Rapunzel Full Story | 75 min | Bedtime Stories | Princess Stories | Fairy Tale l Little Fox

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[Music] little fox Rapunzel episode 1 Rapunzel's birthday [Music] once there was a girl named Rapunzel her family lived on a small farm Rapunzel loved to work in the garden she also loved to sing plant the seeds Rapunzel sang watch the green beans grow [Music] watch the green beans grow [Music] on this day Rapunzel turned 10. her birthday was usually a happy day but today mama and papa were acting strange why is Papa looking at the road Rapunzel thought foreign is coming Papa cried Rapunzel hide what why Rapunzel was confused quick Rapunzel no mama said [Music] Rapunzel crawled under a bush why do I have to hide she thought this is so strange suddenly a bird flew into the bush Rapunzel smiled would you like some seeds bird the bird hopped onto Rapunzel's hand it ate the seeds mama was peering over the fence [Music] phew she said it was just a farmer he is going to the market Rapunzel popped up I wish we could go to the market it would be fun to go to the city Papa shook his head the city is not safe Rapunzel frowned we never go anywhere we never meet anyone new Rapunzel looked from her father to her mother what are you scared of [Music] Papa did not answer Mama bit her lip she is 10 years old today we must tell her tell me what Rapunzel asked pop aside oh come with me Papa LED Rapunzel to a small hill he bent down and grabbed a rock Rapunzel gasped that's not a rock it's a door handle Papa opened the door inside was a small room I built this for you Rapunzel Papa said you must hide here when the witch comes [Music] episode two Papa's story [Music] a witch Rapunzel laughed silly papa witches only appear in Fairy Tales Papa shook his head witches are real I must tell you a story Rapunzel listened as Papa began we used to live in the city mama was going to have a baby but she was very sick next door lived a witch with a big Garden the witch grew lots of plants she made healing potions and spells one day Mama looked into the witch's Garden she saw fresh green Rapunzel it will make me well she said so I went to the market for Rapunzel mama ate some and got well every day I bought her more but then I couldn't find any Rapunzel Mama grew sicker and sicker one night I climbed into the witch's Garden [Music] I picked Rapunzel and the witch appeared he cried I will turn you into a hedgehog please I begged her my wife is going to have a baby she must eat Rapunzel or she will die the witch laughed [Music] you can repay pain child when the child turns 10 it will be mine never I cried and ran home foreign but the next day Mama crew even sicker she was going to die so you went back to the Garden Rapunzel said Papa nodded the witch gave me some Rapunzel and mama got better we moved here to hide you but Papa bit his lip now you're ten Rapunzel patted his arm don't worry Papa that mean old witch probably forgot about me just then Mama ran over her eyes were wide with fright someone is coming it's the witch [Music] Rapunzel episode 3 The Witch [Music] Mama pushed Rapunzel into the secret room hide she said don't make a sound Papa said he closed the door and they hurried away hmm Rapunzel thought she opened the door a crack to see an old woman stomped over to Rapunzel's parents she wore a beautiful silk shawl the woman glared at Mama and Papa you thought you could run away from me well now I have found you where is that baby of yours mama gulped our our daughter is dead Papa nodded she's very dead it happened um last winter Rapunzel groaned her parents never lied and they're not very good at it she thought Liars The Witch shouted at Mama and Papa you are trying to break your promise Rapunzel gulped the witch looked very angry just then the witch spotted the bird in the bush she pointed at it and said a strange word [Music] the bird turned into a small Hedgehog the Hedgehog fell to the ground it curled into a ball poor thing Rapunzel whispered this is all my fault Rapunzel had to stop the witch but how she thought I do not know any magic beware the witch snapped at Mama and Papa I can do lots of magic your daughter will come with me or I will turn you into hedgehogs Glory Mama grabbed Papa's hand our daughter is never going with you Papa scowled never the witch stomped her foot very well the witch pointed her finger at Mama and Papa [Music] she opened her mouth and no Rapunzel cried she ran out of the secret room Rapunzel jumped in front of her parents [Music] said Rapunzel episode 4 hedgehogs [Music] Rapunzel no papa shouted he looked frightened run away Mama glared at the witch leave my daughter alone it's okay Rapunzel said bravely I do not want you to turn into hedgehogs I will go with the witch I will visit you often [Music] at least you are wise girl the witch said her face turned dark but you can never visit your parents they would only hide you from me again Rapunzel folded her arms I will work hard for you witch but I must visit my family the witch shook her finger at Rapunzel I said you can never visit your parents dogs do you understand [Music] tears filled Rapunzel's eyes I must be brave she thought she quickly wiped her tears away yes I understand good the witch snapped now come with me it's a long trip to the city and I am already tired [Applause] Rapunzel turned to her parents tears rolled down Mama's face we will think of you every day Mama Said we will miss you so much Papa said [Music] Rapunzel reached out to hug them but the witch yanked her arm come along she said harshly now the witch dragged Rapunzel away Rapunzel looked back at her parents [Music] she thought I will find a way to return home [Music] suddenly Rapunzel tripped over something it was the Hedgehog Rapunzel scooped it up [Music] she dropped it into her pocket [Music] the witch spun around what are you doing um nothing Rapunzel said quickly she hurried after the witch [Music] in Rapunzel's pocket the Hedgehog wiggled Rapunzel patted it friend she whispered and so do I [Music] Rapunzel episode 5 the flying shawl [Music] the witch took off her shawl she spread it on the ground then she pointed at it get on she croaked Rapunzel sat on the shawl [Music] ah the witch said Rapunzel blinked in Surprise the shawl floated into the air [Music] the shawl flew above the road [Music] soon they reached the city [Music] Rapunzel saw the market and the King's Palace [Music] at last the shawl landed near a house we are home the witch said [Music] Rapunzel scowled this is not my mom she Rapunzel followed the witch inside there was a room with a bed and desk this is your bedroom the witch said the witch led her through the rest of the house there was a big kitchen another room was a library Rapunzel gazed at all the books on Magic can I learn magic she asked hopefully with the right spells she could go home and no the witch snapped [Music] well maybe you can help me with healing potions but magic can be dangerous you must never come into this Library alone Rapunzel sighed and followed the witch outside they went into a beautiful garden I buy these plants for healing potions the witch said you will take good care of them Rapunzel smiled I like gardening she started weeding the witch nodded good girl she went back into the house [Music] Rapunzel took out the Hedgehog I will call you prickle she whispered you can live in this Garden prickle squeaked [Music] Rapunzel sang as she worked [Music] the witch returned [Music] you have a pretty voice I was singing mama's favorite song Rapunzel said the witch growled your parents and never sing that song again you belong here now with me [Music] Rapunzel episode 6 Dear Mama and Papa [Music] a few years passed one morning Rapunzel was in her room she was writing a letter Dear Mama and Papa the witch is mean but I am fine I like to help in the garden I like to mix potions for her too the witch says magic words over the potions but she will not teach me magic [Music] maybe she's afraid I'll put a spell on her [Music] every week we go to the market to sell potions sometimes the king's servant visits us he comes for hair potion the king does not want to go bald [Music] I will be 13 soon the witch thinks I forgot about you [Music] but I never will love Rapunzel Rapunzel's side she wrote to her parents every week but there was no way to send the letters so she just ripped them up once the witch saw Rapunzel writing a letter she snatched it away from her then she locked Rapunzel in her room for a week Rapunzel ripped up the newest letter someday I will escape she thought [Music] someday I will go home again suddenly she heard a shout from the hall a hedgehog the witch yelled Rapunzel gasped oh no Brickle she thought the witch found him she ran into the Hall the witch was looking around I saw a hedgehog it is hiding somewhere Rapunzel help me find it Rapunzel ran to one end of the hall the witch went the other way [Music] prickle Rapunzel whispered something nearby moved it was prickle he dashed into a nearby room Rapunzel gulped [Music] oh no prickle was in the library Rapunzel episode 7 in the library [Music] Rapunzel stepped slowly into the library prickled darted under a bookshelf Rapunzel tiptoed across the room come out prickle she whispered right now or we'll be in big trouble Rapunzel looked at the bookshelves there were so many Magic books [Music] I'll look at just one Rapunzel thought she opened a small book of potions [Music] here's the king's haircut I mixed this potion often the book had magic words in it too harvax Rapunzel whispered that's it facts she turned a page and gasped a changing potion she thought I could turn prickle back into a bird Rapunzel the witch yelled again did you find that horrible Hedgehog Rapunzel stuffed the book into her pocket [Music] then she scooped up prickle she slipped him into another pocket here I am Rapunzel rushed into the hallway [Music] the witch stomped out of the kitchen where were you the witch asked I found the Hedgehog Rapunzel said quickly I put it back outside the witch nodded we must make potions now I need some to sell at the market today and the King needs more hair potion for the rest of the morning Rapunzel mixed potions the witch whispered lots of magic words Rapunzel listened hard but she couldn't hear the words in her pocket prickle wiggled Rapunzel tapped him gently [Music] he thought Rapunzel the witch frowned what's in your pocket Rapunzel jumped her arm bumped the bottles of hair potion [Music] the bottles tipped and then splash potion spilled all over the table and floor it splattered Rapunzel's face and clothing Rapunzel the witch cried open up this mess at once you spilled hair potion everywhere [Music] Rapunzel episode eight a long braid I'm sorry Rapunzel said the witch was Furious [Music] all over again we'll be late for the market Rapunzel began to clean up the mess she wiped up the potion on the table she mocked up the puddles on the floor [Music] she said I'm a mess too potion dripped from her clothes it dripped from her braid Rapunzel cleaned herself up then she mixed more hair potion leave that here the witch snapped the king's servant will come for it later put the other potions in my basket hurry we have to go to the market now soon they left for the market they walked slowly along the road suddenly the witch stopped she stared at Rapunzel oh no Rapunzel thought prickle was moving in her pocket could the witch see him and the magic book what did you do to your hair the witch snapped my hair Rapunzel said nothing why Rapunzel touched her braid it was still wet [Music] she thought it also felt longer Rapunzel looked down and gasped her hair was growing to her knees you silly goose the witch cried you spilled hair potion on your hair Rapunzel's hair kept growing soon her braid touched the ground my hair is so long Rapunzel moaned can you cut it the witch shook her head I didn't bring scissors you'll have to wait [Music] at the market Rapunzel set out the potions for sale a boy came over what happened to your hair he asked Rapunzel looked down about to cry her head felt so heavy and when she looked up again everyone was staring at her [Music] Rapunzel episode nine the market [Music] sorry the boy said quickly didn't mean to upset you your hair is really pretty Rapunzel looked at the boy he had a nice smile he was very friendly she tried to smile back thank you the witch stomped over to them go away boy we're busy busy Rapunzel blushed the witch was so rude sometimes just then a woman hurried over do you have a beauty potion she asked of course the witch said she began showing potions to the woman the boy stepped closer to Rapunzel he grinned I wish I worked for a witch you must learn so much Magic I love learning new things so do I Rapunzel said then she sighed but I don't learn much Magic and living with a mean witch is lonely just then several Farmers walked by Rapunzel blinked in Surprise my parents are with them she thought what's the matter the boy asked I'll be right back Rapunzel whispered can you keep the witch busy the boy glanced at the witch I'll try Rapunzel hurried off she slipped through the market then she tripped over her braid Rapunzel got up and dusted off her hands stared at her parents she had not seen them for years [Music] will they still know me she thought mama and papa moved away through the crowd Rapunzel started after them again it was my chance she thought to them [Music] a voice growled a hand gripped her arm Rapunzel spun around it was the witch the witch stared at the farmers her face turned dark her nails dug into Rapunzel's arm you were running away from me [Music] Rapunzel episode 10 trapped in the tower [Music] I wasn't running away Rapunzel cried I just wanted to see my parents [Music] please don't hurt them they didn't see me you broke your promise the witch snarled she dragged Rapunzel away the boy ran after them stop let her go the boy grabbed Rapunzel's hand but the witch shoved him aside she pulled off her shawl then she tossed it on the ground she pushed Rapunzel onto the shawl whoosh they flew out of the city [Music] Rapunzel cried to a safe place the witch said soon they were deep in the forest [Applause] Rapunzel saw a tower with no door [Music] [Applause] [Music] they flew in through a window the witch laughed [Music] welcome to your new home Rapunzel shivered it was a cold dark room [Music] she wrapped her long braid around herself which you cannot leave me here Rapunzel said you are old and tired you cannot tend the garden by yourself and you need my help with the potions the witch Shrugged I will bring work for you each day you can mix potions here and I contend the garden by myself [Music] Rapunzel glared at her you are so AP stole me from my [Music] peeled them well you you have no one who loves you the witch looked shocked slowly she lifted her finger Rapunzel cried do it turn me into a hedgehog but the witch dropped her hand growled then she flew off into the dark Forest [Music] punzel fell to her knees oh prickle she sobbed and pulled the Hedgehog from her pocket we are trapped to this Tower [Music] Rapunzel episode 11 the I heal potion [Music] the next day the witch returned [Music] prickle hid under the bed hmm [Music] the witch gave food to Rapunzel then she held out a list mix these potions today I'll get them tomorrow she looked in her basket again oops what's wrong Rapunzel asked I forgot the scissors the witch said I can't cut your hair [Music] Rapunzel looked at her braid and Shrugged I like long hair she said I don't want to cut it yeah it is pretty the witch said I'll bring a hairbrush tomorrow [Music] Rapunzel scowled as the witch flew away acting kind Rapunzel felt sad and lonely [Music] but her spirits lifted as she looked out the window there was a beautiful view [Music] I wish I could see my farm she thought [Music] Rapunzel began mixing potions then she pulled out the book the witch Can't See Me Now prickle maybe I can learn magic after all Rapunzel started reading changing potion sounds hard so does the echo potion I'll start with something easy an eye heel potion Rapunzel mixed the new potion [Music] it turned purple hmm did it work Rapunzel Put a drop of potion in her eyes amazing now she could see far and wide [Music] she could see people at the palace [Music] and she could see her Farm mama and papa were picking beans she waved and yelled [Music] but they didn't look up I'll try that Echo potion Rapunzel said quickly she mixed the potion great [Music] she dripped some into her mouth then she began to sing [Music] the sound drifted toward Mama and Papa [Music] but they didn't look up [Music] it didn't work prickle but I'll keep trying [Music] Rapunzel episode 12 more letters [Music] several years went by Rapunzel missed her parents more than ever she still wrote letters to them Dear Mama and Papa it's very boring in this Tower I brush my hair I read the magic book I mix lots of potions summer for the witch summer for me I keep mixing the echo potion but it never works I tried the changing potion again last week too skip deep rate Vera I said then I poured the potion on prickle [Music] it's made him smell bad [Music] I look out the window a lot I like to watch the prince at the palace I feel like I know him but of course I never met a prince he often walks in the forest he is searching for something I wonder what it is the witch heard me singing the other day she saw man I think I know why she gets upset she is very lonely which one so today I made up a song just for her he'd made her so happy and suddenly I felt Brave if it's clear I asked her when she would let me go [Music] she yelled but then she surprised me she said when you were 18. [Music] I can return home when I'm 18. and here is more good news I mixed the changing potion again this morning this time I sang the words [Music] foreign the potion turned bright gold I poured it on prickle he turned back into a bird prickle flew away Into the Woods [Music] I was worried he was gone forever [Music] but he came back he brought me a ripe red strawberry someday the echo potion will work too [Music] your daughter forever Rapunzel Rapunzel episode 13 thorns [Music] more years passed the prince often walked in the forest sometimes his servant walked with him can we please go his servant moaned golden dark they're sharp Thorns everywhere the prince said [Music] I hear that lovely voice again I must find the singer [Music] look the servant said suddenly an old witch was flying through the trees what are you doing in this Forest she yelled the prince stared at her from the market he thought the prince waved you have your flying shawl can you make one for me no the witch said it's a hard spell it takes months and be careful the prince said crash the witch fell in a thorn bush [Music] ouch she yelled the prince lifted the witch from the thorn bush he tried to remove her shawl next but it was stuck to the thorns finally the witch yanked it from the bush [Music] live for months this is your fault I'm sorry the prince said you can ride my horse instead and I can carry your heavy basket where are you going no way no way the witch shouted leave me alone she stuffed The Ripped shawl into her basket she stomped off through the trees the servants sighed can we go now the prince watched the witch leave suddenly he remembered the girl with the long hair no he said let's follow that witch in the tower Rapunzel was waiting for the witch she is late today Rapunzel thought I wonder where she is [Music] finally she heard a sound here the witch yelled [Music] my flying shawl is ruined I cannot get into the tower [Music] Rapunzel episode 14 the boy from the market [Music] Rapunzel stared down at the witch the Witch could not get into the tower but Rapunzel had an idea Rapunzel leaned out the window then she dropped her long hair down climb up he called the witch snorted too old for climbing [Music] Rapunzel said the witch looked scared but she grabbed the hair Rapunzel pulled slowly the witch began to rise the witch closed her eyes [Music] Rapunzel called Rapunzel kept pulling on the braid [Applause] [Music] the witch landed inside the tower [Music] the prince was hiding nearby hmm he watched the witch get into the tower please his servant whispered can we go no the prince said I must talk to that girl the prince waited until the witch was gone [Music] [Music] after dark Rapunzel heard a strange voice [Music] she looked out the window a young man stood below do I know you she asked the man nodded we met a long time ago at the market [Music] he stepped into the moonlight Rapunzel gasped you're the prince I see you at the palace Rapunzel let down her hair [Music] the prince climbed up [Music] what are you doing in the forest Rapunzel asked I like to walk in the woods the prince said sometimes I hear someone singing Rapunzel smiled and sang Softly [Music] foreign [Music] you are the singer the prince cried but why are you locked in this Tower [Music] Rapunzel told him about the witch [Music] the prince frowned and paced the room the witch cannot keep you here my servant will fetch a ladder and soon you will be free Rapunzel episode 15 more visits [Music] the prince wanted to free Rapunzel but she shook her head I cannot leave the witch will hurt my parents then what will you do the prince asked you cannot stay here forever very soon I will be 18. Rapunzel said the witch promised to let me go then the prince side may I visit you again Rapunzel smiled of course [Music] in the morning the witch returned Rapunzel Rapunzel she called let down your hair Rapunzel dropped down her hair [Music] and in the evening the prince returned Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair [Music] he climbed up [Music] I brought you some books he said hey Rapunzel and the prince talked a lot [Music] they sang together [Music] you are a beautiful singer the prince said he turned red I mean your songs are beautiful then he smiled shyly but you are beautiful too the prince is kind Rapunzel thought he is smart and handsome too the next morning the witch arrived [Music] [Music] [Music] the witch looked around the tower and frowned where is the hair potion baby sleeping potion what did you do yesterday Rapunzel smiled dreamily nothing much I will mix the potions now she started to chop herbs but Rapunzel made lots of mistakes [Music] what's wrong with her the witch thought she gazed around and saw something it was a lump under Rapunzel's mattress [Music] the witch lifted the mattress where did these books come from the witch snapped I I had them in my pockets Rapunzel said when you first put me here the witch muttered something under her breath [Music] that night the prince visited again [Music] soon a voice growled [Music] Rapunzel episode 16 snip snip [Music] Rapunzel gasped oh no Prince the Witch Is Back you must hide quickly [Music] the prince crawled under the bed [Music] Rapunzel let down her hair the witch climbed up [Music] nothing wrong with Rapunzel asked did you forget something the witch did not answer she looked around the room then she marched over to the bed [Music] the witch dragged the prince out someone was visiting you Rapunzel [Music] broke your promise again the old woman pointed a finger at the prince [Music] she mumbled some magic words welcome back then Zach a spell blasted from her finger the spell shot the prince far into the forest Rapunzel screamed where did he go is he hurt bring him back the witch cried you disobeyed me I will never let you go now you will stay locked in this Tower forever no Rapunzel cried I am almost 18. you said you would let me go home [Applause] the witch laughed [Music] and no one will ever visit you again [Music] the witch reached into her basket she pulled out a large pair of scissors snip snip she cut off Rapunzel's long hair the witch tied Rapunzel's braid to the window then she climbed down [Music] Rapunzel reached for the braid she started to pull up the hair again [Music] the witch yelled she pointed at Rapunzel something stung Rapunzel's hand Rapunzel cried letting go the long rope of hair fell to the ground it lay in a heap at the bottom of the Tower [Music] the witch croaked now you 'll ever escape Rapunzel episode 17 a little at a time [Music] Rapunzel stomped around the room [Music] the witch cannot trap me here forever I'll Escape power I'll find The Prince and go home [Music] Rapunzel dropped to the floor but how prickle fluttered around her head I wish I could fly Rapunzel said oh maybe there's a flying potion Rapunzel ran to her magic book but there was no flying potion I have no rope no potion what can I do prickle was still fluttering about suddenly Rapunzel had an idea the bird often brought her things that's it Rapunzel cried trickle my hair is at the bottom of the Tower can you bring it to me [Music] prickle chirped and flew to the ground [Music] he grabbed the long rope of hair but it was heavy he could not fly [Music] Rapunzel watched him [Music] trickle try a little at a time prickle tried again he flew up with some hair in his beak [Music] Rapunzel clapped thank you can you bring me more [Music] prickle flew down again he came back with more hair he flew back and forth again and again [Music] before long Rapunzel had a new rope [Music] quickly she made a bag from a sheet [Music] she put some things in the bag she tossed it out the window Rapunzel tied the Rope to the window and slid down [Music] I'm free free cried now I will find the prince she ran through the forest searched everywhere the moon was bright but the woods were dark Prince where are you she called suddenly she heard a groan [Music] the prince Rapunzel cried happily a dark shape lay on the ground but it was not the prince it was the witch [Music] Rapunzel episode 18 The Witch's story [Music] I am very ill the witch moaned Rapunzel scowled you are sick from using too much Magic the witch tried to sit up no Rapunzel said you ruined everything you hurt the prince with your awful spell and you stole me from my family the witch looked away but she died when she was 10. I was sad and lonely I wanted a family again the witch sniffed I thought you could be I was going to keep you with me forever but then that Prince Found You The Witch lay back down [Music] she begged Rapunzel thought for a moment I will heal you she said [Music] but you must make me a promise What the witch croaked you must let me go home Rapunzel said the witch was silent Rapunzel spun around goodbye [Music] the witch said you may go home [Music] good Rapunzel came back [Music] she took out her healing potions she dripped drops into the witch's mouth [Music] she rubbed lotion onto the witch's skin [Music] slowly the witch sat up so go home Rapunzel quickly spun away from the witch [Music] he never wanted to see the evil woman again Rapunzel ran off into the forest she heard the witch laugh loudly luck finding the prince if he's still alive [Laughter] [Music] I must hurry she called for the prince but no one answered she searched the woods for hours the prince was nowhere to be found Rapunzel's legs and feet ached she wanted to keep searching but she was too tired to move further [Music] Rapunzel episode 19 a ditch [Music] the prince stumbled through the forest for hours his leg hurt and one arm was broken [Music] I will find my way to the Palace he thought then I will go back to the Tower and no the prince tripped on a tree root as he fell forward sharp Thorns scratched his face his head hit a big rock oh then everything went black [Music] the next morning Rapunzel woke at sunrise oh no I fell asleep she thought she began looking for the prince again [Applause] suddenly prickle flew to her he flapped his wings and chirped Rapunzel said do you want me to follow you prickle took off through the forest Rapunzel ran after him [Music] at last prickles stopped chirped loudly near some Thorn bushes [Music] Beyond The Thorn bushes was a ditch Rapunzel ran to the ditch and peered down someone lay in the mud [Music] Rapunzel cried there was no answer she yelled again at last she heard a low moan Rapunzel the prince said weekly Rapunzel cried it's me Rapunzel ran into the ditch [Music] she grabbed the prince's hand he tried to sit up but he was too weak don't move Prince Rapunzel said how did you get out of the tower he asked I will explain everything later Rapunzel said Rapunzel checked the prince's wounds he had scratches on his face there was a large cut on his head his breathing was weak tears streamed from Rapunzel's eyes I found you my darling Prince she said now I must find a way to save you [Music] she grabbed her healing potions and gasped they were almost gone oh no I used them all on the witch [Music] Rapunzel episode 20 a beautiful song [Music] assistant Rapunzel tried to help the prince up he cried the prince could not stand [Music] you must go for help he said I cannot leave you here Rapunzel said oh your servant will look for you right [Music] the prince nodded weekly prickle was still fluttering above the ditch pickle she said can you find the princess servant crickle flew off [Music] Rapunzel's heart sank when prickle finally returned prickle was all alone Rapunzel began to cry the prince whispered please sing for me one last time suddenly an idea came to her would it work she reached into her bag for her Echo potion she dripped drops in her mouth and began to sing her voice drifted up from the ditch it echoed through the forest beautiful the prince whispered please don't die Rapunzel begged suddenly Rapunzel saw a carriage appear Prince's servant peered into the ditch I followed the song and found you he cried hurry the princess dying Rapunzel cried we must get him to a doctor [Music] days went by but the prince did not wake up Rapunzel stayed by his side at the palace she sang to him every day finally one morning his eyes opened [Music] Prince Rapunzel said he smiled my darling Rapunzel [Music] a few days later the prince was better Rapunzel and the prince went to a small farm [Music] cried [Music] Rapunzel mama and papa shouted hugged her parents I'm going to marry the prince the prince hurried over to meet them you must come live with us at the palace Rapunzel smiled we will all live happily ever after [Music] and they did [Music] little fox
Channel: Little Fox - Kids Stories and Songs
Views: 3,248,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: littlefox, kids, english, stories, animation, children, for kids, for children, educational, kindergarten learning videos, kids story, fairy tales, fairy tales audiobook, audiobook english, story for kids, story for kindergarten
Id: tJBFnubsCg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 11sec (4571 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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