The Little Mermaid Full Story | Princess | Stories for Kids | Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories

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[Music] little box [Music] the little mermaid chapter one the sea kingdom [Music] at the bottom of the wide ocean is a world called the sea kingdom this kingdom lies at the deepest part of the ocean it is deeper than any anchor can go it is so deep that humans who live on land in the upper world can never visit in the sea kingdom blue water covers everything the water there moves like the waves above when the ocean is calm the sun's rays reach down to this deep place and on a still night the moon and stars send pale lights sparkling down through the water the most beautiful trees grow at the bottom of the sea some have purple branches and blue leaves there are gardens with many brightly colored flowers too the plants all move slowly back and forth with each ripple of the water many kinds of fish large and small swim among the leaves and the flowers they play all day and sleep among the rocks sea folk live in the sea kingdom and they are called mermaids and mermen they love to swim and play tide with the fish the mermaids also love to feed the fish from their pretty hands like their fish friends the mermaids and merman have tails to help them swim the sea folk love the ocean and everything in it they would never want to live anywhere else and they live a very long time about 300 years the sea folk were happy to spend their days singing and playing in the gardens a long time ago a king lived in a palace at the deepest part of the sea he lived with his six young daughters the mermaid princesses his palace had walls of bright orange coral black mussels covered the roof their shells opened and closed with the changing of the tide when each shell was open a silver pearl twinkled from within the sea king was kind and ruled over all the beings living underwater he loved to make them happy but he lived with a broken heart how sad that my wife the queen died many years ago he sighed now i care for the six mermaid princesses all by myself oh no you don't said his mother the wise mermaid i'm the one who takes care of them and i make sure the palace is clean and tidy too son you always forget about everything i do around here you are right mother said the sea king with a smile this family is very lucky to have you the wise mermaid knew a lot about the world and she taught her granddaughters well when you are ready she always told the princesses i will teach you about life above the sea the sisters were each born one year apart when each sister turned 15 she would be allowed to swim up to the sea surface then the mermaid princess would see the upper world for the first time the mermaid princesses were happy with their simple lives in the sea kingdom every one of their days was spent in fun and laughter but the youngest princess was different she was quiet thoughtful a bit unusual because she was the youngest and the smallest they called her the little mermaid [Music] the little mermaid chapter 2 the youngest sea princess [Music] each princess had her own small garden one princess made her flower bed in the shape of a whale another princess made her garden in the shape of a shell the sisters filled their gardens with odd things they had found in sunken ships but the little mermaid's garden was simple it had only red flowers and a statue of a human boy the statue had been her mother's and the little mermaid loved it [Music] while her sisters played in their gardens the little mermaid sat quietly in hers looking at the boy she wondered about humans and the world above what is it like in the upper world she asked her grandmother one day oh little one there is so much to see said the wise mermaid there are thick forests of trees that turn colors when the air turns cold soon after their leaves fall to the ground then the snow comes snow said the little mermaid what's that snow is made of thousands of small ice flakes replied her grandmother in winter these flakes fall from the sky but in summer green grass covers the ground and the flowers give off a lovely scent it sounds wonderful the little mermaid said here our trees always look the same and the flowers have no smell at all the wise mermaid told her more in the upper world you can look up in the sky and clearly see the sun moon and stars and birds fly from tree to trees singing lovely songs tell me about the animals grandmother the little mermaid begged some fly as i said but many have four legs and walk on the ground humans walk on two legs and they are very good at building things they make lots of houses which become towns the little mermaid wanted to hear more they also build ships don't they oh yes little one her grandmother said but you already know that i know but i love to hear about humans they come so close to us sailing above but their world seems so far away yes humans are very different from us said her grandmother they don't live as long as she folk we live for 300 years but humans have souls what is a soul the little mermaid asked i don't know little one the wise mermaid replied i have heard a soul can live forever but humans don't really know what a soul is either whatever it is i think it must be something special i want to know everything about humans when you are 15 years old you will see said her grandmother you'll swim to the surface and watch the ship sail by but i want to go now the little mermaid pleaded be patient your turn will come in five years said her grandmother smiling but you will find dear that our home down here is better than any place else the years passed and the little mermaid sisters went to the upper world but she had to wait so on clear nights she looked up at the moon and stars whenever a shadow swept across them she knew it was a ship passing overhead eagerly the little mermaid stretched her white arms up toward the bottom of the ship someday she would touch the world above [Music] the little mermaid chapter 3 tales from the upper world [Music] as each mermaid princess reached her 15th birthday she was allowed to swim to the upper world before her journey each sister promised to tell the others what she saw the next day when the eldest princess turned 15 she spent her time close to shore i lay on a sandbar in the moonlight and gaze at a distant town she told her sisters the houses lights twinkled like stars bells ring from a large house with a tall tower the next year the second sister came up to the surface at sunset the sky and the water glowed golden red she said i saw fluffy purple clouds high overhead a flock of white swans flew just above the water toward the setting sun the following year the third sister went deeper into the upper world i swam up a river and saw rolling hills and woods filled with tall green trees i heard birds sing happy songs to their chicks in a small cove humans were swimming even without tails frightened of the humans the third sister fled back to the open sea hearing this the fourth sister was less bold she kept far away from land and stayed among the rough waves i saw playful dolphins jumping over each other above the water she said to the others huge whale spouted water through holes in their backs in the distance i saw ships they were so far away that they looked like seagulls now the fifth sister had her turn her birthday was in winter when the sea often turned a deep green and storms raged enormous icebergs stuck out of the water i sat in the snow on a mountain of ice and i watched a ship sail by she told her sisters soon the sea became choppy and the green waves turned black thunder roared in my ears and i saw lightning flash across the sky some evenings the five older sisters swam to the surface together they sat on rocks and sang to the ships they had beautiful voices that rang through the air but when the sailors heard the sister songs they became frightened the sailors quickly turned their ships around to head for shore as the years went by humans told stories of the singing sisters they said mermaids were wicked because they tricked humans foolish sailors loved to hear the mermaid songs and would sail too close then their ships would crash into the rocks none of these stories were true the sisters did not want to hurt anyone they just loved to sing but the five mermaids eventually lost interest in the upper world and they spent less and less time singing to the ships for the sea folk there was no place as nice as their home at the bottom of the sea the sea kingdom was the best place to live and always would be for five years the little mermaid listened to her sister's tales she longed for her own adventure in the upper world oh how i wish i were 15. she cried i know i will love the world up there and all the humans in it [Music] the little mermaid chapter 4 the little mermaid surfaces [Music] at last it was the little mermaid's 15th birthday today will be your first day in the upper world announced her grandmother i'm so excited squealed the little mermaid i've been waiting so long for this day the wise mermaid placed a wreath of white lilies in the little mermaid's hair then she hooked four oysters on her tail a sign of royalty ouch that hurts pride the little mermaid a small sacrifice for becoming a 15 year old princess said her grandmother the little mermaid had to agree the oysters looked lovely but she was anxious to start her adventure please hurry grandmother she begged go ahead dear her grandmother said but don't stay too long remember your place is here under the sea impatiently the little mermaid hugged her grandmother goodbye and swam away when the little mermaid got to the surface the sun was just setting she saw the sky turn from blue to pink as night fell the sky turned deep purple and sparkled with stars soon the moon poured light on the sea [Music] it's so beautiful in the upper world exclaimed the little mermaid in the distance the mermaids saw a ship with three tall masts she swam closer and saw that the ship was standing still in the water music was playing and she saw bright colored lights sailors moved about on the ship's top deck they walked on two legs humans she wondered what a strange sight excited she swam right up to the side of the ship and peeked through a window inside more humans were singing and dancing all of them were dressed in fine clothes it looks like a party she thought the mermaids studied each human carefully until her eyes fell upon a young man oh how handsome she thought her eyes followed him as everyone went up on deck we remember when you were born dear prince 16 years ago said a woman with a blue feather in her hair he's a prince exclaimed a little mermaid another guest said with your kind heart you'll be a great king someday may every year be as happy as this one added a man holding up his glass happy birthday friends the crowd cheered everyone loves him thought the little mermaid he must be wonderful rockets shot into the air and exploded into a thousand tiny lights the water reflected the fireworks and the entire ocean glowed oh my the mermaid had never seen such a sight frightened she quickly dived underwater but looking up through the water she soon lost her fear so many sparkling flowers in the sky she exclaimed the prince hugged his guests shook their hands and said thank you for a lovely celebration the little mermaid swam up to the surface and watched the prince was the most beautiful of all the humans he was as beautiful as the statue in her garden but soon the music stopped and the colored lights were put away thanks for all your help said the prince to his crew it was a great party then the prince and his guests went below the deck to sleep but the little mermaid could not swim away from the ship or the handsome prince for her it was love at first sight [Music] the little mermaid chapter 5 the storm [Music] suddenly there was a loud rumble from deep in the clouds large raindrops fell from the sky waves swelled up from the sea like towering black mountains oh what fun thought the little mermaid a storm is coming in the sea kingdom she and her sisters were safe from storms they loved to play in the churning water but the sailors were frightened they yanked the ropes that controlled the sails the prince's ship turned to and fro in every direction strong winds rocked the ship from side to side the angry sea would not let them sail back to land all hands on deck shouted one sailor the ship is out of control shouted another unafraid the little mermaid waited in the distance through the darkness she watched the ship and thought lucky me now the prince can't sail away maybe i can get another look at him before morning the little mermaid didn't understand that the ship was in danger the storm grew stronger and huge waves crashed on the deck the wind beat against the sails and tore them to pieces then without warning the main mass snapped and fell into the water the boat began to tip to one side and seawater flooded the deck get out the lifeboats cry a sailor we must save the passengers but it was already too late a boat of lightning struck the ship and a strong gust of wind blew out all the lights suddenly everything was pitch black then another lightning bolt struck and set the ship on fire burning pieces of the ship were scattered everywhere by the blazing light the little mermaid could see that the humans were fighting for their lives oh no she cried the poor humans some of them were thrown into the sea others jump from the flaming decks help help they screamed as they fell into the water the little mermaids saw the woman who wore the blue feather holding onto a table leg a man was trying to swim to shore save me cried one guest i don't want to die cried another all struggled to keep their heads above the waves the little mermaids searched desperately for the prince finally she saw him he was trying to keep afloat but he was tired he began to slip below the surface of the water he's going to visit the sea kingdom said the little mermaid happily but then she remembered that humans could not live beneath the sea [Music] unlike the sea folk they could not breathe in the water my prince will die oh i must save him she cried the little mermaid dives through the waves and swam closer to the destroyed ship she made her way through the burning wood falling from the ship at last she reached the prince just as he dropped beneath the raging sea he looked like a leaf falling from a tree the little mermaid grabbed him and pulled his head above the water hang on dear prince i've got you she whispered in his ear then she let the waves take them away from the fire [Music] the little mermaid chapter 6 daybreak [Music] by daybreak the storm had stopped the little mermaid swam to a beach pulling the prince through the water then she stretched the prince out on the white sand you're safe now she told him but he was not awake and could not hear her she looked around she was in a little cove with a small garden just beyond the beach the garden had white benches surrounded by fragrant lemon and orange trees just behind the garden she saw a large brick building it has such a tall tower and such big wooden doors cried the little mermaid she held the prince's head and ran her fingers through his wet hair please wake up my prince said the little mermaid but his eyes remained closed as you sleep the sun will warm you she lovingly told the prince the little mermaid stared at his handsome face and then kissed his eyelids he looks even more handsome than the statue in my garden she thought but my prince is real suddenly the little mermaid heard a sound she'd never heard before the tower was making a loud clang the little mermaid looked up could that sound be church bells out of the large doors came a group of young girls they were dressed in simple white dresses and their hair was pulled back with white ribbons who are they and what are they doing here wondered the curious mermaid the girls gathered around the benches laughing and talking the humans must not see me whispered the little mermaid suddenly afraid please stay safe my prince the mermaid left the beach and swam out to a rock she covered herself with seafoam so no one would see her then she watched the beach look shouted one girl to her friends although she was dressed like the others she was more beautiful she had big green eyes and long dark lashes she ran to the beach and stared at the young man who still had not moved come here i found someone the girl touched his face to make sure he was real and at that moment he woke up and smiled at her oh maiden what have you found called one giggling girl then they all ran down to the beach and gathered around the prince when the prince saw all the pretty young girls around him he smiled an even bigger smile but his eyes lingered on the girl who had found him the one they had called maiden thank you for saving me he said he should be thanking me thought the little mermaid i saved his life and he doesn't even know it come inside to get warm said maiden she led him toward the church the others followed and then disappeared through the big doors they're taking my prince away from me the little mermaid said from behind her rock if she could have cried her tears would have fallen one by one into the sea but mermaids are unable to cry so no tears mingled with the crashing waves i must go home to the sea kingdom said the little mermaid but i'll come back for you my prince and she dived underwater [Music] the little mermaid chapter 7 watching from afar at first the little mermaid decided to keep her love for the prince a secret i will tell no one she thought maybe i will forget about him if i don't speak of him but she could think of nothing else finally she told her eldest sister i have fallen in love with someone from the upper world oh no cried her sister who he is a prince said the little mermaid but i don't know where his kingdom is or where he lives her sister told other sea folk what the little mermaid had said soon one mermaid heard the tale and visited the lovesick princess i know where he lives she told her his palace is on a hill just beyond the sea cliffs please take me there beg the little mermaid we have no legs to walk to his door the other mermaid said but we can swim to the cliffs from the high rocks we can see the little balcony where the prince sometimes stands with her guide the little mermaids swam to the cliffs and climbed onto the nearby rocks from there she saw a palace built of golden stones a steep stairway led from the ocean to the palace entrance and sure enough on one side of the palace was a balcony oh maybe i will see him cried the little mermaid peering from behind a rock she forgot all about her guide who soon swam away from that day on the little mermaid visited the cliffs every evening she sat on a rock and waited for her handsome prince once in a while she caught sight of him standing alone in the bright moonlight oh prince i longed to talk to you she said but i can't reach you so i'll sing to you instead the little mermaid thought the prince would notice her if he heard her voice in the sea kingdom everyone said she had the sweetest voice of all the mermaids my home is in the sea your home is in a place i cannot be [Music] but your handsome face is in my heart and my whole heart is in your hands come to me my prince come to me [Music] he was on land and she was in the waves under the stars the ocean breeze carried her voice away too far away to be heard so she watched him from afar some nights the little mermaid would swim to the harbour hoping to see him on the dock but most of the time she saw only fishermen with their nets talking and laughing what a smart and kind young prince a fisherman said he will make a great ruler someday the little mermaid thought about her time with the prince as he lay on the shore and to think it was i who saved his life she shivered with pride and love the little mermaid remembered how she had kissed his eyelids but the prince knew nothing of what had happened i hope he'll learn the truth someday she thought wistfully [Music] the little mermaid chapter 8 dreaming of the upper world [Music] with each visit to the upper world the little mermaid grew more unhappy the prince's world is so much bigger than mine said the mermaid to herself humans can walk on land and sail the seas their lives are so exciting and my life is so boring the little mermaid thought about how she'd like to live in the upper world rather than the sea kingdom day after day she sat in her garden alone her sisters became worried and went to their grandmother grandmother said the eldest sister please talk to the little mermaid find out why she's so gloomy so the wise mermaid went to her grandchild and took the little mermaid in her arms sweet one tell me what is bothering you grandmother said the little mermaid what happens to humans if they don't drown do they live forever i told you the wise mermaid answered they die much sooner than we do but their souls live forever i want a soul too and i want to live in the upper world your place is here said the wise mermaid believe me there is no better spot in the world in the sea kingdom we are all very happy here it is our home but i want us all like my prince so we can both live forever together the little mermaid said stubbornly you don't need a soul replied the wise mermaid annoyed as a mermaid you will live for a very long time and when you die you will become lovely seafoam this way you will remain part of the sea and a part of all of us the little mermaid pleaded please grandmother tell me how i can get a soul the wise mermaid saw that she could not change her granddaughter's mind well i've heard that a human and a member of the sea folk must marry she said your prince would have to fall in love with you then if he married you you would become truly human and have a soul [Applause] so all i have to do is marry the prince ask the little mermaid hopefully i really do not know replied the wise mermaid what i have told you is only an old tale i know of no mermaid who has ever received a soul or even wanted one we live very happily without souls but the little mermaid did not hear her grandmother's words she was already too busy thinking and making plans grandmother what must i do to live in the upper world she asked forget about such things said the wise mermaid you would need legs and feet to live there she patted her granddaughter on the head your beautiful tail makes it impossible for you to live on land the little mermaid looked unhappily at her body and sighed i hate my tail the wise mermaid shook her head and said you are lovely now go and play stop thinking about the upper world the little mermaids swam away but she didn't play she thought there must be some way to fulfill my dream someone must have the knowledge i need maybe i'll ask the sea witch for help [Music] the little mermaid chapter 9 the journey to gouba the sea witch lived at the edge of a dark place called gouba its swirling waters were known to swallow up all kinds of creatures most sea folk were afraid to swim near it they'd heard scary stories about curious mermaids who swam too close to gooba and never returned home grandmother told me about the home of the sea witch when i was small the little mermaid thought as she swam along but it can't be that awful stop princess a small fish suddenly cried out do not go to that terrible place don't worry little fish said the little mermaid then she thought to herself the sea witch will grant my wish i just know she will the lovesick mermaids swam on and entered the gloomy realm of the sea witch this place is as ugly as the sea kingdom is beautiful she said to herself instead of gleaming white sand the sea floor here was dark and slimy mud seeped from every hole and every crack where are the sea flowers wonder the little mermaid where is the seaweed get out of gooba princess hissed a snake from the mouth of a cave who's that asked the frightened mermaid the snake vanished into the darkness of the cave all of a sudden the little mermaid saw twirling cones of water twisting this way and that the cones were swallowing up everything within reach anything that became caught in the churning water was sucked down into the mud i am not afraid she said to herself my strong tail can take me around the danger easily and she swam around each cone of whirling water in her path next she came to a muddy forest of thin trees with bony branches each long branch had twigs that moved like fingers grabbing anything nearby the tree's sticky fingers held fish bones and pieces of wood from sunken ships the skeletons of drowned sailors hung from the tree branches [Music] oh dear that's a little mermaid the trees never let go of their victims terrified she stopped i don't think i can do this she cried her little heart thumped with fear and she almost turned back but then she remembered her prince for the sake of my love she thought i must go on before she entered the forest the mermaid braided her flowing hair close to her head then she darted through the water like a nimble fish the slimy branches stretched out their fingers to seize her but she was too fast they could not catch her finally she reached a clearing in the sea forest fat worms stood guard and long snakes slithered about the little mermaids saw a shack built of bones the sea witch was sitting in front picking her teeth with a seashell with her tangled hair and beady eyes she looked horrifying at her feet said a dozen pet frogs croaking at her [Music] welcome little mermaid i was expecting you said the sea witch and i know why you are here you want to be a human what a very foolish idea then the sea witch began to laugh [Music] the little mermaid chapter 10 the sea witch [Music] the sea witch watched the mermaid closely i will prepare a magic brew for you she said that will change your tail into legs and feet how wonderful cried the little mermaid with legs i can walk on land and be near my prince then surely he will fall in love with me i must warn you continued the sea witch you will feel a lot of pain whenever you stand to others your walk will look graceful like a dancers but every step will sting like a sharp blade cutting into your feet the sea witch paused to pet one of her frogs then she asked her are you willing to suffer for what you desire yes of course replied the little mermaid excitedly i would do anything to live in the upper world and get a soul remember said the witch once you become human you can never be a mermaid again you will no longer live in your father's palace or play with your sisters you can no longer ask your grandmother for advice you can never come back to the sea kingdom again i understand said the little mermaid softly the sea witch bent down and looked right into the mermaid's eyes one more thing my dear she added if the prince doesn't marry you you will not get your soul and the morning after he marries another you will die and become sea foam i will take that risk said the mermaid turning pale i just know i can make the prince fall in love with me well my dear to seal our deal you must give me something of value said the witch you have the sweetest voice of all the mermaids everyone says it is very special i will give you the brew if you give me your voice but i'll need my voice to tell the prince said the mermaid so have you lost your courage now ask the sea witch laughing no the little mermaid answered she thought of the times she sang for her family remembering those happy moments the little mermaid felt very sad slowly she whispered i will give you my voice then follow me the sea witch took the little mermaid into her hut once inside the witch placed a large pot over a steaming hole in the floor she chopped up some snakes and jellyfish she threw the pieces into the pot with some other slimy things then the sea witch chanted the little mermaid asks to love a prince who only lives above now that her heart has made its choice she'll have her legs i'll have her voice the liquid began to bubble smoky ghostly faces rose from the pot the magic brew was ready and the witch poured it into a small bottle here is what you came for said the sea witch she handed the bottle to the little mermaid the mermaid tried to say something but no sound came out her beautiful voice was gone before sunrise swim to shore the sea witch commanded when you are on dry land drink the brew i gave you your tail will split in half and become a pair of legs and feet now go the little mermaid nodded silently [Music] the little mermaid chapter 11 inside the prince's palace [Music] the little mermaid wanted to see her family before she left but when she reached her father's palace everyone was asleep she felt a great sadness i'm leaving my home forever she thought and i can't even say goodbye then just before dawn she swam to the cliffs near the prince's palace the little mermaid could see the balcony after she crawled up on the rocks once on shore she swallowed the bitter brew suddenly she felt a horrible pain like a sword striking her tiny body as she fainted the little mermaid saw her tail begin to split in two when she awoke she found herself on a velvet couch her body was covered by a cape she looked up and sewed the prince standing over her i found you lying on the rocks the prince said who are you and where do you come from i am your true love she wanted to say i saved you from the sea but of course she could not speak so she smiled at the prince hoping he would understand come now don't be frightened the prince said warmly but the little mermaid could only look at him with love what is your name he asked the mermaid was silent finally he said i do not know why you will not speak but you still need my aid the prince helped the little mermaid stand up as the sea witch had warned every footstep felt as if she were walking on knives yet to the prince she looked perfect as they walked she glided through the halls as lightly as a cloud how graceful you are the prince said as he led her into his rooms he called his servants and ordered them to bring some clothes dress her as an honored guest of the royal palace he commanded then he turned to her and asked softly would you like to accompany me to the royal performance today the little mermaid nodded eagerly after the servants dressed her in a blue silk dress the prince led her to the palace hall to introduce her to his parents how beautiful you are exclaimed the queen where do you come from but of course the little mermaid could not answer a tall woman entered the hall to perform for the prince and his parents she sang very sweetly and the prince clapped his hands in delight the little mermaid sadly thought i once sang even more sweetly but as the little mermaid listened she was surprised that she felt like dancing she lifted her arms and her graceful feet glided across the floor the little mermaid danced so magically that she charmed everyone especially the prince you are so special he said i will always keep you with me and call you my little companion the little mermaid smiled up at him her eyes asked is that a promise as time went on the little mermaid became the prince's best friend he took her with him wherever he went they walked through the royal gardens and rode through the fields on horseback they climbed mountains that almost reached the sky and though she could not speak to him she kept smiling even as her feet stung with pain [Music] the little mermaid chapter 12 the mermaid and the prince [Music] at night while the others slept the little mermaid went up to the palace balcony from there she watched the waves and remembered her family beneath the sea one night she saw her sisters swimming in the waves far away we miss our dear little sister the oldest cried out she of course could not reply instead she thought i miss you too but i will marry my prince and live happily in the upper world when she waved to her sisters they recognized her they swam closer up to the rocks she held out her arms to show them she would hug them if she could from then on they came almost every night to sing to their sister once she even saw the wise mermaid who had not been up to the surface in many years with her grandmother was her father the sea king they stretched out their hands to her but they did not come as close as her sisters her grandmother seemed to be saying we miss you our dear child but the little mermaids still wanted a soul and to be with the prince i love seeing the world with you little companion the prince would say you are very dear to me yet he never suggested making her his bride he sees me as his friend but i need to be his wife it's a little mermaid thought and if he marry someone else i will turn into foam on the waves she shivered thinking about such a fate sometimes the little mermaid begged the prince with her eyes please love me best of all love me enough to marry me when she looked at him that way the prince would take her in his arms he'd kiss her lightly on her forehead in a brotherly way but the little mermaid hoped that this would change one day the queen announced to her husband it is time for the prince to marry she wanted him to marry a princess from a neighboring kingdom let's arrange for them to meet she told him when the prince heard about this he shook his head i will never marry that princess little companion he said i can only marry the one i truly love then he told the little mermaid his story [Music] once i was on a ship that sank and i almost drowned luckily i was swept ashore when i opened my eyes i saw the girl who had saved my life her name is maiden and she brought me inside a nearby church when i awoke the next day she was gone though i saw her only once that girl is the only person i would wed unless i find her i will never marry but it was i who saved you thought the little mermaid please try to understand but the prince could not understand and only smiled at her oh little companion do not feel sad because of my story even though i will never find her i am happy with you by my side if only he knew the truth she saw it someday the prince will realize that i love him more than anyone does and in time he will marry me she would have to be patient for a little while longer [Music] the little mermaid chapter 13 the voyage [Music] the grandest ship in the kingdom was chosen to take the prince to the neighboring kingdom decked out with ribbons and banners it was ready for the voyage the prince explained the trip to the little mermaid it is my parents wish that i meet the princess but you and i know that i will never marry her after all she surely cannot be the girl who saved my life once again the mermaid thought how sad it is that he doesn't know i saved him but if i had to choose a bride other than the maiden the prince continued it would be you then he kissed the mermaid in his brotherly way the little mermaid smiled up at him maybe my dream of marrying the prince will come true after all she saw it for the moment she was happy you will come with me on this voyage my little companion he said i just hope you won't be too frightened by the sea the little mermaid smiled to herself my prince doesn't know it but i will feel right at home at sea the little mermaid along with the royal travelers boarded the grand ship for their overnight journey that night while everyone slept the little mermaid sat on deck gazing into the sea she thought she saw her whole family floating just beneath the waves they seemed to be calling to her to come home i wish you well she thought but i must follow my heart the next morning the ship came into the harbor of the nearby kingdom its king and queen awaited the prince and his companions trumpets sounded from tall towers the citizens of the land gathered by the docks to greet their guests he's handsome a girl shouted when she saw the prince step off the ship what a wonderful match for our princess said an old woman it's a pity that she isn't here to welcome him she'll be here tomorrow replied the girl a little weak won't hurt him the next day the hours passed quickly as everyone celebrated in the streets at last a royal guard rode through the city announcing come to the palace hall the princess has arrived everyone rushed to the hall they all wanted to get a good look at her pushing through the crowd the little mermaid was very curious too finally the princess appeared tall delicate and dressed in white satin she is truly beautiful thought the little mermaid and she looks a bit familiar the princess's perfect skin was pale and clear her black hair was long and shiny under her long dark lashes were the deepest green eyes that the little mermaid had ever seen the little mermaid thought i'm glad my prince is not interested in marrying her but then the prince stepped up to greet the princess when he saw her up close he gasped it is you you are the one who saved my life i remember waking up on the shore to see your face he took the maiden's small hand and kissed it gallantly am very lucky to meet you again my princess and i would be most honored to marry you [Music] the little mermaid chapter 14 a royal wedding the prince's words cut deeply into the little mermaid's heart all her hopes and dreams were shattered unable to speak she could not tell the prince she had saved him from the storm there was no way to tell him that she would die if he married the maiden without a voice she couldn't utter a single word what have i done she thought i should never have given my voice to the witch the little mermaid could not even weep with sorrow since mermaids cannot cry she could only look at the prince with her sad eyes blinded by his own happiness the prince could not see that he had broken her heart i never thought that i would find my maiden he said happily my dear little companion you will share in my great joy the following day royal guards rode through the streets announcing the marriage then the members of the royal families marched through town until they reached the center square there the prince and princess maiden joined hands and were wed the young couple beamed with happiness and the crowd cheered when they kissed only the little mermaid was heartsick as she held the bride's flowers during the ceremony she thought about her old life in the sea kingdom and her grandmother's loving touch i have given up my home and family forever she thought i have lost my lovely voice and now i have lost my prince i will die the moment the sun rises over the sea [Music] that evening the celebration continued on the grand ship the prince his new bride and all their guests went aboard for a huge party it was a calm clear night just like the night the little mermaid had first seen the prince brightly colored lanterns lit up the deck fireworks and cannon booms filled the air sailors and guests danced together to the lively music the prince walked over to the little mermaid bowed and asked my little companion will you do me the honor of dancing for my guests i wish i could dance with you my prince she wanted to say instead the little mermaids spun onto the floor alone as always her tender feet hurt terribly [Music] but this time she did not notice the pain because her heart was broken she knew this would be her last night on earth and she would never see her prince again the little mermaid would not get a soul but instead become foam upon the waves she danced as if she were under a spell without thought without dreams without hope the guests cheered at her every step in turn her feet seemed enchanted finally the music stopped and so did the little mermaid she looked for the prince but he had left the happy couple has gone to bed said one of the guests as if in answer to her thoughts let us wish them well on the deck a tent of golden silk had been set up inside the tent the royal pair sat on a bed as the guests cheered the prince kissed his bride and ran his fingers through her hair [Music] the little mermaid chapter 15 a last chance [Music] after the party everyone on board the ship finally went to sleep but not the little mermaid she knew that she would turn into seafoam at the first rays of dawn light so she stayed on deck and looked out at the sea in the stars my prince my soul and my future they're all gone now she thought minutes before the sun appeared the little mermaid noticed some movement in the water near the ship suddenly she saw five figures rising from the waves waving to her [Music] the little mermaid didn't recognize her sisters right away their long and lovely hair was gone together they swam close to where she stood their heads bobbed above the water as they spoke we're here to save you cried the eldest sister when we found out about the prince's wedding we went straight to the sea witch for help the second sister explained she gave us a magic dagger that will save your life in exchange she demanded her hair the third sister told the little mermaid what the witch had instructed them to do before the sun rises you must plunge the sharp blade into the prince's heart once he is dead you will become a mermaid again the little mermaid trembled but i don't want to hurt my prince she thought when the little mermaid hesitated the fourth sister added please sister you must kill him to save yourself then you can come home with us the fifth sister spoke for them all we all miss you our grandmother and father are waiting for you you belong in the sea kingdom but i wanted my life to be different the little mermaid thought sadly eldest sister yelled impatiently hurry you must be quick it's almost daybreak kill the prince now she threw the dagger up into the air and the little mermaid caught the knife easily please hurry sister cried the five mermaids as they dived back beneath the waves the little mermaid looked at the knife she was uncertain about what to do this gift had cost her sisters their beautiful hair they had given her a last chance to save herself the little mermaid crept up to the royal tent and parted the curtains she stepped lightly inside and saw her prince with his arms around his new bride they were both fast asleep the little mermaid felt both anger and tenderness through the thin cloth of the tent she saw that the morning sun was about to rise time was running out her chance was almost gone she looked at the dagger and then at the handsome face of the sleeping prince it was either her life or his she lowered the knife close to his heart but then stopped how can i kill him she thought i love my prince he must live even if i must die so the little mermaid ran out of the tent and flung the knife into the waves then she threw herself over the side of the ship and into the sea she thought she could feel her body dissolving into thousands of bubbles of seafoam soon the little mermaid would be no more [Music] the little mermaid chapter 16 in the world of air spirits [Music] the little mermaid felt the warmth of the morning sun on her face to her surprise she was not dead and had not turned into seafoam instead she was floating above the water it is dawn and i am still alive she wondered above her head were two strange beings in long white robes they looked as if they were waiting to greet her they smiled as they floated in the air like clouds she tried to touch them but her hand went right through them the little mermaids soon discovered that she was dressed in a robe too like them she was also part of the air and floating like a cloud without thinking she called out to them who are you to her surprise she heard her own voice and it was just as beautiful as it had been before she gave it to the sea witch we are the spirits of the air one of them replied we travel through the world doing good deeds why am i here with you the little mermaid asked your loyalty to the prince and your sacrifice has raised you up to the world of air spirits the other said you are now one of us the mermaid was curious i need to know more do you live for 300 years like the sea folk do you have a soul like the humans here in our world we also live for 300 years but we can earn our souls when we do we live forever i've always wanted a soul said the mermaid what must i do to deserve one if you do many good deeds throughout your 300 years you will get a soul answered one of the air spirits exactly what is a good deed ask the little mermaid now very interested a good deed is when you do something nice for humans the spirits of the air watch over humans we bring them food when they are hungry and clothes when they are cold sometimes we whisper good thoughts into their ears when they are sad we try to help in any way we can pleased the little mermaid looked down to the earth she liked the idea of watching over the humans whom she had learned to love i finally have a chance to earn a soul she said laughing the little mermaid's joy was so great that for the first time in her life she began to cry her tears of happiness fell one by one into the sea below her then the little mermaid saw the grand ship she could see that everyone on board was now awake the prince and his bride were looking for her and calling out after a while they just gazed sadly out to sea what has happened to my little companion wondered the prince she was so faithful to me the little mermaid blew him a kiss that turned into a white feather floating softly down it brushed the prince's cheek then she blew another kiss to his bride she wished them both well her first good deed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] little fox
Channel: Little Fox - Kids Songs and Stories
Views: 568,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: littlefox, kids, english, stories, animation, children, for kids, for children, educational, 리틀팍스, 영어동화, 어린이, 애니메이션, 英語童話, 幼児英語, the little mermaid, mermaid, folktale, princess, princess story
Id: -IeHktwS2Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 26sec (4466 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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