Rare Achievement "She Cannot Be Caged". Dark Urge saved goblin Sazza third time. Baldur's Gate 3

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there can be no doubt this is the place this is where we'll discover the secret of the absolute another true Soul the disciple will want to see you through the main we are each of us thre in I will not be slandered General you saw my reports you know it's not my fault the facts suggest otherwise you were ordered to retrieve the artifact you failed to do so if I had been given Dr Warriors instead of goblin trash o what you Scag enough a blast of mental energy washes over you filling the room your tadp squirms urging you to obey let me make sure I understand this you're claiming that General Thor gave gave you the wrong soldiers yes no you blame the absolutes chosen for your failure of course it is not the General's fault who's [Music] [Music] then you slip into manara's mind while her attention is focused on saving her own skin you can feel her guilt everywhere writhing and churning all it takes is one little push mine it's it's my fault I failed you my Lord please forgive me guilty then my Lord I gave you this command because I saw something in you your efficiency ruthlessness your Killer's Instinct I treasured them all but honesty remorse these are no use to me night Warden Menara your crime is incompetence and your sentence is death no make her passing slow disciple zurel be [Music] creative as the General's attention shifts to you A Memory stirs a memory of this room and his voice raised in Anger I'm surprised to see you again true Soul you are here to assist and not to meddle I trust I would remind you that while in my Halls you obey me just as you would any other chosen what say you about our Menara it is fitting that one mad dog should judge another better than you know your yourself it seems but we are here to speak of Menara not you that we can do take her below no please Mercy please bye-bye princess yes kill the Goblins too what no you cring old bag of [Music] [Laughter] [Music] shed I'm sorry my Lord she's an unbeliever outside my control try [Music] again no [Music] dispose of the rest as you see fit or better yet let us take advantage of our surprising guest and their particular creative genius I'm sure the results will send a clear message to the Troops on the importance of discipline of course my Lord thank you [Music] you heard the general the Goblins are yours deal with them however you wish they are yours you can release them kill them or feed them to each other for all I care just deal with them here in the seat of the absolutes power your authority over them is complete they will obey any command report to me upstairs when you're done you wouldn't hurt me wter we're mates me and you practically family you won't regret this praise the absolute your merciful streak will be the death of us one day let's hope zerel won't be too angry in another lifetime you were greeted in this throne room like a god not the living wreck you are now your disgrace has something to do with this cther you yearn to Flay him until he forgets himself as you [Music] have with difficulty you banish the pooling evil that bewitches your quivering limbs perhaps parts of you were scattered in this spire time to knit yourself together the seat of the absolutes power occupied by a general that cannot be killed but his followers are Flesh and Blood we must learn what fuels his power General Thor's prayers and preparations must not be disturbed the rooftop is off limits to everyone even you disciples real everyone keep watch and ensure that nobody passes excellent timing true Soul the Goblins tell me how they suffered no better yet show me her mind enters is yours abruptly flickering across your memories in a blaze of excitement she sees the Goblins walking free and a burning rage fans across your mind like wildfire explain yourself I didn't expect you to do that I was hoping you'd be able to help with something more important but you're only fit to muck out the jail cells that won't keep my blade from your throat if you continue to disappoint me let's see if there's anything interesting in this brain of yours she Parts the folds of your mind again touching your wants and hopes tasting them every emotion soaks into her mind's pallet but there is purpose to her exploration she is searching for proof of your faith caution hesitation you fear power even when it's offered freely would you waste the absolutes gifts as well I have already been blessed to stand in her presence it was Bliss she gave me everything I wanted why not what's the point in power if you don't go to have a little fun every now and again her presence builds your mind caressing stroking kissing then clawing B in cutting your pulse races your heart strains then as suddenly as it began the pain becomes overwhelming pleasure she gave me the power to Delight with a thought or to kill so stay on my good side and the best way to do that is to serve General saor I have a mission for you that's it play along the closer you can get to the general the closer you'll be to the answers you seek you feel her presence in your head again she grips your mind squeezing until your vision blurs with pain the absolutes blessings have far greater value than any price you could name be wise obey there is a relic that General Thor requires he sent his most trusted advisor disciple balazar to retrieve it The Relic is beneath the Thor family Moran that is where you will find Bazar but we have lost contact with him go there Aid balazar if you can and bring the Relic home yes and he failed to find it little wonder he hasn't returned here you've seen how the general deals with incompetence they bleed no doubt he's chasing after Bazar in the dark I hope he finds him they're likely to tear one another to pieces if they do Bazar will pull himself back together again near won't his usefulness has expired but your utility to our cause has only just begun the Shadows around the morum are deep and hungry you'll need a moon Lantern to survive them take one from balthazar's chambers but don't pry the last person who snooped into his Secrets lost their head I believe believe he uses it as a chamber pot
Channel: Ferzen
Views: 2,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Killing Astrion in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, I didn't expect that from my companion in our first night, Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, bg3 astarion, pale elf, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate iii, baldur’s gate 3, baldurs gate 3 kill, bg3, bg3 gameplay, rpg, best game, rpg game, larian studio, Dark Urge saved goblin Sazza second time, She Cannot Be Caged
Id: RQEUlQkst30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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