they grow anything going anywhere and I'm just like just wait till you're at 85 miles an hour wow it sounds like it's at 85 thousand rpms bro there we go guys first time driving a mercy manual well that is so satisfying that part right there I was like your clock clap yet' cocking a gun Wow that is so sad it's fine depression on rough I've no idea lifted zone listen to this thing Wow [Music] this is seriously this is this is it right here oh we have to have to hunt one of these down [Music] all right we're not being annoying at all I feel bad for everyone around us okay guys we're gonna get my first little overpass tunnel run [Music] [Music] guys [Music] you too I wish we had managed it really was hanging on with a better mohawk on the way I was you're not used to look at this guy we hit that bump the loop-d-loop coming out of the tunnel your I met you I met you you're aiming at the dash I got chunks [Music] I got chunks of Terry's oh you're amazing do another one [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Music] No Hey only on daily driven exotics my boy lit it up lit it up [Music] dude Alex yeah that's what's left Edith tires let's see this oh that is look at all the tire okay here's what I'm thinking we should probably go [Music] you're taking this home I think your home oh dude I'll trade you in a heartbeat this would be a good tire Slayer you guys this would be a good as you just witnessed this goes up and then oh not many cars get not many cars giving me the shakes bro this car is hands-down the funnest car I've ever driven it's not the fastest car it's not the best handling car but it is the meanest sounding car I want one there's 27 I got to find one I could smell the tires right now to this one did more oh that's here's your time there we found the tire on hey hey we made hockey pucks I'm Canadian no look [Music] what's it we shredded the tires on the Mersey and turned in them into hockey pucks Alex feel that feel how hard to feel it that's just rubber oh it touched you okay this is it for the vlog it doesn't get any more epic than this I don't know I might just quit vlogging altogether you guys seriously I think you just ended the DD channels career that's it we're done we're never doing another I'm just joking but seriously oh dude dude you fit right in man this is worth it keep that if thanks for a great day honestly for my week I made I don't know how he's thanking me for letting me drive his car and then he does doughnuts anyhow I mean you're all over Instagram ripping the tires off this thing that's why I love you you fit right into the brand you're part of the family you got to do a rally together let's do a rally I might I might have one actually coming up for you it yeah hey smash that subscription you were ever gonna smash the subscribe button this is the video you do it in okay smash the subscribe button go and pick up some DD merch at shop DV calm and come on so if you throw me a thumbs down on this video I'm gonna hunt you down peace [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 391,913
Rating: 4.9194665 out of 5
Keywords: Lamborghini Murcielago Manual, Straight piping a Lamborghini, V12, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, Alex Choi, The Car biz
Id: IpAz1IQxMW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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