Cinderella Full Story | Fairy Tales | Little Fox | Bedtime Stories for Kids

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[Music] little fox [Music] cinderella episode one a kind girl [Music] once upon a time there was a very kind girl her name was ella she lived happily with her father ella had fine clothes and jewelry she had a big room with a warm cozy bed and there was always plenty of food [Music] one day ella and her father were walking in town [Music] wonderful smells came from the bakery [Music] let's get a treat father said ella saw a young beggar sitting in the town square [Music] that poor boy ella said father can we please get something for him father smiled warmly you are very kind ella father bought some bread [Music] ella gave it to the boy [Music] thank you miss the boy said [Music] a few days later ella saw father in the garden you look happy father she said father laughed i have exciting news i met a lovely lady father said we're going to get married ella gasped father i'm so happy for you a week later father got married ella's new stepmother had two daughters the older daughter was tall and thin the younger one was short and plump [Music] it's nice to meet you ella said the two daughters smiled so did their mother but there was a nasty look in her eyes [Music] cinderella episode 2 sad news [Music] ella's father was on a hunting trip [Music] [Music] [Music] one morning stepmother woke ella get up lazy girl she snapped i have some news your father is dead ella gasped tears filled her eyes oh no she cried in pain father my poor father [Music] after that nothing was the same ella was still kind and polite but stepmother was now mean [Music] stepmother gave fancy dresses to her daughters ella wore ugly old rags the stepsisters slept in soft feather beds ella slept on a hard bed made of straw gert napped all day long trudy ate all day long but stepmother made ella work [Music] she scrubbed swept and mopped pretty little ella stepmother said you think you're better than we are you think you're prettier too no i don't ella said you're my family now i love all of you stepmother sneered you're too nice go and make my lunch and tend the fire again i don't want my daughters to catch a cold ella liked to sit near the fire she remembered her days with father i miss him so much she thought [Music] the stepsisters saw ella by the fire trudy giggled you're covered in ashes ella likes ashes and cinders gert said let's call her cinderella [Music] [Music] cinderella episode 3 a royal message [Music] the next morning a trumpet blew loudly [Music] a royal messenger stepmother cried stepmother and her daughters ran outside [Music] [Applause] cinderella wiped her hands on her apron [Music] then she followed them [Music] i wonder what the message is she thought a big crowd was outside the royal messenger sat on a horse he held a long piece of paper the messenger said this is a very important message the prince is hosting a ball all fine ladies in the kingdom are invited [Music] several ladies said it once cinderella's stepsisters clapped with delight we're going to the princess ball gert cried trudy's eyes lit up this is so exciting she said maybe the prince will ask me to marry him gert snorted no way trudy the prince will fall in love with me i'm beautiful and tall trudy put her hands on her hips well i'm beautiful and plump girls girls stepmother said you're both beautiful a ball cinderella said softly there will be music and dancing it will be so much fun [Music] cinderella stepmother laughed loudly you're not going to the ball you are not a fine lady [Music] cinderella episode 4 getting ready for the ball [Music] the stepsisters kept talking about the ball i will wear my favorite jewels gert said i'm going to dance with the prince trudy said gert said the prince won't dance with you he'll be too busy dancing with me girls girls stepmother said the prince will dance with both of you how do you know trudy asked stepmother had a wicked grin the prince is looking for a wife so he will dance with all the ladies trudy and gert clapped with delight [Applause] you both must impress him stepmother said then he'll want to marry one of you and i can move to the palace [Music] later stepmother found cinderella you must make pretty gowns for my daughters everything must be perfect cinderella made two beautiful gowns [Music] the stepsisters put them on i look lovely trudy said i look lovely too gert said trudy looked at cinderella poor cinderella she whispered you will miss the ball stepmother spun around hush trudy cinderella has work to do she yelled she will stay home and scrub floors at last it was the night of the ball [Music] goodbye the stepsisters called tears slipped from cinderella's eyes she began to sob [Music] cinderella episode 5 a visitor [Music] cinderella felt awful her stepsisters were at the fancy ball but she was home alone i wish i could go to the ball cinderella wiped away her tears i must not feel sorry for myself she said i have lots of work to do [Music] cinderella got a rag and a bucket [Music] she got down on her hands and knees and she began to scrub [Music] cinderella heard something what was that she thought she went outside [Music] there was a small woman at the fountain she had sparkling wings oops she said i'm all wet cinderella gasped who are you [Music] i'm your fairy godmother the woman said she stood up and flapped her wings the fairy flew over to cinderella i'm here to check on you she said i wanted to make sure you're okay cinderella stared in surprise suddenly she burst into tears [Music] my dear the fairy said what's wrong tell me i'm not okay cinderella said my life is terrible i work and work and work and tonight you want to go to the ball the fairy said cinderella sniffed yes but the fairy smiled brightly then you will go [Music] cinderella episode six a wish comes true [Music] cinderella stared at her fairy godmother really i can go to the ball godmother nodded yes run to the garden and bring me a pumpkin a pumpkin cinderella went to the garden she found a nice pumpkin and ran back [Music] here cinderella set the pumpkin in front of godmother [Music] godmother tapped it with her wand zap the pumpkin was now a golden coach next we need some horses godmother said i'll find some mice cinderella said [Music] [Applause] [Music] godmother counted one two three four exactly the mice turned into a team of horses godmother looked around who will drive the golden coach there are rats in the cellar cinderella said perfect godmother replied bring me one [Music] zap soon a jolly driver with whiskers stood there [Music] two lizards became handsome servants godmother smiled [Music] your coach is ready my dear but cinderella pointed at her clothes the fairy touched her lightly with the wand zap cinderella's ugly rags were gone now she wore a beautiful gown with sparkling jewels and on her feet cinderella wore the prettiest glass shoes in the world she climbed into the coach goodbye godmother i'm off to the ball [Music] cinderella episode 7 the princess arrives [Music] the golden coach started down the road wait godmother called the coach stopped cinderella looked back what is it you must obey one rule tonight godmother said you must leave the ball by midnight or yes cinderella asked poof godmother said your golden coach will disappear your clothes will turn back into rags cinderella nodded i promise godmother i will leave the ball by midnight the horses took off again thank you cinderella called [Music] at the ball the prince danced with many fine ladies [Music] one fine lady talked too much one fine lady danced too fast one fine lady stepped on his toes this is boring the prince thought [Music] he went outside inside [Music] there were many fine ladies at the ball but he didn't want to marry any of them just then the prince spotted something a golden coach was coming [Music] who's that he said it looks like a beautiful princess the golden coach arrived at the palace [Music] cinderella saw a handsome young man a prince she whispered [Music] the prince rushed down the steps hello he said softly he bowed and took cinderella's hand [Music] the prince and cinderella entered the ballroom [Music] everyone hushed who is that they whispered who is that beautiful princess [Music] cinderella episode 8 the ball [Music] cinderella danced with the prince the king and queen watched them what a beautiful princess they said the fine ladies stared too who made a princess's gown they asked ah i want one me too then cinderella sat down with the prince [Music] servants brought out trays of food [Music] the prince didn't eat a thing he just stared at cinderella [Music] cinderella spotted her stepsisters she smiled at the prince i'll be right back cinderella brought some treats to her stepsisters they thanked her and each gave a curtsy cinderella giggled quietly they thought she was a real princess the prince and cinderella began to dance again [Music] before midnight cinderella stopped i must go she said oh the prince said sadly i'm having another ball tomorrow will you come i will try cinderella said [Music] at home godmother was waiting by the fire oh godmother cinderella said i had a wonderful time at the mall the prince is so handsome [Music] [Applause] [Music] soon cinderella's stepsisters came home cinderella yawned and stretched she acted sleepy [Music] how was the ball she asked trudy frowned it was terrible some dumb princess showed up gert said after that the prince ignored us [Music] cinderella fell asleep with a smile [Music] cinderella episode 9 singing softly [Music] the next morning cinderella started her chores stepmother barked orders at her but it didn't bother cinderella today [Music] last night was lovely she i wish every night was that wonderful cinderella hummed as she swept the floor quiet down stepmother snap you're giving me a headache yes stepmother cinderella said cinderella worked quietly but in her head she was still singing [Music] stepmother stomped around the room why did that princess appear at the ball last night she ruined everything trudy said the prince never noticed me the prince didn't notice me either gert said i must wear more jewels tonight stepmother frowned tonight you both must look your best [Music] trudy and gert spent all afternoon getting ready finally they left for the ball [Music] cinderella felt sad then godmother appeared ready to go to another ball cinderella yes cinderella cried her godmother waved her wand zap once again cinderella wore the glass shoes but tonight she had a different gown [Music] all night long cinderella danced with the prince [Music] you look even more beautiful tonight he said cinderella closed her eyes i never want to leave she whispered just then the clock struck 12 o'clock [Music] cinderella episode 10 midnight [Music] cinderella dropped the prince's hand she ran outside as the clock struck 12. [Music] wait the prince shouted don't go cinderella started down the steps one of her glass shoes fell off cinderella looked back but it was too late to get the shoe her golden coach was already a pumpkin [Music] her beautiful gown was an ugly old rag again [Music] the prince ran down the steps [Music] where is the princess he cried [Music] he ran past cinderella cinderella's heart sank he didn't know that she was the princess slowly she began to walk home the prince went back up the steps near the top step something sparkled the prince said he picked it up [Music] what's this cinderella got home she was tired and cold she added a log to the fire [Music] later the stepsisters came home how was the ball cinderella asked was the beautiful princess there again yes gert made a face she left at midnight but the prince kept talking about her he even found something of hers cinderella leaned forward what did he find a glass shoe trudy said it's really pretty cinderella stepmother snapped get our beds ready [Music] cinderella episode 11 the glass shoe [Music] [Music] in the morning cinderella listened to the stepsisters they were still talking about the prince he's in love with that princess trudy said he's going to look for her gert said it was terrible [Music] cinderella brushed away some tears the prince will never find me she thought [Music] later the king's messenger came to town he blew his trumpet [Music] stepmother and the stepsisters ran outside cinderella followed them [Music] hear this ladies the messenger said the prince found a glass shoe every fine lady must try it on the prince will marry whoever it fits gert grinned maybe the shoe will fit me or me trudy said stepmother glared at them it will fit one of you [Music] the messenger visited every home in town [Music] every lady tried on the glass shoe [Music] but it didn't fit anyone [Music] at last the messenger reached cinderella's house cinderella was sweeping first gert sat down [Music] she tried to push her foot into the shoe but it didn't fit get up gert stepmother said now it's trudy's turn [Music] trudy tried to push her foot into the shoe [Music] it doesn't fit she said sadly cinderella dropped her broom what about me she asked may i try on the shoe [Music] [Music] cinderella episode 12 happily ever after [Music] stepmother laughed at cinderella you she said it can't be your shoe you did not go to the balls the messenger looked at cinderella she was dressed in rags but the messenger had orders from the prince every lady must try on the shoe cinderella took a deep breath slowly she slid her foot into the glass shoe [Music] her stepsisters gasped it fits the messenger blinked it's you he cried you are the princess stepmother stomped over to cinderella [Music] impossible she snapped you never left this house cinderella reached into her pocket she took out the other shoe and put it on suddenly her fairy godmother appeared godmother waved her wand [Music] cinderella was the beautiful princess again [Music] gert and trudy each gave a curtsy we are very sorry they said stepmother folded her arms the messenger was smiling you must come with me the prince will be so happy [Music] soon cinderella was back at the palace three days later she married the handsome prince cinderella was really a princess now [Music] [Applause] but she was still very kind so cinderella invited her stepsisters to live with her she even invited stepmother and they all lived happily ever after [Music] [Music] little fox
Channel: Little Fox - Kids Stories and Songs
Views: 6,037,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: littlefox, kids, english, stories, animation, children, for kids, for children, movies, video, educational, 리틀팍스, 영어동화, 어린이, 애니메이션, リトルフォックス, 英語童話, こども英語, 幼児英語, esl, cinderella, princess, classics, fairy tale, story, 신데렐라
Id: SluNUqeuA9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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