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[Music] like the careless American strategy the car impounded go to jail [Music] yeah it's 11:23 we're supposed to be on the road at 10:00 [Music] come on joy this is morning toilets your eyes damn they look just the same as weddings always roll everybody up how are you good morning Troy's a morning person so today we will be going on a nine-hour epic road trip up the coast California and orchid knife blade booger in my nose hair what are you doing watching that I'm a demon you're wrecking the VIN Wicky shirt yeah it's go support Ben Wicky haha would you do join ran something over and like destroyed the side of his rap on his the entire 720 no it's all this clear this dude you ran something over at the front of the car cuz I thought it was on the front of the Maduro for a sec I thought I saw something like if you have didn't put it all the way up yeah look smashed on told you I told you Choi blue punch okay now it caught here and then yeah that's right in the hit right here and it ran the whole course of the side of your car hey it wouldn't be a rally if something wasn't in destroy just think about this there's only four hours of the 24 hour drive we have [Music] your radios ball slide alpha thank you guys for that nice tour of Modesto [Music] check out this always foggy seeping skin a burn on all right we're going to the Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco kind of our first iconic thing we want to see on our road trip then we're gonna hit the coast I'm spotting a cop you guys Troy get up here I need that happened man [Music] to super junior's wide coming in to San Fran [Music] ha ha welcome to San Francisco hey Choi welcome to San Francisco how you doing brother check this out you guys how thick is this that's literally Alcatraz in the background used to house some of the most heinous criminals in all in North America thieves ready to go we gotta get out of here manatee good to go ready to go joy got the sample the prison you should really be in over there for your clothing stock rally life right oh what a drive man I'm telling you we're having a blast guys I hope you're enjoying it we love bringing you along with us cops be good pulley here we are on the Golden Gate Bridge you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] some fans on the right-hand side in a Cherokee classic engines are running I'm just kidding I'm just kidding oh yeah DeeDee fans are the best fans in the world the last guy I stole the sunglasses this guy's doing this truck [Music] [Music] [Music] coming into these little talented guys and so much fun yet to go see these amazing places and like normally just wouldn't see that are off the beaten path beautiful out here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's about that time I am out of fuel and I was starting to get a little worried because kind of like the middle of nowhere it's really stressing to you because he has even less fuel than I do meat cheese cheeto hey do it have fun dude this is one of my favorite roads ever it's amazing I've never done this job before it's my first time it's cool because it's two lanes a lot of the way mm-hmm like this it's amazing have you ever driven this road before first time literally I've been to San Francisco and that's the most for North I've ever been in California how sick is this road I love it it's a cool palace and for food you wanna reach back somebody no name yeah smash on the ground he's just thinking out for the PNL 4dd actually he use his own money for it seriously can I throw more call 19 gentleman Nakada could hi guys where do you go and you're on a road trip through boy is the best restaurant the world you go or you take your dates will be Hopi what's funny boy I've never been to an apple we only have two and a half hours till the go and it's midnight yeah you're in the spotlight legit oh yeah someone clip that sign oh yeah cool shot right there do you need a news like you're a celebrity right there the Brad Pitt I look like Dave DD hahaha hey has anyone ever done a state to stay burn out there chippies in there chippies what's a chippy see what do we call the organ state police my car is running rough I went down the road - just give it a test and the guys were pulled over I said hey stop right there I'll be right back and I think the cops like pulled in behind them turn their lights on seem to have a visitor the cops yes Damon throw out all the comp wants it's illegal cooler on their side of the road mean the Alex joined something bad I think he was a bad bad boy haha I'll be over here on the curb come on over here did you Alex Diddy did it well though Oh some down here is kicking I don't know really what's going on good thank you house may go in the goal is to get you guys to drive obviously voluntarily within the transportation just want to talk to all of us but not being idiots because apparently like we got called in we just gone to this date like literally like I know Paul Munroe go I'm Canadian point six miles ago we literally drove over the state line to stop the gas station just left my cars having problems that sucks yeah it's a Lamborghini comes with the territory so just let you guys know I know I haven't talked to you guys I know you guys are all recording I'm recording as well okay um we're youtubers so we do it's awesome got to give me your youtube name so I can actually search my stupid face no you're cool can't be busting illegal u-turns figured in intersections near intersections or where you can't see social differences and it changes actually if you're in the county or if you're inside of a city so make sure you're familiar with those distances and you jump into like the careless and reckless driving you could possibly get your car impounded go to jail it was pasted and I'm not gonna write him a ticket off the paste so he's pretty reasonable guy he didn't try lying to me and telling me he wasn't doing it so anyway honesty actually does go a long way so no bozo honesty at 1:00 a.m. the rap you old Navy nice car slow down I'd like to keep her you know it's not all mangled before you get to I'll try thanks guys have a good night we're gonna end the vlog here even though we have a hundred miles to go we now have learned hundred and fourteen thanks to Alex Choi the Oregon State Police and this vehicle are now blacklisted What did he say was a speed limit and no will bus five miles more over five miles dude a jail why do you look drunk when you say that look maverick subscribe button you guys and pretty soon your house an epic new emerge this is a new hoodie no well you know we got the new merch with the new mark no idea if the Huracan is gonna make it to Canada it's having a bit of an issue our prediction is an injector I don't know and then it cleared up when I started going quicker so that mint does that sound like an injector so you and the blog since you got pulled over and got us all in trouble go let's go in mr. beast on us he's gonna say dve how many times 100,000 dddd dddd dddd de de de de de dee dee-dee-dee dddd dddd the DVD the
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 955,605
Rating: 4.9154758 out of 5
Keywords: You won't believe, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: Rd4pqZbGkUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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